• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Poetry in 1998

How I Joined Humanity at Last by Zieroth, David
Heartlove: Wedding and Love Poems by Madhubuti, Haki R.
The Girl from Ermita: & Selected Poems 1961-1998 by Poh Seng, Goh
The Canadian Girl by Stewart, Shannon
Traces of Dreams: Landscape, Cultural Memory, and the Poetry of Basho by Shirane, Haruo
Cabato Sentora by González, Ray
dogs & clouds & love & life by Stewart, Ron A., Stewart, Sheila A.
The Art of the Aeneid by Anderson, William S.
Classical Epic: Homer and Virgil by Jenkyns, Richard
Keller: Romeo Und Julia Auf Dem Dorfe by Keller, Gottfried
Apollinaire: Alcools by Apollinaire, Guillaume
Spanish Ballads by
Spanish American Modernista Poets by
The Poet Lucan: Studies in Rhetorical Epic by Morford, Mark P. O.
Calpurnius Siculus: Eclogues by Calpurnius Siculus, Titus
Beaumarchais: Mariage de Figaro by Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron De
Plautus: Amphitruo by Plautus
Yeats's Poems by
Letters For M by Hamilton, Michael
Juvenal: The Satires by Juvenal
The Lucan: de Bello Civili VII by Lucan
Beyond by Goldbarth, Albert
On Long Mountain by Morgan, Elizabeth Seydel
Yeats's Poems by
Ronsard's Contentious Sisters: The Paragone Between Poetry and Painting in the Works of Pierre de Ronsard by Campo, Roberto
Orphic Songs by Campana, Dino
Blok: Selected Poems by Blok, Aleksandr
Baudelaire: Les Fleurs Du Mal by Baudelaire, Charles
Büchner: Woyzeck by Buchner, Georg
Latin Poets and Roman Life by Griffin, Jasper
Marie de France: Lais by Marie
An Outline of Cinyanja Grammar by Lehmann, Dorothea
Social Research in Rural Communities by Twumasi, P. A., Twunmasi, P. a.
Roman Poetry and Propaganda in the Age of Augustus by
Highway Trade by Domini, John
Diana, Charles & the Queen by Heyen, William
The Poems of Cicero by Cicero
Cardinal: Les Mots Pour Le Dire by Cardinal, Marie
Arguedas: Los Rios Profundos by Arguedas, Jose Maria
Connecting the Dots: Poems by Kumin, Maxine
Spielregeln für den Untergang by Müller, Jan-Dirk
Vladimir Odoevsky and Romantic Poetics: Collected Essays by Cornwell, Neil
Whatsaid Serif by Mackey, Nathaniel
Poems of Fernando Pessoa by Pessoa, Fernando
Two Centuries of Roman Poetry by
Ronsard: Poèmes by Ronsard, Pierre De
Catullus: Poems by Catullus, Gaius Valerius
The Art of the Lathe by Fairchild, B. H.
Tacitus: Germania by Tacitus
Lucan: Bello Civili I by Lucan
Green Tuxedo by Holmes, Janet
The Poems and Translations of Sir Richard Fanshawe: Volume I by Fanshawe, Richard
The Love Poems of Rumi by Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
Poetry and Music in Seventeenth-Century England by McColley, Diane Kelsey
T. S. Eliot and Ideology by Asher, Kenneth
Coleridge on Dreaming: Romanticism, Dreams and the Medical Imagination by Jennifer, Ford, Ford, Jennifer
Die Farbe Des Regens: Entstehung Und Entwicklung Der Modernen Jemenitischen Kurzgeschichte. Muhammad Abdalwali, Zaid Muti, Damaǧ Und Ah by Orth, Günther
Ovid's Metamorphoses, Books 1-5 by Anderson, William S.
