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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Global California: Rising to the Cosmopolitan Challenge by Lowenthal, Abraham F.
Negotiation and Conflict Management: Essays on Theory and Practice by Zartman, I. William
Radical Islam and International Security: Challenges and Responses by
The Invisible Hand of Peace: Capitalism, the War Machine, and International Relations Theory by McDonald, Patrick J.
Secularism and Muslim Democracy in Turkey by Yavuz, M. Hakan
The Constitution of a Federal Commonwealth: The Making and Meaning of the Australian Constitution by Nicholas, Aroney, Aroney, Nicholas
The Invisible Hand of Peace by McDonald, Patrick J.
Digital Diasporas by Brinkerhoff, Jennifer M.
Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide by Semelin, Jacques
The Constitution of a Federal Commonwealth by Aroney, Nicholas
The Last Days of Europe: Epitaph for an Old Continent by Laqueur, Walter
Fundraising bei deutschen Gütesiegel tragenden Bürgerstiftungen: Eine empirische Ermittlung der eingesetzten Fundraising-Strategien und -Instrumente by Blunck, Ines
The Right to Rule: How States Win and Lose Legitimacy by Gilley, Bruce
An Assessment of the Investment Climate in Nigeria by Mousley, Peter, Radwan, Ismail, Iarossi, Giuseppe
Reagan's Mandate: Anecdotes from Inside Washington's Iron Triangle by McLennan, Barbara N.
Reagan's Mandate: Anecdotes from Inside Washington's Iron Triangle by McLennan, Barbara N.
From the Belly of the Whale by Sanders, Rufus G. W. Ph. D.
Cleaner Production: Myth and Reality by Ouano, Ely Anthony
The Elections of 2008 by
Inside Gitmo: The True Story Behind the Myths of Guantanamo Bay (Large Print Edition) by Cucullu, Gordon
Excluding Gambling Information From The Mails, Part 1: Hearings Before A Subcommittee Of The Committee On The Judiciary, United States Senate (1921) by Committee on the Judiciary
Cuestiones Electorales: Ensayo Politico (1908) by Calero, Manuel
Our Changing Constitution (1922) by Pierson, Charles Wheeler
China's Military and Security Activities Abroad by U. S. -China Economic and Security Review
My Years At The Austrian Court (1915) by Ryan, Nellie
Joseph: The Prime Minister (1886) by Taylor, William Mackergo
Fenwick Allied Ancestry: Ancestry Of Thomas Fenwick Of Sussex County, Delaware, Provincial Councilor, Member Of The Assembly, Justice Of The Pe by Sellers, Edwin Jaquett
Our Fight With Tammany (1895) by Parkhurst, Charles Henry
Perfect Equality: Or The Republic Of Reducadabsurdum (1878) by Anonymous
Illustrated Armenia And The Armenians (1898) by Gaidzakian, Ohan
Cours D'Etude Pour L'Instruction Du Prince de Parme V7: Aujourd'hui S. A. R. L'Infant D. Ferdinand (1780) by de Condillac, Etienne Bonnot
Experiences Of A Pioneer Minister Of Minnesota (1892) by Hill, William B.
Land Warfare (1918) by Hyde, Charles Cheney
A Few Thoughts On The Abolition Of Colonial Slavery (1826) by Chalmers, Thomas
Ethan Allen's Narrative Of The Capture Of Ticonderoga, And Of His Captivity And Treatment By The British (1838) by Allen, Ethan
Cours D'Etude Pour L'Instruction Du Prince de Parme V7: Aujourd'hui S. A. R. L'Infant D. Ferdinand (1780) by de Condillac, Etienne Bonnot
Explanatory Text To S. R. Urbino's Charts Of The Animal Kingdom (1869) by
East Sussex Election: List Of The Registered Electors, With The Votes Of Those Who Actually Polled On August 4-5, 1837 (1837) by Sussex
Interesting Facts Relating To The Fall And Death Of Joachim Murat, King Of Naples: The Capitulation Of Paris In 1815, And The Second Restoration Of Th by Maceroni, Francis
Java Or How To Manage A Colony V2: Showing A Practical Solution Of The Questions Now Affecting British India (1861) by Money, J. W. B.
