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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1998

Republican Realism in Renaissance Florence: Francesco Guicciardini's Discorso di Logrogno by Moulakis, Athanasios
Real Civil Societies: Dilemmas of Institutionalization by
Law, Power and Justice in England and Wales by
Democracy, Social Values, and Public Policy by
Partnership in Crisis by Cornish, Paul
Economic Policy Beyond the Headlines by Shultz, George P., Dam, Kenneth W.
Unnatural Selection: The Yanomami, The Kayapo & The Onslaught Of Civilisation by Rabben, Linda
So Close to the State/s: The Emergence of Canadian Feature Film Policy, 1952-1976 by Dorland, Michael
Creation and Transfer of Knowledge: Institutions and Incentives by
The Royal Navy and Nazi Germany, 1933-39: A Study in Appeasement and the Origins of the Second World War by Maiolo, J.
Pivotal Politics: A Theory of U.S. Lawmaking by Krehbiel, Keith
Pax Democratica: A Strategy for the 21st Century by Huntley, James Robert
Pax Democratica: A Strategy for the 21st Century by Huntley, James Robert
From Post-Maoism to Post-Marxism: The Erosion of Official Ideology in Deng's China by Misra, Kalpana
Regulatory Takings: Law, Economics, and Politics by Fischel, William A.
International Strategic Management and Government Policy by Buckley, Peter J.
The Men of No Property by Smyth, Jim
Individualism in Modern Thought: From Adam Smith to Hayek by Infantino, Lorenzo
Victorian Labour History: Experience, Identity and the Politics of Representation by Host, John
Political Ecology: Global and Local by
Political Ecology: Global and Local by
Regional Security and the Future of Central Asia: The Competition of Iran, Turkey, and Russia by Peimani, Hooman
Perspectives on Social Justice: From Hume to Walzer by
War as an Instrument of Policy: Past, Present, and Future by Stupak, Ronald J., Nowlin, David V.
Chartism by Brown, Richard
Germany and the Politics of Europe's Money by Kaltenthaler, Karl
The Broken Crescent: The Threat of Militant Islamic Fundamentalism by Hoveyda, Fereydoun
Women and Fascism by Durham, Martin
Perspectives on Social Justice: From Hume to Walzer by
Political Change in Eastern Europe Since 1989: Prospects for Liberal Democracy and a Market Economy by Zuzowski, Robert
The Organization of Political Parties in Southern Europe by Both, Have Published Extensively on Euro
Religion, Mobilization, and Social Action by
Latin America: Politics and Society Since 1930 by
The English Levellers by
Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, 1850 1950 by Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan
Citizenship and Indigenous Australians: Changing Conceptions and Possibilities by
The English Levellers by
The Theory of Institutional Design by
Imperial Power and Popular Politics: Class, Resistance and the State in India, 1850 1950 by Chandavarkar, Rajnarayan
Governing Australia: Studies in Contemporary Rationalities of Government by
The Men of No Property by Smyth, Jim
Politische Meinungsbildung Und Wahlverhalten: Analysen Zum "Superwahljahr" 1994 by
Friedensstrategien: Eine Systematische Darstellung Außenpolitischer Theorien Von Machiavelli Bis Madariaga by Czempiel, Ernst-Otto
The New Europe: Economy, Society and Environment by
The Presidency of Calvin Coolidge by Ferrell, Robert H.
The Political Economy of Economic Policies by
The Rights of Women in Islam: An Authentic Approach by Jawad, H.
The Crisis of America's Cities: Solutions for the Future, Lessons from the Past by Bartlett, Randall
Indonesia Beyond Suharto by Emmerson, Donald K.
The Politics of Chemical Risk: Scenarios for a Regulatory Future by
The Rights of Women in Islam: An Authentic Approach by Jawad, H.
