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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Europe: One Continent, Different Worlds: Population Scenarios for the 21st Century by
Political Theory and International Relations: Revised Edition by Beitz, Charles R.
Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea by Sigal, Leon V.
Services for Homeless People: Innovation and Change in the European Union by Edgar, Bill, Mina-Coull, Amy, Doherty, Joe
The Political History of Eighteenth-Century Scotland by Shaw, John
Insecure Times: Living with Insecurity in Modern Society by
Democratization and Women's Grassroots Movements by
Democracy, Revolution, and History by
On Message: Communicating the Campaign by Norris, Pippa, Curtice, John, Sanders, David
Democracy and Democratization: Post-Communist Europe in Comparative Perspective by Mahr, Alison, Nagle, John D.
Scaling Up Scaling Down: Overcoming Malnutrition in Developing Countries by
Privatization and Public-Private Partnerships by Savas, Emanuel S.
The Rebirth of Federalism: Slouching Toward Washington, 2nd Edition by Walker, David B.
Learning Policy: Towards the Certified Society by Ainley, P.
Learning Policy: Towards the Certified Society by Ainley, P.
Environmental Politics in Japan: Networks of Power and Protest by Broadbent, Jeffrey
Elections and War: The Electoral Incentive in the Democratic Politics of War and Peace by Gaubatz, Kurt Taylor
Empowering Practice?: A Critical Appraisal of the Family Group Conference Approach by Lupton, Carol, Nixon, Paul
Grundzüge der Agrarpolitik by Anderegg, Ralph
The Polarisation of Elizabethan Politics: The Political Career of Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of Essex, 1585 1597 by Hammer, Paul E. J.
Bossuet: Politics Drawn from the Very Words of Holy Scripture by Bossuet, Jacques-Benigne
The British Immigration Courts: A Study of Law and Politics by
Learning Democracy: Democratic and Economic Values in Unified Germany by Rohrschneider, Robert
European Populations: Unity in Diversity by
Land Reform in Russia, 1906-1917: Peasant Responses to Stolypin's Project of Rural Transformation by Pallot, Judith
Schwierigkeiten Mit Dem Gedenken: Auseinandersetzungen Mit Der Nationalsozialistischen Vergangenheit by Dittberner, Jürgen
Postmodernism Rightly Understood: The Return to Realism in American Thought by Lawler, Peter Augustine
The Liberal Tradition in American Politics: Reassessing the Legacy of American Liberalism by
The Autonomy of Law: Essays on Legal Positivism by
Wittgenstein and the Idea of a Critical Social Theory: A Critique of Giddens, Habermas and Bhaskar by Pleasants, Nigel
The Economics of Post-Communist Transition by Blanchard, Olivier
American Capitalism and the Changing Role of Government by Shaffer, Harry G.
Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations by
Adoption and Financial Assistance: Tools for Navigating the Bureaucracy by O'Hanlon, Tim, Laws, Rita
Public Organization Management: The Development of Theory and Process by Jreisat, Jamil
Politics and Politicians in American Film by Gianos, Phillip
Stewards of Democracy: Law as Public Profession by Carrington, Paul
American Capitalism and the Changing Role of Government by Shaffer, Harry
The African-American Male: An Annotated Bibliography by Gordon, Jacob
Encyclopedia of American Parties, Campaigns, and Elections by Sracic, Paul A., Binning, William C., Esterly, Larry E.
Social Security in Global Perspective by Dixon, John
Co-Creating a Public Philosophy for Future Generations by Kim, Tae-Chang
The Modern American Novel of the Left: A Research Guide by Booker, M. Keith
Conflict in the Southern Cone: The Argentine Military and the Boundary Dispute with Chile, 1870-1902 by Rauch, George V.
Looking Back at the June 1967 War by
The Economics and Politics of Ngos in Latin America by Meyer, Carrie A.
Seeing Spots: A Functional Analysis of Presidential Television Advertisements, 1952-1996 by Benoit, William
Judicial Decision Making: Is Psychology Relevant? by Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Understanding Economics by Smith, Harlan M.
