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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2004

Einführung in die rhetorische Textanalyse by Plett, Heinrich F.
A Dictionary of Heroes, Heroines, Lovers, and Villains in Classical Opera by Glick, Andrew
Wörterbuch der ungarischen Umgangssprache by Dahn, Thomas C.
Bringing Mysteries Alive for Children and Young Adults by Larson, Jeanette
Assistive Technology: An Introductory Guide for K-12 Library Media Specialists by Hopkins, Janet
You Have the Power!: Political Advocacy for School Librarians by Schuckett, Sandy
The Essential School Library Glossary by Priest Misakian, Jo Ellen
The Standards-Based Integrated Library: A Collaborative Approach for Aligning the Library Program with the Classroom Curriculum by Miller, Donna P.
Metaphor and Political Discourse: Analogical Reasoning in Debates about Europe by Musolff, A.
Orality: The Power of the Spoken Word by Furniss, Graham
Deciding Communication Law: Key Cases in Context by Ross, Susan Dente
Music Library Instruction by
Sprachnorm und Sprachqualität im frankophonen Fernsehen von Québec by Reinke, Kristin
Das nationale Ich? by Günther, Dagmar
Diskontinuitäten im Erwerbsleben by Unger, Thorsten
Wissenschaft und Markt um 1900 by Müller, Helen
Das Nürnberger Marienbuch: Untersuchungen Und Edition by Jung, Bettina
Androgyne Autorschaft by Horstkotte, Silke
Goethes Musiktheater: Singspiele, Opern, Festspiele, »Faust« by Hartmann, Tina
Der Blick ins All by Hunfeld, Barbara
Utopie und Krieg bei Ludwig Achim von Arnim by Nitschke, Claudia
Information Literacy: Essential Skills for the Information Age Second Edition by Lowe, Carrie A., Eisenberg, Michael B., Spitzer, Kathleen L.
Palaver Finish by Hove, Chenjerai
The Khoe and San by Willet, Shelagh, Monageng, Stella
Literacy in the Digital Age: Reading, Writing, Viewing, and Computing by Withrow, Frank B.
Library Collection Assessment Through Statistical Sampling by Baird, Brian J.
No Innocent Deposits: Forming Archives by Rethinking Appraisal by Cox, Richard J.
Library Acquisition of Music by Fling, Michael R.
Spanish in 10 Minutes a Day Book + Audio: Foreign Language Course for Beginning and Advanced Study. Includes 10 Minutes a Day Workbook, Audio Cds, Sof by Kershul, Kristine K.
Gefühlskultur in Der Bürgerlichen Aufklärung by
Eduard Mörike - Ästhetik und Geselligkeit by
Bejahende Erkenntnis: Festschrift Für T.J. Reed Zu Seiner Emeritierung Am 30. September 2004 by
Fernsehen by Holly, Werner
Tiergeographie by Jacobi, Arnold
Dialogue Analysis VIII: Understanding and Misunderstanding in Dialogue: Selected Papers from the 8th Iada Conference, Göteborg 2001 by
Translating the Literature of Scripture by Wendland, Ernst R.
Democratic Realism: An American Foreign Policy for a Unipolar World by Krauthammer, Charles
Reading Is for Knowing: Literacy Acquisition, Retention, and Usage Among the Machiguenga by Davis, Patricia M.
Die Konstituierung des literarischen Feldes in Deutschland nach 1871 by Magerski, Christine
Standards-Based and Responsive Evaluation by Stake, Robert E.
Amicitia vocalis by Schulze, Joachim
Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning by Chik, Pakey P. M., Tsui, Amy B. M., Marton, Ference
Get Organized with Heloise by Heloise
Socallt '03: ALL is WELL: New Modalities in Web-Enhanced Language Learning by
Managing Preservation for Libraries and Archives: Current Practice and Future Developments by
Enhancing the Power of the Internet by
Tyranny of God by Lewis, Joseph
Lectures on the Harvard Classics by
Editor's Introduction, Reader's Guide, Index to the First Lines of Poems Songs and Choruses, Hymns and Psalms, General and Chronological Index to the by Eliot, Charles W.
