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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2012

Guerre de la Sécession: Esquisse Des Événements Militaires Et Politiques Des États-Unis de 1861 À 1865, Volume 3... by Lecomte, Ferdinand
The Business of War: Military Enterprise and Military Revolution in Early Modern Europe by Parrott, David
Andersonville: A Story Of Rebel Military Prisons, Fifteen Months A Guest Of The So-called Southern Confederacy. A Private Soldier's E by McElroy, John
Murder, Salinas Style: Book Three He Shot the Sheriff by Eisemann, Lisa
Battle for Baqubah: Killing Our Way Out by Colella Ret, First Sergeant Robert S.
Battle for Baqubah: Killing Our Way Out by Colella Ret, First Sergeant Robert S.
Murder, Salinas Style: Book Three He Shot the Sheriff by Eisemann, Lisa
Peacebuilding and Local Ownership: Post-Conflict Consensus-Building by Donais, Timothy
National History Of The War For The Union, Civil, Military And Naval: Founded On Official And Other Authentic Documents, Volume 1 by Duyckinck, Evert Augustus
Songs at Twilight: Stories of My Time by Langer, Arthur
Songs at Twilight: Stories of My Time by Langer, Arthur
With the Lost Legion in New Zealand: the War Against the Maoris 1866-71 by Hamilton-Browne, G.
With the Lost Legion in New Zealand: the War Against the Maoris 1866-71 by Hamilton-Browne, G.
Washington's Expeditions (1753-1754) and Braddock's Expedition (1755) by Hadden, James
A Military History of China by
The Lessons of History by Leavenworth, Charles Samuel
A History of Business, V1: From Babylon to the Monopolists by Beard, Miriam
AD Fines Imperii Romani Anno Bismillesimo Cladis Varianae: ACTA Conventus Academiae Latinitati Fovendae XII Ratisbonensis by
The Fortifications of Nevis, West Indies, from the 17th Century to the Present Day: Protected Interests? by Machling, Tessa C. S.
Reminiscences by MacArthur, Douglas
With the Irregulars in the Transvaal and Zululand: The Experiences of an Officer of Baker's Horse in the Kaffir and Zulu Wars 1878-79 by Tomasson, W. H.
With the Irregulars in the Transvaal and Zululand: The Experiences of an Officer of Baker's Horse in the Kaffir and Zulu Wars 1878-79 by Tomasson, W. H.
The Great Salt Lake Trail: the History of an Historic Highway Across the Great Plains by Cody, William F., Inman, Henry
Commanders of the French & Indian War: The Winning of Canada: a Chronicle of Wolfe & The Passing of New France: a Chronicle of Montcalm by Wood, William
Commanders of the French & Indian War: The Winning of Canada: a Chronicle of Wolfe & The Passing of New France: a Chronicle of Montcalm by Wood, William
The Great Salt Lake Trail: the History of an Historic Highway Across the Great Plains by Inman, Henry, Cody, William F.
Biographical Register Of The Officers And Graduates Of The U. S. Military Academy, From 1802 To 1867: 1841-1867 by Cullum, George Washington
Civil War On The Western Border, 1854-1865 by Monaghan, Jay
Infantry Drill Regulations, United States Army, 1911: Text Corrected to Include Changes 23, Sept. 10, 1918, and Appendix D, U.S. Rifle Model 1917 (Enf by
Christianity and War: Can They Co-Exist? by Boord, James A.
Civil War On The Western Border, 1854-1865 by Monaghan, Jay
Politics and the Media in Twenty-First Century Indonesia: Decade of Democracy by
The Kokoda Campaign 1942: Myth and Reality by Williams, Peter
War and Morality: Citizens' Rights and Duties by Cavanagh, Michael
In Abor Jungles by Hamilton, Angus
Victory Rests with the Lord: God in the Vietnam War by Schmidt, James
Victory Rests with the Lord: God in the Vietnam War by Schmidt, James
Mainline Christianity: The Past and Future of America's Majority Faith by Lantzer, Jason S.
