• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Domination in Graphs: Core Concepts by Hedetniemi, Stephen T., Henning, Michael A., Haynes, Teresa W.
Homogenization Theory for Multiscale Problems: An Introduction by Blanc, Xavier, Le Bris, Claude
From Kinetic Theory to Turbulence Modeling: The Legacy of Carlo Cercignani by
Modeling and Optimization in Space Engineering: New Concepts and Approaches by
Computational Fluid Dynamics: Finite Difference Method and Lattice Boltzmann Method by Chen, Caikan, Qin, Shenglei, Hou, Guoxiang
Interdisziplinäres Forschen Und Lehren in Den Mint-Didaktiken: Mathematik Mit Informatik, Naturwissenschaften Und Technik in Der Bildungsforschung Ver by
Perturbation Methods by P, Kumar
炁体源流4.0 by 侯彦军
Geospatial Computational Methods: Algorithms of Computational Methods for Geomatics, Surveying Engineering, Geoinformatics, Geospatial Information Sci by Hatzopoulos, John N., Hatzopoulos, Nikolaos J.
Philosophie der Mathematik: Mathematische Philosophie by Gobrecht, Reinhard
Sudoku Medium Level 120 Large Puzzles for Adults & Seniors: Puzzles for Mindful Relaxation by Cooper, Evelyn
Nucleus - An extreme source of energy by Patel, Rajesh J.
On the Langlands Program: Endoscopy and Beyond by
Asymptotic Issues for Some Partial Differential Equations (Second Edition) by Chipot, Michel Marie
Irrationality, Transcendence and the Circle-Squaring Problem: An Annotated Translation of J. H. Lambert's Vorläufige Kenntnisse and Mémoire by Dorrego López, Eduardo, Fuentes Guillén, Elías
How to Improve Your Working Memory: Unlock Your Brain's Potential (2024 Beginner's Guide) by Francis, Emily
Principles of Locally Conformally Kähler Geometry by Verbitsky, Misha, Ornea, Liviu
Electron Localization-Delocalization Matrices by Ayers, Paul W., Cook, Ronald, Matta, Chérif F.
Network-Based Control of Unmanned Marine Vehicles by Wang, Yu-Long, Han, Qing-Long, Peng, Chen
Fractional Calculus: High-Precision Algorithms and Numerical Implementations by Xue, Dingyü, Bai, Lu
Evolutionary Computation in Combinatorial Optimization: 24th European Conference, Evocop 2024, Held as Part of Evostar 2024, Aberystwyth, Uk, April 3- by
Resilient Smart Farming: Crisis-Capable Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture by Kuntke, Franz
Fair Share: 111 Problems from Ahmes to Aumann by Elishakoff, Isaac
Theory and Applications of Models of Computation: 18th Annual Conference, Tamc 2024, Hong Kong, China, May 13-15, 2024, Proceedings by
Konsistente Initialisierung von Netzwerk-DAEs by Chernykh, Artem
Inverse Gravity Cosmology: The mathematics, success, and failure of a journey in theoretical physics by Walker, Edward Alexander
Theories in Ecological Risk Assessment by Kamo, Masashi
Mathematical Foundations of Software Engineering: A Practical Guide to Essentials by O'Regan, Gerard
Advances in Collective Decision Making: Interdisciplinary Perspectives for the 21st Century by
Elementare Differentialgeometrie: Gekrümmte Kurven Und Flächen by Bär, Christian
Utilizing Visuals and Information Technology in Mathematics Classrooms by Namihira, Hiroto
Utilizing Visuals and Information Technology in Mathematics Classrooms by Namihira, Hiroto
Fractional Partial Differential Equations by Zhou, Yong
Applications of Complex Variables: Asymptotics and Integral Transforms by Ladeinde, Foluso
Starting Category Theory by Perrone, Paolo
Algebraic Geometry Between Tradition and Future: An Italian Perspective by
Mathematical Knowledge, Objects and Applications: Essays in Memory of Mark Steiner by
Exploring Blockchain Applications: Management Perspectives by
Forms of Luminosity: Epistemic Modality and Hyperintensionality in Mathematics by Elohim, David
Introduction to Combinatorial Methods in Geometry by Kharazishvili, Alexander
ACT Math Prep for Dummies: Book + 3 Practice Tests Online by Zegarelli, Mark
Everything Is Predictable: How Bayesian Statistics Explain Our World by Chivers, Tom
Math-Ish: Finding Creativity, Diversity, and Meaning in Mathematics by Boaler, Jo
Two-Dimensional Quadratic Nonlinear Systems: Volume I: Univariate Vector Fields by Luo, Albert C. J.
