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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2007

Die Kriegsbräuche der Plains- und Prärieindianer by Baum, Herwig
Die Fünfziger Jahre - Der Wiederaufbau in Deutschland by Herbst, Daniela
A map is not the territory. Über fraktale Ortschaften und Prousts Mauerecke by Dennhardt, Robert
Die Reinheit des Naturzustandes versus die Verfälschtheit des Kulturzustandes by Limpert, Axel
Die deutsche Rückwanderung aus Amerika im 19. Jahrhundert by Dahm, Laura
Drei kulturanthropologische Erklärungen des Inzesttabus und Verknüpfungen mit einer möglichen Kulturtheorie der Herrschaft by Brückner, Simon
The Women's Movement in the 70s by Nitsche, Maria
Trans-Atlantic Migration: The Paradoxes of Exile by
Iran and the Challenge of Diversity: Islamic Fundamentalism, Aryanist Racism, and Democratic Struggles by Asgharzadeh, Ailreza
Erkenntnis und Täuschung - Untersuchungen zur frühen Mikroskopie im 17. Jahrhundert by Hanulak, Robert
Iran and the Challenge of Diversity: Islamic Fundamentalism, Aryanist Racism, and Democratic Struggles by Asgharzadeh, Ailreza
Feldforschung im Internet aus ethnologischer Perspektive by Einhäuser, Philipp
Zur identitätsbildenden Wirkung materieller Kultur in der Moderne by Einhäuser, Philipp
Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: A Living Black Chicago History by Street, Paul L.
Die Hauka - Erinnerung als sozialer Prozess by Dombrowski, Julia
The New Right in the New Europe: Czech Transformation and Right-Wing Politics, 1989-2006 by Hanley, Seán
Racial Oppression in the Global Metropolis: A Living Black Chicago History by Street, Paul L.
Race After Hitler: Black Occupation Children in Postwar Germany and America by Fehrenbach, Heidi
An Introduction to Daoist Thought: Action, Language, and Ethics in Zhuangzi by Møllgaard, Eske
Arab Soccer in a Jewish State by Sorek, Tamir
Whiteness and Morality: Pursuing Racial Justice Through Reparations and Sovereignty by Harvey, J.
Power, Interest, and Identity in Military Alliances by Suh, J.
Whiteness and Morality: Pursuing Racial Justice Through Reparations and Sovereignty by Harvey, J.
Enough: The Phony Leaders, Dead-End Movements, and Culture of Failure That Are Undermining Black America--and What We Can Do A by Williams, Juan
Swiss in Wisconsin by Hale, Frederick
William Lloyd Garrison And His Times Or, Sketches Of The Anti-Slavery Movement In America by Johnson, Oliver
Anti-Slavery Opinions Before The Year 1800 by Poole, William Frederick
The Life Of Her Majesty Queen Victoria by Fawcett, Millicent Garrett
Jamaica In 1850: Or The Effects Of Sixteen Years Of Freedom On A Slave Colony by Bigelow, John
Sketch Of Edward Coles, Second Governor Of Illinois And Of The Slavery Struggle Of 1823-4 by Washburne, Elihu Benjamin
A Yankee In Canada: With Anti-Slavery And Reform Papers by Thoreau, Henry D.
The Polish Peasant In Europe And America: Organization And Disorganization In America by Thomas, William I., Znaniecki, Florian
American Portraits, 1875-1900 by Bradford, Gamaliel
Slavery Of Prostitution: A Plea For Emancipation by Miner, Maude E.
White and Black: The Outcome of a Visit to the United States by Campbell, George
Acts of the Anti Slavery Apostles by Pillsbury, Parker
Discourses of Slavery: The Collected Works of Theodore Parker V5 by Parker, Theodore
The North And The South: Being A Statistical View Of The Condition Of The Free And Slave States by Chase, Henry
Report Of A Committee Of The House Of Commons On The Extinction Of Slavery by Select Committee of the House of Commons
The Church And Slavery by Barnes, Albert
Ten Years In Cossack Slavery Or Black Russia by Jasiencyk, Julian
Correspondence Of Thomas Ebenezer Thomas: Mainly Relating To The Anti-Slavery Conflict In Ohio by Thomas, Thomas Ebenezer
Wandel des Musikgeschmacks der österreichischen Jugend von 1900 bis 1950 by Merighi, Andreas
Relation Of The American Board Of Commissioners For Foreign Missions To Slavery by Whipple, Charles King
A Southside View Of Slavery: Or Three Months At The South, In 1854 by Adams, Nehemiah
American Slavery Distinguished From The Slavery Of The English Theorists by Seabury, Samuel
War on the White Slave Trade by Bell, Ernest A.
