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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Political Science in 2023

Fools' Gold: The Voyage of a Ship of Fools Seeking Gold - A Mock-Heroic Poem on Brexit and English Exceptionalism by Hagger, Nicholas
Autonomy in the Amazon: The Emergence of the 'Gobierno Territorial Autónomo de la Nación Wampís' in Northern Peru by Niederberger, Thomas
Governance Der Politischen Bildung Fur Einen Gesellschaftlichen Zusammenhalt Im Internatio by
Confucian Liberalism: Mou Zongsan and Hegelian Liberalism by Tseng, Roy
Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America: States, Threats, and Alliances by Solar, Carlos
The Future of China's Past: Reflections on the Meaning of China's Rise by Welter, Albert
Asad's Autocratic Dynasty in Syria: Civil War and the Role of Regional and Global Powers by Ma'oz, Moshe
Understanding the Polls by Atkeson
Security Studies Essentials by Toft
The Big Teal by Holmes À. Court, Simon
The Woodbine Parish Report on the Revolutions in South America (1822): The Foreign Office and Early British Intelligence on Latin America by Schlez, Mariano Martín
Revisioning French Culture by
Empire Found: Racial Identities and Coloniality in Twenty-First Century Portuguese Popular Cultures by Silva, Daniel F.
New Literary Voices of the Moroccan Diaspora: Republic of Cousins by Poel, Ieme Van Der
The Crystal Stopper by LeBlanc, Maurice
The Dog Crusoe and his Master by Ballantyne, Robert Michael
Life in the UK Test 2023: With 500 Official Style Practice Test Questions and Answers - To Ensure You Pass Quickly and Easily by Ixworth, Freddie
Why Communism Failed by Becker, Jasper
Who Cares if Police Become Violent?: A Commentary on Preventing Police Brutality by Thompson, Brian L.
The Challenge of Democracy: American Government in Global Politics, Enhanced by Berry, Jeffrey, Janda, Kenneth, Goldman, Jerry
Education Is Dead: Reflections on a Failed Public Education System by Scarpitta, L. Salvatore, Scarpitta, L. Salvatore
China, Latin America, and the Global Economy: Economic, Historical, and National Issues by
The Trillion Dollar Silencer: Why There Is So Little Anti-War Protest in the United States by Roelofs, Joan
Endless Holocausts: Mass Death in the History of the United States Empire by Smith, David Michael
China's Civilian Army: The Making of Wolf Warrior Diplomacy by Martin, Peter
Tainted Democracy: Viktor Orbán and the Subversion of Hungary by Szelényi, Zsuzsanna
Technical Communication for Environmental Action by
Endless Holocausts: Mass Death in the History of the United States Empire by Smith, David Michael
The Subjection Of Women by Mill, John Stuart
The Report On Unidentified Flying Objects by Ruppelt, Edward J.
