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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 1994

Groupwork Volume Seven by
Understanding and Using Groups by Vernelle, B.
Piaget Before Piaget by Vidal, Fernando
The Status of Common Sense in Psychology by Anon, Siegfried, Jurg
Implicit & Explicit Knowledge: An Educational Approach by Tirosh, Dina
Wounded Healer by Gagnon, John H.
How Language Works: Cohesion in Normal and Nonstandard Communication by Fine, Jonathan
My Father Was Shiva: A Family Tragedy in Prose and Poetry by Flosdorf, Jim
Transcendence in Relationship: Extentialism and Psychotherapy by Willis, Robert J.
Transcendence in Relationships: Extentialism and Psychotherapy by Willis, Robert J.
Everyday Frustration and Creativity in Government: A Personnel Challenge to Public Administration by Heinzen, Thomas E.
Freud and Forbidden Knowledge by
The Rhetorical Voice of Psychoanalysis: Displacement of Evidence by Theory by Spence, Donald P.
Prevention And Early Intervention by Carey, William B., McDevit, Sean C.
The Awakening Year: An Exploration in Gesalt Psychotherapy by Selwyn, Margaret
Wounded Healer by Gagnon, John
Naturalistic Text Comprehension by Van Oostendorp Herre Zwaan Rolf a, Zwaan, Rolf a., Van Oostendorp, Herre
Theories in Intelligence by Detterman
Naturalistic Text Comprehension by Zwaan, Rolf a., Van Oostendorp, Herre
Creativity and Affect by Runco, Mark, Shaw, Melvin
Problem Finding, Problem Solving, and Creativity by
Beyond Universals in Cognitive Development by Feldman, David
Achieving Extraordinary Ends: An Essay on Creativity by Bailin, Sharon
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 2 by Wilson, Wilson, Mark
Objective Measurement: Theory Into Practice, Volume 2 by Wilson, Mark
Reconstructing the Mind: Replicability in Research on Human Development by Van Der Veer, Rene, Van Ijzendoorn, Marinus, Valsiner, Jaan
What's Going on Here? Complementary Studies of Professional Talk by Burke, Peter, Cicourel, Aaron, Grimshaw, Allen
Repetition in Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 1 by Johnstone, Barbara
Repetition in Discourse: Interdisciplinary Perspectives, Volume 2 by Johnstone, Barbara
Small Group Research: A Handbook by Davies, Martin, Hare, A. Paul, Blumberg, Herbert
Problem Finding, Problem Solving, and Creativity by Runco, Mark a.
Creativity and Affect by Runco, Mark a., Shaw, Melvin P.
Small Group Research: A Handbook by Blumberg, Herbert, Davies, Martin, Hare, A. Paul
What's Going on Here?: Complementary Studies of Professional Talk by Cicourel, Aaron V., Grimshaw, Allen Day, Burke, Peter J.
Counseling and Psychotherapy with Persons with Mental Retardation and Borderline Intelligence by
Individualizing Psychological Assessment: A Collaborative and Therapeutic Approach by Fischer, Constance T.
Kurzpsychotherapie Bei Depressionen: Interpersonelle Psychotherapie Und Kognitive Therapie Im Vergleich by Wahl, Rolf
Coming to Life: Reflections on the Art of Psychotherapy by Havens, Leston
Umweltproblem "Müll": Eine Psychologische Analyse Ost- Und Westdeutscher Sichtweisen by Matthies, Ellen
Fulfillment in Adulthood: Paths to the Pinnacle of Life by Colarusso, Calvin a.
Life-Span Development and Behavior: Volume 12 by
The Intersubjective Perspective by
Severe Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviours: Designing High Quality Services by Mansell, Jim, Emerson, Eric, McGill, Peter
Violence and Health Care Professionals by Wykes, Til
Community Ecology by Campling, Jo, Burnard, Philip
Reminiscence Work with Old People by James, Anne, Gillies, Clare
Emotions: Essays on Emotion Theory by
Health Psychology: Process and Applications by Llewelyn, Susan P., Broome, Annabel
Qualitative Marktforschung: Methoden, Einsatzmöglichkeiten Und Beurteilungskriterien by Kepper, Gaby
Psychology: Theory and Application by Hayes, Nicky, Banyard, Philip
Emotions: Essays on Emotion Theory by
Treatment of the Severely Disturbed Adolescent by Rinsley, Donald B.
