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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Racism & Ethnic Studies in 2016

Ethnicity and Racism in Cyprus: National Pride and Prejudice? by Stevens, P.
Migration, Mobility and Multiple Affiliations by
Czech Village & New Bohemia: History in the Heartland by Rasdal, Dave
Immigrant Families by Schmalzbauer, Leah C., Menjívar, Cecilia, Abrego, Leisy J.
The Myth of Race: The Troubling Persistence of an Unscientific Idea by Sussman, Robert Wald
Identity and African American Men: Exploring the Content of Our Characterization by Tyler, Kenneth Maurice
Aponte by Calcagno, Francisco
Slavery and Politics: Brazil and Cuba, 1790-1850 by Parron, Tâmis, Berbel, Márcia, Marquese, Rafael
Slavery and Politics: Brazil and Cuba, 1790-1850 by Parron, Tâmis, Berbel, Márcia, Marquese, Rafael
Über deutsche Volksetymologie by Andresen, Karl Gustav
We Are All Cannibals: And Other Essays by Lévi-Strauss, Claude
Shadows of a Sunbelt City: The Environment, Racism, and the Knowledge Economy in Austin by Tretter, Eliot M.
Shadows of a Sunbelt City: The Environment, Racism, and the Knowledge Economy in Austin by Tretter, Eliot M.
Teaching While Black: A New Voice on Race and Education in New York City by Lewis, Pamela
The Statutes at Large of Pennsylvania from 1682 to 1801: Volume XIII by Mitchel, James Tyndale
Pergamos: Untersuchungen über die Frühgeschichte Kleinasiens und Griechenlands by Thraemer, Eduard
Teaching While Black: A New Voice on Race and Education in New York City by Lewis, Pamela
Staatenlexikon Afrika: Geographie, Geschichte, Kultur, Politik und Wirtschaft. 2., aktualisierte und erweiterte Auflage by
Samsung, Media Empire and Family: A Power Web by Kim, Chunhyo
Die erhaltenen antiken Wandmalereien by Donner, Otto
Commercial Agriculture, the Slave Trade and Slavery in Atlantic Africa by
Ein denkwürdiges Gesellenstammbuch aus der Zeit des Dreißigjährigen Krieges by Keil, Robert
Lippische Regesten: Vierter Band by Preuß, O., Falkmann, A.
Sammlung der griechischen Dialekt-Inschriften by Collitz, Hermann, Bechtel, Friedrich
Zur Geschichte des indogermanischen Vocalismus by Schmidt, Johannes
Illustrierte Weltgeschichte für das Volk: Geschichte der neuesten Zeit by Corvin, Otto Von
Zur Ethnographie der Republik Guatemala by Stoll, Otto
Multiculturalism in Quebec. Die Besonderheiten der Provinz by Möller, Kay-Christina
The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass an American Slave by Douglass, Frederick
Samoa: die Perle der Südsee by Ehlers, Otto E.
Everything You Were Taught About the Civil War is Wrong, Ask a Southerner! (Large Print Edition) by Seabrook, Lochlainn
Rethinking Race in Modern Argentina by
Rise of the New Second Generation by Bankston, Carl L., Zhou, Min
Exil - Transfer - Gedaechtnis / Exil - Transfert - Mémoire: Deutsch-franzoesische Blickwechsel / Regards croisés franco-allemands by
Zur Geschichte der Rigaschen Gewerbe im 13. und 14. Jahrhundert by Mettig, Constantin
Geschichte des teutschen Handels: Dritter Teil by Fischer, Friedrich Christoph Jonathan
Typographische Jahrbücher by Mäser, Julius
Historische Vergleichung der Sitten und Verfassungen, der Gesetze und Gewerbe, des Handels und der Religion, der Wissenschaften und Lehranstalten des by Meiners, C.
