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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Psychology in 2013

Hautnah by Detig-Kohler, Christina
Liar: The Truth About Lies and the People Who Tell Them by Johnson, R.
Facilitating Action Learning: A Practitioner's Guide by Pedler, Mike, Abbott, Christine
All Cab Drivers Look Alike: The Science of Changing Perception Through Experience by Bedford, Felice L.
Sergio Stories: Life Lessons From A Funny Dog by Calabrese, Tina
Five Lectures on Psycho-Analysis by Freud, Sigmund
Psychological Assessment in South Africa: Research and Applications by
Motivation, Altruism, Personality and Social Psychology: The Coming Age of Altruism by Babula, M.
Breaking the Silence on Spiritual Abuse by Oakley, L., Kinmond, K.
Youth Ethnic and National Identity in Bosnia and Herzegovina: Social Science Approaches by Majstorovic, Danijela, Turjacanin, Vladimir
Modernism and Charisma by Horvath, A.
Psychology from the Standpoint of the Subject: Selected Writings of Klaus Holzkamp by Holzkamp, Klaus, Boreham, Andrew
Social Media and Personal Relationships: Online Intimacies and Networked Friendship by Chambers, D.
Living with HIV and ARVs: Three-Letter Lives by Squire, C.
Epistemic Paternalism: A Defence by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Philosophical Psychopathology: Philosophy Without Thought Experiments by Young, G.
Fathers, Fatherhood and Mental Illness: A Discourse Analysis of Rejection by Galasinski, Dariusz
Rethinking Social Distinction by Daloz, J.
Psychotherapy in an Age of Narcissism: Modernity, Science, and Society by Paris, J.
A Wittgensteinian Perspective on the Use of Conceptual Analysis in Psychology by
Hayek and Behavioral Economics by
Towards a Pre-Modern Psychiatry by Booth, J.
Psychologization and the Subject of Late Modernity by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Intellectual Disability: An Inability to Cope with an Intellectually Demanding World by Whitaker, S.
(Post)Apartheid Conditions: Psychoanalysis and Social Formation by Hook, D.
Radical Sociality: On Disobedience, Violence and Belonging by Palacios, M.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy in the Real World: Back to Basics by Van Bilsen, Henck
Elements of Self-Destruction by Potter, Brent
A Clinical Application of Bion's Concepts: Verbal and Visual Approaches to Reality by Sandler, P. C.
Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by Heiman, Gary
The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 2 by James, William
The Fractured Self in Freud and German Philosophy by Altman, M., Coe, C.
The Practice of Cognitive-Behavioural Hypnotherapy: A Manual for Evidence-Based Clinical Hypnosis by Robertson, Donald J.
Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis by Freud, Sigmund
Scum by Williams, Paul
The Dynamics of Change: Tavistock Approaches to Improving Social Systems by Sher, Mannie
Rethinking Introspection: A Pluralist Approach to the First-Person Perspective by Butler, J.
Men and Mothers: The Lifelong Struggle of Sons and Their Mothers by Freud, Hendrika C.
The Principles of Psychology, Vol.1 by James, William
Encounters with the Soul: Active Imagination as Developed by C.G. Jung by Hannah, Barbara
Addictive States of Mind by
Studies in Hysteria by Breuer, Joseph, Freud, Sigmund
Elements of Culture and Mental Health by
The Principles of Psychology, Vol.1 by James, William
Unrepresented States and the Construction of Meaning: Clinical and Theoretical Contributions by
Basic Statistics for the Behavioral Sciences by Heiman, Gary
Neuroergonomics: A Cognitive Neuroscience Approach to Human Factors and Ergonomics by
Mentalizing in the Development and Treatment of Attachment Trauma by G. Allen, Jon
Sex, Murder, and the Meaning of Life: A Psychologist Investigates How Evolution, Cognition, and Complexity Are Revolutionizing Our View of Human Natur by Kenrick, Douglas T.
The Principles of Psychology, Vol. 2 by James, William
HoMe at the Tree of Life: An Introduction to Subconscious, Ethereal Science by Gabor, Elena
Spark: The Revolutionary New Science of Exercise and the Brain by Ratey, John J.
Encounters with the Soul by Hannah, Barbara
Radical Ecopsychology, Second Edition: Psychology in the Service of Life by Fisher, Andy
Macht Optimismus glücklicher? by Bestgen, Sarah
Strahlentherapie by
Manual Der Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie Bei Anorexie Und Bulimie by Legenbauer, Tanja, Vocks, Silja
Advances in Cognitive Informatics and Cognitive Computing by
Social Psychology in Christian Perspective: Exploring the Human Condition by Sabates, Angela M.