The Abolition Crusade And Its Consequences: Four Periods Of American History by Herbert, Hilary A.
Honor: Or The Slave-Dealers Daughter by Bulfinch, Stephen Greenleaf
Slavery: Pictures From The Depths by Kennedy, Bart
The German Element in the United States V2: With Special Reference to Its Political, Moral, Social and Educational Influence by Faust, Albert Bernhardt
Cotton Is King And Pro-Slavery Arguments V1: Slavery In The Light Of Political Economy And Liberty And Slavery by Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, Christy, David
An Essay On The Abolition Of Slavery Throughout The British Dominions by Bunn, Thomas
Fugitive Slaves, 1619-1865 by McDougall, Marion G.
The Anti-Slavery Movement In Kentucky Prior To 1850 by Martin, Asa Earl
The Constitution A Pro-Slavery Compact: And Extracts From The Madison Papers, Etc by Madison, James
Slavery In America: Or An Inquiry Into The Character And Tendency Of The American Colonization And The American Antislavery Societies by Jay, William
The Refugees From Slavery In Canada West: Report To The Freedmen's Inquiry Commission by Howe, S. G.
The Underground Railroad: From Slavery To Freedom by Siebert, Wilbur H.
The American Slave Code, In Theory And Practice: Its Distinctive Features Shown By Its Statutes, Judicial Decisions And Illustrative Facts by Goodell, William
The West Indies As They Are Or A Real Picture Of Slavery, But More Particularly As It Exists In The Island Of Jamaica: In Three Parts by Bickell, Richard
The History Of Negro Servitude In Illinois And Of The Slavery Agitation In That State 1719-1864 by Harris, Norman Dwight
The Invention of Ancient Slavery by McKeown, Niall
Ostern - Der Brauch und seine Darstellung in den Medien by Dahm, Laura
Ethnic Conflict: A Global Perspective by Wolff, Stefan
Erfahrungen der "Zweiten Generation": "Alles, alles Liebe" Erkenntnisse aus Barbara Honigmanns Weg zum jüdischen Glauben? by Zaeske, Sabine
Beziehungen zwischen 'Rassen' und Ethnien in der amerikanischen Großstadt, am Beispiel des Konflikts zwischen Italienern und Iren im North End von Bos by Placzeck, Eric
Das Leben der Aborigines als Teil der Natur by Grolle, Susanne
Traum und Realität im filmischen Schaffen von Alejandro Amenábar by Ergez, Bige
Zur Identitätsfindung junger türkischer Frauen in Deutschland: Migrationsbedingte Lebensverhältnisse aus soziologischer und psychologischer Sicht by Tepper, Mathilde
Das Frauenbild in der Nivea-Werbung by Neumann, Sina
State of Strife: The Dynamics of Ethnic Conflict in Burma by Smith, T. Martin
Beauty Bias: Discrimination and Social Power by Berry, Bonnie
Turning Point: The Arab World's Marginalization and International Security After 9/11 by Tschirgi, Robert
Racing the Storm: Racial Implications and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina by
Racing the Storm: Racial Implications and Lessons Learned from Hurricane Katrina by
Nuer Journeys, Nuer Lives: Sudanese Refugees in Minnesota by Holtzman, Jon D.
Encyclopedia of the Middle Passage by Falola, Toyin, Warnock, Amanda B.
Psychedelic White: Goa Trance and the Viscosity of Race by Saldanha, Arun
Reflections on Fanon: The Violences of Colonialism and Racism, Inner and Global--Conversations with Frantz Fanon on the Meaning of Human Ema by
Labour and the Multiracial Project in the Caribbean: Its History and Its Promise by Abraham, Sara
Acres of Aspiration: The All-Black Towns of Oklahoma by Johnson, Hannibal B.
