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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Democracy: A Debate Between Professor Blackie And Ernest Jones, Held At Edinburgh, January, 1867 (1885) by Jones, Ernest Charles, Blackie, John Stuart
Belligerent Rights Asserted And Vindicated Against Neutral Encroachments: Being An Answer To An Examination Of The British Doctrine (1806) by J. Johnson
Fox Against Fox! Or Political Blossoms Of Charles James Fox (1788) by Fox, Charles James
Essay On The Commercial Principles Applicable To Contracts For The Hire Of Land (1877) by Campbell, George Douglas
Fragmens De Politique Et De Litterature, Suivis D'Un Voyage A Berlin, En 1784 (1788) by Mandrillon, Joseph
Facts Of Vital Importance Relative To The Embellishment Of The Houses Of Parliament (1843) by
Democracy In The Old World And The New (1884) by Fitzgerald, William Foster Vesey
Democracy, False Or True? A Prologue And Dream (1920) by Richmond, William Blake
Democratic Government: A Study Of Politics (1885) by Stickney, Albert
Fashion In Deformity: As Illustrated In The Customs Of Barbarous And Civilized Races (1881) by Flower, William Henry
Britain Independent Of Commerce: Or Proofs Deduced From An Investigation Into The True Causes Of The Wealth Of Nations (1807) by Spence, William
British And American Eloquence (1912) by Fulton, Robert Irving, Trueblood, Thomas Clarkson
British Political Leaders (1903) by McCarthy, Justin
British Rule In India Condemned By The British Themselves (1915) by Indian National Party
Endowed Territorial Work: Its Supreme Importance To The Church And Country (1875) by Smith, William
Baratariana: A Select Collection Of Fugitive Political Pieces, Published During The Administration Of Lord Townshend In Ireland (1773) by Langrishe, Hercules, Grattan, Henry, Flood, Henry
Free Man's Companion: A New And Original Work, Consisting Of Numerous Moral, Political And Philosophical Views, Examples And Explanations (1827) by Brewster, Abel
Aviation Security: Status of Transportation Security Inspector Workforce by United States Government Accountability
Attac: Struktur und Strategie eines globalisierungskritischen Netzwerks by Giese, Martin
Der Neorealismus nach Kenneth Waltz und Neue Kriege by Drochner, Mara
Vergleich der politischen Systeme Bulgariens und Rumäniens: Zielgruppe: 8. Klasse by Gliemann, Martin
Warum besitzt die Europäische Energiestrategie aktuell nur eine geringe Realisierungschance? by Bogensperger, Johann Alexander
Der Südschleswigsche Wählerverband und Privilegierung von Minderheiten im politischen Prozess by Drochner, Mara
Grüne Regierungsverantwortung in Westeuropa: Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede by Van Den Berg, Insa
Das Verhältnis von EU und Kirche am Beispiel der Diskussion über Gottesbezug im EU-Verfassungsvertrag by Berseck, Nadja
Ideengeschichte der Kriegsgründe von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart: Mit besonderem Augenmerk auf die Rechtfertigungsgründe der USA im Irakkrieg by Gubler, Philippe
Hochleistungsrechnen - Einsatzmöglichkeiten im Verwaltungsumfeld by Schwarzkopf, Sascha
Die Bedeutung des französischen Wirtschaftsraums für deutsche Unternehmen by Beck, Bastian
To what extent does Europeanization affect national political parties?: A case study at the example of the Italian Northern League by Capogrosso, Fabrizio
Welche Rolle spielen die Kirchen in der Umweltdebatte? - Das Engagement der Kirchen anhand auserwählter Dokumente by Schlott, Cornelia Kerstin
Die Reform des Zuckermarktes: Erklärungsansätze des akteurzentrierten Institutionalismus by Schnell, Theresia
Die Staatsfreiheit im öffentlich-rechtlichen Rundfunk am Beispiel des Radio Bremen-Gesetzes by Frech, Jannis
The New Income Tax Scandal: How the Income Tax cheats workers out of MILLION$ each year and the corrupt reasons why this happens by Garrison, J. Christopher
The New Income Tax Scandal: How the Income Tax cheats workers out of MILLION$ each year and the corrupt reasons why this happens by Garrison, J. Christopher
Law's Allure: How Law Shapes, Constrains, Saves, and Kills Politics by Silverstein, Gordon
Internationalisierungsstrategien chinesischer Unternehmen im Energiemarkt by Zhao, Zhonghua, Otto, Jan P.