Technologie und Terminologie der Gewerbe und Künste bei Griechen und Römern: Erster Band by Blümner, Hugo
Geschichte der Mormonen by Busch, Moritz
Historische Vergleichung der Sitten und Verfassungen, der Gesetze und Gewerbe by Meiners, Christoph
Litteratur und Völkerkunde: Ein periodisches Werk by Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm Von
Handbuch der Geschichte Österreichs by Krones, Franz Xaver
Geschichte der preußischen Landwehr by Braeuner, R.
Geschichte des Agathon by Wieland, Christoph Martin
Geschichte der Herzogthümer Schleswig und Hollstein by Christiani, Wilhelm Ernst
Wahre, unentstellte Geschichte des Matthäus Klostermaier by Nöggler, Johann Nepomuk
Der Mensch in der Geschichte: Zur Begründung einer psychologischen Weltanschauung by Bastian, Adolf
Geschichte von Nassau by Schliephake, F. W. Theodor
Sächsische Geschichte by Heinrich, Christoph Gottlob
The American Democrat, Or, Hints on the Social and Civic Relations of the United States of America by Cooper, J. Fenimore
The Anonymity of African American Serial Killers: A Continuum of Negative Imagery from Slavery to Prisons by Branson, Ph. D. Allan L.
Geschichte der Vereinigten Niederlande by Toze, Eobald
Heracleotica: Beiträge zur älteren Geschichte der griechischen Colonisation im nördlichen Klein-Asien by Kämmel, Otto
Geschichte der Zerstörung der Reichsstadt Speyer by Kuhlmann, Wilhelm Friedrich
Regesten zur Geschichte des Herzogtums Troppau by Kopetzky, Franz
Quellen zur Geschichte des Untergangs Livländischer Selbständigkeit by Schirren, C.
Denkwürdigkeiten für die Länder- und Völkerkunde: 1. Theil by Hirsching, Friedrich Karl Gottlob
Ansichten vom Niederrhein, von Brabant, Flandern, Holland, England und Frankreich: Erster Theil by Forster, Georg
Historische Nachrichten und politische Betrachtungen über die französische Revolution: Erster Band by Girtanner, Christoph
Geschichte Herzog Leopolds von Österreich und seiner Kriegsgefährten by Naubert, Benedikte
Archiv für die Geschichte deutscher Sprache und Dichtung by
Herztransplantationen aus kulturwissenschaftlicher Sicht. Vorstellung einer Studie von Olivia Wiebel-Fanderl by Armbrüster, Daniel
Die megalithischen Gräber: Steinkammergräber Deutschlands by Krause, Eduard, Schoetensack, Otto
Über die bürgerliche Verbesserung der Weiber by Hippel, Theodor Gottlieb
The Jaulân by Schumacher, C. E.
The Artistic Guide to Chicago and the World´s Columbian Exposition by Banks, Charles Eugene
Historische Nachrichten und politische Betrachtungen by Girtanner, Christoph
Geschichte des Agathon by Wieland, Christoph Martin
Economic Products of India Exhibited in the Economic Court, Calcutta International Exhibition 1883 - 84: Part VI by Watt, George
Allgemeiner Blick auf Italien by Zimmermann, Eberhard August Wilhelm Von
Gender, Race, and Ethnicity in the Workplace: Emerging Issues and Enduring Challenges by Karsten, Margaret
Una Historia de Subversión en la Sierra: Sobre la lucha de la Organización Independiente Totonaca by Hernandez Aguilar, Luis Manuel
Die Geschichte von Hindostan by Firishtah Mu&#7717ammad Q. H. Sh&#257h Astar&#257
Sefer Ha-Hayim: Israelitisches Andachtsbuch bei Krankheitsfällen ... by Blogg, S. E.
