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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Polemicization: The Practice of Afoundationalism by Valentine, Jeremy, Arditi, Benjamin
The Presidency of Richard Nixon by Small, Melvin
Literaturwissenschaft Und Politische Kultur: Eberhart Lämmert Zum 75. Geburtstag by
Soldiers in a Narrow Land: The Pinochet Regime in Chile, Updated Edition by Spooner, Mary Helen
Urban Patronage in Early Modern England: Corporate Boroughs, the Landed Elite, and the Crown, 1580-1640 by Patterson, Catherine Frances
Arming East Asia by Huxley, Tim, Willett, Susan
Is the U.S. Trade Deficit Sustainable? by Mann, Catherine
Would You Convict? by Robinson, Paul H.
The Art of Moral Protest: Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movements by Jasper, James M.
Getting Away with Murder: How Politics is Destroying the Criminal Justice System by Estrich, Susan R.
Cinematic Political Thought: Narrating Race, Nation and Gender by Shapiro, Michael
The Vulnerable Planet: A Short Economic History of the Environment by Foster, John Bellamy
Government Confronts Culture: The Struggle for Local Democracy in Southern Africa by Fuller, Bruce
Conflict in Korea: An Encyclopedia by Hoare, James E., Pares, Susan
Savings for the Poor: The Hidden Benefits of Electronic Banking by Stegman, Michael A.
Productivity and U.S. Economic Growth by Jorgenson, Dale Weldeau
The Presidency of Richard Nixon by Small, Melvin
Brave New World of European Labor by
The Brave New World of European Labor: European Trade Unions at the Millennium by
Race, Police, and the Making of a Political Identity: Mexican Americans and the Los Angeles Police Department, 1900-1945 Volume 7 by Escobar, Edward J.
Revolution and Revolutionaries: Guerrilla Movements in Latin America by
Istanbul: Between the Global and the Local by
Civil Society and Democratization by
Civil Society and Democratization by
The Drug Legalization Debate by
Nonvoters: America′s No-Shows by Shearer, Ellen, Doppelt, Jack C.
Campaigns and Elections: Contemporary Case Studies by
Integration or Separation?: A Strategy for Racial Equality by Brooks, Roy L.
Forced Founders: Indians, Debtors, Slaves & the Making of the American Revolution in Virginia by Holton, Woody
Polemicization: The Practice of Afoundationalism by Arditi, Benjamin, Valentine, Jeremy
Liberalism and Its Discontents by Neal, Patrick
Republican Empire: Alexander Hamilton on War and Free Government by Walling, Karl-Friedrich
A New Kind of Party Animal: How the Young Are Redefining Politics as Usual by Mitchell, Michelle
Approaches to Global Governance Theory by
The Global Construction of Gender: Home-Based Work in the Political Economy of the 20th Century by Prügl, Elisabeth
The Politics of Myth: A Study of C. G. Jung, Mircea Eliade, and Joseph Campbell by Ellwood, Robert
Controlling Public Education by McDermott, Kathryn A.
Nato, Britain, France and the Frg: Nuclear Strategies and Forces for Europe, 1949-2000 by Heuser, B.
Controlling Public Education: Localism Versus Equity by McDermott, Kathryn A.
Imperium / Empire / Reich by
Good News, Bad News: Journalism Ethics and the Public Interest by Iggers, Jeremy
Political Ideologies and Political Philosophies by McCullough, H. B.
Nato, Britain, France and the Frg: Nuclear Strategies and Forces for Europe, 1949-2000 by Heuser, B.
