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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Влияние добавления оста& by Томе, Анна &, Соуса, Сев&#, Фариас, Юа&#
Effetti dell'aggiunta di residui di acerola sulle caratteristiche dello yogurt by Farias, Juanne Queiroz, Tomé, Anna Emanuelle Soares, Sousa, Severina de
Creativity in the Age of Digital Reproduction: Xarch Symposium by
An Introduction to Dynamical Systems and Chaos by Layek, G. C.
Uncertainty Quantification Using R by Souza de Cursi, Eduardo
Topological Approaches to the Chemical Bond by Martín Pendás, Ángel, Contreras-García, Julia
Nikola Tesla: The Life of a Genius and the Impact of His Work (A Captivating Guide to the War of the Currents and the Life of Nikola Tesla) by English, James
Skripte zur Mathematik - Zahlen by Wyss, Christian
Skripte zur Mathematik - Zahlen by Wyss, Christian
Die wagemutige Erfindung der Logarithmentafeln: Wie Jost Bürgi, John Napier und Henry Briggs das Rechnen revolutionierten by Truemper, Klaus
Very Early MATH: SET 2 - COUNTING! How To Do It & What It Tells Us by Epstein, Marty
100+ Multiplication Facts Number 0-10: Multiplication: Grades 3-5, Learning Math Facts, Math Drills, Digits 0-10, Practice Activities by Guide, Resource Teacher's
Monte Carlo Methods Utilizing Mathematica(r): Applications in Inverse Transform and Acceptance-Rejection Sampling by Chowdhury, Sujaul
Structural Engineering: Models and Methods for Statics, Instability and Inelasticity by Ibrahimbegovic, Adnan, Mejia-Nava, Rosa-Adela
Unlocking the Power of Laplace Transforms: Properties and Applications by Kumar, Pardeep, Kumari, Mina
Fractions Games for Kids by Putman, Laura
Skripte zur Mathematik - Fortgeschrittene Analysis by Wyss, Christian
Skripte zur Mathematik - Fortgeschrittene Analysis by Wyss, Christian
Theoretic Arithmetic of the Pythagoreans by Taylor, Thomas
Understanding Behaviour of Distributed Systems Using McRl2 by Atif, Muhammad, Groote, Jan Friso
Normal Families and Normal Functions by Krantz, Steven G., Dovbush, Peter V.
Computation and Modeling for Fractional Order Systems by
50 Cosas Que Hay Que Saber Sobre Física / 50 Physics Ideas You Really Need to Know by Baker, Joanne
Schwierigkeiten beim Lehren und Lernen von Mathematik by Correia Dos Anjos, David, Girlandia Barbosa Lemos, Antonia
Difficulties in teaching and learning maths by Correia Dos Anjos, David, Girlandia Barbosa Lemos, Antonia
Difficultés d'enseignement et d'apprentissage des mathématiques by Girlandia Barbosa Lemos, Antonia, Correia Dos Anjos, David
Difficoltà nell'insegnamento e nell'apprendimento della matematica by Correia Dos Anjos, David, Girlandia Barbosa Lemos, Antonia
Трудности в преподавани& by Коррейя д&#1, Гирланди&#11
Persistent Homology and Persistent Cohomology: A Review by Okediji, Busayo
Transmission sécurisée d'un signal by Ouguissi, Hadda
Applied Functional Analysis by Khanfer, Ammar
Foundations of Quantitative Finance: Book V General Measure and Integration Theory by Reitano, Robert R.
Foundations of Quantitative Finance: Book V General Measure and Integration Theory by Reitano, Robert R.
Korteweg-de Vries Flows with General Initial Conditions by Kotani, Shinichi
Loop Quantum Gravity for the Bewildered: The Self-Dual Approach Revisited by Bilson-Thompson, Sundance
Functions of Omega-Bounded Type: Basic Theory by Jerbashian, Armen M., Restrepo, Joel E.
Matlab for Beginners by Patel, Rinkal
Walcom: Algorithms and Computation: 18th International Conference and Workshops on Algorithms and Computation, Walcom 2024, Kanazawa, Japan, March 18- by
Extended Abstracts 2021/2022: Methusalem Lectures by
Functional Analysis: An Introduction to Metric Spaces, Hilbert Spaces, and Banach Algebras by Muscat, Joseph
Montessori Math Counting Book (Large Print Edition) by McIntyre, Linda M.
