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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2007

Anti-Slavery Opinions Before The Year 1800: Read Before The Cincinnati Literary Club, November 16, 1872 by Poole, William Frederick
Some Thoughts Concerning Domestic Slavery by Carey, John L.
An Essay On Slavery And Abolitionism: With Reference To The Duty Of American Females by Beecher, Catharine E.
A Sketch Of The Laws Relating To Slavery In The Several States Of The United States Of America by Stroud, George M.
Zu: Max Weber - "Politik als Beruf" by Knäbe, Steffen
Vergangenheitsbewältigung - Deutschland und Italien im Vergleich by Borkowsky, Caspar
Worcester County's Polish Community by Proko, Barbara, Stickles, Janice Baniukiewicz
Analyse der Situation im Kosovo (Stand 2000) by Krupp, Michael
China, the Us and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique by Chan, Steve
Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass: An American Slave, Written by Himself by Douglass, Frederick
Accountability in Multicultural Settings by Boonyarak, Pitima
Racism and Racial Identity Development - The Aspects of Counseling by Kornegay, Donna C.
An Essay On Slavery And Abolitionism: With Reference To The Duty Of American Females by Beecher, Catharine E.
Tourism and nation-building in South Sulawesi: Tourism promotion as threat for national unity? by Zimmermann, Marion
Perceived Fairness of an Ethnic Validation Procedure by Oxendine, David B.
African Minorities in the New World by
Race and Multiraciality in Brazil and the United States: Converging Paths? by Daniel, G. Reginald
In the Shadow of Race: Jews, Latinos, and Immigrant Politics in the United States by Hattam, Victoria
Christians, Blasphemers, and Witches: Afro-Mexican Ritual Practice in the Seventeenth Century by Bristol, Joan Cameron
Die Mannigfaltigkeit des Selben im Diskurs der Moderne (Teil 2): Über ähnliche Aussagen und deren metaphorische Konstellation zwischen Philosophie und by Dennhardt, Robert
Race, Equality, and the Burdens of History by Arthur, John
Race, Equality, and the Burdens of History by Arthur, John
Western Music and Race by
The International Jew by Ford, Henry
The Sea Captain's Wife: A True Story of Love, Race, and War in the Nineteenth Century by Hodes, Martha
Habits of the Heart, with a New Preface: Individualism and Commitment in American Life by Sullivan, William M., Bellah, Robert N., Madsen, Richard
Dual Citizenship in Global Perspective: From Unitary to Multiple Citizenship by
Understanding and Dismantling Racism: The Twenty-First Century Challenge to White America by
Multicultural Odysseys: Navigating the New International Politics of Diversity by Kymlicka, Will
Jew vs. Jew: The Struggle for the Soul of American Jewry by Freedman, Samuel G.
Religion and Conflict in South and Southeast Asia: Disrupting Violence by
Race and Human Evolution: A Fatal Attraction by Caspari, Rachel, Wolpoff, Milford
Separate and Unequal: African Americans and the US Federal Government by King, Desmond
Die Welt ALS Bühne: Geschichte Des Europäischen Theaters. Fünfter Band: 2. Hälfte Des 20. Jahrhunderts by Brauneck, Manfred
Race, Nation, and Empire in American History by
Caribbean Exchanges: Slavery and the Transformation of English Society, 1640-1700 by Amussen, Susan Dwyer
Die Welt ALS Bühne: Geschichte Des Europäischen Theaters. Sechster Band: Chronik, Bibliographie, Register by Brauneck, Manfred
China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects by
Arab American Literary Fictions, Cultures, and Politics by Salaita, S.
