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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Reference in 2018

Fire TV 2018: Das ultimative Handbuch für Fire TV und Fire TV Stick. Die Geräte, die Technik und wie man sie benutzt. by Sand, Steven
Framing Information Literacy (Pil#73) Volume Two: Information Has Value by Oberlies, Mary K., Mattson, Janna
Good Winter: A Smallish Guide to Making the Most of a Bleak Season by Higgins, Dylan
Federal Benefits for Veterans, Dependents and Survivors, 2017 by Department of Veterans Affairs
E-Resource Management System for Libraries by Tandel, Kailash D.
Glimpses of Cotton Breeding: Problems and Achievements by Singh, Phundan Et Al
Taxonomy of Angiosperms 4th Revised Edn by Pullaiah, T.
Textile Finishing: Basic Concepts and Application by Gopalakrishnan, D. Et Al
VENEZOLANISMOS (Venezuelan Slang): or words you must know to understand Venezuelan people by Rojas Maurera, Dennis J.
Technology Transfer and Commercialisation by
Textbook on Rural Sociology and Educational Psychology by Velusamy, R.
General Veterinary Microbiology - An Introduction by Diwakar, R. K.
The Upanishads by Paramananda, Swami
The Pilot's Manual to UAS Night Flight: Learn how to fly your UAV / sUAS at night - LEGALLY, SAFELY and EFFECTIVELY! by Pidgen, Jennifer, Spotted Eagle, Douglas
Bulgarian Folktales and Legends: Book 3 by Zagorova, Zhana
IB Economics: The Complete & Essential Exam Preparation for SL and HL by Wadesworth Ph. D., Charles E. W., Cespedes Ph. D., Juan R.
Taxonomy of Shellfish by Jayakumar, N.
Library and Information Science Research: Perspectives and Strategies by Sonwane, Shashank
Life Style and Productivity Optimization for Paramedical Hospital Employees by Singh, Divya
Teaching Role of Librarians by Francis, A. T.
Harbrace Essentials (W/ Mla9e Updates) by Glenn, Cheryl, Gray, Loretta
Acoustics of Speech Production by McGowan, Richard S.
Grace Abounding to the Chief of Sinners - Updated Edition: A Brief Account of God's Exceeding Mercy through Christ to His Poor Servant, John Bunyan by Bunyan, John
Little Learner Packets: Phonics: 10 Playful Units That Teach Short- & Long-Vowel Sounds by Findley, