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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Middle Eastern History in 2009

The Persian Gulf in History by Potter, L.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph by Lawrence, Thomas Edward, Lawrence, T. E.
Byzance et les Arabes Volume III by Vasiliev, Alexander A.
Byzance et les Arabes Volume II Book II by Vasiliev, Alexander A.
Labor and Industry in Iran, 1850-1941 by Floor, Willem M.
Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph by Lawrence, T. E., Lawrence, Thomas Edward
Bitter Friends, Bosom Enemies by Slavin, Barbara
The Red Sea Region 6 Volume Hardback Set: Sovereignty, Boundaries and Conflict, 1839-1967 by
The Life and Times of the Shah by Afkhami, Gholam Reza
Among The Berbers Of Algeria (1900) by Wilkin, Anthony
The Iraqi Refugees: The New Crisis in the Middle-East by Sassoon, Joseph
Iraq and Eleanor Egan's The War in the Cradle of the World by
Among The Berbers Of Algeria (1900) by Wilkin, Anthony
The Broken Olive Branch: Nationalism, Ethnic Conflict, and the Quest for Peace in Cyprus: Volume Two: Nationalism Versus Europeanization by Anastasiou, Harry
Obama Does Globalistan by Escobar, Pepe
2008 by
Iran and Christianity: Historical Identity and Present Relevance by Bradley, Mark
Afghanistan: Aid, Armies and Empires by Marsden, Peter
Lost in the Sacred: Why the Muslim World Stood Still by Diner, Dan
Sasanian Persia: The Rise and Fall of an Empire by Daryaee, Touraj
From Mahmud Kasgari to Evliya Celebi by Dankoff, Robert
Another Mirror for Princes by Faroqhi, Suraiya
Alas, Iraq by Runge, Ronald E.
House with Wisteria: Memoirs of Turkey Old and New by Edib, Halide
Iraq and Eleanor Egan's The War in the Cradle of the World by
The Closed Circle: An Interpretation of the Arabs by Pryce-Jones, David
Massoud: An Intimate Portrait of the Legendary Afghan Leader by Grad, Marcela
Babylon by
The Rise of Islam by
Mirror of the Arab World: Lebanon in Conflict by Mackey, Sandra
Conflict and Insurgency in the Contemporary Middle East by
Becoming Visible in Iran: Women in Contemporary Iranian Society by Honarbin-Holliday, Mehri
The Geography of the Middle East by Jankowski, James, Longrigg, Stephen H.
Metamorphosis of the Nation (Al-Umma): The Rise of Arabism & Minorities in Syria and Lebanon, 1850-1940 by Firro, Kais M.
The Rise and Fall of the Shah: Iran from Autocracy to Religious Rule by Saikal, Amin
Shah Abbas: The Ruthless King Who Became an Iranian Legend by Blow, David
Dreams and Shadows: The Future of the Middle East by Wright, Robin
America's Kingdom: Mythmaking on the Saudi Oil Frontier by Vitalis, Robert
The Egyptian Gods: A Handbook by Shorter, Alan W.
The Egyptian Gods: A Handbook by Shorter, Alan W.
No More Wars, Please: My Journey from Lebanon to America by Hageboutros, Alexandre
No More Wars, Please: My Journey from Lebanon to America by Hageboutros, Alexandre
My Quest of the Arab Horse by Davenport, Homer
The Cold War in the Middle East: Regional Conflict and the Superpowers 1967-73 by
Channels of Power: The Un Security Council and U.S. Statecraft in Iraq by Thompson, Alexander
Arab Political Demography: Population Growth, Labor Migration and Natalist Policies: Revised & Expanded Second Edition by Winckler, Onn
Rohi Mataluna: Pashto Proverbs by Tair, Mohammad Nawaz
Embracing the Occupiers: Conversations with the Future Leaders of Afghanistan and Iraq by Goldman, Minton
Constitution Making Under Occupation: The Politics of Imposed Revolution in Iraq by Arato, Andrew
Spirit of the Nikkei Fleet: Bc's Japanese Canadian Fishermen by Fukawa, Masako, Fukawa, Stanley
Social Interaction in the Prehistoric Natufian: Generating an interactive agency model using GIS by Parslow, Carla a.
Arabo-Islamic Texts on Female Homosexuality, 850 - 1780 A.D. by Habib, Samar
Iran and the Bomb: The Abdication of International Responsibility by Delpech, Therese
Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk about Their Lives by Shaaban, Bouthaina
Bazaar and State in Iran: The Politics of the Tehran Marketplace by Keshavarzian, Arang
Political Thought in Medieval Islam: An Introductory Outline by Rosenthal, Erwin I. J., Erwin I. J., Rosenthal
Nomads and Settlers in Syria and Jordan, 1800 1980 by Lewis, Norman N.
