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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2016

Democratization and Social Movements in South Korea: Defiant Institutionalization by Kim, Sun-Chul
A Contemporary History of Exclusion: The Roma Issue in Hungary from 1945 to 2015 by Majtényi, Balázs, Majtényi, György
Help Me to Find My People: The African American Search for Family Lost in Slavery by Williams, Heather Andrea
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
World Widows Report: A critical issue for the Sustainable Development Goals by Loomba Foundation, The
The Green and the Gray: The Irish in the Confederate States of America by Gleeson, David T.
Islam in Deutschland. Analytische Darstellung des Status islamischer Gemeinschaften by Bouhroum, Karim
What's Wrong with the Poor?: Psychiatry, Race, and the War on Poverty by Raz, Mical
Fluid Frontier: Slavery, Resistance, and the Underground Railroad in the Detroit River Borderland by
Racism in the Nation's Service: Government Workers and the Color Line in Woodrow Wilson's America by Yellin, Eric S.
Hamburg: Historisch-topographische und baugeschichtliche Mitteilungen by Architectonischer Verein, Hamburg
Auf Schneeschuhen durch Grönland by Nansen, Fridtjof
Vom wandernden Zigeunervolke: Bilder aus dem Leben der siebenbürger Zigeuner - geschichtliches, ethnologisches, Sprache und Poesie by Wlislocki, Heinrich Von
Integration Nation: Immigrants, Refugees, and America at Its Best by Eaton, Susan E.
Oman Reborn: Balancing Tradition and Modernization by Funsch, Linda Pappas
Wednesdays in Mississippi: Proper Ladies Working for Radical Change, Freedom Summer 1964 by Harwell, Debbie Z.
Traumzeit. Die Religion der indigenen Bevölkerung Australiens by Sailer, Anna
Hamburg: Niedersachsen by Lichtwark, Alfred
Understanding and Teaching American Slavery by
Suicide in Twentieth-Century Japan by Di Marco, Francesca
Die Nordfriesischen Inseln: Sylt, Föhr, Amrum und die Halligen - vormals und jetzt by Jensen, Christian
Am Ur-Quell - Schrift für Volkskund: IV. Band by Krauss, Friedrich Salomo
Am Ur-Quell - Schrift für Volkskunde: V. Band by Krauss, Friedrich Salomo
Vom wandernden Zigeunervolke: Bilder aus dem Leben der siebenbürger Zigeuner - Geschichtliches, Ethnologisches, Sprache und Poesie by Wlislocki, Heinrich Von
Proslavery Britain by Dumas, Paula E.
Governing Post-Imperial Siberia and Mongolia, 1911-1924: Buddhism, Socialism and Nationalism in State and Autonomy Building by Sablin, Ivan
Party and Professionals: The Political Role of Teachers in Contemporary China by White, Gordon
Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine by Besteman, Catherine
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume One: Islam and the Ideology of Enslavement by
The Story Of China by Douglas, Robert
Die städtebaulichen Ideen Camillo Sittes in Jon Jerdes Urban Entertainment Centern: "Alte Platzherrlichkeit durch "Experiential Placemaking by Curth, Sarah
Indonesian Politics and Society: A Reader by
Angels with Dirty Faces: Three Stories of Crime, Prison, and Redemption by Imarisha, Walidah
The Story Of The Nations - The Hansa Towns by Zimmern, Helen
New America: Volume I by Dixon, William Hepworth
Indian Coinage And Currency by Probyn, L. C.
The Indian Silver Currency by Eilstaetter, Karl
Creating Social Cohesion in an Interdependent World: Experiences of Australia and Japan by Mizukami, Tetsuo
Being Fair, Faring Better: Promoting Equality of Opportunity for Marginalized Roma by Anan, Kosuke, Gatti, Roberta, Karacsony, Sandor
Die Aranda- und Loritja-Stämme in Zentral-Australien by Strehlow, Carl
Hidden, Racism and the GLBT Movement by Sensas-Utcha Nefer I., Aneb Jah Rasta
A Voice That Could Stir an Army: Fannie Lou Hamer and the Rhetoric of the Black Freedom Movement by Brooks, Maegan Parker
Redeeming the Great Emancipator by Guelzo, Allen C.
