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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

International Aviation and Terrorism: Evolving Threats, Evolving Security by Harrison, John
Seven Floors High by Goddard, Steve
Rethinking the Headlines by Gibbons, Joel Clarke
Rethinking the Headlines by Gibbons, Joel Clarke
Federations: The Political Dynamics of Cooperation by Rector, Chad
Federations by Rector, Chad
Leben und Werk des Charles Irènèe Castell de Saint-Pierre by Datemasch, Anke
Planning For Survival: Tychiformation II by Rifaat, Ismail
The Democratic Virtues of the Christian Right by Shields, Jon A.
Tocqueville's Political Economy by Swedberg, Richard
When Ways of Life Collide: Multiculturalism and Its Discontents in the Netherlands by Hagendoorn, Louk, Sniderman, Paul M.
The Impact of Learning Organization Model on a Police Management by Özdemir, Habib
Cooperation Over Conflict: The Women's Movement and the State in Postwar Japan by Murase, Miriam
71 Days: The Media Assault On Obama by Overstreet, Michael Jason
The elusive quest for security continues - The European Union's foreign policy and it's implications to transatlantic relations by Löberbauer, Harald
Media and Political Engagement: Citizens, Communication, and Democracy by Dahlgren, Peter
Media and Political Engagement: Citizens, Communication and Democracy by Dahlgren, Peter
All the Way with LBJ by Johnson, Robert David
Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey by Yavuz, M. Hakan
Land, Conflict, and Justice by Kolers, Avery
Was Frankenstein Really Uncle Sam? Vol XI by Rolwing, Richard J.
Rebels without Borders by Salehyan, Idean
Cross-National Research Methodology and Practice by
All the Way with LBJ by Johnson, Robert David
Das Spannungsverhältnis zwischen den deutschen Kommunen und der Europäischen Union am Beispiel der Daseinsvorsorge: Speziell in den Bereichen Wasser u by Koch, Sebastian
Medien in Russland - Macht und Ohnmacht im Verhältnis zum Staat unter Putin by Streuer, Veronika
Das Bündnis für Arbeit, Ausbildung und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit: Ein Sünden- und Testfall für das ökonomische Rationalitätsparadigma? by Fahrner, Matthias
Bishop George Bell; House of Lords Speeches and Correspondence with Rudolf Hess by Raina, Peter
Der Einfluss von religiösen Mehrheiten auf demokratische Systeme by Zuber, Kerstin
Demokratie und Grundgesetz: Zur Ausprägung demokratischer Grundsätze im Grundgesetz by Lange, Carsten-Dennis
Welcomed or Rejected? The situation of Turks in Germany by Scheffler, Julia
Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal by Leuchtenburg, William E.
Politics as a Practical Science by Hennis, W.
Children, Families and Social Exclusion: New Approaches to Prevention by Morris, Kate, Barnes, Marian, Mason, Paul
Unlocking the Power of Networks: Keys to High-Performance Government by
Impacts of Megaconferences on the Water Sector by Biswas, Asit K., Tortajada, Cecilia
Restructuring Welfare Organizations in Europe: From Democracy to Good Management? by Mattei, P.
Aid and Power in the Arab World: IMF and World Bank Policy-Based Lending in the Middle East and North Africa by El-Said, H., Harrigan, J.
Global California: Rising to the Cosmopolitan Challenge by Lowenthal, Abraham F.
Does the President matter? Presidential environmental performance in the USA and its impact on green groups by Dittmer, Lars
The American Political Economy and Monopoly Capital by Perez-Feliciano, L. A.