My Past: Reminiscences Of The Courts Of Austria And Bavaria (1913) by Larisch, Marie
Joseph: The Prime Minister (1886) by Taylor, William Mackergo
Digest Of Decisions And Opinions Of The Commanders-In-Chief And Judge-Advocates-General Of The Sons Of Veterans, United States Of America (1897) by Gould, Edward Kalloch
Desert Warfare: Being The Chronicle Of The Eastern Soudan Campaign (1884) by Burleigh, Bennet
Cuestiones Constitucionales (1899) by De Oca, Manuel Augusto Montes
Experiences Of A Pioneer Minister Of Minnesota (1892) by Hill, William B.
Lecture On The Implied Powers Of The Constitution (1885) by Curtis, George Ticknor
Illustrated Armenia And The Armenians (1898) by Gaidzakian, Ohan
Deeds Of Naval Daring: Or Anecdotes Of The British Navy (1852) by Giffard, Edward
Defense Of Ecclesiastical Establishments: In Reply To Andrew Marshall's Letter To Andrew Thomson (1830) by Lewis, James, The Reviewer
Lectures On British Colonization And Empire: First Series, 1600-1783 (1906) by Kirkpatrick, Frederick Alexander
Law And Democracy: An Address Delivered Before The Graduating Classes At The Sixty-Second Anniversary Of The Yale Law School (1886) by Mac Veagh, Wayne
Lawless Wealth: The Origin Of Some Great American Fortunes (1908) by Russell, Charles Edward
King Alfred's Jewel (1909) by Trask, Katrina
Lectures On British Colonization And Empire: First Series, 1600-1783 (1906) by Kirkpatrick, Frederick Alexander
Desert Warfare: Being The Chronicle Of The Eastern Soudan Campaign (1884) by Burleigh, Bennet
Documentos Politicos, 1901 (1901) by Uribe, Rafael Uribe, Silva, Carlos Martinez, Vila, Jose Ignacio Vargas
Lectures On The British Constitution And On The Government Of Malta (1883) by Rapinet, Guglielmo
London Government And How To Reform It (1882) by Firth, J. F. B.
Notes On Explosives And Their Application In Torpedo Warfare (1875) by Hill, Walter Nickerson
Crime And Punishment: The Mark System, Framed To Mix Persuasion With Punishment, And Make Their Effect Improving, Yet Their Operation Severe (1846) by Maconchie, Alexander
Democracy and the Role of Associations: Political, Strutural and Social Contexts by
The Strategy of Terrorism: How It Works, and Why It Fails by Neumann, Peter R., Smith, M. L. R.
Clinton, Peacekeeping and Humanitarian Interventionism: Rise and Fall of a Policy by Murray, Leonie
The Real Making of the President: Kennedy, Nixon, and the 1960 Election by Rorabaugh, W. J.
Distrust by
The Limits of Liberal Democracy: Politics and Religion at the End of Modernity by Moore, Scott H.
Global Security Watch-Turkey: A Reference Handbook by Kibaroglu, Mustafa
Evaluating the U.S. Human Genome Project by McCain, Lauren
Public Economics and the Household by Apps, Patricia, Rees, Ray
Marx's Theory of Politics by Maguire, John M.
Intellectual Property Rights in China: Politics of Piracy, Trade and Protection by Cheung, Gordon C. K.
Global Security Watch--Turkey: A Reference Handbook by Kibaroglu, Mustafa, Kibaroglu, Aysegul
The Real Making of the President: Kennedy, Nixon, and the 1960 Election by Rorabaugh, W. J.