A Bridge to Higher Mathematics by Kirkwood, James R., Robeva, Raina S.
Submanifolds in Metric Manifolds by
A Bridge to Higher Mathematics by Kirkwood, James R., Robeva, Raina S.
Analyse de la Performance Hospitaliere Par l'Etude Des Parcours de Soin by Hamdaoui, Mohammed
Modello a Matrice: Uno strumento efficace per il calcolo polinomiale by Malaguti, Meris
Uncountable: A Philosophical History of Number and Humanity from Antiquity to the Present by Nirenberg, David, Nirenberg, Ricardo L.
Hamiltonian Systems by
Random Walks on Infinite Groups by Lalley, Steven P.
Encounters with Chaos and Fractals by Gulick, Denny, Ford, Jeff
World of Sudoku: Vol # 10: Where Two Sudoku Variants Combine to Form a Hybrid Sudoku Variant by Doulani, Akash
Osmoregulação numa halófita Atriplex halimus L. by Soualem, Samira
Osmoregulation bei einem Halophyten Atriplex halimus L. by Soualem, Samira
Osmoregulation in a halophyte Atriplex halimus L. by Soualem, Samira
Osmoregolazione in un'alofita Atriplex halimus L. by Soualem, Samira
Осморегуляция у галофит& by Соуалем, С&#
Codes and Evolution: The Origin of Absolute Novelties by Barbieri, Marcello
Neurodynamics: An Applied Mathematics Perspective by Coombes, Stephen, Wedgwood, Kyle C. a.
Research in History and Philosophy of Mathematics: The Cshpm 2021 Volume by
Advanced Topics in Fractional Differential Equations: A Fixed Point Approach by Karapinar, Erdal, Lazreg, Jamal Eddine, Benchohra, Mouffak
Coping with Selfishness in Congestion Games: Analysis and Design Via LP Duality by Bilò, Vittorio, Vinci, Cosimo
Advances in Topology and Their Interdisciplinary Applications by
Partial Differential Equations and Applications: Colloquium in Honor of Hamidou Touré, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, November 5-9, 2018 by
Change Point Analysis for Time Series by Horváth, Lajos, Rice, Gregory
Geometric Harmonic Analysis III: Integral Representations, Calderón-Zygmund Theory, Fatou Theorems, and Applications to Scattering by Mitrea, Irina, Mitrea, Marius, Mitrea, Dorina
Die SADC und die regionale Integration im südlichen Afrika: eine Diagnose by Adetiba, Toyin, Mlambo, Victor
développement, Intégration régionale, Socio-économique by Adetiba, Toyin, Mlambo, Victor
La SADC e l'integrazione regionale in Africa australe: una diagnosi by Adetiba, Toyin, Mlambo, Victor
САДК и региональная инте by Мламбо, Ви&#, Адетиба, Т&#
A SADC e a integração regional na África Austral: um diagnóstico by Adetiba, Toyin, Mlambo, Victor
SAT Math: Master the Skills in 40 Pages by Johnson, Jennifer L.
A Tutorial on Hadamard Semidifferentials by Lange, Kenneth
Diagrams, Visual Imagination, and Continuity in Peirce's Philosophy of Mathematics by Kiryushchenko, Vitaly
Advances in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: Icdsai 2022, Iit Patna, India, April 23 - 24 by
Accelerating Discoveries in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence II: Icdsai 2023, Liet Vizianagaram, India, April 24-25 by
Forschungsinstitute für Zahlentheorie in Indien: Im 20. Jahrhundert by Mukherji, Purabi
Insurance, Biases, Discrimination and Fairness by Charpentier, Arthur
Topics in Model Theory by Pillay, Anand
Mathematical Methods Using Python: Applications in Physics and Engineering by Kulp, Christopher Wayne, Pagonis, Vasilis
Universal Logic, Ethics, and Truth: Essays in Honor of John Corcoran (1937-2021) by
Complex and Adaptive Dynamical Systems: A Comprehensive Introduction by Gros, Claudius
Type-3 Fuzzy Logic in Time Series Prediction by Castillo, Oscar, Melin, Patricia
Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Solid Mechanics: Mecsol 2022 by
Topics in Model Theory by Pillay, Anand
Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice by
Intermediate Mathematics: For College Students by Tari, Farhad Ghassemi
General Theory of Leibniz Algebras by Kurdachenko, Leonid, Pypka, Oleksandr, Subbotin, Igor
Formelsammlung Wirtschaftsmathematik: Wissen Kompakt Für Studierende Und Praktiker by Peren, Franz W.
"Management of Digital Ecosystems": Dedicated to the Memory of Prof. William I. Grosky 8/4/1944-11/13/2020 by
Didactique des Mathématiques: Partie I: Les Apprentissages by Mamouni, My Ismail
The families of prime numbers: There is order in chaos! by Bachmann, Coriceu Xisto
Math Olympiad Geometry by Kvasov, Roman
Lagrangian and Hamiltonian Mechanics: A Modern Approach with Core Principles and Underlying Topics by Mohallem, José Rachid
Computational Methods for Coupled Problems in Science and Engineering by
Robust Design and Assessment of Product and Production by Means of Probabilistic Multi-Objective Optimization by Zheng, Maosheng, Yu, Jie
Asymptotic Methods for Engineers by Awrejcewicz, Jan, Andrianov, Igor V.
Fractional Calculus for Skeptics I: The Fractal Paradigm by West, Bruce J., Chen, Yangquan
Etude historique et épistémologique des coniques by Belghith, Hager
Sur les opérateurs différentiels multi-quasi-elliptiques by Kina, Abdelkrim
Infinite Group Actions on Polyhedra by Davis, Michael W.
An Easy Path to Convex Analysis and Applications by Mordukhovich, Boris, Nam, Nguyen Mau
Multimodal and Tensor Data Analytics for Industrial Systems Improvement by
Optimization Problems in Transportation and Logistics: A Practical Guide by
Краткосрочное прогнози&# by Соджитра, &#, Кьяда, Пра&#, Кумар, Пра&#
Kurzfristige Niederschlagsvorhersage mit ANNs und ANFIS-Modellen by Sojitra, Manoj, Kyada, Pradip, Kumar, Pravendra
Prévision des précipitations à court terme à l'aide de modèles ANN et ANFIS by Sojitra, Manoj, Kyada, Pradip, Kumar, Pravendra
Previsione delle precipitazioni a breve termine con modelli ANNs e ANFIS by Kyada, Pradip, Kumar, Pravendra, Sojitra, Manoj
Previsão de precipitação a curto prazo utilizando modelos ANN e ANFIS by Kumar, Pravendra, Sojitra, Manoj, Kyada, Pradip
Modelos de sequenciação by Sehgal, Poojadeep, Gupta, Deepak