Geschichte der öffentlichen Sittlichkeit in Deutschland by Rudeck, Wilhelm
Post-9/11 Representations of Arab Men by Arab American Women Writers: Affirmation and Resistance by Bosch-Vilarrubias, Marta
Der Black Cultural Nationalism und das Black Arts Movement in den USA. Der Versuch einer kulturellen Revolution by Anonymous
Explicarea Poporului Roman Si a Destinului Tragic Al Poporului Daco-Roman: Scrisori Politice Adresate Poporului Roman, Clasei Intelectuale Si Clasei P by Dumitrescu, Stefan
Allgemeines Reichs-Commersbuch für Deutsche Studenten by Reinecke, Carl
Generations of Social Movements: The Left and Historical Memory in the USA and France by
Americans from Africa: Old Memories, New Moods by Rose, Peter I.
Women Against Slavery: The British Campaigns, 1780-1870 by Midgley, Clare
Alternative Geschlechterkonstrukte. Das Beispiel der Hijiras in Indien by Gründer, Mirjam
A Subaltern History of the Indian Diaspora in Singapore: The Gradual Disappearance of Untouchability 1872-1965 by Solomon, John
Power, Sect and State in Syria: The Politics of Marriage and Identity Amongst the Druze by Kastrinou, A. Maria a.
Handbook of Research on Race, Gender, and the Fight for Equality by
Distant Freedom: St Helena and the Abolition of the Slave Trade, 1840-1872 by Pearson, Andrew
You Mean, There's RACE in My Sports?: The Complete Guide for Understanding Race & Sports in Mainstream Media by Gooding, F. W., Jr.
Raising Mixed Race: Multiracial Asian Children in a Post-Racial World by Chang, Sharon H.
When Newark Had a Chinatown: My Personal Journey by Skeete-Laessig, Yoland
Whose Memory? Which Future?: Remembering Ethnic Cleansing and Lost Cultural Diversity in Eastern, Central and Southeastern Europe by
Having and Belonging: Homes and Museums in Israel by Jaffe-Schagen, Judy
Central Asia: Geopolitics, Security and Stability by Patnaik, Ajay
Making Refuge: Somali Bantu Refugees and Lewiston, Maine by Besteman, Catherine
God Almighty Hisself: The Life and Legacy of Dick Allen by Nathanson, Mitchell
Routledge Handbook of Southeast Asian History by
Slavery in the Circuit of Sugar: Martinique and the World-Economy, 1830-1848 by Tomich, Dale W.
Deeply Divided: Racial Politics and Social Movements in Postwar America by Kloos, Karina, McAdam, Doug
Africans in the Old South: Mapping Exceptional Lives Across the Atlantic World by Sparks, Randy J.
A Good Time for the Truth: Race in Minnesota by
Das heutige Brasilien: Land, Leute und wirtschaftliche Verhältnisse by Schanz, Moritz
Die Pyrenäische Halbinsel by Willkomm, Moritz
The Baths of St. Moritz by Kaden, Woldemar
Projections of Passing: Postwar Anxieties and Hollywood Films, 1947-1960 by Kelley, N. Megan
Post-Racial or Most-Racial?: Race and Politics in the Obama Era by Tesler, Michael
Exploration of the Colorado River of the West and its Tributaries by Powell, J. W.
Uyghur Nation: Reform and Revolution on the Russia-China Frontier by Brophy, David
Ethnic Conflict and Protest in Tibet and Xinjiang: Unrest in China's West by
Reduced to Equality: My Odyssey to Renounce Racial Privilege and Find Myself by Hensley, Rebecca
Twelve Years a Slave by Northup, Solomon
HISTORY of WESTERN IOWA: its Settlement and Growth by Western Publishing Company, Sioux City
Mitteilungen der Gesellschaft für Jüdische Volkskunde by Ges F. Jüdische Volkskunde (Ha Germany
Oregon: the STRUGGLE for POSSESSION by Barrows, William
The Russian Liberals and the Revolution of 1905 by Enticott, Peter
The HISTORY of the TOWNS of Plainfield, Roxbury and Fayston by Hemenway, A. M.