Norwegians on the Prairie: Ethnicity and the Development of the Country Town by Lovoll, Odd S.
Korea Today by McCune, George M.
Ghana: A Time to Heal & Renew the Nation by Insaidoo, Kwame Afadzi
Ghana: A Time to Heal & Renew the Nation by Insaidoo, Kwame Afadzi
Hexerei und ihr Weg in die Moderne by Doß, Thorsten
Schönheitsideal und Körperidentität unter dem Aspekt der Critical Whiteness Studies - Untersucht am Roman "Sehr blaue Augen" von Toni Morrison by Hochhuth, Therese
Einfluß der Religion auf die Kunst Nigerias by Doß, Thorsten
Black Box BRD - Der politische Dokumentarfilm by Hochhuth, Therese
Wagner für Anfänger. Eine Betrachtung der Opern Richard Wagners by Bielfeldt, Friedrich
Ort und Identität im Hamburger Hafenviertel St. Pauli - Die Talstraße by Dombrowski, Julia
Behandlungsalternativen von Krankheiten in Uaxactún, Petén, Guatemala: Entscheidungen bei Malaria, Atemwegserkrankungen und Enteroparasiten im Licht s by Priesnitz, Claudio
Kulturpolitik und Stadtentwicklung - Ein Vergleich der öffentlichen Förderstrategien im Musiksektor der Städte Hamburg und Berlin by Arikas, Damian
Die Funktionalisierung von städtischer Kultur in den Dienstleistungsmetropolen by Arikas, Damian
Minority Languages and Cultural Diversity in Europe: Gaelic and Sorbian Perspectives by Glaser, Konstanze
Myths of Harmony: Race and Republicanism During the Age of Revolution, Colombia, 1795-1831 by Lasso, Marixa
Gentrifikation. Die Aufwertung innenstadtnaher Wohngebiete by Arikas, Damian
Recht auf Gleichheit vs. Recht auf Differenz. Dezentralisierung und peripherer Nationalismus am Beispiel Kataloniens by Oldenburg, Lukas
Dream Factory Deferred: Black Womanhood, History and Music Video by Brooks, Takeshia
Globalization, Culture and Society in Laos by Rehbein, Boike
Humour theory and practice: A study on a jumping frog by Hein, Corinna
Wie lernen kambodschanische Jugendliche Englisch? Einflüsse auf das Erlernen einer Fremdsprache by Heinze, Hendrik
Vergleich von geistlichen Ermittlern in Kriminalromanen des 20. Jahrhunderts: Dargestellt an den Beispielen von G. K. Chestertons Pater Brown, Harry K by Hochhuth, Therese
Whiteness: An Introduction by Garner, Steve
Why We March: Straight Answers by Forbes, Nadine A.
Hanif Kureishis "Mein wunderbarer Waschsalon". Autor und Werk im postkolonialen Diskurs by Hein, Corinna
Whiteness: An Introduction by Garner, Steve
Mecca and Main Street: Muslim Life in America After 9/11 by Abdo, Geneive
In Praise of Prejudice: How Literary Critics and Social Theorists Are Murdering Our Past by Dalrymple, Theodore
Adoption in a Color-Blind Society by Quiroz, Pamela Anne
Digitale Traumpfade - Die australischen Aborigines im Internet by Samland, Gerd
Auf den Spuren Richard Wossidlos. Volkskundliche Sammlung am Beispiel der mecklenburgischen Kleinstadt Laage um die Jahrhundertwende und später by Schwießelmann, Christian
Positivismusstreit in der deutschen Soziologie by Simon, Manuel
Die Kulturgeschichte des Weihnachtsessens by Weiß, Annekatrin, Felsch, Claudia
There Goes My Everything: White Southerners in the Age of Civil Rights, 1945-1975 by Sokol, Jason
Fear: Anti-Semitism in Poland After Auschwitz: An Essay in Historical Interpretation by Gross, Jan
Portuguese in San Jose by Portuguese Historical Museum, Rogers, Meg
San Diego's Little Italy by Quinney, Kimber M., Cesarini, Thomas J., Italian Historical Society of San Diego
"Am Anfang war's die ideale Lösung" - Bulimie als kultureller Spiegel individualisierter Gesellschaften by Maas, Katharina
Black Like You: Blackface, Whiteface, Insult & Imitation in American Popular Culture by Strausbaugh, John
Hopfen und Malz, Gott erhalt's? Zum Wandel lokaler Brautradition in Deutschland: Die Geschichte des Bieres im Landkreis Marburg-Biedenkopf by Beck, Nadine
Environmental Ethics in Buddhism: A Virtues Approach by Sahni, Pragati
Postmodernes Erzählen. Zu: Antoni Liberas "Madame" by Hein, Corinna
Purify and Destroy: The Political Uses of Massacre and Genocide by Semelin, Jacques
Entwicklungszusammenarbeit als interkulturelles Kommunikationsproblem by Rudolf, Markus
Gesellschaftlicher Wandel und das Ende der Kategorie Geschlecht? by Warner, Christin
Die Bedeutung des Sound Branding für die moderne Markenführung by Konrad, Hans-Joachim
In Spite of Partition in Spite of Partition: Jews, Arabs, and the Limits of Separatist Imagination Jews, Arabs, and the Limits of Separatist Imaginati by Hochberg, Gil Z.