China's Future Nuclear Submarine Force by
Pal's & Neighbours: As Britain Stood Alone by Burgess, Sep
Pal's & Neighbours: As Britain Stood Alone by Burgess, Sep
Relation de la Bataille de Marengo, Gagnée Le 25 Prairial an VIII (Éd.1805) by Berthier, Alexandre
Souvenirs de Versailles Pendant La Commune (Éd.1881) by DuPont, Léonce
Toulon Et Les Anglais En 1793: d'Après Des Documents Inédits (Éd.1898) by Cottin, Paul
Correspondance Du Maréchal Davout, Prince d'Eckmühl: 1801-1815. 1 (Éd.1885) by Davout, Louis Nicolas
Histoire de la Commune de 1871 (Éd.1896) by Lissagaray, Prosper-Olivier
Histoire Militaire Des Femmes (Éd.1873) by de la Barre Duparcq, Édouard
Bibliothèque Historique Et Militaire: Garde Nationale de France. T1 (Éd.1835-1846) by Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste-Balthazar
Bibliothèque Historique Et Militaire: Garde Nationale de France. T6 (Éd.1835-1846) by Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste-Balthazar
Continuation de l'Histoire Des Croisades de Guillaume de Tyr (Éd.1824) by Renouard, Augustin-Charles
Chronique de Bertrand Du Guesclin. T. 2 (Éd.1839) by Cuvelier
Histoire de la Commune de Paris En 1871 (Éd.1876) by Vidieu, Auguste
Bibliothèque Historique Et Militaire, T 4 (Éd.1835-1846) by Sauvan, Jean-Baptiste
Du Rôle Colonial de l'Armée (Éd.1900) by Lyautey, Hubert
Fastes de la Légion-d'Honneur. Biographie de Tous Les Décorés Et Histoire Législative T1 (1847) by Liévyns, A.
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 2 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 4 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 5 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 8 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 9 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Études Sur Le Combat (Éd.1880) by Ardant Du Picq, Charles
L'Armée Et La Garde Nationale. I. 1789-1792 (Éd.1858-1862) by Poisson, Charles
Histoire de la Milice Françoise. T 2 (Éd.1721) by Daniel, Gabriel
Recueil Des Membres Composant l'Ordre Royal Et Militaire de Saint-Louis Depuis 1693 T2 (1817-1818) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
La Jeunesse de Napoléon. 1. Brienne (Éd.1898-1899) by Chuquet, Arthur
Traité de l'Art Militaire (Éd.1859) by Végèce
Souvenirs Et Récits d'Un Aérostier Militaire de l'Armée de la Loire, 1870-1871 (Éd.1891) by Tissandier, Gaston
Histoire de la Milice Françoise Et Des Changements Qui s'y Sont Faits. T 1 (Éd.1721) by Daniel, Gabriel
Guerre Des Communeux de Paris: 18 Mars-28 Mai 1871 (Éd.1871) by Hennebert, Eugène
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 11 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Collection Des Mémoires Relatifs À l'Histoire de France: Table Générale Des Matières (Éd.1835) by Guizot, François
Histoire Des Croisades (Éd.1825) by La Varenne, Pierre François
Histoire Des Croisades, (Éd.1825) by Jacques de Vitry
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 6 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 6, Partie 2 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Galeries Historiques Du Palais de Versailles. Tome 7 (Éd.1839-1848) by Gavard, Charles
Correspondance Du Maréchal Davout, Prince d'Eckmühl: 1801-1815. 2 (Éd.1885) by Davout, Louis Nicolas
Correspondance Du Maréchal Davout, Prince d'Eckmühl: 1801-1815. 3 (Éd.1885) by Davout, Louis Nicolas
Correspondance Du Maréchal Davout, Prince d'Eckmühl: 1801-1815. 4 (Éd.1885) by Davout, Louis Nicolas
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 3, Partie 1 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
Mémoires de l'Adjudant-Général Jean Landrieux: 1795-1797 (Éd.1893) by Landrieux, Jean
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 1, 1 (1307-1340) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
Historique Du 114e Régiment d'Infanterie (Éd.1892) by Bertaux, Maurice Jules
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 19 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 17 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 1 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 4 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 16 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 6 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
Histoire Du Consulat Et de l'Empire. T 20 (Éd.1845-1862) by Thiers, Adolphe
L'Armée Et La Garde Nationale. II. 1792-1793 (Éd.1858-1862) by Poisson, Charles
L'Armée Et La Garde Nationale. III. 1793-1794 (Éd.1858-1862) by Poisson, Charles
Les Grands Guerriers Des Croisades Augm. d'Un Précis Historique Des Croisades (Éd.1879) by Bescherelle, Louis-Nicolas
Fastes de la Légion-d'Honneur: Tome 3 (Éd.1844-1847) by Liévyns, A.