Towards a More Equal Society?: Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997 by
Towards a More Equal Society?: Poverty, Inequality and Policy Since 1997 by
PPP - Delegation als effektiver Weg zur Bereitstellung öffentlicher Leistungen?: Public Private Partnership im Kontext der Prinzipal-Agent-Theorie by Fischer, Torben, Till, Felix
Children, Families and Social Exclusion: New Approaches to Prevention by Morris, Kate, Barnes, Marian, Mason, Paul
Die Sino-Afrikanischen Beziehungen: Win-Win-Zusammenarbeit oder Ausbeutung? by Beyer, Philipp
Grundlagen der Sozialpolitik der Europäischen Union by Scheffler, Julia
Mindestlöhne. Abbau des Niedriglohnsektors. Vorschlag und Kontroverse by Kadi, Nadia
The Economic Consequences Of George W. Bush: Featuring The Art Of Mordanto by Featuring the Art of Mordanto
Ökonomische Analyse des 7. Rahmenprogramms der Europäischen Union unter Berücksichtigung der Theorie der Regionalen Innovationssysteme by Münzer, Alexander
Conservatism and American Political Development by
A Glance at American Presidents in Black Life: George Washington to George W. Bush by Oshodi, John Egbeazien
Rituals and Riots: Sectarian Violence and Political Culture in Ulster, 1784-1886 by Farrell, Sean
Political Disquisitions, Vol. 1: Or, an Enquiry Into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses Vol. 1 by Burgh, James
The Political History of the United Stat: From April 15, 1865 to July 15, 1870 by McPherson, Edward
The Writings of John Dickinson by Dickinson, John
Political Disquisitions, Vol. 2: Or, an Enquiry Into Public Errors, Defects, and Abuses Vol. 2 by Burgh, James
Political Disquisitions by James Burgh
Failed Transition? by Boyajian, Artashes
Traditionelle balinesische Tänze und Maskentanzspiele: Gelebter Mythos oder Schauspiel? by Tölke, Benedikta
Public Private Partnership - Der Versuch einer kritischen Auseinandersetzung by Lüders, Jana
The Future of Biological Disarmament: Strengthening the Treaty Ban on Weapons by Sims, Nicholas A.
Macroeconomic Policy: Demystifying Monetary and Fiscal Policy by Langdana, Farrokh
Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800-2006 by Drake, Paul W.
Gendering the World Bank: Neoliberalism and the Gendered Foundations of Global Governance by Griffin, Penny
Between Tyranny and Anarchy: A History of Democracy in Latin America, 1800-2006 by Drake, Paul W.
Gendering the World Bank: Neoliberalism and the Gendered Foundations of Global Governance by Griffin, Penny
Legitimacy and Urban Governance: A Cross-National Comparative Study by
Power and Politics in Poststructuralist Thought: New Theories of the Political by Newman, Saul
Capabilities Equality: Basic Issues and Problems by
Party Policy in Modern Democracies by Benoit, Kenneth, Laver, Michael
Democratisation, Governance and Regionalism in East and Southeast Asia: A Comparative Study by
Contemporary Environmental Politics: From Margins to Mainstream by
Human Rights and US Foreign Policy by Hancock, Jan
Citizenship and the Nation-State in Greece and Turkey by
Transnational Activism in Asia: Problems of Power and Democracy by
No Growth Without Equity?: Inequality, Interests, and Competition in Mexico by
Coming into Focus by Egan, Mark
The Letters of the Celebrated Junius by Junius
The Letters of the Celebrated Junius by Junius
Media and Cultural Transformation in China by Yu, Haiqing
Das Wahlrecht des deutschen Kaiserreichs, der Weimarer Republik und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich.: Beschreibung des Wahlrechts der drei by Heintz, Michael
AirLandBattle21: Transformational Concepts for Integrating Twenty-First Century Air and Ground Forces by Jahn, Thomas E., , Ellwood P. Hinman, IV
Law and Agonistic Politics by
The European Social Model and Transitional Labour Markets: Law and Policy by
Transatlantic Environment and Energy Politics: Comparative and International Perspectives by Selin, Henrik
The North Korean Economy: Between Crisis and Catastrophe by Cavanaugh, Catherine, Eberstadt, Nicholas
Social and Political Implications of Data Mining: Knowledge Management in E-Government by
Integrating E-Business Models for Government Solutions: Citizen-Centric Service Oriented Methodologies and Processes by
Smart Urban Growth for China by
Europe's Global Role: External Policies of the European Union by
Parties at War: Political Organization in Second World War Britain by Thorpe, Andrew
Remembering the Roman People: Essays on Late-Republican Politics and Literature by Wiseman, T. P.
