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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Kosovo: The Path to Contested Statehood in the Balkans by Ker-Lindsay, James
Europe in Question: Referendums on European Integration by Hobolt, Sara Binzer
Regime-Building: Democratization and International Administration by Tansey, Oisin
Liberal Theory of International Justice by Wellman, Christopher Heath, Altman, Andrew
Social Movements and Europeanization by Della Porta, Donatella, Caiani, Manuela
The Republic and the Laws by Cicero, Rudd, Niall
Interkulturelle Mediation: Was es zu beachten gilt und wie sie trotzdem gelingen kann by Block, Felix
Thr Human Drama, Vol II by Johnson, Jean Elliott, Johnson, Donald James
Globalization and Terrorism: The Migration of Dreams and Nightmares by Nassar, Jamal R.
Freedom from Our Social Prisons: The Rise of Economic, Social, and Cultural Rights by Ravlich, Anthony George
Globalization and Emerging Societies: Development and Inequality by
The Roots of Contemporary Imperialism: The Founding Fathers, the U.S. Constitution, and 200 Years of Corporate Dictatorship by Volpi, Valerio
Globalization and Emerging Societies: Development and Inequality by
Environmental Policy Integration in Practice: Shaping Institutions for Learning by
The Shape of the World to Come: Charting the Geopolitics of a New Century by Cohen-Tanugi, Laurent
The Evolving Terrorist Threat to Southeast Asia: A Net Assessment by Chalk, Peter
The Ten Commandments for The Local Government Employee: And Other Rules for Success in Any City or County Organization by Abeyta, Roman R.
Experimental Secrets: International Security, Codes, and the Future of Research by Rappert, Brian
The Solution of the Fist: Dostoevsky and the Roots of Modern Terrorism by Moran, John P.
Thr Human Drama, Vol II: World History: From 500 to 1450 C.E. by Johnson, Jean Elliott, Johnson, Donald James
Narrating Political Reconciliation: South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission by Moon, Claire
Racial Profiling: Research, Racism, and Resistance by Glover, Karen S.
Racial Profiling: Research, Racism, and Resistance by Glover, Karen S.
Die Türkei und die Ukraine auf dem Weg in die EU?: Eine Betrachtung der Beitrittsperspektiven beider Länder aus neorealistischer Perspektive by Schmitz, Lars
Las venas abiertas de America Latina by Galeano, Eduardo
Grundriss Des Osterreichischen Staatsrechtes (1775) by Schrotter, Franz Ferdinand Von
Helvetia Profana Relatione Del Dominio Temporale Depotentissimi XIII Cantoni Suizzeri Detti Della Gran Lega, Parts 1-2 (1642) by Scotti, Ranuccio
Eenige Berichten, Part 3: Omtrent De Pruissische, Oostenryksche En Siciliaansche Monarchien (1794) by Meerman, Johan
Freymuthige Bemerkungen Eines Ungars Uber Sein Vaterland (1799) by Glatz, Jakob
How To Sell Equitable Policies (1907) by Alexander, William
Gegenwartiger Zustand Der Landeshauptmannschaft Hof (1792) by Weitershausen, Philipp Ludwig
Description Du Gouvernement Present Du Corps Germanique Appele Communement Le St. Empire Romain (1741) by Custrin, Charles-Frederic Necker De
English Political Thought, 1603-1660 V1: 1603-1644 (1644) by Allen, John William
Killer Robots: Legality and Ethicality of Autonomous Weapons by Krishnan, Armin
Medien und Demokratie in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Enders, Elisabeth
Versuch Einer Kurzen, Systematischen Und Historichen Einleitung In Die Lehre Des Teutschen Staatsrechts Von Steuern Und Abgaben (1794) by Ulmenstein, Friedrich Wilhelm Albrecht
Discurso Sobre La Conducta De Las Cortes De Viena, Y De Saxonia, Y Sus Perniciosos Designos (1756) by Anonymous
Essais Sur L'Administration V2 (1786) by Anonymous