Fastes de la Légion-d'Honneur: Tome 2 (Éd.1844-1847) by Liévyns, A.
Fastes de la Légion-d'Honneur. Biographie de Tous Les Décorés Et Histoire Législative T4 (1847) by Liévyns, A.
Maximes de Guerre Et Pensées de Napoléon Ier (5e Éd.) (Éd.1863) by Napoléon Ier
The CIA's Greatest Hits by Zepezauer, Mark
Times of Troubles: Britain's War in Northern Ireland by Sanders, Andrew, Wood, Ian S.
Times of Troubles: Britain's War in Northern Ireland by Sanders, Andrew, Wood, Ian S.
Die Neue Ostpolitik der sozialliberalen Koalition: Intention und Wirkung bis zur Wiedervereinigung by Simon, Dirk
Forging Napoleon's Grande Armée: Motivation, Military Culture, and Masculinity in the French Army, 1800-1808 by Hughes, Michael J.
The Air Force and the National Guided Missile Program by Rosenberg, Max
Rough Notes of the Campaign in Sinde and Affghanistan, in 1838 9: Being Extracts from a Personal Journal Kept While on the Staff of the Army of the in by Outram, James
The Greek And Macedonian Art Of War by Adcock, Frank Ezra
With Crook At The Rosebud by Vaughn, J. W.
With Crook At The Rosebud by Vaughn, J. W.
Twenty-six Historic Ships: The Story Of Certain Famous Vessels Of War And Of Their Successors In The Navies Of The United States And Of The Confe by Hill, Frederic Stanhope
Queen Salome: Jerusalem's Warrior Monarch of the First Century B.C.E. by Atkinson, Kenneth
Riders of the Apocalypse: German Cavalry and Modern Warfare, 1870-1945 by Dorondo, David R.
Self, War, and Society: George Herbert Mead's Macrosociology by Deegan, Mary Jo
CHECO Southeast Asia study: Lam Son 719, 30 January - 24 March 1971. The South Vietnam Incursion into Laos by Loye, Jr.
Counter-Terrorism and State Political Violence: The 'War on Terror' as Terror by
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Vnaf Improvement and Modernization Program by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Bear, James T.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Project Red Horse by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Willard, Derek H.
Project Checo Southeast Asia: Impact of Darkness and Weather on Air Operations in Sea by Harrison, Philip R., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Ranch Hand: Herbicide Operations in Sea by Clary, James R., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Rules of Engagement October 1972 - August 1973 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Burditt, William R.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: The Air War in Vietnam 1968 - 1969 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Sams, K., Schlight, J.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: The Cambodian Campaign, 29 April - 30 June 1970 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Folkman, D. I., Jr., Caine, Philip D.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Report: The Vnaf Air Divisions Reports on Improvement and Modernization by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Roe, David H.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: The War in Vietnam 1966 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Melyan, Wesley R., Bonetti, Lee
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: The War in Vietnam July-December 1967 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Thompson, A. W., Bonetti, Lee
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: The War in Vietnam, January - June 1967 by Bonetti, Lee, Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Vietnamization of the Air War, 1970 - 1971 by Deberry, Drue L., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Vnaf Improvement and Modernization Program, July 1971 - December 1973 by Desbrisay, Thomas D., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Assault Airlift Operations by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Whitaker, B. a., Paterson, L. E.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: An Overview of Insurgency and Counterinsurgency in Thailand Through 1973 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Hanrahan, Edward B.
Project Checo Southeast Asia: Commando Hunt VI by Layton, Bruce P., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Interdiction in Southeast Asia, November 1966 - October 1968 by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Thorndale, C. W.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Khe Sanh (Operation Niagara) 22 January - 31 March 1968 by Trest, Warren A., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study. Kontum: Battle for the Central Highlands, 30 March - 10 June 1972 by Liebchen, Peter A., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
CHECO Southeast Asia study: Lam Son 719, 30 January - 24 March 1971. The South Vietnam Incursion into Laos by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Loye, J. F., Jr., Stclair, G. K.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Operation Paul Revere/Sam Houston by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Hickey, Lawrence J.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Pave Mace/Combat Rendezvous by Sexton, Richard R., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
Project Checo Southeast Asia: Fixed Wing Gunships in Sea (July 1969 - July 1971) by Project Checo, Hq Pacaf, Cole, James L., Jr.
Gender, Human Security and the United Nations: Security Language as a Political Framework for Women by Hudson, Natalie Florea
Fragments from Iraq: Diary of a Navy Trauma Surgeon by Stockinger, Zsolt T.
