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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Standoff at Tiananmen by Cheng, Eddie
Fiscal Governance in Europe by Strauch, Rolf Rainer, Von Hagen, Jurgen, Hallerberg, Mark
Fighting Immigration Anarchy by Sheehy, Daniel
Policy by Colebatch, H. K.
Cricket in the Web: The 1949 Unsolved Murder that Unraveled Politics in New Mexico by Moore, Paula
Networked Politics by
Rethinking Uncle Tom: The Political Thought of Harriet Beecher Stowe by Allen, William B.
The Skillful Self: Liberalism, Culture, and the Politics of Skill by Stopford, John
Accidental Guerrilla: Fighting Small Wars in the Midst of a Big One by Kilcullen, David
Taming Democracy: The People, the Founders, and the Troubled Ending of the American Revolution by Bouton, Terry
Global Good Samaritans: Human Rights as Foreign Policy by Brysk, Alison
Global Good Samaritans: Human Rights as Foreign Policy by Brysk, Alison
Managing Organizational Change in Public Services: International Issues, Challenges and Cases by
The Obama Administration and the Americas: Agenda for Change by
The Great Experiment: The Story of Ancient Empires, Modern States, and the Quest for a Global Nation by Talbott, Strobe
Midnight on the Line: The Secret Life of the U.S.-Mexico Border by Gaynor, Tim
America's Rasputin: Walt Rostow and the Vietnam War by Milne, David
The Jewish-Arab City: Spatio-politics in a mixed community by Yacobi, Haim
Das ambivalente Verhältnis der USA zu den vereinten Nationen: Eine exemplarische Untersuchung by Hauner, Philipp
Zwischen Anpassung und Opposition - Die Rolle der CDU in der DDR by Vetter, Elke
Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change by Reid, Donald G., Mair, Heather, George, E. Wanda
Rural Tourism Development: Localism and Cultural Change by Mair, Heather, Reid, Donald G., George, E. Wanda
Recht Und Gerechtigkeit in Der Konsulargerichtsbarkeit: Britische Exterritorialität Im Osmanischen Reich 1825-1914 by Berchtold, Johannes
The New & Improved Republican: Look Out, Washington! - The GOP Is Coming Back with a Vengeance! by Johnson, Jay
Iran and the Bomb: The Abdication of International Responsibility by Delpech, Therese
Hobbes und der Krieg der Staaten by Von Heyden, Jasper Balthasar
Die Humanitäre Intervention im Kosovo und ihre Bedeutung für das Völkerrecht by Engel, Jens
Environmental Governance: Power and Knowledge in a Local-Global World by
Taser(r) Conducted Electrical Weapons: Physiology, Pathology, and Law by
Harry Pross - Ein Leben für freie Medien und unzensierte Meinungen by Lippmann, Sascha
Reforming the Presidential Nomination Process by
De trådløse samfund: Myter & fakta by Bruun, Bente-Ingrid
War Isn't Hell, It's Entertainment: Essays on Visual Media and the Representation of Conflict by
An Assessment of the Investment Climate in Kenya by Iarossi, Giuseppe
Customary Laws in Southern Sudan: Customary Laws of Dinka and Nuer by Fadlalla, Mohamed
The Fruits of Revolution: Property Rights, Litigation and French Agriculture, 1700 1860 by Rosenthal, Jean-Laurent
UK Tax Policy and Applied General Equilibrium Analysis by Piggott, John, Whalley, John
Volkskapitalisme: Class, Capital and Ideology in the Development of Afrikaner Nationalism, 1934 1948 by O'Meara, Dan
Region and Nation: The Kwangsi Clique in Chinese Politics 1925 1937 by Lary, Diana
Women and the State in Modern Indonesia by Blackburn, Susan
Both Right and Left Handed: Arab Women Talk about Their Lives by Shaaban, Bouthaina
The Expedient Utopian: Bandaranaike and Ceylon by Manor, James
Crisis in the Making: The Political Economy of New York State Since 1945 by McClelland, Peter D., Magdovitz, Alan L.
Bazaar and State in Iran: The Politics of the Tehran Marketplace by Keshavarzian, Arang
Staat - Migration - Globalisierung by Velagic, Alen
Das Cleavage-Modell von Lipset und Rokkan am Beispiel von Portugal by Rhino, Michaela
Staatsverschuldung in Deutschland: Lastenverschiebung auf zukünftige Generationen? by Fojcik, Thomas Martin
Noted Men And Women: A Profusely Illustrated Book (1910) by Morrissey, James W.