Being Changed by Cross-Cultural Encounters: The Anthropology of Extraordinary Experience by
Beyond Terman: Contemporary Longitudinal Studies of Giftedness and Talent by Subotnik, Rena, Arnold, Karen
The Divorce and Divorce Therapy Handbook by
Unified Theories of Cognition by Newell, Allen
Women in Therapy by Lerner, Harriet
Brain States by Kenyon, Tom
Adolescent Storm and Stress: An Evaluation of the Mead-freeman Controversy by Cote, James E.
Beyond Universals in Cognitive Development by Feldman, David H., Feldman, David Henry
Life and How to Survive It: An Entertaining and Mind-Stretching Search for What Really Matters in Life by Skynner, Robin, Skynner, A. C. Robin
Power/Gender: Social Relations in Theory and Practice by
Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in the Human Personality by Goodman, Paul, Hefferline, Ralph F., Perls, Frederick S.
The Tao of Chaos by Wolinsky, Stephen
The Eight Essential Steps to Conflict Resolution: Preseverving Relationships at Work, at Home, and in the Community by Weeks, Dudley
Real People 'Personal Identity Without Thought Experiments' by Wilkes, Kathleen V.
Attitudes, Chaos, and the Connectionist Mind by Eiser, J. Richard
Classification and Cognition by Estes, William K.
Treating Family of Origin Problems: A Cognitive Approach by Bozicas, George D., Bedrosian, Richard C.
Naturalizing Epistemology, second edition by
Dynamical Systems in Social Psychology by Vallacher, Robin R., Nowak, Andrzej
Manson in His Own Words by Manson, Charles
Trusting Ourselves by Johnson, Karen
Zen: Tradition and Transition: A Sourcebook by Contemporary Zen Masters and Scholars by
An Introduction to the Analysis of Variance by Bogartz, Richard S.
The Neurotic Personality of Our Time by Horney, Karen
Contentment and Suffering: Culture and Experience in Toraja by Hollan, Douglas, Wellenkamp, Jane
Communication and Relational Maintenance by
Memory for Proper Names: A Special Issue of Memory by Cohen
Scripts People Live by Steiner, Claude
Ego Psychology: Theory and Practice by Blanck, Gertrude, Blanck, Rubin
Finding the Muse by Freeman, Mark
Beyond Technology's Promise by Giacquinta, Joseph B., Bauer, Jo Anne, Levin, Jane E.
Constructing the Subject: Historical Origins of Psychological Research by Danziger, Kurt, Kurt, Danziger
Gender Development by Golombok, Susan, Golombok Fivush, Golombok/Fivush
Mind in Context by
'Language' and Intelligence in Monkeys and Apes: Comparative Developmental Perspectives by
Literacy, Culture and Development: Becoming Literate in Morocco by Wagner, Dan, Wagner, Daniel A.
Beyond Technology's Promise: An Examination of Children's Educational Computing at Home by Giacquinta, Joseph B., Joseph B., Giacquinta, Jo Anne, Bauer
Stereotyping and Social Reality by Haslam, S. Alexander, Oakes, Penelope J.
Cardiovascular Reactivity and Stress: Patterns of Physiological Response by Turner, J. Rick
Pediatric Compliance: A Guide for the Primary Care Physician by Christophersen, Edward R.
Decision-Analytic Intelligent Systems: Automated Explanation and Knowledge Acquisition by Klein, David A.
Sozialpsychiatrie Und Kunsttherapie: Therapeutische Inszenierungen Im Vergleich by Rotter, Frank
Critical Incident Stress And Trauma In The Workplace: Recognition... Response... Recovery by Lewis, Gerald W.
Adaptive Reasoning for Real-world Problems: A Schema-based Approach by Turner, Roy
The Grasping Hand: Volume 104 by Iberall, T., MacKenzie, C. L.