Reshaping Convex Polyhedra by Vîlcu, Costin, O'Rourke, Joseph
Vectores y Superficies Cuadráticas con Aplicaciones by Salas Torres, Osiris, Salas Torres, Tircis, Salas Torres, Julio Cesar
Cours de Mathématique pour Économistes by Alimi, Mohsen
Avaliação da Fiabilidade em Turbinas Eólicas by Sainz, Raúl, Batista, Elio, Valera, Carlos
Geometría Analítica y Vectorial para Profesores en Formación Inicial by Laura Quispe, Carlos David
Matemática através dos olhos dos Vedas by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
Mathematik aus der Sicht der Veden by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
La mathématique à travers les yeux des Vedas by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
La matematica attraverso gli occhi dei Veda by Vats, Pooja, Kumari, Mina
Математика глазами Вед by Кумари, Ми&#, Ватс, Пооя
Multidimensional Periodic Schrödinger Operator: Perturbation Theories for High Energy Regions and Their Applications by Veliev, Oktay
Colección El Juego de los Detectives by Ruiz, Roberto Sánchez
New Trends in Engineering Research: Proceedings of the International Conference of Experimental and Numerical Investigations and New Technologies, Cnn by
Numerical Treatment and Analysis of Time-Fractional Evolution Equations by Jin, Bangti, Zhou, Zhi
Scientific Computing in Electrical Engineering: Scee 2022, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, July 2022 by
Der Zehnerübergang Zur Anbahnung Eines Stellenwertverständnisses: Eine Entwicklungsforschungsstudie Mit Blick Auf Den Förderschwerpunkt Hören Und Komm by Zurnieden, Anna-Katharina
Sudoku For Teens And Adults: Easy To Expert Levels by Publishing, Chroma
Computational Physiology: Simula Summer School 2023 - Student Reports by
Methodenvorschlag Zur Berechnung Der Sonneneinstrahlung Für Prognosen: Mathematische Verfahren Für Die Ingenieurtechnische Anwendung by Hille, Larissa
Difference Equations, Discrete Dynamical Systems and Applications: Idcea 2022, Gif-Sur-Yvette, France, June 18-22 by
Advances in Mathematical Modeling and Scientific Computing: International Conference on Recent Developments in Mathematics, Dubai, 2022 - Volume 2 by
How to Solve Real-World Optimization Problems: From Theory to Practice by Zak, Eugene J.
An Introduction to Automorphic Representations: With a View Toward Trace Formulae by Getz, Jayce R., Hahn, Heekyoung
Fuzzy Graph Theory: Applications to Global Problems by Mathew, Sunil, Gayathri, G., Mordeson, John N.
Essentials of Fuzzy Soft Multisets: Theory and Applications by Das, Ajoy Kanti, Mukherjee, Anjan
A Modal Approach to the Space-Time Dynamics of Cognitive Biomarkers by Balas, Mark J., Griffith, Tristan D., Hubbard Jr, James E.
