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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 1999

Livewire Real Lives Marilyn Monroe by Howden, Iris
Lehrbuch der neuhebräischen Sprache (Iwrit) / Lehrbuch der neuhebräischen Sprache (Iwrit) by Zemach-Tendler, Shulamit
Voices of Strong Democracy: Concepts and Models for Service-Learning in Communication Studies by
Martianus Capella - de Nuptiis Philologiae Et Mercurii: Darstellung Der Sieben Freien Künste Und Ihrer Beziehungen Zueinander by Grebe, Sabine
Finding the Right Path: Researching Your Way to Discovery by Sutter, Herman, Sutter, Lynne
Partnerships for Lifelong Learning by Farmer, Lesley S. J.
Progressive Politics and the Training of America's Persuaders by Adams, Katherine
Landmark Essays on Rhetoric and Literature: Volume 16 by
Progressive Politics and the Training of America's Persuaders by Adams, Katherine
Literacy Hour and Language Knowledge: Developing Literacy Through Fiction and Poetry by
Livewire Real Lives the Spice Girls by Holt, Julia
Information Literacy Standards for Student Learning by
The Russo-Japanese War in Cultural Perspective, 1904-05 by
Joseph Brodsky: The Art of a Poem by
The American Dream in the Information Age by Zoysa, R. De, de Zoysa, Richard, Newman, Otto
Das Dubrovskij-Menäum: Edition Der Handschrift F. II. I 36 (Rnb) / Наборное из&#1 by Murjanov, M. F.
Endogenous Growth, Market Failures and Economic Policy by Zagler, Martin
Nuclear Terrorism: A Threat Assessment for the 21st Century by Cameron, G.
Critical Ethics: Text, Theory and Responsibility by
Kurdish Diasporas: A Comparative Study of Kurdish Refugee Communities by Wahlbeck, Ö.
Indigenous Communication in Africa. Concept, Application and Prospects by
The Benefits and Costs of the Kyoto Protocol by Shogren, Jason F.
How Hospitals Survived: Competition and the American Hospital by Dranove, David, White, William D.
1998 by
Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge Revolution (Large Print Edition) by McArthur, Tom
Living Words: Language, Lexicography, and the Knowledge Revolution by McArthur, Tom
Talk that Book! Booktalks to Promote Reading by Littlejohn, Carol
Reading Biblical Narrative: A Practical Guide by P. Fokkelman, Jan
Rhetorical Argumentation in Philo of Alexandria by Alexandre, Manuel, Jr.
Negotiating on Behalf of Others: Advice to Lawyers, Business Executives, Sports Agents, Diplomats, Politicians, and Everybody Else by
Analyzing Documentary Accounts by Hodson, Randy
Civic Discourse: Multiculturalism, Cultural Diversity, and Global Communication, Volume 1 by
Dawn to the West: A History of Japanese Literature: Japanese Literature of the the Modern Era: Poetry, Drama, Criticism by Keene, Donald
Corrective Reading Decoding Level A, Teacher Material by McGraw Hill
Corrective Reading Comprehension Level B1, Teacher Materials by McGraw Hill
Translation Power Subversion by
The Plays of W. B. Yeats: Yeats and the Dancer by Ellis, S.
Social Democratic Parties in the European Union: History, Organization, Policies by
Literacy for -Nop/077 by Rassool, Naz
Interfaces Between Second Language Acquisition and Language Testing Research by
Corrective Reading Comprehension Level B2, Teacher Materials by McGraw Hill
Der Text, Der (Produktive) Unverstand Des Abschreibers Und Die Literaturgeschichte: Johann Friedrich Oberlins Bericht Herr L... Und Die Textüberliefer by Gersch, Hubert
Multilingual Glossary of Language Testing Terms: Studies in Language Testing 6 by The Alte Members, Ucles, The Alte Members, Alte Members
Affect in Language Learning by Arnold, Jane
The Emerging School Library Media Center: Historical Issues and Perspectives by Latrobe, Kathy
Media Skills for Middle Schools Second Edition: Strategies for Library Media Specialists and Teachers by Van Vliet, Lucille W.