An Odyssey in Learning and Perception by Gibson, Eleanor J.
Holding and Interpretation: Fragment of an Analysis by Winnicott, D. W.
Grace Unfolding: Psychotherapy in the Spirit of Tao-te ching by Kurtz, Ronald S., Johanson, Greg
Discovering the History of Psychiatry by
A Psychology of Freedom and Dignity: The Last Train to Survival by Harcum, E.
Rivalität: Über Konkurrenz, Neid Und Eifersucht by Rost, Wolfgang, Schulz, Angelika
Kind Und Computer: Spielen Und Lernen Am PC by Hoelscher, Gerald R.
Mind in Context: Interactionist Perspectives on Human Intelligence by
Literacy, Culture and Development: Becoming Literate in Morocco by Wagner, Dan, Wagner, Daniel A.
Behavioral and Psychological Approaches to Breathing Disorders by
Clinical Psychology Since 1917: Science, Practice and Organization by Routh, Donald K.
Redefining Families: Implications for Children's Development by
Topsy: The Story of a Golden-Haired Chow by Bonaparte, Marie
Fair Test? Assessment, Achievement and Equity by Gipps, Caroline V.
Theoretical Frameworks for Personal Relationships by
Exploring Family Relationships With Other Social Contexts by
Essential Papers on Object Loss by
Music and People with Developmental Disabilities: Music Therapy, Remedial Music Making and Musical Activities by Schalkwijk, Frans W.
Drawing Inferences from Statistical Data by MacRae, Sandy
Art Therapy with Offenders by
The Therapist's Pregnancy: Intrusion in the Analytic Space by Rapoport, Estelle R. G., Fenster, Sheri, Phillips, Suzanne B.
Essential Papers on Object Loss by
Using Self Psychology in Psychotherapy by Jackson, Helene
Our Turn: Women Who Triumph in the Face of Divorce by Hayes, Christopher
Change Your Mind, Change Your Life by Cirincione, Diane V., Jampolsky, Gerald G.
How To Do Things With Logic by Luckhardt, C. Grant, Bechtel, William, Luckhardt, Grant
How To Do Things With Logic by Luckhardt, C. Grant, Luckhardt, Grant, Bechtel, William
The Structure of Long-term Memory: A Connectivity Model of Semantic Processing by Klimesch, Wolfgang
A Primer on Working with Resistance by Stark, Martha
Psychology as Metaphor by Soyland, A. John
Adult Personality Development: Volume 1: Theories and Concepts by Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Adult Personality Development: Volume 1: Theories and Concepts by Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Adult Personality Development: Volume 2: Applications by Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Get Rid of Him by Vedral, Joyce L.
Persuasion: Greek Rhetoric in Action by
Emotional Growth and Learning by Greenhalgh, Paul
Medicine and Charity Before the Welfare State by
Countertransference in the Treatment of Ptsd by
Boundary Power: How I Treat You, How I Let You Treat Me, How I Treat Myself by O'Neil, Mike
Dealing with Stress by Thompson, Neil, Murphy, Michael, Stradling, Steve
Psychology I Essentials: Volume 1 by Leal, Linda
The Harmony of the Human Body: Musical Principles in Human Physiology by Husemann, Armin
Healing the Split: Integrating Spirit Into Our Understanding of the Mentally Ill, Revised Edition by Nelson, John E.
Shifting Identities Shifting Racisms: A Feminism & Psychology Reader by
The Discursive Mind by Gillett, Grant R., Harre, Rom
Zur Psychologie Der Standardisierten Befragung: Kognitive Und Kommunikative Prozesse by Strack, Fritz
Adult Personality Development: Volume 2: Applications by Wrightsman, Lawrence S.
Inhibitory Processes in Attention, Memory and Language by Dagenbach, Dale, Carr, Thomas H.
