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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1998

Neubewertung Der Familienarbeit in Der Sozialpolitik by
Handbuch Politische Partizipation Von Frauen in Europa by
Tamed Power by
Inszenierung: Innere Sicherheit: Daten Und Diskurse by
Gestaltung Regionaler Politik: Empirische Befunde, Erklärungsansätze Und Praxistransfer by
Konservative Revolution Und Neue Rechte: Rechtsextremistische Intellektuelle Gegen Den Demokratischen Verfassungsstaat by Pfahl-Traughber, Armin
Wörterbuch Zur Mikropolitik by
Parteienfinanzierung: Österreich, Schweiz, Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Drysch, Thomas
Conflict and Cooperation on Trans-Boundary Water Resources by
Anomalien in Handlungs- Und Entscheidungstheorien by
Arbeitsmarktpolitik by Weck, Michael, Heinelt, Hubert
Standort Deutschland in Der Bewährungsprobe: Seine Stärken Und Schwächen Im Weltweiten Strukturwandel by Franz, Peter, Immerfall, Stefan
Contemporary Ukraine: Dynamics of Post-Soviet Transformation by Kuzio, Taras
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
The Promise of Representative Bureaucracy: Diversity and Responsiveness in a Government Agency: Diversity and Responsiveness in a Government Agency by Selden, Sally Coleman
Zuwanderungspolitik Im Nationalstaat: Formen Der Eigen- Und Fremdbestimmung in Den Usa, Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland Und Frankreich by Behr, Hartmut
Regieren Und Intergouvernementale Beziehungen by
Rechtsextremismus Und Neue Rechte in Deutschland: Neuvermessung Eines Politisch-Ideologischen Raumes? by
Demokratie in Schleswig-Holstein: Historische Aspekte Und Aktuelle Fragen by
Sicherheit Und Integration in Europa: Zur Renaissance Der Westeuropäischen Union by Varwick, Johannes
Hong Kong Sar: In Pursuit of Domestic and International Order by
The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution by Colbourn, Trevor
The Lamp of Experience: Whig History and the Intellectual Origins of the American Revolution by Colbourn, Trevor
Evaluating the Impact of Training and Institutional Development Programs: A Collaborative Approach by Taschereau, Suzanne
Afro-Brazilian Culture and Politics: Bahia, 1790s-1990s by Kraay, Hendrik
Local Government Reorganisation: The Review and its Aftermath by
The Changing Career of the Correctional Officer: Policy Implications for the 21st Century by Josi, Don A., Sechrest, Dale K.
New York Politics and Government: Competition and Compassion by Liebschutz, Sarah F.
Just Results: Ethical Foundations for Policy Analysis by Ellis, Ralph D.
Some of the Beauties of Freemasonry by Bradley, Joshua
Freemasonry in all Ages Being a Sketch of its History, Philosophy, and Ethical Teaching by Carey, M. F.
Freemason's Companion by Anonymous
Evolution of Freemasonry an Authentic Story of Freemasonry by Darrah, Delmar Duane
Keystone of the Masonic Arch a Commentary on The Universal Laws and Principles of Ancient Freemasonry by Scott, Charles, Scott-Fox, Charles
Ideal Commonwealths by Morley, Henry
Defense of Freemasonry and Masonic Gems or Jewels of Thought by Degeer, Maria Elizabeth, Reynolds, Benn Philips
Use and Abuse of Freemasonry by Smith, George
Handbook of Public Finance by Thompson, Thompson, Thompson, Fred
Risk Taking and Decision Making: Foreign Military Intervention Decisions by Vertzberger, Yaacov Y. I.
The Social Divide: Political Parties and the Future of Activist Government by
Old Past Master by Claudy, Carl H.