The Political Economy of Managed Migration: Nonstate Actors, Europeanization, and the Politics of Designing Migration Policies by Menz, Georg
Der Satellitensender Al-Jazeera by Wolf, Magdalena
Tutto e sotto controllo: Berlusconi und der "Rechtstaat" Italien by Wolf, Magdalena
Howard's Long March: The Strategic Depiction of China in Howard Government Policy, 1996-2006 by McDowall, Roy Campbell
The Genocide Studies Reader by
The Corporate Greenhouse: Climate Change Policy in a Globalizing World by Schreuder, Doctor Yda
Policing Post-Conflict Cities by Hills, Alice
Policing Post-Conflict Cities by Hills, Alice
A History of the Northern Ireland Labour Party: Democratic Socialism and Sectarianism by Edwards, Aaron
Irish Nationalism and European Integration: The Official Redefinition of the Island of Ireland by Hayward, Katy
Now or Never: Getting Down to the Business of Saving Our American Dream by Cafferty, Jack
Biopolitics, Militarism, and Development: Eritrea in the Twenty-First Century by
Contested Sudan: The Political Economy of War and Reconstruction by Elnur, Ibrahim
Lessons from the Asian Financial Crisis by
Spanish Marxism Versus Soviet Communism: A History of the P.O.U.M. in the Spanish Civil War by Alba, Victor
Men in Political Theory by Carver, Terrell
Institutional Balancing in the Asia Pacific: Economic interdependence and China's rise by He, Kai
Torture, Truth and Justice: The Case of Timor-Leste by Stanley, Elizabeth
How Ukraine Became a Market Economy and Democracy by Åslund, Anders
History and Politics in Late Carolingian and Ottonian Europe: The Chronicle of Regino of Prüm and Adalbert of Magdeburg by
Palestinian Civil Society: Foreign donors and the power to promote and exclude by Challand, Benoit
Saving Persuasion: A Defense of Rhetoric and Judgment by Garsten, Bryan
History and Politics in Late Carolingian and Ottonian Europe: The Chronicle of Regino of Prüm and Adalbert of Magdeburg by
The Politics of Writing: Julia Kavanagh, 1824-77 by Fauset, Eileen
Wie stark ist das Einige Russland?. Zur Parteibindung der Eliten und dem Wahlerfolg der Machtpartei im Dezember 2007. Mit einem Vorwort von Klaus Armi by Jenni, Sabine
Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender by
Thomas Hobbes: Turning Point for Honor by Bagby, Laurie M. Johnson
The European Union and Global Governance by
Political Evil in a Global Age: Hannah Arendt and International Theory by Hayden, Patrick
Gender, State and Social Power in Contemporary Indonesia: Divorce and Marriage Law by O'Shaughnessy, Kate
Conflict and Insurgency in the Contemporary Middle East by
Leaving Terrorism Behind: Individual and Collective Disengagement by
The Boundary Commissions: Redrawing the Uk's Map of Parliamentary Constituencies by Pattie, Charles, Rossiter, David, Johnston, R. J.
Race and Representation: Electoral Politics and Ethnic Pluralism in Britain by Saggar, Shamit
Irish Nationalism and European Integration: The Official Redefinition of the Island of Ireland by Hayward, Katy
The United Nations and Democracy in Africa: Labyrinths of Legitimacy by Wilson, Zoë
Colonialism to Cabinet Crisis. A Political History of Malawi by Ross, Andrew C.
Who Is Minding the Federal Estate?: Political Management of America's Public Lands by Fretwell, Holly Lippke
Loyal Radical Lancashire 1798-1815 Ohm C by Navickas
The Folklore of Capitalism by Arnold, Thurman W.
Paying the Human Costs of War: American Public Opinion and Casualties in Military Conflicts by Gelpi, Christopher, Feaver, Peter D., Reifler, Jason
Japan's Holy War: The Ideology of Radical Shinto Ultranationalism by Skya, Walter
The Koch Papers: My Fight Against Anti-Semitism by Koch, Edward I.
Confrontation by Phares, Walid
Megacommunities: How Leaders of Government, Business and Non-Profits Can Tackle Today's Global Challenges Together by Van Lee, Reginald, Napolitano, Fernando, Kelly, Christopher
The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy by Li, Minqi
Rising China: Power and Reassurance by
The Godfather Doctrine: A Foreign Policy Parable by Hulsman, John C., Mitchell, A. Wess
Running Against the Grain: How Opposition Presidents Win the White House by Crockett, David a.
Overblown: How Politicians and the Terrorism Industry Inflate National Security Threats, and Why We Believe Them by Mueller, John
Beyond the Revolution: A History of American Thought from Paine to Pragmatism by Goetzmann, William H.
There Shall Be No Needy: Pursuing Social Justice Through Jewish Law & Tradition by Jacobs, Jill
Kim Jong-Il's Leadership of North Korea by Lim, Jae-Cheon
The Rise of China and the Demise of the Capitalist World Economy by Li, Minqi
The Rise and Fall of the Shah: Iran from Autocracy to Religious Rule by Saikal, Amin
The Ethos of a Late-Modern Citizen by White, Stephen K.