Sequenzierungsmodelle by Sehgal, Poojadeep, Gupta, Deepak
Modèles de séquençage by Gupta, Deepak, Sehgal, Poojadeep
Modelli di sequenziamento by Gupta, Deepak, Sehgal, Poojadeep
Модели последовательно&# by Гупта, Дее&#, Сехгал, По&#
Data and Process Visualisation for Graphic Communication: A Hands-On Approach with Python by Bianconi, Francesco
Computational Finance with R by Sen, Rituparna, Das, Sourish
Quantenmechanik IV: Von Den Grundlagen Der Nichtrelativistischen Qed Bis Zur Relativistischen Quantenmechanik by Tennert, Oliver
Flexibles Rechnen Im Grundschulverlauf: Eine Längsschnittstudie Zur Förderung Und Entwicklung Flexibler Vorgehensweisen Beim Addieren Und Subtrahieren by Körner, Anna
Quantenmechanik I: Von Den Axiomen Zu Einfachen Modellen by Tennert, Oliver
Recent Advances in Mathematical Analysis: Celebrating the 70th Anniversary of Francesco Altomare by
Games to Play and Games Not to Play: Strategic Decisions Via Extensions of Game Theory by Weiss, Uri, Agassi, Joseph
Spieltheorie und ihre Anwendungen by Milovanovikj, Lena, Selamovski, Filip
Théorie des jeux et ses applications by Milovanovikj, Lena, Selamovski, Filip
Teoria dei giochi e sue applicazioni by Milovanovikj, Lena, Selamovski, Filip
Теория игр и ее приложен&#1080 by Селамовс&#10, Миловано&#10
Teoria dos jogos e suas aplicações by Selamovski, Filip, Milovanovikj, Lena
Discrete and Continuous Multiplicative Calculus and Applications by Jahanshahi, Mohammad, Aliyev, Nihan
Ordinary Differential Equations with Applications by Chicone, Carmen
Numerical Methods: Classical and Advanced Topics by Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan
Numerical Methods: Classical and Advanced Topics by Rajasekar, Shanmuganathan
Namhafte indische Mathematiker und Statistiker: des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts in Bengalen by Mukherji, Purabi
Advanced Optimization Applications in Engineering by
Advanced Optimization Applications in Engineering by
Applied Statistical Modeling and Data Mining by
Einführung in die Kosmologie by Shaikh, Alfred
Introduction à la cosmologie by Shaikh, Alfred
The Mathematics of Machine Learning: Lectures on Supervised Methods and Beyond by Han Veiga, Maria, Gaston Ged, François
Elementary Linear Algebra with Applications: Matlab(r), Mathematica(r) and Maplesoft(tm) by Nakos, George
Eigenvalue Problem and Nonlinear Programming Problem: For Economic Studies by Nakayama, Keiko
New Advances in Audio Signal Processing by
Advances in Radar Systems for Target Detection and Tracking by
Fractals and Multifractals in the Geosciences by Sadeghi, Behnam
Elektronik Im Physikstudium: Eine Einführung Geeignet Zur Vorlesung, Im Praktikum Und Im Labor by Bisanz, Tobias, Gregor, Ingrid-Maria, Hügging, Fabian
Quantenmechanik III: Näherungsverfahren, Zeitabhängige Systeme Und Streutheorie by Tennert, Oliver
Treks Into Intuitive Geometry: The World of Polygons and Polyhedra by Akiyama, Jin, Matsunaga, Kiyoko
Decentralized Insurance: Technical Foundation of Business Models by Feng, Runhuan
Solving Problems in Trigonometry: Mathematical Olympiad Problems by J. Wick, Adam
Second-Order Variational Analysis in Optimization, Variational Stability, and Control: Theory, Algorithms, Applications by Mordukhovich, Boris S.