Comparative Politics by Zuckerman, Alan S., Lichbach, Mark Irving
Political Thought and History by Pocock, J. G. a.
States Against Migrants by Ellermann, Antje
The Politics of Uneven Development: Thailand's Economic Growth in Comparative Perspective by Doner, Richard F.
Yes, We Did: The Southern Argument For Progressive Change by Hansen, Linda
Critical Theorists and International Relations by
Contested Triumphs: Politics, Pageantry, and Performance in Livy's Republican Rome by Pittenger, Miriam R. Pelikan
Marching Toward Hell: America and Islam After Iraq by Scheuer, Michael
The Economic Consequences of the Peace by Keynes, John Maynard
Critical Theorists and International Relations by
Nations and Nationalism by Gellner, Ernest
Die politischen Systeme von Norwegen und Finnland by Paulsen, Nina
Failure to Protect: America's Sexual Predator Laws and the Rise of the Preventive State by Janus, Eric S.
Die Militäroperation "Iraqi Freedom" als Bestandteil der US-amerikanischen Nichtverbreitungspolitik? by Seitz, Veronika
The Geography of Presidential Elections in the United States, 1868-2004 by Menendez, Albert J.
Politische Geschichte Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Rupp, Hans Karl
An Introduction to the Study of Justinian's Digest by Roby, Henry John
CO-Pipeline: Als in NRW das Wohl der Allgemeinheit abgeschafft wurde by Wilms, Konrad
Die deutsche Wiedervereinigung aus der Perspektive deutscher Parteien - Kontinuität und Wandel by Schröer, Birgit
Großbritannien: Westminstermodell und das Auftreten von Koalitionen by Steinmüller, Albrecht
Options for a New Britain by Uberoi, Varun, Halpern, David
Community after Totalitarianism: The Russian Orthodox Intellectual Tradition and the Philosophical Discourse of Political Modernity by Stoeckl, Kristina
Secrets of Our Hidden Controllers Revealed by Flinchpaugh, John Larry
Preparing for Sudden Change in North Korea by Stares, Paul B., Wit, Joel S.
Discourse and Struggle in Minority Language Policy Formation: Corsican Language Policy in the EU Context of Governance by Adrey, J.
The Bureaucracy of Han Times by Bielenstein, Hans
Energy for the Future: A New Agenda by
Options for a New Britain by Uberoi, Varun, Halpern, David
Global Capitalism Unbound: Winners and Losers from Offshore Outsourcing by
Development Aid in Russia: Lessons from Siberia by Marquand, J.
Energy for the Future: A New Agenda by
Yellowstone and the Snowmobile: Locking Horns over National Park Use by Yochim, Michael J.
The European Union and Global Governance by
de Republica Anglorum: By Sir Thomas Smith by Smith, Thomas
Systemic Development: Local Solutions in a Global Environment by
The Sociological Domain: The Durkheimians and the Founding of French Sociology by
Education and the French Revolution by Barnard, H. C.
Resistance and Compromise: The Political Thought of the Elizabethan Catholics by Holmes, Peter
The Politics of Economic Decline: Economic Management and Political Behaviour in Britian Since 1964 by Alt, James E.
Palestine and International Law: Essays on Politics and Economics by
Restructuring Post-Communist Russia by
Saints and Politicians by O'Brien, Donal B. Cruise
The U.S.' and Israel's Securitization of Iran's Nuclear Energy by Adiong, Nassef M.
Share Sustain Survive by Dalen, Gary
Die Rückkehr der Religionen. Eine Untersuchung des deutschen Säkularisierungsprozesses by Widder, Jonathan
European Perceptions of Islam and America from Saladin to George W. Bush: Europe's Fragile Ego Uncovered by O'Brien, P.
