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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1998

"Here, the People Rule": A Constitutional Populist Manifesto by Parker, Richard D.
The East Asian Welfare Model: Welfare Orientalism and the State by
Biographical Dictionary of British Prime Ministers by
The East Asian Welfare Model: Welfare Orientalism and the State by
Irish Home Rule by O'Day, Alan
Pacific Asia by Preston, Peter
The Virtues of Liberalism by Kloppenberg, James T.
The Orders of Discourse: Philosophy, Social Science, and Politics by Gunnell, John G.
Democracy Without Enemies by Beck, Ulrich
Power Resource Theory and the Welfare State: A Critical Approach by
Public Choice Theory and Local Government: A Comparative Analysis of the UK and the USA by Boyne, George A.
Muslim Rulers and Rebels: Everyday Politics and Armed Separatism in the Southern Philippines Volume 26 by McKenna, Thomas M.
Physician Assisted Suicide: Expanding the Debate by Rhodes, Rosamond, Silvers, Anita, Battin, Margaret P.
The German Melting Pot: Multiculturality in Historical Perspective by Zank, W.
Democratization in the Third World: Concrete Cases in Comparative and Theoretical Perspective by Rojas, Virgilio, Rudebeck, Lars, Törnquist, Olle
Nuclear Mentalities?: Strategies and Beliefs in Britain, France and the Frg by Heuser, B.
Republican Portugal: A Political History, 1910-1926 by Wheeler, Douglas L.
Shutting Down the Cold War: The Politics of Military Base Closure by Sorenson, David S.
Tapping the Government Grapevine: The User-Friendly Guide to U.S. Government Information Sources by Robinson, Judith
Secularism and Revivalism in Turkey: A Hermeneutic Reconsideration by Davison, Andrew
The Strange Career of Legal Liberalism by Kalman, Laura
Perception and Prejudice: Race and Politics in the United States by Hurwitz, Jon
The Dixification of America: The American Odyssey Into the Conservative Economic Trap by Cummings, Stephen D.
Industrial Transformation in Eastern Europe in the Light of the East Asian Experience by
Czechoslovakia, 1918-92: A Laboratory for Social Change by Krejcí, J., Machonin, P.
The Reformation and the Towns in England: Politics and Political Culture, C. 1540-1640 by Tittler, Robert
National Identity and Foreign Policy: Nationalism and Leadership in Poland, Russia and Ukraine by Prizel, Ilya
Community and Tradition: Conservative Perspectives on the American Experience by
Social Welfare and Individual Responsibility by Schmidtz, David, Goodin, Robert E.
National Identity and Foreign Policy: Nationalism and Leadership in Poland, Russia and Ukraine by Ilya, Prizel, Prizel, Ilya
Identity and Intolerance: Nationalism, Racism, and Xenophobia in Germany and the United States by
Reinventing Revolution: The Renovation Of Left Discourse In Cuba And Mexico by McCaughan, Edward J.
The Reinventing Government Workbook: Introducing Frontline Employees to Reinvention by Osborne, David, Colon Rivera, Victor
Politic Writings John Wesley by Maddox, Graham
Environment and Sustainable Development in Eastern and Southern Africa: Some Critical Issues by
The Living Wage: Building a Fair Economy by Luce, Stephanie, Pollin, Robert
The Politics of Nationalism and Ethnicity, Second Edition by Kellas, James G.
American Constitutionalism: From Theory to Politics by Griffin, Stephen M.
Conservative Women: A History of Women and the Conservative Party, 1874-1997 by Maguire, G.
Ethnic Diversity and Public Policy: A Comparative Inquiry by Young, C.
Conservative Women: A History of Women and the Conservative Party, 1874-1997 by Maguire, G.
South Africa in Transition by Norval, Aletta J., Howarth, David
Inventing International Society: A History of the English School by Dunne, T.
Inventing International Society: A History of the English School by Dunne, T.