Lectures on Rhetoric by Blair, Hugh
The Unicorn: A Mythological Investigation by Brown, Robert
Fictitious and Symbolic Creatures in Art With Special Reference to Their Use in British Heraldry by Vinycomb, John
To Be And Not to Be: On Interpretation, Iconicity and Fiction by Rossholm, Göran
Rompilgerführer in Spätmittelalter Und Früher Neuzeit: Die Indulgentiae Ecclesiarium Urbis Romae (Deutsch/Niederländisch). Edition Und Kommentar by Miedema, Nine Robijntje
Islamische Fernsehsender in Der Türkei: Zur Entwicklung Der Türkischen Fernsehens Zwischen Staat, Markt Und Religion by Jung, Christine
Handbook on Knowledge Management 2: Knowledge Directions by
The Text Book 4 Book 4: Resources for English by Galagher, Nola, Hopwood, Dwayne, Sykes, Helen
Leitbilder Von Gestern?: Zur Trennung Von Werbung Und Programm. Eine Problemskizze Und Einführung by
Audiovisuelle Fernkommunikation: Grundlage Der Analyse Und Anwendung Von Videokonferenzen by Kopp, Guido
Fighting to Finish: Personal Storytelling in a Public Library Adult Literacy Program by Allen, Richardson Otis
Der englische Schauer- und Terror-Roman des 18. Jahrhunderts: Die Funktion von Sexualität und Horror in M.G. Lewis' Roman "THE MONK" mit Ausblick auf by Thomas, Bernhard
Flowering Plants. Dicotyledons: Celastrales, Oxalidales, Rosales, Cornales, Ericales by
Eine Grammatik fuer Lernende unter funktional-kommunikativem Blickwinkel: Bindeglied zwischen Linguistik, Psychologie und Fremdsprachendidaktik: Eine by Verbeeck, Yvette
Mediale Inszenierungen - Zur Inszenierung von Authentizität am Beispiel von Big Brother und Loft Story by Neuling, Ingo
Virtual Applications: Applications with Virtual Inhabited 3D Worlds by
Textual Metonymy: A Semiotic Approach by Al-Sharafi, A.
Humanizing Information Technology by Warner, Julian
Armenian Music: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Discography by McCollum, Jonathan, Nercessian, Andy
United Kingdom Economic Accounts No.44 3rd Quarter 2003 by Na, Na
Safety Smart Student: The Guidebook for College Student Living by Kenniston, Colleen
Classroom Discourse and the Space of Learning by Chik, Pakey P. M., Marton, Ference, Tsui, Amy B. M.
The Pocket Stylist: Behind-The-Scenes Expertise from a Fashion Pro on Creating Your Own Unique Look by Farr, Kendall
Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication by Locher, Miriam A.
Power and Politeness in Action: Disagreements in Oral Communication by Locher, Miriam A.
How to Write a Children's Picture Book Volume I: Structure by Bine-Stock, Eve Heidi
Ikonographie Und Sprachbild: Zur Reformatorischen Flugschrift »Der Gestryfft Schwitzer Baur« by Schmid Blumer, Verena
Grammar Sense 2: Workbook by Blackwell, Angela
Rapid Recovery: Accelerated Information Processing & Healing by King, Stephen P.
A Guide to Publishing in Scholarly Communication Journals by Knapp, Mark L., Daly, John a.
Marken in Der Politik: Erscheinungsformen, Relevanz, Identitätsorientierte Führung Und Demokratietheoretische Reflexion by Schneider, Helmut
Digital Imaging: A Practical Approach by Koelling, Jill Marie
Information Age Journalism: Journalism in an International Context by Campbell, Vincent
Church Dogmatics the Doctrine of God, Volume 2, Part 1: The Knowledge of God; The Reality of God by Barth, Karl
Web.Studies by Horsley, Ross, Gauntlett, David
Spy Television by Britton, Wesley
Reading Lab 2a, Teacher's Handbook, Levels 2.0 - 7.0 by Parker, Don H.
To Advance Knowledge: The Growth of American Research Universities, 1900-1940 by Geiger, Roger L.
Revision Cognitive and Instructional Processes: Cognitive and Instructional Processes by
Dictionary of Alchemy: From Maria Prophetessa to Isaac Newton by Haeffner, Mark
An Anthology of Interracial Literature: Black-White Contacts in the Old World and the New by
Motivating Reading Comprehension: Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction by Wigfield, Allan
An Anthology of Interracial Literature: Black-White Contacts in the Old World and the New by
Understanding Reading: A Psycholinguistic Analysis of Reading and Learning to Read by Smith, Frank
The Word Book from Writers.com by Guran, Paula
Gender, Discourse, and Desire in Twentieth-Century Brazilian Women's Literature by Ferreira-Pinto, Cristina
The Commercial Woods of Africa: A Descriptive Full-Color Guide by Phongphaew, Peter
Careers in Music Librarianship II: Traditions and Transitions by
The Handy Geology Answer Book by Barnes-Svarney, Patricia, Svarney, Thomas E.
