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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2009

Strategy and Dynamics in Contests by Konrad, Kai A.
Strategy and Dynamics in Contests by Konrad, Kai A.
Indoctrination U: The Lefts War Against Academic Freedom by Horowitz, David
Latin America After Neoliberalism: Turning the Tide in the 21st Century? by
Titanium: Industrial Base, Price Trends, and Technology Initiatives by Seong, Somi
New Currency: How Money Changes the World as We Know It by MacLeod, Jordan Bruce
Fiskalpolitik in der EWWU 1 - Koordinierung und Disziplinierung der Staatsausgaben- und Verschuldungspolitik? by Kress, Svenja
Liberalism, Black Power, and the Making of American Politics, 1965-1980 by Fergus, Devin
Liberalism, Black Power, and the Making of American Politics, 1965-1980 by Fergus, Devin
The Power Problem: How American Military Dominance Makes Us Less Safe, Less Prosperous, and Less Free by Preble, Christopher A.
The Political Philosophy of George Washington by Morrison, Jeffry H.
Nationalisms in Japan by
The Balance of Power in Asia-Pacific Security: US-China Policies on Regional Order by Odgaard, Liselotte
Korea in the New Asia: East Asian Integration and the China Factor by
The Korean Developmental State: From dirigisme to neo-liberalism by Pirie, Iain
Corruption and Good Governance in Asia by
Institutional Review Boards by O'Neil Lane, Eliesh
Seeking the political role of the third government branch by Martínez Barahona, Elena
Frank Pais: Architect of Cuba's Betrayed Revolution by Alvarez, Jose
Rethinking Arab Democratization: Elections Without Democracy by Sadiki, Larbi
From Many, One: Peasants, Borders, and Education in Callista, Mexico, 1924-1935 by Marak, Andrae M.
Beyond the Bodyguard: Proven Tactics and Dynamic Strategies for Protective Practices Success by Schneider, Gavriel
Securing Respect: Behavioural Expectations and Anti-Social Behaviour in the UK by
Securing Respect: Behavioural Expectations and Anti-Social Behaviour in the UK by
The Consumer in Public Services: Choice, Values and Difference by
The Consumer in Public Services: Choice, Values and Difference by
Krise eines Bundesstaates am Beispiel Belgiens by Salem, Mustafa
Die Verfassungskonzepte von Fischer, Jospin, Blair und Aznar by Glüpker, Gitta
"Vollkasko" im Gesundheitssystem: Zwischen staatlich gewährleisteten Gesundheitsstandards und Eigenvorsorge: Verlauf des Issue in Österreich und Überb by Rausch, Bettina
Die Bedeutung der Weizsäcker-Rede vom 8. Mai 1985 für das geschichtliche Bewusstsein der Bundesrepublik Deutschlands by Richter, Björn
Free Speech: A Very Short Introduction by Warburton, Nigel
Thoughts on Entry Regulation, Financial Market Competition and Financial Crisis by Lilienthal, Sven
Violence: A Philosophical Anthology by Bufacchi, Vittorio
Violence: A Philosophical Anthology by Bufacchi, Vittorio
Die menschliche Erfahrung von Leid und Krieg - Friede als Utopie?: Eine philosophische Reflexion über das Wesen des Friedens by Wagner, Helmut
Konzepte zur Integration von Ausländern in Deutschland und Frankreich im Vergleich by Glüpker, Gitta
International Strategic Alliances and Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions by Richter, Anne, Pahl, Nadine
Das Demokratiedefizit in der Europäischen Union und die Rolle des Europäischen Parlaments by Fahrnberger, Boris, Rausch, Bettina
Oil Price Developments - Drivers, Economic Consequences and Policy Responses by Pahl, Nadine, Richter, Anne
Die Russische Föderation und die Entwicklung des russischen Föderalismus by Aurisch, Florian
Neue Kriege und die Kriegsforschung. Zur Notwendigkeit einiger Anpassungsleistungen by Stadelmaier, Frank
