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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Recent Advancements in Computational Finance and Business Analytics: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Computational Finance and Busi by
Mathematical Induction and Fucking Recursion by Kathy, Black Hat
Augustus De Morgan, Polymath: New Perspectives on his Life and Legacy by
Constructive Mathematics: An Introduction by Chasewick, Randy
An Introduction to Hypergeometric Functions by Duverney, Daniel
Algèbre linéaire comme langage mathématique pertinent by Dunia Butotima, Didier
The World Through the Lens of Mathematics by Hritonenko, Natali, Yatsenko, Yuri
Transfinite Numbers and Cardinality by Laplace, Igor
The World Through the Lens of Mathematics by Yatsenko, Yuri, Hritonenko, Natali
Applied Combinatorics, Third Edition by Tesman, Barry, Roberts, Fred S.
The Code of Mathematics: Proof and Truth by Müller-Stach, Stefan
Handbook of Trustworthy Federated Learning by
Beauty of Elementary Mathematics, The: And How to Teach It by Aharoni, Ron
Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations and Applications by
Beauty of Elementary Mathematics, The: And How to Teach It by Aharoni, Ron
Geography of Order and Chaos in Mechanics: Investigations of Quasi-Integrable Systems with Analytical, Numerical, and Graphical Tools by Cordani, Bruno
The Statisticians and Their Statistics by Hossain, MD Sifat
Recursos digitais no ensino da matemática by Culla, María Eugenia
Digitale Ressourcen im Mathematikunterricht by Culla, María Eugenia
Ressources numériques dans l'enseignement des mathématiques by Culla, María Eugenia
Risorse digitali nell'insegnamento della matematica by Culla, María Eugenia
Digital resources in mathematics teaching by Culla, María Eugenia
Théorie des Équations Différentielles Abstraites et Applications by Dib-Baghdadli, Nabahats Adiba
Tutorium Analysis 1 und Lineare Algebra 1: Mathematik von Studierenden für Studierende erklärt und kommentiert by Kreh, Martin, Boldt, Maja, Modler, Florian
मेरे पसंदीदा फ्रैक्टल्स: by McAdams, David E.
मेरे पसंदीदा फ्रैक्टल्स: by McAdams, David E.
प्रथम सौ हजार अभाज्य संख&#2381 by McAdams, David E.
पाई के पहले दस लाख अंक (π) by McAdams, David E.
e के पहले दस लाख अंक: आयलर सं& by McAdams, David E.
2 के वर्गमूल के पहले दस लाख &# by McAdams, David E.
Schwingungsanalyse eines gerissenen freitragenden Trägers unter Grenzbedingungen by Kumawat, Sanjay, Gawali, Asha
Analyse vibratoire d'une poutre cantilever fissurée conditions limites by Gawali, Asha, Kumawat, Sanjay
Analisi delle vibrazioni di una trave a sbalzo fessurata in condizioni di vincolo by Gawali, Asha, Kumawat, Sanjay
Análise de vibrações de uma viga cantilever fendilhada condições de fronteira by Gawali, Asha, Kumawat, Sanjay
Manual sobre interesse afetivo pela matemática by Manko Umar, Ahmad
Manuel sur l'intérêt affectif pour les mathématiques by Manko Umar, Ahmad
Manuale sull'interesse affettivo per la matematica by Manko Umar, Ahmad
Handbuch zum affektiven Interesse an Mathematik by Manko Umar, Ahmad
Chaotic Dynamics of Fractional Discrete Time Systems by Banerjee, Santo, Dhakshinamoorthy, Vignesh, Wu, Guo-Cheng
Control in Finite and Infinite Dimension by Trélat, Emmanuel
Handbook of Formal Optimization by
Knowledge as a Tale: A Discursive Space by Maciag, Rafal
Mathematics of Musical Rhythm: In Memoriam Godfried Toussaint by
