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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Military History in 2012

Dépêches, Circulaires, Décrets, Proclamations Et Discours de Léon Gambetta, (Éd.1891) by Gambetta, Léon
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 1, Partie 2 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 2, Partie 1 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 2, Partie 2 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 1, 2 (1307-1340) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
L'Impôt Du Sang, Ou La Noblesse de France Sur Les Champs de Bataille. Tome 3, Partie 2 (Éd.1874-1881) by D' Hozier, Jean-François-Louis
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 4 (1346-1356) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
Art Militaire Des Chinois, Ou Recueil d'Anciens Traités Sur La Guerre (Ed.1772) by Amiot, Joseph
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 5 (1356-1360) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 8, 2 (1370-1377) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
Chroniques de J. Froissart. T. 9 (1377-1380) (Éd.1869-1899) by Froissart, Jean
Le Siège de Paris (Éd.19e) by Sarcey, Francisque
Histoire Des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine. Tome 1 (Éd.1808) by Appian
Catalogue Des Principales Suites de Costumes Militaires Français (Éd.1900) by Sans Auteur
Rodrigue de Villandrando, l'Un Des Combattants Pour l'Indépendance Française Au 15 Siècle, (Éd.1879) by Quicherat, Jules-Étienne
Histoire Des Guerres Civiles de la République Romaine. Tome 3 (Éd.1808) by Appian
Histoire Générale de la Guerre Franco-Allemande (1870-71). 2, 2 (Éd.1900) by Rousset, Léonce
La Dalmatie, de 1797 À 1815: Épisode Des Conquêtes Napoléoniennes (Éd.1893) by Pisani, Paul
L'Alsace Au Dix-Septième Siècle. T 1 (Éd.1897-1898) by Reuss, Rodolphe
Dark Trophies: Hunting and the Enemy Body in Modern War by Harrison, Simon
Die Molukken by Bokemeyer, Heinrich
An Ever Present Danger: A Concise History of British Military Operations on the North-West Frontier, 1849-1947: Occasional Paper 33 by Matthews, Matt M., Institute, Combat Studies
An Honorable Illusion: A Memoir by Chismark, Kurt
Military Operations at Cabul, Which Ended in the Retreat and Destruction of the British Army, January 1842 by Eyre, Vincent
The Christmas Drink by Cunningham, Clay
The Christmas Drink by Cunningham, Clay
Americans in Darmstadt: 1945 by Robinson, G. Lewis
The Armies March: A Personal Report by Cudahy, John
Land of the Two Rivers by Cottrell, Leonard
U - 19: How a Single Submarine Could Have Changed the Course of Wwi by Haruda M. D., Fred D.
Arming the Periphery: The Arms Trade in the Indian Ocean During the Age of Global Empire by Chew, E.
The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power by Spingola, Deanna
The Ruling Elite: The Zionist Seizure of World Power by Spingola, Deanna
Fathers of the Greatest Generation by Little, Jim
Fathers of the Greatest Generation by Little, Jim
Jane Austen's Sailor Brothers: Being the Adventures of Sir Francis Austen, G.C.B., Admiral of the Fleet and Rear-Admiral Charles Austen by Hubback, John Henry, Hubback, Edith C.
James Outram: A Biography - Volume 1 by Goldsmid, F. J.
James Outram: A Biography - Volume 2 by Goldsmid, F. J.
The Conquest of Scinde by Napier, W. F. P.
The Vatican and the Kremlin by Cianfarra, Camille Maximilian
Magellan's Voyage Around the World: Three Contemporary Accounts by
Besieger of Cities by Duggan, Alfred Leo
America's Abandoned Sons by Miller, Robert S.
America's Abandoned Sons by Miller, Robert S.
When Big Blue Went to War: A History of the IBM Corporation's Mission in Southeast Asia During the Vietnam War (1965-1975) by Feltham, Dan E.
South Carolina Civilians in Sherman's Path: Stories of Courage Amid Civil War Destruction by Stokes, Karen
Grandpa What Did You Do in the War? by Ball, Don
Grandpa What Did You Do in the War? by Ball, Don
The Story Of A Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson: In Which Is Told The Part Taken By The Rockbridge Artillery In The Army Of Northern Virginia by Moore, Edward a.