Languages in Contact: The Partial Restructuring of Vernaculars by Holm, John
Motivating Reading Comprehension: Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction by Wigfield, Allan
Couldn't Keep It to Myself: Testimonies from Our Imprisoned Sisters by Whiteley, Nancy, Rowley, Tabitha, Lamb, Wally
Coastal Mass Tourism: Diversification and Sustainable Development in Southern Europe by
The Impact of ICT on Literacy Education by
The Impact of ICT on Literacy Education by
Gelehrtentheater: Bühnenmetaphern in Der Wissenschaftsgeschichte Zwischen 1870 Und 1914 by Conrad, Bettina
Knowledge Management by
Subjectivity by Hall, Donald
Studies in Bibliography: Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the University of Virginia Volume 54 by
Conformal Field Theory: New Non-Perturbative Methods in String and Field Theory by Turgut, Teoman, Nutku, Yavuz, Saclioglu, Cihan
Die WH-Bewegung im Erwerb des Französischen und des Deutschen als Erstsprachen: Ein Beitrag zur Parametertheorie by Mross, Markus
Ancient Anger: Perspectives from Homer to Galen by
Library Anxiety: Theory, Research, and Applications by Bostick, Sharon L., Jiao, Qun G., Onwuegbuzie, Anthony J.
The Spooky Art: Thoughts on Writing by Mailer, Norman
Writing on the Move: Albert Londres and Investigative Journalism by Redfern, Walter
Das Interview in der französischen Presse by Kött, Martin
Helping in Child Protective Services: A Competency-Based Casework Handbook, 2nd Edition by American Humane Association
Putting the Sparkle in the Knowledge Society: 7th International Conference on Current Research Information Systems (Cris) by
Proceedings of the International Symposium Science and Engineering Libraries for the 21st Century by
Das Mediensystem Der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Band 2 by Altendorfer, Otto
Quo Vadis Public Relations?: Auf Dem Weg Zum Kommunikationsmanagement: Bestandsaufnahmen Und Entwicklungen by
Religious Faith, Spirituality, and Health Communication: A Special Issue of Health Communication by
Onderzoeksverslagen Schrijven: Praktische Handleiding Bij Het Schrijven Van Scripties En Andere Werkstukken Voor HBO En Wo by Soudijn, K. a.
Defining Visual Rhetorics by
The State of Technical Communication in Its Academic Context: Part I: A Special Issue of Technical Communication Quarterly by
Defining Visual Rhetorics by
Spanish Verbs: Quickstudy Laminated Reference Guide (Quickstudy Academic) by Bengtson, William
Action Research for Inclusive Education: Changing Places, Changing Practices, Changing Minds by
Tyler Talks With His Hands by Dufour, Angel
Deutschland sucht den Superstar - Analyse der Erfolgsfaktoren by Wolf, Sarah
Collecting Western Memorabilia by Lasiuta, Tim
Moral Und Ethik Der PR: Grundlagen - Theoretische Und Empirische Analysen - Perspektiven by Förg, Birgit
Robert K. Mertons Theorie der self-fulfilling prophecy: Adaption eines soziologischen Klassikers by Schnepper, Markus
Powers in Media Policy: The Challenge of the European Parliament by Sarikakis, Katharine
Central Works in Technical Communication by Selber, Stuart a.
ARBA In-depth: Philosophy and Religion by
ARBA In-depth: Children's and Young Adult Titles by
Thinking Outside the Book: Alternatives for Today's Teen Library Collections by Nichols, C.
The Undergraduate's Companion to English Renaissance Writers and Their Web Sites by Galbraith, Steven
Stories NeverEnding: A Program Guide for Schools and Libraries by Irving, Jan
Pucks Pablum & Pingos: More Fascinating Facts and Quirky Quizzes from Canada's Trivia Guys by Ray, Randy, Kearney, Mark
Wonders of the Sky by Andrews, Tamra
Computers and Writing: The Cyborg Era by Inman, James A.
Media at War: The Iraq Crisis by Tumber, Howard, Palmer, Jerry
Media at War: The Iraq Crisis by Tumber, Howard, Palmer, Jerry
Medical Firsts: From Hippocrates to the Human Genome by Adler, Robert E.