The New Monogamy: Redefining Your Relationship After Infidelity by Nelson, Tammy
Sal de tu mente, entra en tu vida by Hayes, Steven C.
El Mundo Al Revés: Cómo Disfrutar Una Vida Recta En Un Mundo Torcido by Leyva, José Luis
Essstörungen im Sport: Körperkult - Schlankheitswahn - Anorexia athletica by Rauchensteiner, Veronika
Verhältnis Mensch - Tier und seine Bedeutung für die Qualität zwischenmenschlicher Beziehungen: Unser Umgang mit Tieren und dessen Relevanz für Krieg by Pilgrim, Robert
Ist geschlossene Unterbringung zeitgemäß? Eine explorative Studie zur Untersuchung von geschlossenen Einrichtungen der Psychiatrie in Oberbayern by Berger, Monika Lynn
Interpretazione degli Asteroidi nel Tema Natale by Libonati, Angela
Fallstricke in der Psychotherapie II: Suizid - eine bibliotherapeutische Annäherung by Schulze, Claudia J.
ADHS im Klassenzimmer: Eine Diagnose und ihre Folgen für die Lehrkraft by Neumann, Katja
The honest hand - how computer mouse trajectories might capture deceptive processes by Weis, Laura
Vygotsky in Perspective. Ronald Miller by Miller, Ronald
Development of Geocentric Spatial Language and Cognition: An Eco-Cultural Perspective. Pierre R. Dasen, Ramesh C. Mishra by Dasen, Pierre R., Mishra, Ramesh C., Dasen, P. R.
Personal Epistemology in the Classroom by
Terrorism and Torture: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. Edited by Werner G.K. Stritzke ... [Et Al.] by
Psychology and Catholicism: Contested Boundaries. Robert Kugelmann by Kugelmann, Robert
The Call of Spiritual Emergency: From Personal Crisis to Personal Transformation by Bragdon, Emma
Writing with Style: APA Style Made Easy by Szuchman, Lenore
Solution-Focused Supervision: A Resource-Oriented Approach to Developing Clinical Expertise by Thomas, Frank N.
Reproduction of Tactual Textures: Transducers, Mechanics and Signal Encoding by Wiertlewski, Michaël
Nar Den Djupa Smartan Laker - En Ung Kvinnas Forvandling Med Regressionsterapi by Mack, Peter
Through the Gateway of the Heart, Second Edition by Catell, Padma, Adamson, Sophia, Metzner, Ralph
The Men's Group Manual by Henry, Clyde
Verbal and Emotional Abuse by Hunt, June
Codependency: Balancing an Unbalanced Relationship by Hunt, June
God In My Coffee: 31 Days of Praise Renews Our Cup by Scott Ph. D., Sherry B.
Self-Efficacy, Adaptation, and Adjustment: Theory, Research, and Application by
Mental Files by Recanati, Francois
Bounded Thinking: Intellectual Virtues for Limited Agents by Morton, Adam
All Alone: The Psychosocial Condition of Nigerian Widows and Childless Women: Implication for Survivor's Care by Ezeakor, Adolphus
All Alone: The Psychosocial Condition of Nigerian Widows and Childless Women: Implication for Survivor's Care by Ezeakor, Adolphus
Die Chirogrammatomantie by Henze, Adolf
Taming Disruptive Behavior by Hemphill, Phillip, Martin, William Marty
The Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy by Royle, Jonathan
Successful Research Projects: A Step-by-Step Guide by Beins, Bernard C.
The Psychological Significance of the Blush by
Ethical, Legal, and Professional Issues in the Practice of Marriage and Family Therapy, Updated Edition by Wilcoxon, S., Remley, Theodore, Gladding, Samuel
Structural Information Theory by Leeuwenberg, Emanuel L. J., Van Der Helm, Peter A.
Advanced Statistics in Research: Reading, Understanding, and Writing Up Data Analysis Results by Hatcher, Larry
Neuroethics in Practice by
Kriminalpsychologie und Psychopathologie in Schillers Räubern by Wulffen, Erich
Gefühl und Bewusstseinslage by Orth, Johannes
Beiträge zur religiösen Psychologie by Vorbrodt, Gustav
Aberglaube und Strafrecht by Löwenstimm, Aug
Ich glaube nur, was ich fühle!: AD(H)S - Ein leiser/lauter Aufschrei kerngesunder Kinder? Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen verstehen by Braun, Anita
Suicide Among Child Sex Offenders by Hoffer, Tia A., Shelton, Joy Lynn E.
