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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Civil Society: Old Images, New Visions by Keane, John
Canada's National Child Benefit: Phoenix or Fizzle? by
Premises Security: A Guide for Security Professionals and Attorneys by Blake, William F., Bradley, Walter F.
Despots, Democrats and the Determinants of International Conflict by Sherman, Martin, Dr
Vigilant Citizens by Abrahams, Ray
Equality by Design: The Grand Experiment in Destratification in Socialist Hungary by Szelényi, Szonja
Sampling and the Census: A Case Against the Proposed Adjustments for Undercount by Darga, Kenneth
What has the KYOTO PROCTOCOL Wrought?: The Real Architecture of International Tradable Permit by Hahn, Robert W., Stavins, Robert N.
Deepening Democracy?: The Modern Left and Social Movements in Chile and Peru by Roberts, Kenneth
I Must Speak Out (Large Print Edition): The Best of The Voluntaryist 1982-1999 (Large Print Edition) by Watner, Carl
Issues in Security Management: Thinking Critically about Security by Robinson, Robert R.
Haeckel's Monism and the Birth of Fascist Ideology by Gasman, Daniel
Conflict in the Former Yugoslavia: An Encyclopedia by
Insurgent Cuba: Race, Nation, and Revolution, 1868-1898 by Ferrer, Ada
What Do Economists Contribute? by Klein, Daniel B.
A New Introduction to Poverty: The Role of Race, Power, and Politics by
Asian Contagion: The Causes And Consequences Of A Financial Crisis by Jackson, Karl
Teaching for Justice: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Peace Studies by
Watergate: Chronology of a Crisis by Cross, Mercer, Witt, Elder
Republican Theory in Political Thought by Brugger, B.
Women, Work and Inequality: The Challenge of Equal Pay in a Deregulated Labour Market by
New Right in Chile by Pollack, s.
Superpowers in the Post-Cold War Era by Aldred, K., Smith, Martin A.
The Changing Face of Maritime Power by
The Accommodation of Cultural Diversity: Case-Studies by
Comparative Political Economy of East and South Asia: A Critique of Development Policy and Management by Mascarenhas, R.
Identity in Northern Ireland: Communities, Politics and Change by McCall, C.
Women of China: Economic and Social Transformation by
The Discourse of Human Rights in China: Historical and Ideological Perspectives by Weatherley, R.
The Regional Dimension in European Public Policy: Convergence or Divergence? by Martin, Reiner
Urban Land Reform in China by Hin, L.
Japanese Foreign Policy: The Emerging Logic of Multilateralism by Fukushima, A.
Bureaucracy and the Alternatives in World Perspective by
Supreme Court Decision-Making: New Institutionalist Approaches by
Into the House of the Ancestors: Inside the New Africa by Maier, Karl
A New Introduction to Poverty: The Role of Race, Power, and Politics by
The Hadrami Awakening: Community and Identity in the Netherlands East Indies, 1900-1942 by Mobini-Kesheh, Natalie
Democracy and Development in Zimbabwe: Constraints of Decentralisation by Makumbe, John Mw
Realignment of the Left?: A History of the Relationship Between the Liberal Democrat and Labour Parties by Joyce, Peter
Growth, Distribution and Political Change: Asia and the Wider World by
Women and Political Change: Perspectives from East-Central Europe by
Language and Society in Post-Communist Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
Systemic Change in Post-Communist Economies: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
The Experience of Democratization in Eastern Europe: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
International Trade Policy and the Pacific Rim: Proceedings of the Iea Conference Held in Sydney, Australia by D, Alan Woolan
Cosmopolitan Citizenship by
Subregionalism and World Order by
Calculated Choices in Policy-Making: The Theory and Practice of Impact Assessment by De Vries, Michiel S.