Zwey Abhandlungen Uber Die Kultur Des Menschlichen Verstandes Und Uber Die Aristokratie Und Demokratie (1785) by Ewald, Schack Hermann, Spinoza, Benedictus de
Ecclesiastical Republicanism: Or The Republicanism, Liberality, And Catholicity Of Presbytery, In Contrast With Prelacy And Popery (1843) by Smyth, Thomas
Etwelche Gelegenheits-Reden, Politisch-Moralischen Innhalts, In Betreff Der Isigen Lage Des Schweizerlauds (1792) by Wetzel, Niklaus Emanuel
Der Unthatige Reichthum Hungarns (1784) by Szapary, Grafen Johann Von
Gegenwartiger Zustand Der Landeshauptmannschaft Hof (1792) by Weitershausen, Philipp Ludwig
English Political Thought, 1603-1660 V1: 1603-1644 (1644) by Allen, John William
Les Origines Ou L'Ancien Gouvernement De La France V2: De L'Allemagne Et De L'Italie (1789) by Nancay, Louis Gabriel Dubuat
Gegrundete Nachrichten Von Den Erb-Aemtern Des Furstenthums Burggrafthums Nurnberg (1745) by Gadendam, Johann Wilhelm
Lo Stato Presente Di Tutti I Paesi V1: E Popoli Del Mondo Naturale, Politico, E Morale (1731) by Salmon, Thomas
Lo Stato Presente O Sia La Relazione Della Corte Di Roma, Part 1 (1774) by Zaccaria, Francesco Antonio, Leti, Gregorio
Dissertazione Istorico-Politica, E Legale Sopra La Natura, E Qualita Delle Citta Di Piacenza, E Parma (1720) by Nicoli, Francesco
Des Emigres Francais: Ou Reponse A M. De Lally-Tolendal (1797) by Leuliette, Jean-Jacques
Essai Sur La Constitution Du Pays De Vaud, Part 1 (1796) by De La Harpe, Frederic Cesar
Handbuch Der Inneren Staatsverwaltung V1 (1798) by Sonnenfels, Joseph Von
Des Etats Generaux V11: Et Autres Assemblees Nationales (1789) by Mayer, Charles Joseph
The Slave, The Serf, And The Freeman (1872) by Overend, Campbell
Eloge Du Marechal De Vauban, Discours (1793) by Noel, Francois-Joseph
From Washington To Roosevelt: A Collection Of Essays On The American Revolution (1911) by O'Boyle, James
Vollstaendige Einleitung Zu Der Teutschen Staats-Reichs- Und Kayser-Historie (1724) by Hahn, Simon Friedrich
Deux Discours Historiques Et Politiques, L'Un Sur Les Causes De La Guerre De Hongrie (1665) by May, Louis Du
Full And Accurate Report Of The Debates In The Parliament Of Ireland, In The Session 1793 (1793) by Ireland Parliament
La Politique De La Maison D'Autriche (1689) by (Antoine) Varillas, Monsieur Varillas
Life Of Charles James Fox (1890) by Wakeman, Henry Offley
Dialogo Sopra Il Legittimo Governo Popolare Della Repubblica Di Genova, Libri II (1798) by Foglietta, Uberto
Zwey Abhandlungen Uber Die Kultur Des Menschlichen Verstandes Und Uber Die Aristokratie Und Demokratie (1785) by Spinoza, Benedictus de, Ewald, Schack Hermann
Denkschrift Uber Die Letzten Begebenheiten In Der Bernerischen (1798) by Haas, Wilhelm, Fisch, Johann Georg
Documents Illustrating Catholic Policy In The Reign Of James Vi: 1596, 1598 (1893) by
Idee Du Gouvernement Ancien Et Moderne De L'Egypte (1743) by Le Mascrier, Jean Baptiste
Des Reactions Politiques (1797) by Rebecque, Benjamin De Constant De
Essai Sur Les Causes Qui, En 1649, Amenerent En Angleterre L'Etablissement De La Republique (1799) by De La Meurthe, Antoine J. C. Boulay
Eydgenossisch-Katholischen Kirchen-Regiments, Part 2 (1761) by Anonymous
Lettere Memorabili, Istoriche, Politiche, Ed Erudite Scritte, O Raccolte (1698) by Bulifon, Antonio
Grundsatze Der Handlungs-Staats-Und Finanzwissenschsaften (1781) by Engelbrecht, Johann Andreas, Mortimer, Thomas
Discours Historiques Et Politiques Sur Salluste V1 (1759) by Gordon, Thomas
Instructions Politiques Pour Un Gentilhomme, Ou L'Art De Reussir A La Cour (1695) by Chez Jean Bapstiste Langlois Publisher
Discours Historiques, Critiques, Et Politiques Sur Tacite V2 (1751) by Daude, Pierre, Gordon, Thomas
