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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Mathematics in 2024

Topology and Geometry of Intersections of Ellipsoids in R^n by López de Medrano, Santiago
Byabaharika Vaidika Ganita (Vedik Mathematics) - Vol 1 by Mishra, Nalinikanta
Math Mammoth Grade 4-A Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 4-B Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 4 Answer Keys, International Version by Miller, Maria
Uncertainty Quantification in Variational Inequalities: Theory, Numerics, and Applications by Khan, Akhtar A., Gwinner, Joachim, Jadamba, Baasansuren
Methods for the Summation of Series by He, Tian-Xiao
Math Mammoth Square Roots & the Pythagorean Theorem by Miller, Maria
Test Prep Math Book for CASAS Math GOALS 2 Level E-Forms 929M and 930M by
Mathematical Modelling with Differential Equations by Mickens, Ronald E.
Introduction to Linear Algebra: Computation, Application, and Theory by Debonis, Mark J.
Beyond Multiple Linear Regression: Applied Generalized Linear Models and Multilevel Models in R by Legler, Julie, Roback, Paul
A Gentle Introduction to Scientific Computing by Stanescu, Dan, Lee, Long
Domestic Demons and the Intimate Uncanny by
Water in the Making of a Socio-Natural Landscape: Rome and Its Surroundings, 1870-1922 by Valenti, Salvatore
Unravelling The Persistence of Dollarization: The Case of Georgia by Eradze, Ia
Principles of Uncertainty by Kadane, Joseph B.
Applied Engineering Statistics by Bethea, Robert M., Rhinehart, R. Russell
Introduction to Optimization-Based Decision-Making by De Miranda, Joao Luis
Origins and Varieties of Logicism: On the Logico-Philosophical Foundations of Mathematics by
Diffusion Processes, Jump Processes, and Stochastic Differential Equations by Woyczyński, Wojbor A.
Fuzzy Statistical Inferences Based on Fuzzy Random Variables by Hesamian, Gholamreza
Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity by Bessis, David
Industry and Innovation: Textile Industry by
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Volume I: Hyp2022, Málaga, Spain, June 20-24, 2022 by
Recent Developments of Fuzzy Matrix Theory and Applications by Pal, Madhumangal
Menschheitsproblem Klimaänderung: Naturwissenschaftliche Tatsachen Mit Philosophischen Betrachtungen Und Beiträgen by Fässler, Albert
Disruptive Trends in Automation Technology by
Komplexe Mannigfaltigkeiten by Fritzsche, Klaus
My Invitation to Mathematical Problems: Computations, Solutions, Proofs and Insights by Rothe, Franz
Stochastic Optimization Methods: Applications in Engineering and Operations Research by Marti, Kurt
Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity by Bessis, David
Mathematik und Philosophie: Erkundung der tiefen Zusammenhänge by Kumari, Mina
Mathématiques et philosophie: Explorer les liens profonds by Kumari, Mina
Matematica e filosofia: Esplorare le connessioni profonde by Kumari, Mina
Matemática e Filosofia: Explorando as conexões profundas by Kumari, Mina
Математика и философия: &#1048 by Кумари, Ми&#
Analyse technique de l'enquête menée au titre de l'article 337 à l'encontre de la Chine by Zhang, Shi
Технический анализ 337-го р&#1 by Чжан, Ши
Technische Analyse der 337-Untersuchung gegenüber China by Zhang, Shi
Análise técnica do inquérito 337 à China by Zhang, Shi
Analisi tecnica dell'indagine sulla Cina 337 by Zhang, Shi
Odyssee der Datenwissenschaft: Navigieren durch die Welt der mathematischen Modellierung by Kumari, Mina
Odyssée de la science des données: Naviguer dans le monde de la modélisation mathématique by Kumari, Mina
Odissea nella scienza dei dati: Navigare nel mondo della modellazione matematica by Kumari, Mina
Odisseia da ciência dos dados: Navegar no mundo da modelação matemática by Kumari, Mina
Одиссея науки о данных: Н&#107 by Кумари, Ми&#
Mathematik der Musik: Harmonie, Rhythmus und Melodie in Zahlen by Kumari, Mina
Mathématiques de la musique: Harmonie, rythme et mélodie en chiffres by Kumari, Mina
Matematica della musica: armonia, ritmo e melodia in numeri by Kumari, Mina
Matemática da Música: Harmonia, Ritmo e Melodia em Números by Kumari, Mina
Математика музыки: гармо by Кумари, Ми&#
Knots and Primes: An Introduction to Arithmetic Topology by Morishita, Masanori
New Frontiers in Number Theory and Applications by
Vector Calculus by Parks, Harold, Krantz, Steven G.