From Chopsticks to Hockey Sticks: The Achievements of Chinese Canadians by Sciban, Lloyd
Political Institutions in East Timor: Semi-Presidentialism and Democratisation by Beuman, Lydia M.
Social Attitudes in Contemporary China by Li, Liqing, Yu, Chen, Wei, Fang
Aufklärungsfilme und die erotischen Filme der 60er und 70er Jahre by Thiel, Kim
Kommunikationsmittel Bilderbogen. Zu Aufbau und Gestalt des Bilderbogens by Thiel, Kim
Confucian Constitutionalism in East Asia by Ngoc Son, Bui
Wer macht Jugendkulturen? Eine Diskussion um die Identitätsprägung der Jugend by Mann, Gesa
Muzak. Die Hintergrundmusik der Konsumtempel by Thiel, Kim
Multiculturalism and Interculturalism: Debating the Dividing Lines by
Multiculturalism and Interculturalism: Debating the Dividing Lines by
Baptism of Early Virginia: How Christianity Created Race by Goetz, Rebecca Anne
Pferd und Mensch. Zur Gegenwart eines Verhältnisses by Thiel, Kim
Black Women's Christian Activism: Seeking Social Justice in a Northern Suburb by Adams, Betty Livingston
Die Inuit-Künstlerin Kenojuak Ashevak und die Entwicklung der Grafikkunst der Inuit by Füller, Anna
Der Nikolaus von Myra. Überblick zu Legenden und Bräuchen by Kästner, Aylin
Barry Barack Hussein Soetoro Obama, Identity, and Racial Hypocrisy in America: Double Standards, Double Speak, and Double Binds by McCusker, Peter J.
Ungleichheit in Brasilien. Die Rolle von Hautfarbe und Geschlecht by Weiß, Alois
Der Zusammenhang von Geschlecht, Sprache und Identität. Eine Betrachtung im Kontext von queeren Theorien by Kazmierzak, Jana
Indian Agriculture: Performance, Growth and Challenges. Essays in Honour of Ramesh Kumar Sharma by
Annihilation of Caste: The Annotated Critical Edition by Ambedkar, B. R.
The Indian Graphic Novel: Nation, History and Critique by Nayar, Pramod K.
Politics of the 'Other' in India and China: Western Concepts in Non-Western Contexts by
Forschungen zur deutschen Landes- und Volkskunde: Die deutsche Besiedlung der östlichen Alpenländer by Kirchhoff, Alfred
Racist Satanic Network-Dear Dr. Sue Gregory (OBE): True Story-Before Slavery, What? by Bamgbelu, Abiodun
America Cries: "I'm Sorry!" US Apologies for Japanese Internment, Hawaiian Annexation, Slavery, Treatment of Native Americans, and Ch by Railsback, Lem Londos, Kirtley, Patricia M., Curtis, William R.
Reporting Thailand's Southern Conflict: Mediating Political Dissent by Kularb, Phansasiri
The Importance of Dying to Self by Okiror, Noah O.
How I Shed My Skin: Unlearning the Racist Lessons of a Southern Childhood by Grimsley, Jim
A Slave Girl's Story by Drumgoold, Kate
From #Blacklivesmatter to Black Liberation by Taylor, Keeanga-Yamahtta
Der animalische Magnetismus von Franz Anton Mesmer. Die Mesmer'sche Lehre als Urform der Hypnosetherapie by Koch, Josephine
Economy, Emotion, and Ethics in Chinese Cinema: Globalization on Speed by Li, David Leiwei
Peru: Beobachtungen und Studien während eines 25 Jährigen Aufenthalts, Band 1: Lima by Middendorf, E. W.
