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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 1999

Gramsci and the Anarchists by Levy, Carl
Towards a Just Society by Hudson, Alastair
Small Worlds, Global Lives by King, Russell
Globalization and the Harmonization of Law by Wiener, Jarrod
British Planning by
Germans Into Nazis by Fritzsche, Peter
Religious Fundamentalisms and the Human Rights of Women by Howland, C.
Harding to Eisenhower, 1920-1956: A Handbook of American Presidential Election Statistics by McGillivray, Alice, Scammon, Richard, Cook, Rhodes
Divided in Unity: Identity, Germany, and the Berlin Police by Glaeser, Andreas
The Constitutional Monarchy in France, 1814-48 by Pilbeam, Pamela M.
Europa Und Asien-Pazifik: Grundlagen, Entwicklungslinien Und Perspektiven Der Europäisch-Asiatischen Beziehungen by
Allgemeine Wirtschaftspolitik by Bode, Otto F.
Perspektiven einer sozialstaatlichen Umverteilung im Gesundheitswesen by
Rational Choice: Eine Kritik Am Beispiel Von Anwendungen in Der Politischen Wissenschaft. Übersetzung Aus Dem Amerikanischen Von Annette Schmitt by Shapiro, Ian, Green, Donald P.
Ending Child Poverty: Popular Welfare for the 21st Century? by
Gays and Lesbians in the Democratic Process: Public Policy, Public Opinion, and Political Representation by
EU Committees: Social Regulation, Law and Politics by
Governing the Health Care State by Moran, Mick
The Political Economy of Poverty, Equity, and Growth: Nigeria and Indonesia by Bevan, David, Gunning, Jan Willem, Collier, Paul
Governance in World Affairs by Young, Oran R.
Governance in World Affairs by Young, Oran R.
Women, Globalization and Fragmentation in the Developing World by
The Major Premiership: Politics and Policies Under John Major, 1990-97 by Dorey, Peter
Making Democracy Work Better: Mediating Structures, Social Capital, and the Democratic Prospect by Couto, Richard a.
The Russian Province After Communism: Enterprise Continuity and Change by Edwards, Vincent, Polonsky, G.
Structures of Power in Modern France by
European Democratization Since 1800 by
The Betrayal of Liberalism: How the Disciples of Freedom and Equality Helped Foster the Illiberal Politics of Coercion and Control by
Social and Political Development in Post-Reform China by Mok, K.
Command Concepts: A Theory Derived from the Practice of Command and Control by Builder, Carl H.
Deep Democracy: Community, Diversity, and Transformation by Green, Judith M.
Deep Democracy: Community, Diversity, and Transformation by Green, Judith M.
Democracy's Edges by
The Real Worlds of Welfare Capitalism by Headey, Bruce, Muffels, Ruud, Goodin, Robert E.
Democracy's Values by
Jefferson: Political Writings by Jefferson, Thomas
The Enlightenment by
Reluctant Europeans: Britain and European Integration 1945-1998 by Turner, Arthur, Gowland, David
Absent Fathers? by Stimson, Carol, Bradshaw, Jonathan, Skinner, Christine
Sustainability: Life Chances and Livelihoods by
Experimenting With Democracy: Regime Change in the Balkans by
Sustainability: Life Chances and Livelihoods by
Absent Fathers? by Bradshaw, Jonathan, Skinner, Christine, Stimson, Carol
Bündnis Für Arbeit: Konstruktion - Kritik - Karriere by
Home Sweet Home?: The Impact of Poor Housing on Health by Gordon, David, Pantazis, Christina, Marsh, Alex
The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression by Werth, Nicolas, Panné, Jean-Louis, Courtois, Stéphane
Give Me Liberty: Freeing Ourselves in the Twenty-First Century by Spence, Gerry L.
Texas Constables: A Frontier Heritage by Hatley, Allen G.
Gnostic Wars: The Cold War in the Context of a History of Western Spirituality by Rossbach, Stefan
Official Negligence: How Rodney King and the Riots Changed Los Angeles and the LAPD by Cannon, Lou
This War Really Matters: Inside the Fight for Defense Dollars by Wilson, George C.