Must Global Politics Constrain Democracy?: Great-Power Realism, Democratic Peace, and Democratic Internationalism by Gilbert, Alan
The Revival of Civil Society: Global and Comparative Perspectives by
The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis by
The Politics of the Asian Economic Crisis by
From EMS to Emu: 1979 to 1999 and Beyond by
Protecting Nuclear Weapons Material in Russia by National Research Council, Policy and Global Affairs, Development Security and Cooperation
Forensic and Environmental Detection of Explosives by Yinon, Jehuda
Industrial Policy in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Proposals by
Government, Markets and Vocational Qualifications: An Anatomy of Policy by Raggatt, Peter, Williams, Steve
Government, Markets and Vocational Qualifications: An Anatomy of Policy by Williams, Steve, Raggatt, Peter
Industrial Policy in Europe: Theoretical Perspectives and Practical Proposals by
Poststructuralism, Citizenship and Social Policy by Harris, Patricia, Barns, Ian, Dudley, Janice
Kennedy, MacMillan and Nuclear Weapons by Murray, Donette
States of Confusion: How Our Voter Id Laws Fail Democracy and What to Do about It by Waisanen, Don, Jarvis, Sonia R., Gordon, Nicole A.
The Transformation of the World Economy by Solomon, R.
Empire And Community: Edmund Burke's Writings And Speeches On International Relations by Welsh, Jennifer M., Fidler, David P.
Portugal and Africa by Birmingham, D.
Containing Germany: Britain and the Arming of the Federal Republic by Mawby, S.
Containing Germany: Britain and the Arming of the Federal Republic by Mawby, S.
Strategic Assessment in War by Gartner, Scott Sigmund
The Real Deal: The History and Future of Social Security by Schieber, Sylvester J., Shoven, John B.
True Security: Rethinking American Social Insurance by Graetz, Michael J., Mashaw, Jerry L.
The Accommodation of Cultural Diversity: Case Studies by
Democracy, Accountability, and Representation by
The Dignity of Legislation by Waldron, Jeremy
The Dignity of Legislation by Waldron, Jeremy
A Unified Theory of Voting: Directional and Proximity Spatial Models by Merrill, III, Merrill, Samuel, III, Grofman, Bernard N.
Paths Toward Democracy: The Working Class and Elites in Western Europe and South America by Collier, Ruthberins, Collier, Ruth B.
Democracy, Accountability, and Representation by
A Unified Theory of Voting: Directional and Proximity Spatial Models by Grofman, Bernard N.
The Sanctions Paradox by Drezner, Daniel W., Daniel W., Drezner
Paths toward Democracy by Collier, Ruth Berins
Our Sense of the Real by Curtis, Kimberley
Our Sense of the Real by Curtis, Kimberley
The Federal Courts: Challenge and Reform by Posner, Richard A.
Die Europäische Union: Ein Kompendium Aus Deutscher Sicht by
Masse -- Macht -- Emotionen: Zu Einer Politischen Soziologie Der Emotionen by
Agarian Socialism in America: Marx, Jefferson, and Jesus in the Oklahoma Countryside 1904-1920 by Bissett, Jim
Homelessness: Exploring the New Terrain by
Homelessness: Exploring the New Terrain by
Reaching Beyond Race by Sniderman, Paul M., Carmines, Edward G.
Understandings of Russian Foreign Policy by
Living with Nature: Environmental Politics as Cultural Discourse by
Imperfect Unions: Security Institutions Over Time and Space by
Women of Influence, Women of Vision: A Cross-Generational Study of Leaders and Social Change by Leland, Carole, Astin, Helen S.
Democracy in Latin America by Lievesley, Geraldine
Liberalism and Pluralism: Towards a Politics of Compromise by Bellamy, Richard
Liberalism and Pluralism: Towards a Politics of Compromise by Bellamy, Richard
Voting Paradoxes and How to Deal with Them by Nurmi, Hannu
Transformation of Social Security: Pensions in Central-Eastern Europe by
The Post-Communist Era: Change and Continuity in Eastern Europe by Fowkes, B.
International Negotiation: Actors, Structure/Process, Values by
Hate Speech, Pornography, and Radical Attacks on Free Speech Doctrine by Weinstein, James
The Challenge of Carl Schmitt by
Politics, Philosophy, Terror: Essays on the Thought of Hannah Arendt by Villa, Dana
The Careful Voter's Dictionary of Language Pollution: Understanding Willietalk and Other Spinspeak by Baar, James a.