Dirty Diego's Dirty Dilemma (Large Print Edition) by Chavez, Margarita
Math Made Simple: Second Grade Unit 1 Edition by Pearson-Campbell, Jannell
Mathematical Modeling and Simulation of Systems: Selected Papers of 18th International Conference, Mods, November 13-15, 2023, Chernihiv, Ukraine by
Optimisation d'un Problème de Contact par Réseaux Neuronaux Profonds by Bouallala, Mustapha, Bendarag, Abdesadik
Vorschule -- Mathe ist niemals langweilig: Für die Vorschule und Erstklässler by Jaworski, Heike
Необходимые условия сум& by Пирматов, &#
Theory of Distributions by El Idrissi, Mourad, Settati, Adel, El Merzguioui, Mhamed
Beta Parameters For Unidirectional Interpretation of Bayesian Optimization by Munoz, Diego
Square Roots of Elliptic Systems in Locally Uniform Domains by Bechtel, Sebastian
Asiatische Aussichten im Wandel und neue Reiseanforderungen für den globalen Tourismus by Bhadra, Dilip Kumar
L'évolution des perspectives asiatiques et les nouvelles demandes de voyage pour le tourisme mondial by Bhadra, Dilip Kumar
Il cambiamento delle prospettive asiatiche e le nuove esigenze di viaggio per il turismo globale by Bhadra, Dilip Kumar
Mudança das perspectivas asiáticas e novas exigências de viagem para o turismo global by Bhadra, Dilip Kumar
Breve recorrido histórico del concepto de número by Chinchilla Valverde, Jorge Luis
The Biography of Emmy Noether by Editz, Wanda
Much ADO about Numbers: Shakespeare's Mathematical Life and Times by Eastaway, Rob
J.D. Ponce on Isaac Newton: An Academic Analysis of Principia by Ponce, J. D.
Infinite Series and Convergence Tests by McMaster, Alexandra
Algorithmen, Zufall, Unsicherheit - Und Pizza!: Wie Mathematik Uns Hilft, Alltägliche Entscheidungen Zu Treffen by Heinrichs, Florian
Ein effektives, auf Texturmerkmalen basierendes Mammographie-Massendetektionssystem by Kypa, Rajendra Prasad, Chilamakuru, Raghavendra, Ankam, Ambica
Un système efficace de détection des masses dans les mammographies basé sur les caractéristiques de texture by Ankam, Ambica, Kypa, Rajendra Prasad, Chilamakuru, Raghavendra
Un efficace sistema di rilevamento delle masse mammografiche basato sulle caratteristiche della texture by Ankam, Ambica, Kypa, Rajendra Prasad, Chilamakuru, Raghavendra
Um Sistema Eficaz de Deteção de Massa em Mamografias Baseado em Caraterísticas de Textura by Ankam, Ambica, Kypa, Rajendra Prasad, Chilamakuru, Raghavendra
Spline Approch for Solution of Fluid Flow Problems by Patel, Vishal, Narsingani, Lalit, Panchal, Jigna
J.D. Ponce sobre Isaac Newton: Un Análisis Académico de Principia by Ponce, J. D.
Diesseits Und Jenseits: Mathematik Und Phänomenologie Der Grenze by Kraus, Mario H.
Logical Foundations of Mathematics by Laundry, Pierce
Schöne Probleme Der Diskreten Mathematik by Steffenon, Rogério Ricardo, Guarnieri, Felipe Milan
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations (4th Edition) by Dacorogna, Bernard
Introduction to the Calculus of Variations (4th Edition) by Dacorogna, Bernard
Pedometrics in Brazil by
Learn to Count With Dino & Friends by Semien, Joy
Harmonic Analysis and Partial Differential Equations: Proceedings of the Workshop in Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire, May 22-26, 2023 by
Principles of Supply Chain Management and Their Implications by Muckstadt, Jack
الكسورية المفضلة لدي: ال&#1605 by McAdams, David E.
الكسورية المفضلة لدي: ال&#1605 by McAdams, David E.