American Military Forces Abroad: Their Impact on the Western State System by Stambuk, George
The Military Staff: Its History And Development by Hittle, James Donald
Men of Mexico by Magner, James Aloysius
Martial Books And Tudor Verse by Langsam, Gert Geoffrey
The Triumph Of The Alphabet: A History Of Writing by Moorhouse, Alfred Charles
Creating the National Security State: A History of the Law That Transformed America by Stuart, Douglas
The DOD C-17 Versus the Boeing 777: A Comparison of Acquisition and Development by Battershell, A. Lee
The American Military And The Far East by Dixon, Joe C.
Army Science and Technology Analysis for Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations by Shorts, Dennis, Sciarretta, Albert, Chait, Richard
Solutions for Northern Kosovo: Lessons Learned in Mostar, Eastern Slavonia, and Brcko by Barry, Charles, Nussbaum, Laura Peterson, Cordero, Gina
Bringing Defense into the Information Economy by Gompert, David C., Bracken, Paul
Critical Technology Events in the Development of the Stinger and Javelin Missile Systems: Project Hindsight Revisited by Chait, Richard, Long, Duncan, Lyons, John
Command and Commanders in Modern Warfare: The Proceedings of the Second Military History Symposium U.S. Air Force Academy 2-3 May 1968 by Geffen, William
Issues in Air Force Science and Technology Funding by Lo, Timothy, Zimet, Eli, Saalfeld, Fred
Leavenworth Paperws, August Storm: The Soviet 1945 Strategic Offensive in Manchuria by Glantz, David M.
Defending the Military Food Supply: Acquisition, Preparation, and Protection of Food at U.S. Military Installations by McGrath, Lynn, Mara, Andrew
Implications of an Independent Kosovo for Russia's Near Abroad by Hoffman, Michael H., Schwabe, Samuel T., Sinclair, Melissa
The Road to Abu Ghraib: US Army Detainee Doctrine and Experience: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 6 by Gebhardt, Us Army, Institute, Combat Studies
Easier Said Than Done: Making the Transition Between Combat Operations and Stability Operations: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 7 by Institute, Combat Studies, Cavaleri, Us Army
Combating A Modern Hydra Al Qaeda and the Global War on Terrorism: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 8 by Institute, Combat Studies, Kalic, Sean N.
Eyes Behind the Lines: US Army Long-Range Reconnaissance and Surveillance Units: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 10 by Gebhardt, Us Army, Institute, Combat Studies
Traditions, Changes and Challenges: Military Operations and the Middle Eastern City: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 1 by DiMarco, Us Army Lieutenant Colonel Lou, Institute, Combat Studies
Understanding the "Victory Disease," From the Little Bighorn to Mogadishu and Beyond: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 3 by Karcher, Us Army Major Timothy, Institute, Combat Studies
In Search of an Elusive Enemy: The Victorio Campaign: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 5 by Institute, Combat Studies, Gott, Kendall D.
Mobility, Vigilance, and Justice: The US Army Constabulary in Germany, 1946-1953: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 11 by Institute, Combat Studies, Gott, Kendall D.
Public War, Private Fight? The United States and Private Military Companies: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 12 by Institute, Combat Studies, Kidwell, Deborah C.
A Fit, Fighting Force: The Air Force Nursing Services Chronology by Nanney Phd, James S., Smolenski Phd, Mary C., Smith Phd, Donald G.
The Law of War: Can 20th-Century Standards Apply to the Global War on Terrorism?: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 9 by Institute, Combat Studies, Cavaleri, Us Army
Conquest of Scinde by Outram, James
Advising Indigenous Forces: American Advisors in Korea, Vietnam, and El Salvador: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 18 by Institute, Combat Studies, Ramsey III, Robert D.
Advice for Advisors: Suggestions and Observations from Lawrence to the Present: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 19 by Ramsey, III Robert D., Institute, Combat Studies
Savage Wars of Peace: Case Studies of Pacification in the Philippines, 1900-1902: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 24 by Ramsey III, Robert D., Institute, Combat Studies
Circle the Wagons: The History of US Army Convoy Security: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 13 by Institute, Combat Studies, Killblane, Richard E.
