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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2012

History of the Great Civil War, 1642-1649: 1647-1649... by Gardiner, Samuel Rawson
Battle Exhortation: The Rhetoric of Combat Leadership by Yellin, Keith
Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age by
Great Battles in Australian History by King, Jonathan
A Special Relationship? CB: British Foreign Policy in the Era of American Hegemony by Tate, Simon
Personal Recollections of the Civil War by Stone, James Madison
The Conquest of Gaul by Caesar, Julius, Macdevitt, W. A.
Slavery and Four Years of War: A Political History of Slavery in the United States, Together with a Narrative of the Campaigns And Battles of the Civ by Keifer, Joseph Warren
The Philadelphia Experiment Chronicles: Exploring The Strange Case Of Alfred Bielek And Dr. M.K. Jessup by X, Commander
Rethinking History, Dictatorship and War: New Approaches and Interpretations by
Red Coat, Green Machine: Continuity in Change in the British Army 1700 to 2000 by Kirke, Charles
China at War: An Encyclopedia by
Drafted by Austin, B. B.
The Washington Quarterly 33/1 by Multiple Authors
Drafted by Austin, B. B.
Soldiers Tales: A collection of true stories from Soldiers by Neave, Denny
Here Rests In Honored Glory: Life Stories Of Our Country's Medal Of Honor Recipients by Dekever, Andrew J.
Military Leadership and Counterinsurgency: The British Army and Small War Strategy Since World War II by Nolan, Victoria
For King and Kanata: Canadian Indians and the First World War by Winegard, Timothy C.
The Korean War at Sixty: New Approaches to the Study of the Korean War by
Why Germany Nearly Won: A New History of the Second World War in Europe by Mercatante, Steven D.
The Landmark Arrian: The Campaigns of Alexander by Arrian
Allied Participation in Iraq by Stewart, Richard W., Carney, Stephen E.
Allied Participation in Iraq by Carney, Stephen E., Stewart, Richard W.
British Fortifications Through the Reign of Richard III: An Illustrated History by Lepage, Jean-Denis G. G.
Birth of a Legend: The Bomber Mafia and the Y1b-17 by Wagner Uscg (Ret), Capt Arthur H., (Bill), Ltcol Leon E.
American Privateers in the War of 1812: The Vessels and Their Prizes as Recorded in Niles' Weekly Register by
United States Cavalry Peacekeepers in Bosnia: An Inside Account of Operation Joint Endeavor, 1996 by Viney, Mark A.
Birth of a Legend: The Bomber Mafia and the Y1b-17 by Wagner Uscg (Ret), Capt Arthur H., (Bill) Braxton Usaf (Ret), Ltcol Leon E.
Historia de La Revolucion Hispano-Americana: Por M. Comente [Sic]. Discurso Prelim. [And] 3 Tom... by Torrente, Mariano
Institutions D'éducation Militaire Jusqu'en 1789 ...... by Montzey, Charles De
German Unification 1989-90: Documents on British Policy Overseas, Series III, Volume VII by
Service Afloat and Ashore During the Mexican War. by Semmes, Raphael
Chronicles of the Great Rebellion. by Scott, Allen M.
Chickamauga, the Price of Chattanooga: A Description of the Strategic Plans, Marches, and Battles of the Campaign of Chattanooga. by Fitch, John
A Campaign in New Mexico with Colonel Doniphan. by Edwards, Frank S.
A Chronological History of the Civil War in America. by Fisher, Richard Swainson
Memoirs of Andrew Jackson: Major-General in the Army of the United States and Commander in Chief of the Division of the South. by Waldo, S. Putnam
History of the 33d Iowa Infantry Regiment, 1863-6. by Sperry, A. F.
The Gallic Wars by Caesar, Julius
Annals of Tryon County, Or, the Border Warfare of New-York During the Revolution. by Campbell, William W.
Negro Comrades of the Crown: African Americans and the British Empire Fight the U.S. Before Emancipation by Horne, Gerald
September Winds by Gramberg, Robert C.