Vom Ursprunge der Franken: unter Bezugnahme auf Trittenheims Chronik sowie auf Äthikus Histrius by Pfister, Hermann Von
Fußball als gesellschaftlicher Faktor. Eine empirische Erhebung über den SC Hof am Leithaberge by Sailer, Anna
"Heimat" und die Heimatbewegung in den Jahren 1918 bis 1933 by Armbrüster, Daniel
Humans by Gonzales M. a., Tara J.
Media Power in Hong Kong: Hyper-Marketized Media and Cultural Resistance by Chi-Wai Cheung, Charles
The Public Image of the Immigrant in Italy: An Inquiry Into Public Opinion of Immigrant Involvement in Crime and Immigrant Policy Related Issues by Figliomeni, Vincent C.
The Public Image of the Immigrant in Italy: An Inquiry Into Public Opinion of Immigrant Involvement in Crime and Immigrant Policy Related Issues by Figliomeni, Vincent C.
Reconfiguring Slavery: West African Trajectories by
Die Lichtsymbolik der Kerze. Eine ethnologische Untersuchung zum breiten Konsens von Symbolhandlungen by Armbrüster, Daniel, Ganter, Annette
De-colonial Thoughts. De-linking Epistemology, Rethinking Contemporaneity and De-colonizing the Screen: Three Essays by Dey, Sayan
Gallus, oder römische Szenen aus der Zeit Augusts: zur genaueren Kenntnis des römischen Privatlebens by Becker, Wilhelm
Völkerstimmen Germaniens: Volksdichtungen Nord- und Südeuropäischer Völker by Firmenich-Richartz, Johannes Matthias
Treacherous Women of Imperial Japan: Patriarchal Fictions, Patricidal Fantasies by Bowen Raddeker, Helene
Basil Hall Chamberlain: Portrait of a Japanologist by Ota, Yuzo
Theorizing Southeast Asian Relations: Emerging Debates by
Armenian Sacred and Folk Music by Komitas, Komitas Vardapet, Nersessian, Vrej N.
Qaidu and the Rise of the Independent Mongol State In Central Asia by Biran, Michal
Political Theory and Community Building in Post-Soviet Russia by
Poor Relations: The Making of a Eurasian Community in British India, 1773-1833 by Hawes, Christopher J.
Korean Multinationals in Europe by Cherry, Judith
Krsna's Round Dance Reconsidered: Hariram Vyas's Hindi Ras-pancadhyayi by Pauwels, Heidi Rika Maria
Political Developments in Contemporary Russia by Jeffries, Ian
A History of Banking in Japan by Soyeda, Juichi
Arabic Sociolinguistics: Issues and Perspectives by Suleiman, Yasir
Chushingura and the Floating World: The Representation of Kanadehon Chushingura in Ukiyo-e Prints by Bell, David
A Survey of Vinaya Literature by Prebish, Charles S.
Imperial Policy and Southeast Asian Nationalism by Antlov, Hans, Tonnesson, Stein
Strengthen the Country and Enrich the People: The Reform Writings of Ma Jianzhong by Bailey, Paul
The Furthest Goal: Engelbert Kaempfers Encounter with Tokugawa Japan by Bodart-Bailey, Beatrice, Massarella, Derek
The Future of Asian Trade and Growth: Economic Development with the Emergence of China by
Kabuki Drama by Miyake, Syutaro
Middle East Sources: A MELCOM Guide to Middle Eastern and Islamic Books and Materials in the United Kingdom and Irish Libraries by Netton, Ian Richard
Migrant Workers In Japan by Komai, Hiroshi
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago: Volume I by Rost, Reinhold
An Introduction to the Buraku Issue: Questions and Answers by McLauchlan, Alastair, Kitaguchi, Suehiro
Modernizing Muscovy: Reform and Social Change in Seventeenth-Century Russia by
The Tamil Auxiliary Verb System by Steever, Sanford B.
Miscellaneous Papers Relating to Indo-China and the Indian Archipelago: Volume II by Rost, Reinhold
Tibeton Yoga & Its Secret Doc by Evans-Wentz, W. y.