From Primates to Politicians: A journey from the political side of animals to the animal side of politicians by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
Discourses of Globalisation, Multiculturalism and Cultural Identity by
Aktuelle Diskurse in Der Sozialwirtschaft IV by
Transnational Employment Strain in a Global Health Pandemic: Migrant Farmworkers in Canada by Vosko, Leah F., Spring, Cynthia, Basok, Tanya
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation by McStay, Andrew, Bakir, Vian
Explorations in Marx's Theory of Price-Why Marx Is Still Relevant for Understanding the Modern Economy: Volume I: Money and Money Prices by Nicholas, Howard
Homeowners and the Resilient City: Climate-Driven Natural Hazards and Private Land by
Populism and Populist Discourse in North America by Macaulay, Marcia
Bordering and Governmentality Around the Greek Islands by Spathopoulou, Aila
Network Management and Governance in Policy Implementation: The Case of Smoking Prevention Programs by Hadorn, Susanne
Kinder Und Jugendliche in Pandemischer Gesellschaft by
Speaking Youth to Power: Influencing Climate Policy at the United Nations by Terry, Mark
Internationale Organisationen: Konzepte, Theorien Und Fallbeispiele by
Contemporary Discourses in Social Exclusion by
Transgenics in Dispute: Political Conflicts in the Commercial Liberation of Gmos in Brazil by Lenzi, Cristiano Luis
Exploring Children's Suffrage: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageless Voting by
Umwelt- Und Klimagerechtigkeit: Aktualität Und Zukunftsvision by Grafe, Regine
How Border Peripheries Are Changing the Nature of Arab States by
Nationalism in Internationalism: Ireland's Relationship with the European Union by Holmes, Michael, Simpson, Kathryn
Storying Social Movement/S by
Make Capitalism History: A Practical Framework for Utopia and the Transformation of Society by Meretz, Stefan, Sutterlütti, Simon
Capital and the Cosmos: War, Society and the Quest for Profit by Dickens, Peter
The Problem of Property: Taking the Freedom of Nonowners Seriously by Widerquist, Karl
Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities by Jung, Dietrich
Ayatollah Khomeini Through the Lens of the Iran-Iraq War by Tayebipour, Meysam
Capitalism and Migration: The Rise of Hegemony in the World-System by Rodriguez, Nestor
Deutschland ALS Magnet Für Hochqualifizierte Aus Griechenland: Eine Qualitative Empirische Studie Zu Faktischen Und Potenziellen Migrant*innen by Gkolfinopoulos, Andreas
Handbook of Transnational Families Around the World by
Die Gestaltung Der Ewigkeit: Die Konstitutive Bedeutung Von Nichtwissen Für Den Entsorgungsprozess Nuklearen Abfalls by Wulf, Nele
Russia's 2022 War Against Ukraine and the Foreign Policy Reaction of the EU: Context, Diplomacy, and Law by Lonardo, Luigi
Urban Youth Unemployment, Marginalization and Politics in Mena by Nuseibeh, Rawan Asali
Consumption, Sustainability and Everyday Life by
Karl Popper: Professional Philosopher and Public Intellectual by Weinert, Friedel
Acting on Cultural Policy: Arts Practitioners, Policy-Making and Civil Society by Woddis, Jane
Political Economy of Gender and Development in Africa: Mapping Gaps, Conflicts and Representation by
Repatriation, Exchange, and Colonial Legacies in the Gulf of Papua: Moving Pictures by Lee, Christopher, Lamb, Lara
Bundestagswahl 2021 - Die Metaphorischen Konzepte Der Kandidatin Und Der Kandidaten: Ein Politolinguistischer Vergleich Anhand Der Fünf Trielle by Böhm, Martin
Rebooting Global International Society: Change, Contestation and Resilience by
Forest Politics from Below: Social Movements, Indigenous Communities, Forest Occupations and Eco-Solidarism by Kaufer, Ricardo
Migrant Languages in Education: Problems, Policies, and Politics by Malandrino, Anna
Russia's Invasion of Ukraine: Economic Challenges, Embargo Issues and a New Global Economic Order by Welfens, Paul J. J.
Statecraft and the Political Economy of Capitalism by Shelton, Joel T., Nelson, Scott G.
