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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Private Affairs: Critical Ventures in the Culture of Social Relations by Harper, Phillip Brian
Hillary Rodham Clinton: The Evolution of a First Lady by Radcliffe, Donnie
Encyclopedia of American Public Policy by Jackson, Byron M.
Not Only for Myself: Identity, Politics, and the Law by Minow, Martha
Tyranny of the Common Man and the Perversion of American Liberties by Cantafio, Ralph
Postwar British Politics in Perspective: Critical Dialogues by Hay, Colin, Marsh, David, Buller, Jim
Postwar British Politics in Perspective by Hay, Colin, Marsh, David, Buller, Jim
Politics and Nation: England 1450 - 1660 by Loades, D. M.
Politics and Nation: England 1450 - 1660 by Loades, D. M.
New Labour, New Welfare State?: The 'Third Way' in British Social Policy by
Participation Beyond the Ballot Box: European Case Studies in State-Citizen Political Dialogue by
Foundations of Democracy in the European Union: From the Genesis of Parliamentary Democracy to the European Parliament by
Bureaucracy and the Alternatives in World Perspective by
Islam, Nationalism and the West: Issues of Identity in Pakistan by Malik, I.
Containing Germany: Britain and the Arming of the Federal Republic by Mawby, S.
The Political Economy of New Labour: Labouring Under False Pretences? by Hay, Colin
Yugoslavia: A History of its Demise by Meier, Viktor
Japan's Economic Power and Security: Japan and North Korea by Hughes, Christopher W.
All in the Family: Absolutism, Revolution and Democratic Prospects in the Middle Eastern Monarchies by Herb, Michael
Hypocrisy and Integrity: Machiavelli, Rousseau, and the Ethics of Politics by Grant, Ruth W.
Caging The Genies: A Workable Solution For Nuclear, Chemical, And Biological Weapons by Turner, Stansfield
State/Culture by
State/Culture by
Man Without a Face: The Autobiography of Communism's Greatest Spymaster by McElvoy, Anne, Wolf, Markus
Assessment of Two Cost-Effectiveness Studies on Cocaine Control Policy by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council
Bauern, Kader Und Migranten: Ländliche Modernisierungsprozesse Am Beispiel Einer Dorfgemeinschaft in Der Sonderregion Yogyakarta / Indonesien by Burkard, Günter
Reclaiming America: Nike, Clean Air, & National Activism by Shaw, Randy
Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy by Albritton, R.
Macmillan, Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis: Political, Military and Intelligence Aspects by Scott, L.
The Politics of Serbia in the 1990s by Thomas, Robert
Dialectics and Deconstruction in Political Economy by Albritton, R.
The Developmental State by
The Developmental State: The Social Uses of an Emotion in the Middle Ages by
Citizenship and Welfare State Reform in Europe by
Nordic Social Policy: Changing Welfare States by
Recovery from Armed Conflict in Developing Countries: An Economic and Political Analysis by
Fairness and Futurity: Essays on Environmental Sustainability and Social Justice by
How Children Understand War and Peace: A Call for International Peace Education by Raviv, Amiram, Oppenheimer, Louis, Bar-Tal, Daniel
Chechnya: Tombstone of Russian Power by Lieven, Anatol
Social Capital and European Democracy by
Yugoslavia: A History of its Demise by Meier, Viktor
Cities in Post-Mao China: Recipes for Economic Development in the Reform Era by
The Privatization of Policing: Two Views by Manning, Peter K., Forst, Brian
Nordic Social Policy: Changing Welfare States by
Kosovo: A Short History by New York, University Pres, Malcolm, Noel
Fairness and Futurity by
Carl Schmitt's Critique of Liberalism: Against Politics as Technology by McCormick, John P.
To Constitute a Nation: A Cultural History of Australia's Constitution by Irving, Helen
Politicians and Poachers by Gibson, Clark C.
Nuclear Energy and Security in the Former Soviet Union by Marples, David R., Young, Marilyn J.
