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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2005

Midnight Confessions: True Stories of Adultery by Gaudette, Pat
The Abilities of Man: Their Nature and Measurement by Spearman, Charles
Gestalt Therapy Mini Lectures by Simkin, James S.
Roots of Musicality: Music Therapy and Personal Development by Perret, Daniel Gilbert
Organizational Psychology in Cross-Cultural Perspective by Silverthorne, Colin P.
Jacques Lacan by Homer, Sean
Jacques Lacan by Homer, Sean
The Dreaming Source of Creativity: 30 Creative and Magical Ways to Work on Yourself by Mindell, Amy
Social Neuroscience: Key Readings by
The Psychopathology of Everyday Life by Freud, Sigmund
Aleister Crowley's Scientific Illuminism: Magie Und Mystik ALS Angewandte Psychologie Zur Transformation Des Menschen by Ludwig, Andreas
Von Heilern, Vätern und falschen Fünfzigern by Blum, Eva
Don't Push the River by Stevens, Barry
A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future by Pink, Daniel H.
Esoteric Healing: A Practical Guide Based on the Teachings of the Tibetan in the Works of Alice A. Bailey by Hopking, Alan N.
Songwriting: Methods, Techniques and Clinical Applications for Music Therapy Clinicians, Educators and Students by
Leven Met Een Afhankelijke Persoonlijkheidsstoornis by Berretty, E. W., Swaen, S. J., Sterk, W. a.
Civilization and Its Discontents (The Standard) by Freud, Sigmund
The Courage to Trust: A Guide to Building Deep and Lasting Relationships by Wall, Cynthia Lynn
Why We Love: The Nature and Chemistry of Romantic Love by Fisher, Helen
Menschen mit Psychotraumen im Beruf - Möglichkeiten sozialarbeiterischer Intervention by Halberkamp, Andre
Social Cognition: Key Readings by
9/11 as a Collective Trauma: And Other Essays on Psychoanalysis and Society by Wirth, Hans-Juergen
Psychological Autopsy of Elvis Presley: The Elvis Analysis: The Role of Suggestion in the Etiology of Psychosomatic Disorders by Ronan, William J.
Love Sick: Love as a Mental Illness by Tallis, Frank
Directive Sixteen by Leech, Dick
The Language of Emotions: Developmental, Psychopathology, and Technique by
Persuasion: Psychological Insights and Perspectives by
The Healing Art of Storytelling: A Sacred Journey of Personal Discovery by Stone, Richard D.
Lesbian and Bisexual Women's Mental Health by
The Psychology of Decision Making: People in Organizations by Beach, Lee Roy, Connolly, Terry
Practical Lessons in Hypnotism by Cook, Wesley
Learning in Cultural Context: Family, Peers, and School by
In Sync with Adolescence: The Role of Morningness-Eveningness in Development by Andershed, Anna-Karin
___________'s Book of Beliefs by Hendrick, Becky
Handbook of Behavioral and Emotional Problems in Girls by
Handbook of Mental Health Services for Children, Adolescents, and Families by
Unfolding Social Constructionism by Hibberd, Fiona J.
Grounding Cognition by
The Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts by
Hypnotism: Its History And Present Development by Bjornstrom, Fredrik
The Psychology and Tradition of Color by Rhodes, Hylda
Psychology Of War by Eltinge, Leroy
Hypnotism: Its History And Present Development by Bjornstrom, Fredrik
Mental And Physical Ease And Supremacy: Being A Practical Adaptation Of Leavitt Science To Individual Use by Leavitt, C. Franklin
Morale: The Supreme Standard Of Life And Conduct by Hall, Granville
From Adolescence to Adulthood in the Vietnam Era by Owens, Timothy J.
