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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Emergency and Continuous Exposure Guidance Levels for Selected Submarine Contaminants: Volume 3 by National Research Council, Division on Earth and Life Studies, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology
Not Invited to the Party: How the Demopublicans Have Rigged the System and Left Independents Out in the Cold by Bennett, James T.
The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization by Boyce, R.
The Senate of the Fifth French Republic by Smith, P.
The Political Economy of Monetary Circuits: Tradition and Change in Post-Keynesian Economics by
The Great Interwar Crisis and the Collapse of Globalization by Boyce, R.
Wirtschafts- und Sozialgeschichte kompakt by Kiehling, Hartmut
Reconstructing Law and Justice in a Postcolony by Okafo, Nonso
Confronting Fascism in Egypt: Dictatorship Versus Democracy in the 1930s by Jankowski, James, Gershoni, Israel
Global Movements in the Asia Pacific by
Confronting Fascism in Egypt: Dictatorship Versus Democracy in the 1930s by Gershoni, Israel, Jankowski, James
Wissen Und Visionen: Theorie Und Politik Der Ökonomen Im Stefan George-Kreis by Schönhärl, Korinna
Politics of Chaos in the Middle East by Roy, Olivier
Business at a Crossroads: The Crisis of Corporate Leadership by Lloyd, Tom
Business at a Crossroads: The Crisis of Corporate Leadership by Lloyd, Tom
The Gendering of Global Finance by Assassi, L.
Ireland and India: Nationalism, Empire and Memory by Silvestri, M.
Islam's Marriage with Neoliberalism: State Transformation in Turkey by Atasoy, Y.
The Gendering of Global Finance by Assassi, L.
Zur Kritik an Charles Taylors Konzeption von Multikulturalismus by Neureiter, Michael
Ireland and India: Nationalism, Empire and Memory by Silvestri, M.
Islam's Marriage with Neoliberalism: State Transformation in Turkey by Atasoy, Y.
Bedeutung und Funktion von Mittelbehörden: Fallbeispiel Rheinland-Pfalz: Die Aufsichts- und Dienstleistungsdirektion als Mittelbehörde in Rheinland-Pf by Niespor, Marius
Die Schwächen des Non-Proliferation Treaty by Tanriverdi, Hakan
Der italienische Neorealismus als Antwort auf den Zweiten Weltkrieg: Gilles Deleuze und die politische Philosophie des Kinos by Tanriverdi, Hakan
Das Sozialsystem der USA: Liberaler Wohlfahrtsstaat mit Tendenzen zu mehr staatlichen Leistungen?: Ein Überblick zur Entwicklung des Sozialsyste by Tiedemann, Sascha
Der aristotelische Bürgerbegriff by Falk, Benjamin
Daring and Caution in Turkish Strategic Culture: Republic at Sea by Mufti, M.
Daring and Caution in Turkish Strategic Culture: Republic at Sea by Mufti, M.
The Political Thought of the Liberals and Liberal Democrats Since 1945 by
Managing the Conflict Between Palestine and Israel: The Role of the European Union by Alaoudah, Saad Abdulaziz, Abdulaziz Alaoudah, Saad
Climate Change Policy in the United States: The Science, the Politics, and the Prospects for Change by Rahm, Dianne
From Civil Strife to Peace Building: Examining Private Sector Involvement in West African Reconstruction by
Powering the Green Economy: The Feed-In Tariff Handbook by Jacobs, David, Sovacool, Benjamin K., Mendonca, Miguel
Targeted Killing: Self-Defense, Preemption, and the War on Terrorism by Hunter, Thomas B.
Comparing Westminster by Rhodes, R. a. W., Wanna, John, Weller, Patrick
Competition Policy in the EU: Fifty Years on from the Treaty of Rome by
Writings of Theobald Wolfe Tone 1763-98: Volume II: America, France, and Bantry Bay, August 1795 to December 1796 Volume II: America, France, and Bant by
Schwarzarbeit und ihre wirtschaftspolitischen Konsequenzen by Engelmann, Susann
American Tolerance of Government Intervention and Socialist Agendas During an Economic Recession by Dinatale, Louis
Envisioning Reform: Enhancing UN Accountability in the 21st Century by
Semi-Citizenship in Democratic Politics by Cohen, Elizabeth F.
Reality Television and Arab Politics by Kraidy, Marwan M.
Putin and Putinism by
Cycles of Spin by Sellers, Patrick
An American Conversation by Pote, Frank W.
2010 a Blueprint for Change by Blair-Robinson, Malcolm
Visions of World Community by Bartelson, Jens
Visions of World Community by Bartelson, Jens
Reality Television and Arab Politics by Kraidy, Marwan M.