John Barclays "Argenis" und ihr staatstheoretischer Kontext by Siegl-Mocavini, Susanne
Nations Abroad: Diaspora Politics and International Relations in the Former Soviet Union by King, Charles, Melvin, Neil
Will to Empower: Democratic Citizens and Other Subjects by Cruikshank, Barbara
The Will to Empower: Democratic Citizens and Other Subjects by Cruikshank, Barbara
Silencing the Guns in Haiti: The Promise of Deliberative Democracy by Stotzky, Irwin P.
The Contested Parterre: Public Theater and French Political Culture, 1680-1791 by Ravel, Jeffrey S.
Health of Nations: An International Perspective on U.S. Health Care Reform by Graig, Laurene A.
American State and Local Politics by
Tortured Confessions: Prisons and Public Recantations in Modern Iran by Abrahamian, Ervand
Young People, Housing and Social Policy by
Young People, Housing and Social Policy by
Modernity and War: The Creed of Absolute Violence by Lawrence, Philip K.
Education Policy and Contemporary Politics by
Whose Property?: The Deepening Conflict between Private Property and Democracy in Canada by Vogt, Roy
Ethnicity: Racism, Class and Culture by Fenton, Steve
Social Security in Britain by Rowlingson, Karen, McKay, Stephen
Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World by
Organising Feminisms: The Micropolitics of the Academy by Morley, L.
Collective Democracy: Political and Legal Reform in China by Shih, Chih-Yu
Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-Term Perspective by
Critical Elections: British Parties and Voters in Long-Term Perspective by
Social Policy and Risk by Culpitt, Ian R.
Human Rights: Universality in Practice by Baehr, P.
Security in a Post-Cold War World by
Globalization and the Dilemmas of the State in the South by
Freedom and Security: An Introduction to the Basic Income Debate by Fitzpatrick, T.
Macroeconomic Forecasting: A Sociological Appraisal by Evans, Robert
Reconstructing Political Economy: The Great Divide in Economic Thought by Tabb, William K.
Reconstructing Political Economy by Tabb, William K.
Corporatism and Korean Capitalism by
Dangerous Weapons, Desperate States: Russia, Belarus, Kazakstan and Ukraine by
Cultural Theory as Political Science by
Dangerous Weapons, Desperate States: Russia, Belarus, Kazakstan and Ukraine by
Alternative Strategies for Economic Development by Griffin, Keith
Causes of War: Power and the Roots of Conflict by Van Evera, Stephen
Arming the Two Koreas: State, Capital and Military Power by Hamm, Taik-Young
Urban Change and the European Left: Tales from the New Barcelona by McNeill, Donald
Forging Stalin's Army: Marshal Tukhachevsky and the Politics of Military Innovation by Stoecker, Sally
Inside Out: Literature, Cultural Politics, and Identity in the New Pacific by
The Brazil Reader: History, Culture, Politics by
Public Management in Britain by Farnham, David, Horton, Sylvia
Iraq- Primus Inter Pariahs: A Crisis Chronology, 1997-98 by Simons, G.
Thatcher's Diplomacy: The Revival of British Foreign Policy by Sharp, P.
Organising Feminisms: The Micropolitics of the Academy by Morley, L.
Turks, Moors, and Englishmen in the Age of Discovery by Matar, Nabil
Global Transformations: Politics, Economics, and Culture by Held, David
British Propaganda in the Twentieth Century: Selling Democracy by Taylor, Philip M.
British Propaganda in the Twentieth Century: Selling Democracy by Taylor, Philip M.
India Against Itself: Assam and the Politics of Nationality by Baruah, Sanjib
Vom Obrigkeitsstaat Zur Entgrenzten Politik: Politische Einstellungen Und Politisches Verhalten in Der Bundesrepublik Seit Den Sechziger Jahren by Zoll, Ralf
Probabilistische Testtheorie by Schuchmann, Marco
The Process: 1,100 Days that Changed the Middle East by Savir, Uri
The National Government, 1931-40 by Smart, Nick
Contracting Out Government Services by Seidenstat, Paul
New York State in the 21st Century by
The End of Welfare?: Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation by Sawicky, Max B.
The End of Welfare?: Consequences of Federal Devolution for the Nation by Sawicky, Max B.
Peacekeeping and the UN Agencies by
On the Compatibility of Flexible Instruments by
Dominion of Voice by Smith, Kimberly K.