Social Peace: A Study Of The Trade Union Movement In England (1893) by Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart Von
Mountain Warfare: Illustrated By The Campaign Of 1799 In Switzerland (1875) by
On The Headwaters Of Peace River: A Narrative Of A Thousand-Mile Canoe Trip To A Little-Known Range Of The Canadian Rockies (1917) by Haworth, Paul Leland
Millionaire Households And Their Domestic Economy: With Hints Upon Fine Living (1903) by Carter, Mary Elizabeth
Office Colonial: Son Organisation, Son Fonctionnement, Son But (1901) by France Ministere Des Colonies
Strategic Policy Interactions in a Monetary Union by Carlberg, Michael
Democratization and the Politics of Constitution-Making in Turkey by Gençkaya, Ömer Faruk, Özbudun, Ergun
Washington, D.C.: Politics and Place by Ozer, Mark N.
Hints For Improving The Condition Of The Peasantry In All Parts Of The United Kingdom: By Promoting Comfort In Their Habitations (1816) by Elsam, Richard
La Constitution De La Lune: Reve Politique Et Moral (1793) by Reigny, Louis-Abel Beffroy De
In The King's Country (1894) by Douglas, Amanda Minnie
Mining Camps: A Study In American Frontier Government (1884) by Shinn, Charles Howard
Heart Of Oak: The British Bulwark (1763) by Fisher, Roger
Home Government For Ireland: Irish Federalism! Its Meaning, Its Objects, And Its Hopes (1871) by Butt, Isaac
L'Acadie V2: Or Seven Years' Explorations In British America (1849) by Alexander, James E.
On The Headwaters Of Peace River: A Narrative Of A Thousand-Mile Canoe Trip To A Little-Known Range Of The Canadian Rockies (1917) by Haworth, Paul Leland
Mountain Warfare: Illustrated By The Campaign Of 1799 In Switzerland (1875) by
The Miscellaneous Documents Printed By Order Of The House Of Representatives During The First Session Of The Thirty-Fifth Congress, 1857-1858 (1858) by James B. Steedman
Memories Of The Crusade: A Thrilling Account Of The Great Uprising Of The Women Of Ohio In 1873, Against The Liquor Crime (1890) by Stewart, Eliza Daniel
Les Principes De La Foi Sur Le Gouvernement De L'Eglise, En Opposition Avec La Constitution Civile Du Clerge: Ou Refutation Du Developpement De L'Opin by Berardier, Denis
Men And Women Of Deep Piety (1920) by McLeister, Clara
Occasional Rhymes And Reflections Upon Subjects Social, Literary, And Political (1892) by Powell, George Herbert
New Governments West Of The Alleghenies Before 1780: Introductory To A Study Of The Organization And Admission Of New States (1897) by Alden, George Henry
British Guiana Law Of Summary Convictions: Comprising Ordinances From 1837 To 1883 (1884) by Abbott, A. M.
Petitions Of The Early Inhabitants Of Kentucky To The General Assembly Of Virginia, 1769 To 1792 (1915) by Robertson, James Rood
In Lighter Vein: A Collection Of Anecdotes, Witty Sayings, Bon Mots, Bright Repartees, Eccentricities, And Reminiscences Of Well-Known by de Morgan, John
Irish Ethnology Socially And Politically Considered: A General Outline Of The Celtic And Saxon Races, With Practical Inferences (1852) by Ellis, George
Noted Men And Women: A Profusely Illustrated Book (1910) by Morrissey, James W.
Krim-Girai: Khan Of The Crimea (1856) by Mundt, Theodor
Living with the Legacy of the Holocaust by Dresp, Tanja
Rex Kingdon In The North Woods (1914) by Braddock, Gordon
Searchlights On The War (1915) by Dernburg, Bernhard
Sur La Legislation Et Le Commerce Des Grains (1775) by Necker, Jacques
Facts Addressed to the Landholders by John Horne Tooke
Social Peace: A Study Of The Trade Union Movement In England (1893) by Schulze-Gaevernitz, Gerhart Von
Safe And Unsafe Democracy: A Commentary On Political Administration In The American Commonwealths (1918) by Jones, Henry Ware
Millionaire Households And Their Domestic Economy: With Hints Upon Fine Living (1903) by Carter, Mary Elizabeth
Cyprus: The Post-Imperial Constitution by
Blacks, Indians, and Spaniards in the Eastern Andes: Reclaiming the Forgotten in Colonial Mizque, 1550-1782 by Brockington, Lolita Gutiérrez
People, Passion, Purpose Book # 7 by Akindele, Akin O.
People, Passion, Purpose Book # 7 by Akindele, Akin O.
Washington, D.C.: Politics and Place by Ozer, Mark N.