Co-Operative Environmental Governance: Public-Private Agreements as a Policy Strategy by
Drinking Water Supply and Agricultural Pollution: Preventive Action by the Water Supply Sector in the European Union and the United States by
Co-Operative Environmental Governance: Public-Private Agreements as a Policy Strategy by
The Revolution in Strategic Affairs by Freedman, Lawrence
Indonesia Beyond Suharto by Emmerson, Donald K.
The New Roles of Parliamentary Committees by
The New Roles of Parliamentary Committees by
Presidential Frontiers: Underexplored Issues in White House Politics by
Immigration Controls: The Search for Workable Policies in Germany and the United States by
Turkey: Identity, Democracy, Politics by
Asian Security Practice: Material and Ideational Influences by
The Social Democratic Moment: Ideas and Politics in the Making of Interwar Europe by Berman, Sheri
Making Majorities: Constituting the Nation in Japan, Korea, China, Malaysia, Fiji, Turkey, and the United States by
Craftsmanship and Character: A History of the Vinson & Elkins Law Firm of Houston, 1917-1997 by Hyman, Harold M.
A Miracle, a Universe: Settling Accounts with Torturers by Weschler, Lawrence
The Forsaken People: Case Studies of the Internally Displaced by
Between Ballots and Bullets: Algeria's Transition from Authoritarianism by Quandt, William B.
Informal Politics: Street Vendors and the State in Mexico City by Cross, John C.
China's Unfinished Economic Revolution by Lardy, Nicholas R.
Matters of Principle: Legitimate Legal Argument and Constitutional Interpretation by Markovits, Richard S.
Managing Public Involvement in Health Care Purchasing by Lupton, Lupton, Carol
Postcolonial Theory: A Critical Introduction by Gandhi, Leela
Informal Politics: Street Vendors and the State in Mexico City by Cross, John C.
Heretics in the Temple: Americans Who Reject the Nation's Legal Faith by Papke, David Ray
The Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States by
Gorbachev's Revolution by D'Agostino, Anthony
The Left's Dirty Job: The Politics of Industrial Restructuring in France and Spain by Smith, W. Rand
China And The World: Chinese Foreign Policy Faces The New Millennium by S. Kim, Samuel
Art and Politics in China, 1949-1984 by Galikowski, Maria
Administration of social security (Social Security Vol. II) by Ilo
Business Ethics by Barry, Norman
A Propensity to Self-Subversion by Hirschman, Albert O.
Umweltmanagementsysteme Zwischen Anspruch Und Wirklichkeit: Eine Interdisziplinäre Auseinandersetzung Mit Der Eg-Öko-Audit-Verordnung Und Der Din En I by
The Day the Presses Stopped: A History of the Pentagon Papers Case by Rudenstine, David
Disabled People and Employment: A Review of Research and Development Work by Thornton, Patricia, Campbell, Sue Maynard, Barnes, Helen
Centre and Provinces: China 1978-1993: Power as Non-Zero-Sum by Li, Linda Chelan
The Age of Reasons: Quixotism, Sentimentalism, and Political Economy in Eighteenth Century Britain by Motooka, Wendy
Rethinking Geopolitics by
The Terms of Democracy by Saward, Michael
Elites, Crises, and the Origins of Regimes by
Rethinking Geopolitics by
Search: A Handbook for Adoptees and Birthparents 3rd Edition by Askin, Jayne
Independent Television in Britain: Itv and Iba 1981-92: The Old Relationship Changes by Bonner, P., Aston, L.
The Elusive Promise of NGOs in Africa: Lessons from Uganda by Dicklitch, S.
Britain's Withdrawal from East of Suez by Pickering, J.
Common Purpose: Strengthening Families and Neighborhoods to Rebuild America by Schorr, Lisbeth
Votes Without Leverage: Women in American Electoral Politics, 1920 1970 by Harvey, Anna L.