Political Branding in Cities by Pasotti, Eleonora
Self-Organizing Federalism by
Cycles of Spin by Sellers, Patrick
Human Rights, Southern Voices by
Leitlinien der Personalpolitik des Bundeskanzlers Helmut Kohl by Küpper, Moritz
Der US "Alien Tort Claims Act" im System völkerrechtlicher Rechtsdurchsetzung by Gragl, Paul
Similar Solutions to Similar Problems?: A distributive analysis of the Italian and German pension reform trajectories against the backdrop of the OMC by Engels, Steven
Corporate Citizenship in Deutschland: Gesellschaftliches Engagement Von Unternehmen. Bilanz Und Perspektiven by
Systemtransformation: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Und Empirie Der Transformationsforschung by Merkel, Wolfgang
Recent Developments in European Thought; Essays Arranged and Ed by Marvin, F. S.
Beobachtungsverfahren in der empirischen Sozialforschung unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der qualitativ-teilnehmenden Beobachtung by Schell, Svenja
Eine Neosoziale Zukunft by
Chancen Und Hindernisse Für Die Europäische Streitkräfteintegration: Grundlegende Aspekte Deutscher, Französischer Und Britischer Sicherheits- Und Ver by Jonas, Alexandra, Ondarza, Nicolai
Die Außenpolitik Frankreichs: Eine Einführung by Woyke, Wichard
Friedensethik Und Sicherheitspolitik: Weißbuch 2006 Und Ekd-Friedensdenkschrift 2007 in Der Diskussion by
Proceedings, Principally in the County of Kent, in Connection with the Parliaments Called in 1640 by Larking, Lambert B.
Systemtransformation: Eine Einführung in Die Theorie Und Empirie Der Transformationsforschung by Merkel, Wolfgang
Revolution!: South America and the Rise of the New Left by Kozloff, Nikolas
The Freedom Agenda by Traub, James
1776 Faith by Webster, Phil
The Breakthrough: Politics and Race in the Age of Obama by Ifill, Gwen
How did the murder of St. Thomas Becket affect the relationship between Church and State in England 1170-1215? by Lythall, Andrew
Meltdown: The Inside Story of the North Korean Nuclear Crisis by Chinoy, Mike
Gentechnik in der Reproduktionsmedizin - Der Weg zu einer neuen Form von Eugenik? by Scholl, Kerstin
Conscience of a Conservative by Goldwater, Barry
Constitutional Peril by Fein, Bruce
Wirkungen des relativen Mehrheitswahlsystems im England der 50er und 60er Jahre by Grochocki, Piotr
Media, Religion and Conflict by
Remembering Stalin's Victims: Popular Memory and the End of the USSR by Smith, Kathleen E.
Persistent State Weakness in the Global Age by Bojicic-Dzelilovic, Vesna
Islam, Democracy and Dialogue in Turkey: Deliberating in Divided Societies by Kanra, Bora
Raising the Global Floor: Dismantling the Myth That We Canat Afford Good Working Conditions for Everyone by Heymann, Jody, Earle, Alison
Chasing the Elephant into the Bush: The Politics of Complacency by Kennedy, Arthur
Chasing the Elephant Into the Bush: The Politics of Complacency by Kennedy, Arthur
Do 'Zimbabweans' Exist?: Trajectories of Nationalism, National Identity Formation and Crisis in a Postcolonial State by Ndlovu-Gatsheni, Sabelo J.
Politics and Society in Southeast Asia by Poole, Peter A.
The New Authoritarianism in the Middle East and North Africa by King, Stephen J.
The Role of the European Union in Asia: China and India as Strategic Partners by Jokela, Juha
The Anti-Federalist Writings of the Melancton Smith Circle by Smith, Melancton
Military Economics: The Interaction of Power and Money by Smith, Ron
Biosecurity: Origins, Transformations and Practices by Rappert, Brian, Gould, Chandré
The Criminal Cases Review Commission: Hope for the Innocent? by Naughton, Michael
Post-Communist Welfare Pathways: Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe by Cerami, Alfio, Vanhuysse, Pieter
Land, Liberation and Compromise in Southern Africa by Alden, C., Anseeuw, W.
Post-Communist Welfare Pathways: Theorizing Social Policy Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe by Cerami, Alfio, Vanhuysse, Pieter
The Invention of International Crime: A Global Issue in the Making, 1881-1914 by Knepper, P.