Russia's Security and the War on Terror by
Kontroversen um den EU-Beitritt der Türkei - Eine Diskursanalyse aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht by Jullien, Katrin
Michel Foucaults Machtverständnis in 'Die Macht und die Norm' - ein Vergleich mit Louis Althussers 'Ideologie und ideologische Staatsapparate' by Steinert, Daniela
"Aktenzeichen XY...ungelöst" - Eine Fahndungssendung als Ausdruck der Kontrollgesellschaft by Brunner, Verena
Überlegungen zum Problem der Sammlungstrategien by Giese, Nicole
Geschichte des Münchner Faschings by Tengler, Tim
Die badische Volkskunde, Elard Hugo Meyer und seine Fragebogenaktion by Laukó, Patricia
Das Instrument der Lesson Learned by Sommer, Marc D.
Spatial locations: Maps, nations, regions and spatial segregation - Analyzed by the countries Germany, South Korea and Ecuador by Caiza Andresen, Marco Alexander
Lokales Handeln und Vitalität in Afrika im Kontext der Globalisierung by Bonenberger, Marc
Zur Situation von Frauen in Entwicklungsländern by Spreitzhofer, Gisela
Vor- und Nachteile der Öffentlichen Kulturförderung by Sommer, Marc D.
Hat der Kalte Krieg - in Berlin - im Theater begonnen? by Neumann, Cornelia
Indianer und Nationalstaat - Autonomiebestrebungen der Mískito in Nicaragua by Priesnitz, Claudio
Als der Rock'n'Roll Deutschland veränderte by Felsch, Claudia
Women and Slavery, Volume One: Africa, the Indian Ocean World, and the Medieval North Atlantic Volume 1 by
Ending Slavery: How We Free Today's Slaves by Bales, Kevin
Matriarchatsforschung in Vergangenheit und Gegenwart - zwei verbliebene Matriarchate in Lateinamerika by Spreitzhofer, Gisela
Black Theology in Britain: A Reader by Jagessar, Michael N., Reddie, Anthony G.
Warum besitzen die Wodaabe 96 Rindernamen? Eine kognitive Analyse by Agha-Mohamad-Beigui, Schirin
Auswirkung nominaler Entlehnungen auf die Ful-Dialekte by Agha-Mohamad-Beigui, Schirin
The Talibanization of Southeast Asia: Losing the War on Terror to Islamist Extremists by Singh, Bilveer
Clinging to Mammy: The Faithful Slave in Twentieth-Century America by McElya, Micki
Going to School in Oceania by
Masterpieces of Non-Western World Literature by Cooksey, Thomas L.
Military Intervention and Secession in South Asia: The Cases of Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Kashmir, and Punjab by Dos Santos, Anne
Gender und Migration. Über das Wanderungspotenzial von Frauen by Spreitzhofer, Gisela
Australia as an Asia-Pacific Regional Power: Friendships in Flux? by
Journal Of A Slave-Dealer: A Living History of the Slave Trade by Owen, Nicholas
Slavemaster President: The Double Career of James Polk by Dusinberre, William
Murder and the Reasonable Man: Passion and Fear in the Criminal Courtroom by Lee, Cynthia
Exploring Gypsiness: Power, Exchange and Interdependence in a Transylvanian Village by Engebrigtsen, Ada I.
Cuba: A Global Studies Handbook by Henken, Ted
Daily Life in Immigrant America, 1870-1920 by Alexander, June
Critically examine the factors that have contributed to nationalism and xenophobia in Germany after reunification by Mayer, Florian
In what sense might we be living through 'posthistorical' times? by Mayer, Florian
In what way has the globalisation of advertising affected national and local cultures and identities? by Mayer, Florian
Archibald Monteath: Igbo, Jamaican, Moravian by Warner-Lewis, Maureen
A Discontented Diaspora: Japanese Brazilians and the Meanings of Ethnic Militancy, 1960-1980 by Lesser, Jeffrey
The Peasants of Ottobeuren, 1487 1726: A Rural Society in Early Modern Europe by Sreenivasan, Govind P.
China, the US and the Power-Transition Theory: A Critique by Chan, Steve
North/South, East/West: Mapping Italianness on Television by Ardizzoni, Michela
Louisiana Creoles: Cultural Recovery and Mixed-Race Native American Identity by Allen, Paula Gunn, Jolivétte, Andrew J.