Shall We Have Peace? Peace Financial, And Peace Political? Letters To The President Elect Of The United States (1869) by Carey, Henry Charles
Questions Politiques (1899) by Faguet, Emile
Shall Women Vote? A Book For Men (1913) by Sams, Conway Whittle
Banning Weapons of Mass Destruction by Mattis, Frederick
Radical Pathways: Understanding Muslim Radicalization in Indonesia by Ramakrishna, Kumar
The Prince by Machiavelli, Niccolo
Let Them Eat Junk: How Capitalism Creates Hunger And Obesity by Albritton, Robert
The UK Parliament by Grant, Moyra
Letters to the Editor: Confessions of a Frustrated Conservative by Hubbard, Jon Michael
Gerechtigkeit als Fairness: John Rawls´ Konzeption als Projektionsfläche der gesellschaftlichen Realität in Deutschland by Vogel, Henri
The Rights of Spring: A Memoir of Innocence Abroad by Kennedy, David
Citizenship Under Fire: Democratic Education in Times of Conflict by Ben-Porath, Sigal R.
Finding Far Away by Wade, Lisa
The Future of Political Science: 100 Perspectives by
Righteous Anger at the Wicked States: The Meaning of the Founders' Constitution by Johnson, Calvin H.
Factions and Finance in China: Elite Conflict and Inflation by Shih, Victor C.
Power and Interdependence in Organizations by
Public Economics and the Household by Rees, Ray, Apps, Patricia
Rejecting Rights by Bedi, Sonu
Wealth and Life by Winch, Donald
Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times by Berezin, Mabel
Wealth and Life by Winch, Donald
Power and Interdependence in Organizations by
Illiberal Politics in Neoliberal Times: Culture, Security and Populism in the New Europe by Berezin, Mabel
Rejecting Rights by Bedi, Sonu
The Chinese Worker after Socialism by Hurst, William
The Market and the Masses in Latin America by Baker, Andy
Geo-Political Road Kill Book #8 by Akindele, Akin O.
Geo-Political Road Kill Book #8 by Akindele, Akin O.
Conflict in Our National Forests by Schramek, Robert W.
Monetary Policy Alternatives at the Zero Bound: An Empirical Assessment by Sack, Brian P., Bernanke, Ben S., Reinhart, Vincent R.
Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China by
Asian Energy Security: The Maritime Dimension by Lai, H.
Novanglus and Massachusettensis by John Adams
Making Religion, Making the State: The Politics of Religion in Modern China by
Dictionary and Introduction to Global Environmental Governance by Meganck, Richard a., Saunier, Richard E.
The Canadian Freeholder by Francis Maseres
The Canadian Freeholder by Francis Maseres
The Canadian Freeholder by Francis Maseres
Schlüsselwerke Der Cultural Studies by
Entwicklungspolitik by Kevenhörster, Paul, Van Den Boom, Dirk
Freiheit: Gefühlt - Gedacht - Gelebt: Liberale Beiträge Zu Einer Wertediskussion by
Dokumentenlogistik in Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung by Eiermann, Lars
Ursprünge, Arten Und Folgen Des Konstrukts Bevölkerung Vor, Im Und Nach Dem Dritten Reich: Zur Geschichte Der Deutschen Bevölkerungswissenschaft by
Combating Human Trafficking: Policy Gaps and Hidden Political Agendas in the USA and Germany by Morehouse, Christal
Wo Sind Die Rebellen Hin?: Dissentierendes Abstimmungsverhalten in Ost- Und Westdeutschen Landtagen by Könen, Susanne
Projektmanagement in Der Öffentlichen Verwaltung: Spezifika, Problemfelder, Zukunftspotenziale by Hagen, Stefan
Politik in Mehrebenensystemen by Benz, Arthur
Zuwanderung Im Zeichen Der Globalisierung: Migrations-, Integrations- Und Minderheitenpolitik by
Politische Entrepreneure ALS Reformmotor Im Gesundheitswesen?: Eine Fallstudie Zur Einführung Eines Neuen Steuerungsinstruments Im Politikfeld Psychot by Nagel, Andreas
Klimawandel Und Gesellschaft: Perspektive Adaptionskommunikation by Grunenberg, Heiko, Heinrichs, Harald
Der Markt Für Politikberatung by Falk, Svenja, Römmele, Andrea
Barack Obama - Seine Sprache, Seine Stärke, Sein Charisma: Rhetorik einer Erfolgsgeschichte by Gössler, Stefan
Environmental Sustainability: A Consumption Approach by Jha, Raghbendra, Murthy, K. V. Bhanu
Political Myth: On the Use and Abuse of Biblical Themes (Large Print Edition) by Boer, Roland
A Crime-Solving Toolkit: Forensics in the Caribbean by
Carving Out the Rule of Law: The History of the United States Attorney's Office in Eastern Michigan, 1815-2008 by Parker, Ross
Carving Out the Rule of Law: The History of the United States Attorney's Office in Eastern Michigan, 1815-2008 by Parker, Ross
A Political and Civil History by Timothy Pitkin
Political and Civil History of the Us-V2: Including a Summary View of the Political and Civil State of the North American Colonies, Prior to That Peri by Pitkin, Timothy
The Plan: Barack Obama's Promise to America and His Plan for the Economy, Iraq, Healthcare, and More by
Governance and Financial Sustainability of NGOs in South Africa by Hendrickse, Rozenda
From Mercenaries to Market the Rise and Regulation of Private Military Companies (Paperback) by
Political Speeches by Cicero, Berry, D. H.