The Psychology and Tradition of Color by Rhodes, Hylda
Suffering in Silence: The Legacy of Unresolved Sexual Abuse by Devroede, Ghislain, Ancelin Schutzenberger, Anne
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking (Large Print Edition) by Gladwell, Malcolm
Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking by Gladwell, Malcolm
Transformative Relationships: The Control Mastery Theory of Psychotherapy by
Applied Developmental Science: An Advanced Textbook by
The Psychology of Decision Making: People in Organizations by Connolly, Terry, Beach, Lee Roy
Online Consumer Psychology: Understanding and Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Virtual World by
Online Consumer Psychology: Understanding and Influencing Consumer Behavior in the Virtual World by
The Mind as a Scientific Object: Between Brain and Culture by
The System of Mental Philosophy. by Mahan, Asa
The System of Mental Philosophy. by Mahan, Asa
Handbook of Brief Cognitive Behaviour Therapy by
A Companion to Psychological Anthropology: Modernity and Psychocultural Change by
Counselling and Psychotherapy with Refugees by Blackwell, Dick
Foundations of Curative Eurythmy by Kirchner-Bockholt, Margarete
Essentials of Kabc-II Assessment by Kaufman, Alan S., Lichtenberger, Elizabeth O., Fletcher-Janzen, Elaine
Mind of the Maker by Sayers, Dorothy L.
Better than Both: The Case for Pessimism by Heinegg, Peter
Individual Choice Behavior: A Theoretical Analysis by Luce, R. Duncan
Bumped into the Wall: A tool for unblocking your creativity and releasing your creative spirit by Lalji, Amyn
Children's Economic Experience: Exchange, Reciprocity and Value by Faigenbaum, Gustavo
Emotionally Focused Couple Therapy with Trauma Survivors: Strengthening Attachment Bonds by Johnson, Susan M.
SideTrack? You Lucky Dog by Kinsley, D. Max
International Book of Love: A Dolls Like Us Book by Wortman, Sharon
Ecology and Behaviour of Mesozoic Reptiles by Cloudsley-Thompson, John L.
Frozen Dreams: Psychodynamic Dimensions of Infertility and Assisted Reproduction by
Free Falling Into the Right Hands by Fairley, Kim
Art Therapy and Political Violence: With Art, Without Illusion by
Art Therapy and Political Violence: With Art, Without Illusion by
Relatedness, Self-Definition and Mental Representation: Essays in honor of Sidney J. Blatt by
The Origin and Evolution of Cultures by Boyd, Robert
Key Ideas for a Contemporary Psychoanalysis: Misrecognition and Recognition of the Unconscious by Green, Andre
Gestalt Therapy: History, Theory, and Practice by Woldt, Ansel L., Toman, Sarah M.
Celebration of Life: A Ten-Step Planning Guide by Hamm, Sarah F. D., Thompkins, Harriet Spradley
The Emotional Foundations of Loving Relationships by Hoffman, John S.
Celebration of Life: A Ten-Step Planning Guide by Thompkins, Harriet Spradley, Hamm, Sarah F. D.
Neuropsychological Interventions: Clinical Research and Practice by
Beyond Reasonable Doubt by O'Connor, Kieron, Aardema, Frederick, Pélissier, Marie-Claude
Philanthropy in the Land of the Gentleman Millionaire: Begging For Alms With Dignity by Cissé, Moussa
Wie Pippa Wieder Lachen Lernte: Fachliche Hilfe Für Traumatisierte Kinder by Lackner, Regina
The Cognitive Psychology of Planning by
The Psychotherapist's Own Psychotherapy: Patient and Clinician Perspectives by
Science and Medicine in Dialogue: Thinking through Particulars and Universals by Bibace, Roger
Family Therapy Techniques: Integrating and Tailoring Treatment by Carlson, Jon, Lewis, Judith A., Sperry, Len
Hunter-Gatherer Childhoods: Evolutionary, Developmental, and Cultural Perspectives by Hewlett, Barry S.
Counselling Skills in Social Work Practice by Seden, Janet
Person-Centred Counselling Supervision: Personal and Professional by Bryant-Jefferies, Richard
Person-Centred Therapy: The Focusing-Oriented Approach by Purton, Campbell
Woman's Relationship with Herself: Gender, Foucault and Therapy by O'Grady, Helen
Bone to Pick: Of Forgiveness, Reconciliation, Reparation, and Revenge by Cose, Ellis
The Addiction Counselor's Desk Reference by Howatt, William A., Coombs, Robert Holman
Seeds of Illness, Seeds of Recovery: The Genesis of Suffering and the Role of Psychoanalysis by Ferro, Antonino
Qualitative and Psychometric Research of Refugees and Traumatised Subjects in Belgrade by Opalic, Petar
Psychotherapie im Alter Nr. 5: Gruppentherapie, herausgegeben von Meinolf Peters by
Advanced Brief Therapy: Philosophy, Techniques, and Research by Watzlawick, Paul, Nardone, Giorgio
365 Daily Affirmations for Creativity by Luongo, Janet
Groepspsychotherapie in Theorie En Praktijk by Harper Collins Publishers, Slob, A. K., Perseus Books Group
Understanding Trauma and Emotion: Dealing with Trauma Using an Emotion-Focused Approach by Wastell, Colin
How Can I Forgive You?: The Courage to Forgive, the Freedom Not to by Spring, Janis A.
Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America by Belton, Brian A.
Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy by
Compassion: Conceptualisations, Research and Use in Psychotherapy by
Applications of Nonverbal Communication by
Gemeinschaft - ein Traum auf dem Prüfstand: Erfahrungssammlung, Auswertung und Entwurf by Seyer, Holger, Keller, Tonio
Applications of Nonverbal Communication by
Die Antezedenzen von konjunktiver Kategorisierung: Der Einfluß von Passung auf die Verwendung meherer Gruppenzugehörigkeiten in der Personenwahrnehmun by Schmermund, Anke
Psychology in Probation Services by
Die Sehnsucht der Frau nach der Frau by Gissrau, Barbara
Social and Behavioral Statistics: A User-Friendly Approach by Schacht, Steven P., Aspelmeier, Jeffery E.
Mind, second edition: Introduction to Cognitive Science by Thagard, Paul
Sex, Secrets, and Lies: The Marriage Vows Revisited by Burnett, Marie Miranti
Metaphor in Culture by Kövecses, Zoltán
Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress by Wise, Judith Bula
Hate and the 'Jewish Science': Anti-Semitism, Nazism and Psychoanalysis by Frosh, S.
Hate and the 'Jewish Science': Anti-Semitism, Nazism and Psychoanalysis by Frosh, S.
A Practical Handbook for Building the Play Therapy Relationship by Landreth, Garry L., Giordano, Maria A., Jones, Leslie D.
Empowerment Practice with Families in Distress by Wise, Judith Bula
Animal Talk: Breaking the Codes of Animal Language by Friend, Tim
Emotional Development: Recent Research Advances by
The Telescoping of Generations: Listening to the Narcissistic Links Between Generations by Faimberg, Haydee
Exploring the Musical Mind: Cognition, Emotion, Ability, Function by Sloboda, John
Attention, Perception and Memory: An Integrated Introduction by Styles, Elizabeth
The Cultural Animal: Human Nature, Meaning, and Social Life by Baumeister, Roy F.
Who's Afraid of Charles Darwin?: Debating Feminism and Evolutionary Theory by Vandermassen, Griet
Measurement Error and Research Design by
Testing People at Work: Competencies in Psychometric Testing by Smith, Pam, Smith, Mike
Supervision and the Analytic Attitude by Driver, Christine, Martin, Edward
Testing People at Work: Competencies in Psychometric Testing by Smith, Pam, Smith, Mike
Individualized Service Plans: Empowering People with Disabilities by Spicer Qmrp, Paul
Psychologie zwischen Geisteswissenschaft und Behaviorismus. Von der Verhaltens- zur Kognitionswissenschaft. by Waszkewitz, Bernhard
Psychological Testing: A Practical Approach to Design and Evaluation by Kline, Theresa J. B.
The Interpreted World: An Introduction to Phenomenological Psychology by Spinelli, Ernesto
The Interpreted World: An Introduction to Phenomenological Psychology by Spinelli, Ernesto
A Compulsion for Antiquity: Freud and the Ancient World by Armstrong, Richard H.
Fractured Minds: A Case-Study Approach to Clinical Neuropsychology by Ogden, Jenni A.
The Huli Response to Illness by Stephen, Frankel, Frankel, Stephen
Scoring the Rorschach: Seven Validated Systems by
Opening Skinner's Box: Great Psychological Experiments of the Twentieth Century by Slater, Lauren
Fractured Minds: A Case-Study Approach to Clinical Neuropsychology by Ogden, Jenni A.