M. Paylen's Grundsatze Der Moral Und Politik V1 (1787) by Garve, Christian, Payley, M.
Insurgency: Lectures Delivered At The Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, August, 1900 (1900) by Wilson, George Grafton
Governo Della Toscana Sotto Il Regno Di Sua Maesta Il Re Leopoldo II (1790) by Leopold
L'Etat Actuel De La Pologne (1702) by De Chevremont, Jean Baptiste
Histoire Entiere Et Veritable Du Procez De Charles Stuard, Roi D'Angleterre (1792) by King Charles of England
Lives Of Eminent British Statesmen V2 (1836) by Forster, John
L'Amberti Hortensij Montfortij Secessionum Ciuiliu Ultraiectinarum, Et Bellorum (1546) by Hortensius, Lambertus
Die Teutsche Nation: An Ihre Konige Und Fursten Nach Dem Zweiten Unglucklichen Feldzug Gegen Die Westfranken (1794) by Anonymous
Early Missions To And Within The British Islands (1888) by Hole, Charles
Five Appeals To American Patriotism (1917) by Hongwanji Mission Honolulu
Doubts On The Abolition Of The Slave Trade (1790) by Old Member of Parliament, Ranby, John
Wake Up, America: A Plea For The Recognition Of Our Individual And National Responsibilities (1916) by Castle, William Richards
Discours Sur L'Utilite Des Lettres Et Des Sciences, Par Rapport Au Bien De L'Etat (1715) by Barbeyrac, Jean
L'Histoire De L'Etablissement De La Republique Des Provinces-Unies V1 (1749) by Wicquefort, Abraham Van
Excerpta De Legationibus: Ex Dexippo Atheniense, Eunapio Sardiano, Petro Patricio Et Magistro, Prisco Sophista (1609) by Chanteclair, Charles De
Essais Historiques Et Politiques V2, Part 1: Sur La Revolution De L'Amerique Septentrionale (1782) by D'Auberteuil, Michel Rene Hilliard
Histoire Des Revolutions Arrivees Dans Le Gouvernement De La Republique Romaine V2 (1767) by Vertot
Histoire Des Revolutions D'Espagne V5 (1724) by Pin, Louis Ellies Du
Essais Politiques Sur L'Etat Actuel De Quelques Puissances (1777) by Rutledge, Jean Jacques
Exemption From Military Service In Great Britain: Statutory Provisions And Regulations (1917) by La Follette
Essai Dun Traite Du Stile Des Cours: Ou Reflexions Sur La Maniere D'Ecrire Dans Les Affaires D'Etat (1776) by Sneedorff, Jens Schielderup
De Ordinanda Republica Germaniae Oratio (1612) by Pflug, Julius Von
Defense Des Constitutions Americaines V1: Ou De La Necessite D'Une Balance Dans Les Pouvoirs D'Un Gouvernement Libre (1792) by Adams, John
Das Sozial-Apriori: Die Soziologie des Max Adler by Röver, Susanne
Die LINKE Chance Deutschlands: Mitgestalten durch Verantwortung by Toth, Günter
Lost Perspectives by Ben-Meir, Alon
The Separatist Conflict in Sri Lanka: Terrorism, ethnicity, political economy by Bandarage, Asoka
Joannis Demetrii Sulikovii Commentarius Brevis Rerum Polonicarum A Morte Sigismundi Augusti Poloniae Regis (1647) by Solikowski, Jan Dymitr
Life Of The Marquess Wellesley (1889) by Malleson, George Bruce
Iowa, The First Free State In The Louisiana Purchase: From Its Discovery To The Admission Of The State Into The Union, 1673-1846 (1905) by Salter, William
Jurisprudence Or The Principles Of Political Right (1901) by Herkless, William Robertson
Five Appeals To American Patriotism (1917) by Hongwanji Mission Honolulu
Le Pere Duchesne, Hebert Et La Commune De Paris, 1792-1794 (1794) by D'Estree, Paul
Report Of The Indian Branch Of The Department Of The Secretary Of State For The Provinces, 1870-1871 (1872) by Spragge, William
Some Account Of The First Apparent Symptoms Of The Late Rebellion In The County Of Kildare (1800) by Alexander, James
Etonnement De L'Europe: Ou Examen Des Differens Entre S. M. I. Et La Republique Des Provinces-Unies (1785) by Briatte, Jean-Baptiste
Some Few Observations On The Present Publication Of The Speech Of A Right Honorable Gentleman, Against The Expulsion Of Mr. Wilkes (1769) by Anonymous