On War: A Dialogue by Orend, Brian
Politische Partizipation Und Regimelegitimität in Der VR China: Band II: Der Ländliche Raum by Schubert, Gunter, Heberer, Thomas
Rekrutierung - Bindung - Zugehörigkeit: Eine Biografieanalytische Studie Zur Sozialen Welt Der Gewerkschaften by Bromberg, Kirstin
Demokratieförderung Und Friedenskonsolidierung: Die Nachkriegsgesellschaften Von Guatemala, El Salvador Und Nicaragua by Reiber, Tatjana
Religionen Und Demokratie: Beiträge Zu Genese, Geltung Und Wirkung Eines Aktuellen Politischen Spannungsfeldes by
Kommunale Ziel- Und Erfolgssteuerung: Entwicklungslinien Und Gestaltungspotentiale by Saliterer, Iris
Lokale Integrationspolitik in Der Einwanderungsgesellschaft: Migration Und Integration ALS Herausforderung Von Kommunen by
Policing Insecurity: Police Reform, Security, and Human Rights in Latin America by Uildriks, Niels
The National Voter Registration ACT: Impact and Implications for Latino and Non-Latino Communities by Rodriquez, Elaine
Hollywood Politicos, Then and Now: Who They Are, What They Want, Why It Matters by Rabidoux, Greg R.
Nullification, A Constitutional History, 1776-1833: James Madison and the Constitutionality of Nullification, 1787-1828 by Wood, W. Kirk
Saudi-Iranian Relations Since the Fall of Saddam: Rivalry, Cooperation, and Implications for U.S. Policy by Wehrey, Frederic
Die Möglichkeiten der Europäischen Zentralbank, durch Außenwertpolitik auf den Tradeoff von Arbeitslosigkeit und Inflation Einfluss zu nehmen by Stadelmaier, Frank
David Riesman: Pluralistische veto-groups und amorphe Macht by Stadelmaier, Frank
Die Entwicklung der Entwicklungshilfepolitik der Bundesregierung seit 1990 by Kroll, Susanne, Möbius, Katharina
No More War Memes: A practical, realistic program of cultural engineering to eliminate war from human society forever. by Rebholz, Joe
Governmental Change and New Causal Ideas in Britain. Why ESDP Lifted Off in 1999 by Stadelmaier, Frank
Democracy and Domination: Technologies of Integration and the Rise of Collective Power by Zeddy, Amanda Gail, Koch, Andrew M.
China in 2008: A Year of Great Significance by
Dialogues on the Ethics of Capital Punishment by Jacquette, Dale
Das Recht auf ein faires Verfahren. Ein Vergleich der Angeklagtenrechte im Nürnberger Hauptkriegsverbrecherprozess und vor dem Internationalen Strafge by Stadelmaier, Frank
Madrasas in South Asia: Teaching Terror? by
Poetry and Philosophy by Beckett, Mischa
Common Sense, The Rights of Man and Other Essential Writings of Thomas Paine by Paine, Thomas
Recovering the Frontier State: War, Ethnicity, and the State in Afghanistan by Rais, Rasul Bakhsh
Die Kommunen im deutschen Föderalismus (unter besonderer Beachtung der Föderalismusreformen I und II) by Hecht, Christoph
Der "deutsche Weg" in der Irak- Krise 2003: Die Außenpolitik der Bundesrepublik Deutschland zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit by Baldus, Katrin
Going Dirty: The Art of Negative Campaigning by Mark, David
Die USA zwischen Machtanspruch und burden-sharing. Eine Falluntersuchung zum Zustandekommen des EU-Mandats für Mazedonien by Stadelmaier, Frank
Agenda-Setting in the European Union by Princen, S.
The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management by Gross, E.
The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy: Continuity and Change in European Crisis Management by Gross, E.
Making Sense of Global Health Governance: A Policy Perspective by Buse, Kent
The Determinants of Currency Crises: A Political-Economy Approach by Rother, B.
The Determinants of Currency Crises: A Political-Economy Approach by Rother, B.
