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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Keynotes Of American Liberty: Comprising The Most Important Speeches, Proclamations, And Acts Of Congress (1866) by A Distinguished Historian
L'Ami Des Patriotes V4: Ou Le Defenseur De La Constitution (1791) by Demonville Publisher
King's College Lectures On Colonial Problems (1913) by
Seneque: Des Questions Naturelles, Part 1-2 (1663) by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Jahrbucher Der Regierung Marien Theresiens (1776) by Rautenstrauch, Johann, Fromageot, Pierre
American Progress: Or The Great Events Of The Greatest Century (1877) by Devens, R. M.
Du Gouvernement, Des Moeurs, Et Des Conditions En France Avant La Revolution: Avec Le Caractere Des Principaux Personnages Du Regne Louis XVI (1795) by De Meilhan, Gabriel Senac
The Nature And Office Of The State (1848) by Dick, Andrew Coventry
Chancen und Risiken der Denationalisierung und der Europäischen Union nach Habermas by Fröhberg, Johan
Democratic Innovations: Designing Institutions for Citizen Participation by Smith, Graham
The Christian Basis Of World Democracy (1919) by Latourette, Kenneth Scott
The Enemy of All: Piracy and the Law of Nations by Heller-Roazen, Daniel
The Grand Army Blue-Book: Containing The Rules And Regulations Of The Grand Army Of The Republic And Official Decisions And Opinions Thereon (1891) by Grand Army of the Republic
Obamanutz: A Cult Leader Takes the White House by Tiz, Joy
Die Beziehung von Staat und Medien in Großbritannien am Beispiel der David-Kelly-Affäre by Heinrich, Sebastian
Nietzsche's Revolution: Décadence, Politics, and Sexuality by Schotten, C.
Constructing 21st Century U.S. Foreign Policy: Identity, Ideology, and America's World Role in a New Era by Schonberg, K.
Private Environmental Regimes in Developing Countries: Globally Sown, Locally Grown by Espach, R.
United States and Britain in Diego Garcia: The Future of a Controversial Base by Sand, P.
United States and Britain in Diego Garcia: The Future of a Controversial Base by Sand, P.
Politics & Rhetoric: Coming to Terms with Terms by Yoos, G.
Nietzsche's Revolution: Décadence, Politics, and Sexuality by Schotten, C.
The United States and Iran: Policy Challenges and Opportunities by Roshandel, J.
Social Policy and Poverty in East Asia: The Role of Social Security by
Republican Ascendancy in Southern U.S. House Elections by McKee, Seth C.
The United States and Iran: Policy Challenges and Opportunities by Roshandel, J.
Climate Change and the Media by
Oneness Through Love: Reconnection by Valentine, Jim
Why Africa? by Udeze, Bona
Why Africa? by Udeze, Bona
The Law by Bastiat, Frederick
Public Opinion by Lippmann, Walter
Terror Post 9/11 and the Media by Altheide, David L.
Die Gesellschafts- und Staatstheorie des John Locke und deren Einwirkungen auf den heutigen Verfassungsstaat by Späte, Ludwig
Die lateinamerikanische Auslandsverschuldungskrise der 1980er als Auslöser für eine Zunahme der sozialen Ungleichheit in Lateinamerika - Costa Rica al by Anonym
Analyse einer Systemtransformation am Beispiel der ehemaligen Sowjetrepublik Belarus by Ruth, Hanna
Trade Liberalization and Trade Preferences (Revised Edition) by Michaely, Michael
Health for Some: The Political Economy of Global Health Governance by
Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada by
Institutions, Communication and Values by Dolfsma, W.
The European Union and World Politics: Consensus and Division by
The Record of the paper: Die New York Times als Propagandainstrument der amerikanischen Regierung by Römisch, Mark
Activating the Citizen: Dilemmas of Participation in Europe and Canada by
Der Einfluss auf die Wirtschaft einer Kolonie durch eine Kolonialmacht: Togo unter der deutschen Kolonialherrschaft von 1884 - 1914 by Stammermann, Otto
Kampf der (Wirtschafts-) Kulturen?: Welcher Staat kommt am besten und schnellsten aus der aktuellen Krise und welche Konsequenzen wird das für das Wir by Warwitz, Rolf H.