Sultan's Court: European Fantasies of the East by Grosrichard, Alain
The Politics of Cyberspace by
Rauchen, Gesellschaft Und Staat: Konsumanomalien, Wohlfahrtseffekte Und Staatlicher Regulierungsbedarf Im Zusammenhang Mit Dem Zigarettenkonsum by
Informations-Management Für Technische Dienstleistungen: Möglichkeiten Und Grenzen Eines Indikatorgestützten Planungsinformatiossystems by
Euro Und Mittelstand: Neue Dimensionen Auf Internationalen Märkten by Clemens, Reinhard, Menke, Andreas, Icks, Annette
Kognition Und Strategie: Zur Konstruktiven Basis Des Strategischen Managements by
Korea's Growth and Industrial Transformation by Lim, H.
Citizenship and Nationhood in France and Germany by Brubaker, Rogers
The Psychological Assessment of Presidential Candidates by Renshon, Stanley A.
Remedies in International Law: The Institutional Dilemma by Evans, Malcolm
The Failure of Political Islam by Roy, Olivier
New Rules for a New Economy: Employment and Opportunity in Post-Industrial America by Wial, Howard, Herzenberg, Stephen a., Alic, John A.
The Fifth Branch: Science Advisers as Policymakers by Jasanoff, Sheila
Leadership Counts: Lessons for Public Managers from the Massachusetts Welfare, Training, and Employment Program by Behn, Robert
Politics of Development: Perspectives on Twentieth-Century Asia by Scalapino, Robert a.
British Politics on the Eve of Reform: The Duke of Wellington's Administration, 1828-30 by Jupp, Peter
The Sociology of Nationalism: Tomorrow's Ancestors by McCrone, David
Nachhaltige Entwicklung Im Energiesektor?: Erste Deutsche Branchenanalyse Zum Leitbild Von Rio by Scheelhaase, Janina, Hofer, Peter
Things Get Hectic: Teens Write about the Violence That Surrounds Them by Youth Communication
Immigration and Citizenship in the Twenty-First Century by
William Henry Harrison: A Bibliography by Stevens, Kenneth R.
The Sociology of Nationalism: Tomorrow's Ancestors by McCrone, David
The Rise of Multipartyism and Democracy in the Context of Global Change: The Case of Africa by Lumumba Kasongo, Tukumbi
Leadership Selection in Six Western Democracies by Davis, James W.
Freedom of Association by
Sowjetische Dokumente Zur Lagerpolitik by
Does Conquest Pay?: The Exploitation of Occupied Industrial Societies by Liberman, Peter
Scotland in the Nineteenth Century by McCaffrey, John F.
Max Weber, Democracy and Modernization by
Essays, Moral, Political and Economic: Hume Papers on Public Policy Volume 6 No 4 by Brittan, Samuel
Government and Politics in Western Europe: Britain, France, Italy, Germany by Knapp, Andrew
Max Weber, Democracy and Modernization by
Hearts Grown Brutal: Sagas of Sarajevo by Cohen, Roger
Political Change and Underdevelopment: A Critical Introduction to Third World Politics by Theobald, Robin, Randall, Vicky
Political Change and Underdevelopment: A Critical Introduction to Third World Politics by Randall, Vicky, Theobald, Robin
European Union Development Policy by
Falcon's Cry: A Desert Storm Memoir by Donnelly, Michael, Donnelly, Denise
The Conservatives and Industrial Efficiency, 1951-1964: Thirteen Wasted Years? by Tomlinson, Jim, Tiratsoo, Nick
A Wall of Separation?: Debating the Public Role of Religion by Cochran, Clarke E., Segers, Mary, Jelen, Ted G.
Falcon's Cry: A Desert Storm Memoir by Donnelly, Michael, Donnelly, Denise
A Republic of Parties?: Debating the Two-Party System by Lowi, Theodore J., Romance, Joseph, Pomper, Gerald
When Women Lead: Integrative Leadership in State Legislatures by Rosenthal, Cindy Simon
Law in Environmental Decision-Making: National, European, and International Perspectives by
When Women Lead: Integrative Leadership in State Legislatures by Rosenthal, Cindy Simon, Rosenthal, Lucinda S.