Encyclopedia of Human Rights Issues Since 1945 by Langley, Winston
The End of Apartheid in South Africa by Gutierrez, Gabriel
Justice Among Nations: On the Moral Basis of Power and Peace by Ahrensdorf, Peter J., Pangle, Thomas L.
The US Healthcare Dilemma: Mirrors and Chains by McGuire, Michael, Anderson, William
The Political Economy of East German Privatization by Dininio, Phyllis
The Gendering of American Politics: Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers, and Political Patriarchy by Kann, Mark E.
The Gendering of American Politics: Founding Mothers, Founding Fathers, and Political Patriarchy by Kann, Mark E.
Populist Nationalism: Republican Insurgency and American Foreign Policy Making, 1918-1925 by Miller, Linda Karen, Miller, Karen A. J.
Islamic Political Culture, Democracy, and Human Rights: A Comparative Study by Price, Daniel
The Politics of Economic Restructuring and Democracy in Africa by Iheduru, Obioma M.
Toward Genuine Global Governance: Critical Reactions to Our Global Neighborhood by Yunker, James, Harris, Errol
General Principles of Human Power by Ginkel, A. Van, Van Ginkel, A.
Security with Solvency: Dwight D. Eisenhower and the Shaping of the American Military Establishment by Clarfield, Gerard H., Clarfield, Gerald
The Ethnic Entanglement: Conflict and Intervention in World Politics by
The Impact of Public Policy on Environmental Quality and Health: The Case of Land Use Management and Planning by Dowd, Ron, Qayoumi, Mohammad, El-Ahraf, Amer
Black Liberation in Conservative America by Marable, Manning
Encyclopedia of Human Rights Issues Since 1945 by
Las Derechas: The Extreme Right in Argentina, Brazil, and Chile, 1890-1939 by Deutsch, Sandra McGee
Infrastructure Planning by Parkin, James V., Sharma, Deepak
A Politics of the Ordinary by Dumm, Thomas L.
Synthetic Panics: The Symbolic Politics of Designer Drugs by Jenkins, Philip
The Stoic Idea of the City by Schofield, Malcolm
The Proudest Day: India's Long Road to Independence by Read, Anthony
Betriebliche Informationssysteme in Virtuellen Organisationen by
American Compact: James Madison and the Problem of Founding by Rosen, Gary
Association: Stepping-Stone or Alternative to EU Membership? by Phinnemore, David
Internationale Unternehmensnetzwerke Und Regionale Wirtschaftspolitik: Kompetenzzentren in Der Multimedia-Industrie by
Combating Corruption: A Comparative Review of Selected Legal Aspects of State Practice and International Initiatives by Ofosu-Amaah, W. Paatii, Uprety, Kishor, Soopramien, Raj
The Social Health of the Nation: How America is Really Doing by Miringoff, Marc L.
The Social Health of the Nation: How America Is Really Doing by Miringoff, Marque-Luisa, Miringoff, Marc L.
Floracrats: State-Sponsored Science and the Failure of the Enlightenment in Indonesia by Goss, Andrew
Russia After Communism by
The Post-Soviet Handbook: A Guide to Grassroots Organizations and Internet Resources by Ruffin, M. Holt
Civil Society in Central Asia by Ruffin, M. Holt, Waugh, Daniel
A Politics of the Ordinary by Dumm, Thomas L.
Will the Juvenile Court System Survive? by
The Portable Edmund Burke by Burke, Edmund
The Post-Soviet States: Mapping the Politics of Transition by Smith, Graham
The Mass Marketing of Politics: Democracy in an Age of Manufactured Images by Newman, Bruce I.
The Mass Marketing of Politics by Newman, Bruce I.
Superpowers in the Post-Cold War Era by Aldred, K., Smith, Martin A.
Fear as a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala by Green, Linda
The Major Premiership: Politics and Policies Under John Major, 1990-97 by Dorey, Peter
Women Globilization and Fragmentation by
Refried Elvis: The Rise of the Mexican Counterculture by Zolov, Eric
Fear as a Way of Life: Mayan Widows in Rural Guatemala by Green, Linda
The Politics of Postmodernity: An Introduction to Contemporary Politics and Culture by Reimer, Bo, Gibbins, John R.