Der Rastlose Mensch: Konzepte Und Erkenntnisse Der Mobilitätspsychologie by Flade, Antje
Statistical Methods for Spoken Dialogue Management by Thomson, Blaise
Friedrich Nietzsche: Du sollst der werden, der du bist by
Heuristics: a source of judgement fallacies or decision-making aids? by Jachimowicz, Jon Michael
Eating Disorders: An Encyclopedia of Causes, Treatment, and Prevention by
The Psychology of Conflict and Conflict Management in Organizations by
Rules, Reason, and Self-Knowledge by Tanney, Julia
Impotence in the Male - The Psychic Disorders of Sexual Function in the Male - Vol I by Stekel, Wilhelm
Disorders of the Instincts and the Emotions - The Psychic Disorders of Sexual Functions in the Male - Vol II by Stekel, Wilhelm
Technique of Analytical Psychotherapy by Stekel, Wilhelm
The Interpretation of Dreams - New Developments and Technique - Vol I by Stekel, Wilhelm
Peculiarities of Behavior - Vol II - Disorders of the Instincts and the Emotions - The Parapathiac Disorders by Stekel, Wilhelm
The Emergence of Somatic Psychology and Bodymind Therapy by Barratt, B.
Sibling Relationships Across the Life Span by Cicirelli, Victor
Strengths-Based Therapy: Connecting Theory, Practice and Skills by Jones-Smith, Elsie
Behavioral Issues in Operations Management: New Trends in Design, Management, and Methodologies by
The Interpretation of Dreams - New Developments and Technique - Vol II by Stekel, Wilhelm
Frigidity in Woman in Relation to Her Love Life - Volume I by Stekel, Wilhelm
Frigidity in Woman in Relation to Her Love Life - Volume II by Stekel, Wilhelm
De geschiedenis van het ik: Europa als bakermat, Amerika als broeikas? by Eppink, Andreas
Stop Procrastination NOW: Effective Self-Help Techniques to Overcoming Procrastination through Neuro Linguistic Programming (Nlp) & Visualizatio by Edwards, Td
Conditions of Nervous Anxiety and their Treatment by Stekel, Wilhelm
Peculiarities of Behavior - Wandering Mania, Dipsomania, Cleptomania, Pyromania and Allied Impulsive Acts. by Stekel, Wilhelm
Auto-Erotism - A Psychiatric Study of Onanism and Neurosis by Stekel, Wilhelm
Schizoanalytic Cartographies by Guattari, Felix
Wat Elke Professional Over Verslavingspreventie Moet Weten by Hommels, Leontien, Bovens, Rob, Lemmers, Lex
Divided We Stand: The Strategy and Psychology of Ireland's Dissident Terrorists by Horgan, John
Conditioned Emotional Reactions: : The Case of Little Albert by Rayner, Rosalie, Watson, John B.
Schizoanalytic Cartographies by Guattari, Felix
The Tao of Gestalt: Poetry Creativity and the Rediscovery of the Child by O'Neill, Brian
Reflections and Opinions of a Mental Health Professional by Barbot M. D., Henry Claude
Well-Being: Positive Development Across the Life Course by
Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions by Frosh, Stephen
El falo enamorado: Mitos y leyendas de la sexualidad masculina by Fendrik, Silvia
Reflections and Opinions of a Mental Health Professional by Barbot, Henry Claude
Clinical Guide to Mental Disability Evaluations by
Hauntings: Psychoanalysis and Ghostly Transmissions by Frosh, Stephen
Innovation Generation Workbook by Ness
The New Science of the Mind: From Extended Mind to Embodied Phenomenology by Rowlands, Mark
Social Comprehension and Judgment: The Role of Situation Models, Narratives, and Implicit Theories by Wyer, Robert S., Jr.
Artifacts and Organizations: Beyond Mere Symbolism by
Stochastic Musings: Perspectives From the Pioneers of the Late 20th Century by
The Regulation of Emotion by
Multiple Intelligences and Leadership by
Purkinje's Vision: The Dawning of Neuroscience by Brozek, Josef, Hoskovec, Jir¡, Wade, Nicholas J.