E-Man: Life in the NYPD Emergency Service Unit by Sheppard, Al, Schmetterer, Jerry
Environmentalism And Government: Run Amuck by Montano, Tiffany
Democracy, States, and the Struggle for Social Justice by
Edemocracy & Egovernment: Entwicklungsstufen Einer Demokratischen Wissensgesellschaft by Meier, Andreas
Channels of Power: The Un Security Council and U.S. Statecraft in Iraq by Thompson, Alexander
Agricultural Governance: Globalization and the New Politics of Regulation by
Das Neue Kommunale Finanzmanagement: Balanced Scorecard als betriebswirtschaftliches Konzept für die öffentliche Hand by Levermann, Diana
Verfolgung und Diskriminierung von Chinesen im Indonesien der 1990er Jahre by Yu, René
Texas Homeland Security by Brown, Bobbie
A New Diplomacy for Sustainable Development: The Challenge of Global Change by Kjellén, Bo
The Legacy of George W. Bush's Foreign Policy: Moving beyond Neoconservatism by Peleg, Ilan
Bietet die Rational-Choice-Theorie im Bezug auf das Wahlparadoxon überzeugende Lösungsansätze? by Vetter, Elke
Pessimism: Philosophy, Ethic, Spirit by Dienstag, Joshua Foa
Aging Population, Pension Funds, and Financial Markets by
Organisation, Kontrolle und die Arbeitsweise der US. Intelligence Community ' by Arifi, Dritero
Globalization by Lechner, Frank J.
Multiculturalism Without Culture by Phillips, Anne
Recurring Corruption & The Liberian Authority 1847-2008: Corruption & Governance by Deyagbo, Thomas Z., Sr.
Fat Tail: The Power of Political Knowledge for Strategic Investing by Keat, Preston, Bremmer, Ian
"Hausfrauisierte" Arbeit im Kontext des Kapitalismus by Vogl, Britta
The Christian Right in the United States - Origin, Structure, and Political Activism by Schnelle, Nils
Internationale Auflagen zur Verbesserung der Sicherheit in Hafenanlagen by Schneide, Julia
Begründet John Locke den liberalen Rechtsstaat oder eine ökonomistische Freiheitslehre by Prange, Larsen
Thomas Hobbes' Legitimation des Staates und seine Rezeption durch Carl Schmitt by Schmidt, Guido
The Apostle of Peace: Memoir of William Ladd by Hemmenway, John
A Native's Perspective: A Dixiecrat Speaks On The Issues by Spargur, Kevin
Power, the State, and Sovereignty: Essays on International Relations by Krasner, Stephen D.
Power, the State, and Sovereignty: Essays on International Relations by Krasner, Stephen D.
Investing in Democracy: Engaging Citizens in Collaborative Governance by Sirianni, Carmen
Die Kommission der Vereinten Nationen für Friedenskonsolidierung: Stellt die Kommission eine erfolgreiche institutionelle Erweiterung und damit ein ef by Pommer, Benjamin
Europeanizing Social Democracy?: The Rise of the Party of European Socialists by Lightfoot, Simon
Delusions of Normality: Sanity, Drugs, Sex, Money and Beliefs in America by Harpignies, J. P.
Der Bundespräsident. Aufgaben und tatsächliche Funktionen in der deutschen Politik by Pommer, Benjamin
The Thirteen American Arguments: Enduring Debates That Define and Inspire Our Country by Fineman, Howard
An Informal and Unauthorized Proposition by A. Hines
Leadership for Community Action: Implementing the Politics of Change by Patnode, Gerry
Position versus Valence by Moon, Woojin
The People Factor: Strengthening America by Investing in Public Service by Gould, W. Scott, Bilmes, Linda J.