The Million Word Crossword Dictionary by Newman, Stanley, Stark, Daniel
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Horses, of Course (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Manes and Reins (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Marguerite, Dolch, Edward
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Feline Friends (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Paws and Claws (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Tons of Fun (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Marguerite, Dolch, Edward
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Terrific Trunks (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Marguerite, Dolch, Edward
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Pounds of Hounds (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
Dolch(r) First Reading Books Dog Days (Independent Reading Books - Animals) by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
Labour Market Trends Volume 112, No 3, March 2004 by Na, Na
The Poethical Wager by Retallack, Joan
Get Your S*#@ Together: A Practical and Humorous Guide to Growing Up by Thoene, Douglas B.
Almanac of World War I by Burg, David F., Purcell, L. Edward
Die Effektive Bibliothek: Roswitha Poll Zum 65.Geburtstag by
Reference Sources in History: An Introductory Guide by Vyhnanek, Louis, Fritze, Ronald, Coutts, Brian
Medicine on Trial: A Handbook with Cases, Laws, and Documents by Cawthon, Elisabeth
Dictionary of Languages: The Definitive Reference to More Than 400 Languages by Dalby, Andrew
Organometallic Chemistry: Volume 31 by
Minimus Secundus: Moving on in Latin by Bell, Barbara
Clavis Scientiae: Studien Zum Verhältnis Von Faktizität Und Fiktionalität Am Fall Der Schlüsselliteratur by Rösch, Gertrud Maria
Verehrte Körper, verführte Körper by Delbrouck, Mischa
Lost Libraries: The Destruction of Great Book Collections Since Antiquity by
Lost Libraries: The Destruction of Great Book Collections Since Antiquity by
Historical Studies of Writing Program Administration: Individuals, Communities, and the Formation of a Discipline by
Icon-Chinesisch: Icon-Chinese by Gros, Jochen
The Motives of Eloquence by Lanham, Richard A.
Age, Accent and Experience in Second Language Acquisition by Moyer, Alene
Global Nomad(the) Backpacker Travel in: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice by
The Middle Ages in Literature for Youth: A Guide and Resource Book by Barnhouse, Rebecca
Global Nomad(the) Backpacker Travel in: Backpacker Travel in Theory and Practice by
Organisation Der Content-Produktion by
Journalistik: Medienkommunikation: Theorie Und PRAXIS Band 1: Mediensysteme -- Medienethik -- Medieninstitutionen by Weischenberg, Siegfried
Fossilization in Adult Second Lang.Acqui by Han, Zhaohong
Age, Accent and Experience in Second Language Acquisition by Moyer, Alene
Tales of the Telegraph: The Story of a Telegrapher's Life and Adventures in Railroad Commercial and Military Work by Brady, Jasper Ewing
Surviving Your Thesis by
Surviving Your Thesis by
Emergency Responder Injuries and Fatalities: An Analysis of Surveillance Data by Houser, Ari
Sociocultural Contexts of Language and Literacy by
Dolch(r) - First Reading Books (1 Each of 8 Titles), Level 1 by Dolch, Marguerite, Dolch, Edward
Dolch(r) - Independent Reading Books - Animals (1 Each of 8 Titles), Level 2 by Dolch, Edward, Dolch, Marguerite
The Language of Schooling: A Functional Linguistics Perspective by Schleppegrell, Schleppegrell, Mary J.
The Columbia Anthology of Modern Korean Poetry by
Transformationen der Rhetorik by Till, Dietmar
Growing and Knowing: A Selection Guide for Children's Literature by Trim, Mary
2003 by
The Language of Schooling: A Functional Linguistics Perspective by Schleppegrell, Mary J.
Perspektivität und Sprache by Köller, Wilhelm
Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe: A Nation-By-Nation Introduction to Public Relations Theory and Practice by
Public Relations and Communication Management in Europe: A Nation-By-Nation Introduction to Public Relations Theory and Practice by
Indiens Fernsehen - Geplatzter Traum von nationalter Identität by Polig, Susanne
Optimierung des Weltliteraturprogramms von Hörbuchverlagen: Schwerpunkt Produktgestaltung by Möbius, Anja
Closed Captioning Handbook by Robson, Gary D.
The Pawnee Nation: An Annotated Research Bibliography by Boughter, Judith A.
Defis Et Decisions: Trouver Des Services de Sante Mentale En Ontario by
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