The Church As It Is: Or The Forlorn Hope Of Slavery (1885) by Pillsbury, Parker
The Domestic Slave Trade Of The Southern States (1904) by Collins, Winfield H.
The Constitution Of The United States, With The Acts Of Congress Relating To Slavery (1854) by United States Congress
Cabin And Parlor: Or Slaves And Masters (1852) by Randolph, J. Thornton
Wager Of Battle: A Tale Of Saxon Slavery In Sherwood Forest (1855) by Herbert, Henry W.
The Antislavery Papers Of James Russell Lowell (1902) by Lowell, James Russell
The Overthrow Of American Slavery: Containing Descriptions Of Important Events And Sketches Of Some Of The Prominent Actors (1885) by Queal, William G.
The Connection Of Massachusetts With Slavery And The Slave-Trade (1886) by Deane, Charles
The Southern Platform: Or Manual Of Southern Sentiment On The Subject Of Slavery (1858) by Goodloe, Daniel R.
Slavery And The Remedy: Or Principles And Suggestions For A Remedial Code (1857) by Nott, Samuel
The Life Of Josiah Henson: Formerly A Slave, Now An Inhabitant Of Canada (1849) by Henson, Josiah
The Progress And Intelligence Of Americans; Collateral Proof Of Slavery From Genesis And Progress Of Slavery South And Southwest (1862) by Wheat, Marvin T.
Miscellaneous Writings On Slavery (1853) by Jay, William
How successful has india been in achieving a role of influence in international and regional politics since the nuclear tests of 1998? by Niemann, Christof
The Political Economy of the Sars Epidemic: The Impact on Human Resources in East Asia by Lee, Grace, Warner, Malcolm
Origins, commodification, and significance of Berlin's Love Parade by Mayer, Florian
Japanese Family and Society: Words from Tongo Takebe, A Meiji Era Sociologist by
In Their Parents' Voices: Reflections on Raising Transracial Adoptees by Simon, Rita James, Roorda, Rhonda
In Their Parents' Voices: Reflections on Raising Transracial Adoptees by Roorda, Rhonda, Simon, Rita James
Das Recht, ein Opfer zu sein: Über den jüngsten Umgang mit deutsch-polnischer Vergangenheit im Kontext von Flucht und Vertreibung by Kaiser, Anne
Chicago at the turn of the 20th century by Krüger, Wiebke
Feldforschung "Andere Räume": Universum Bremen - Expedition Mensch - Die Gebärmutter by Scheffold, Jessica
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives: The Racism, Criminal Justice, and Law Reader by Marable, M., Middlemass, K., Steinberg, I.
Der Völkermord an den Armeniern in den Romanen von Werfel, Hilsenrath, Mangelsen und Balakian by Karsten, Stefan
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives: The Racism, Criminal Justice, and Law Reader by Steinberg, I., Marable, M., Middlemass, K.
Intersectionality and Politics: Recent Research on Gender, Race, and Political Representation in the United States by Hardy-Fanta, Carol
Racializing Justice, Disenfranchising Lives: The Racism, Criminal Justice, and Law Reader by Marable, M., Middlemass, K., Steinberg, I.
There Goes the Neighborhood: Racial, Ethnic, and Class Tensions in Four Chicago Neighborhoods and Their Meaning for America by Wilson, William Julius, Taub, Richard P.
Anthropology in the flesh - Implikationen der kognitiven Metaphertheorie von George Lakoff und Mark Johnson für die Ethnologie by Schneider, Martin
The role of art in the struggle for a national identity in Lebanon by Mohammad-Avvali, Farshad
Entwicklung einer nationalistischen Identität bei den Katholiken in Belfast im Kontext einer gesamtirischen Identität by Tuchscheerer, Grit
Swedish Seattle by Norlen, Paul
Does Feminism Discriminate Against Men?: A Debate by Farrell (with Steven Svoboda), Warren, Sterba, James P.
Italians in the Santa Clara Valley by Marrazzo, Frederick W.