The Last Colonies by Aldrich, Robert, Connell, John
Cross National Research Methods by Hantrais, Linda
Popular Contention in Great Britain, 1758-1834 by Tilly, Charles
The Carter Presidency: Policy Choices in the Post-New Deal Era by
The Carter Presidency: Policy Choices in the Post-New Deal Era by
Zouping in Transition: The Process of Reform in Rural North China by
Wars and Peace: The Future Americans Envisioned 1861-1991 by Na, Na
The Enlargement of International Society: Culture Versus Anarchy and Greece's Entry Into International Society by Stivachtis, Yannis A.
National Identities and Ethnic Minorities in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsa by
The Condition of England Question: Carlyle, Mill, Engels by Levin, Michael
Development Strategies in East Asia and Latin America by
Elites and Leadership in Russian Politics: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
Politics, Society and Stalinism in the USSR by
Wahlen Und Wähler: Analysen Aus Anlaß Der Bundestagswahl 1994 by
China Review 1998 by
An Awkward Partner: Britain in the European Community by George, Stephen
Arms on the Market: Reducing the Risk of Proliferation in the Former Soviet Union by
Levels of Socio-economic Development Theory by Jaffee, David
The New Russian Foreign Policy by
Commercial Regulation and Judicial Review by Walker, Paul, Muchlinski, Peter, Black, Julia
From Royal to Republican Body: Incorporating the Political in Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century France by
George Bush and the Guardianship Presidency by Mervin, David
Ethnic Diversity in Communities and Schools: Recognizing and Building on Strengths by Borman, Kathryn, Baber, M. Yvette, Borman, Kathryn M.
George Bush and the Guardianship Presidency by Mervin, David
From the Royal to the Republican Body: Incorporating the Political in Seventeenth- And Eighteenth-Century France by
Register Zu Den Bänden 1-22 by
Parting at the Crossroads: The Emergence of Health Insurance in the United States and Canada by Maioni, Antonia
Eternal Russia: Yeltsin, Gorbachev, and the Mirage of Democracy by Steele, Jonathan
Ending the War on Drugs: A Solution for America by Eldredge, Dirk Chase
The Times Were a Changin': The Sixties Reader by Unger, Debi, Unger, Irwin
Leadership Without Easy Answers by Heifetz, Ronald A.
Gender, Politics and the State by
The Politics of Downtown Development: Dynamic Political Cultures in San Francisco and Washington, D.C. by McGovern, Stephen J.
The Great Population Spike and After: Reflections on the 21st Century by Rostow, W. W.
Gender, Politics and the State by
The Armenia-Azerbaijan Conflict: Causes and Implications by Croissant, Michael P.
Restructuring State and Local Services: Ideas, Proposals, and Experiments by
Reinventing Legitimacy: Democracy and Political Change in Venezuela by
Political Ecology of Bananas by Grossman, Lawrence S.
The Politics of Postmodernity by
The Politics of Postmodernity by
Forging Reform in China: The Fate of State-Owned Industry by Edward S., Steinfeld, Steinfeld, Edward S.
Dismembering the Body Politic: Partisan Politics in England's Towns, 1650 1730 by Halliday, Paul D.
The Reconstruction Presidents by Simpson, Brooks D.
Losers: The Road to Everyplace but the White House by Lewis, Michael
America's Strategic Future: A Blueprint for National Survival in the New Millennium by Van Tuyll, Hubert P., Unknown
Modern Tunisia: A Democratic Apprenticeship by Borowiec, Andrew, Unknown
The Politics of Central Europe by Agh, Attilagh
The Politics of Constructionism by
Cultural Norms and National Security: Six Character Studies from the Genealogy by Katzenstein, Peter J.
Levels of Socio-Economic Development Theory: Second Edition by Jaffee, David
Popular Politics: Renewing Democracy for a Sustainable World by Shepard, George W., Shepherd, George W.
Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary by Smith, Anna Marie
Wie Die Medien Die Welt Erschaffen Und Wie Die Menschen Darin Leben: Für Winfried Schulz by
The Logic of Liberty: Reflections and Rejoinders by Polanyi, Michael
Faces of Inequality: Social Diversity in American Politics by Hero, Rodney E.