Prosecuting War Crimes and Genocide: The Twentieth-Century Experience by Ball, Howard
Prosecuting War Crimes and Genocide: The Twentieth-Century Experience by Ball, Howard
Industry-Laboratory Partnerships: A Review of the Sandia Science and Technology Park Initiative by Policy and Global Affairs, Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
World Risk Society by Beck, Ulrich
Nations Without States: Political Communities in a Global Age by Guibernau, Montserrat
Globalization, Economic Growth and Innovation Dynamics by Welfens, Paul J. J.
National Politics in a Global Economy: The Domestic Sources of U.S. Trade Policy by Mundo, Philip A.
The Impact of the Euro: Debating Britain's Future by Burkitt, B., Whyman, P., Baimbridge, Mark
Sozioökonomie by Perridon, Louis, Granvogl, Heinz
Gorbachev: On My Country and the World by Gorbachev, Mikhail
A Generation Divided: The New Left, the New Right, and the 1960s by Klatch, Rebecca E.
Inequalities in Health: The Evidence Presented to the Independent Inquiry Into Inequalities in Health, Chaired by Sir Donald Acheson by
Restructuring Gender Relations and Employment: The Decline of the Male Breadwinner by
Marx @ 2000: Late Marxist Perspectives by Na, Na
Politics and Society in the Developing World by Kamrava, Mehran
Politics and Markets in the Wake of the Asian Crisis by
Succession Politics in Indonesia: The 1998 Presidential Elections and the Fall of Suharto by Singh, B.
Succession Politics in Indonesia: The 1998 Presidential Elections and the Fall of Suharto by Singh, B.
The Globalization of Multinational Enterprise Activity and Economic Development by
Confrontation in Kosovo: The Albanian-Serb Struggle, 1969-1998 by Prifti, Peter
Politics and Society in the Developing World by Kamrava, Mehran
A Distant Light: Scientists and Public Policy by Kendall, Henry W.
Rebirth: A Political History Of Europe Since World War II by Helmreich, Jonathan E., English, Robert, Black, Cyril
Politics And Society In Ukraine by D'Anieri, Paul, Kravchuk, Robert S., Kuzio, Taras
Predatory Globalization: A Critique by Falk, Richard
Konsolidierungspotentiale Von Speditionskooperationen: Eine Simulationsgestützte Analyse by
Privilege and Liberty and Other Essays in Political Philosophy by Kolnai, Aurel
Change and Continuity: Statute, Equity, and Federalism by Gummow, W. M. C.
The Elusive Quest for European Security: From Edc to Cfsp by Duke, S.
Europe's Digital Revolution: Broadcasting Regulation, the EU and the Nation State by Levy, David
The Elusive Quest for European Security: From Edc to Cfsp by Duke, S.
Development, Governance and Environment in South Asia: A Focus on Bangladesh by
Us Elections Today (2nd Edn) by Davies, Philip
Wahlkampf in Den Medien -- Wahlkampf Mit Den Medien: Ein Reader Zum Wahljahr 1998 by
Political Thought and German Reunification: The New German Ideology? by
Creating Enviromental Policy in the European Union by Zito, A.
Russian Peacekeeping Strategies in the Cis: The Case of Moldova, Georgia and Tajikistan by Lynch, D.
International Law, the International Court of Justice and Nuclear Weapons by
Barbarism and Religion: Volume 1, the Enlightenments of Edward Gibbon, 1737-1764 by Pocock, J. G. a., J. G. a., Pocock
The Discourse of Human Rights in China: Historical and Ideological Perspectives by Na, Na
Religion and Society in Modern Europe by Rémond, René
Evaluating Active Labour Market Policies: Empirical Evidence for Poland During Transition by Puhani, Patrick A.
Southern Rights: Political Prisoners and the Myth of Confederate Constitutionalism by Neely, Mark E.
Western Education and Political Domination in Africa: A Study in Critical and Dialogical Pedagogy by Bassey, Magnus
Horses in Midstream: U. S. Midterm Elections & Their Consequences by Busch, Andrew E.
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Public Sector Decision Makers by Fuguitt, Diana, Wilcox, Shanton
Ambiguity, Coping, and Governance: Israeli Experiences in Politics, Religion, and Policymaking by Sharkansky, Ira
The Way It Worked and Why It Won't: Structural Change and the Slowdown of U.S. Economic Growth by Bjork, Gordon C.