Matter and Form: From Natural Science to Political Philosophy by
The Case of Terri Schiavo: Ethics, Politics, and Death in the 21st Century by
Military Economics: The Interaction of Power and Money by Smith, Ron
Land, Liberation and Compromise in Southern Africa by Alden, C., Anseeuw, W.
Nigeria: The Way Forward by Chike, Chigor
Inside the Mind of a Rightwing Extremist by Weilage, Ryan
Soviet Strategic Arms Policy Before Salt by Bluth, Christoph
Law, Politics, & Perception: How Policy Preferences Influence Legal Reasoning by Braman, Eileen
Global Civic Networks und der Öffentliche Raum im Lichte der politischen Theorie Hannah Arendts by Esguerra, Alejandro
Tea Party Revival: The Conscience of a Conservative Reborn: The Tea Party Revolt Against Unconstrained Spending and Growth of the Federal by Baker, B. Leland
Development and Globalisation: Daring to Think Differently by Tandon, Yashpal, Tandon, Yash
Take Back the Republic: An Appeal to the Citizens of the United States of America by Kraig, K. O.
'Only Nixon': His Trip to China Revisited and Restudied by Ryals, Jarvis D., Humes, James C.
Managing Crises / GERER LES CRISES by Crocq, Louis, Huberson, Sophie, Vraie, Benoit
What Every Person Should Know about War by Hedges, Chris
Cooperating for Peace and Security: Evolving Institutions and Arrangements in a Context of Changing U.S. Security Policy by
Strangers Within Our Gates by Boecler, Paul
Strangers Within Our Gates by Boecler, Paul
Trail Mix: A Writing Life Enhanced by Attention Deficit Disorder by Bowes, David B.
Trail Mix: A Writing Life Enhanced by Attention Deficit Disorder by Bowes, David B.
Rückkehr ins Ungewisse. Der Beitrag von remigrierten Eliten in der Politikwissenschaft nach dem 2. Weltkrieg: Am Beispiel von Ernst Fraenkel und Eric by Schwab, Tobias
Post-Zionism, Post-Holocaust by Yakira, Elhanan
Explaining Institutional Change by
Non-State Actors as Standard Setters by
Die Rentenpolitik der rot-grünen Bundesregierung in den Jahren 2002-2005: Ein verteilungspolitischer Erfolg, oder die Anpassung an gesellschaftliche u by Schwab, Tobias
A Free City in the Balkans: Reconstructing a Divided Society in Bosnia by Parish, Matthew
Nuclear Insights: The Cold War Legacy (Volume 3): Volume 3: Nuclear Reductions (A Technically Informed Perspective) by Devolpi, Alexander
Explaining Institutional Change: Ambiguity, Agency, and Power by
A New Era for Wolves and People: Wolf Recovery, Human Attitudes, and Policy by
Chile Y Allende by Castro, Fidel
El Salvador: Su Historia Y Sus Luchas (1932 1985) by Figueroa Salazar, Amílcar
Contesting Native Title: From Controversy to Consensus in the Struggle Over Indigenous Land Rights by Ritter, David
Making Headway: The Introduction of Western Civilization in Colonial Northern Nigeria by Barnes, Andrew E.
Literature and Censorship in Restoration Germany: Repression and Rhetoric by Heady, Katy
United in Discontent: Local Responses to Cosmopolitanism and Globalization by
Israeli Exceptionalism: The Destabilizing Logic of Zionism by Alam, M.
Conflict Management and Resolution: An Introduction by Jeong, Ho-Won
American Image in Turkey: U.S. Foreign Policy Dimensions by Sadik, Giray
Greater China in an Era of Globalization by
Changing Identifications and Alliances in North-East Africa: Volume II: Sudan, Uganda, and the Ethiopia-Sudan Borderlands by
Governing Subjects: An Introduction to the Study of Politics by Balbus, Isaac D.
Britain and European Integration since 1945: On the Sidelines by Gowland, David, Turner, Arthur, Wright, Alex
Politics and Change in Singapore and Hong Kong: Containing Contention by Ortmann, Stephan
We Alone Will Rule: Native Andean Politics in the Age of Insurgency by Thomson, Sinclair
Governing Subjects: An Introduction to the Study of Politics by Balbus, Isaac D.
Postwar History Education in Japan and the Germanys: Guilty Lessons by Dierkes, Julian
Conflict Management and Resolution: An Introduction by Jeong, Ho-Won
Gender, Human Security and the United Nations: Security Language as a Political Framework for Women by Hudson, Natalie Florea
Britain and European Integration since 1945: On the Sidelines by Turner, Arthur, Wright, Alex, Gowland, David
China's Local Administration: Traditions and Changes in the Sub-National Hierarchy by
A Global Security Triangle: European, African and Asian interaction by
Negotiating Environment and Science: An Insider's View of International Agreements, from Driftnets to the Space Station by Smith, Richard J.