Strategy as Exemplified in the Second World War: A Strategical Examination of the Land Operations: The Lees Knowles Lectures for 1946 by Burne, Alfred H.
The Role of British Strategy in the Great War by Cruttwell, C. R. M. F.
September Winds by Gramberg, Robert C.
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato by
A New Universal Dictionary of the Marine by Falconer, William
Histoire De La Vendée Militaire, Volume 4... by Crétineau-Joly, Jacques
Histoire De La Guerre Entre Les Etats-unis D'amérique Et L'angleterre Pendant Les Années 1812, 1813, 1814 Et 1815... by Brackenridge, Henry Marie
Reinventing Warfare 1914-18: Novel Munitions and Tactics of Trench Warfare by Saunders, Anthony
Skandinavien und die NATO - Ungebundenheit oder Anpassung? by Pötzsch, Maxi
Will Thurland's World War II Photo Collection: The Virgin Islands Orchestra of the 873rd Port Company by Thurland, Anne L.
International Aviation and Terrorism: Evolving Threats, Evolving Security by Harrison, John
Pakistan Military's Role in Governance by Alam, Shah
Lord Amherst and the British Advance Eastwards to Burma by Ritchie, Anne Thackeray, Evans, Richardson
Government Accountability Office Bid Protests in Air Force Source Selections: Evidence and Options--Executive Summary by Camm, Frank
The Wrath of Achilles Essays on Command in Battle by Hooker Jr, Richard D.
Relazioni Degli Ambasciatori Veneti Al Senato: Raccolte, Annotate... by Albèri, Eugenio
Shelldrake: Canadian Artillery Museums and Gun Monuments by Skaarup, Harold A.
Rethinking Security Governance: The Problem of Unintended Consequences by
Terrorist Groups and the New Tribalism: Terrorism's Fifth Wave by Kaplan, Jeffrey
Major-General Sherman's Reports. by Sherman, William Tecumseh
The Vindication of Captain Joseph Treat: Late of Twenty-First Regiment United States Infantry, Against the Atrocious Calumny Comprehended in Major Gen by Treat, Joseph
China, Europe and International Security: Interests, Roles, and Prospects by
The Two Great Questions Consider'd: I. What the French King Will Do with Respect to the Spanish Monarchy: II. What Measures the English Ought to Take. by Defoe, Daniel
A Soldier of the Cumberland: Memoir of Mead Holmes Jr., Sergeant of Company K, 21st Regiment Wisconsin Volunteers. by Holmes, Mead
Massachusetts in the rebellion: a record of the historical position of the commonwealth, and the services of the leading statesmen, the military, the by Headley, P. C.
A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre in Boston: Perpetrated in the Evening of the Fifth Day of March 1770 by Soldiers of the Xxixth Regiment, Whic by Bowdoin, James
Soldiers' Letters, from Camp, Battle-Field and Prison. by Post, Lydia Minturn
Historical sketch of the second war between the United States of America, and Great Britain: declared by act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and by Ingersoll, Charles Jared
Pictorial history of the Civil War in the United States of America. Volume 2 of 3 by Lossing, Benson John
Pictorial history of the Civil War in the United States of America. Volume 3 of 3 by Lossing, Benson John
Pictorial history of the Civil War in the United States of America. Volume 1 of 3 by Lossing, Benson John
Documentary History of the American Revolution: Consisting of Letters and Papers Relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina, from by Gibbes, Robert Wilson
The Assault on Stony Point, by General Anthony Wayne, July 16, 1779: Prepared for the New York Historical Society, and Read at Its Regular Monthly Mee by Dawson, Henry Barton
Documentary History of the American Revolution: Consisting of Letters and Papers Relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina, from by Gibbes, Robert Wilson
The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter. by Semmes, Raphael
The Seven days' battles in front of Richmond: an outline narrative of the series of engagements which opened at Mechanicsville, near Richmond, on Thur by Pollard, Edward Alfred
Historical Sketch of the Second War Between the United States of America, and Great Britain: Declared by Act of Congress, the 18th of June, 1812, and by Ingersoll, Charles Jared