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 21st International Conference, Cpaior 2024, Uppsala, Sweden, by
Integration of Constraint Programming, Artificial Intelligence, and Operations Research: 21st International Conference, Cpaior 2024, Uppsala, Sweden, by
Mathematica: A Secret World of Intuition and Curiosity by Bessis, David
Numerical Approaches to Optimal Control: Tackling Nonlinear Systems and Constraints by Nama
Anwendungen Des Cuckoo-Suchalgorithmus Und Seiner Varianten by
Applied Mathematics and Machine Learning by
Ellipses Inscribed In, and Circumscribed About, Quadrilaterals by Horwitz, Alan
Vector Partitions, Visible Points and Ramanujan Functions by Campbell, Geoffrey B.
Synchronization for Wave Equations with Locally Distributed Controls by Li, Tatsien, Rao, Bopeng
Multiobjective Optimization Algorithms for Bioinformatics by Mukhopadhyay, Anirban, Ray, Sumanta, Maulik, Ujjwal
Ellipses Inscribed In, and Circumscribed About, Quadrilaterals by Horwitz, Alan
Stochastic Versus Deterministic Systems of Iterative Processes by Ladde, Gangaram S., Sambandham, Masilamani
Vector: A Surprising Story of Space, Time, and Mathematical Transformation by Arianrhod, Robyn
Kolmogorov Operators and Their Applications by
10th Anniversary of Axioms: Mathematical Analysis by
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Based Methods and Applications by
Quanten-Zufallszahlengenerierung: Theorie Und PRAXIS by
Data Structures Unveiled: Concepts and Applications by Prasad, M. Lakshmi, Padmaja, M.
Kassenpersonal - Fallanalyse by Moreira, Evandro
Opérateurs de caisse - Analyse de cas by Moreira, Evandro
Operatori di cassa - Analisi del caso by Moreira, Evandro
Операторы кассы - анализ &#108 by Морейра, Э&#
Checkout operators - Case analysis by Moreira, Evandro
Cours d'analyse 3 "Séries numériques" by Bougoutaia, Amar
Incidencia de la Tecnología como Herramienta Pedagógica by Suárez Herrera, Jacqueline, Mora Plúas, Práxedes Maribel, Conde Suárez, Leonardo
Mathematics for Economics and Finance: Methods and Modelling by Anthony, Martin, Biggs, Norman
Advanced Boolean Techniques: Selected Papers from the 15th International Workshop on Boolean Problems by
Applications of Computational Intelligence in Management & Mathematics: 8th ICCM, Nirjuli, Ap, India, July 29-30, 2022 by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Based Information Processing and Applications--Volume 2: Cipa 2023, November 2--3, Changz by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Based Information Processing and Applications--Volume 3: Cipa 2023, November 2-3, Changzh by
Пяти- и шестиузловое рас&#1096 by Санчес Ан&#1
Curve and Surface Optimizations on Time Scales by Georgiev, Svetlin
Введение в космологию by Шайх, Алфр&#
Math Practice Worksheets and Workbook for Adult Students by Coaching for Better Learning
Daniele Barbaro and the University of Padova: Architecture, Art and Science on the Occasion of the 450th Anniversary of His Death by
Classification of Musical Objects for Analysis and Composition by Mazzola, Guerino, Zheng, Linshujie
Advances in Risk and Reliability Modelling and Assessment: Proceedings of 5th International Conference on Reliability Safety and Hazard (Icresh 2024) by
Ecosystem Modelling with EwE by Walters, Carl J., Christensen, Villy
Medium Number Search Puzzle Book For Seniors: 200+ Puzzles With Solution, 3000+ Hidden Number by Royal, Ernest
Modeling with Stochastic Programming by King, Alan J., Wallace, Stein W.