Global Capital and Peripheral Labour: The History and Political Economy of Plantation Workers in India by Raman, Ravi
Caspian Energy Politics: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan and Turkmenistan by
Arguing Over the American Lake by Friedman, Hal M.
The Time of European Governance by Ekengren, Magnus
EU Development Cooperation: From Model to Symbol by
Israel in the Second Iraq War: The Influence of Likud by Pelletiere, Stephen
Savage Economics: Wealth, Poverty and the Temporal Walls of Capitalism by Blaney, David L., Inayatullah, Naeem
Recovering from Earthquakes: Response, Reconstruction and Impact Mitigation in India by
Foreign Aid for Indian NGOs: Problem or Solution? by Sundar, Pushpa
Do the Right Thing: Inside the Movement That's Bringing Common Sense Back to America by Huckabee, Mike
Political Affect: Connecting the Social and the Somatic Volume 7 by Protevi, John
Climate Change and Energy Insecurity: The Challenge for Peace, Security and Development by
Swinging in America: Love, Sex, and Marriage in the 21st Century by Bergstrand, Curtis, Sinski, Jennifer
Cyberdeterrence and Cyberwar by Libicki, Martin C.
Cover Your Assets and Become Your Own Liability: Self-Serving Destroys from Within by Landrum, Gene
Cover Your Assets and Become Your Own Liability: Self-Serving Destroys from Within by Landrum, Gene
International Law and the Use of Force: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Michaelsen, Christopher, Scott, Shirley, Billingsley, Anthony
Clausewitz Reconsidered by Willmott, H., Barrett, Michael
Clausewitz Reconsidered by Barrett, Michael, Willmott, H.
Souled Out: Reclaiming Faith and Politics After the Religious Right by Dionne, E. J.
The Choice of War: The Iraq War and the Just War Tradition by Weeks, Albert Loren
Global Security Watchâ "Russia: A Reference Handbook by Weitz, Richard
African Americans and the Presidency: The Road to the White House by
Handbook of Psychology of Inve by
We Fight To Win: Inequality and the Politics of Youth Activism by Gordon, Hava Rachel
We Fight To Win: Inequality and the Politics of Youth Activism by Gordon, Hava Rachel
Political Islam from Muhammad to Ahmadinejad: Defenders, Detractors, and Definitions by
The House of Lords in the Age of George III (1760-1811) by McCahill, Michael W.
Politics and Morality by Mendus, Susan
African Voices on Development and Social Justice: Editorials from Pambazuka News 2004 by
The Philosophy of History by Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich
Beyond Crisis: Re-Evaluating Pakistan by
Power, Authority, Justice, and Rights: Studies in Political Obligations by
The Pen and the Sword: Press, War, and Terror in the 21st Century by Exoo, Calvin F.
Immigration Policy in the Federal Republic of Germany: Negotiating Membership and Remaking the Nation by Klusmeyer, Douglas B., Papademetriou, Demetrios G.
Culture Wars in America: A Documentary and Reference Guide by Utter, Glenn
The Priest of Paraguay: Fernando Lugo and the Making of a Nation by O'Shaughnessy, Hugh
The United States Constitution: The Full Text with Supplementary Materials by
The New American Exceptionalism by Pease, Donald E.
Resisting Citizenship: Feminist Essays on Politics, Community, and Democracy by Ackelsberg, Martha A.
Resisting Citizenship: Feminist Essays on Politics, Community, and Democracy by Ackelsberg, Martha A.
Toward Better Governance in China: An Unconventional Pathway of Political Reform by
Kurdish Politics in the Middle East by Entessar, Nader
Winning the Unwinnable War: America's Self-Crippled Response to Islamic Totalitarianism by
Popular Culture and the Future of Politics: Cultural Studies and the Tao of South Park by Gournelos, Ted
Life and Security in Rural Afghanistan by Mazurana, Dyan, Stites, Elizabeth, Nojumi, Neamatollah
Literacy Coaching to Build Adolescent Learning: 5 Pillars of Practice by
The Transformation of the Japanese Left: From Old Socialists to New Democrats by Hyde, Sarah
Identities and Politics During the Putin Presidency: The Foundations of Russia's Stability by
Principles of European Constitutional Law: Second Revised Edition by
Climate Change and Energy Insecurity: The Challenge for Peace, Security and Development by
Science and Technology for Development by Smith, Professor James
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