European Perceptions of Islam and America from Saladin to George W. Bush: Europe's Fragile Ego Uncovered by O'Brien, P.
The Making of the ASEAN Charter by
Reawakening to a Secular Hindu Nation: M. S. Golwalkar's Vision of a Dharmasapeksa Hindurastra by Tilak, Shrinivas
Systemic Transitions: Past, Present, and Future by Thompson, W.
Psychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy: Immoral Individualism by Throop, E.
A New Paradigm of the African State: Fundi Wa Afrika by Martin, G., Muiu, M.
Cuba and Western Intellectuals Since 1959 by Artaraz, K.
Psychotherapy, American Culture, and Social Policy: Immoral Individualism by Throop, E.
Beyond Neoliberalism in Latin America?: Societies and Politics at the Crossroads by
The American State Of Canaan: The Peaceful, Prosperous Juncture Of Israel And Palestine As The 51st State Of The United States Of by De Grazia, Alfred
Land, Labour and Population Growth: Theory, Policy and Case Studies by Robinson, Warren C.
Nigeria: On the Trail of the Environment by Akingbade, Tunde
Der Zusammenhang zwischen der Entwicklung des Finanzmarktsystems und der Beschäftigung by Schmidt, Peter
Die Reformfähigkeit des deutschen Bundesstaats - untersucht am Beispiel der Finanzverfassung by Freter, Harald
Die Entwicklung der Krankenversicherung in den 1990er Jahren by Freter, Harald
Eine Fallanalyse über das Bürgerkriegsrisiko in Ruanda by Albrecht, Uwe
The Economic and Strategic Rise of China and India: Asian Realignments After the 1997 Financial Crisis by Denoon, D.
Untersuchung der Abwertung von Fremdgruppen in der Berichterstattung der Bild-Zeitung: Inhaltsanalyse by Hellwig, Arne
Race Course: Against White Supremacy by Ayers, William C., Dohrn, Bernardine
Who We Are: A Citizen's Manifesto by Griffiths, Rudyard
Innovations in Human Resource Management: Getting the Public's Work Done in the 21st Century by Shiplett, Myra Howze, Buss, Terry F., Sistare, Hannah S.
Making a Difference: Progressive Values in Public Administration: Progressive Values in Public Administration by Box, Richard C.
Associations and the Chinese State: Contested Spaces: Contested Spaces by Unger, Jonathan
Handbook of Urban Services: A Basic Guide for Local Governments by Coe, Charles K.
Eco-Sufficiency And Global Justice: Women Write Political Ecology by
The Making of Pro-Life Activists: How Social Movement Mobilization Works by Munson, Ziad W.
Community Warriors: State, Peasants and Caste Armies in Bihar by Kumar, Ashwani, Ashwani
Survey Research in the United States: Roots and Emergence 1890-1960 by Converse, Jean M.
The Age of Smoke: Environmental Policy in Germany and the United States, 1880-1970 by Uekötter, Frank
Banking Regulation and Globalization by Busch, Andreas
Peace by Design: Managing Intrastate Conflict Through Decentralization by Brancati, Dawn
Rise and Fall of Repression in Chile by Policzer, Pablo
118 Days: Christian Peacemaker Teams Held Hostage in Iraq (Dreamseeker/Cascadia Edition) by
Gender and Justice in Multicultural Liberal States by Deveaux, Monique
Discourses on Livy by Bondanella, Peter, Machiavelli, Niccolo, Bondanella, Julia Conaway
Administration and the Other: Explorations of Diversity and Marginalization in the Political Administrative State by Farmbry, Kyle
Of Khans and Kremlins: Tatarstan and the Future of Ethno-Federalism in Russia by Graney, Katherine E.