Brazil: Politics in a Patrimonial Society Fifth Edition by Roett, Riordan
Brazil: Politics in a Patrimonial Society by Roett, Riordan
Maxim Gorky: A Political Biography by Yedlin, Tovah
Against Long Odds: Citizens Who Challenge Congressional Incumbents by Senter, Thomas P., Merriner, James L.
Worker Activism After Successful Union Organizing by Markowitz, Linda
Multilateralism and Regionalism in the Post-Uruguay Round Era: What Role for the Eu? by Kuyvenhoven, A., Molle, Willem T. M., Memedovic, Olga
Valuing the Cost of Smoking: Assessment Methods, Risk Perception and Policy Options by
The Norwegian Intelligence Service, 1945-1970 by Riste, Olav
Back to Shared Prosperity: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America: The Growing Inequality of Wealth and Income in America by Marshall, Ray
Political Economy and Fiction in the Early Works of Harriet Martineau by Orazem, Claudia
Development and Main Outlines of Rawls's Theory of Justice: Philosophy of Rawls by
The Two Principles and Their Justification: Philosophy of Rawls by
Reasonable Pluralism: Philosophy of Rawls by
Chechnya: Calamity in the Caucasus by Gall, Carlotta, Waal, Thomas de
Mexican Consuls and Labor Organizing: Imperial Politics in the American Southwest by González, Gilbert G.
The Dissent of the Governed: A Meditation on Law, Religion, and Loyalty by Carter, Stephen L.
Security Investigations: A Professional's Guide by Nicholson, Larry Gene
Foreign and Security Policy of the European Union: Past, Present and Future by Cameron, Fraser
Peasants Against Globalization: Rural Social Movements in Costa Rica by Edelman, Marc
The New Public Service by Light, Paul C.
Civil-Military Relations: Building Democracy and Regional Cooperation in Latin America, Southern Asia, and Central Europe by R. Mares, David
Policing Communities: Understanding Crime and Solving Problems: An Anthology by
Pinochet: The Politics of Torture by O'Shaughnessy, Hugh
Controlling Technocracy: Citizen Rationality and the Nimby Syndrome by McAvoy, Gregory E.
Us vs. Them: American Political and Cultural Conflict from WWII to Watergate by Bresler, Robert J.
The Social Diffusion of Ideas and Things by
The Social Diffusion of Ideas and Things by
Ethics of Collecting Cultural Property: Whose Culture? Whose Property? (Updated and Enlarged) by
Liberalism and Social Action by Dewey, John
The Congo-Zaire Experience, 1960-98 by O'Ballance, E.
Spain and the Mediterranean: Developing a European Policy Towards the South by Gillespie, R.
The Congo-Zaire Experience, 1960-98 by O'Ballance, E.
Hardball: How Politics Is Played Told by One Who Knows the Game by Matthews, Chris
The Future of Inter-American Relations by
The Contemporary Pennsylvania Legislature by Kennedy, John J.
Acts of Dissent: New Developments in the Study of Protest by Rucht, Dieter, Koopmans, Ruud, Niedhardt, Friedhelm
Wanderzwang - Wanderlust: Formen Der Raum- Und Sozialerfahrung Zwischen Aufklärung Und Frühindustrialisierung by
Gender and Community Policing: The Developing Euro-American Racist Subculture by Miller, Susan L.
British Politics in the Global Age: Can Social Democracy Survive? by Krieger, Joel
Costa Rica: Quest For Democracy by Booth, John A.
Fields, Forest, And Family: Women's Work And Power In Rural Laos by Ireson, Carol
Nonviolent Social Movements by
American Century by
NGOs and Civil Society: Democracy by Proxy? by Hudock, Ann
Locke in 90 Minutes by Strathern, Paul
Affirmative Action: A Reference Handbook by Eisaguirre, Lynne, Eisaguirre, Lynn
Civic Discourse, Civil Society, and Chinese Communities by
Civic Discourse, Civil Society, and Chinese Communities by
Antifascism in Britian by Copsey, N.
Globalization, Europeanization and the End of Scandinavian Social Democracy? by
The Antimafia: Italy's Fight Against Organized Crime by Jamieson, A.