New England in Albany by Tenney, Jonathan
Faithful Bodies: Performing Religion and Race in the Puritan Atlantic by Kopelson, Heather Miyano
Creole City: A Chronicle of Early American New Orleans by Dessens, Nathalie
Partnersuche mittels Online-Portalen im Kulturvergleich. Online-Dating und arrangierte Ehen by Weßel, Victoria
Behind the Scenes: Or Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House by Keckley, Elizabeth
Everyday Sexism by Bates, Laura
Twelve Years a Slave, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl: Two outstanding slave narratives in one book by Northup, Solomon, Jacobs, Harriet
Die römischen Thongefässe der Altertumssammlung in Rottweil by Hölder, Oskar
Constitution-making in Asia: Decolonisation and State-Building in the Aftermath of the British Empire by
The Constitution of the Society of the Sons of the Revolution: and By-Laws and Register of the New York Society by Society, New York
Address of Colonel John Screven by Society, Georgia
The Constitution of the Society of Sons of the Revolution by Society, Pennsylvania
Lifestyle Media in Asia: Consumption, Aspiration and Identity by
Glücksgarant Bundeswehr?: Ethische Schlaglichter auf einige neuere Studien des ZMSBw im Kontext von Sinn und Glück des Soldatenberufs, Innerer F by Göbel, Christian
Rezension und Analyse zentraler Elemente von Oka Rusminis Roman "Erdentanz" by Anonymous
Social Entrepreneurship in the Greater China Region: Policy and Cases by
Healing Point of Inter- Racial Hope by Mangerere, Uhuru Nyabuto
Wanderungen durch Palästina by Furrer, Konrad
Englische Handelspolitik gegen Ende des Mittelalters: Zweiter Band by Schanz, Georg Von
The Cambridge Handbook of Acculturation Psychology by
Childhood Songs by Larcom, Lucy
The Disproportionate Health Risk of Environmental Racism by Jimerson, Rufus O.
Literatur und Völkerkunde by Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm Von
Memoria - Postmemoria: Die argentinische Militaerdiktatur (1976-1983) im Kontext der Erinnerungskultur by
Prag in Der Amerikanischen Literatur: Cynthia Ozick Und Philip Roth by Kraus, Simone
Chronologische Übersicht der Geschichte Danzigs by Brandstäter, Franz August
Lehrbuch der Länder- und Völkerkunde by Franz, Friedrich Christian
Bibliothek der neuesten Länder- und Völkerkunde by Ehrmann, Theophil Friedrich
Agricultural Statistics of Ireland: 1871 by Central Statistics Office
Agricultural Statistics of Ireland: 1873 by Central Statistics Office
Agricultural Statistics of Ireland: 1872 by Central Statistics Office
Freedom by a Thread: The History of Quilombos in Brazil by
Religiöse Rituale als Ausdruck einer Weltsicht. Darstellung am Beispiel der Selbstmumifizierung im Buddhismus by Holze, Anne-Marie
Message to Judah: Making Sense of the Black American Experience from a Biblical Perspective by Worlds, Trenet
Nonviolence in the Mahabharata: Siva's Summa on Rishidharma and the Gleaners of Kurukshetra by Hiltebeitel, Alf
So the Heffners Left McComb by Carter, Hodding
Nordic Societies and Cultures. A Lecture Diary by Wilkes, Hanna
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Kendi, Ibram X.
The Construction of Whiteness: An Interdisciplinary Analysis of Race Formation and the Meaning of a White Identity by
America's Original Sin: A Collection of Essays on Racism and the Continuing Scourge of White Supremacy by Torrence, K. Gerald
Poetry of Truth by Sunstrum, Raymond
Proclamation 1625: America's Enslavement of the Irish by Byrd, Herbert L.
Proclamation 1625: America's Enslavement of the Irish by Byrd, Herbert L.