Struktur und filmische Gestaltung des Dokumentarfilms: "Überleben in New York" Ein Film von Rosa von Praunheim by Müller, Anina
Rückkehr Des Staates?: Politische Handlungsmöglichkeiten in Unsicheren Zeiten by Heinze, Rolf G.
Familienpolitik ALS Determinante Weiblicher Lebensverläufe?: Die Auswirkungen Des Erziehungsurlaubs Auf Familien- Und Erwerbsbiograpien in Deutschland by Ziefle, Andrea
Fantasy and Political Violence: The Meaning of Anticommunism in Chile by Palacios, Margarita
Global Health and Sustainable Development Architecture: Inclusive Dialogue, Partnerships, and Community Capital by Wang, Mei-Ling
Die Türkei und die Europäische Union: Ist eine europäische Identität mit der Türkei möglich? by Appel, Sabine
Agents of Atrocity: Leaders, Followers, and the Violation of Human Rights in Civil War by Mitchell, N.
Ethnographie von Interaktionen unter den Geschlechtern: Biografische Erzählungen by Müller, Claudia
Die Rolle der externen Akteure im Konflikt um Nagornij-Karabach by Schiegl, Florian
Politikverflechtung zwischen Bund und Ländern in Deutschland: Das vorläufige Scheitern der Föderalismusreform by Schiegl, Florian
Die Auseinandersetzungen um den Status der überseeischen Gebiete im spanischen Zeitalter: Recht, Staat und Frieden im neuzeitlichen Völkerrecht by Siebigke, Stefan
Rüstungskontrolle: Ist die Rüstungsbegrenzung in Gefahr? Ein Aus- und Überblick by Suchy, Sarah
Frankreich in der Europäischen Union by Dorsheimer, Sabine
Gewaltverbot und Selbstverteidigungsrecht: Inwiefern ist das Prinzip der individuellen und kollektiven Selbstverteidigung nach Art. 51 VN-Charta mit d by Dorsheimer, Sabine
Ertragsmodelle von Social Communities im Web 2.0 by Rösler, Kai
Controlling Für Die Öffentliche Verwaltung: Grundlagen, Verfahrensweisen, Einsatzgebiete by Bachmann, Peter
Power and the State by Smith, Martin J.
Power and the State by Smith, Martin J.
East Timor: The Price of Liberty by Kingsbury, D.
Globalization and the 'New' Semi-Peripheries by
Transnational Public Governance: Networks, Law and Legitimacy by Warning, M.
Transformationheuristiken: Tatu Vanhanen by Kloß, Alexandra
Europäisches Antidiskriminierungsrecht und die Umsetzung in Nationales Recht: Deutschland und Polen im Vergleich by Rückert, Anita
Vital Statistics on American Politics 2009-2010 by
Vital Statistics on American Politics 2009-2010 by
Dual Nationality and the Concept of Citizenship in Politics by Akramov, Ervin
Einfluss des Islam auf die Politik der Türkei by Tröster, Jan
Young people in post-Soviet Russia: Case study on feature film "We are From the Future" (Andrei Malyukov, 2008) by Ptashchenko, Nadia
Ordering Pluralism: A Conceptual Framework for Understanding the Transnational Legal World by Norberg, Naomi, Delmas-Marty, Mireille Auteur
Russian Society and the Orthodox Church: Religion in Russia After Communism by Knox, Zoe
Achieving Competencies in Public Service: The Professional Edge: The Professional Edge by West, Jonathan P., Bowman, James S., Beck, Marcia A.
An Analysis of Regulatory Frameworks for Wireless Communications, Societal Concerns and Risk: The Case of Radio Frequency (RF) Allocation and Licensin by Mazar, Haim
History in My Life: A Memoir of Three Eras by Berend, Ivan T.