. . . And Communications for All: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration by
. . . And Communications for All: A Policy Agenda for a New Administration by
Conversations with Tocqueville: The Global Democratic Revolution in the Twenty-first Century by
Conversations with Tocqueville: The Global Democratic Revolution in the Twenty-first Century by
The Rise of the Pasdaran: Assessing the Domestic Roles of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps by Wehrey, Frederic
Rechtssicherheit als Freiheitsschutz: Struktur des verfassungsrechtlichen Bestandsschutzes by Riechelmann, Frank
The Corporation: Russia and the KGB in the Age of President Putin by Felshtinsky, Yuri
1939: The Alliance That Never Was and the Coming of World War II by Carley, Michael Jabara
Mandate for Change: Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond by
Mandate for Change: Policies and Leadership for 2009 and Beyond by
Political Thought and History: Essays on Theory and Method by Pocock, J. G. a.
Constitution Of Virginia (1915) by Virginia
British America V2 (1832) by McGregor, John
Muscat Dhows Arbitration: The Counter Case On Behalf Of The Government Of His Britannic Majesty (1905) by Permanent Court of Arbitration
Common Sense Applied To Woman Suffrage: A Statement Of The Reasons Which Justify The Demand To Extend The Suffrage Of Women (1894) by Putnam-Jacobi, Mary
Border Memories: Or Sketches Of Prominent Men And Women Of The Border (1876) by Carre, Walter Riddell
Common Sense Applied To Woman Suffrage: A Statement Of The Reasons Which Justify The Demand To Extend The Suffrage Of Women (1894) by Putnam-Jacobi, Mary
British Colonial Policy, 1783-1915 (1916) by Currey, Charles Herbert
British Colonial Policy, 1783-1915 (1916) by Currey, Charles Herbert
British Contemporary Artists (1899) by Monkhouse, William Cosmo
Carwell: Or Crime And Sorrow (1830) by Sheridan, Caroline Henriette
Known To The Police (1908) by Holmes, Thomas
Castellum Huttonicum: Some Account Of Sheriff-Hutton Castle, Founded In The Reign Of King Stephen (1824) by Todd, George W.
Considerations On The Present Peace, As Far As It Is Relative To The Colonies, And The African Trade (1763) by Roberts, John
Considerations On The Present State Of Affairs In Europe, And Particularly With Regard To The Number Of Forces In The Pay Of Great Britain (1730) by Anonymous
Cobbett's Two-Penny Trash: Or Politics For The Poor (1831) by Cobbett, William
Commonplace Arguments Against Administration: With Obvious Answers (1780) by Tickell, Richard
Constitution And Organization Of Land Forces Reformed (1871) by Edward Stanford
Glimpses Of The French Revolution: Myths, Ideals, And Realities (1894) by Alger, John Goldworth
Constitution Of The Commonwealth Of Massachusetts And The Rearrangement Thereof (1920) by Secretary of the Commonwealth
Constitucion De La Republica De Colombia (1886) by Colombia
Humble Contributions To A British Plutarch (1816) by Wrangham, Francis
Constitution Of Virginia (1915) by Virginia
Constitution, Bylaws And Rules Of Order: Penal Code, Edicts, And Decisions, Ceremonies And Forms Of The Grand Chapter Of R.A.M. Of The State Of Michig by Royal Arch Masons Michigan
Hungary In 1851: With An Experience Of The Austrian Police (1852) by Brace, Charles Loring
Concessions Of Liberalists To Orthodoxy (1878) by Dorchester, Daniel
Sambre And Meuse Railway: Grant From The Belgian Government, Report Of Mr. Stephenson And General Statement, May, 1845 (1845) by Stephenson, George
Concessions To America The Bane Of Britain: Or The Cause Of The Present Distressed Situation Of The British Colonial And Shipping Interests Explained by Marryat, Joseph
Chronicles Of Bow Street Police Office V1: With An Account Of The Magistrates, Runners, And Police (1888) by Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington
Colonial Precedents Of Our National Land System As It Existed In 1800 (1910) by Ford, Amelia Clewley
Chronological Tables, Containing Corresponding Dates Of Different Eras Used In India: Published Under The Authority Of Government From 1764 To 1835 (1 by Reid, John Fleming Martin
Grenade Warfare: Notes On The Training And Organization Of Grenadiers (1915) by Dyson, G.