La Deffence Des Catalans: Ou L'On Void Le Iuste Suiet Qu'Ils Ont Eu De Se Retirer De La Domination Du Roy D'Espagne (1642) by Sorel, Charles
Viva Pinter; Harold Pinter's Spirit of Resistance by
Totalitarismo Tecnologico Version 2.0: Por qué el avance tecnológico y la crisis financiera nos lleva inevitablemente al totalitarismo by De Espona, Jose Maria
China's Governmentalities: Governing Change, Changing Government by
Machiavelli pur - Die Discorsi II.: Äußere Politik und Kriegsführung by Budke, Andre
Canon Fodder: Historical Women Political Thinkers by Weiss, Penny A.
The Way We Vote: The Local Dimension of American Suffrage by Ewald, Alec C.
The Way We Vote: The Local Dimension of American Suffrage by Ewald, Alec C.
Volksstaatlichkeit - Zur Bedeutung innerparteilicher Demokratie by Riggler, Martin
Subsidiarity in the European Community's legal order: An analysis of its (non) application in the case of the directive on the ban of tobacco advertis by Daniel, Andrea
Die Prävention von Terrorismus: Das Modell der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Brandt, Felicia
Entwicklung einer Hochschulstrategie zur Teilnahme am 7. EU Forschungsrahmenprogramm by Mastalerek, Joanna
Die Auswirkungen des DRG-Systems auf die Krankenhausplanung by Weckert, Elina
Foucaults Analytik der Geschichte des Regierens anhand des Gouvernementalitätsbegriffs by Enders, Elisabeth
Die soziale Mobilität von Leitern in sozialistischen Industriebetrieben by Michaelis, Holger
Russia and the North by
American Colonialism in Puerto Rico: The Judicial and Social Legacy by Rivera Ramos, Efren
Corruption & Democracy in Latin America by
Business Networks in Clusters and Industrial Districts: The Governance of the Global Value Chain by
China and India in the Age of Globalization by Sharma, Shalendra D.
China and India in the Age of Globalization by Sharma, Shalendra D.
Ruling the World?: Constitutionalism, International Law, and Global Governance by
On Miracles and Modern Spiritualism by Wallace, Alfred Russel
Evolution and Religion: Volume 2 by Beecher, Henry Ward
Chemistry, Meteorology, and the Function of Digestion Considered with Reference to Natural Theology by Prout, William
Evolution and Christianity by Iverach, James
On the Power, Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation of Animals and in Their History, Habits and Instincts: Volume 1 by Kirby, William
On the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God as Manifested in the Creation of Animals and in Their History Habits and Instincts: Volume 2 by Kirby, William
A View of the Evidences of Christianity: Volume 1 by Paley, William
A View of the Evidences of Christianity: Volume 2 by Paley, William
The Path to A Future: How to get from where we are to where we want to be. by Percy, Andrew
A Preliminary Discourse on the Study of Natural Philosophy by Herschel, John Frederick
Of the Plurality of Worlds by Whewellw, William
A Doubter's Doubts about Science and Religion by Anderson, Robert
Evolution and Religion by Beecher, Henry Ward
The Relations between Religion and Science by Temple, Frederick
Life in Nature by Hinton, James
The Riddle of the Universe at the Close of the Nineteenth Century by Haeckel, Ernst Heinrich Philipp August
Mechanism of the Heavens by Laplace, Pierre Simon, Somerville, Mary
The Constitution of Man: Considered in Relation to External Objects by Combe, George
Letters on the Laws of Man's Nature and Development by Martineau, Harriet, Atkinson, Henry George
On the Relation Between Science and Religion by Combe, George
Astronomy and General Physics Considered with Reference to Natural Theology by Whewell, William
Today "I" Must Confess: The Gospel According to Religion & Politics by Dr Sunday
Natural Theology by Paley, William
Progress and Poverty by Henry, George, George, Henry, Jr.