Recent Advances in Fractional Calculus by
O bicho de 7 cabeça também morre by Chindumbo, José Pedro
Mathematics for multi-biometrics person recognition systems by Herbadji, Abderrahmane, Guermat, Noubeil, Ziet, Lahcene
Introduzione alla cosmologia by Shaikh, Alfred
Introdução à Cosmologia by Shaikh, Alfred
The Essential Aristotle by Aristotle
The Essential Aristotle by Aristotle
Kubok 16: 100+ Mathematical Puzzles - N.1 2024 by Coppo, Davide, Coppo, Eugenio
Numerical Methods for Convex Multistage Stochastic Optimization by Shapiro, Alexander, Lan, Guanghui
The Joy of Statistics: A Treasury of Elementary Statistical Tools and Their Applications by Selvin, Steve
Integer Programming and Combinatorial Optimization: 25th International Conference, Ipco 2024, Wroclaw, Poland, July 3-5, 2024, Proceedings by
Multi-Criteria Decision Making Methods with Bipolar Fuzzy Sets by Shumaiza, Rodríguez Alcantud, José Carlos, Akram, Muhammad
Applications of Operational Research in Business and Industries: Proceedings of 54th Annual Conference of Orsi by
Nonlinear Analysis, Geometry and Applications: Proceedings of the Third Nlaga-Birs Symposium, Aims-Mbour, Senegal, August 21-27, 2023 by
Combinatorial Optimization: 8th International Symposium, Isco 2024, La Laguna, Tenerife, Spain, May 22-24, 2024, Revised Selected Papers by
Harmonic Functions and Random Walks on Groups by Yadin, Ariel
Distributionally Robust Optimization and Its Applications in Power System Energy Storage Sizing by Xie, Rui, Wei, Wei
Continuos-Time Markov-Modulated Chains in Operations Research by Andronov, Alexander M., Mahareva, Kristina
API Design for C++ by Reddy, Martin
Functions of Least Gradient by Górny, Wojciech, Mazón, José M.
Quantenmechanik II: Vom Drehimpuls Bis Zur Nichtrelativistischen Quantenfeldtheorie by Tennert, Oliver
Human Machine Interaction in the Digital Era: Towards Conversational Artificial Intelligence by
Higher Special Functions by Lay, Wolfgang
Mathematics and Computation in Music: 9th International Conference, MCM 2024, Coimbra, Portugal, June 18-21, 2024, Proceedings by
Tangles by Diestel, Reinhard
Logics and Type Systems in Theory and Practice: Essays Dedicated to Herman Geuvers on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday by
Math Mammoth Grade 1-A Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences: 12th IC-Msquare, Belgrade, Serbia, August 28-31, 2023 by
Real Time Reduced Order Computational Mechanics: Parametric Pdes Worked Out Problems by Scandurra, Leonardo, Rozza, Gianluigi, Ballarin, Francesco
Math Mammoth Grade 1 Answer Keys, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 1 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 2-A Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Gleichzeitige RP-HPLC-Bestimmung von Theophyllin und Montelukast by Jain, Priyanka, Kashaw, Varsha, Rajoriya, Vaibhav
Estimation simultanée de la théophylline et du montelukast par RP-HPLC by Kashaw, Varsha, Rajoriya, Vaibhav, Jain, Priyanka
RP-HPLC simultaneo per la stima di teofillina e montelukast by Kashaw, Varsha, Rajoriya, Vaibhav, Jain, Priyanka
RP-HPLC simultâneo para a estimativa de teofilina e montelucaste by Jain, Priyanka, Kashaw, Varsha, Rajoriya, Vaibhav
Одновременная RP-HPLC для оцен by Кашау, Вар&#, Раджория, &#, Джайн, При&#
Math Mammoth Grade 1-B Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 2 Answer Keys, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 2-B Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
So You Think You Have Brains? by Roth, Danny
Math Mammoth Grade 2 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version by Miller, Maria
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2023: Synergetic Engineering, Volume 2 by
More (Almost) Impossible Integrals, Sums, and Series: A New Collection of Fiendish Problems and Surprising Solutions by Vălean, Cornel Ioan
Applied Mathematics and Computational Intelligence: Icamci-2020, Tripura, India, December 23-24 by
Birational Geometry, Kähler-Einstein Metrics and Degenerations: Moscow, Shanghai and Pohang, April-November 2019 by
Conversations on Optimal Transport by
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version by Miller, Maria
Quantum Tools for Macroscopic Systems by Bagarello, Fabio, Gargano, Francesco, Oliveri, Francesco
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