Französische und deutsche Kulturauffassung - Die Entstehung des Gegensatzes von Zivilisation und Kultur nach Norbert Elias by Anton, Kathrin, Vaas, Dominic, Schwarz, Olaf
Beitraege zum Islamischen Recht VI = Beitrage Zum Islamischen Recht VI by
Musik und Ekstase (Hitlahavut) im Chassidismus by Barzilai, Shmuel
Malcolm X for Beginners by Doctor, Bernard Aquina
The Black Holocaust for Beginners by Anderson, S. E.
Schauspieler seiner eigenen Ereignisse werden - Zum Subjektbegriff in systemischen Aufstellungen und bei Deleuze by Berreth, Andrea
Frauen im Islam by Zacher, Nicole
Mande-Literatur im Zeitalter der Négritude: Die Rolle der frankographen Mande-Literatur in der modernen Négritude-Bewegung am Beispiel von Masse Makan by Rohrdantz, Lisa-Marie
Kulturexport, -austausch oder Dialog der Kulturen? Eine Erörterung auswärtiger Kulturpolitik zwischen Anspruch und Wirklichkeit am Beispiel der Rolle by Lamprecht, Katja
Kunstförderung als Gegenstand interner und externer Kommunikation by Sommer, Marc D.
Betrachtung neuer Medien - Das Phänomen Musikvideo: Geschlechterrepräsentation in Musikvideos am Beispiel des Frauenbilds by Schiwek, Ira
Revitalisierungsbewegungen by Timme, Elke
Umsatzsteuerliche Aspekte im Kunst- und Kulturbereich by Sommer, Marc D.
Erstkommunion und Konfirmation by Krenzer, Daniel
Erhalt und Pflege der bayerischen Kulturlandschaft by Niedermair, Andrea Anna
Zivilisation und Hygiene by Gehrmann, Timm
Interkulturelles Training im Gesundheitswesen by Deiss, Beatrix
Slavery and African Ethnicities in the Americas: Restoring the Links by Hall, Gwendolyn Midlo
Latino Sun, Rising: Our Spanish-Speaking U.S. World by Portales, Marco
A View Of The Action Of The Federal Government In Behalf Of Slavery by Jay, William
A View Of The Action Of The Federal Government In Behalf Of Slavery by Jay, William
Abraham Lincoln And The Abolition Of Slavery In The United States by Leland, Charles Godfrey
Religious Liberty An Invaluable Blessing: Illustrated In Two Discourses Preached At Roxbury, December 3, 1767, Being The Day Of General Thanksgiving by Adams, Amos
The American Churches: The Bulwarks Of American Slavery by Birney, James G.