From Chattanooga to Petersburg Under Generals Grant and Butler: A Contribution to the History of the War, and a Personal Vindication. by Smith, William Farrar
New Englands Crisis, Or, a Brief Narrative of New-Englands Lamentable Estate at Present, Compar'd with the Former (But Few) Years of Prosperity: Occas by Tompson, Benjamin
The Melrose Memorial: The Annals of Melrose, County of Middlesex, Massachusetts, in the Great Rebellion of 1861-'65. by Goss, Elbridge Henry
Regulations and Instructions for the Field Service of the U.S. Cavalry in Time of War. by McClellan, George Brinton
Documentary History of the American Revolution: Consisting of Letters and Papers Relating to the Contest for Liberty, Chiefly in South Carolina, from by Gibbes, Robert Wilson
Diàrio de las operaciones militares de la division que al mando del general Jose Urrea hizo la campaña de Tejas. by Urrea, Jose
History of the Siege of Boston, and of the Battles of Lexington, Concord, and Bunker Hill: Also, an Account of the Bunker Hill Monument: With Illustra by Frothingham, Richard
The Cow Chace: In Three Cantos: Written in the Year 1780. by Andre, John
A Brief History of the War with the Indians in New-England: From June 24, 1675 (When the First Englishman Was Murdered by the Indians) to August 12, 1 by Mather, Increase
The History of King Philip's War. by Mather, Increase
History of the American Civil War. Volume 1 of 3 by Draper, John William
History of the American Civil War. Volume 3 of 3 by Draper, John William
History of the American Civil War. Volume 2 of 3 by Draper, John William
Army Life in a Black Regiment. by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Diary of a Southern Refugee During the War. by McGuire, Judith W.
Impressions of a War Correspondent by Lynch, George
Der Deutsch-Dänische Krieg by Pflug, Ferdinand
The Dispatches Of Field Marshal The Duke Of Wellington During His Various Campaigns In India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, And France, by Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Out of Sight: The Grey Man by Lynch, Leaf
Out of Sight: The Grey Man by Lynch, Leaf
Histoire De La Vendée Militaire, Volume 4... by Crétineau-Joly, Jacques
Airpower for Strategic Effect by Air University Press, Gray, Colin S.
The Crimean War: A History by Figes, Orlando
The Invasion of the Crimea: From the Morrow of Inkerman to Fall of Canrobert. 1888... by Kinglake, Alexander William
Enlisting Masculinity: The Construction of Gender in Us Military Recruiting Advertising During the All-Volunteer Force by Brown, Melissa T.
History Of The American Civil War: Containing The Events From The Inauguration Of President Lincoln To The Proclamation Of Emancipation Of The Slaves. by Draper, John William
The Dispatches Of Field Marshal The Duke Of Wellington During His Various Campaigns In India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, And France, by Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Die Beteiligung Solothurns Am Schwabenkriege Bis Zur Schlacht Bei Dornach 22 Juli 1499: Nebst 172 Urkundlichen Belegen Und 24 Lithographischen Beilage by Tatarinoff, Eugen
Introduction À L'étude De L'art De La Guerre: Gewidmet Général-major De Tempelhoff, Volume 4... by
The Fight For Santiago: The Story Of The Soldier In The Cuban Campaign, From Tampa To The Surrender... by Bonsal, Stephen
The Dispatches of Field Marshal the Duke of Wellington During His Various Campaigns in India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, the Low Countries, and France, by Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Recuerdos De Treinta Años (1810-1840) Por José Zapiola. 1.-2. Pte... by Zapiola, Jose
The Edinburgh Companion to Twentieth-Century British and American War Literature by
American Generals of the Revolutionary War: A Biographical Dictionary by Broadwater, Robert P.
Anabasis by Xenophon
Handwörterbuch der gesamten Militärwissenschaften by Poten, Bernhard
Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington - Volume 1 by Codrington, Edward
Memoir of the Life of Admiral Sir Edward Codrington - Volume 2 by Codrington, Edward
Reminiscences of the Burmese War in 1824 5 6 by Doveton, F. B.