Groups, Invariants, Integrals, and Mathematical Physics: The Wisla 20-21 Winter School and Workshop by
Theoretical Physics, Wavelets, Analysis, Genomics: An Indisciplinary Tribute to Alex Grossmann by
A Gentle Introduction to Group Theory by Al Nuwairan, Muneerah, Al Subaiei, Bana
Computational Methods in Engineering by Venkateshan, S. P., Swaminathan, Prasanna
Modeling and Planning of Manufacturing Processes: Numerical Methods on Forming Processes by Klocke, Fritz
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Cognitive Based Information Processing and Applications-Volume 1: Cipa 2023, November 2-3, Changzho by
Point-Set Topology: A Working Textbook by López, Rafael
Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management, Energy and Sustainability: 10th Ifip International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge by
An Introduction to Smooth Manifolds by Majumdar, Manjusha, Bhattacharyya, Arindam
Toric and Tropical Geometry: Tools for Understanding Algebraic Varieties by Matt
Medium Sudoku Puzzle Book For Adults 2025: Over 380 Puzzles With Solution by L. Ward, Alfred
Studies on Some Aspects of Difference Sequence Spaces by Tripathy, Nilambar, Dutta, Salila
Lösen räumlich-metrischer Geometrieprobleme by Bizinoto, José Henrique, S. Martines, Mônica Cássia
Résolution de problèmes de géométrie métrique spatiale by S. Martines, Mônica Cássia, Bizinoto, José Henrique
Решение задач по простра by Бизиното, &#, &#1057. &#1052&#1072&#1088&#1090&#1080&#1085&#1077&#1089, &#
Risolvere problemi di geometria metrica spaziale by Bizinoto, José Henrique, S. Martines, Mônica Cássia
Solving Spatial Metric Geometry Problems by S. Martines, Mônica Cássia, Bizinoto, José Henrique
Intelligence for Future Cities: Planning Through Big Data and Urban Analytics by
Open Quantum Systems in Biology, Cognitive and Social Sciences by Khrennikov, Andrei Y.
Advances in Numerical Methods for Hyperbolic Balance Laws and Related Problems by
Mastering the History of Pure and Applied Mathematics: Essays in Honor of Jesper Lützen by
Clear Sky Calculus by Hurdt, Brandon
Advanced Computational Applications of Geometric Algebra: Icacga 2022, Denver, Co, Usa, October 2-5 by
Attacks, Defenses and Testing for Deep Learning by Zheng, Haibin, Chen, Jinyin, Zhang, Ximin
Morphology, Neurogeometry, Semiotics: A Festschrift in Honor of Jean Petitot 's 80th Birthday by
Facility Location Under Uncertainty: Models, Algorithms and Applications by Saldanha-Da-Gama, Francisco, Wang, Shuming
Cellular Cause-Effect Structures by Czaja, Ludwik
Workbook: Number and Letter Tracing for Adult Students by Coaching for Better Learning
Mathematische Grundlagen Der Informatik: Mathematisches Denken Und Beweisen - Eine Einführung by Meinel, Christoph, Mundhenk, Martin
Mathematik im Darts. Eine fachmathematische Untersuchung ausgewählter Aspekte des Darts-Sports by Pfeiffer, Mats
Applied Calculus with R by Pfaff, Thomas J.