Slaves and Slavery in Africa: Volume Two: The Servile Estate by
Armenian Perspectives by
Indigeneity In India by
English-Lakota Dictionary by Ingham, Bruce
Handbuch für die Heimatskunde mit vielen Erzählungen, Märchen, Fabeln, Rätseln, .... by Zimmermann, Heinrich
North China and Japanese Expansion 1933-1937: Regional Power and the National Interest by Dryburgh, Marjorie
To Lhasa in Disguise by McGovern, William Montgomery
Thailand and the Southeast Asian Networks of the Vietnamese Revolution, 1885-1954 by Goscha, Christopher E.
Struggle For National Survival: Chinese Eugenics in a Transnational Context, 1896-1945 by Chung, Yuehtsen Juliette
Reversal of Trends: A Black Man's Journey across the Mason-Dixon Line by Wilson, Leroy
Science Education, Career Aspirations and Minority Ethnic Students by Wong, Billy
Conflict between cattle keepers and surrounding community: A case study of Chinangali street in Dodoma Municipality-Tanzania by Mwenda, Noel, Kayombo, Canicius J.
Stufen des kulturellen Bewusstseinswandels im 3. Millennium. Kulturelles, inter-, transkulturelles und Schöpfungsbewusstsein: Stages of Culture Change by Deissler, Gebhard
Die Strömungsrichtung der gegenwärtigen Modeausbreitung. Die Trickle-Down-Theorie nach Simmel, ihre Kritik und Erweiterung durch King und McCracken by Jentzsch, Hannah
Ethnizität und Identität im Folklorismus. Die Adaption musikalischer Komponenten von Mozarts "Entführung aus dem Serail" bis zur Janitscharenmusik by Armbrüster, Daniel, Roeb, Katharina
Subjektive Wahrnehmungen von Integrationsproblemen. Eine Studie in der Grenzstadt Kehl am Rhein by Daoud, Mostafa, Armbrüster, Daniel
Redskins: Insult and Brand by King, C. Richard
Calculating the Value of the Union: Slavery, Property Rights, and the Economic Origins of the Civil War by Huston, James L.
Footprints in Obscurity: A Living Story by Rupasinghe, Pramudith D.
Negotiating Malay Identities in Singapore: The Role of Modern Islam by Azeez, Rizwana Abdul
Global Heartland: Displaced Labor, Transnational Lives, and Local Placemaking by Miraftab, Faranak
Class, Culture, and the Agrarian Myth by Brass, Tom
100 Questions and Answers About American Jews with a Guide to Jewish Holidays by Michigan State School of Journalism
The Immigrant Other: Lived Experiences in a Transnational World by
Slavery's Exiles: The Story of the American Maroons by Diouf, Sylviane A.
The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race by Ocampo, Anthony Christian
Friend of China - The Myth of Rewi Alley by Brady, Anne-Marie
Applicative Justice: A Pragmatic Empirical Approach to Racial Injustice by Zack, Naomi
Footprints in Obscurity: A Living Story by Rupasinghe, Pramudith D.
The Latinos of Asia: How Filipino Americans Break the Rules of Race by Ocampo, Anthony Christian
Kleider machen Leute? Über das Kleidungsverhalten von Studenten by Armbrüster, Daniel
Die Entstehung der Zugangsgesellschaft. Chancen des Carsharing durch kulturellen Wandel by Liebrecht, Paul
Macao - The Formation of a Global City by
Beiträge zur Geschichte der Trierer Buchmalerei im früheren Mittelalter by Braun, Edmund
Intellectual Property Valuation and Innovation: Towards global harmonisation by
China's Supreme Court by Keith, Ronald C., Lin, Zhiqiu, Hou, Shumei
China's Assimilationist Language Policy: The Impact on Indigenous/Minority Literacy and Social Harmony by
China's Southern Tang Dynasty, 937-976 by Kurz, Johannes L.
Religion and Language in Post-Soviet Russia by Bennett, Brian P.
Jewish Women Writers in the Soviet Union by Lapidus, Rina
Transnational Trajectories in East Asia: Nation, Citizenship, and Region by
Elites and Governance in China by
Sustainable Development in China by
Japan's New Left Movements: Legacies for Civil Society by Ando, Takemasa
Japanese Homes and Their Surroundings by Morse, Edward S.