Der Einfluss Wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Institutionen Auf Rechtsextreme Einstellungen: Eine Mehrebenenanalyse by Bollwein, Thomas
The Inter- And Transnational Politics of Populism: Foreign Policy, Identity and Popular Sovereignty by Wojczewski, Thorsten
Community Nursing Services in England: An Historical Policy Analysis by Shields, Jolanta, Bramwell, Donna, Checkland, Kath
The Geography of Trade Liberalization: Peru's Free Trade Continuity in Comparative Perspective by Awapara, Omar
Dynamics of EU Renewable Energy Policy Integration by Dekanozishvili, Mariam
Child Sexual Abuse in Black and Minoritised Communities: Improving Legal, Policy and Practical Responses by
Active Borders in Europe: Identity and Collective Memory in the Cross-Border Space by
Die Digitalisierung Des Politischen: Theoretische Und Praktische Herausforderungen Für Die Demokratie by
Global Labour in Distress, Volume II: Earnings, (In)Decent Work and Institutions by
The Sun, Energy, and Climate Change by Hossain, Eklas
Discursive Approaches to Politics in Malaysia: Legitimising Governance by
Der Klimawandel-Diskurs in China by Wang, Sidan
Climate Migration Governance and the Discourse of Citizenship in India by Manuvie, Ritumbra
100 Years of World Wars and Post-War Regional Collaboration: How to Create 'New World Order'? by
Understanding Political Public Relations Techniques: An Exploration of Their Value and Function for Political Communication by Gayoso, Albina
Australia in the Anthropocene: War Against China by Paul, Erik
Digitized Statecraft of Four Asian Regionalisms: States' Multilateral Treaty Participation and Citizens' Satisfaction with Quality of Life by Inoguchi, Takashi, Le, Lien Thi Quynh
The Digital Sovereignty Trap: Avoiding the Return of Silos and a Divided World by Jelinek, Thorsten
Cultural Sustainability and Arts Education: International Perspectives on the Aesthetics of Transformation by
Understanding Actors and Processes Shaping Transgender Subjectivities: A Case Study of Kazakhstan by Sekerbayeva, Zhanar
Grassroots Democracy and Governance in India: Understanding Power, Sociality and Trust by Das, Amiya Kumar
Gemeinwohlorientiert, Ökologisch, Sozial: Aushandlungen Um Alternative Wirtschaftspraktiken in Der Zivilgesellschaft by
The Dialectics of Global Justice: From Liberal to Postcapitalist Cosmopolitanism by Sculos, Bryant William
Return to Point Zero: The Turkish-Kurdish Question and How Politics and Ideas (Re)Make Empires, Nations, and States by Somer, Murat
The Future of Lenin: Power, Politics, and Revolution in the Twenty-First Century by
A Beginners Guide to the PC Cult: The New War of Religion by Milla, Sin City
Three Seas Initiative & Central Europe by Rozycki, Mariusz
Global Labour in Distress, Volume I: Globalization, Technology and Labour Resilience by
Intoxication: Self, State and Society by Thurnell-Read, Thomas, Monaghan, Mark
Nietzsche and the Politics of Reaction: Essays on Liberalism, Socialism, and Aristocratic Radicalism by
Education and Equity in Times of Crisis: Learning, Engagement and Support by Shelley, Becky, Emery, Sherridan, Rudling, Emily S.
The Rise of the Middle Class in Contemporary China by Su, Hainan, Chang, Fenglin, Wang, Hong
Analysing Gender in Healthcare: The Politics of Sex and Reproduction by Cooper, Sarah
The National Security Law of Hong Kong: Restoration and Transformation by
America Together in 2024: A Petition for an Independent President by Thelen, Kevin M.
Contemporary Strategic Chinese American Business Negotiations and Market Entry by
Health Reforms in Post-Communist Eastern Europe: The Politics of Policy Learning by Popic, Tamara
Perché amo Giorgia Meloni: 70 motivi by Ragu, Pino
Konflikte zwischen Windkraftnutzung und Denkmalschutz by Majer, Thomas
America: The North Star of Humanity by Urtnowski, Michael
Inducements, which led to the "Brexit". The United Kingdom's ambivalent relationship with the European Union by Wighton, Lawrence
Subcontinental Drift: Domestic Politics and India's Foreign Policy by Basrur, Rajesh
Considerations On Representative Government by Mill, John Stuart
The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting by Vasudevan, Alexander
Fragile Victory: The Making and Unmaking of Liberal Order by Cronin, James E.
Iberian Encounter and Exchange, 475-1755: Castilian Bishops and the Secular Church During the Reign of Alfonso VIII by Lincoln, Kyle C.