The Future of Global Conflict by
Feminist Perspectives on Politics by Corrin, Chris
Urban Liberalism in Imperial Germany: Frankfurt Am Main, 1866-1914 by Palmowski, Jan
The Law, Politics, and the Constitution: Essays in Honor of Geoffrey Marshall by
Constitutional Practice: The Foundations of British Government by Brazier, Rodney
History and International Relations by Smith, Thomas W.
Engaging India: U.S. Strategic Relations with the World's Largest Democracy by Bertsch, Gary K., Gahlaut, Seema, Srivastava, Anupam
Democracy without Borders: Transnationalisation and Conditionality in New Democracies by
Democratization in Russia Under Gorbachev, 1985-91: The Birth of a Voluntary Sector by White, Anne
The Clinton Presidency: The First Term, 1992-96 by
Doing Time: An Introduction to the Sociology of Imprisonment by Matthews, R.
Evaluating Food Assistance Programs in an Era of Welfare Reform: Summary of a Workshop by Division of Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, Commission on Behavioral and Social Sciences and Education, National Research Council and Institute of Medicine
Building Policy Legitimacy in Japan: Political Behaviour Beyond Rational Choice by Sakamoto, T.
The Discourse of Human Rights in China: Historical and Ideological Perspectives by Weatherley, R.
Ending War: The Force of Reason by Milne, Tom
Competing Capitalisms: Australia, Japan and Economic Competition in the Asia Pacific by Beeson, Mark
Nationalisms Old and New by
Nationalisms Old and New by
The Natural Superiority of Women by Montagu, Ashley
Engels After Marx by
Emissionsrechtehandel -- Eine Neue Perspektive Für Die Deutsche Klimapolitik Nach Kioto by Bergmann, Heidi, Brockmann, Karl L., Stronzik, Marcus
Humanitarian Crises: The Medical and Public Health Response by
Russia's Market Economy: A Bad Case of Predatory Capitalism by Hedlund, Stefan
Jurismania: The Madness of American Law by Campos, Paul F.
Metropolitan Government and Governance: Theoretical Perspectives, Empirical Analysis, and the Future by Stephens, G. Ross, Wikstrom, Nelson
Insecure Times: Living with Insecurity in Modern Society by
How Ireland Voted 1997 by Mitchell, Paul, Marsh, Michael
Nuclear Terrorism: A Threat Assessment for the 21st Century by Cameron, G.
Ethnic Nationalism and State Power: The Rise of Irish Nationalism, Afrikaner Nationalism and Zionism by Suzman, M.
Globalization of the Economy, Unemployment and Innovation: Structural Change, Schumpetrian Adjustment, and New Policy Challenges by Welfens, Paul J. J.
Ethnic Nationalism and State Power: The Rise of Irish Nationalism, Afrikaner Nationalism and Zionism by Suzman, M.
Global Security Beyond the Millennium: American and Russian Perspectives by
Republican Theory in Political Thought: Virtuous or Virtual? by Na, Na
International Political Economy and Mass Communication in Chile: National Intellectuals and Transnational Hegemony by Na, Na
America's Soluble Problems by Mills, John
Market Failure, Government Failure, Leadership and Public Policy by Wallis, J., Dollery, B.
Rituals of Race: American Public Culture & the Search for Racial Democracy by Lorini, Alessandra
Politics on the Fringe: The People, Policies, and Organization of the French National Front by Declair, Edward G.
The Politics of Automobile Insurance Reform: Ideas, Institutions, and Public Policy in North America by Lascher, Edward L., Jr.
Syria's Peasantry, the Descendants of Its Lesser Rural Notables, and Their Politics by Batatu, Hanna
The Populist Paradox: Interest Group Influence and the Promise of Direct Legislation by Gerber, Elisabeth R.
The Spectacle of U.S. Senate Campaigns by Kahn, Kim Fridkin, Kenney, Patrick J.
Bedside Manner: Hospital and Health Care in Hong Kong by Hutcheon, Robin
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