Migrantinnen ohne Papiere statt Umverteilung von Reproduktionsarbeit by Vogl, Britta
Menschenrechte: Eine kritische Auseinandersetzung mit Habermas` Theorie der Einbeziehung des Anderen by Mörz, Alexandra
Stigmatisierung und Überlebensstrategien von Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung in den USA by Mörz, Alexandra
Geschichte der Migration und die damit verbundene Entwicklung des Asylrechts in Deutschland by Mörz, Alexandra
Wertewandel bei Jugendlichen und dessen Auswirkungen auf die politische Kultur Deutschlands by Mörz, Alexandra
Das Parteienverbot als Instrument der wehrhaften Demokratie: Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland by Jäger, Daniel
Der Gesundheitsfonds: Sinn und Unsinn der Gesundheitsreform 2007 by Janatzek, Uwe
Das Wahlrecht des deutschen Kaiserreichs, der Weimarer Republik und der Bundesrepublik Deutschland im Vergleich by Prange, Larsen
Die Diskussion um die neue internationale Finanzarchitektur by Wassenberg, Florian
Intergenerational Justice: Rights and Responsibilities in an Intergenerational Polity by Thompson, Janna
Working Papers: 1. The Rise of China - 2. Is Protectionism still alive in a globalized world? - 3. US under Bush II - Empire or Hegemo by Schneider, Sven
Machtergreifung des Nationalsozialismus und Maßnahmen zur Machtsicherung by Pigan, Patrick
Perspectives on Race, Ethnicity, and Religion: Identity Politics in America by
Party Over Section: The Rough and Ready Presidential Election of 1848 by Silbey, Joel H.
Social and Psychological Bases of Ideology and System Justification by
Michelle Obama: Speeches on Life, Love, and American Values by Obama, Michelle
America's Three Regimes: A New Political History by Keller, Morton
Medien und Krieg am Beispiel Jugoslawiens und des Kosovo-Krieges by Stüdemann, Marian
Prisoner of War - A controversial status by Müller, Stephan
Ideenmanagement in China - Eine kritische Analyse von Chancen und Hemmnissen für den Unternehmenserfolg by Behmenburg, Alexander
Wahlrecht und Demokratisierung: Das Volk als Vetospieler? Betrachtet am Beispiel der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und der Schweiz by Schröder, Alexander
Peace-keeping und humanitäre Interventionen der UN am Beispiel des Kosovo by Stüdemann, Marian
The Politics of Immigration in France, Britain, and the United States: A Comparative Study by Schain, M.
Integration Und Politische Unterstützung: Eine Empirische Untersuchung Unter Ausländern by Caballero, Claudio
Auf Der Suche Nach Neuer Sicherheit: Fakten, Theorien Und Folgen by
International Society and the Middle East: English School Theory at the Regional Level by
The Politics of Immigration in France, Britain, and the United States: A Comparative Study by Schain, M.
Politikvermittlung by Kepplinger, Hans Mathias
Protest Und Engagement: Wohin Steuert Unsere Protestkultur? by Nover, Sabine Ursula
Zur Kritik Europäischer Hochschulpolitik: Forschung Und Lehre Unter Kuratel Betriebswirtschaftlicher Denkmuster by
Menschenwürdiges Arbeiten: Eine Herausforderung Für Gesellschaft, Politik Und Wissenschaft by Böhler, Thomas, Schweiger, Gottfried, Neumaier, Otto
Globalization and Utopia: Critical Essays by
The Millennium Development Goals and Beyond: International Assistance to the Asia-Pacific by Feeny, Simon, Clarke, Matthew
Opposition und Widerstand in der DDR in den ersten 30 Jahren nach der Gründung by Verkouter, Marcel
This Could Be the Start of Something Big: How Social Movements for Regional Equity Are Reshaping Metropolitan America by Matsuoka, Martha, Pastor, Manuel, Benner, Chris
Das Lügenverbot bei Kant: Untersucht in seiner Schrift: "Über ein vermeintes Recht aus Menschenliebe zu lügen" by Hauner, Philipp
The Settler Economies: Studies in the Economic History of Kenya and Southern Rhodesia 1900 1963 by Mosley, Paul
Das Ausschusswesen im Rechtssetzungsprozess der Europäischen Union by Kohler, Tobias
Comparative Political Finance in the 1980s by
The Soviet Union and the Strategy of Non-Alignment in the Third World by Allison, Roy, Roy, Allison
The Soviet Union in the Horn of Africa: The Diplomacy of Intervention and Disengagement by Patman, Robert G.