Communications Policy and the Public Interest: The Telecommunications Act of 1996 by Aufderheide, Patricia A.
Sacred Fire: The Qbr 100 Essential Black Books by
Sacred Fire: The Qbr 100 Essential Black Books by
Feuilleton für alle by Stegert, Gernot
Corrective Reading Comprehension Level C, Teacher Materials by McGraw Hill
Approaches to Landscape by Muir, Richard
Nature, Risk and Responsibility: Discourses of Biotechnology by
Reconstructing Institutions: Language Use in Academic Counseling Encounters by He, Agnes Weiyun
Shareholder Value Und Die Kriterien Des Unternehmenserfolgs by
Worlds in Common?: Television Discourses in a Changing Europe by Richardson, Kay, Meinhof, Ulrike H.
Worlds in Common?: Television Discourses in a Changing Europe by Meinhof, Ulrike H., Richardson, Kay
Reconstructing Institutions: Language Use in Academic Counseling Encounters by Weiyun He, Agnes, He, Agnes Weiyun
Virginia Woolf: To the Lighthouse / The Waves: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
Toni Morrison: Beloved: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
Language Instinct / L'Instinct du langage by Pinker, Steven
James Joyce: Ulysses / A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man: Essays, Articles, Reviews by
Coral Island Australian Edition by Atkinson, Kathie
Spinifex Australian Edition by Atkinson, Kathie
Teamwork in the Automobile Industry: Radical Change or Passing Fashion? by Castillod, Juan José
Canons of Style in the Antonine Age: Idea-Theory and Its Literary Context by Rutherford, Ian
Talking about Treatment: Recommendations for Breast Cancer Adjuvant Therapy by Roberts, Felicia
Thinking about Literacy: Young Children and Their Language by Sedgwick, Fred
Giles of Rome's De regimine principum by Briggs, Charles F.
An Index of Characters in Early Modern English Drama by Bradford, William C., Sondergard, Sidney L., Berger, Thomas L.
Periodical Acquisitions and the Internet by Slight-Gibney, Nancy
Libraries, Immigrants, and the American Experience by Jones, Plummer A.
Public Address in the Twentieth-Century South: The Evolution of a Region by Towns, W. Stuart
Sinatra: An Annotated Bibliography, 1939-1998 by Mustazza, Leonard
Opera Singers in Recital, Concert, and Feature Film: A Mediagraphy by Almquist, Sharon G.
Authorized Press in Vichy and German-Occupied France, 1940-1944: A Bibliography by Evleth, Donna
China During the Cultural Revolution, 1966-1976: A Selected Bibliography of English Language Works by Chang, Tony H.
The Game of Humor: A Comprehensive Theory of Why We Laugh by Gruner, Charles R.
James Mason: A Bio-Bibliography by Sweeney, Kevin
Autobiographische Schriften: Leben Im Widerspruch -- Versuch Einer Intellektuellen Autobiographie. Nebenbei Geschehen -- Erinnerungen. Texte Aus De by
An Anatomy of Humor by Berger, Arthur Asa
Museumsmarketing in Den USA: Neue Tendenzen Und Erscheinungsformen by Schuck-Wersig, Petra, Wersig, Gernot
Teaching Academic Literacy: The Uses of Teacher-research in Developing A Writing Program by
Reading Chinese Script: A Cognitive Analysis by
Family Storytime: 24 Creative Programs for All Ages by Reid, Rob
COP Talk: Essential Communication Skills for Community Policing by Kidd, Virginia, Braziel, Rick
The Girlfriends' Guide to Toddlers by Iovine, Vicki
Non-Native Educators in English Language Teaching by
Developing Focus Group Research: Politics, Theory and Practice by
The Complete Book of Bible Trivia by Lang, J. Stephen
Sea Otters by Wilde, Buck
Media Studies: Ethnomethodological Approaches by Jalbert, Paul L.
Management Consultancy in the 21st Century by Czerniawska, Fiona
Financing European Transport Infrastructure: Policies and Practice in Western Europe by Farrell, S.