Building New Democracies: Economic and Social Reform in Brazil, Chile, and Mexico by DuQuette, Michel
The Calculus of Consent by Buchanan, James M., Tullock, Gordon
Ethnic Peace in the American City: Building Community in Los Angeles and Beyond by Chang, Edward Taehan, Diaz-Veizades, Jeannette
Still Lifting, Still Climbing: African American Women's Contemporary Activism by
Reproducing the State by Stevens, Jacqueline
France and Germany at Maastricht: Politics and Negotiations to Create the European Union by Mazzucelli, Colette
Lokale Agenda 21. by Schonborn, Ulrike
Property Rights and Economic Reform in China by
Southern Politics in the 1990s by
Ethnic Peace in the American City: Building Community in Los Angeles and Beyond by Diaz-Veizades, Jeannette, Chang, Edward Taehan
Why America Stopped Voting by Kornbluh, Mark L.
Still Lifting, Still Climbing: African American Women's Contemporary Activism by
Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America by
Land and Power: The Zionist Resort to Force, 1881-1948 by Shapira, Anita
Property Rights and Economic Reform in China by
Redefining European Security by Hodge, Carl C.
Conducting Interpretive Policy Analysis by Yanow, Dvora
Making Washington Work: Tales of Innovation in the Federal Government by
The Malay Dilemma Revisited: Race Dynamics in Modern Malaysia by Musa, M. Bakri
Evaluating Water Institutions and Water Sector Performance by Saleth, Maria
Civic Engagement in American Democracy by
Fortress America: Gated Communities in the United States by Snyder, Mary Gail, Blakely, Edward J.
The Calculus of Consent: Logical Foundations of Constitutional Democracy by Buchanan, James M., Tullock, Gordon
Cq′s Desk Reference on the States: Over 500 Answers to Questions about the History, Government, Elections, and More by Wetterau, Bruce
Globalization and Its Discontents by Sassen, Saskia
A Modern Maistre: The Social and Political Thought of Joseph de Maistre by Bradley, Owen
The American Dream: Can It Survive the 21st Century? by Daleiden, Joseph L.
Societies of Fear: The Legacy of Civil War, Violence and Terror in Latin America by
New Right in Chile by Pollack, s.
Capitalism and Social Cohesion: Essays on Exclusion and Integration by
The Colonial Legacy in Somalia: Rome and Mogadishu: From Colonial Administration to Operation Restore Hope by Tripodi, Paolo
Science at EPA: Information in the Regulatory Process by Powell, Mark R.
The Political Economy of Special-Purpose Government by Foster, Kathryn A.
Weapons for Peace, Weapons for War: The Effect of Arms Transfers on War Outbreak, Involvement and Outcomes by Craft, Cassady B.
Lacan and the Political by Stavrakakis, Yannis
The Impact of Immigration by
Legitimate Differences: Interpretation in the Abortion Controversy and Other Public Debates by Warnke, Georgia
Developments in Latin American Political Economy: States, Markets and Actors by
Lacan and the Political by Stavrakakis, Yannis
The Political Economy of Canada: An Introduction by Netherton, Alex, Ramesh, M., Howlett, Michael
The Soviet Legacy in Central Asia by Glenn, J.
Between Class and Market: Postwar Unionization in the Capitalist Democracies by Western, Bruce
Exploitation by Wertheimer, Alan
The Moral Purpose of the State: Culture, Social Identity, and Institutional Rationality in International Relations by Reus-Smit, Christian
The Paradox of Representation: Racial Gerrymandering and Minority Interests in Congress by Lublin, David
Strategic Choice and International Relations by
Kosovo: How Myths and Truths Started a War by Mertus, Julie A.
Censorship in America: A Reference Handbook by Hull, Mary E.
Gender and Mental Health by Prior, Pauline M.