Explorations in the Mathematics of Data Science: The Inaugural Volume of the Center for Approximation and Mathematical Data Analytics by
J.D. Ponce über Isaac Newton: Eine Akademische Analyse der Principia by Ponce, J. D.
Fuzzy Soft Ternary Γ-Semirings by Satish, Dr T.
Study of certain categories of fractional differential equations by Malki, Zakarya
Upper Bounds for Grothendieck Constants, Quantum Correlation Matrices and CCP Functions by Oertel, Frank
L'Union Africaine et le maintien de la paix by Éric, Benda
J.D. Ponce sur Isaac Newton: Une Analyse Académique des Principia by Ponce, J. D.
Vector Spaces: and Inner Products by Desjardins, Marie-Anne
Wegweiser Durch Die Mathematik - Grundlegende Verfahren by Feiler, Simon P., Liedtke, Jürgen, Koß, Rainer
Fundamentals of Structural Optimization (II): Shape, Anisotropy, Topology by Kobelev, Vladimir
Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Mechanics by Dancer, Freddie
Elementary Numerical Mathematics for Programmers and Engineers by Stoyan, Gisbert, Baran, Agnes
Metaheuristics and Nature Inspired Computing: 9th International Conference, Meta 2023, Marrakech, Morocco, November 1-4, 2023, Revised Selected Papers by
Lessons Learned From Research on Mathematics Curriculum by
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations from an Elementary Viewpoint: A Fresh Glance at the Classical Theory by Valdinoci, Enrico, Dipierro, Serena
Elliptic Partial Differential Equations from an Elementary Viewpoint: A Fresh Glance at the Classical Theory by Valdinoci, Enrico, Dipierro, Serena
Lessons Learned From Research on Mathematics Curriculum by
Mathematical Methods for the Assessment and Control of Industrial Emissions by Skiba, Yuri N., Parra Guevara, David
Basic Concepts of Nonlinear Optimization by Stein, Oliver
Geometry and Topology of Low Dimensional Systems: Chern-Simons Theory with Applications by Govindarajan, T. R., Ramadevi, Pichai
Proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Matemática by Martínez Morales, Yoidel, Quintana Portal, Anny, Dorta Preciado, Gretel
Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics by Cotton, Tony
Understanding and Teaching Primary Mathematics by Cotton, Tony
Mapmatics: A Mathematician's Guide to Navigating the World by Rowińska, Paulina
Beautiful Math: The Surprisingly Simple Ideas Behind the Digital Revolution in How We Live, Work, and Communicate by Bernhardt, Chris
Lattice Path Combinatorics and Special Counting Sequences: From an Enumerative Perspective by Song, Chunwei
Sourcebook in the Mathematics of Ancient Greece and the Eastern Mediterranean by
A Dream of Death: The Great Flood; Its Causes and History by Ford, Richard E.
Mathematical Methods Applied in Artificial Intelligence and Multi-Agent Systems by
Computational mathematics in R Programming by Sheela, G. Arockia Sahaya
Applied Mathematics: A Computational Approach by de Miranda, João Luís
Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: 18th International Conference, Aaim 2024, Virtual Event, September 21-23, 2024, Proceedings, Part I by
Functional Analytic Methods for Heat Green Operators: Heat Kernel Asymptotics Via the Weyl-Hörmander Calculus by Taira, Kazuaki
Differential Equations: Solve This Shit by Laplace, Igor
Operators, Inequalities and Approximation: Theory and Applications by
Algorithmic Aspects in Information and Management: 18th International Conference, Aaim 2024, Virtual Event, September 21-23, 2024, Proceedings, Part I by
Reverse Dynamic Inequalities on Time Scales by El-Deeb, Ahmed
Optimal Transport on Quantum Structures by
Proofs That Slap: A No-Cap Guide to Logic by Laplace, Igor
Wavelet Theory Approach to Pattern Recognition (3rd Edition) by Tang, Yuan Yan, Xu, Lixiang
Optimization of Dynamical Systems with Impulse Controls and Shocks by Miller, Boris, Rubinovich, Evgeny
So You Think You Know III: Secrets of the Numbers by Bloch, Benjamin Jacob
Receuil de 110 Exercices Resolus Par Les Methodes Du Calcul Integral by Cohen, Mario
Energie Und Entropie - Was Ist Das Wirklich?: Ein Überblick Über Die Definitionen in Der Thermodynamik by Stierstadt, Klaus
Knowledge Structures: Recent Developments in Theory and Application by
Polyadic Transcendental Number Theory by Chirskii, Vladimir G.