The Life of Flavius Josephus by Josephus, Flavius
A History of the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict, Second Edition by Tessler, Mark
Islam in the Baltic: Europe's Early Muslim Community by Norris, Harry
Who Is Knowledgeable Is Strong: Science, Class, and the Formation of Modern Iranian Society, 1900-1950 by Schayegh, Cyrus
The Bin Ladens: The Bin Ladens: An Arabian Family in the American Century by Coll, Steve
What Were the Crusades? by Riley-Smith, Jonathan
Gender and Self in Islam by Anwar, Etin
The International Politics of the Persian Gulf: A Cultural Genealogy by Adib-Moghaddam, Arshin
War in Iraq: Planning and Execution by
Holy Places of Jerusalem in Middle East Peace Agreements: The Conflict Between Global and State Identities by Molinaro, Enrico
A Country of Words: A Palestinian Journey from the Refugee Camp to the Front Page by Atwan, Abdel Bari
Before Homosexuality in the Arab-Islamic World, 1500-1800 by El-Rouayheb, Khaled
Historicizing Anti-Semitism (Proceedings of the International Conference on "The Post-September 11 New Ethnic/Racial Configurations in Europe and the by
Afghanistan: A Military History from Alexander the Great to the War Against the Taliban by Tanner, Stephen
The Sword of Persia: Nader Shah, from Tribal Warrior to Conquering Tyrant by Axworthy, Michael
The Desert And The Sown (1907) by Bell, Gertrude Lowthian
The Imamate Tradition of Oman by Wilkinson, John Craven
The Secrets Of A Kuttite: An Authentic Story Of Kut, Adventures In Captivity And Stamboul Intrigue (1921) by Mousley, Edward Opotiki
The Hidden Treasure Of Rasmola (1920) by Rihbany, Abraham Mitrie
Liturgiarum Orientalium Collectio V1 (1716) by Renaudotii, Eusebii
Narrative Of A Two Years' Residence At Nineveh V1: And Travels In Mesopotamia, Assyria, And Syria (1850) by Fletcher, James Phillips
Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy by Sadiki, Larbi
The Persian Night: Iran Under the Khomeinist Revolution by Taheri, Amir
Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation, and Implications for U.S. Policy by Wehrey, Frederic
Sexual Politics in Modern Iran by Afary, Janet
Sexual Politics in Modern Iran by Afary, Janet
The Life Of David Roberts: Compiled From His Journals And Other Sources (1866) by Roberts, David
The Uncanonical Writings Of The Old Testament: Found In The Armenian Manuscripts Of The Library Of St. Lazarus (1901) by
The Syrian Leper: A Chapter Of Bible History Expounded (1861) by Bullock, Charles
The Ikhwan-Oos-Suffa: Translated From The Original Oordoo Into English Prose (1860) by
Skizzen Und Vorarbeiten (1899) by Wellhausen, Julius
Reste Arabischen Heidentums (1897) by Wellhausen, Julius
The Communist Movement in the Arab World by Ismael, Tareq Y.
Southeast Asia and the Middle East: Islam, Movement, and the Longue Durée by
Historical Dictionary of Middle Eastern Intelligence by Kahana, Ephraim, Suwaed, Muhammad
Content and Context of the Visual Arts in the Islamic World by Soucek, Priscilla P.
Arc of Crisis 1979 by Hinton, Clete
Content and Context of the Visual Arts in the Islamic World by Soucek, Priscilla P.
Voyage De L'Inde A La Mekke (1797) by A'Bdoul-Kerym
The Life Of Mahomet V3 (1861) by Muir, William
Scouts Of The Desert (1920) by Wilson, John Fleming
The Life Of The Renowned Peter D'Aubusson: Grand Master Of Rhodes (1679) by Bouhours, Dominique
Friends for Life: Strangers Brought Together by the War in Iraq by Mackinday, Jennifer, Donahue, Patti
Pericles: A Sourcebook and Reader by Tracy, Stephen V.
World I Loved: The Story of an Arab Woman by Cortas, Wadad Makdisi
Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan by Harpviken, K.
The Rise and Fall of Nader Shah: Dutch East India Company Reports, 1730-1747 by Floor, Willem M.
The U.S.-Soviet Confrontation in Iran, 1945-1962: A Case in the Annals of the Cold War by Blake, Kristen
The U.S.-Soviet Confrontation in Iran, 1945-1962: A Case in the Annals of the Cold War by Blake, Kristen
My Life [Zendegani-ye Man] by Kasravi, Ahmad
Embassy to Tamerlane, 1403-1406 by De Clavijo, Ruy Gonzalez
Palestinian Women and Politics in Israel by Daoud, Suheir Abu Oksa
The World of Murtada Al-Zabidi by Reichmuth, Stefan
Iran: A Short History. Monika Gronke by Gronke, Monika
Iraq in Transition: The Legacy of Dictatorship and the Prospects for Democracy by Munson, Peter J.