Advances in the Study of Behavior: Volume 23 by
The Computer as Medium by
Adult Eyewitness Testimony: Current Trends and Developments by
Student Modelling: The Key to Individualized Knowledge-Based Instruction by
Between the Sign and the Gaze by Rapaport, Herman
Developing Reflective Judgment by King, Patricia M., Kitchener, Karen Strohm
Clinical Applied Psychophysiology: Sponsored by Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback by
Behavioral Issues in Autism by
Aggressive Behavior: Current Perspectives by
Psychosomatische Gynäkologie Und Geburtshilfe 1993/94 by
Psychological Symptoms by Bruno, Frank J.
How to Talk to Your Kids about Really Important Things: Specific Questions and Answers and Useful Things to Say by Schaefer, Charles E., Digeronimo, Theresa Foy
Preventing AIDS: Theories and Methods of Behavioral Interventions by
A Simple Theory of the Self by Mann, David W.
The Total Success Book by Diamond, Leonard
Awakening Spirits: A Native American Path to Inner Peace, Healing, and Spiritual Growth by Brown, Tom
Object Relations Theories and Psychopathology: A Comprehensive Text by Summers, Frank
When Living Hurts: Directives For Treating Depression by Yapko Ph. D., Michael D.
Research Advances in Alcohol and Drug Problems by Roman, P., MacDonald, S.
Helping Families to Change by Satir, Virginia, Stachowiak, James, Taschman, Harvey A.
Religions, Values, and Peak-Experiences by Maslow, Abraham H.
Counselling People with Communication Problems by Dalton, Peggy
Fury on Earth: A Biography of Wilhelm Reich by Sharaf, Myron
Affect Regulation and the Origin of the Self: The Neurobiology of Emotional Development by Schore, Allan N.
Neue Lebensformen Und Psychotherapie. Zeitkrankheiten Und Psychotherapie. Leiborientiertes Arbeiten by
Therapeutic Ways with Words by Ferrara, Kathleen Warden
Therapeutic Ways with Words by Ferrara, Kathleen Warden
Patterns of Relating: An Adult Attachment Perspective by Sheldon-Keller, Adrienne E., West, Malcolm L.
Changing the World: A Framework for the Study of Creativity by Gardner, Howard, Feldman, David, Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Femininities, Masculinities, Sexualities: Freud and Beyond by Chodorow, Nancy J.
The Development of Working Memory: A Special Issue of the International Journal of Behavioural Development by
The Obsession: Reflections on the Tyranny of Slenderness by Chernin, Kim
Developing Counsellor Supervision by Dryden, Windy, Feltham, Colin
Developing Counsellor Supervision by Feltham, Colin, Dryden, Windy
Counselling for Family Problems by Street, Eddy
The Working Alliance: Theory, Research, and Practice by
Why Do Christians Shoot Their Wounded?: Helping (Not Hurting) Those with Emotional Difficulties by Carlson, Dwight L.
Identity and the Life Cycle by Erikson, Erik H.
A Day at a Time: Daily Reflections for Recovering People by Anonymous
A Good First Step: A First Step Workbook for Twelve Step Programs by Hamel, Richard A.
A Day at a Time Gamblers Anonymous: Gamblers Anonymous by Anonymous
Psychologische Unterstützung in Der Strahlentherapie by Schlömer, Ute
Psychology In Sport by Kreme, John M. D., Scully, Deirdre
Psychology In Sport by Scully, Deirdre, Kreme, John M. D.
Personality and Intelligence by
Mapping the Mind: Domain Specificity in Cognition and Culture by
Personality and Intelligence by
Changing the World: A Framework for the Study of Creativity by Gardner, Howard, Feldman, David, Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly
Therapeutic Change: An Object Relations Perspective by Ford, Richard Q., Blatt, Sidney J.
A Key to Loving by Frost, Betty
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and Dramatherapy: Treatment and Risk Reduction by Winn, Linda
Psychology of Attention (Vol. 2) by
Conflict in Personal Relationships by
Heilen, Forschen, Interaktion: Psychotherapie Und Qualitative Sozialforschung by
Gestalttheorie Und Psychotherapie: Ein Beitrag Zur Theoretischen Begründung Der Integrativen Anwendung Von Gestalt-Therapie, Psychodrama, Gesprächsthe by Walter, Hans-Jürgen
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