The United States and Mexico: Between Partnership and Conflict by Fernández de Castro, Rafael, Domínguez, Jorge I.
Small States and Eu Governance: Leadership Through the Council Presidency by Bunse, S.
Civil Disobedience: (un)Common Sense in Mass Democracies by Quill, Lawrence
German Thought and International Relations: The Rise and Fall of a Liberal Project by Shilliam, R.
The Political Participation of Older People in Europe: The Greying of Our Democracies by Goerres, A.
Church and State in 21st Century Britain: The Future of Church Establishment by
Church and State in 21st Century Britain: The Future of Church Establishment by
The United States and Mexico: Between Partnership and Conflict by Domínguez, Jorge I., Fernández de Castro, Rafael
Intellectuals and Left Politics in Uruguay, 1958-2006 by Gregory, Stephen
Understanding the Policy Process: Analysing Welfare Policy and Practice by Lowe, Stuart, Hudson, John
Television and Culture in Putin's Russia: Remote Control by Rulyova, Natalia, Hutchings, Stephen
Consociational Theory: McGarry and O'Leary and the Northern Ireland Conflict by Taylor, Rupert
Socialist China, Capitalist China: Social tension and political adaptation under economic globalization by
Dear President Obama: Letters of Hope from Children Across America by Kluger, Bruce, Tabatsky, David
Police Corruption: Preventing Misconduct and Maintaining Integrity by Prenzler, Tim
Islam and Liberal Citizenship: The Search for an Overlapping Consensus by March, Andrew F.
Experteninterviews: Theorien, Methoden, Anwendungsfelder by
Americaas Defense Meltdown: Pentagon Reform for President Obama and the New Congress by
Stuck in the Middle: Is Fiscal Policy Failing the Middle Class? by
Too Big to Fail: The Hazards of Bank Bailouts by Feldman, Ron J., Stern, Gary H.
Socialism and War: Essays, Documents, Reviews by Hayek, F. A.
They Fight Fires and Win by John Barry Lewis, John Barry Lewis, Barry Lewis
Democracia = Hipocresia: Democracy = Hypocrisy by Cosmelli, Luigi H.
The Effect of Religion on the Political Process: The Case of the Federal Sharia Court of Appeal (1975-1990) by Ajayi, Femi
Nigeria: Her Woes and Their True Remedies by Okoro, Onyeije Chukwudum
Nigeria: Her Woes and Their True Remedies by Okoro, Onyeije Chukwudum
The Effect of Religion on the Political Process: The Case of the Federal Sharia Court of Appeal (1975-1990) by Ajayi, Femi
The Changing Governance of Renewable Natural Resources in Northwest Russia by
Preventing Corruption in Asia: Institutional Design and Policy Capacity by
Gilles Paquet: Homo Hereticus by
Russian Civil-Military Relations by Brannon, Robert
Innovation in Global Health Governance: Critical Cases by Cooper, Andrew F.
Internal Security Services in Liberalizing States: Transitions, Turmoil, and (In)Security by Derdzinski, Joseph L.
The Winds of Time: An Analytical Study of the Titans Who Shaped Western Civilization - Master Edition by Disilvio, Rich
Going Local: Decentralization, Democratization, and the Promise of Good Governance by Grindle, Merilee S.
What Democracy Is for: On Freedom and Moral Government by Ringen, Stein
Quotas for Women in Politics: Gender and Candidate Selection Reform Worldwide by Krook, Mona Lena
The Internet and Democratic Citizenship: Theory, Practice and Policy by Blumler, Jay G., Coleman, Stephen
Arenas of Power: Reflections on Politics and Policy by Lowi, Theodore J., Nicholson, Norman K.
Tocqueville on America after 1840 by
Tocqueville on America after 1840 by
Learning, Policy Making, and Market Reforms by Meseguer, Covadonga
Constitutionalizing the European Union by Christiansen, Thomas, Reh, Christine
Surveillance Unlimited: How We've Become the Most Watched People on Earth by Laidler, Keith
The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Great Depression and the New Deal by Murphy, Robert P.
Science and Whig Manners: Science and Political Style in Britain, C. 1790-1850 by Bord, Joe
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