Boots on the Ground: Troop Density in Contingency Operations: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 16 by McGrath, John J., Institute, Combat Studies
The Challenge of Adaptation: The US Army in the Aftermath of Conflict, 1953-2000: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 27 by Davis II, Robert T., Institute, Combat Studies
The US Military's Experience in Stability Operations, 1789-2005: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 15 by Yates, Lawrence A., Institute, Combat Studies
Out of Bounds: Transnational Sanctuary in Irregular Warfare: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 17 by Bruscino, Jr. Thomas a., Institute, Combat Studies
The US Army on the Mexican Border: A Historical Perspective: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 22 by Matthews, Matt M., Institute, Combat Studies
The Posse Comitatus Act and the United States Army: A Historical Perspective: Global War on Terrorism Occasional Paper 14 by Institute, Combat Studies, Matthews, Matt
A Masterpiece of Counterguerrilla Warfare: BG J. Franklin Bell in the Philippines, 1901-1902: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 25 by Institute, Combat Studies, Ramsey III, Robert D.
Military Interventions in Sierra Leone: Lessons From a Failed State: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 28 by Woods, Larry J., Institute, Combat Studies, Reese, Colonel Timothy R.
Flipside of the COIN: Israel's Lebanese Incursion between 1982-2000: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 21 by Helmer, Daniel Isaac, Institute, Combat Studies
We Were Caught Unprepared: The 2006 Hezbollah-Israeli War: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 26 by Matthews, Matt M., Institute, Combat Studies
Kurdistan and 50 Years of Struggle: Kurd and Kurdistan by Pishdare, Sardar
The Other End of the Spear: The Tooth-to-Tail Ratio (T3R) in Modern Military Operations: The Long War Series Occasional Paper 23 by Institute, Combat Studies, McGrath, John J.
Transforming European Militaries: Coalition Operations and the Technology Gap by Adams, Gordon, Ben-Ari, Guy
Archaeological Investigations on Agattu: Aleutian Islands by Spaulding, Albert Clanton
The Jew In The Medieval World: A Source Book, 315-1791 by Marcus, Jacob Rader
The Chronicle of Geoffrey Le Baker of Swinbrook by
AZ E Jszak-Amerikai Polga Rha Boru to Rte Nete. [With Two Maps.] by Asbo Th, Lajos
Naples Sous Garibaldi. Souvenirs de La Guerre D'Inde Pendance. by Re Voil, Louise Colet, Garibaldi, Giuseppe
Kampen Om Norge I Aarene 1813 Og 1814, Etc. by So Rensen, Carl Theodor Von
Un Agent Des Princes Pendant La Re Volution. Le Marquis de La Roue Rie Et La Conjuration Bretonne, 1790-1793, D'Apre S Des Documents Ine Dits. [With a by Leno Tre, G.
Lettres Sur Les Cent-Jours, Publie Es Par ... Cauchois-Lemaire, Avec Notes Et Pie Ces Justificatives. by Cauchois-Lemaire, Louis Augustin Franc
L'Armee de La Revolution, Ses Generaux Et Ses Soldats, 1789-1871. by Chamborant De P. Rissat, Albert
Moulmeaux Pre S Rouen, So E Glise-Son Histoire-Le Combat Du 4 Janvier 1871. by Coipel, Victor, Tougard, Albert
Premie Re Confe Rence. Essai Sur Le Plutarque de L'Arme E Franc Aise, Etc. by Tarnier, E. Tienne Auguste
Campan as del General D. Felix Maria Calleja Comandante En Gefe del Ejercito Real de Operaciones Llamado del Centro. by Bustamante, Carlos
Napoleonic Wars by Schneid, Frederick C.
The Myth of German Villainy by Bradberry, Benton L.
The Myth of German Villainy by Bradberry, Benton L.
Assessing the Army Power and Energy Efforts for the Warfighter by Lyons, John W., Chait, Richard, Valdes, James J.
Elevating the Role of Socioeconomic Strategy in Afghanistan Transition by Applebaugh, John, Sciarretta, Albert, Staniec, Cyrus
The Use of High Performance Computing (HPC) to Stengthen the Developing of Army Systems by Lyons, John W.
Domestic Event Support Operations (DESO) by Smith, Andrew
Transforming the Reserve Component: Four Essays by Cordero, Gina, Baranick, Michael J., Bell, Jr. Raymond E.
Improving the Army's Next Effort in Technology Forecasting by Chait, Richard, Lyons, John, Erchov, Simone
The Iron Triangle Manifested: U.S. Air Force Tanker Lease 2001-2005 Case Study by Punjani, Shahnaz M., University, National Defense
Forgotten Blitzes: France and Italy Under Allied Air Attack, 1940-1945 by Baldoli, Claudia, Knapp, Andrew
An Environmental History of the UK Defence Estate, 1945 to the Present by Dudley, Marianna
Army S&T Investment In Interoperability by Barry, Charles L.