From Colony to Nation: Women Activists and the Gendering of Politics in Belize, 1912-1982 by MacPherson, Anne S.
Women in Vanuatu: Analyzing Challenges to Economic Participation by Cutura, Jozefina, Ellis, Amanda, Manuel, Clare
The Politics of Air Power: From Confrontation to Cooperation in Army Aviation Civil-Military Relations by Rice, Rondall R.
Japan's Remilitarisation by Hughes, Christopher W.
The Long Slog: A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the White House by
The Cambridge Companion to Constant by
Public Transport and Its Users: The Passenger's Perspective in Planning and Customer Care by Dienel, Hans-Liudger
Secularism and State Policies Toward Religion: The United States, France, and Turkey by Kuru, Ahmet T.
The Fluoride Wars: How a Modest Public Health Measure Became America's Longest-Running Political Melodrama by Freeze, R. Allan, Lehr, Jay H.
Oath Betrayed: America's Torture Doctors by Miles, Steven H.
Die sozialpolitische Konzeption der NPD in den neuen Bundesländern am Beispiel Sachsens by Räther, Dennis
Post-Conflict Tajikistan: The Politics of Peacebuilding and the Emergence of Legitimate Order by Heathershaw, John
Edward Said and the Literary, Social, and Political World by
Federalism, Nationalism and Development: India and the Punjab Economy by Singh, Pritam
British Political Thought, 1500-1660: The Politics of the Post-Reformation by Burgess, Glenn
Machiavelli pur. Die Discorsi - 3. Buch: Die handelnden Individuen by Budke, Andre
Reform in Revolutionary Times: The Civil-Military Relationship in Early Soviet Russia by Vourkoutiotis, Vasilis
Politische und ökonomische Folgen des Klimawandels: Eine Problemanalyse aus Sicht der USA, EU und Russlands by Drozdzynski, Ira
The Patriotism of Despair: Nation, War, and Loss in Russia by Oushakine, Serguei Alex
Stadtwerke. Verlierer der Energiemarktliberalisierung?: Die Stadtwerke Schwäbisch-Hall GmbH und der Stadt Stuttgart by Weickmann, Felix
Putin's Labyrinth: Spies, Murder, and the Dark Heart of the New Russia by Levine, Steve
Anglo-Iranian Relations since 1800 by
The Politics of Self-Expression: The Urdu Middleclass Milieu in Mid-Twentieth Century India and Pakistan by Daechsel, Markus
India's Nuclear Bomb and National Security by Frey, Karsten
Starvation and India's Democracy by Banik, Dan
China-India Relations: Contemporary Dynamics by Athwal, Amardeep
Military Control in Pakistan: The Parallel State by Aziz, Mazhar
Political Mobilisation and Democracy in India: States of Emergency by Hewitt, Vernon
Ghana: Conversation and Development by Okyere Bonna, Opoku Bonna
A Biblical Perspective on the First African-American President by Hobbs, Reginald
The Patriotism of Despair: Nation, War, and Loss in Russia by Oushakine, Serguei Alex
Whose Ideas Matter? by Acharya, Amitav
Die Steuerungskennzahl EVA im internationalen Vergleich by Ehrmann, Melvin
Drogenpolitik im Fall Peru by Kaufmann, Anne
Konfliktprävention in der EU by Rammerstorfer, Karin
Perspectives and opportunities of the Obama government's security and counterterrorism policy - Chances and ways to more success by Seidler, Felix
Die Geschichte der Verfassung der römischen Republik by Fischer, Nepomuk
The Newer Eve: Women, Feminists and the Labour Party by Collette, C.
After Genocide: Transitional Justice, Post-Conflict Reconstruction and Reconciliation in Rwanda and Beyond by
Contested States in World Politics by Geldenhuys, D.
NGOs in Contemporary Britain: Non-State Actors in Society and Politics Since 1945 by
Contested States in World Politics by Geldenhuys, D.