Pragmatic Mathematics for Scientists and Engineers by Godunov, Alexander L., Adam, John A.
Systems Theory and Pdes: Open Problems, Recent Results, and New Directions by
Vision and Art with Two Eyes by Wade, Nicholas
Systems, Decision and Control in Energy VI: Volume II: Power Engineering and Environmental Safety by
8th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (Ccie2024): Advances in Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering VI by
8th International Conference on Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering (Ccie2024): Advances in Computing, Control and Industrial Engineering VI by
Neural Computing for Advanced Applications: 5th International Conference, NCAA 2024, Guilin, China, July 5-7, 2024, Proceedings, Part II by
Neural Computing for Advanced Applications: 5th International Conference, NCAA 2024, Guilin, China, July 5-7, 2024, Proceedings, Part III by
Real Analysis: Get Good or GTFO by Laplace, Igor
Didaktische Spiele: eine Form der Intervention im Matheunterricht by Silva, Kleydiane
Didactic games: a form of intervention in maths lessons by Silva, Kleydiane
Les jeux didactiques: une forme d'intervention dans les cours de mathématiques by Silva, Kleydiane
Giochi didattici: una forma di intervento nelle lezioni di matematica by Silva, Kleydiane
Neural Computing for Advanced Applications: 5th International Conference, NCAA 2024, Guilin, China, July 5-7, 2024, Proceedings, Part I by
Non-Equilibrium Statistical Mechanics by Luscombe, James H.
Set Theory: For the Real Ones by Laplace, Igor
Mathematical Models and Integration Methods: Seminar Proceedings on Applications to Mechanics and Physics by
Landau Equation, Boltzmann-Type Equations, Discrete Models, and Numerical Methods by Bobylev, Alexander V.
Microlocal Analysis and Inverse Problems in Tomography and Geometry by
Differentialgleichungen in Der Strömungslehre: Hydraulik, Stromfadentheorie, Wellentheorie, Gasdynamik by Oprandi, Adriano
Multifaceted Uncertainty Quantification by Elishakoff, Isaac
Théorie de la mesure et intégration by Sraieb, Nadia
Concepts of Fuzzy Mathematics by Singh, Manoranjan Kumar
Academic Revolution: Changing the Outdated Narrative of Education by Mortensen, Pierce, Louise-Jean, Justin
Continuum Models and Discrete Systems: Cmds-14, Paris, France, June 26-30, 2023 by
Evolutionary Computation: Theories, Techniques, and Applications by
Solitons, Instantons, and Twistors by Dunajski, Maciej
Mathematische Logik by Phukan, Bandita, Borah, Joydeep, Talukdar, Pranjal
Logique Mathématique by Phukan, Bandita, Borah, Joydeep, Talukdar, Pranjal
Logica Matematica by Phukan, Bandita, Borah, Joydeep, Talukdar, Pranjal
Lógica Matemática by Phukan, Bandita, Borah, Joydeep, Talukdar, Pranjal
Advanced Mathematics for Science and Technology by Abdellah, Menasri
Studie Zur Posbistischen Zuverlässigkeit Theorie Und Ihre Anwendungen by Singh, Saubhagyalaxmi
Solitons, Instantons, and Twistors by Dunajski, Maciej
The Squiggle Sense: Sixth Sense of the Complementary Nature and the Metastable Brain Mind by Kelso, J. a. Scott, Engstrøm, David A.