Toward a New Transatlantic Compact by Binnendijk, Hans, Kugler, Richard L.
Report to the Congress: Information Technology Program, Center for Technology and Natonal Security Policy National Defense University by National Security Policy, Center For Tec
Building the S&E Workforce for 2040: Challenges Facing The Department of Defense by Coffey, Timothy
Developing Battlefield Technologies in the 1990s: Institute for National Strategic Studies McNair Paper 21 by Humpherys, Thomas W., Gamache, Robert N., Wiedewitsch, Jerry L.
Iran: Soviet Interests, US Concerns: McNair Papers Number Eleven by Cossa, Ralph A., Strategic Studies, The Institute for Nat
Ukraine: Stability and Instability: Institute for National Strategic Studies McNair Paper 42 by Jaworsky, John, University, National Defense
Strengthening Technical Peer Review at the Army S&T Laboratories by Chait, Richard, Lyons, John W.
A Methodology for Assessing the Military Benefis of Science and Technology Investments by Chait, Richard, Mait, Joseph, Willcox, Jordan
Improving the Interface Between Industry and Army Science and Technology: Some THoughts on the Army's Independent Research and Development Program by Willcox, Jordan, Lyons, John W., Chait, Richard
Homegrown Terrorism: The Treat Within by Richardson, Courtney, Bowman, Marion E., Thachuk, Kimberley L.
NATO Command Structure Considerations for the Future by Weinrod, Bruce, Barry, Charles L.
Radical Responses to Radical Regimes: Evaluating Preemptive Counter-Proliferation: Institute for National Strategic Studies McNair Paper 41 by Schneider, Barry R., University, National Defense
Reform of the National Security Science and Technology Enterprise by DeYoung, Donald, Kadtke, James, Coffey, Timothy
The Obligation: A History of the Order of the Engineer by Wedel, Kip A.
The Obligation: A History of the Order of the Engineer by Wedel, Kip A.
Sir Robert Baden-Powell by Batchelder, W. J.
Iran's Strategic Intentions and Capabilities: Institute for National Strategic Studies McNair Paper 29 by Hannah, John, Johnson, Stuart E., Kazemi, Farhad
Agricultural Bioterrorism: A Federal Strategy to Meet the Threat by Parker, Henry S.
All Possible War? Toward a Consensus View of the Future Secuirty Environment 2001-2025 by Tangredi, Sam J.
Turkey: Thwarted Ambition by Mayall, Simon V.
Right Makes Might: Freedom and Power in the Information Age by Gompert, David C.
Clausewitzian Friction and Future War by Watts, Barry D.
Caribbean Security on the Eve of the 21st Century by Griffith, Ivelzaw L.
From Reform to Reduction: Reports on the Management of Navy and Department of Defense Laboratories in the Post-Cold War Era by Hazell, Eric
NATO's Future: Beyond Collective Defense by Sloan, Stanley R.
Modern U.S. Civil-Military Relations: Wielding the Terrible Swift Sword by Johnson, David E.
Illuminating Tomorrow's War by Libicki, Martin C.
Europe's New Security Vocation by Brenner, Michael J.
Military Perspectives on Cyberpower by Wentz, Larry K., Barry, Charles L., Starr, Stuart H.
In Search of a Post-Cold War Securty Structure by Foster, Gregory D.
Pure Logistics by Thorpe's, George C.
The Revolution in Military Affairs: Allied Perspectives by Mey, Holger H., Laird, Robbin F.
Clausewitzian Friction and Future War: Revised Edition by Watts, Barry D.
Histoire de la réunion de la Franche-Comté à la France, événements diplomatiques et militaires, 1279 à 1678, avec by Philpin, Léonce Marie Gabriel
L'Invasion de 1814 En Seine-Et-Marne. D'Apre S Des Documents Ine Dits Tire S Des Archives de Partementales. by Humbert, Fre De Ric
Karl v. und Maximilian Egmont, Graf von Büren. Ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des schmalkaldischen Krieges. by Egmond, Maximiliaan, Kannengiesser, Paul
Souvenirs d'histoire contemporaine. Épisodes militaires et politiques. by Bourgoing, Paul
Wojna W Polsce Roku 1831, Przez Oficera Polskiego (J. P.) [I.E. J. Paszkowskiego.] Opisana W Roku 1832. by P, J., Paszkowski, Jo Zef
Callvucurá y la dinastía de los Piedra ... 2a. edición. by Callvucurá, Juan, Zeballos, Estanislao Severo
Histoire de la réunion de la Franche-Comté à la France, événements diplomatiques et militaires, 1279 à 1678, avec by Philpin de Piépape, Léonce Philpin D.