Necessary Crimes by Hunter, Catherine
Installations by Brossard, Nicole
Report on the 2nd Half of the Twentieth Century: Books 12-15 by Norris, Ken
Esprit de Corps: Quebec Poetry of the Late Twentieth Century in Translation by
Singing Bone by Bitney, Katherine
Variations on the Birth of Jacob by Berzensky, Steven Michael
St. Mary at Main by Friesen, Patrick
The Flame Tree by Foster, Clarise
Mapping the Soul: Selected Poems 1978-1998 by Morrissey, Stephen
Mittelhochdeutsche Minne- Und Aventiureromane: Fiktion, Geschichte Und Literarische Tradition Im Späthöfischen Roman: 'Reinfried Von Braunschweig', 'W by Ridder, Klaus
For Orchestra and Solo Poet by Martel, ƒmile
Breeze Through Bamboo: Kanshi of Ema Saiko by Saikō, Ema
Breeze Through Bamboo: Kanshi of Ema Saiko by Saikō, Ema
Touching the Fire: Fifteen Poets of Today's Latino Renaissance by Gonzalez, Ray
Great Poems by American Women: An Anthology by
Morning Poems by Bly, Robert
Die Crône Heinrichs Von Dem Türlîn: Form-Erfahrung Und Konzeption Eines Späten Artusromans by Bleumer, Hartmut
Does Your House Have Lions? by Sanchez, Sonia
Epinician Odes and Dithyrambs by
Picnic, Lightning by Collins, Billy
Anatomy Errata by Hall, Judith
Bad Judgment: Poems by Calbert, Cathleen
Poems by Arnold, Edwin
Secret of Death With Some Collected Poems by Arnold, Edwin
Poems of Passion by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Three Women by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Poems of Modern Thought and Spiritual Truths by Sprague, E. W.
Hymns to the Gods and Other Poems by Pike, Albert
Loosestrife: Poems by Dunn, Stephen
Crash's Law: Poems by Volkman, Karen
Voice-Over by Equi, Elaine
Bad Judgment: Poems by Calbert, Cathleen
Dreams and Premonitions by Rogers, L. W.
Emily Dickinson's Vision: Illness and Identity in Her Poetry by Guthrie, James R.
The Undertow by Snively, Susan
The Undertow by Snively, Susan
Vigil by Paramananda, Swami
Poems of Truth and Meditations by Mingle, Ida
Under Storm's Wing by Thomas, Helen, Thomas, Myfanwy
Adrienne Rich: Passion, Politics and the Body by Yorke, Liz
Donkey Gospel: Poems by Hoagland, Tony
The Woman Who Died in Her Sleep by Gregerson, Linda, Gregerson
Eve's Striptease by Kasdorf, Julia Spicher
Impolitic Bodies: Poetry, Saints, and Society in Fifteenth-Century England: The Work of Osbern Bokenham by Delany, Sheila
Masculinities in Chaucer by
Petronius the Poet: Verse and Literary Tradition in the Satyricon by Connors, Catherine, Catherine M., Connors
The Way Out by Sewell, Lisa
Sands of the Well by Levertov, Denise
Limbo Road by Norris, Ken
The Mood Embosser by Cabri, Louis
Living in Time: The Poetry of C. Day Lewis by Gelpi, Albert
Rostand: Cyrano de Bergerac by Rostand, Edmond
Tacitus: Annals I by Tacitus
Allusion and Intertext: Dynamics of Appropriation in Roman Poetry by Hinds, Stephen
Allusion and Intertext: Dynamics of Appropriation in Roman Poetry by Hinds, Stephen
Long Like a River by Schoenberger, Nancy J.
Long Like a River by Schoenberger, Nancy J.
Dependencies: Poems by Mueller, Lisel
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Ashton, Gail
Strange Wood: Poems by Prufer, Kevin D.
Relampagos de Lo Invisible. Antologia by Orozco, Olga
Ways of Power by Hawk, Red
The Giving Earth: A John G. Neihardt Reader by Neihardt, John G.
Sun Under Wood by Hass, Robert
Black Shawl by Byer, Kathryn Stripling
So Forth by Brodsky, Joseph
The Vigil: Poems by Williams, C. K.
Subhuman Redneck Poems by Murray, Les a.
Black Zodiac: Poems by Wright, Charles
The Poems of A. E. Housman by Housman, A. E.
Dichter und Bürger in der Provinz by
Iron Wheel by Miller, Greg
The Weave Room by Chitwood, Michael
A Desk in the Elephant House by Essinger, Cathryn
Surprised by Sin: The Reader in Paradise Lost, Second Edition with a New Preface by Fish, Stanley
Like a Beast of Colours, Like a Woman by Kaszuba, Sophia
Twenty Questions by McClatchy, J. D.
