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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Business, Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding: Contributions from the private sector to address violent conflict by Sweetman, Derek
Complex Peace Operations and Civil-Military Relations: Winning the Peace by Egnell, Robert
State Management: An Enquiry into Models of Public Administration & Management by Lane, Jan-Erik
The Obama Chronicles: Stories From The Heartland: The Election of Obama and His Governing Style by Hicks, Lonnie D.
The Changing Face of Rural Space: Agriculture and Rural Development in the Western Balkans by Van Der Celen, Philip, Lampietti, Julian, Lugg, David G.
The Making of Polities by Watts, John
Peep Game: Original Poetry, Observations, and Fiction by McFarlane, Adalberto
Glass Walls: A case study involving public policy decision-making by Johnson, Kurt, Sr.
Fiscal Federalism by Boadway, Robin, Shah, Anwar
The Forensics of Election Fraud by Ordeshook, Peter C., Shakin, Dimitri, Myagkov, Mikhail
Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives by
Raymond Aron und die europäische Staatsbürgerschaft by Schönfeld, Matthias
Volksparteien in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Schönfeld, Matthias
Governance and Civil Society in Myanmar: Education, Health and Environment by James, Helen
War Memory, Nationalism and Education in Postwar Japan: The Japanese History Textbook Controversy and Ienaga Saburo's Court Challenges by Nozaki, Yoshiko
Transition in Brasilien: Eine Analyse des politischen Systemwechsels by Tanania, Robert
The Chinese Model of Modern Development by
Die Anfänge der Familienpolitik in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland 1949-1969 by Wolf, Cornelia
Die Bundesrepublik als Polyarchie im Sinne Robert A. Dahls by Neureiter, Michael
Spirit of Adventure by Townley, Alvin
G8 und Global Governance in der Wirtschafts- und Finanzpolitik by Fischer, Nepomuk V.
The divergences between maoism and classical marxist thought by Erckel, Sebastian
Classical Social Contract Theory: The Classical Social Contract Theories of Hobbes, Locke and Rousseau Compared by Erckel, Sebastian
Das Freund-Feind-Denken nach Carl Schmitt - Anfang vom Ende der Demokratie? by Klüßendorf, Peer
Finanzkrise - Wie verwundbar ist die Schweiz? by Holzheu, Elena
Die Attische Demokratie unter der Einwirkung der Staatslehre Aristoteles by Späte, Ludwig
Bayerns Weg zum modernen Staat by Fischer, Nepomuk V.
Migration in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Vom Gastarbeiter zum Einwanderer by Schult-Nikolic, Diana
Marxist and Neo-Marxist Theories of Class by Erckel, Sebastian
Charakteristika der Schweizer Demokratie by Müller, Björn
Neues vom Kriege?: Eine Analyse zur strukturellen Entwicklung des Krieges by Frischeisen, Josef
Der EU-Einsatz im Kongo: Herausforderungen für Europa by Fischer, Nepomuk V.
Die Unbrauchbaren by Hoppe, Helmut
Conflict, Terrorism and the Media in Asia by
Politics and the Press in Indonesia: Understanding an Evolving Political Culture by Romano, Angela
China's Opening Society: The Non-State Sector and Governance by
Narrating Post/Communism: Colonial Discourse and Europe's Borderline Civilization by Kovacevic, Natasa
Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives by
A Declaration of the People's Natural Right by Granville Sharp
Border Politics: The Limits of Sovereign Power by Vaughan-Williams, Nick
Just How Stupid Are We?: Facing the Truth about the American Voter by Shenkman, Richard
Öffentlichkeit in den "Federalist Papers": Eine Annäherung an das Öffentlichkeitsmodell der amerikanischen Gründerväter by Greiner, Florian
Analyse eines ethnisch-religiösen Konflikts am Fallbeispiel Bosnien und Herzegowina by Visak, Frano
Public Administration in the Age of Globalization: Trends, Challenges and Opportunities by Erckel, Sebastian
Tarp Town U S A by D. T. Pollard, T. Pollard
Rekonstruktion aus eigener Kraft?: Untersuchungen zum Staatszerfall am Fallbeispiel Indonesien by Moschke, Michael
The Macedonian Knot: The Identity of the Macedonians, as Revealed in the Development of the Balkan League 1878-1914- The Role of Macedonia by Steppan, Ute
From Despair to Hope: Hope VI and the New Promise of Public Housing in America's Cities by
Russia in the Shadows by Wells, H. G.