This Could Be the Start of Something Big by Pastor, Manuel, Benner, Chris, Matsuoka, Martha
Coronelismo: The Municipality and Representative Government in Brazil by Leal, Victor Nunes
Liberal Parties in Western Europe by
Unions and Politics in Mexico: The Case of the Automobile Industry by Roxborough, Ian
International Society and the Middle East: English School Theory at the Regional Level by
Spannungen im jüdisch-feministischen Denken von Bertha Pappenheim? by Wawrzyn, Heidemarie
Afrikanische Flüchtlinge in Spanien und der Einfluss der EU auf die Einwanderungspolitik Spaniens by Lang, Joanna
Women in Civil Society: The State, Islamism, and Networks in the Uae by Krause, W.
Duverger's Law of Plurality Voting: The Logic of Party Competition in Canada, India, the United Kingdom and the United States by
Managing Organizational Change in Public Services: International Issues, Challenges and Cases by
Constitution Making Under Occupation: The Politics of Imposed Revolution in Iraq by Arato, Andrew
Perspectives on European Development Cooperation: Policy and Performance of Individual Donor Countries and the EU by
The Stimulus Tragedy: And What We Can Do To Prevent It by Twigg, Branch
Korporatismus-Messung nach Alan Siaroff: Interessenvermittlung in Frankreich und Spanien im Vergleich by Schärf, Sabrina, Gebhard, Katrin
Regional Governance in Turkey on the Road to EU Membership by Ertugal, Ebru
Marxian Theory and Socialism in Turkey by GündoĞan, Ercan
Kolumbien als Zentrum der Drogenwirtschaft: Hat die Drogenwirtschaft einen Einfluss auf die kolumbianische Kultur bzw. Gesellschaft? by Loley, Sandra
Informationsfreiheitsgesetze in Deutschland unter Berücksichtigung entsprechender Gesetze in den Niederlanden und den USA by Menze, Jürgen
Transnational Political Practices of Turkish and Kurdish Organisations in Germany by Paul, Manuela
Sportsman Environmentalist by Mullikin, Tom
Liberalism and the Social Problem by Churchill, Winston Spencer
The Federalist Papers by Hamilton, Alexander
The Problem of China by Russell, Bertrand
The Promise Of American Life by Croly, Herbert David
Mosque and State: Comparative Analysis by Pisoiu, Daniela
Reactive Integration: Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters: Cooperation or Communitisation? by Pisoiu, Daniela
Die FPÖ und das BZÖ vor dem Hintergrund des österreichischen Parteiensystems by Kipper, Daniel
China's Global Strategy: Towards A Multipolar World by Clegg, Jenny
Political Systems of East Asia: China, Korea, and Japan by Hayes, Louis D.
In Search of Another Country: Mississippi and the Conservative Counterrevolution by Crespino, Joseph
God and Globalization: Volume 2: The Spirit and the Modern Authorities by Browning, Don S.
God and Globalization: Volume 1: Religion and the Powers of the Common Life by
The Comparative Study of Electoral Systems by
Soziale Kontrolle im 21. Jahrhundert - Deutschland auf dem Weg zum Überwachungsstaat by Schäftlein, Marjana
The Pursuit of Liberty: Can the Ideals That Made America Great Provide a Model for the World? by Piereson, James
A bridge too far?: Commonalities and Differences between China and the United States by
Networked Politics: Agency, Power, and Governance by
Approaches to Political Thought by
Globalization and Human Security by Siracusa, Joseph M., Battersby, Paul
Globalization and Human Security by Battersby, Paul, Siracusa, Joseph M.
Approaches to Political Thought by
Debating the American Conservative Movement: 1945 to the Present by MacLean, Nancy, Critchlow, Donald T.
From Lambs to Lions: Future Security Relationships in a World of Biological and Nuclear Weapons by Preston, Thomas
Governing Sustainability by
Governing Sustainability by
Standoff at Tiananmen by Cheng, Eddie
Fiscal Governance in Europe by Strauch, Rolf Rainer, Von Hagen, Jurgen, Hallerberg, Mark
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