Mining, the Environment, and Indigenous Development Conflicts by Ali, Saleem H.
Straussophobia: Defending Leo Strauss and Straussians against Shadia Drury and Other Accusers by Minowitz, Peter
Chaucers Influence upon King James I. of Scotland as Poet: Inaugural Dissertation by Wood, Henry
Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, Henry Reeve Alexis
A Companion to the Muslim World by
The Realities of Redistricting: Following the Rules and Limiting Gerrymandering in State Legislative Redistricting by Winburn, Jonathan
Almost Madam President: Why Hillary Clinton 'Won' in 2008 by Gutgold, Nichola D.
How Do I Save My Honor?: War, Moral Integrity, and Principled Resignation by Felice, William F.
Democratic Communications: Formations, Projects, Possibilities by Hamilton, James F.
God, Governance, and Economic Man: The Lessons of the Founders as Derived from Economic History by Heck, Gene W.
Democracy Gone: A Chronicle of the Last Chapters of the Great American Democratic Experiment by Abele, Robert P.
Noncitizen Voting and American Democracy by Renshon, Stanley a.
Just War Thinking: Morality and Pragmatism in the Struggle against Contemporary Threats by Patterson, Eric
Localizing and Transnationalizing Contentious Politics: Global Civil Society Movements in the Philippines by
"and the road leads to nowhere" - "Last House on the Left": Ein Film und die Normen der Filmbewertung in Deutschland aus dem Blickwinkel seiner Rezipi by Scheibe, Hans-Robert
Origins of English Dramatic Modernism 1870-1914 by Meyer-Dinkgrafe, Daniel
Economic Crises and the Breakdown of Authoritarian Regimes: Indonesia and Malaysia in Comparative Perspective by Pepinsky, Thomas B.
Inside Nuclear South Asia by
Cracked but Not Shattered: Hillary Rodham Clinton's Unsuccessful Campaign for the Presidency by
Gunshots at the Fiesta: Literature and Politics in Latin America by Grenier, Yvon, Van Delden, Maarten
Lineages of Empire: The Historical Roots of British Imperial Thought by
Gunshots at the Fiesta: Literature and Politics in Latin America by Grenier, Yvon, Van Delden, Maarten
Inside Nuclear South Asia by
Economic Crises and the Breakdown of Authoritarian Regimes by Pepinsky, Thomas B.
Reason, Religion, and Democracy by Mueller, Dennis C.
Discount Voting by Hanmer, Michael J.
Moved to Action: Motivation, Participation, and Inequality in American Politics by Han, Hahrie C.
God Knows All Your Names: Stories in American History by Herbert, Paul N.
God Knows All Your Names: Stories in American History by Herbert, Paul N.
Bamboozled: How Americans Are Being Exploited by the Lies of the Liberal Agenda by McGlowan, Angela
Political Obligation: A Critical Introduction by Knowles, Dudley
Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States Constitution by
Contention and Social Responsibility by Soule, Sarah A.
Contention and Social Responsibility by Soule, Sarah A.
Moved to Action: Motivation, Participation, and Inequality in American Politics by Han, Hahrie C.
Engaging Young People in Civic Life by
Engaging Young People in Civic Life by
Welt im Wandel: Richtlinien natürlicher Führung und Organisation als Ausweg aus der Krise by Uffhausen, Philipp
Regional Economic Development in China by
Divided Over Thaksin: Thailand's Coup and Problematic Transition by
The East-West dichotomy by Pattberg, Thorsten
Atomization overcome? The case of the European blogosphere in Fostering more European Democracy by Feldhof, André
Inside Egypt: The Land of the Pharaohs on the Brink of a Revolution by Bradley, John R.