State Interests and Public Spheres: The International Politics of Jordan's Identity by Lynch, Marc
The Relativity of Deviance by Curra, John
Community Under Anarchy: Transnational Identity and the Evolution of Cooperation by Cronin, Bruce
Referendums and Democratic Government: Normative Theory and the Analysis of Institutions by Setälä, Maija
Refugees, Citizenship and Social Policy in Europe by
Private Security and the Investigative Process by Nemeth, Charles
The Urban Growth Machine: Critical Perspectives, Two Decades Later by
International Futures by Hughes, Barry B.
Interest Groups, Lobbying and Participation in America by Goldstein, Kenneth M.
The Power of Human Rights: International Norms and Domestic Change by
Post-Communist Party Systems: Competition, Representation, and Inner-Party Cooperation by Kitschelt, Herbert
International Order and the Future of World Politics by
Politicians and Poachers: The Political Economy of Wildlife Policy in Africa by Gibson, Clark C.
Structural Adjustment Reconsidered: Economic Policy and Poverty in Africa by Younger, Stephen D., Dorosh, Paul A., Sahn, David E.
The American Language of Rights by Primus, Richard A.
International Order and the Future of World Politics by
Post-Communist Party Systems by Mansfeldova, Zdenka, Markowski, Radoslaw, Kitschelt, Herbert
For the People: What the Constitution Really Says about Your Rights by Hirsch, Alan R., Amar, Akhil Reed
Hegel: Political Writings by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
The Committed Word: Literature and Public Values by Engell, James
Introduction to United States Government Information Sources by Morehead, Joe
Introduction to United States Government Information Sources by Morehead, Joe
Cinematic Political Thought: Narrating Race, Nation and Gender by Shapiro, Michael J.
The Public Clash of Private Values: The Politics of Morality Policy by
Democracy at the Point of Bayonets by Peceny, Mark
Beyond the Politics of Disappointment: American Elections 1980-1998 by McWilliams, Wilson Carey
Der Fall Der Mauer: Die Unbeabsichtigte Selbstauflösung Des Sed-Staates by Hertle, Hans-Hermann
Between Authority & Liberty: State Constitution Making in Revolutionary America by Kruman, Marc W.
Lone Mothers, Paid Work and Gendered Moral Rationalitie by Duncan, S., Edwards, R.
Relating Intimacies: Power and Resistance by Seymour, Julie
Demographics: A Casebook for Business and Government by Kintner, Hallie
The Global Gamble: Washington's Faustian Bid for World Dominance by Gowan, Peter
The Age of Insecurity by Elliott, Larry, Atkinson, Dan
Authoritarianism in Syria: Institutions and Social Conflict, 1946 1970 by Heydemann, Steven
On Feminist Ethics and Politics by
On Feminist Ethics and Politics by
Environmental Planning, Policies and Politics in Eastern and Southern Africa by
Politics in Taiwan: Voting for Reform by Rigger, Shelley
British Politics in an Age of Reform by Turner, Michael J.
Corruption and Development in Africa: Lessons from Country Case Studies by
State Formation, Nation-Building, and Mass Politics in Europe by Rokkan, Stein
Politics in Taiwan: Voting for Reform by Rigger, Shelley
Fundamentals in British Politics by
Magnetic Los Angeles: Planning the Twentieth-Century Metropolis by Hise, Greg
Sovereignty: Organized Hypocrisy by Krasner, Stephen D.
In the Shadow of Power: States and Strategies in International Politics by Powell, Robert
Sport in the Making of Celtic Culture by Jarvie, Grant
What Is Citizenship? by Heater, Derek
Blackwell Dictionary Political Science by Bealey, Frank
German National Identity After the Holocaust by Fulbrook, Mary
The Nature of the Crown - A Legal and Political Analysis by Sunkin, Maurice, Payne, Sebastian
Political Representation, and Legitimacy in the European Union by
In the Wake of the Balkan Myth: Questions of Identity and Modernity by Norris, D.
Contemporary Economic Theory: Radical Critiques of Neoliberalism by
The United States and Europe in the Global Arena by
In the Wake of the Balkan Myth: Questions of Identity and Modernity by Norris, D.