The Iraqi Invasion Of Kuwait: Religion, Identity And Otherness In The Analysis Of War And Conflict by Hassan, Hamdi A.
Televised Election Debates: International Perspectives by Coleman, S.
Social Policy and the Body: Transitions in Corporeal Discourse by
The Other Founders: Anti-Federalism and the Dissenting Tradition in America, 1788-1828 by Cornell, Saul
Straight from the CEO: The World's Top Business Leaders Reveal Ideas That Every Manager Can Use by
Decoding History: The Battle of the Atlantic and Ultra by Gardner, W.
Transitions to Democracy by
The EEC Crisis of 1963: Kennedy, Macmillan, de Gaulle and Adenauer in Conflict by Bange, O.
Unwelcome Strangers: American Identity and the Turn Against Immigration by Reimers, David M.
Civil Wars, Insecurity, and Intervention by
Alterspolitik by Ritter, Ulrich Peter, Hohmeier, Jens
Living with the European Union: The Northern Ireland Experience by Kennedy, Dennis
Water Politics in the Middle East: A Context for Conflict or Cooperation? by Dolatyar, M., Gray, T.
Social Policy and the Body: Transitions in Corporeal Discourse by
Transitions to Democracy by
The American Dream in Black and White by Flax, Jane
EUropean Labour Law and Social Policy by Neal, Alan C.
The Legacy of Human-Rights Violations in the Southern Cone: Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay by Sznajder, Mario, Roniger, Luis
Civil Society and Academic Debate in Russia 1905-1914 by Wartenweiler, David
Introduction to Social Security: Policies, Benefits and Poverty by
The Sovereignty of Parliament: History and Philosophy by Goldsworthy, Jeffrey
Ethics in the Public Service: The Moral Mind at Work by Geuras, Dean, Garofalo, Charles
Good Citizenship and Educational Provision by Davies, Ian, Gregory, Ian, Riley, Shirley
The Transformation of Governance in the European Union by
Consuming Interests: The Social Provision of Foods by Harrison, Michelle, Marsden, Terry, Flynn, Andrew
Consuming Interests: The Social Provision of Foods by Marsden, Terry, Flynn, Andrew, Harrison, Michelle
Shakespeare's Twenty-First Century Economics: The Morality of Love and Money by Turner, Frederick
Good Citizenship and Educational Provision by Gregory, Ian, Riley, Shirley, Davies, Ian
International Political Economy: Perspectives on Global Power and Wealth by Lake, David A., Frieden, Jeffry A.
Introduction to Social Security: Policies, Benefits and Poverty by
Defending Ireland: The Irish State and Its Enemies Since 1922 by O'Halpin, Eunan
Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia: Global Governance and the Failure of International Conflict Resolution by Lizee, Pierre, Lizee, P.
Peace, Power and Resistance in Cambodia: Global Governance and the Failure of International Conflict Resolution by Lizeé, P.
Don't Call Us Out of Name: The Untold Lives of Women and Girls in Poor America by Dodson, Lisa
Danger of Dreams by Mitchell, Nancy
Towards a Russia of the Regions by Nicholson, Martin
The Philosophy of Peter Abelard by Marenbon, John
Prelude to Restoration in Ireland by Clarke, Aidan
The Politics of Social Conflict by Wood, Andy
Cost-Value Analysis in Health Care: Making Sense Out of Qalys by Nord, Erik
The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism by Goodin, Robert E., Muffels, Ruud, Headey, Bruce
Democracy's Values by
Democracy's Edges by
Cost-Value Analysis in Health Care by Nord, Erik
International Law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons by
50 Jahre Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Rahmenbedingungen -- Entwicklungen -- Perspektiven by
Managing Local Services: From CCT to Best Value by
I Do Solemnly Swear: The President's Constitutional Oath: Its Meaning and Importance in the History of Oaths by Pauley, Matthew a.