Khatami's Iran: The Islamic Republic and the Turbulent Path to Reform by Tazmini, Ghoncheh
Palestine and the Gulf States: The Presence at the Table by Zahlan, Rosemarie Said
Jordan: A Hashemite Legacy by Milton-Edwards, Beverley, Hinchcliffe, Peter
The Arab Center: The Promise of Moderation by Muasher, Marwan
Memories of Two Wars: Cuban and Philippine Experiences by Funston, Frederick
Jordan: A Hashemite Legacy by Milton-Edwards, Beverley, Hinchcliffe, Peter
Logic, Rhetoric and Legal Reasoning in the Qur'an: God's Arguments by Gwynne, Rosalind Ward
Original Islam: Malik and the Madhhab of Madina by Dutton, Yasin
Textual Relations in the Qur'an: Relevance, Coherence and Structure by El-Awa, Salwa M.
Turkey: A Past and A Future by Toynbee, A. J.
Theatre, Facilitation, and Nation Formation in the Balkans and Middle East by Kuftinec, S.
The Story Of Ahikar From The Syriac, Arabic, Armenian, Ethiopic, Greek, And Slavonic Versions (1898) by Harris, James Rendel, Lewis, Agnes Smith, Conybeare, Frederick Cornwallis
Carinthia I: 92 Bis 94 Jahrgang (1904) by Geschichtsverein Fur Karnten
An Epitome Of Mahomedan Law (1903) by Mulji, Chhotalal Karsandas, Rana, Framjee A.
A History Of Muhammedanism: Comprising The Life And Character Of The Arabian Prophet (1818) by Mills, Charles
Biography: The Aera Of Mahomet, A.D. 527 To 629 (1856) by Browne, George Lathom
Bibliotheque Orientale V4: Ou Dictionnaire Universel (1782) by D'Herbelot, Barthelemy
Tales And Traditions Of The Arabs: With A Sketch Of Mahomet's Career (1873) by Brown, J.
The Story Of Valeh And Hadijeh (1903) by
De Religione Mohammedica, Libri Duo (1717) by Reeland, Adriaan
De Apothecar En De Doctor, Zangspel (1796) by Gogel, Isaac Jan Alexander
Abbas II (1915) by Baring, Evelyn
Alkindus De Temporum Mutationibus, Sive De Imbribus: Nunquam Antea Excussus (1540) by Kindi, Abu-Ma Shar Jafar Ibn-Muhammad, David, Scalingliis, Johannes Hieronymus a.
The Transjordanian Palimpsest: The Overwritten Texts of Personal Exile and Transformation in the Deuteronomistic History by Hutton, Jeremy M.
Iran in the 20th Century: Historiography and Political Culture by
The Truth of Terrorism by Kassimyar, Akhtar
The Kingdom: Saudi Arabia and the Challenge of the 21st Century by
Oman: Politics and Society in the Qaboos State by Valeri, Marc
The A to Z of the Kurds by Gunter, Michael M.
Cotton, Climate, and Camels in Early Islamic Iran: A Moment in World History by Bulliet, Richard
America, Britain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974: Calculated Conspiracy or Foreign Policy Failure? by Constandinos, Andreas
The Seventh Crusade, 1244-1254: Sources and Documents by
Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al-Qaeda Strategist Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri by Lia, Brynjar
Tunisian Peasants in the Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries by Valensi, Lucette
The Definition of a Peripheral Economy: Turkey 1923 1929 by Keyder, Caglar
Architect of Global Jihad: The Life of Al-Qaida Strategist Abu Mus'ab Al-Suri by Lia, Brynjar
East and West by Papadopoullos, Theodoros, Monferrer-Sala, Juan Pedro, Christides, Vassilios
Psychoanalysis and the Challenge of Islam by Benslama, Fethi
Syria and Iran: Diplomatic Alliance and Power Politics in the Middle East by Goodarzi, Jubin M.
Creating the Arabian Gulf: The British Raj and the Invasions of the Gulf by Rich, Paul J.
A Young Palestinian's Diary, 1941-1945: The Life of Sami 'Amr by Katz, Kimberly
Setting the Desert on Fire: T.E. Lawrence and Britain's Secret War in Arabia, 1916-1918 by Barr, James
A Choice of Enemies: America Confronts the Middle East by Freedman, Lawrence
Creating the Arabian Gulf: The British Raj and the Invasions of the Gulf by Rich, Paul J.