Guesses At Truths: Ethical, Social, Political, And Literary (1908) by Murray, David Christie
Eminent Radicals: In And Out Of Parliament (1880) by Davidson, John Morrison
Rethinking Uncle Tom: The Political Thought of Harriet Beecher Stowe by Allen, William B.
No Sense Of Decency: The Army-McCarthy Hearings: A Demagogue Falls and Television Takes Charge of American Politics by Shogan, Robert
Safe for Democracy: The Secret Wars of the CIA by Prados, John
The Politics of Uneven Development by Doner, Richard F.
Minimum Wages and Employment - Theory and Empirical Evidence with a special emphasis on Germany by Schmidt, Peter
Amnesie, Amnestie Oder Aufarbeitung?: Zum Umgang Mit Autoritären Vergangenheiten Und Menschenrechtsverletzungen by
Internationale Arbeitsstandards in Einer Globalisierten Welt by
Der Kanadische Föderalismus: Eine Historisch-Institutionalistische Analyse by Broschek, Jörg
Governance ALS Einfluss-System: Der Politische Einfluss Von NGOs in Asymmetrisch Strukturierten Interaktionsarrangements by Seifer, Kerstin
Regierung, Rendite, Risiko: Die Politische Ökonomie Des Aktienmarktes in Deutschland by Bechtel, Michael
Nanotechnology, Risk and Communication by Petersen, A., Wilkinson, C., Anderson, A.
Political Economy in a Globalized World by Moeller, Joergen Oerstroem
U. S. Presidential Inaugural Addresses by Various
Public Power, Private Dams: The Hells Canyon High Dam Controversy by Brooks, Karl Boyd
The Late Great USA: Nafta, the North American Union, and the Threat of a Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada by Corsi, Jerome R.
The Trend of Economic Thinking: Essays on Political Economists and Economic History by Hayek, F. A.
Gaming the Vote: Why Elections Aren't Fair (and What We Can Do about It) by Poundstone, William
Intimate Citizenships: Gender, Sexualities, Politics by
How to Get Out of Iraq with Integrity by O'Leary, Brendan
Animal Spirits: How Human Psychology Drives the Economy, and Why It Matters for Global Capitalism by Shiller, Robert J., Akerlof, George A.
The FBI and the KKK: A Critical History by Newton, Michael
Die Modernisierung der 8. EU Richtlinie unter Einfluss des Sarbanes-Oxley Acts by Basin, Vijay
The EU as global actor and its influence on the global gender regime by Kessler, Stefanie
Competition and Profitability in European Financial Services: Strategic, Systemic and Policy Issues by Mullineux, Andy, Balling, Morten, Lierman, Frank
Land, Poverty and Livelihoods in an Era of Globalization: Perspectives from Developing and Transition Countries by Kay, Cristóbal, Borras Jr, Saturnino M., Akram-Lodhi, A. Haroon
Tue Deine Pflicht: schenke der Welt den Frieden und rette damit Deine Existenz by Prince, Beowulf Von, Leffer, Karin, Heinemann, Manfred
Reformideen für die Lissabon-Strategie by Szumanska, Elzbieta
The Conscience of the State in North America by Norman, E. R.
Dependent Communities by Hughes, Caroline
Dependent Communities: Aid and Politics in Cambodia and East Timor by Hughes, Caroline
Das Sprechen über Parallelgesellschaften: Eine Diskursanalyse anhand einer Debatte im Berliner Abgeordnetenhaus vom 25. November 2004 by Paul, Manuela
Das Sprechen über Emotionen als Teil der menschlichen Kultur: Körperidiome und Farben als Emotionsausdruck in afrikanischen Sprachen by Becker, Marc, Lieske, Andrea
Hartz IV - Der Kampf gegen die Arbeitslosigkeit in Deutschland by Brose, Juliane
An evaluation of the varied meanings and interpretations attached to the concept of globalisation by Ferendinos, Michael
The World-System in 2025 by Ferendinos, Michael
Lessons We Learned From Obama: From a Former Republican Mother of Five by Miller-Moro, Bobbi
Das Leitbild der Sozialen Gerechtigkeit - Verdrängung der Armut aus der politischen Agenda? by Möller, Jan
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