Selected Problems of Solid Mechanics and Solving Methods by
Diophantine M-Tuples and Elliptic Curves by Dujella, Andrej
Predicting Pandemics in a Globally Connected World, Volume 2: Toward a Multiscale, Multidisciplinary Framework Through Modeling and Simulation by
Integrated Computer Technologies in Mechanical Engineering - 2023: Synergetic Engineering, Volume 1 by
Ordinary Differential Equations: Analytical Methods and Applications by Belozerova, Tatyana, Henner, Victor, Nepomnyashchy, Alexander
Walking the Resistance: Connecting Random Walks and Electrical Networks by Jessy
Handbook of Geometry and Topology of Singularities V: Foliations by
Many-Valued Semantics and Modal Logics: Essays in Honour of Yuriy Vasilievich Ivlev by
Hyperbolic Problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications. Volume II: Hyp2022, Málaga, Spain, June 20-24, 2022 by
Die didaktische Trias in der Trigonometrie by Valdez, Guillermo Ricardo, Vecino, María Susana, Pedrosa, María Eugenia
The Didactic Triad in Trigonometry by Vecino, María Susana, Pedrosa, María Eugenia, Valdez, Guillermo Ricardo
La triade didactique en trigonométrie by Vecino, María Susana, Pedrosa, María Eugenia, Valdez, Guillermo Ricardo
La triade didattica in trigonometria by Pedrosa, María Eugenia, Valdez, Guillermo Ricardo, Vecino, María Susana
A tríade didática na Trigonometria by Vecino, María Susana, Pedrosa, María Eugenia, Valdez, Guillermo Ricardo
Дидактическая триада в т by Вечино, Ма&#, Педроса, М&#, Вальдес, Г&#
Federated Learning for Digital Healthcare Systems by
Path Integrals in Stochastic Engineering Dynamics by Kougioumtzoglou, Ioannis A., Psaros, Apostolos F., Spanos, Pol D.
Some Fundamentals of Mathematics of Blockchain by Riposo, Julien
Differential Equations, Mathematical Modeling and Computational Algorithms: Demmca 2021, Belgorod, Russia, October 25-29 by
Linear Partial Differential and Difference Equations and Simultaneous Systems with Constant or Homogeneous Coefficients by Braga Da Costa Campos, Luis Manuel, Raio Vilela, Luís António
The Number Theory of Cryptocurrencies by Aksara, Kuro
Infinity put to the test: Towards a discrete revolution in the mathematics of XXI century by León, Antonio
Math Mammoth Grade 5-B Worktext, International Version by Miller
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version by Miller
Finanzmathematik und der Lernprozess by Da Silva Vieira, Tayna
Financial mathematics and the learning process by Da Silva Vieira, Tayna
Les mathématiques financières et le processus d'apprentissage by Da Silva Vieira, Tayna
Matematica finanziaria e processo di apprendimento by Da Silva Vieira, Tayna
Финансовая математика и by да Силва В&#
Lagrangian Floer Theory and Its Deformations: An Introduction to Filtered Fukaya Category by Oh, Yong-Geun
Math Mammoth Grade 5 Answer Keys, International Version by Miller, Maria
Math Mammoth Grade 5-A Worktext, International Version by Miller, Maria
Multiscale Model Reduction: Multiscale Finite Element Methods and Their Generalizations by Efendiev, Yalchin, Hou, Thomas Y., Chung, Eric
Practice Makes Genius: 60 Days of Addition and Subtraction - 2,3,4 Digits and Word Problems by Tiff, Math Tutor
Symmetric Functions: A Beginner's Course by Smirnov, Evgeny, Tutubalina, Anna
Nonlinear and Modern Mathematical Physics: Nmmp-2022, Tallahassee, Florida, USA (Virtual), June 17-19 by
Art and IR Theory: Visual Semiotic Games by Güner, Serdar &#350.