The Bounty: Poems by Walcott, Derek
What Is It Then Between Us?: Traditions of Love in American Poetry by Selinger, Eric Murphy
What Is It Then Between Us?: Traditions of Love in American Poetry by Selinger, Eric Murphy
Locke and Blake: A Conversation Across the Eighteenth Century by Glausser, Wayne
Without Rhyme or Reason: Gaspard de la Nuit and the Dialectic of the Prose Poem by Richards, Marvin
The Old Liberators: New and Selected Poems and Translations by Hedin, Robert
Rife: Poems by Marlis, Stefanie
In the Light of a Child: A Journey Through the 52 Weeks of the Year in Both Hemispheres for Children by Hedley Burton, Michael
Singularity: Poems by Glazner, Greg
The Patriot: Poems by Davis, Christopher
Fundamentals of the Art of Poetry by Mandel, Oscar
Rife: Poems by Marlis, Stefanie
Days of Our Lives Lie in Fragments: New and Old Poems, 1957--1997 by Garrett, George
Chaucer: The Canterbury Tales by Ashton, Gail
Death Before Dying: The Sufi Poems of Sultan Bahu by Bahu, Sultan
Below Cold Mountain by Stroud, Joseph
Temporary Help: Poems by Engman, John
Selected Translations by
Say Goodnight by Liu, Timothy
Of Flesh & Spirit by Ping, Wang
Bite Every Sorrow by Ras, Barbara
Country Without a Post Office: Poems by Ali, Agha Shahid
Inventions of the March Hare: Poems 1909-1917 by Eliot, T. S.
A Book of Luminous Things: An International Anthology of Poetry by Milosz, Czeslaw
West Wind: Poems and Prose Poems by Oliver, Mary
Masaoka Shiki: Selected Poems by Masaoka, Shiki
Pioneering by Eisenberg, Susan
The Room Where I Was Born by Teare, Brian
Poem of the Cid: A Modern Translation with Notes by Paul Blackburn by
A Reference Companion to Dylan Thomas by Davies, James
Thirty Seven Years from the Stone by Cox, Mark
Dark Sky Question by Szporluk, Larissa
Building the Text: Architecture as Metaphor in Late Medieval and Early Modern France by Cowling, David
Chaucer's Open Books: Resistance to Closure in Medieval Discourse by McGerr, Rosemarie P.
Such Places as Memory: Poems 1953-1996 by Hejduk, John
Poetics of French Verse by Scott, Clive
Still No Sign of Them by Renaud, Jeanne
Sacred Vows: Poems by Oeur, U. Sam
And the Risen Bread: Selected and New Poems 1957-97 by Berrigan, Daniel
Heart's Agony: Selected Poems of Chiha Kim by Kim, Chiha
I Moved All My Women Upstairs by Buchanan, Roberta
The Thread: New and Selected Poems by Sandy, Stephen
The Redshifting Web: New & Selected Poems by Sze, Arthur
Poetics of the Pretext: Reading Lautréamont by Lack, Roland-Francois
The Prophet by Gibran, Kahlil
William Blake by Lucas, John
An Ark of Sorts by Gilbert, Celia
Mycological Studies by Millar, Jay
Excessive Love Prostheses by Christakos, Margaret
Metropolis16-29 by Fitterman, Rob
The Colossus: And Other Poems by Plath, Sylvia
Miltonic Moment by Evans, J. Martin
The American Prose Poem: Poetic Form and the Boundaries of Genre by Delville, Michel
Timely Rain: Selected Poetry of Chogyam Trungpa by Trungpa, Chogyam
Eliot: Poems: Edited by Peter Washington by Eliot, T. S.
Urban Rage in Bronzeville: Social Commentary in the Poetry of Gwendolyn Brooks, 1945-1960 by Bolden, B. J.
From Scratch by Eshleman, Clayton
The Book of Appassionata: Collected Poems by Citino, David
The Gatehouse Heaven: Poems by Kimbrell, James
The Gatehouse Heaven: Poems by Kimbrell, James
The Righteousness of Life: William Soutar: A Poet's Scottish Predilection for Philosophy by Prüger, Heidelinde
Maurine and Other Poems by Wilcox, Ella Wheeler
Diwan of Abu'l-Ala by Baerlein, Henry
Needs of the Hour: An Original Rhythmical Message and New Year's Greeting by Watson, Clara
Poems of the Life Beyond and Within by Stebbins, Giles B.
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