The Campaign of Chancellorsville: April 27-May 5, 1863... by Wilson, James Harrison
The Private Journal of F. S. Larpent, ... Attached to the Headquarters of Lord Wellington During the Peninsula War, from 1812 to Its Close... by Larpent, Francis Seymour
Histoire De La Révolution Française, Volume 1... by Thiers, Adolphe
The Armies of Industry: Our Nation's Manufacture of Munitions for a World in Arms, 1917-1918, Volume 5... by Crowell, Benedict
Mémoires De Massena, 7: Redigés D'après Les Documents Qu'il A Laisses Et Sur Ceux Du Depot De La Guerre Et Du Depot Des Fortifications... by
British Military Intervention and the Struggle for Jordan: King Hussein, Nasser and the Middle East Crisis, 1955-1958 by Blackwell, Stephen
The Lucky Loadmaster: Autobiography of an Elite U.S. Air Force Loadmaster by Stalvey, Thomas F.
The Lucky Loadmaster: Autobiography of an Elite U.S. Air Force Loadmaster by Stalvey, Thomas F.
The Story of Ireland: A History of the Irish People by Hegarty, Neil
The Greek Islands and Turkey After the War... by Field, Henry Martyn
From victory to Vichy: Veterans in inter-war France by Millington, Christopher
Napoleon vs. the Turk, When the Master Warrior Met the Master Machine by Robertson, Tom
In Spite of Everything ......: 'A Life-Story of Fear, Heartbreak, Love, Trickery and Triumph' by Coppard (Patcee), Pat
Transatlantic Relations since 1945: An Introduction by Zanchetta, Barbara, Hanhimaki, Jussi, Schoenborn, Benedikt
Army Life in a Black Regiment by Higginson, Thomas Wentworth
Ores and Industry in the Far East: The Influence of Key Mineral Resources on the Development of Oriental Civilization by Bain, Harry Foster
Bridges in History and Legend by Watson, Wilbur Jay, Watson, Sara Ruth
French Inventions of the Eighteenth Century by McCloy, Shelby Thomas
Ancient Libraries by Thompson, James Westfall
The Historical Atlas of the British Isles by Swanston, Alex, Barnes, Ian
The Dispatches Of Field Marshal The Duke Of Wellington During His Various Campaigns In India, Denmark, Portugal, Spain, The Low Countries, And France, by Wellington, Arthur Wellesley
Handwörterbuch der gesamten Militärwissenschaften by Poten, Bernhard
Handwörterbuch der gesamten Militärwissenschaften by Poten, Bernhard
Handwörterbuch der gesamten Militärwissenschaften by Poten, Bernhard
Historia De Don Carlos Y De Los Principales Sucesos De La Guerra Civil De España... by Sanchez, R.
Ernie Pyle Was My Hero by Menyhert, Renita
Ernie Pyle Was My Hero by Menyhert, Renita
Critical Perspectives on Human Security: Rethinking Emancipation and Power in International Relations by
56th Infantry Brigade and D-Day: An Independent Infantry Brigade and the Campaign in North West Europe 1944-1945 by Holborn, Andrew
Naval Warfare by Thursfield, James R.
Military History by Fortescue, J. W.
Security, Law and Borders: At the Limits of Liberties by Basaran, Tugba
The Great War with Russia: The Invasion of the Crimea; A Personal Retrospect of the Battles of the Alma, Balaclava, and Inkerman, and of the Wint by Russell, William Howard
The War, from the Landing at Gallipoli to the Death of Lord Raglan by Russell, William Howard
General Todleben's History of the Defence of Sebastopol, 1854 5: A Review by Russell, William Howard
The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 by Abbot, Willis J.
The Creed of the Old South 1865-1915 by Gildersleeve, Basil L.