Animal and Vegetable Physiology - Volume 1 by Roget, Peter Mark
Animal and Vegetable Physiology - Volume 2 by Roget, Peter Mark
The Method of the Divine Government by McCosh, James
On the Power Wisdom and Goodness of God by Chalmers, Thomas
The Unity of Worlds and of Nature by Powell, Baden
Man on His Nature by Charles Scott, Sherrington, Sherrington, Charles Scott, Sherrington, Charles Scott
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte: Volume 1 by Comte, Auguste
The Positive Philosophy of Auguste Comte: Volume 2 by Comte, Auguste
Man and His Dwelling Place by Hinton, James
Globalization, Wages, and the Quality of Jobs: Five Country Studies by
John Rawls by Lehning, Percy B.
John Rawls by Lehning, Percy B.
Anthem by Rand, Ayn
Hoodwinked: How Intellectual Hucksters Have Hijacked American Culture by Cashill, Jack
Showdown with Nuclear Iran: Radical Islam's Messianic Mission to Destroy Israel and Cripple the United States by Evans, Michael D.
"Blau-gelb ist mein Herz, ich sterb in Döbling": Zugangsarten, Motivdimensionen und die Bedeutung des Vereins für das Alltagsleben und die Identitätsb by Hinteregger, Daniel
Auguste Comte und die Gesetze der menschlichen Entwicklung: Theorie und Drei-Stadien-Gesetz by Müller, Claudia
Rechtsextreme Jugendkultur by Pfeil, Sandra
Battle for the Castle: The Myth of Czechoslovakia in Europe, 1914-1948 by Orzoff, Andrea
In the Jaws of the Dragon by Fingleton, Eamonn
Bush's Eighth Year: "Vacuous Victory," Iraq Occupation-Dec. 2011 by Morman Ph. D., Robert R.
Virus Alert: Security, Governmentality, and the AIDS Pandemic by Elbe, Stefan
Die Bundeswehr in Afghanistan: Eine Zivilmacht in der Multilateralismusfalle? by Rother, Daniel M.
Preventing Catastrophe: The Use and Misuse of Intelligence in Efforts to Halt the Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction by Graham Jr, Thomas, Hansen, Keith A.
Water Policy Processes in India: Discourses of Power and Resistance by Asthana, Vandana
Romania and the European Union: How the Weak Vanquished the Strong by Gallagher, Tom
The Last Pharaoh: Mubarak and the Uncertain Future of Egypt in the Obama Age by Elaasar, Aladdin
In Vergessener Mission by Langnickel, Marco
The Politics of Parental Leave Policies: Children, Parenting, Gender and the Labour Market by
Managing Terrorism and Insurgency: Regeneration, Recruitment and Attrition by Crouch, Cameron I.
One Country, Two Systems, Three Legal Orders - Perspectives of Evolution: Essays on Macau's Autonomy After the Resumption of Sovereignty by China by
Argentine Diary: The Inside Story Of The Coming Of Fascism by Josephs, Ray
Permanent Peace: A Check and Balance Plan by Slick, Tom
Revitalizing a Nation: A Statement of Beliefs, Opinions and Policies Embodied in the Public Pronouncements by MacArthur, Douglas
Russia on the Way by Salisbury, Harrison
John Dewey: The Reconstruction of the Democratic Life by Nathanson, Jerome
Global Health Governance: Crisis, Institutions and Political Economy by
Negotiating Sovereignty and Human Rights: Actors and Issues in Contemporary Human Rights Politics by Cox, Michaelene
Global Health Governance: Crisis, Institutions and Political Economy by
Speaking Like a State by Ayres, Alyssa
Advances in Global Leadership by
Building a Republic by Lamprey, L.
Asian Nationalism And The West: A Symposium Based On Documents And Reports Of The Eleventh Conference Institute Of Pacific Relations by
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