Industrial Change in China: Economic Restructuring and Conflicting Interests by Hannan, Kate
The Logic of Liberty: Reflections and Rejoinders by Polanyi, Michael
Laclau and Mouffe: The Radical Democratic Imaginary by Smith, Anna Marie
Modern Liberty and Its Discontents by Manent, Pierre
Pragmatism and Development: The Prospect for Pluralist Transformation in the Third World by Leaf, Murray J.
Tax Crusaders and the Politics of Direct Democracy by Smith, Daniel a.
Finding Our Way (Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada) by Kymlicka, Will
Politics, Diplomacy, and the Media: Gorbachev's Legacy in the West by DeLuca, Anthony R.
Shaping History: Ordinary People in European Politics, 1500-1700 by te Brake, Wayne
Social Welfare and Social Value: The Role of Caring Professions by Hugman, Richard
Shaping History: Ordinary People in European Politics by Te Brake, Wayne
The Other Argentina: The Interior And National Development by Sawers, Larry
Participation and Democracy East and West: Comparisons and Interpretations by Rueschemeyer, Dietrich
East European Academies in Transition by
British Think-Tanks And The Climate Of Opinion by Denham, Andrew
Aspects of Enlightenment: Social Theory and the Ethics of Truth by Osbourne, Thomas
Low-Cost Housing in Barbados: Evolution or Social Revolution? by Potter, Robert B., Watson, Mark R.
Social Theory in the Twentieth Century by Baert, Patrick
The Tie That Binds: Identity and Political Attitudes in the Post-Civil Rights Generation by Simpson, Andrea Y.
From New Federalism to Devolution: Twenty-Five Years of Intergovernmental Reform by Conlan, Timothy J.
Natural Law and Contemporary Public Policy by
The Tie That Binds: Identity and Political Attitudes in the Post-Civil Rights Generation by Simpson, Andrea Y.
Innovating with Integrity: How Local Heroes Are Transforming American Government by Borins, Sandford
Making Subject(s): Literature and the Emergence of National Identity by Carey-Webb, Allen
Calamity and Reform in China: State, Rural Society, and Institutional Change Since the Great Leap Famine by Yang, Dali L.
The Evidence: The Starr Report by
Social Theory in the Twentieth Century by Baert, Patrick
God Is a Conservative: Religion, Politics, and Morality in Contemporary America by Heineman, Kenneth J.
Pedagogy of the Heart by Freire, Paulo
Active Duty: Public Administration as Democratic Statesmanship by Schaefer, Robert Martin, Schaefer, David Lewis
Globalization: The Human Consequences by Bauman, Zygmunt
Asian Security Practice: Material and Ideational Influences by
World Power Forsaken: Political Culture, International Institutions, and German Security Policy After Unification by Duffield, John S.
Mexico: The Remaking of an Economy by Lustig, Nora Claudia
The Little Book of Campaign Etiquette: For Everyone with a Stake in Politicians and Journalists by Hess, Stephen
Growing Pains: Russian Democracy and the Election of 1993 by
From New Federalism to Devolution: Twenty-Five Years of Intergovernmental Reform by Conlan, Timothy J.
Bordering on Chaos: Mexico's Roller-Coaster Journey Toward Prosperity by Oppenheimer, Andres
Feminism and Citizenship by Voet, Rian
Military Geography: For Professionals and the Public by Collins, John M.
To Serve and Protect: Privatization and Community in Criminal Justice by Benson, Bruce L.
Anarcho-Syndicalism by Rocker, Rudolf
Research in Employment Policy: Reform of the Unemployment Insurance System Vol 1 by
Research in Public Policy Analysis and Management by
Ethnic Diversity in Communities and Schools: Recognizing and Building on Strengths by Borman, Kathryn
Das enzyklopädische Gedächtnis der Frühen Neuzeit by
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