NGOs in Contemporary Britain: Non-State Actors in Society and Politics Since 1945 by
Macroeconomic Consequences of Demographic Change: Modeling Issues and Applications by Rausch, Sebastian
Das Ideal Des Schönen Lebens Und Die Wirklichkeit Der Weimarer Republik: Vorstellungen Von Staat Und Gemeinschaft Im George-Kreis by
Politics and Religion in Early Bourbon France by
Normen Und PRAXIS: Das Europäische Konzert Der Großmächte ALS Sicherheitsrat, 1815-1860 by Schulz, Matthias
President Obama: & The Principle of Continuous Improvement - Volume 2 by Ali, Sifwat
President Obama: & The Principle of Continuous Improvement - Volume 2 by Ali, Sifwat
Die Dienstleistungsrichtlinie der Europäischen Kommission: Implikationen für medizinische Dienstleistungen by Löber, Nils
A Historical Transatlantic Political Tradition by Dias, Elsa
Familienpolitische Regulierungen im internationalen Vergleich by Groß, Thomas
Oxford Handbook of Crime and Public Policy by
How Courts Impact Federal Administrative Behavior by Hume, Robert J.
The First World Presidency: George H. W. Bush, 1989-1993 by Lind, Nancy S., Otenyo, Eric E.
The Long War: A New History of U.S. National Security Policy Since World War II by
Faire de l'Enseignement supérieur le moteur du développement en by World Bank
The Secret Torture Memos: Bush Administration Memos on Torture as Released by the Department of Justice, April 16, 2009 by
Us Military Innovation Since the Cold War: Creation Without Destruction by
In Defense of Christian Hungary by Hanebrink, Paul
Double Exile: Migrations of Jewish-Hungarian Professionals through Germany to the United States, 1919-1945 by Frank, Tibor
Ukraine on its Meandering Path Between East and West by
Brazil as an Economic Superpower?: Understanding Brazil's Changing Role in the Global Economy by
Seneca: de Clementia by Seneca, Lucius Annaeus
Sorrowful Shores: Violence, Ethnicity, and the End of the Ottoman Empire 1912-1923 by Gingeras, Ryan
Auswirkungen der Globalisierung auf das wirtschaftliche und soziale System unserer Volkswirtschaft by Weidlich-Wichmann, Uta, Gärtner, André
On the emergence of ESDP and EU-NATO cooperation by Stadelmaier, Frank
The Sword Of Deborah: Firsthand Impressions Of The British Women's Army In France (1919) by Jesse, Fryniwyd Tennyson
The Great Deception: Bringing Into The Light The Real Meaning And Mandate Of The Harding Vote As To Peace (1921) by Colcord, Samuel
Sulla Municipalizzazione: Studio Economico-Sociale (1904) by Gualtieri, Duca Di
El Problema Migratorio (1905) by Palma, Marques De La Fuensanta De
The True American Citizen: To Which Is Appended The Constitution Of The United States, With The Recent Amendments And Civil Rights Bill (1866) by Divoll, Willard
Regionale Warlords: Besserere Sicherheitsgaranten als das staatliche Gewaltmonopol in Afghanistan? by Richter, Björn
American Sovereigns: The People and America's Constitutional Tradition Before the Civil War by Fritz, Christian G.
Humanitäre Interventionen der USA seit 1990 by Seitz, Veronika
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought by
The Search for Interstate Reconciliation in East Asia and Central Europe by He, Yinan
Blue Dixie: Awakening the South's Democratic Majority by Moser, Bob
The Sins of the Nation and the Ritual of Apologies by Celermajer, Danielle
The Cambridge Companion to Ancient Greek Political Thought by
This Land Is Their Land: Reports from a Divided Nation by Ehrenreich, Barbara
The Price of Truth by Pearson, Mel
Summary Of The Rules And Procedure Of Foreign Parliaments (1882) by
The Government Of The British Empire (1918) by Jenks, Edward
The Emperor's New Code Of Criminal Laws (1787) by
Reflexions Politiques Sur La Pologne: Ou Lettre D'Un Patriote Modere, A Son Ami, Avec Plusieurs Autres Lettres Et Un Coup D'Oeil (1782) by Varille, Pyrrhys De
Princely Men In The Heavenly Kingdom (1903) by Beach, Harlan Page
Notable Women Of The Reformation: Their Lives And Times (1884) by Chapman, William
Problemes Sociaux Contemporains (1897) by Loria, Achille
Patriotism And Government (1901) by Tolstoy, Leo
The Church In The Modern State (1914) by Rogers, Frederick
Review Of A Late Pamphlet, Under The Signature Of Brutus (1828) by Hamilton
Patriotism And Peace: How To Teach Them In School (1910) by Mead, Lucia Ames
The British Commonwealth: Or A Commentary On The Institutions And Principles Of British Government (1854) by Cox, Homersham
The Question Of Northern Epirus At The Peace Conference (1919) by Cassavetes, Nicholas J.