Fire, Ice and Paradise by H. Leighton Steward
8 Days of Crisis on the Hill; Political Blip...or Stephen Harper's Revolution Derailed? by Joseph, Thomas W.
Mrs. Paddy's Political Parodies: A Tea Party Songbook for the New Revolution by Mrs Paddy
Mrs. Paddy's Political Parodies: A Tea Party Songbook for the New Revolution by Mrs Paddy
A Feeling of Worth: A Manifesto for Mending Our Broken World by Jordan, Bay
Economics of Fulfillment: The Obsolescence of Socialism and Capitalism and an Economic Philosophy for the Future by Bedogne, Vincent Frank
Economics of Fulfillment: The Obsolescence of Socialism and Capitalism and an Economic Philosophy for the Future by Bedogne, Vincent Frank
Going to Extremes: How Like Minds Unite and Divide by Sunstein, Cass R.
Theories of the Democratic State by Dryzek, John, Dunleavy, Patrick
Theatralisierung Der Gesellschaft: Band 2: Medientheatralität Und Medientheatralisierung by
Konservativismus by Schmitz, Sven-Uwe
G8 against Transnational Organized Crime by Scherrer, Amandine
British Conservatism and Trade Unionism, 1945-1964 by Dorey, Peter
Social Networks and Migration in Wartime Afghanistan by Harpviken, K.
Carl Schmitt and the Politics of Hostility, Violence and Terror by Slomp, G.
How Unified Is the European Union?: European Integration Between Visions and Popular Legitimacy by
Diskriminierung Und Toleranz: Psychologische Grundlagen Und Anwendungsperspektiven by
Die Werteordnung Des Grundgesetzes by Detjen, Joachim
Erfolgskriterien Föderaler Transition: Eine Vergleichende Akteursbasierte Prozessanalyse Anhand Spaniens, Belgiens Und Russlands by Wasmeier, Claudia
Marktsozialdemokratie: Die Transformation Von SPD Und Labour Party by Nachtwey, Oliver
Soziale Demokratie: Eine Einführung by Meyer, Thomas
Interessenverbände Und Internationalisierung: Dachverbände, Automobilindustrie Und Einzelhandel in Der Europäischen Union by Teuber, Jörg
Sozialdemokratie Und Europa: Die Europapolitik Von Spd, Labour Party Und Parti Socialiste by Krell, Christian
Kommunalreform in Deutschland Und Japan: Ökonomisierung Und Demokratisierung in Vergleichender Perspektive by
Autoritarismus in Mittel- Und Osteuropa by
Working with Nature Against Poverty: Development, Resources and the Environment in Eastern Indonesia by
Law's Allure by Silverstein, Gordon
Saving America: An Average Citizen's Solutions To Reform America by Dannenberg, Henry W.
Phan Chau Trinh and His Political Writings by Trinh, Phan Chau
Phan Chau Trinh and His Political Writings by Trinh, Phan Chau
Conversations with William F. Buckley Jr. by
Operational Culture for the Warfighter: Principles and Applications by Salmoni, Barak a., Holmes-Eber, Paula
The Heart of Justice Care Ethics and Political Theory (Paperback) by Engster, Daniel
Escribiendo desde los margenes. Colonialismo y jesuitas en el siglo xviii by del Valle, Ivonne
Religious Pluralism, Democracy, and the Catholic Church in Latin America by
Religion and Politics: Islam and Muslim Civilization by Redissi, Hamadi, Lane, Jan-Erik
The Communist Manifesto by Engels, Friedrich, Marx, Karl
Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide by Andreas, Peter
Border Games: Policing the U.S.-Mexico Divide by Andreas, Peter
The Greatness of America by Mike Tangunu Ndimunkum
The Greatness of America by Mike Tangunu Ndimunkum
A Persistent Voice: Marian Franz and Conscientious Objection to Military Taxation by Franz, Marian
The Constitution and Public Policy in U.S. History by
The Handbook of West European Pension Politics by
Democracy and Expertise: Reorienting Policy Inquiry by Fischer, Frank
The Motherless State: Women's Political Leadership and American Democracy by McDonagh, Eileen
Politics by Aristotle, Barker, Ernest
The Chickenhawk Syndrome: War, Sacrifice, and Personal Responsibility by Ryan, Cheyney
Affirmative Action and the Meanings of Merit by Lapenson, Bruce P.
The Rise of China: Essays on the Future Competition by Schmitt, Gary
Improving Capacity for Stabilization and Reconstruction Operations by Bensahel, Nora
Business, Government, and EU Accession: Strategic Partnership and Conflict by Iankova, Elena a.