Perspectives on Imitation, Volume 1: From Neuroscience to Social Science - Volume 1: Mechanisms of Imitation and Imitation in Animals by
The Family of Adoption: Completely Revised and Updated by Pavao, Joyce Maguire
High, Flat, Down and Back Up Again!: Insights on Bipolarity Challenges and Hopes by Amzallag, M. Sc Alain, Amzallag, Alain
Optimierung der psycho-sozialen Kompetenzen: Eine Studie zur Suchtprävention im Kinder- und Jugendalter by Pfalz, Elisabeth
The Detection of Deception in Forensic Contexts by
A Terrible Love of War by Hillman, James
Losing a Life: A Daughter's Memoir of Caregiving by Gerber, Nancy
European Review of Social Psychology by
Culture and Human Development: The Importance of Cross-Cultural Research for the Social Sciences by
Associative Learning of Likes and Dislikes: A Special Issue of Cognition and Emotion by
Mastering Depression Through Interpersonal Psychotherapy: Patient Workbook by Weissman, Myrna W.
Self Creation: Psychoanalytic Therapy and the Art of the Possible by Summers, Frank
Connectionist Models in Cognitive Psychology by
The Shape of Reason: Essays in Honour of Paolo Legrenzi by
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications, and Examples by Dana, Richard H.
Multicultural Assessment: Principles, Applications, and Examples by Dana, Richard H.
Psychoanalyse, Traum, Ethnologie by Valk, Judith, Morgenthaler, Fritz
The Expression Of The Emotions In Man And Animals by Darwin, Charles
The Power of Story by Collins, Bonnie J., Laughlin, Trina M.
The Essential Handbook of Social Anxiety for Clinicians by
Girlfighting: Betrayal and Rejection Among Girls by Brown, Lyn Mikel
The Handbook of Forensic Learning Disabilities by Riding, Tim, Swann, Caron, Swann, Bob
Self-Insight: Roadblocks and Detours on the Path to Knowing Thyself by Dunning, David
Methodological Issues in Aging Research by
The Culture Of Barbarians: A Glimpse Into The Beginnings Of The Human Mind by Weule, Karl
Imago Relationship Therapy: Perspectives on Theory by
Seeing Through Tears: Crying and Attachment by Nelson, Judith Kay
Seeing Through Tears: Crying and Attachment by Nelson, Judith Kay
Increasing Human Efficiency in Business by Scott, Walter Dill
Freud A to Z by Heller, Sharon
All You Need Is Love and Other Lies about Marriage: How to Save Your Marriage Before It's Too Late by Jacobs, John W.
Sex, Sexuality and the Autism Spectrum by Lawson, Wendy
Addiction to Love: Overcoming Obsession and Dependency in Relationships by Peabody, Susan
The Family Context of Parenting in Children's Adaptation to Elementary School by
Seele Und Totalitarer Staat by Bahrke, Ulrich, Plankers, Tomas, Baltzer, Monika
Frieda Fromm-Reichmann by Siebenhuner, Gerda
Organize Yourself! by Eisenberg, Ronni, Kelly, Kate
Tell Me a Story: The Life-Shaping Power of Our Stories by Taylor, Daniel
The Welfare of Cats by
The Impossibility of Sex: Stories of the Intimate Relationship between Therapist and Client by Orbach, Susie
Behavioral Flexibility in Primates: Causes and Consequences by Jones, Clara
Treating Drug Problems by Blume, Arthur W.
The Craft of Psychodynamic Psychotherapy by Prelinger, Ernst, Kaner, Angelica
Passion in Friendship / La Passion dans l'amitié by Brun, Danièle
Resilience at Work: How to Succeed No Matter What Life Throws at You by Maddi, Salvatore R., Khoshaba, Deborah M.
Destructive Trends in Mental Health: The Well Intentioned Path to Harm by
Empirical Methods for Evaluating Educational Interventions by
Cognitive Developmental Change by
Questioning Gypsy Identity: Ethnic Narratives in Britain and America by Belton, Brian A.
Introducing Psychoanalysis: Essential Themes and Topics by
The Metaphor of Play: Origin and Breakdown of Personal Being by Meares, Russell
The Metaphor of Play: Origin and Breakdown of Personal Being by Meares, Russell
Introducing Psychoanalysis: Essential Themes and Topics by
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