Builders A Story and Study of Masonry by Newton, Joseph Fort
Europe's Franco-German Engine by
Seal of Approval: The History of the Comics Code by Nyberg, Amy Kiste
Master's Assistant: A Complete Treatise on Freemasonry by Darrah, Delmar Duane
The State Nobility: Elite Schools in the Field of Power by Bourdieu, Pierre
The Cold War & the University: Toward an Intellectual History of the Postwar Years by Chomsky, Noam, Wallerstein, Immanuel, Nader, Laura
Criminology Theory: Selected Classic Readings by Williams III, Frank, McShane, Marilyn
Internatiional Develoopment and the Social Sciences by
Battling the Inland Sea: Floods, Public Policy, and the Sacramento Valley by Kelley, Robert
Women and Empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World by
Practical Readings in Financial Derivatives by Quail, Rob
Europe's Economic Dilemma by Mills, J.
Political Order and Power Transition in Hong Kong by
Adam Smith's System of Liberty, Wealth, and Virtue: The Moral and Political Foundations of the Wealth of Nations by Fitzgibbons, Athol
The Political Economy of Civil Society and Human Rights by Madison, Gary B.
Theories of Secession by
Saddam's Word: Political Discourse in Iraq by Bengio, Ofra
Democracy in America by de Tocqueville, Alexis
Speaking Truth To Power: Essays On Race, Resistance, And Radicalism by Marable, Manning
Virtual Politics: Identity and Community in Cyberspace by
Comparative Perspectives on South Africa by
Women and Empowerment: Illustrations from the Third World by
Disparaged Success by Kume, Ikuo
Disparaged Success by Kume, Ikuo
The Decrees of the Greek States by Rhodes, P. J., Lewis, David M.
Solving the Puzzle of Interest Group Litigation by Koshner, Andrew Jay
Justice, Society and Nature: An Exploration of Political Ecology by Gleeson, Brendan, Low, Nicholas
Justice, Society and Nature: An Exploration of Political Ecology by Low, Nicholas, Gleeson, Brendan
Germany Since Unification: The Domestic and External Consequences by
Waging Peace: How Eisenhower Shaped an Enduring Cold War Strategy by Immerman, Richard H., Bowie, Robert R.
Government Is Us: Strategies for an Anti-Government Era by King, Cheryl Simrell, Stivers, Camilla M.
Women and Political Representation in Canada by
Citizenship and Civil Society: A Framework of Rights and Obligations in Liberal, Traditional, and Social Democratic Regimes by Janoski, Thomas
An Essay on the Modern State by Morris, Christopher W.
Just Institutions Matter: The Moral and Political Logic of the Universal Welfare State by Rothstein, Bo
Citizenship and Civil Society: A Framework of Rights and Obligations in Liberal, Traditional, and Social Democratic Regimes by Janoski, Thomas
The State of Terror by Oliverio, Annamarie
Nations at War: A Scientific Study of International Conflict by Geller, Daniel S., Singer, J. David
International Relations Theory and the Third World by
Race and Nation: A Reader by
Democracy in Print: The Best of the Progressive Magazine, 1909-2009 by
Peacekeeping and Peacemaking: Towards Effective Intervention in Post-Cold War Conflicts by
The Future of War: Power, Technology and American World Dominance in the Twenty-First Century by Friedman, George, Friedman, Meredith
Parteienkommunikation in Wahlwerbespots: Eine Systemtheoretische Und Inhaltsanalytische Untersuchung Von Wahlwerbespots Zur Bundestagswahl 1994 by Jakubowski, Alex
Culture and Political Crisis in Vienna: Christian Socialism in Power, 1897-1918 by Boyer, John W.
The Essential Communitarian Reader by
The Soviet World of American Communism by Haynes, John Earl, Anderson, Kyrill M., Klehr, Harvey
No Island of Sanity: Paula Jones V. Bill Clinton: The Supreme Court on Trial by Bugliosi, Vincent
Public Sector Reform: Rationale, Trends and Problems by
Faces of Nationalism: Janus Revisited by Nairn, Tom
Children and Social Policy by Daniel, Paul, Ivatts, J.
Oman: Political Development in a Changing World by Riphenburg, Carol J.
The Government of Florence Under the Medici (1434 to 1494) by Rubinstein, Nicolai
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda by
Race Relations in Britain: A Developing Agenda by
We the Court: The European Court of Justice and the European Economic Constitution by Maduro, Luis Miguel Poiares Pessoa
Expanding Realism: The Historical Dimension of World Politics by Liska, George
In the Shadow of Sharpeville: Apartheid and Criminal Justice by Parker, Peter, Mokhesi-Parker, Joyce
Europe's Economic Dilemma by Mills, J.