Ukrainians of Greater Philadelphia by Lushnycky, Alex
Class, Culture and Social Change: On the Trail of the Working Class by Kirk, J.
Class, Culture and Social Change: On the Trail of the Working Class by Kirk, J.
The Sorrow and the Fast of It by Nathanaël
Die Waljagdriten bei den Inuit by Stadler, Silke
The Suppression of the African Slave Trade to the United States of America 1638-1870 by Du Bois, W. E. B.
The Experience Of Thomas H. Jones: Who Was A Slave For Forty-Three Years (1857) by Jones, Thomas H.
Three Years Among The Working-Classes In The United States During The War (1865) by Burn, James Dawson
Black And White In The Southern States: A Study Of The Race Problem In The United States From A South African Point Of View (1915) by Evans, Maurice S.
Slaves Of The Sawdust (1892) by Reade, Amye
A Dissertation On Slavery: With A Proposal For The Gradual Abolition Of It In The State Of Virginia (1796) by Tucker, St George
Black And White: Land, Labor And Politics In The South (1884) by Fortune, T. Thomas
Slavery In The United States (1836) by Paulding, James K.
Indian Slavery In Colonial Times Within The Present Limits Of The United States (1913) by Lauber, Almon Wheeler
An Appeal In Favor Of That Class Of Americans Called Africans (1836) by Child, Lydia Maria Francis
Anti-Slavery Days: A Sketch Of The Struggle Which Ended In The Abolition Of Slavery In The United States (1884) by Clarke, James Freeman
The Anti-Slavery Crusade: A Chronicle Of The Gathering Storm (1919) by Macy, Jesse
The American Tars In Tripolitan Slavery (1911) by Ray, William
Slavery (1835) by Channing, William E.
Harmony Versus Conflict in Asian Business: Managing in a Turbulent Era by
Women and Others: Perspectives on Race, Gender, and Empire by
Industrial Relations in Africa by
Swiss of New Glarus by Tschudy, Kim D.
The Jefferson-Lemen Compact: The Relations Of Thomas Jefferson And James Lemen In The Exclusion Of Slavery From Illinois And The Northwest Territory ( by Macnaul, Willard C.
Women and Resource Use - A study of rural women in a spiny desert region in Madagascar by Langhoff, Christine
"Art by accident"? - Der schwedische Film zur Jahrtausendwende by Kohlweyer, Arne
Chinas Weg in die Moderne by Hochrein, Vanessa
Race in the American South: From Slavery to Civil Rights by Brown, David, Webb, Clive
The Archaeology of Race and Racialization in Historic America by Orser, Charles E.
Two Prisoners (1903) by Page, Thomas Nelson
Prisoners Of Conscience (1897) by Barr, Amelia E.
Narrative Of The Adventures And Escape Of Moses Roper From American Slavery (1846) by Roper, Moses
The American Indian As Slaveholder And Secessionist: An Omitted Chapter In The Diplomatic History Of The Southern Confederacy (1915) by Abel, Annie Heloise
Language, Power and Identity Politics by
Post-Soviet Civil Society: Democratization in Russia and the Baltic States by Uhlin, Anders
Bush and Asia: America's Evolving Relations with East Asia by
Italians of Philadelphia by Di Giacomo, Donna J.
Asia Future Shock: Business Crisis and Opportunity in the Coming Years by Backman, M.