Mitteilungen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Natur- und Völkerkunde Ostasiens by Oag
Der Werdegang des deutschen Volkes.: Zweiter Teil by Kaemmel, Otto
Building Japan 1868-1876 by Brunton, Richard Henry
Vain Games of No Value?: A Social History of Association Football in Britain During its First Long Century by Morris, Terry
Zur Geschichte der Handelsgesellschaften im Mittelalter by Weber, Max
Das sächsische Herzogtum unter Lothar und Heinrich dem Löwen by Weiland, Ludwig
Law In and As Culture: Intellectual Property, Minority Rights, and the Rights of Indigenous Peoples by Picart, Caroline Joan Kay S.
Iemanjá und Sedna. Ansätze eines asymptotischen Vergleichs zweier Meeresgöttinnen aus unterschiedlichen Kulturen by Klotz, Lisa
Über die Baderzunft im Mittelalter und später: besonders in Franken by Heffner, Ludwig
Die rechtliche Stellung der fränkischen Bauern im Mittelalter by Löwe, Fritz
Die Voralpenpflanzen: Bäume, Sträuche, Kräuter, Arzneipflanzen, Pilze, Kulturpflanzen, ihre Beschreibung, Verwertung und Sagen .. by Daffner, Franz
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass (English Edition) by Douglass, Frederick
Die Entstehung der >Teenager by Winkler, Simona
The Language Loss of the Indigenous by
Migrations in Medieval and Early Colonial India by
Fractured Identities: Changing Patterns of Inequality by Bradley, Harriet
A Chosen Exile: A History of Racial Passing in American Life by Hobbs, Allyson
Reading Postcolonial Theory: Key Texts in Context by Choudhury, Bibhash
Here I Stand by Spong, John Shelby
Afro-Latin America: Black Lives, 1600-2000 by Andrews, George Reid
Shahaama: Five Egyptian Men Tell Their Stories by Atiya, Nayra
Shahaama: Five Egyptian Men Tell Their Stories by Atiya, Nayra
Oberschlesische Identität? Zur Lage der Deutschen Minderheit by Blaszczyk, Agnieszka
White Self-Criticality beyond Anti-racism: How Does It Feel to Be a White Problem? by
Borrowed Voices: Writing and Racial Ventriloquism in the Jewish American Imagination by Glaser, Jennifer
Romantic Reformers and the Antislavery Struggle in the Civil War Era by Kytle, Ethan J.
Nekrolog auf das Jahr 1793: Erster Band by Schlichtegroll, Friedrich
Kruzifixe in der äthiopischen Kunst by Müller-Wenzel, Kristin
Multicultural Cities: Toronto, New York, and Los Angeles by Qadeer, Mohammed Abdul
Visualising Slavery: Art Across the African Diaspora by
Die Bakaïrísprache: Wörterverzeichnis, Sätze, Sagen, Grammatik. Mit Beiträgen zu einer Lautlehre der karaïbischen Grundaprache by Von Den Steinen, Karl
Volks- und Kinderspiele der Herzogthümer Schleswig, Holstein und Lauenburg.: Ein Nachtrag zu Müllenhoff's Sammlung der Sagen, Märchen und Lieder by Handelmann, Heinrich
Unter König Jerome: Aus der Geschichte eines Deutschen Volksstammes by Brand, H.
Footprints in Obscurity: A Living Story by Rupasinghe, Pramudith D.
Halloween als Bestandteil der deutschen kulturellen Identität? Wie Bräuche im kulturellen Bewusstsein verankert werden by Wolff, Robert Alexander
Geschlechterbilder im Hip Hop zwischen Sexismus und Ironie by Smolinski, Witold
A Social History of the American Negro Being a History of the Negro Problem in the United States by Brawley, Benjamin
Xinjiang - China's Northwest Frontier by
Religion and Modernity in the Himalaya by
The Management of Public Services in Central Asia: Institutional Transformation in Kyrgyzstan by Scott, David
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