Dynamic Agroindustrial Clusters: The Political Economy of Competitive Sectors in Argentina and Chile by Casaburi, Gabriel
The Emergence of Insurgency in El Salvador: Ideology and Political Will by Grenier, Yvon
South African Political Exile in the United Kingdom by Israel, Mark
The Politics of British Defence 1979-98 by Freedman, Lawrence
The European Union and Developing Countries: The Challenges of Globalization by
Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essays on Exclusion and Integration by
New Perspectives on International Functionalism by
The American Dream in the Information Age by Newman, Otto, Zoysa, R. De, de Zoysa, Richard
Labour Worldwide in the Era of Globalization: Alternative Union Models in the New World Order by
Crisis, Adjustment and Growth in Uganda: A Study of Adaptation in an African Economy by Bigsten, Arne, Kayizzi-Mugerwa, Steve
The Break-Up of Communism in East Germany and Eastern Europe by Kupferberg, Feiwel
The German Lands and Eastern Europe: Essays on the History of Their Social, Cultural and Political Relations by
Ethnicity and Nationalism in Africa: Constructivist Reflections and Contemporary Politics by
Regime and Society in Twentieth-Century Russia: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
Nuclear Terrorism: A Threat Assessment for the 21st Century by Cameron, G.
Subregional Cooperation in the New Europe: Building Security, Prosperity and Solidarity from the Barents to the Black Sea by
Environmental Futures by
Rising Sun Over Borneo: The Japanese Occupation of Sarawak, 1941-1945 by Gin, Ooi Keat
Japan's Evolving Foreign Policy Doctrine: From Yoshida to Miyazawa by Edström, Bert
British Establishment Perspectives on France, 1936-40 by Dockrill, Michael L.
Democratization in Russia Under Gorbachev, 1985-91: The Birth of a Voluntary Sector by White, Anne
Growth, Employment and Inflation: Essays in Honour of John Cornwall by
The Irish Language in Northern Ireland: The Politics of Culture and Identity by O'Reilly, Camille C.
Reconstituting Social Criticism: Political Morality in an Age of Scepticism by O'Neill, Shane, MacKenzie, Iain
Productivity and Growth in Chinese Agriculture by
Restructuring the Malaysian Economy: Development and Human Resources by Verry, Donald, Lucas, Robert E. B.
The Idea of Europe in Literature by
Stalinism in Poland, 1944-56: Selected Papers from the Fifth World Congress of Central and East European Studies, Warsaw, 1995 by
The Revival of Civil Society: Global and Comparative Perspectives by
The African Writers' Handbook by
Revolution and Revolutionaries: Guerrilla Movements in Latin America by
Killing and Letting Die by Steinbock, Bonnie, Norcross, Alastair
Demographic Developments & Population Policies in Bath'ist Syria by Winckler, Onn
Memories of Our Future: Selected Essays 1982-1999 by Alcalay, Ammiel
U.S. Markets for Vaccines:: America's Failure to Defeat Saddam Hussein by Wurmser, David
Is the Telecommunications Act of 1996 Broken?: If so, How Can We Fix it? by Sidak, Gregory J.
Contagion: Disease, Government, and the 'Social Question' in Nineteenth-Century France by Aisenberg, Andrew R.
The Underclass Revisited by Murray, Charles
Future Talk: Conversations about Tomorrow with Today's Most Provocative Personalities by King, Larry
Regulating Financial Markets:: A Critique and Some Proposals by Benston, George J.
Price Comparisons for Pharmaceuticals:: A Review of U.S. and Cross-National Studies by Danzon, Patricia M.
U.S. Public Policy Toward Network Industries by White, Lawrence
Empire and Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania; Letters from the Federal Farmer by Dickinson, John, Lee, Richard Henry
Empire and Nation: Letters from a Farmer in Pennsylvania; Letters from the Federal Farmer by Lee, Richard Henry, Dickinson, John
Figures of Criminality in Indonesia, the Philippines, and Colonial Vietnam by
Limiting Government: An Introduction to Constitutionalism by
Science Evaluation and Its Management by
Citizens and the New Governance by
Divided Europe: Society and Territory by
Emotional Labor in the Service Economy by Figart, Deborah M.