Advances in Heat Transfer: Cumulative Subject and Author Indexes and Tables of Contents for Volumes 1-31 Volume 32 by
The Argument Culture: Stopping America's War of Words by Tannen, Deborah
Exploring the Second Language Mental Lexicon by Singleton, D. M., Singleton, David
Maggie: A Girl of the Streets: (A Story of New York) by Na, Na
Business English and Communication by
Cataloging Nonprint Materials: Blitz Cataloging Workbook by Ferguson, Bobby
The School Library Media Center Fifth Edition by Prostano, Emanuel T., Prostano, Joyce S.
Children's Books About Religion by Dole, Patricia
Library Information Skills and the High School English Program by Hackman, Mary
You Can Write For Magazines Pod Edition by Daugherty, Greg
Decision Points: Boolean Logic for Computer Users and Beginning Online Searchers by Houghton, Robert S., Houghton, Janaye M.
Triumph of the Straight Dope by Adams, Cecil, Zotti, Ed
Three Keys to the Past: The History of Technical Communication by Moran, Michael, Kynrll, Teresa, Kynell, Teresa C.
Three Keys to the Past: The History of Technical Communication by
Möglichkeiten und Gefahren des Digitalen Fernsehens by Schönberger, Stefan
The Library Syndrome by Leonov, Valerii
Plakat by Kamps, Johannes
Forgotten English by Kacirk, Jeffrey
Advances in Asymmetric Synthesis: Volume 3 by
I Can Fly: Teaching Narratives and Reading Comprehension to African American and other Ethnic Minority Students by Rickford, Angela Marshall
I Can Fly: Teaching Narratives and Reading Comprehension to African American and other Ethnic Minority Students by Rickford, Angela Marshall
Classical Rhetoric and Its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times by Kennedy, George A.
Globalization, Information Technology and Development by James, J.
B. Traven: A Bibliography by Treverton, Edward
Mastering Biology by Kilgour, O. F. G., Riley, Peter
The Politics of Jane Austen by Neill, E.
Block Scheduling and Its Impact on the School Library Media Center by Shaw, Marie
Evnvchvs by Terence
Vision and Meaning in Ninth-Century Byzantium by Brubaker, Leslie
Theocritus: A Selection: Idylls 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11 and 13 by Theocritus
Loex of the West: Collaboration and Instructional Design in a Virtual Environment by
The Oral Tradition in the South by Braden, Waldo W.
Oratory in the New South by Braden, Waldo W.
Projecting the Adjective: The Syntax and Semantics of Gradability and Comparison by Kennedy, Christopher
Al-Kitaba Wa-L-Uslub by Samy, Waheed
Media Policy: Convergence, Concentration & Commerce by
What Do I Say Next?: Talking Your Way to Business and Social Success by RoAne, Susan
El ABC del Ingles: Maetodo Baasico Para Aprender Inglaes Sin Maestro by Ituarte, Jesse
Diccionario Espanol/Ingles: Spanish/English Quick Translator by Frisbie, Graciela
Bibliotheksforum Bayern (BFB) by
The Culture of Secrecy: Britain, 1832-1998 by Vincent, David
Encyclopedia of Phenomenology by
Risk Assessment for Object Conservation by Ashley-Smith, Jonathan
The Ethics in Literature by
Geschichte Der Sprachwissenschaft in Deutschland by Gardt, Andreas
Standardisierung und Purismus bei Joachim Heinrich Campe by Orgeldinger, Sibylle
The Material Life of Human Beings: Artifacts, Behavior and Communication by Schiffer, Michael Brian
Standard Arabic by Watson, Janet C. E., Dickins, James
Making Party Democracy in Greece by Pappas, T.
Cooperative Learning Activities in the Library Media Center by Farmer, Lesley
The Clockwork Muse: A Practical Guide to Writing Theses, Dissertations, and Books by Zerubavel, Eviatar
Walther von der Vogelweide by
New Vocal Repertory: Volume 2 by Manning, Jane
Writing: Texts, Processes and Practices by
The Public Speaker / The Public Listener by Wolvin, Andrew D., Berko, Roy M., Wolvin, Darlyn R.