Do Plants Know Math?: Unwinding the Story of Plant Spirals, from Leonardo Da Vinci to Now by Dumais, Jacques, Douady, Stéphane, Golé, Christophe
Lebensversicherungsmathematik: Basiswissen Zur Technik Der Deutschen Lebensversicherung by Kahlenberg, Jens
Analysis on Fock Spaces and Mathematical Theory of Quantum Fields: An Introduction to Mathematical Analysis of Quantum Fields (Second Edition) by Arai, Asao
On Robust and Predictive Control Approaches for Linear Parameter Varying Systems: Application to Vehicle Lateral Control by Sename, Olivier, Medero Borrell, Ariel, Menezes Morato, Marcelo
Von Eratosthenes Bis Einstein: Eine Mathematische Zeitreise Durch Die Geschichte Des Physikalischen Weltbilds by Bürker, Michael
Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to the Big Ideas and Their Development by Chen, Robert H., Chen, Chelsea
Artificial Intelligence: An Introduction to the Big Ideas and Their Development by Chen, Chelsea, Chen, Robert H.
From Particle Systems to Partial Differential Equations: Pspde X, Braga, Portugal, June 2022 by
Engineering Applications of AI and Swarm Intelligence by
Critical Philosophy of Mathematics by Skovsmose, OLE
Risk Factors & Prevention of Coronary Heart Disease by Nayak, Arun, Das, Sudipta
Números e Polinômios de Bernoulli by Luiz Mirkoski, Maikon
Stand Your Ground Forecasting - Mastering the qualitative and soft skills for forecasters and business analysts by Ake, Don
Analysis and Partial Differential Equations by Alazard, Thomas
Approximate Fixed Points of Nonexpansive Mappings by Zaslavski, Alexander J.
Algebra, Analysis, Modelling and Optimization: Selected Papers from the First French-Moroccan Mathematics Days, Tétouan, Morocco, 2023 by
Icgg 2024 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics: Volume 1 by
Icgg 2024 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics: Volume 3 by
Foundation Mathematics for Computer Science: A Visual Approach by Vince, John
Computational Modeling Applications for Climate Crisis by
Mathematics for Engineers and Scientists: Concepts, Applications, and History by Nguyen, Vinh Phu
46 Ways to Play Math: Math Games for All Ages Volume One by Gaskins, Denise
Theories of Knowing and Knowledge Production: An Organization of Spaces of Functors and Categorial Converters by Dompere, Kofi Kissi
Principal Symbol Calculus on Contact Manifolds by Sukochev, Fedor, Zanin, Dmitriy, Kordyukov, Yuri
46 Ways to Play Math: Math Games for All Ages, Volume 1 by Gaskins, Denise
Control and Inverse Problems: The 2022 Spring Workshop in Monastir, Tunisia by
Introduction to the Thermomechanics of Continua and Hyperbolic Systems by Ruggeri, Tommaso
Icgg 2024 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics: Volume 2 by
Clustering, Classification, and Time Series Prediction by Using Artificial Neural Networks by Melin, Patricia, Ramirez, Martha, Castillo, Oscar
Distributive konvexe l-Untergruppe in kommutativer l-Gruppe by Jayakumar, Vimala
Sous-groupe l convexe distributif dans un groupe l commutatif by Jayakumar, Vimala
Sottogruppo l convesso distributivo in un gruppo l commutativo by Jayakumar, Vimala
Subgrupo l convexo distributivo no grupo l comutativo by Jayakumar, Vimala
Computational and Experimental Simulations in Engineering: Proceedings of Icces 2024--Volume 1 by
Vector Calculus I: Point The Fuck Out by Laplace, Igor
Applied Multivariate Statistical Analysis by Härdle, Wolfgang Karl, Simar, Léopold, Fengler, Matthias R.
Pure Math: Discovering the Beauty of Abstract Mathematics by Palmer, Lexa N.
Opportunities and Risks in AI for Business Development: Volume 1 by
Math Mammoth Grade 8-B Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
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