Gender-Competent Legal Education by
Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika by
Smart Region: Angewandte Digitale Lösungen Für Den Ländlichen Raum: Best Practices Aus Den Modellprojekten "Digitales Dorf Bayern" by
International Trade Fairs and Inter-Firm Knowledge Flows: Understanding Patterns of Convergence-Divergence in the Technological Specializations of Fir by Gibson, Rachael
Social and Economic Stimulating Development Strategies for China's Ethnic Minority Areas by Wang, Yanzhong, Ding, Sai
Un pueblo de luz en un mundo colonial: Sobre la identidad andaluza by Sanmartín Ledesma, Rafael
Deep Energy Retrofit--Case Studies: Business and Technical Concepts for Deep Energy Retrofit of Public Buildings; Energy in Buildings and Communities by
Italian Political Cinema: Figures of the Long '68 by Resmini, Mauro
Democracia II by Garrido, Javier
The Market Power of Technology: Understanding the Second Gilded Age by Kurz, Mordecai
New Threats to Academic Freedom in Asia by
The Market Power of Technology: Understanding the Second Gilded Age by Kurz, Mordecai
Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China Volume 4 by
Subcontinental Drift: Domestic Politics and India's Foreign Policy by Basrur, Rajesh
Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Land Governance Deficit by
The Meaning of History: Reflections on Spengler, Toynbee, and Kant by Kissinger, Henry a.
Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness by Thachil, Tariq, Auerbach, Adam Michael
Universal Food Security: How to End Hunger While Protecting the Planet by Denning, Glenn
Migrants and Machine Politics: How India's Urban Poor Seek Representation and Responsiveness by Auerbach, Adam Michael, Thachil, Tariq
Universal Food Security: How to End Hunger While Protecting the Planet by Denning, Glenn
The Nationalization of the Masses: Political Symbolism and Mass Movements in Germany from the Napoleonic Wars Through the Third Reich by Mosse, George L.
Macht der Ratingagenturen auf die globale und nationale Finanzpolitik. Am Beispiel Griechenland by Musker, Albert
Decolonization: Unsung Heroes of the Resistance by Miské, Karim, Ball, Marc, Singaravélou, Pierre
Mao's Army Goes to Sea: The Island Campaigns and the Founding of China's Navy by Yoshihara, Toshi
For-Profit Philanthropy: Elite Power and the Threat of Limited Liability Companies, Donor-Advised Funds, and Strategic Corporate Giving by Dean, Steven A., Brakman Reiser, Dana
Mao's Army Goes to Sea: The Island Campaigns and the Founding of China's Navy by Yoshihara, Toshi
The Age of Wild Ghosts: Memory, Violence, and Place in Southwest China by Mueggler, Erik
Die Brexit-Entscheidung aus der Perspektive des Intergouvernementalismus. Renationalisierung und Migrationspolitik by Musker, Albert
Handelskrieg aus Sicht der Theorie der Hegemonialen Stabilität. Am Beispiel USA und China by Musker, Albert
Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies by Gómez, Eduardo J.
Courage Under Fire: The Definitive Account from Inside the Capitol on January 6th by Sund, Steven A.
The Mohawk Warrior Society: A Handbook on Sovereignty and Survival by Hall, Louis Karoniaktajeh
Dictatorship and Information: Authoritarian Regime Resilience in Communist Europe and China by Dimitrov, Martin K.
Final Battle: The Next Election Could Be the Last by Horowitz, David
Preparing for War: The Extremist History of White Christian Nationalism--And What Comes Next by Onishi, Bradley
Peril by Woodward, Bob, Costa, Robert
States of Confusion: How Our Voter Id Laws Fail Democracy and What to Do about It by Gordon, Nicole A., Jarvis, Sonia R., Waisanen, Don
Forging Diasporic Citizenship: Narratives from German-Born Turkish Ausländer by Çaliskan, Gül
Bharat-Cheen: Naye Rishte, Nayi Raahen (भारत-चीन नए रिश&#238 by Vishwamohan
Generación Idiota: Una Crítica Al Adolescentrismo by Laje, Agustin
Generación Idiota: Una Crítica Al Adolescentrismo by Laje, Agustin
Beyond 2%--NATO Partners, Institutions & Burden Management: Concepts, Risks & Models by Kimball, Anessa L.