Women Suicide Bombers: Narratives of Violence by Rajan, V. G. Julie
Operation Vittles: Stories from the Berlin Airlift by Menyhert, Renita
Operation Vittles: Stories from the Berlin Airlift by Menyhert, Renita
Use of Standardized Scores in Officer Career Management and Selection by Sims, Carra S., Wong, Anny, Keller, Kirsten M.
The Cruise of the Alabama and the Sumter: From the Private Journals and Other Papers of R. Semmes and Other Officers, Volume 1... by Semmes, Raphael
A Roster of Civilizations and Culture: An Essay on the Natural History of the World's Cultures, Living and Extinct by Kroeber, Alfred Louis
Pots And Pans Of Classical Athens by
Power Over Peoples: Technology, Environments, and Western Imperialism, 1400 to the Present by Headrick, Daniel R.
Forts of Florida: A Guidebook by Carlisle, Loretta, Carlisle, Rodney
Alexander the Great and His Empire: A Short Introduction by Briant, Pierre
A History Of French Commercial Policies by Haight, Frank Arnold
A Handbook Of Korea by Oh, Chae Kyung
Das Heer- und Kriegswesen des Großmoguls by Horn, Paul
The Century Series: The USAF Quest for Air Supremacy, 1950-1960: F-100 O F-101 O F-102 O F-104 O F-105 O F-106 by Spitzmiller, Ted
Frontier Airlines: A History of the Former Frontier Airlines: 1950-1986 by Stearns, Gregory R.
Legality and Legitimacy in Global Affairs by Falk, Richard
The Civil War Journals of Col. Homer A. Plimpton 1861 - 1865 by
The Civil War Journals of Col. Homer A. Plimpton 1861 - 1865 by
Treatise on Naval Courts Martial by Delafons, John
The History of the Indian Navy (1613-1863) - Volume 1 by Low, Charles Rathbone
The History of the Indian Navy (1613-1863) - Volume 2 by Low, Charles Rathbone
Naval Courts Martial by Hannay, David
International Terrorism Post-9/11: Comparative Dynamics and Responses by
Managing Terrorism and Insurgency: Regeneration, Recruitment and Attrition by Crouch, Cameron I.
US Military Innovation since the Cold War: Creation Without Destruction by
Unconventional Weapons and International Terrorism: Challenges and New Approaches by
Historia De La Confederación Argentina: Rozas Y Su Época, Volume 4... by Saldías, Adolfo
Britain, Kenya and the Cold War: Imperial Defence, Colonial Security and Decolonisation by Percox, David
The War Around Us by May, Wolfgang Peter
The Opening Of South Lebanon, 1788-1840: A Study Of The Impact Of The West On The Middle East by Polk, William Roe
The Near East And American Philanthropy: A Survey, Conducted Under The Guidance Of The General Committee Of The Near East Survey by Sibley, Elbridge, Fry, Charles Luther, Ross, Frank Alexander
The Congress Founds The Navy, 1787-1798 by Smelser, Marshall
Heritage Of The Desert: The Arabs And The Middle East by Ellis, Harry Bearse
Hungarians in the American Civil War by Pivány, Eugene
La campagna gal]lispana del 1744: Storia e Archeologia Militare di un anno di guerra fra Piemonte e Delfinato by
Anzac's Dirty Dozen: 12 myths of Australian military history by
Diary of a Soldier in the Egyptian Military: A Peek Inside the Egyptian Army by Aroyan, Nubar
Diary of a Soldier in the Egyptian Military: A Peek Inside the Egyptian Army by Aroyan, Nubar
Athens' Darling: Love, Lust and War in Ancient Athens by Summers, Joanne
The School of Sun Tzu: Winning Empires Without War by Jones, David G.
The School of Sun Tzu: Winning Empires Without War by Jones, David G.
The Dutch And Swedes On The Delaware, 1609-1664 by Wyeth, Newell Convers, Ward, Christopher Longstreth
The War in Cuba: The Experiences of an Englishman with the United States Army... by Atkins, John Black
Biographical Register Of The Officers And Graduates Of The U.s. Military Academy At West Point, N.y.: From Its Establishment, In 1802, To 1890 by Cullum, George Washington
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