From Contention to Democracy by
Ideologies and Political Theory: A Conceptual Approach by Freeden, Michael
A World Without Meaning: The Crisis of Meaning in International Politics by Laidi, Zaki
Russian Imperialism: Development and Crisis by Cohen, Ariel
The Burma Road to Capitalism: Economic Growth versus Democracy by Maung, Mya
The Psychology of Peacekeeping by Langholtz, Harvey
Television News and the Supreme Court: All the News That's Fit to Air? by Segal, Jennifer A., Slotnick, Elliot E.
A Cross of Iron: Harry S. Truman and the Origins of the National Security State, 1945 1954 by Hogan, Michael J., Michael J., Hogan
Hobbes: On the Citizen by Hobbes, Thomas
Thucydides and the Ancient Simplicity by Crane, Gregory
Hobbes: On the Citizen by Hobbes, Thomas
Counting on the Latino Vote by Desipio, Louis
The Presidential Election of 1996: Clinton's Incumbency and Television by Dover, E. D.
Myths of Freedom: Equality, Modern Thought, and Philosophical Radicalism by Gardner, Stephen
The Social Control of Technology in North Africa: Information in the Global Economy by Kavanaugh, Andrea L.
The Coming Class War and How to Avoid it: Rebuilding the American Middle Class by Peterson, Paul E., Strobel, Christoph
The 1997 Municipal Elections in Bosnia and Herzegovina: An Analysis of the Observations by Schmeets, H.
Game-Theoretic Models of the Political Influence of Interest Groups by Sloof, Randolph
Innovationen in Ostdeutschland: Potentiale Und Probleme by
The Chief Justiceship of John Marshall, 1801-1835 by Johnson, Herbert A.
Driven by Growth: Political Change in the Asia-Pacific Region by Morley, James William
The Psychology of Politics by Eysenck, Hans
Tennessee Government and Politics by
Feminism and Citizenship by Voet, Rian
Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe by
Tennessee Government and Politics: Democracy in the Volunteer State by
Women in the Politics of Postcommunist Eastern Europe by
The Shrinking State: Globalization and Public Administration ""Reform"" by Shields, John, Evans, Mitchell
If You Lived Here: The City in Art, Theory, and Social Activism: A Project by Martha Rosier by Rossler, Martha
Call in Pinkerton's: American Detectives at Work for Canada by Williams, David Ricardo
The Body Project: An Intimate History of American Girls by Brumberg, Joan Jacobs
Habermas on Law and Democracy: Critical Exchanges Volume 6 by
British Elections and Parties Review: The General Election of 1997 by
Geoproperty: Foreign Affairs, National Security and Property Rights by Demarest, Geoff
A Critique of Adjudication: Fin de Siècle by Kennedy, Duncan
The Decline of American Political Parties, 1952-1996: Fifth Edition by Wattenberg, Martin P.
Defensive Tactics for the Security Professional by Holder, Philip, Holder, Phillip
Body Horror: Photojournalism, Catastrophe and War by Taylor, John F. a.
African Reckoning: A Quest for Good Governance by
Nationalism and Ethnoregional Identities in China by
The Transatlantic Allies and the Changing Middle East by Gordon, Philip H.
The Repeal of Reticence: A History of America's Cultural and Legal Struggles Over Free Speech, Obscenity, Sexual Liberation, and Modern Art by Gurstein, Rochelle
Restoring Japan's Economic Growth by Posen, Adam
Governing from the Center by Gladdish, Ken
Beyond Tradeoffs: Market Reform and Equitable Growth in Latin America by
The Congress of Phoenix: Rethinking Atlantic Security and Economics by Frost, Gerald
Pharmaceutical Price Regulation:: National Policies Versus Global Interests by Danzon, Patricia M.
Citizens as Legislators: Direct Democracy in the United States by Bowler, Shaun
The Making of Economic Policy: A Transaction-Cost Politics Perspective by Dixit, Avinash K.
Mastering Soldiers: Conflict, Emotions, and the Enemy in an Israeli Army Unit by Ben-Ari, Eyal
The Politics and Technology of Nuclear Proliferation by Mozley, Robert F.
Corruption and Development by
Corruption and Development by
British Elections and Parties Review: The General Election of 1997 by
Fallen Soviet Generals: Soviet General Officers Killed in Battle, 1941-1945 by Maslov, Aleksander a.