Party Elites in Divided Societies: Political Parties in Consociational Democracy by
Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered by
Deliberative Politics: Essays on Democracy and Disagreement by
Deliberative Politics: Essays on Democracy and Disagreement by
Poverty, Welfare and the Disciplinary State by Novak, Tony, Jones, Chris
Central-Local Relations in Asia-Pacific: Convergence or Divergence? by
Origins of the Second World War Reconsidered by
Poverty, Welfare and the Disciplinary State by Jones, Chris, Novak, Tony
The Sovereign Individual: Mastering the Transition to the Information Age by Davidson, James Dale, Rees-Mogg, Lord William
Probleme Und Chancen Parlamentarischer Integration: Eine Empirische Studie Zum Ost-West-Integrationsprozess Unter Abgeordneten by
The New American Interventionism: Essays from Political Science Quarterly by
The Logic of Japanese Politics: Leaders, Institutions, and the Limits of Change by Curtis, Gerald
The Drug Legalization Debate by
George Washington's Farewell Address by Washington, George
Contested Economic Institutions: The Politics of Macroeconomics and Wage Bargaining in Advanced Democracies by Iversen, Torben
The Rise and Decline of the State by Creveld, Martin Van
New and Old Wars: Organized Violence in a Global Era by Kaldor, Mary
Citizen-Soldiers and Manly Warriors: Military Service and Gender in the Civic Republican Tradition by Snyder, Claire R.
Contested Economic Institutions by Iversen, Torben
Methods and Models: A Guide to the Empirical Analysis of Formal Models in Political Science by Rebecca B., Morton, Morton, Rebecca B.
Policy, Office, or Votes?: How Political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard Decisions by
Policy, Office, or Votes?: How Political Parties in Western Europe Make Hard Decisions by
The Rise and Decline of the State by Van Creveld, Martin
Methods and Models: A Guide to the Empirical Analysis of Formal Models in Political Science by Morton, Rebecca B.
Is Multiculturalism Bad for Women? by Okin, Susan Moller
Power of a Third Kind: The Western Attempt to Colonize the Global Village by Nazer, Hisham M.
Losing Our Democratic Spirit: Congressional Deliberation and the Dictatorship of Propaganda by Granstaff, William E., Granstaff, Bill
Czechoslovakia's Lost Fight for Freedom, 1967-1969: An American Embassy Perspective by Skoug, Kenneth N.
The Transition of China's Urban Development: From Plan-Controlled to Market-Led by Zhu, Jieming, Zhu, J.
From Abortion to Contraception: A Resource to Public Policies and Reproductive Behavior in Central and Eastern Europe from 1917 to the Present by
Global Transition: A General Theory of Economic Development by Snooks, Graeme Donald
China's Military Faces the Future by Lilley, James, Shambaugh, David L.
Russia, the Caucasus, and Central Asia by Menon, Rajan, Fedorov, Yuri E., Nodia, Ghia
China's Military Faces the Future by Lilley, James, Shambaugh, David L.
Comparative Economic Theory: Occidental and Islamic Perspectives by Choudhury, Masudul Alam
Male and Female Circumcision: Medical, Legal, and Ethical Considerations in Pediatric Practice by
Report to JFK by Neustadt, Richard E.
Revolutions, Nations, Empires: Conceptual Limits and Theoretical Possibilities by Motyl, Alexander
Founding the American Presidency by
The American Party Battle: Election Campaign Pamphlets, 1828-1876 by
The American Party Battle: Election Campaign Pamphlets, 1828-1876 by
Storm Over the Constitution by Jaffa, Harry V.
Azerbaijan Diary: A Rogue Reporter's Adventures in an Oil-rich, War-torn, Post-Soviet Republic by Goltz, Thomas
(Re)Defining Traditions: Gender and Canadian Foreign Policy by Smith, Heather A., Keeble, Edna
Beyond Two Solitudes by Smith, Donald
Cinematic Political Thought: Narrating Race, Nation and Gender by Shapiro, Michael
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