Project Checo Southeast Asia Study: Igloo White, January 1970-September 1971 by Shields, Henry S., Project Checo, Hq Pacaf
The Italian Socialist Movement, V1: Origins, 1860-1882 by Hostetter, Richard Jerome
Propaganda Handbook by Harter, Donald Lincoln, Sullivan, John
The Roman Army: The Greatest War Machine of the Ancient World by McNab, Chris
Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Including Sketches of the Campaigns Against the Afghans in 1839, and the Sikhs in 1845 6 by MacKinnon, Daniel Henry
Military Service and Adventures in the Far East: Including Sketches of the Campaigns Against the Afghans in 1839, and the Sikhs in 1845 6 by MacKinnon, Daniel Henry
The Malady of Europe by Ravage, Marcus Eli
The Military and Society by Macisaac Usaf, David
The Rise Of The Latin American Labor Movement by Troncoso, Moises Poblete, Burnett, Ben G.
Dateline, China: The Beginning of China's Press Relations with the World by Tong, Hollington Kong
Send in the Marines: Combat Histories Of US Marine Ground Units 1775-1991 by Ready, J. Lee
China's Evolving Approach to Peacekeeping by
American Attack Aircraft Since 1926 by Johnson, E. R.
The 2 Stepfathers of the Country by Cantillano, Kevin
Carson's Army: The Ulster Volunteer Force, 1910-22 by Bowman, Timothy
War and Politics in the Elizabethan Counties by Younger, Neil
Military Integration after Civil Wars: Multiethnic Armies, Identity and Post-Conflict Reconstruction by Gaub, Florence
Democratic Citizenship and War by
Crisis in the Caucasus: Russia, Georgia and the West by
A Soldier's Letters To Charming Nellie by Polley, J. B.
Respect and Recognition of the Finest Fighting Unit of This Country by Albert, Norman G.
Justifying War: Propaganda, Politics and the Modern Age by
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T 1 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T 2 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
The North Carolina Railroad, 1849-1871, and the Modernization of North Carolina by Trelease, Allen W.
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
A Travers l'Europe, Croquis de Cavalerie by de Beauvoir, Roger
Ancien Armorial Equestre de la Toison d'Or Et de l'Europe Au Xve Siècle (Ed.1890) by Sans Auteur
Adae Murimuth Continuatio Chronicarum by Murimouth, Adae
L'Alsace Au Dix-Septième Siècle. T 2 (Éd.1897-1898) by Reuss, Rodolphe
L'Alsace Au Dix-Septième Siècle. T 2 (Éd.1897-1898) by Reuss, Rodolphe
Sous La Tente, Souvenirs Du Maroc, Récits de Guerre Et de Voyage, (Éd.1863) by Yriarte, Charles
Histoire de la Commune de Paris (Éd.1871) by Vésinier, Pierre
Dépêches, Circulaires, Décrets, Proclamations Et Discours de Léon Gambetta, (Éd.1886) by Gambetta, Léon
Histoire de Quatre Ans: 1870-1873. La Défense Nationale (Éd.1876-1880) by Duret, Théodore
Chroniques de Louis XII. T. 1 (Éd.1889-1895) by D' Auton, Jean
Histoire de Quatre Ans: 1870-1873. La Commune (Éd.1876-1880) by Duret, Théodore
Histoire de France. 9, Guerres Et Religion (Éd.1856) by Michelet, Jules
Mémoires Du Duc de Rovigo, Pour Servir À l'Histoire de l'Empereur Napoléon. T. 1 (Éd.1828) by Savary, Anne-Jean-Marie-René
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 1 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 2 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 3 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 4 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 5 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 3 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 4 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Mémoires Du Général Bon Thiébault: Publiés Sous Les Auspices de Sa Fille. T. 5 (Éd.1893-1895) by Thiébault, Paul
Origines de l'Ecole de Cavalerie Et de Ses Traditions Équestres. T. 1 (Éd.1889) by Picard, Louis-Auguste
Origines de l'Ecole de Cavalerie Et de Ses Traditions Équestres. T. 2 (Éd.1889) by Picard, Louis-Auguste
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Chronologie Historique-Militaire Des Troupes de la Maison Du Roi.(Éd.1760-1778) by Pinard
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 1, 1 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 3 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 4, 1 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 5, 2 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 6, 3 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 1, Partie 1 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
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