Embracing Machines and Humanity Through Cognitive Computing and Iot by
I am learning Shapes: Fun Activities for Kids Ages 3-5 - Shapes Recognition, Tracing, Coloring, and Logic Games by Gaynutdinova, Elina
Lie Group Analysis of Differential Equations: Invariant Solutions of Nonlinear Physical Phenomena by Ibragimov, Ranis
Lottery Player's Whimsical Guide To Winning by Dawning, Destiny
Polynômes orthogonaux et opérateurs de Dunkl et q-Dunkl by Khalfallah, Mohamed, Souissi, Jihad
Understanding the Language of Mathematics: A New Common-Sense Method for Learning and Teaching Mathematics, which Enhances and Liberates the Brain's A by Firestone, Alexander
Geometric Harmonic Analysis II: Function Spaces Measuring Size and Smoothness on Rough Sets by Mitrea, Dorina, Mitrea, Irina, Mitrea, Marius
Sequences and the de Bruijn Graph: Properties, Constructions, and Applications by Etzion, Tuvi
Multiplicity of Time Scales in Complex Systems: Challenges for Sciences and Communication I by
Exploring Unique Expressions of Positive Integers through Partitions and Theorems by Biswas, Deapon
Description of Poetic Images in the Poetry of Khosyat Rustamova by Zakirova, Gulchehra
Analyzing Repartition Numbers of Parent Partitions. Theorems and their Implications by Biswas, Deapon
Note sur une Méthode pour la Réduction d'Intégrales Définies; et sur son Application à Quelques Formules Spécials by Haan, D. Bierens
Math in Drag by Santos, Kyne
Waves in an Impossible Sea: How Everyday Life Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean by Strassler, Matt
Erkennen Von Stärken Und Schwächen Von Schülerinnen Und Schülern: Erfassung Diagnostischer Kompetenz Von Angehenden Primarlehrkräften Am Beispiel Des by Gobeli-Egloff, Isabelle
Fluids Under Control by
Problem Solving Methods and Strategies in High School Mathematical Competitions by Xiong, Bin, He, Yijie
Problem Solving Methods and Strategies in High School Mathematical Competitions by Xiong, Bin, He, Yijie
Rsa-129: Endziffern-Problem by Selle, Lothar
The Mathematics Playbook: Implementing What Works Best in the Classroom by Almarode, John T., Thunder, Kateri, Shin, Michelle
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations by
The Mathematical Representation of Physical Reality by Hacyan, Shahen
Teoria Della Probabilità: Processi E Calcolo Stocastico by Pascucci, Andrea
Functional Analysis and Applications: Functional Analysis by Pathak, Hemant Kumar
Engineering Statics with Matlab(r) by Schmerr Jr, Lester W.
Model Risk Management: Risk Bounds Under Uncertainty by Bernard, Carole, Rüschendorf, Ludger, Vanduffel, Steven
C∞-Algebraic Geometry with Corners by Joyce, Dominic, Francis-Staite, Kelli
Modern FORTRAN Explained: Incorporating FORTRAN 2023 by Cohen, Malcolm, Metcalf, Michael, Reid, John
Modern FORTRAN Explained: Incorporating FORTRAN 2023 by Cohen, Malcolm, Metcalf, Michael, Reid, John
Irrationality, Transcendence and the Circle-Squaring Problem: An Annotated Translation of J. H. Lambert's Vorläufige Kenntnisse and Mémoire by Dorrego López, Eduardo, Fuentes Guillén, Elías
Diophantine Equations and Systems: An Introduction: A systematic approach to problem solving by Kanoussis Ph. D., Demetrios P.
Aventuras Numéricas: Explora, Aprende y Diviértete by Tovar, Mariledys
Mathematical Methods for Engineering Applications: Icmase 2022, Bucharest, Romania, July 4-7 by
Reliability Assessment of Tethered High-Altitude Unmanned Telecommunication Platforms: K-Out-Of-N Reliability Models and Applications by Selvamuthu, Dharmaraja, Rykov, Vladimir, Vishnevsky, Vladimir M.
Correlation in Engineering and the Applied Sciences: Applications in R by Chattamvelli, Rajan
Quantitative Energy Finance: Recent Trends and Developments by
Modern Mathematics: An International Movement? by
Bayesian Scientific Computing by Somersalo, Erkki, Calvetti, Daniela
Mathematical Methods for Engineering and Science by Potter, Merle C., Feeny, Brian F.
Sur quelques applications des fonctions elliptiques by Hermite, Charles
Abrégé de la Théorie des Fonctions Elliptiques; A l'Usage des Candidats a la Licence ès Sciences Mathématiques by Henry, Charles
Handbook of Numerical Simulation of In-Flight Icing by
Numbrix 248 puzzles medium to hard by V. Puzzgen
Évaluation formative pour l'apprentissage des mathématiques by Dahal, Bibek
Valutazione formativa per l'apprendimento della matematica by Dahal, Bibek
Avaliação formativa para a aprendizagem da matemática by Dahal, Bibek
Формативное оценивание & by Дахал, Биб&#
Fractional Calculus Involving Analytic Functions by Jain, Nidhi
Methods, Strategies, Techniques and Instructional Materials in Math by Torrecampo, Robert
Formative Bewertung für den Mathematikunterricht by Dahal, Bibek
Fisica Quantistica Una Guida Completa: Dall'Astronomia ai Buchi Neri, Passando per la Relatività e la Legge dell'Attrazione per Scoprire i Segreti del by Books, Lumina Science
The Mathematical Foundation of Multi-Space Learning Theory by Wang, Tai, Li, Mengsiying
Set, Measure and Probability Theory by Alencar, Marcelo S., Alencar, Raphael T.