The Mesmerizing - Alluring of Humans: Volume II by Akash
Raimo Väyrynen: A Pioneer in International Relations, Scholarship and Policy-Making: With a Foreword by Olli Rehn and a Preface by Allan Rosas by Väyrynen, Raimo
L'homme Faible by Nüremberg, J. D.
Peoples of the Greater Mekong: The Ethnic Minorities by Goodman, Jim
The Rights of Non-Muslims in Islam by Abdullah, Abu
The Handbook of Global Trade Policy by
Criticism of the Marxist polyphony of minds. Book two by Mupsh, Yurii
A Doll's House by Ibsen, Henrik
Manchmal da möchte ich heimgehen: Gabriele Taubenhuber by Taubenhuber, Gabriele
The Weak Man by Nüremberg, J. D.
Gendered Perspectives on Covid-19 Recovery in Africa: Towards Sustainable Development by
Greening Cities by Growing Food: A Political Ecology Analysis of Urban Agriculture in the Americas by Hammelman, Colleen
Covid-19, State-Power and Society in Europe: Focus on Western Balkans by Andjelic, Neven
Renewable Energy Communities and the Low Carbon Energy Transition in Europe by
Climate Change and Adaptation for Food Sustainability: Implications and Scenarios from Malaysia by Al-Amin, Abul Quasem, Mohamad, Zeeda Fatimah, Ahmed, Ferdous
Understanding the Impact of Emotional Stress on Crisis Decision Making by Sawatzky, Noel Allan
The Rats Had Never Left: Conquering Colonists & Systemic Racism by Karani, Abdusamaad (Sam)
The Rats Had Never Left: Conquering Colonists & Systemic Racism by Karani, Abdusamaad (Sam)
Os Profetas da Agenda. by Nüremberg, J. D.
Der Schwache Mann by Nüremberg, J. D.
A Novel Approach to China: What China Debaters Can Learn from Contemporary Chinese Novelists by Gao, Gengsong
No Drama Democracy: In Pursuit of Truthfulness About Humans and Politics by Gregory, Garland
Involución by Rodríguez, Andrés R.
A Dive Into Media History and Development Studies: Tanzanian Case Studies by Mwambene, Eva
The Fabric of Fear: Building Franco's New Society in Spain, 1936-1950 by Marco, Jorge, Gomez Bravo, Gutmaro
Conflicts Between Biodiversity Conservation and Humans: The Case of the Chihuahua Desert and Cuatro Ciénegas by
Handbook of Research on Developments and Future Trends in Transnational Higher Education by
Care Schafft Community - Community Braucht Care by
The Power of Necessity by Kattenberg, Lisa
Hoofprints on the Land: How Traditional Herding and Grazing Can Restore the Soil and Bring Animal Agriculture Back in Balance with the Earth by Köhler-Rollefson, Ilse
The Electoral Imagination: Literature, Legitimacy, and Other Rigged Systems by Puckett, Kent
Ukraine's Unnamed War by Arel, Dominique, Driscoll, Jesse
The Politics of Religious Party Change by Yildirim, A. Kadir
Medieval Muslim Mirrors for Princes by
Medieval Muslim Mirrors for Princes by
Reforming to Survive by Rasmussen, Magnus B., Knutsen, Carl Henrik
Ukraine's Unnamed War by Arel, Dominique, Driscoll, Jesse
A Concrete Bridge on Wooden Pillars by Nkhalamba, John W.
Politikwandel in Der Netzneutralität Auf Europäischer Ebene: Mobilisierung, Koalitionen, Konflikte Und Vermittlungsprozesse Im Vergleich by Zinser, Lavinia
Globalisation Impacts: Countries, Institutions and COVID19 by
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