Intelligence for Peace: The Role of Intelligence in Times of Peace by
Family Diversity and Family Policy: Strengthening Families for America's Children by Lerner, Richard M., Sparks, Elizabeth E., McCubbin, Laurie D.
Asia's Environmental Movements: Comparative Perspectives by So, Alvin Y., Lee, Lily Xiao Hong, Yok-Shiu, Lee F.
Financing the 1996 Election by Green, John Clifford
Beyond Unions and Collective Bargaining by Troy, Leo
Origins of National Interests by
British Elections & Parties Review by
Immigrants and the Informal Economy in Southern Europe by
Origins of National Interests by
Regionale Entwicklungsprozesse in Südeuropa: Italien Und Spanien Im Vergleich by Tombeil, Anne-Sophie
British Elections & Parties Review by
Building Security in Europe's New Borderlands by Dwan, Renata
Financing the 1996 Election by Green, John Clifford
War Scare: Russia and America on the Nuclear Brink by Pry, Peter Vincent
Civic Liberalism: Reflections on Our Democratic Ideals by Spragens, Thomas A.
The Watergate Crisis by Genovese, Michael
Up the Political Ladder: Career Paths in Us Politics by Kenny, Lawrence W., Francis, Wayne L.
Spain at the Crossroads: Civil Society, Politics, and the Rule of Law by Pérez-Díaz, Víctor M.
A Theory of Justice by Rawls, John
People for and Against Gun Control: A Biographical Reference by Bijlefeld, Marjolijn
Social Movements and Political Reform in Hong Kong by Butenhoff, Linda
The Way It Worked and Why It Won't: Structural Change and the Slowdown of U.S. Economic Growth by Bjork, Gordon
The Planning Imperative and Human Behavior by Branch, Melville Campbell
From Confrontation to Cooperation: The Takeover of the National People's (East German) Army by the Bundeswehr by Zilian, Frederick
Film and the American Left: A Research Guide by Booker, M. Keith
Truman, MacArthur, and the Korean War by Wainstock, Dennis
The Changing Dynamics of U.S. Defense Spending by Sigal, Leon
Democracy and Human Rights by Beetham, David
China Review 1999 by
Macmillan, Kennedy and the Cuban Missile Crisis: Political, Military and Intelligence Aspects by Scott, L.
Germany's Difficult Passage to Modernity: Breakdown, Breakup, Breakthrough by
Borders: Frontiers of Identity, Nation and State by Wilson, Thomas M., Donnan, Hastings
The CIS Handbook by
Central and Eastern Europe Handbook by
Islam's Political Culture: Religion and Politics in Predivided Pakistan by Jawed, Nasim Ahmad
Peasants Against Globalization: Rural Social Movements in Costa Rica by Edelman, Marc
Transformation of the German Political Party System: Institutional Crisis or Democratic Renewal by
Practical Security Training by Kane, Patrick
What to Do When You Don't Want to Call the Cops: Or a Non-Adversarial Approach to Sexual Harassment by Taylor, Joan Kennedy
Freedom and Security: An Introduction to the Basic Income Debate by Fitzpatrick, T.
Televised Presidential Debates and Public Policy by Kraus, Sidney
Not Whether But When: The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO by Goldgeier, James
Setting National Priorities: The 2000 Election and Beyond by
Mixed Messages: American Politics and International Organization 1919-1999 by Luck, Edward C.
America Needs Human Rights by
Dark Victory: The United States and Global Poverty by Cunningham, Shea, Bello, Walden
Education, Cultures, and Economics: Dilemmas for Development by Leach, Fiona E., Little, Angela W.
Creating Peace in Sri Lanka: Civil War and Reconciliation by
The German Skills Machine: Comparative Perspectives on Systems of Education and Training by
Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the Gdr by
Code Napoleon: Or the French Civil Code by Barrister of the Inner Temple
Dictatorship as Experience: Towards a Socio-Cultural History of the Gdr by
What the People Know: Freedom and the Press by Reeves, Richard
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