The New Mathematical Coloring Book: Mathematics of Coloring and the Colorful Life of Its Creators by Soifer, Alexander
Discrete-Valued Time Series by
Mathematical Induction and Mathematical Logic Part I by Vaidya, Nalini, Deshpande, Archana, Yadav, Shital
Divine Games: Game Theory and the Undecidability of a Superior Being by Brams, Steven J.
Elements of Stochastic Modelling (Third Edition) by Borovkov, Konstantin
Multiresolution Analysis by Tiwari, Rishabh
Elements of Stochastic Modelling (Third Edition) by Borovkov, Konstantin
Wozu Braucht Man Eigentlich Mathematik?: Was Sie Zu Routenplanung, Klimawandel, Erdbeben Und Quiz-Shows Schon Immer Wissen Wollten, Aber Sich Nicht Zu by Michel, Volker
Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures 2023: Proceedings of the 14th Annual Meeting of the Bica Society by
Continuum Micromechanics: Theory and Application to Multiscale Tectonics by Jiang, Dazhi
It Crisisology Models: Object-Based Optimization for Sustainable Development by Zykov, Sergey V.
Process Monitoring and Fault Diagnosis Based on Multivariable Statistical Analysis by Feng, Xiaowei, Kong, Xiangyu, Luo, Jiayu
Mathematical Models and Simulations by
Stochastic Methods for Modeling and Predicting Complex Dynamical Systems: Uncertainty Quantification, State Estimation, and Reduced-Order Models by Chen, Nan
The Cohomology of Monoids by Cegarra, Antonio M., Leech, Jonathan
Advanced Mathematical Science for Mobility Society by
Die Fabelhafte Welt Der Mathematik: Von Fallenden Katzen Über Optimales Einparken Bis Zu Zeitreisen by Bischoff, Manon
Tips on how to succeed in Mathematics by Wali, Augustus
Artificial Intelligence Techniques for Solar Irradiance and PV Modeling and Forecasting by
Common Denominators: Cultivating Engagement and Belonging in Secondary Mathematics (Reengage Students in Mathematics by Creating Spaces Whe by Lenhardt, Jennifer A.
Essays on Coding Theory by Blake, Ian F.
Marshall Ever After by Greenlee, Craig T.
Die Arbeit Mit Dem Radium: Radioaktivitätsforschung 1896 -1914 by Ceranski, Beate
Toward Connected, Cooperative and Intelligent Iov: Frontier Technologies and Applications by Dai, Penglin, Lee, Victor C. S., Liu, Kai
Extended Abstracts 2021/2022: Ghent Analysis and Pde Seminar by
Mathematik 5. Klasse in 100 Minuten: Im Sprint mit Spaß zum Wesentlichen für alle by Opresnik, Marc Oliver, Jung, Daniel
Student Solutions Manual for Non Linear Dynamics and Chaos: With Applications to Physics, Biology, Chemistry, and Engineering by Dichter, Mitchal
Relation interdite ? Tome 2 by M, Cath
Addition Subtraction Basics: One two and Three digit practice by Heywood, Kerry
Brooks' Theorem: Graph Coloring and Critical Graphs by Stiebitz, Michael, Toft, Bjarne, Schweser, Thomas
Lectures on Fractal Geometry by Zaehle, Martina
Relation interdite ? Tome 1 by M, Cath
The Life and Work of James Bradley: The New Foundations of 18th Century Astronomy by Fisher, John
Geometric Gems: An Appreciation for Geometric Curiosities - Volume I: The Wonders of Triangles by Geretschlager, Robert
Optimisation in Synchromodal Logistics: From Theory to Practice by
Computer Vision: Statistical Models for Marr's Paradigm by Zhu, Song-Chun, Wu, Ying Nian
Modeling of Transportation Aviation Processes by Kozlov, Anatoly Ivanovich, Sauta, Oleg Ivanovich, Kryzhanovsky, Georgy Alekseevich
Soft Computing and Optimization: Scota 2021, Ranchi, India, March 26-27 by
Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXVI by
Differential Geometric Structures and Applications: 4th International Workshop on Differential Geometry, Haifa, Israel, May 10-13, 2023 by
Lectures in Knot Theory: An Exploration of Contemporary Topics by Bakshi, Rhea Palak, Ibarra, Dionne, Przytycki, Józef H.