Kriget Mot Danmark 1675-1679 ... Med Portra Tt, Kartor, Etc. by Bjo Rlin, Johan Gustaf
Importancia militar de Gibraltar y medios de que dispone España para anularla. [With maps.] by Navarro y. García, Modesto
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio
Campaign Between the French Army of the East and the British and Turkish Forces in Egypt Translated from French a Part of Reynier's de L'e Gypte Apre by Wilson, Robert Thomas, Reynier, Jean Louis E.
Der niedersächsisch-dänische Krieg. by Opel, Julius Otto
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio Historian
L'Archiprêtre. Épisodes de la guerre de cent ans au XIVe siècle by Cherest, Aimé Alexandre
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio
Historia política y militar de las repúblicas del Plata, desde el año de 1828 hasta el de 1866. by Díaz, Antonio
La Guerre entre Louis XIII. et Marie de Médicis, 1619-1620 by Pavie, Eusèbe
Kriget I Norge 1814 ... Med 3 Kartor, Etc. by Bjo Rlin, Johan Gustaf
La Guerre à Dreux, 1870-1871 ... Correspondances, relations, extraits, notes et pièces officielles. [With a map.] by Coynart, Charles Arsène de
Documents Ine Dits Relatifs A L'Histoire Et a la Topographie Militaires Des Alpes. La Campagne de 1692 Dans Le Haut Dauphine . Lettres de Catinat, de by Rochas D'Aiglun, Euge Ne Auguste Albert
Diario de Las Operaciones Militares de La Division Que Al Mando del General J. U. Hizo La Compan a de Tejas, Etc. by Urrea, Jose
Curs de Geografia Militara a Romaniei by Iannescu, George M.
Sveriges Krig I Tyskland a Ren 1805-1807 ... Med Tre Kartor. by Bjo Rlin, Johan Gustaf
The Tet Effect: Intelligence and the Public Perception of War by Blood, Jake
Churchill and Finland: A Study in Anticommunism and Geopolitics by Ruotsila, Markku
The Foreign Office and Finland: Diplomatic Sideshow by Gerrard, Craig
The Coronation of Charlemagne: What Did It Signify? by
Confederate Handguns: Concerning The Guns, The Men Who Made Them, And The Times Of Their Use by Simmons, Edward N., Benet, Hugh, Jr., Albaugh, William A., III
The Jews of Ancient Rome by Leon, Harry Joshua
An Economic History Of Europe Since 1750 by Karpovich, Michael, Usher, Abbott Payson, Bowden, Witt
An Outline Of Modern Russian Historiography by Mazour, Anatole Gregory
Paper, Wasps and Packages: The Romantic Story of Paper and Its Influence on the Course of History by Weaver, Alexander
The "New" Law of the Sea and the Law of Armed Conflict at Sea by Robertson Jr, Horace B.
Complex Operaton Lexicon by Moore Phd, R. Scott
The X-43A Flight Reseach Program: Lessons Learned on the Road to March 10 by Peebles, Curtis
The Information Age: An Anthology on Its Impact and Consequences by Alberts, David S., Papp, Daniel S.
Policing the New World Disorder: Peace Operation and Public Security by Goldberg, Eliot M., Oakley, Robert B., Dziedzic, Michael J.
The People's Liberation Army: and China in Transition by Flanagan, Stephen J., Marti, Michael E.
Globalization and Maritime Power by Tangredi, Sam J.
The Winding Path to Freedom 5th Ed.: A Memoir of Life in the Ukrainian Underground by Mac, Roman D.
Effects of Directed Energy Weapons by Nielsen, Philip E.
An English - French Military Dictionary by St Amour, Bill
Cohesion: The Human Element in Combat by Henderson, Darryl
Military Geography: For Professionals and the Public by Collins, John M.
Antietam 1862: Gateway to Emancipation by Whitman, T. Stephen
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