A Desert Named Peace: The Violence of France's Empire in the Algerian Sahara, 1844-1902 by Brower, Benjamin
The Egyptian Strategy for the Yom Kippur War: An Analysis by Asher, Dani
America, Britain and the Cyprus Crisis of 1974: Calculated Conspiracy or Foreign Policy Failure? by Constandinos, Andreas
Scholia In Libros Samuelis (1897) by Bar Hebraeus
Histoire Du Nestorianisme (1698) by Doucin, Louis
Ikhwanu-S Safa: Or Brothers of Purity (1869) by
L'Alcoran De Mahomet V1-2 (1734) by Ryer, Andre Du
Four Treatises Concerning The Doctrine, Discipline, And Worship Of The Mahometans (1712) by Reeland, Adrian
Antiquitates Ecclesiae Orientalis (1682) by Barberini, Francesco
Life Of Mohammad (1853) by Bowen, George
The Setting Of The Crescent And The Rising Of The Cross: Or Kamil Abdul Messiah, A Syrian Convert From Islam To Christianity (1898) by Jessup, Henry Harris
L'Alcoran De Mahomet V1-2 (1734) by Ryer, Andre Du
Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States by Evans, Michael D.
Political Settlements in Divided Societies: Consociationalism and Cyprus by Yakinthou, Christalla
Communism And Nationalism In The Middle East by Laqueur, Walter Z.
Mohammedanism: An Historical Survey by Gibb, H. A. R.
To Lead by the Unknowing, To Do the Unthinkable by Waseleski, Michael
Democracy in Iran: History and the Quest for Liberty by Nasr, Seyyed Vali Reza, Gheissair, Ali
The Pursuit of Pleasure: Drugs and Stimulants in Iranian History, 1500-1900 by Matthee, Rudolph
The A to Z of the Druzes by Swayd, Samy
The Persian Sphinx: Amir Abbas Hoveyda and the Riddle of the Iranian Revolution by Milani, Abbas
Turkish Politics and the Rise of the AKP: Dilemmas of Institutionalization and Leadership Strategy by Kumbaracibasi, Arda Can
The Ayatollah Begs to Differ: The Paradox of Modern Iran by Majd, Hooman
Public Violence in Islamic Societies: Power, Discipline, and the Construction of the Public Sphere, 7th-19th Centuries CE by
Zionist Israel and Apartheid South Africa: Civil Society and Peace Building in Ethnic-National States by Badran, Amneh
Icon of Evil: Hitler's Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam by Dalin, David
The Siege of Jerusalem: Crusade and Conquest in 1099 by Kostick, Conor
Practical Philosophy Of The Muhammadan People: Being A Translation Of The Akhlak-I-Jalaly (1839) by Asaad, Fakir Jany Muhammad
The Mystic Rose From The Garden Of The King: A Fragment Of The Vision Of Sheikh Haji Ibrahim Of Kerbela (1898) by Cartwright, Fairfax L.
Simonis Ockleii Introductio Ad Linguas Orientales (1706) by Ockley, Simon
La Religion Des Mahometans: Exposee Par Leurs Propres Docteurs, Avec Des Eclaircissemens (1721) by Reland, Adriaan
Memoires Du Chevalier D'Arvieux V4 (1735) by D'Arvieux, Laurent, Labat, Jean Baptiste
The Life Of Mohammad, From Original Sources (1851) by Sprenger, Aloys
The Religion Of Islam (1906) by Klein, F. a.
Synopsis Institutionum Chaldaearum Et Syrarum (1717) by Alting, Jacob
The Mystic Rose from the Garden of the King: A Fragment of the Vision of Sheikh Haji Ibrahim of Kerbela (1898) by Cartwright, Fairfax L.
Supplementum Historiae Dynastiarum (1663) by Hebraeus, Bar
Idumaea: With A Survey Of Arabia And The Arabians (1799) by The Religious Tract Society
Essai Sur L'Histoire Du Sabeisme, Part 1-2 (1788) by Bock, Jean Nicolas Etienne De
La Religion Des Mahometans: Exposee Par Leurs Propres Docteurs, Avec Des Eclaircissemens (1721) by Reland, Adriaan
Journal And Letters Of Henry Martyn (1861) by Martyn, Henry
Robert Of Chester's Latin Translation Of The Algebra Of Al-Khowarizmi (1915) by Al-Khowarizmi
Popular-Philosphie Der Araber, Perscer Und Turken (1795) by Araber, Dobmay, Franz Von
The Testimony Borne By The Coran To The Jewish And Christian Scriptures (1860) by Muir, William
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