Applying Power Series to Differential Equations: An Exploration Through Questions and Projects by Sochacki, James, Tongen, Anthony
Mathematics and Computing: ICMC 2022, Vellore, India, January 6-8 by
Basic Topology 3: Algebraic Topology and Topology of Fiber Bundles by Adhikari, Mahima Ranjan
Applied Multi-Objective Optimization by
Exploring Modern Algebra: A Journey Through Abstract Structures by Kumari, Mina
Die Kreiszahl Pi: Eine lange Tradition mit einer großen Bedeutung. Veränderung der Welt. Real oder reine menschliche Geistesleistung? by Ralf, Wuchner
Lineare Algebra für die Lehrtätigkeit by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Linear Algebra for the Teaching Activity by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Algèbre linéaire pour l'activité d'enseignement by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Algebra lineare per l'attività didattica by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Álgebra Linear para a Atividade Docente by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Линейная алгебра для пре by Гонсалес &#1
Open Problems Associated with Special Functions by Kim, Sin-Il, Kim, Hyon-Chol, Mun, Song-Bom
Programación de la producción para máquinas en paralelo by Noble, Victor, Pacheco, Daniel
Fixed Point Theory by Kushwaha, Ramratan
Resignation von Lehrern im schulmathematischen Diskurs by Astudillo Ugalde, Jorge Antonio
Démission du discours mathématique des enseignants à l'école by Astudillo Ugalde, Jorge Antonio
Dimissioni del discorso matematico scolastico degli insegnanti by Astudillo Ugalde, Jorge Antonio
A ressignificação do discurso matemático escolar dos professores by Astudillo Ugalde, Jorge Antonio
Отставка школьного мате& by Астудиль&#10
Étude de Quelques Systèmes Elliptiques Avec Un Terme de Conviction by Biroud, Kheireddine
Existence globale des solutions d'une classe des systèmes by Biroud, Kheireddine
Panorama da Matemática: Um breviário para estudantes e curiosos em geral by Marques, Cacildo
New Trends in the Applications of Differential Equations in Sciences: Ntades 2022, Sozopol, Bulgaria, June 14-17 by
Computational Methods in Engineering: Finite Difference, Finite Volume, Finite Element, and Dual Mesh Control Domain Methods by Reddy, J. N.
Resignification of the mathematical discourse of school mathematics teachers by Astudillo Ugalde, Jorge Antonio
Try It! Even More Math Problems for All by Kaplan, Jerry
Delegate Apportionment in the Us Presidential Primaries: A Mathematical Analysis by McCune, David, Wilson, Jennifer M., Jones, Michael a.
Learning with Fractional Orthogonal Kernel Classifiers in Support Vector Machines: Theory, Algorithms and Applications by
Solutions of Fixed Point Problems with Computational Errors by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
The Bergman Kernel and Related Topics: Hayama Symposium on Scv XXIII, Kanagawa, Japan, July 2022 by
In the Tradition of Thurston III: Geometry and Dynamics by
Remote Sensing and Artificial Intelligence in Inland Waters Monitoring by
Applications of Game Theory in Deep Learning by Bajpai, Aditi, Hazra, Tanmoy, Anjaria, Kushal
Prime Patterns Unveiled: A Visual Journey into Number Theory by Kumari, Mina
Математическое моделир&# by Каюмов, &#1064.
A Course on Simple Integration and Applications by Gonçalves, Rui, Vieira, Luís
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