Face Processing and the Own-Race Bias - A Study of Typical Development and Autism by Sasson, Noah
I Was Blind, But Now I See: A chilling escape from the mask of Islam, into the new found light by Abaza, Ahmed
I Was Blind, But Now I See: A Chilling Escape from the Mask of Islam, Into the New Found Light by Abaza, Ahmed
The Souls of Black Folk by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The New Politics of Gender Equality by Squires, Judith
Ethnography at Work by Moeran, Brian
Civil Life, Globalization and Political Change in Asia: Organizing Between Family and State by
Irish, Catholic and Scouse: The History of the Liverpool-Irish, 1800-1939 by Belchem, John
Sovereign Subjects: Indigenous Sovereignty Matters by
The End of Tolerance: Racism in 21st Century Britain by Kundnani, Arun
The Body of War: Media, Ethnicity, and Gender in the Break-up of Yugoslavia by Zarkov, Dubravka
Nothing But Freedom: Emancipation and Its Legacy by Foner, Eric
Many Middle Passages: Forced Migration and the Making of the Modern World Volume 5 by
Zur Genese des literarischen Feldes in der ersten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts in Frankreich. Die Rolle von Charles Baudelaire by Sturm, Sonja
Im Schnittkreis von Müll und Wissenschaft - Eine kulturwissenschaftliche Annäherung an den Studiengang Entsorgungsingenieurwesen der RWTH Aachen by Speidel, Elke H.
Culture and Identity in Study Abroad Contexts: After Australia, French without France by Patron, Marie-Claire
Das tabuisierte Blut - die Darstellung von Menstruation in der Werbung by Felber, Carola
Negotiating Identities in Modern Latin America by
Indo-China: Geographical Handbook by Naval Intelligence Division
Strukturwandel in Ostdeutschland nach der Wiedervereinigung by Knäbe, Steffen
Städtische Attraktionen als Motoren der Wirtschaft? Städtische (Kultur-) Konzepte in den USA und Europa im Vergleich by Zaeske, Sabine
Fremdsein in der Türkei als Fremde in der BRD by Oktay, Didem
A Stronger Kinship: One Town's Extraordinary Story of Hope and Faith by Cox, Anna-Lisa
Die Krankheit Diabetes Mellitus - Entstehung, Verlauf und Therapiemöglichkeit by Wlossek, Isabella
African Slavery in Latin America and the Caribbean by Klein, Herbert S., Vinson, Ben
Creating Families Across Boundaries: A Case Study of Romanian-Egyptian Mixed Marriages: Cairo Papers Vol. 28, No. 1 by Vinea, Ana
Heiratspräferenzen in Tamil Nadu und die brahmanische Hochzeit am Beispiel von Ganesh und Sripriya aus Madras by Zimmermann, Marion
Bibel-Koran-Dialog by Päuser, Daniel, Conrady, Esra
Ursachen ethnischer Konflikte by Müller, Richard
Der Tango Argentino im heutigen Buenos Aires: Motive, Orte und Beziehungen am Fallbeispiel einer clase de tango by Beutler, Anna
Kulturwissenschaft in der Folge der Postmoderne. Die Kulturwissenschaft vor dem Hintergrund postmoderner Wissenschaft by Krzewina, Uwe
Intercultural communication as a strategy of global marketing: Marketing strategies of McDonald's in India and Saudi Arabia by Gerbe, Kathrin
A short introduction: The Tamil Siddhas and the Siddha medicine of Tamil Nadu by Zimmermann, Marion
Die Mannigfaltigkeit des Selben im Diskurs der Moderne: Über ähnliche Aussagen und deren diskursive Formation zwischen Geisteswissenschaft und Poesie by Dennhardt, Robert
The New Politics of Gender Equality by Squires, Judith
Is Plenty Too Much for the Common People? the Hottest Question That Ever Stung a Statesman or a Slave by Kirkpatrick, George R.
Southern Exposure by Kennedy, Stetson
America's Choice: Freedom or Slavery by Brinkman, Oscar H.
Freedom Chooses Slavery by D'Andrade, J. Freire
The Ghetto Game: Racial Conflicts in the City by Clark, Dennis
The South: A Letter From A Friend In The North, With Special Reference To The Effects Of Disunion Upon Slavery by Colwell, Stephen
The New Reign Of Terror In The Slaveholding States For 1859-60 by Garrison, William Lloyd
The Voice Of The Street by Poole, Ernest
A South-Side View Of Slavery: Or Three Months At The South In 1854 by Adams, Nehemiah
Slavery In History by Gurowski, Adam
Our Brother In Black: His Freedom And His Future by Haygood, Atticus G.
A History Of The Struggle For Slavery Extension Or Restriction In The United States From The Declaration Of Independence To The Present Day by Greeley, Horace
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