White Rage: The Extreme Right and American Politics by Durham, Martin
White Rage: The Extreme Right and American Politics by Durham, Martin
German 'National Character' and Cultural Profile: Some Thoughts by Ruttkowski, Wolfgang
Ukrainians of Greater Philadelphia by Lushnycky Ph. D., Alexander
The Germans in Australia by Tampke, Jurgen
Separate Peoples, One Land: The Minds of Cherokees, Blacks, and Whites on the Tennessee Frontier by Cumfer, Cynthia
Reflections on Equity, Diversity, & Schooling by Pacino, Maria
Die Rückkehr Chinas nach Afrika: Chinas aktuelles Engagement in Afrika aus entwicklungspolitischer Sicht by Mayer, Harald
India's Princely States: People, Princes and Colonialism by
A Lesbian History of Britain: Love and Sex Between Women Since 1500 by Jennings, Rebecca
There's an Easter Egg on Your Seder Plate: Surviving Your Child's Interfaith Marriage by Reuben, Steven
Kazakhstan - Ethnicity, Language and Power by Dave, Bhavna
Writing Identity: The Politics of Afro-Brazilian Literature by Oliveira, Emanuelle K. F.
Imperial White: Race, Diaspora, and the British Empire by Mohanram, Radhika
Migration Without Borders: Essays on the Free Movement of People by
China-Europe Relations: Perceptions, Policies and Prospects by
China's Urban Space: Development under market socialism by Lin, George C. S., Wang, Mark, McGee, Terry
One More River to Cross: The Therapeutic Rhetoric of Race in the Post-Civil Rights Era by Malcolm, Nigel I.
Salman Rushdie by Teverson, Andrew
Constructing Vernacular Culture in the Trans-Caribbean by
Race and Arab Americans Before and After 9/11: From Invisible Citizens to Visible Subjects by
Japanese Popular Music: Culture, Authenticity, and Power by Stevens, Carolyn
Migration Without Borders: Essays on the Free Movement of People by
Das Gesundheitsverhalten von Tamilen in der Schweiz by Zimmermann, Marion
Zur Erinnerungskultur in Deutschland - am Beispiel der Gedenktage von 1871 bis in die Gegenwart by Urban, Annika
Die Auswertung qualitativer Interviews nach der Rekonstruktiven Fallanalyse (Rosenthal / Fischer-Rosenthal): Auswertung mit Fallbeispiel by Giese, Nicole
The Economy Of The Fleet: Or Apologetical Answer Of Alexander Harris Unto Nine Articles Set Forth Against Him By The Prisoners (1879) by
A Discourse On Slavery: Delivered Before The Antislavery Society On The Anniversary Of The Birth Of Washington (1839) by Wilson, W. D.
Memories Of Disruption Times: A Chapter In Autobiography, Embracing The Half-Year Preceding And The Half-Year Following 18th May, 1843 (1877) by Beith, Alexander
Digitale Architektur: Der CTRL_space des CAAD (Der kontrollierte Raum des Computer Aided Architectural Design) by Borkowsky, Caspar
Dauerhafte und aktuelle Problemkomplexe in Südtirol/Alto Adige by Strobel, Thomas
Go for Broke: The Nisei Warriors of World War II Who Conquered Germany, Japan, and American Bigotry by Sterner, C. Douglas
Discrimination by
Bruno Taut, Die neue Wohnung. Die Frau als Schöpferin, Leipzig 1928 by Tuchscheerer, Grit
"Race" and Racism: The Development of Modern Racism in America by Perry, R.
"Race" and Racism: The Development of Modern Racism in America by Perry, R.
Preserving the Provinces: Small Town and Countryside in the Work of Honoré de Balzac by Watts, Andrew
Gebete zur Einweihung eines Hauses der Tzotzil von Zinacantan/Mexiko by Tuchscheerer, Grit
The Construction of Minority Identities in France and Britain by
The State and Kurds in Turkey: The Question of Assimilation by Heper, M.
Globalisierung und Demokratie - Chance oder Krise? by Töpfer, Birk
Der Blick von der Brücke. Migration in Texten von Aysel Özakin und Emine Sevgi Özdamar by Aufdermauer, Gesine
Akra The Slave (1910) by Gibson, Wilfrid Wilson
Villainage In England: Essays In English Mediaeval History (1892) by Vinogradoff, Paul
The Journey to Recovery from Prostitution by Prince, Lola Marie
Jugendkultur in den siebziger Jahren - Die Musik der Ton Steine Scherben in der Zeit des Wertewandels by Weißflog, Anita
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