So the Heffners Left McComb by Carter, Hodding
Race, Gender, and Deviance in Xbox Live: Theoretical Perspectives from the Virtual Margins by Gray, Kishonna L.
Beiträge zur Völkerkunde des Togo-Gebietes by Plehn, Rudolf
Sitten, Bräuche und Meinungen des Tiroler Volkes by Zingerle, Ignaz Vinzenz
African Voices on Slavery and the Slave Trade by
Do You Miss Your Country? by Szyd?owska, Monika
Bibliographisches Lexicon der gesammten jüdischen Literatur der Gegenwart by Lippe, Ch D.
Die Haggadah von Sarajevo: Eine spanisch-jüdische Bilderhandschrift des Mittelalters by Müller, David Heinrich, Von Schlosser, Julius
India�s Approach to Development Cooperation by
Kunst im öffentlichen Raum? Funktionen und Aspekte der Street Art in Wien und Athen by Mayr, Christoph
Younger-Generation Korean Experiences in the United States: Personal Narratives on Ethnic and Racial Identities by
Power Interrupted: Antiracist and Feminist Activism Inside the United Nations by Falcón, Sylvanna M.
Power Interrupted: Antiracist and Feminist Activism Inside the United Nations by Falcón, Sylvanna M.
Abolitionizing Missouri: German Immigrants and Racial Ideology in Nineteenth-Century America by Anderson, Kristen Layne
Die französische Volksdichtung und Sage: Zweiter Band by Scheffler, Wilhelm
Im Bismarck-Archipel: Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen auf der Insel Neu-Pommern (Neu-Britannien) by Parkinson, Richard Heinrich Robert
Im Bismarck-Archipel: Erlebnisse und Beobachtungen auf der Insel Neu-Pommern (Neu-Britannien) by Parkinson, Richard Heinrich Robert
Karins Königliche Welt der Tiere: Sammelband / tierische Schicksale by König, Karin
Die völker Vorderasiens by Winckler, Hugo
Celebrating Urban Community Life: Fairs, Festivals, Parades, and Community Practice by Delgado, Melvin
Bunte Bilder aus dem Sachsenlande: III. Band by Pestalozzi-Verein, Sachsischer
A New World of Labor: The Development of Plantation Slavery in the British Atlantic by Newman, Simon P.
Vom Zürichberg: Skizzenbuch by Scherr, Johannes
Völkerkunde by Peschel, Oscar
The Muslim Diaspora in the Context of the Academic Discourse by Schulz, Andreas
Incarcerating the Crisis: Freedom Struggles and the Rise of the Neoliberal State Volume 43 by Camp, Jordan T.
Incarcerating the Crisis: Freedom Struggles and the Rise of the Neoliberal State Volume 43 by Camp, Jordan T.
Sachsen und Tschechien. Sasko a Česko: Regionale Identitäten und transregionale Verflechtungen in Ostmitteleuropa. Regionální identity a transreg by
Discrimination in Labor Markets by Rees, Albert, Ashenfelter, Orley
Peasant Economy, Culture, and Politics of European Russia, 1800-1921 by
A History of the American Worker by
Ideas and Mechanism: Essays on Early Modern Philosophy by Wilson, Margaret Dauler
Peasants, Subsistence Ecology, and Development in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea by Grossman, Lawrence S.
Peasants, Politics and Revolution: Pressures Toward Political and Social Change in the Third World by Migdal, Joel S.
Desegregation: Resistance and Readiness by Tumin, Melvin Marvin
Syrian Christians in a Muslim Society: An Interpretation by Haddad, Robert M.
Economic Development of Japan by Lockwood, William Wirt
An Untouchable Community in South India: Structure and Consensus by Moffatt, Michael
Nihilist Order: The Intellectual Roots of Totalitarianism by Ohana, David
In This Together: Fifteen Stories of Truth and Reconciliation by
Okagami, the Great Mirror: Fujiwara Michinaga (966-1027) and His Times by McCullough, Helen Craig
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