The Drug Legalization Debate by Inciardi, James a.
Impeachable Offenses: A Documentary History from 1787 to the Present by Finkelman, Paul
Barbarians Inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays by Sowell, Thomas
La Invencion de Lo Politico: Para Una Teoria de La Modernizacion Reflexiva by Beck, Ulrich
The Athenian Revolution: Essays on Ancient Greek Democracy and Political Theory by Ober, Josiah
Rusia Bajo los Escombros by Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr Isaevich
Nietzschean Defense of Democracy: An Experiment in Postmodern Politics by Hatab, Lawrence
Changing Party Systems in Western Europe by Broughton, David
The Long War by O'Brien, Brendan
The Other Hong Kong Report 1998 by
European Political Thought 1600-1700 by Spellman, W. M.
Public Opinion In America: Moods, Cycles, And Swings, Second Edition by Stimson, James a.
You Won--Now What?: How Americans Can Make Democracy Work from City Hall to the White House by Goddard, Taegan D., Riback, Christopher
A Society Transformed: Hungary in Time-Space Perspective by
Party System Change: Approaches and Interpretations by Mair, Peter
On Cultivating Liberty: Reflections on Moral Ecology by Novak, Michael, Anderson, Brian C.
American Science in an Age of Anxiety: Scientists, Anticommunism, and the Cold War by Wang, Jessica
Quangos, Accountability and Reform: The Politics of Quasi-Government by
Norms in International Relations by Klotz, Audie
Selling Suffrage: Consumer Culture and Votes for Women by Finnegan, Margaret
Organizing God's Work: Challenges for Churches and Synagogues by Harris, M.
Accidental Justice: The Dilemmas of Tort Law by Bell, Peter A., O'Connell, Jeffrey
No End to Alliance: The United States and Western Europe: Past, Present and Future by
Economic Theory and Social Justice by
Brazil: The Once and Future Country by Eakin, Marshall C.
Social Democratic Parties in the European Union: History, Organization, Policies by
Making Party Democracy in Greece by Pappas, T.
Spies and Saboteurs: Anglo-American Collaboration and Rivalry in Human Intelligence Collection and Special Operations, 1940-45 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
The Politics of Nationhood: Sovereignty, Britishness and Conservative Politics by Lynch, P.
Europäische Union by Weindl, Josef, Woyke, Wichard
Leadership in Whitehall by Theakston, Kevin
The Presidency of the European Commission Under Jacques Delors: The Politics of Shared Leadership by Endo, K.
The Scottish Electorate: The 1997 General Election and Beyond by McCrone, D., Paterson, L., Brown, A.
Gender and Immigration by
Commodifying Communism by Wank, David L.
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism by
Continuity and Change in Contemporary Capitalism by
Taxing America by Zelizer, Julian E.
Zur Problematik Des Demokratisierungsprozesses in Iran: Eine Sozio-Kulturelle Analyse Anhand Von Entstehung Und Scheitern Der Konstitutionellen Bewegu by Sharoudi, Hamid Khosravi
Pluralism and the Politics of Difference (State, Culture, and Ethnicity in Comparative Perspective) by Grillo, R. D.
Economic Citizenship in the European Union: Employment Relations in the New Europe by Teague, Paul
Culture and Privilege in Capitalist Asia by
Managing the Press: Origins of the Media Presidency, 1897-1933 by Ponder, Stephen
Of Camel Kings and Other Things: Rural Rebels Against Modernity in Late Imperial China by Prazniak, Roxann
Extending Citizenship, Reconfiguring States by
Decision-Making in the Un Security Council: The Case of Haiti, 1990-1997 by Malone, David
Sachregister Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Deutschen Bundestages 13. Wahlperiode (1995-1998) Und Zu Den Verhandlungen Des Bundesrates (1995-1998) by
Communications Policy and the Public Interest: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 by Aufderheide, Patricia A.