Democracy: A Project by Group Material by Wallis, Brian
Malcolm and the Cross: The Nation of Islam, Malcolm X, and Christianity by DeCaro Jr, Louis A.
The Prince: Second Edition by Machiavelli, Niccolò
The American Dream in Black and White by Flax, Jane
Interpreting History in Sino-Japanese Relations: A Case-Study in Political Decision Making by Rose, Caroline
The Weimar Republic 1919-1933 by Henig, Ruth
Democracy Between Consolidation and Crisis (Parties, Groups, and Citizens in Southern Europe) by Morlino, Leonard
Short Oxford History of the Modern World by Prest, Wilfrid
Engaging the Public: How Government and the Media Can Reinvigorate American Democracy by Simon, Paul
The New Political Economy of Emu by
Liberalism, Justice, and Markets: A Critique of Liberal Equality by MacLeod, Colin M.
The President as Leader: Appealing to the Better Angels of Our Nature by Hargrove, Erwin C.
The President as Leader by Hargrove, Erwin C.
The Scourging of Iraq: Sanctions, Law and Natural Justice by Simons, G.
Analytic Narratives by Bates, Robert H., Greif, Avner, Levi, Margaret
Nationalism in Belgium by
Institutions and Institutional Change in China: Premodernity and Modernization by Wang, F.
Keeping the People's Liberties: Legislators, Citizens, and Judges as Guardians of Rights by Dinan, John J.
Letters from Freedom: Post-Cold War Realities and Perspectives Volume 10 by Michnik, Adam
Verbände by Schmid, Josef
Lexikon der Rechnungslegung und Abschlußprüfung by
Spin Cycle: How the White House and the Media Manipulate the News by Kurtz, Howard
Arming Japan: Defense Production, Alliance Politics, and the Postwar Search for Autonomy by Green, Michael
Race, Campaign Politics, and the Realignment in the South by Glaser, James M.
The Burger Court by
Japanese Democracy: Power, Coordination, and Performance by Richardson, Bradley M.
Public Safety and Security Administration by Ortmeier, P. J.
The Hindu Nationalist Movement in India by Jaffrelot, Christophe
Supplemental Ways for Improving International Stability 1998 by
Economics and Policy Issues in Climate Change by Nordhaus, William D.
Slaving and Slavery in the Indian Ocean by Scarr, Deryck
New Directions in Old-Age Policies by
Rethinking Orphanages for the 21st Century by
Rethinking Orphanages for the 21st Century by
International Strategic Management and Government Policy by Buckley, Peter J.
What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of Foreign Policy by Brands, H. W.
Liberalism's Crooked Circle: Letters to Adam Michnik by Katznelson, Ira
What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of Foreign Policy by Brands, H. W.
Statecraft and Security: The Cold War and Beyond by
Redrawing the Map of Europe by Emerson, M.
Politics and Uncertainty: Theory, Models and Applications by Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio
Tokugawa Political Writings by
Politics and Uncertainty by Cioffi-Revilla, Claudio
Party Ideologies in America, 1828 1996 by Gerring, John
Tokugawa Political Writings by
The Tropical Timber Trade Regime by Gale, F.
The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law by Sellers, M.
War and Peace in Mozambique by Chan, Stephen
The Sacred Fire of Liberty: Republicanism, Liberalism and the Law by Sellers, M.
Children′s Rights in the United States: In Search of a National Policy by Brooks, Catherine M., Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Walker, Nancy E.
Children′s Rights in the United States: In Search of a National Policy by Wrightsman, Lawrence S., Walker, Nancy E.
Legitimacy and the European Union by Lord, Christopher, Beetham, David
Changing Patterns of Voting in the Northern United States: Electoral Realignment, 1952-1996 by Speel, Robert W.
Why Lawyers Derail Justice: Probing the Roots of Legal Injustices by Anderson, John C.
Killing Detente: The Right Attacks the CIA by Cahn, Anne
Burden of Dreams: History and Identity in Post-Soviet Ukraine by Wanner, Catherine
Citizen Competence and Democratic Institutions by
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