The Political Dimension of Economic Growth by
Institutional Change and the Political Transition in Hong Kong by
Race And British Electoral Politics by
Holding Government Bureaucracies Accountable by Rosen, Bernard
The 1996 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective by
The 1996 Presidential Campaign: A Communication Perspective by
Creating Public Policy: The Chairman's Memoirs of Four Presidential Commissions by Linowes, David F.
Comprehensive Planning for the 21st Century: General Theory and Principles by Branch, Melville C.
Muslim-Jewish Encounters by Nettler, Ronald L.
Europe and the Asia-Pacific by
Armed Struggle and the Search for State: The Palestinian National Movement, 1949-1993 by Sayigh, Yezid
Politik ALS Kampagne: Zur Medialen Erzeugung Von Solidarität by
Demokratie Und Wahlen in Westlichen Demokratien: Eine Vergleichende Rational-Choice-Analyse by Fröchling, Henrike
Rethinking the New Deal Court: The Structure of a Constitutional Revolution by Cushman, Barry
Citizenship: Pushing the Boundaries: Feminist Review, Issue 57 by
Politics: Books VII and VIII by Aristotle
Europe and the Asia-Pacific by
Cultures Of Politics/politics Of Cultures: Revisioning Latin American Social Movements by Alvarez, Sonia E., Dagnino, Evelyn, Escobar, Arturo
Maritime Strategy and Continental Wars by Menon, Rear Admiral K. Raja
Pacification: The American Struggle For Vietnam's Hearts And Minds by Hunt, Richard a.
Euro For All / L'Euro pour tous by Jurgensen, Philippe
The Social Democratic State: Swedish Model And The Bureaucratic Problem by Rothstein, Bo
Comprehensive Planning for the 21st Century: General Theory and Principles by Branch, Melville C.
Holding Government Bureaucracies Accountable, Third Edition by Rosen, Bernard
Water Resource Management: A Comparative Perspective by
Language, Elites, and the State: Nationalism in Puerto Rico and Quebec by Barreto, Amilcar
The Theory of Committees and Elections by Duncan Black and Committee Decisions with Complementary Valuation by Duncan Black and R.A. Newing by
Arms Control: New Approaches to Theory and Policy by
Arms Control: New Approaches to Theory and Policy by
Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943-45 by Gooderson, Ian
Democratic Civility: The History and Cross Cultural Possibility of a Modern Political Ideal by Hefner, Robert
Philosophy of Science: Volume 2, From Explanation to Justification by Bunge, Mario
The North American Free Trade Agreement and the European Union by Gianaris, Nicholas
Bacon: The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works by Bacon, Francis
Bacon: The History of the Reign of King Henry VII and Selected Works by Bacon, Francis
Postsocialist Pathways: Transforming Politics and Property in East Central Europe by Stark/Bruszt, Stark, David, Stark Bruszt
Nations at War: A Scientific Study of International Conflict by Geller, Daniel S., Singer, J. David
Postsocialist Pathways: Transforming Politics and Property in East Central Europe by Stark, David, Bruszt, Laszlo
Dark Side of the Left: Illiberal Egalitarianism in America by Ellis, Richard J.
Rationality and Power: Democracy in Practice Volume 1998 by Flyvbjerg, Bent
Air Power at the Battlefront: Allied Close Air Support in Europe 1943-45 by Gooderson, Ian
The Age of Ideology: Political Ideologies from the American Revolution to Postmodern Times by Schwarzmantel, John
Why Wars Happen by Black, Jeremy
Deadly Imbalances: Tripolarity and Hitler's Strategy of World Conquest by Schweller, Randall
The Communist Manifesto by Cowling, Mark
Real Love: In Pursuit of Cultural Justice by Ross, Andrew
Political Diaries of the Arab World: Persian Gulf 1904-1965 24 Volume Hardback Set by
The Communist Manifesto by Cowling, Mark
Citizenship, Participation and Democracy: Changing Dynamics in Chile and Argentina by Taylor, L.