Im Rausch Der Geschwindigkeit by
Clarifying Communication Theories: A Hands-On Approach by Richmond, Virginia P., Stone, Gerald, Singletary, Michael
Buchmarkt Im Wandel: Wissenschaftliches Publizieren in Deutschland Und Den USA by Preuß, Simone
Why Our Children Can't Read and What We Can Do about It: A Scientific Revolution in Reading by McGuinness, Diane
Interpersonal Communication by Hartley, Peter
Interpersonal Communication by Hartley, Peter
Gewalt Durch Gewalt Im Fernsehen? by Merten, Klaus
Intersubjective Communication and Emotion in Early Ontogeny by
Spanien und die Sepharden by
Wissensvermittlung Im Europäischen Mittelalter: >Imago Mundi by Luff, Robert
Nuevos Caminos En La Investigación de Los Años 20 En España by
Sämtliche Eklogen: Mit Einer Einführung in Leben Und Gesamtwerk Des Verfassers by
Rhetorik in der Phraseologie by Dietz, Hans-Ulrich
Computergestützte Text-Edition by
The Ultimate Golf Trivia Book: Fun Facts for Golfers by Towle, Mike
1806-1808 by Goethe, Johann Wolfgang Von
Statistical Strategies for Small Sample Research by Hoyle, Rick H.
Libraries Without Limits: Changing Needs - Changing Roles by European Conference of Medical and Health Libraries
Brave Billy Australian Edition by Underwood, Gary
Animal Weapons Australian Edition by Atkinson, Kathie
Nathaniel Hawthorne - The Scarlet Letter by Kennedy-Andrews, Elmer
Skills for Life, 7-12 by Allen, Christine
On Writing Research: The Braddock Essays 1975-1998 by Ede, Lisa
More Than Information: The Role of the Library Media Center in the Multimedia Classroom by Farmer, Lesley S. J., Fowler, Will
Multimediale Kommunikation mittels Videokonferenzen in der Medizin by Gräbig, Karina
Worlds Apart: Acting and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts by Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter, Dias, Patrick
Gramophone, Film, Typewriter by Kittler, Friedrich A.
Die Lieder Neidharts by Neidhart Von Reuental
Worlds Apart: Acting and Writing in Academic and Workplace Contexts by Freedman, Aviva, Medway, Peter, Dias, Patrick
Museum Memories: History, Technology, Art by Maleuvre, Didier
The Miracle of Language by Lederer, Richard
Handbook of Language & Ethnic Identity by
Logical Relations in Discourse by
Making Meaning of Narratives by Josselson, Ruthellen
Caring for Babies: A Practical Guide by Meggitt, C.
Das Straßburger Eulenspiegelbuch: Studien Zu Entstehungsgeschichtlichen Voraussetzungen Der Ältesten Drucküberlieferung by Schulz-Grobert, Jürgen
America's Soluble Problems by Mills, John
Nuclear Terrorism: A Threat Assessment for the 21st Century by Cameron, G.
Transforming Politics: Power and Resistance by Roseneil, S.
Local Government Economics: Principles and Practice by Bailey, Stephen
Back to School Hebrew Reading Refresher by House, Behrman
The Cleaning Encyclopedia: Your A-To-Z Illustrated Guide to Cleaning Like the Pros by Aslett, Don
Transforming Politics: Power and Resistance by Roseneil, S.
Uwe Johnson-Bibliographie 1959-1998 by Riedel, Nicolai
Visual Messages: Integrating Imagery Into Instruction by Haley, Gail E., Considine, David M.
Bibliography of Japanese New Religious Movements by Clarke, Peter B.
Foundations for Effective School Library Media Programs by Haycock, Ken
The Social Meanings of Money and Property: In Search of a Talisman by Doyle, Kenneth O.
Housing Finance in the UK: An Introduction by Satsangi, Madhu, Gibb, Kenneth, Munro, Moira
Housing Policy and Practice by Murie, Alan, Malpass, Peter
Frontiers in Question: Eurasian Borderlands, 700-1700 by Power, Daniel, Standen, Naomi
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