The Law Of The Government Of Tonga (1907) by
Peaceful Personalities And Warriors Bold (1907) by Villiers, Frederic
Politics And The Moral Law (1901) by Ruemelin, Gustav
A Treatise On Government, And Constitutional Law: Being An Inquiry Into The Source And Limitation Of Governmental Authority According To American Theo by Tiffany, Joel
The End Of The Ages: With Forecasts Of The Approaching Political, Social And Religious Reconstruction Of America And The World (1898) by Fishbough, William
Prodromus Vindictae In Ducem Buckinghamiae (1626) by Eglisham, George
The Yankee In The British Zone (1920) by Brown, Lee D., Mac Veagh, Ewen Cameron
The Yankee Slave Driver: Or The Black And White Rivals (1860) by Smucker, Samuel Mosheim
Prisons And Prisoners: Some Personal Experiences (1914) by Lytton, Constance, Warton, Jane
The Christian Commonwealth (1850) by Morgan, John Minter
The Ideas Of The Day On Policy (1866) by Buxton, Charles
The Sword Of Deborah: Firsthand Impressions Of The British Women's Army In France (1919) by Jesse, Fryniwyd Tennyson
Rights And Wrongs Of The Transvaal War (1902) by Cook, Edward Tyas
The Yoke Of Empire: Sketches Of The Queen's Prime Ministers (1896) by Brett, Reginald Baliol
Summary Of The Rules And Procedure Of Foreign Parliaments (1882) by
The General, Civil And Military Administration Of Noricum And Raetia (1907) by Peaks, Mary Bradford
The Procedure Of The House Of Commons V1: A Study Of Its History And Present Form (1903) by Redlich, Josef
The Trooper Police Of Australia: A Record Of Mounted Police Work In The Commonwealth (1911) by Haydon, Arthur Lincoln
The New Spirit Of The New Army: A Message To The Service Flag Homes (1918) by Odell, Joseph Henry
The French Colonial Question, 1789-1791: Dealings Of The Constituent Assembly With Problems Arising From The Revolution In The West Indies (1916) by Garrett, Mitchell Bennett
The Human Hair, Its Care And Preservation: A Book For Men And Women (1900) by Stitson, J. R.
Principes Socialistes (1898) by Deville, Gabriel Pierre
The True American Citizen: To Which Is Appended The Constitution Of The United States, With The Recent Amendments And Civil Rights Bill (1866) by Divoll, Willard
Regeneration Of India (1883) by Hate, Gopinath Sadashivji
Plantation Papers: Containing A Summary Sketch Of The Great Ulster Plantation In The Year 1610 (1889) by Hill, George
The Life of Sir Robert Cochran, Prime-Minister to King James III of Scotland (1734) by Cochran, Robert
Parliamentary Logic: To Which Are Subjoined Two Speeches, Delivered In The House Of Commons Of Ireland, And Other Pieces (1808) by Hamilton, William Gerard
Subjects And Questions Pertaining To Political Economy, Constitutional Law, The Theory And Administration Of Government, And Current Politics (1881) by Society for Political Education
Parliamentary Portraits: Of The Present Period (1862) by Fletcher, Grenville
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