Economic and Political Impediments to Middle East Peace: Critical Questions and Alternative Scenarios by
Economic and Political Impediments to Middle East Peace: Critical Questions and Alternative Scenarios by
Secrecy: The American Experience by Moynihan, Daniel Patrick
Deliberative Democracy and Human Rights by Koh, Harold Hongju
Urgent Times: Policing and Rights in Inner-City Communities by Meares, Tracey L.
Britain Under Thatcher by Seldon, Anthony, Collings, Daniel
Women and Social Work: Towards a Woman-Centred Practice by Statham, Daphne, Hanmer, Jalna
The New Institutional Politics: Outcomes and Consequences by Lane, Jan-Erik, Ersson, Svante
The New Institutional Politics: Outcomes and Consequences by Ersson, Svante, Lane, Jan-Erik
Stratification and Differentiation by Kirby, Mark
Keynes, Post-Keynesianism and Political Economy: Essays in Honour of Geoff Harcourt, Volume III by
Crossroads and Conflict: Security and Foreign Policy in the Caucasus and Central Asia by
Learning Policy: Towards the Certified Society by Ainley, P.
Comparative Inquiry In Politics And Political Economy: Theories And Issues by Chilcote, Ronald H.
Social Theory of International Politics by Wendt, Alexander
Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture by
Critical Comparisons in Politics and Culture by
Inflation and Investment Controls in China by Huang, Yasheng
Social Theory of International Politics by Wendt, Alexander, Alexander, Wendt
Delegating Powers by Epstein, David, O'Halloran, Sharyn
Delegating Powers: A Transaction Cost Politics Approach to Policy Making Under Separate Powers by Epstein, David, O'Halloran, Sharyn
Democracy and Trust by
Chile Under Pinochet by Ensalaco, Mark
Still the Promised City?: African-Americans and New Immigrants in Postindustrial New York by Waldinger, Roger
Virtue, Reason and Toleration: The Place of Toleration in Ethical & Political Philosophy by Newey, Glen
Progressive Intellectuals and the Dilemmas of Democratic Commitment by Fink, Leon
Conservation of Neotropical Forests: Working from Traditional Resource Use by
Social Costs and Sustainable Mobility: Strategies and Experiences in Europe and the United States by
Ethics and Political Theory by Grcic, Joseph
In the Shadow of the State: Intellectuals and the Quest for National Identity in Twentieth-Century Spanish America by Miller, Nicola
Whiteout: The CIA, Drugs and the Press by Cockburn, Alexander, St Clair, Jeffrey
Making Crime Pay: Law & Order in Contemporary American Politics by Beckett, Katherine
Mass Fatality and Casualty Incidents: A Field Guide by Jensen, Robert A.
Legality and Legitimacy: Carl Schmitt, Hans Kelsen and Hermann Heller in Weimar by Dyzenhaus, David
America Divided: The Civil War of the 1960s by Isserman, Maurice, Kazin, Michael
Modern Strategy P by Gray, Colin S.
China's Trade Patterns and International Comparative Advantage by Zhang, X.
The Future of Social Democracy: View of Leaders from Around the World by
China's Trade Patterns and International Comparative Advantage by Zhang, X.
The New Hampshire Primary and the American Electoral Process by Palmer, Niall
The Widening Gap: Health Inequalities and Policy in Britain by Shaw, Mary, Dorling, Daniel, Gordon, David
Enemy in the Mirror: Islamic Fundamentalism and the Limits of Modern Rationalism: A Work of Comparative Political Theory by Euben, Roxanne L.
The Small Business Innovation Research Program: Challenges and Opportunities by Technology and Economic Policy, Board on Science Technology and Economic Policy, National Research Council
Research in Public Administration by
Léonard Bourdon: The Career of a Revolutionary, 1754-1807 by Sydenham, Michael J.
Africa Since Independence by Legum, Colin
Hispanic / Latino Identity: A Philosophical Perspective by Gracia, Jorge J. E.
The Reform of Macroeconomic Policy: From Stagflation to Low or Zero Inflation by Perkins, J.
Politics Without Democracy: England 1815-1918 by Bentley, Michael
Politics without a Past: The Absence of History in Postcommunist Nationalism by Cohen, Shari J.
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