Immigration Controls: The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States by
Revised Knight Templarism Illustrated by Blanchard, Charles A.
Israel at the Polls, 1996 by
Choice and Public Policy: The Limits to Welfare Markets by Taylor-Gooby, Peter
Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus by Gall, Carlotta, Waal, Thomas de
Fundamentalism Reborn?: Afghanistan Under the Taliban by
Contested Truths: Keywords in American Politics Since Independence by Rodgers, Daniel T.
Enlargement of the European Union by Avery, Graham, Cameron, Fraser
The Green Crusade: Rethinking the Roots of Environmentalism by Rubin, Charles T.
American Law in the Age of Hypercapitalism: The Worker, the Family, and the State by Colker, Ruth
American Law in the Age of Hypercapitalism: The Worker, the Family, and the State by Colker, Ruth
The Coming Age of Scarcity: Preventing Mass Death and Genocide in the Twenty-First Century by
The Politics and Economics of Global Defence Industries by
Development Crises and Alternative Visions: Third World Women's Perspectives by Sen, Gita, Grown, Caren
Politics, Regulation and the Modern Welfare State by Torfing, J.
Italy's 'Southern Question': Orientalism in One Country by
The Age of Ideology: Political Ideologies from the American Revolution to Postmodern Times by Schwarzmantel, John
Masses in Flight: The Global Crisis of Internal Displacement by Cohen, Roberta, Deng, Francis M.
Italy's 'Southern Question': Orientalism in One Country by
Her Majesty's Inspector of Schools Since 1944: Standard Bearers or Turbulent Priests? by Dunford, John E.
Fundamentalism Reborn?: Afghanistan Under the Taliban by
Italy Since 1989: Events and Interpretations by Bufacchi, Vittorio, Burgess, Simon
Who's Hungry? and How Do We Know?: Food Shortage, Poverty, and Deprivation by Millman, Sara, DeRose, Laurie, Messer, Ellen
Deadly Imbalances: Tripolarity and Hitler's Strategy of World Conquest by Schweller, Randall
Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers by Vile, M. J. C.
The Politics and Economics of Defence Industries by
Constitutionalism and the Separation of Powers by Vile, M. J. C.
Urban elections in democratic Latin America by
Risk Taking and Decision Making: Foreign Military Intervention Decisions by Vertzberger, Yaacov Y. I.
Han Unbound: The Political Economy of South Korea by Lie, John
A People's Tragedy: A History of the Russian Revolution by Figes, Orlando
Organizational Behavior and Public Management, Revised and Expanded by
Not All Black and White by Edley, Christopher, Christopher Edley, Jr.
Green Parties and Politics in the European Union by Bomberg, Elizabeth
Green Parties and Politics in the European Union by Bomberg, Elizabeth
Government and Growth by
Changing Organizations: Practicing Action Training and Research by Bruce, Raymon, Wyman, Sherman
A History of Western Political Thought by McClelland, J. S.
The Social Contract by Rousseau, Jean-Jaques
Forming Nation, Framing Welfare by
Modern French Politics by Hewlett, Nick
States, Nations and Nationalism by Schulze, Hagen
Natural Rights and the New Republicanism by Zuckert, Michael
Beyond the Dependency Culture: People, Power and Responsibility in the 21st Century by Robertson, James
Changing Organizations: Practicing Action Training and Research by Bruce, Raymon, Wyman, Sherman
Public Administration: Balancing Power and Accountability by McKinney, Jerome, Howard, Lawrence
Productivity in Public and Non Profit Organizations: Strategies and Techniques by Berman, Evan M.
Multinationals and Maldevelopment: Alternative Development Strategies in Argentina, the Ivory Coast and Korea by Alschuler, L.
Constitutionalizing Globalization: The Postmodern Revival of Confederal Arrangements by Elazar, Daniel J.
Jacques Maritain: The Philosopher in Society by Schall, James V.
The Judicial Process: An Introductory Analysis of the Courts of the United States, England, and France by Abraham, Henry Julian
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