Divided Loyalties: Nationalism & Mass Politics in Syria by Gelvin, James L.
Recasting Egalitarianism: New Rules of Communities, States and Markets by Bowles, Samuel, Brighouse, Harry, Gintis, Herbert
System Effects: Complexity in Political and Social Life by Jervis, Robert
The Retreat from Class: A New 'True' Socialsim by Wood, Ellen Meiksins
Orwell's Politics by Newsinger, J.
Orwell's Politics by Newsinger, J.
Research in Biopolitics by
State Building and Late Development: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann by Waldner, David
State Building and Late Development: Essays in Honor of Norman Kretzmann by Waldner, David
The Core Executive in Britain by Smith, Martin J.
The Clinton Presidency: The First Term, 1992-96 by
The Politics of the Water in the Middle East: An Israeli Perspective on the Hydro-Political Aspects of the Conflict by Sherman, M.
The Democracy of the Dead: Dewey, Confucius, and the Hope for Democracy in China by Ames, Roger T., Hall, David L.
Contemporary Native American Cultural Issues by
Contemporary Native American Cultural Issues by
Green Politics in Japan by Peng-Er, Lam
Comparing Prison Systems by South, Nigel, Weiss, Robert P.
Culture and Privilege in Capitalist Asia by
Religion in Politics: Constitutional and Moral Perspectives by Perry, Michael J.
Technisierte Behörden: Verwaltungsinformatisierung Und -Forschung Im Zeitalter Der Computernetze by
Saudi Arabia and the United States: Birth of a Security Partnership by Hart, Parker T.
The President's Agenda: Domestic Policy Choice from Kennedy to Clinton by Light, Paul
Frederick Douglass by
Frederick Douglass by
Comparative Social Policy: Concepts, Theories and Methods by
Comparative Social Policy: Concepts, Theories and Methods by
Negotiating Space by Rosenwein, Barbara H.
Policing Across the World: Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Selling Suffrage: Consumer Culture and Votes for Women by Finnegan, Margaret
Policing Across the World: Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Iconography, Propaganda, and Legitimation by
The Democratic Developmental State: Political and Institutional Design by
Economic Development in Palanpur Over Five Decades by Lanjouw, Peter, Stern, Nicholas
Contesting the Australian Way: States, Markets and Civil Society by
The Politics Today Companion to the British Constitution by Pilkington, Colin
Legitimacy and the European Union: The Contested Polity by
Legitimacy and the European Union: The Contested Polity by
The Dynamics of Regional Growth in Europe: Social and Political Factors by Rodriguez-Pose, Andres, Rodr?guez-Pose, Andr's, Rodr Guez-Pose, Andr S.
Contesting the Australian Way: States, Markets and Civil Society by
Giles of Rome's De regimine principum by Briggs, Charles F.
States, Markets, Families: Gender, Liberalism and Social Policy in Australia, Canada, Great Britain and the United States by Orloff, Ann Shola, O'Connor, Julia S., Shaver, Sheila
Housing and Community Development in New York City: Facing the Future by
How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa by
Constitutional Dialogues in Comparative Perspective by Reitz, J., Kenney, S., Reisinger, W.
Globalism and the New Regionalism: Volume 1 by Inotai, András, Sunkel, Osvaldo
Globalizing Care: Ethics, Feminist Theory, And International Relations by Robinson, Fiona
How Sanctions Work: Lessons from South Africa by
Prospects for Social Security Reform by
Economic Integration in NAFTA and the EU: Deficient Institutionality by
Party Formation and Democratic Transition in Spain by Hopkin, J.
EU Enlargement and Its Macroeconomic Effects in Eastern Europe: Currencies, Prices, Investment and Competitiveness by
Change and Development in the Gulf by
Federalists Reconsidered by
Federalists Reconsidered by
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