Critical by Tom, Daschle
Love Letters from the Bar Table by Dowling, Shane
Die politische Ökonomie der Subventionen für erneuerbare Energien: Ländervergleichsstudie: Schweden - USA by Saliba, Ilyas
Die Türkei und die EU. Eine unendliche Geschichte mit ungewissem Ausgang by Aktuna, Orkun
The Devil We Know: Dealing with the New Iranian Superpower by Baer, Robert
Erschwert das US-Raketenabwehrprogramm die Kooperation zwischen den USA und Russland bezogen auf das Sicherheitsdilemma von John H. Herz? by Tröster, Jan
Die Parteiensysteme in Nordrhein-Westfalen und Rheinland-Pfalz im Vergleich: Eine Analyse von Faktoren zur Erklärung des Niedergangs von Regierungspar by Niespor, Marius
Grüne Wirtschaftspolitik - Die Klima- und Umweltpolitik Barack Obamas: Ist die Klima- und Umweltpolitik des neuen US-Präsidenten eher von Kontinuität by Schröder, Alexander
Mob-Zocke oder "Raubrittertum im finsteren 21. Jahrhundert". Eine Satire auf Wahlkampfzeiten by Donym, Pseu
Democracy in America by De Tocqueville, Henry Reeve Alexis
Constructing Development: Civil Society and Literacy in a Time of Globalization by Nordtveit, Bjorn Harald
Breakdown: Violence in Search of U (you)-Turn by Bennett, Carolyn Ladelle
Breakdown: Violence in Search of U (you)-Turn by Bennett, Carolyn Ladelle
Die Berliner Kommunalpolitik unter Berücksichtigung des demografischen Wandels by Puhle, Sebastian
"Apaisement" in Asien by Nies, Volker
Der Deutsche Bundestag und die Außenpolitik: Einflussmöglichkeiten am Beispiel der Iranpolitik 1990-2008 by Schneider, Marcus
Regional Minorities and Development in Asia by
The Most Bitter Foe of Nations, and the Way to Its Permanent Overthrow by White, Andrew Dickson
Freiwillige Vereinbarungen in der europäischen Umweltpolitik am Beispiel der ACEA-Vereinbarung by Gholiagha, Sassan
Judge Deborah Speaks Out: Morality Really Does Matter In America by Mulholand, Deborah
True Blue: Strange Tales from a Tory Nation by Horrie, Chris, Matthews, David
The Case for Multinational Federalism: Beyond the all-encompassing nation by Gagnon, Alain-G
Irregular Migration from the Former Soviet Union to the United States by Liebert, Saltanat
The Frontiers of Democracy: The Right to Vote and Its Limits by Beckman, L.
The Invisible Man: Awakening the Human Consciousness by Nobles, James Leonard
Ethical Dilemmas in Pediatrics: Cases and Commentaries by
Political Culture and Institutional Development in Costa Rica and Nicaragua: World Making in the Tropics by Consuelo, Cruz, Cruz, Consuelo
The Invisible Man: Awakening the Human Consciousness by Nobles, James Leonard
Public Policy Implementation in a Democratic Governance Society: A Roadmap to Empowering Citizen Participation: An Empirical Study by Mgbeke, Darlington
Common Law & Natural Rights by Alvarado, Ruben
NEWSPEAK in the 21st Century by
People Power: Unarmed Resistance And Global Solidarity by
Gender and Policy in France by Allwood, G., Wadia, K.
Unionist Voices and the Politics of Remembering the Past in Northern Ireland by Simpson, Kirk
Disability, Representation and the Body in Irish Writing: 1800-1922 by Mossman, Mark
Globalization and Varieties of Capitalism: New Labour, Economic Policy and the Abject State by Coffey, D., Thornley, C.
The New Media of Surveillance by
The End of the British Mandate for Palestine, 1948: The Diary of Sir Henry Gurney by Golani, Motti
Peace Science: Theory and Cases by
Thomas Paine's Common Sense: Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the Following Interesting Subjects by Paine, Thomas
Democratic Authority: A Philosophical Framework by Estlund, David
Usable Theory: Analytic Tools for Social and Political Research by Rueschemeyer, Dietrich
Globalization: A Short History by Osterhammel, Jürgen, Petersson, Niels P.