Anarchy as Order: The History and Future of Civic Humanity by Bamyeh, Mohammed a.
Faktoren für den Wandel von Frankreichs Parteiensystem. Institutionen, Sozialstrukturen und Issues by Willems, Silvia
Professionelle Lobby / Public-Affairs Agenturen: Neue Formen der Interessenvertretung auf EU-Ebene by Husen, Peter
The Politics of Global Regulation by
Die Unterschiede in der Erinnerung an den Holocaust zwischen der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands und der Französischen Republik by Houssiere, Audrey
Two-sided markets and their relevance for competition policy by Jain, Jitendra
Das Politikfeld Soziale Stadtentwicklung in Frankfurt (Oder) am Beispiel der Sozial- und Konfliktberatung by Holfeld, Anna
Parlamentarisierung als Option für die Europäische Union by Sieder, Ivo
Aussiedler, Spätaussiedler - ein Überblick by Dusautoir, Amandine
Die Schweizer Volksrechte: Ausprägungen und Wirkungen in den Kantonen und Gemeinden der Eidgenossenschaft by Moschke, Michael
Politische Rhetorik im Nationalsozialismus - Die außen- und innenpolitische Funktion von Joseph Goebbels Sportpalastrede "Wollt ihr den totalen Krieg? by Taubert, Janin
Das abrogative Referendum in Italien. Ein Modell für die Bundesrepublik? by Willems, Silvia
Gender and Democracy in Cuba by Luciak, Ilja A.
Understanding Third World Politics, Third Edition: Theories of Political Change and Development by Smith, B. C.
Chinese Security Policy: Structure, Power and Politics by Ross, Robert
The History and Politics of Voting Technology: In Quest of Integrity and Public Confidence by Saltman, R.
Walking Away from Terrorism: Accounts of Disengagement from Radical and Extremist Movements by Horgan, John G.
Interpreting Political Events in the United States: Critical Debate and Representative Democracy - A Viewpoint on the Us Bill of Rights, President And by Coles, Norman
Konzeptionelle Grundlagen der Außenpolitik Kohls - Die Regierungserklärungen von 1982/83 und die Berichte zur Lage der Nation im geteilten Deutschland by Neumann, Veronika
Im Prinzip einig? Zur Entwicklung der Grundwerte von SPD und DGB in der Bundesrepublik by Müller, Thorsten
Die Beziehung von Religiosität, Laizismus- und Demokratiebefürwortung als subjektive Messung by Kleine, Andreas
Our Nation Unhinged: The Human Consequences of the War on Terror by Honigsberg, Peter Jan
Dienstleistung und Verkauf online - Praxisbeispiele aus Unternehmen by Sattler, Hilmar
Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas by
Urban Segregation and Governance in the Americas by
President George W. Bush's Influence Over Bureaucracy and Policy: Extraordinary Times, Extraordinary Powers by
Reconstructing Jihad Amid Competing International Norms by Rane, H.
The Rise and Fall of Development Theory by Leys, Colin
The International Freedom of Information Index by Lidberg, Johan
Praktische Jungenarbeit: Ein Handbuch für Pädagogen und Eltern by Miketta, Heero, Pracht, Andrea
All Hands on Deck: Making It Through the Storm by Sutton, Issac, Jr.
Travel Demand Management and Road User Pricing: Success, Failure and Feasibility by Sammer, Gerd
Culture and Anarchy by Arnold, Matthew
No Stool Pigeon by Ryan, Haycene
The Strenuous Life by Roosevelt, Theodore
Bringing Outsiders in: Transatlantic Perspectives on Immigrant Political Incorporation by
Bringing Outsiders in: Transatlantic Perspectives on Immigrant Political Incorporation by
The Strenuous Life by Roosevelt, Theodore
Perpetual Peace by Kant, Immanuel
Why Capitalism Survives Crises: The Shock Absorbers by
Special Issue: New Perspectives on Crime and Criminal Justice by Sarat, Austin
Arguments and Actions in Social Theory by Preston, P.
The Globalization of Security: State Power, Security Provision and Legitimacy by Mabee, B.
Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia by Aspinall, Edward
Everyday is Monday: Come Travel My Road and Those Who Shared It by Koury, Mj
Advancing East Asian Regionalism by
Living Cities in Japan: Citizens' Movements, Machizukuri and Local Environments by
State Making in Asia by
Islam and Nation: Separatist Rebellion in Aceh, Indonesia by Aspinall, Edward
China's Foreign Trade Policy: The New Constituencies by
The Future of Insurance Regulation in the United States by
The Political Economy of Theocracy by Wintrobe, R., Ferrero, M.