Gestalt Group Therapy: A Practical Guide: Second Edition by Feder, Bud
Roger Fry's 'Difficult and Uncertain Science': The Interpretation of Aesthetic Perception by Rubin, Adrianne
Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading and Spiritualism How to Hypnotize: Being an Exhaustive and Practical System of Method, Application, and Us by Alpheus, A.
Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget by Loisette, A. (Alphonse)
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by MacKay, Charles
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Volume 3 by MacKay, Charles
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success by Haddock, Frank C. (Frank Channing)
Virginia Woolf and Neuropsychiatry by Bennett, Maxwell
Burn-out in bayerischen Sparkassen - Aufkommen, Ursachen und Prävention by Meir, Alexander
Sozioemotionale Dimension der Onlinebefragung: Eine methodenanalytische Betrachtung der Onlinebefragung in Abgrenzung zur Face-to-Face-Befragung by Cengiz, Tayyar
Das Burn-out Syndrom im Lehrerberuf: Ursachen, Prävention, Reaktion und die besondere Rolle der Entlastungsfaktoren am Beispiel des Kollegiums der Alb by Möhle, Sarah
Ökonomie und Technik des Gedächtnisses by Meumann, E.
How to Tell If Your Man Is Cheating by Nails, William J.
Handwriting Psychology: Personality Reflected in Handwriting by Ploog, Helmut
Parenting Tips by Faber, Chelsea
The Encyclopedia of Hypnotherapy, Stage Hypnosis & Complete Mind Therapy - Vol 2: More Truths About Hypnosis Exposed by Royle, Jonathan
Saving your life one day at a time: Seven ways to survive the modern world by Sugarman, Roy
Handwriting Psychology: Personality Reflected in Handwriting by Ploog, Helmut
Hurting Memories and Beneficial Forgetting: Posttraumatic Stress Disorders, Biographical Developments, and Social Conflicts by
Über die Psychologie von Schleiermacher by Lang, Ernst
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions - Volume 3 by MacKay, Charles
Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by MacKay, Charles
Assimilative Memory or, How to Attend and Never Forget by Loisette, A. (Alphonse)
Mastery of Self for Wealth Power Success by Haddock, Frank C. (Frank Channing)
Self-Observation in the Social Sciences by Clegg, Joshua W.
Fractal Physiology and Chaos in Medicine (2nd Edition) by West, Bruce J.
Cultura E Salute: La Partecipazione Culturale Come Strumento Per Un Nuovo Welfare by
School Desegregation: A Long-Term Study by Gerard, Harold
Body Language of Dating: Read His Signals, Send Your Own, and Get the Guy by Reiman, Tonya
Theatre of Witness: Finding the Medicine in Stories of Suffering, Transformation, and Peace by Sepinuck, Teya
Character and Conflict in Jane Austen's Novels: A Psychological Approach by Paris, Bernard J.
A Concise Introduction to Existential Counselling by Adams, Martin
Applied Psychology: Research, Training and Practice by Bayne, Rowan, Jinks, Gordon
Live Your Dreams Let Reality Catch Up: NLP and Common Sense for Coaches, Managers and You by Ellerton, Roger
Psychotherapy: A Critical Guide by Van Deth, R.
Paar- Und Familientherapie by
Evidence-Based Practice in Clinical Social Work by Drisko, James W., Grady, Melissa D.
Symbols, Selves, and Social Reality: A Symbolic Interactionist Approach to Social Psychology and Sociology by Sandstrom, Kent L., Martin, Daniel D., Lively, Kathryn J.
Beziehung Und Deutung Im Psychotherapeutischen Prozeß: Aus Der Sicht Verschiedener Therapeutischer Schulen by
From Morphological Imaging to Molecular Targeting: Implications to Preclinical Development by
Surviving a Stalker: Stay Safe. Avoid Conflict. Regain Your Life. by Gross, Linden
Freudianism by Voloshinov, Valentin
Generation, Discourse, and Social Change by Foster, Karen R.
Love, Sex, and Your Heart by Lowen, Alexander
ADHS im Erwachsenenalter: Wirksamkeit der psychotherapeutischen Verfahren by Dietrich, Isabel
The Force Within Us: How our human instincts motivate everything we do by Abbott, Paul Bergen
Information and Decision in Behavioral Economics by Biela, Adam
Gefahr von Fehlbeurteilungen im Assessment-Center durch die Beobachter by Fischer, Erna
Don't Call Me Inspirational: A Disabled Feminist Talks Back by Rousso, Harilyn
Psychologische Grundlagen der Sozialen Arbeit: Falldarstellung und -analyse by Boehlke, Siri
Multisensory Imagery by
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