Political Competition, Partisanship, and Policy Making in Latin American Public Utilities by Murillo, Maria Victoria
The Origin of Electoral Systems in the Postwar Era: A worldwide approach by Lundell, Krister
The Rejection of Palestinian Self-Determination by Hammond, Jeremy R.
The Future of Political Community by
Civilizations in World Politics: Plural and Pluralist Perspectives by
The Origins & Development of the European Union 1945-2008: A History of European Integration by
Citizenship and Collective Identity in Europe by Karolewski, Ireneusz Pawel
Political Competition, Partisanship, and Policy Making in Latin American Public Utilities by Murillo, Maria Victoria
Reason, Religion, and Democracy by Mueller, Dennis C.
Public Policy Implementation in a Democratic Governance Society: A Roadmap to Empowering Citizen Participation: An Empirical Study by Mgbeke, Darlington
Corruption, Global Security, and World Order by
The Political Economy of Trust by Farrell, Henry
Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics by Weiler, Jonathan, Hetherington, Marc J.
Class Conflict, Slavery, and the United States Constitution by
Latin American Democratic Transformations: Institutions, Actors, Processes by Smith, William C.
Authoritarianism and Polarization in American Politics by Hetherington, Marc J., Weiler, Jonathan D.
Germany's international aid programmes: her contribution to the different UN aid programmes by Robinson, Jennie
Von Nürnberg nach Den Haag: Wie hat sich die Entwicklung der völkerrechtlichen Strafgerichtsbarkeit seit den Nürnberger Prozessen vollzogen? by Graf, Stefanie
Extremism Seen as: An Obstacle to Theories of Diversity by Settimba, Henry
Die "Sowjetisierung" der Berliner Universität by Minossi, Elisa
Hannah Arendts 'Eichmann in Jerusalem': Eine Kontroverse damals und heute by Grabbert, Tammo
Der Bürgerhaushalt als Instrument der kooperativen Demokratie: Dargestellt am Beispiel der Bürgerhaushaltsverfahren von Berlin-Lichtenberg und Köln by Engel, Denise
Vom Rand zur Mitte?: Der Einzug der NPD in den Landtag von Mecklenburg-Vorpommern 2006 aus der Perspektive von organisatorischer Strukturie by Michelsen, Danny
Einflussfaktoren der Umsetzung restriktiver Abtreibungsgesetze an den Fallbeispielen Minnesota und Arizona by Teipelke, Renard
Jürgen Habermas. Strukturwandel der Öffentlichkeit: Betrachtungen zur Neuauflage 1990 by Werner, Katharina
God in the Corridors of Power: Christian Conservatives, the Media, and Politics in America by Ryan, Michael
Diplomatic Practice: Between Tradition and Innovation by Kleiner, Juergen
EZLN - Die Zapatiste: Eine Guerilla im Süden Mexikos: Darstellung und Reflexion by Grabbert, Tammo
The Promulgation Of Universal Peace V1 (1922) by Abbas, Abdul Baha
Wilhelm Klein: Regierungsrat Des Kantons Basel-Stadt Und Schweiz, Nationalrat (1907) by Brandlin, Fritz
International Exhibitions and Urbanism: The Zaragoza Expo 2008 Project by Monclús, Javier
Terrorism and Public Safety Policing: Implications for the Obama Presidency by Pastor, James F.
Politik Unter Einfluss: Netzwerke, Öffentlichkeiten, Beratungen, Lobby by Priddat, Birger P.
Behördenberatung in Deutschland: Erklärungen Und Befunde Zur Beraternachfrage in Stadtverwaltungen by Huchler, Andreas
Memoirs And Reflections Upon The Reign And Government Of King Charles I And King Charles II (1721) by Bulstrode, Richard
Marketing the Populist Politician: The Demotic Democrat by Busby, R.
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