The Making of Modern Lithuania by Balkelis, Tomas
Eighteen Insights That Help Define Barack Obama in the 2008 Presidential Campaign: Recollections of an Historical Campaign and Related Events by McCormack, James
The Cult of Imperial Honor in British India by Patterson, S.
Capital as Power: A Study of Order and Creorder by Nitzan, Jonathan, Bichler, Shimshon
Watch-Out!: The Clock Keeps Ticking by Waldron, Ronald L.
Culture of Terror: The Collapse of America by Narrett, Eugene E.
The Future of Insurance Regulation in the United States by
Challenging Institutional Analysis and Development: The Bloomington School by Aligica, Paul Dragos, Boettke, Peter J.
Expansion of Trade and FDI in Asia: Strategic and Policy Challenges by
Virginia and State Rights, 1750-1861: The Genesis and Promotion of a Doctrine by Pinnegar, Charles
You've Come a Long Way, Baby: Women, Politics, and Popular Culture by
Islamic Militancy by
Nuclear Weapons by
Altered States by Sperling, Valerie
Altered States by Sperling, Valerie
Surviving the Cataclysm: Your Guide Through the Greatest Financial Crisis in Human History by Tarpley, Webster Griffin
Journalismus in den Golfstaaten by Spöcker, Christian
Ungleiche Entwicklung im Kapitalismus: spatio-temporal fixes: Welche Entwicklungen lassen sich angesichts der spatio-temporal fixes in einer glokalisi by Windyka, Darius
Effektiver Wahlkampf - Welche Informationen welchen Wähler erreichen by Scheipers, Tilman
The Making of Polities: Europe, 1300 1500 by Watts, John
Ist der Bundesrat ein Blockadeinstrument der Politik? by Spöcker, Christian
The Carbon Footprint Wars: What Might Happen If We Retreat from Globalization? by Sim, Stuart
The English Constitution by Bagehot, Walter
Der Föderalismus in den USA unter Einfluss des U.S. Supreme Court by Thöle, Sönke
Transitional Justice in Deutschland? Die Vergangenheitsbewältigung in Deutschland nach 1989/90 by Ekinci, Özgür
Die DDR - Politik, Wirtschaft und Scheitern by Otto, Marcus
Sustainable Development in Practice by Munasinghe, Mohan
The Spectre at the Feast: Capitalist Crisis and the Politics of Recession by Gamble, Andrew
Das Verhältnis von Pädagogik und Ökonomie im Menschenbild des Homo Oeconomicus - Welche Aufgabe hat darin die Pädagogik? by Lang, Christian
Der Demokratische Verfassungsstaat: Zwischen Legitimationskonflikt Und Deutungsoffenheit by Enzmann, Birgit
Lernvorschläge für die Sachkundeprüfung im Bewachungsgewerbe gem. §34a GewO VIII - Praxishilfen: Band 8 - Englisch für Sicherheitsfachkräfte (Anfänger by Weßeling, Kim Marc Alexander
Entwicklung Der Zivilgesellschaft in Ostdeutschland: Quantitative Und Qualitative Befunde by Gensicke, Thomas
Die Kunst Der Politik: Zum Potenzial Von Gruppendynamik Und Organisationsentwicklung Für Politische Lernprozesse by Lesjak, Barbara
Minima Moralia Der Nächsten Gesellschaft: Standpunkte Eines Neuen Generationenvertrags by
Bolivien: Staatszerfall ALS Kollateralschaden by
Wir in Europa: Kollektive Identität Und Demokratie in Der Europäischen Union by Kaina, Viktoria
After 2015: International Development Policy at a Crossroads by Tiwari, M., Sumner, A.
Typing Politics: The Role of Blogs in American Politics by Davis, Richard
Typing Politics: The Role of Blogs in American Politics by Davis, Richard
After 2015: International Development Policy at a Crossroads by Sumner, A., Tiwari, M.
The Constitution in 2020 by
Why Capitalism Works and Government Doesn't: Or, How Government Is Recycling the American Workforce to Pay Its Bills and How the Rich Profit from Big by Dedelow, Ew
Independance 2011 by Bouguy, Géra
Enough Double Standard by Salama, Hesham
Obama's Peace in the Middle East: The Mideast Peace Process by Ali Abdul Rashid
Culture of Terror: The Collapse of America by Narrett, Eugene E.
British Politics!: What about the Tax Payer? by MacKenzie, Scott
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