Kuriosa Mathematika: Seltsame Mathematik - Enigmatische Zahlen - Zahlenzauber by Scharff, Klaus
Корпус водяного насоса в by Ядхао, &#1044&#1088. К&#, Гхатол, &#1057. &#1044., Кханде, Ак&#
Image Analysis for Vision-Based Skimming by Reddy, R. Sravanthi
Wasserpumpengehäuse im Automobilkühlsystem by Ghatol, S. D., Khande, Akshay, Jadhao, Kiran
Carcaça da bomba de água no sistema de refrigeração de automóveis by Jadhao, Kiran, Ghatol, S. D., Khande, Akshay
Boîtier de pompe à eau dans le système de refroidissement automobile by Jadhao, Kiran, Ghatol, S. D., Khande, Akshay
Alloggiamento della pompa dell'acqua nel sistema di raffreddamento dell'automobile by Jadhao, Kiran, Ghatol, S. D., Khande, Akshay
Álgebra Lineal para la Actividad Docente by González Morales, Marco Antonio
Ultimate Pandas for Data Manipulation and Visualization: Efficiently Process and Visualize Data with Python's Most Popular Data Manipulation Library ( by Firdose, Tahera
Modelling and Simulation in Plasma Physics for Physicists and Mathematicians by Pert, Geoffrey J.
Algorithms for Constructing Computably Enumerable Sets by Supowit, Kenneth J.
Generalized Lorenz-Mie Theories by Gouesbet, Gérard, Gréhan, Gérard
Applied Analysis, Optimization and Soft Computing: Icnaao-2021, Varanasi, India, December 21-23 by
Stochastic Methods in Scientific Computing: From Foundations to Advanced Techniques by D'Elia, Massimo, Lucini, Biagio, Langfeld, Kurt
High-Dimensional Optimization: Set Exploration in the Non-Asymptotic Regime by Zhigljavsky, Anatoly, Noonan, Jack
Math Mammoth Grade 6-A Worktext, International Version by Miller
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Answer Keys, International Version by Miller
Math Mammoth Grade 6 Tests and Cumulative Revisions, International Version by Miller
Math Mammoth Grade 6-B Worktext, International Version by Miller
Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products by
Decomposing G = ( V, E ) into Planar Graphs by Manimuthu, Yamuna, Kumarasamy, Karthika
A Simple Introduction to Python by Lynch, Stephen
A Simple Introduction to Python by Lynch, Stephen
Trotter-Kato Product Formulæ by Zagrebnov, Valentin A., Neidhardt, Hagen, Ichinose, Takashi
Fixed Point Results on Various Metric Spaces with Applications by Parkala, Naresh, Reddy, Upender
Python und R in Statistik und Datenwissenschaft by Jajo, Nethal, Peiris, Shelton
Python et R dans les statistiques et la science des données by Jajo, Nethal, Peiris, Shelton
Python e R nella statistica e nella scienza dei dati by Peiris, Shelton, Jajo, Nethal
Python e R em Estatística e Ciência de Dados by Jajo, Nethal, Peiris, Shelton
Python и R в статистике и науке о &# by Джаджо, Не&#, Пейрис, Ше&#
Mathematicians Don't Work with Numbers by Poulo, Richard
Handbook of Computational Neurodegeneration by
Test Prep Math Book for CASAS Math GOALS 2 Level B-Forms 923M and 924M by Coaching for Better Learning
Advancements in Science and Technology for Healthcare, Agriculture, and Environmental Sustainability: A Review of the Latest Research and Innovations by
Financial Mathematics, Derivatives and Structured Products by Chan, Raymond H., Guo, Yves Zy, Lee, Spike T.
Fundamentals and Principles of Differential Calculus by Boujoudar, Mohamed, Settati, Adel, El Idrissi, Mourad
New Frontiers in Parameterized Complexity and Algorithms by
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