China in 2008: A Year of Great Significance by
Migrations and Mobilities: Citizenship, Borders, and Gender by
Religion and the Politics of Ethnic Identity in Bahia, Brazil by Selka, Stephen
Banned in Berlin: Literary Censorship in Imperial Germany, 1871-1918 by Stark, Gary D.
Made in Sheffield: An Ethnography of Industrial Work and Politics by Mollona, Massimiliano
Why We're Liberals: A Handbook for Restoring America's Most Important Ideals by Alterman, Eric
Counterterrorism by Crelinsten, Ronald
British Politics in the Age of Holmes: Geoffrey Holmes's British Politics in the Age of Anne 40 Years on by
The WTO and the University: Globalization, GATS, and American Higher Education by Bassett, Roberta Malee
Mr. Adams's Last Crusade: John Quincy Adams's Extraordinary Post-Presidential Life in Congress by Wheelan, Joseph
Asian American Politics by Takeda, Okiyoshi, Aoki, Andrew
Asian American Politics by Aoki, Andrew, Takeda, Okiyoshi
The Bases of Empire: The Global Struggle Against U.S. Military Posts by
Counterterrorism by Crelinsten, Ronald
Responsibility to Protect by Bellamy, Alex J.
Responsibility to Protect: The Global Effort to End Mass Atrocities by Bellamy, Alex J.
The Bourgeois Revolution in France 1789-1815 by Heller, Henry
Her Worship: Hazel McCallion and the Development of Mississauga by Urbaniak, Tom
State and Business Groups in Mexico: The Role of Informal Institutions in the Process of Industrialization, 1936-1984 by Valdivia-Machuca, Arnulfo
Negotiating Claims: The Emergence of Indigenous Land Claim Negotiation Policies in Australia, Canada, New Zealand, and the United States by Scholtz, Christa
A Roadmap for Understanding African Politics: Leadership and Political Integration in Nigeria by Okafor, Victor Oguejiofor
Extreme Right Activists in Europe: Through the Magnifying Glass by Bert Klandermans, Mayer, Nonna
Barack Obama, the New Face of America by Dupuis, Martin
Gusher of Lies: The Dangerous Delusions of "Energy Independence" by Bryce, Robert
Jailhouse Lawyers: Prisoners Defending Prisoners V. the USA by Abu-Jamal, Mumia
Break Through: Why We Can't Leave Saving the Planet to Environmentalists by Nordhaus, Ted, Shellenberger, Michael
European Politics: Pasts, presents, futures by
Understanding Public Opinion by
Press and Politics in the Weimar Republic by Fulda, Bernhard
The Politics of Moral Sin: Abortion and Divorce in Spain, Chile and Argentina by Blofield, Merike
Who Is Minding the Federal Estate?: Political Management of America's Public Lands by Fretwell, Holly Lippke
Christianity and American Democracy by Heclo, Hugh
Ethics and Integrity in Public Administration: Concepts and Cases: Concepts and Cases by Cox, Raymond W.
The Rise of Islam by
Life After Violence: A People's Story of Burundi by Uvin, Peter
Saving Israel: How the Jewish People Can Win a War That May Never End by Gordis, Daniel
The Ethic of Traditional Communities and the Spirit of Healing Justice: Studies from Hollow Water, the Iona Community, and Plum Village by Sawatsky, Jarem
The Future of Political Science: 100 Perspectives by
The Corporate Greenhouse: Climate Change Policy in a Globalizing World by Schreuder, Doctor Yda
Managing World Order: United Nations Peace Operations and the Security Agenda by Alqaq, Richard
The Politics of Water in Africa: The European Union's Role in Development Aid Partnership by Rowan, Christopher
Afrikaners in the New South Africa: Identity Politics in a Globalised Economy by Davies, Rebecca
Impossible Peace: Israel/Palestine Since 1989 by Levine, Mark
Lobbying in America: A Reference Handbook by Hrebenar, Ronald J., Morgan, Bryson B.
Before the Storm: Barry Goldwater and the Unmaking of the American Consensus by Perlstein, Rick
Environmental Governance: Power and Knowledge in a Local-Global World by
A Theocratic Yehud?: Issues of Government in a Persian Province by Cataldo, Jeremiah W.
The Second Long March by Kien-Hong Yu, Peter
Digital Diasporas: Identity and Transnational Engagement by Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M.
Enemies of Intelligence: Knowledge and Power in American National Security by Betts, Richard
Image Bite Politics: News and the Visual Framing of Elections by Bucy, Erik Page, Grabe, Maria Elizabeth
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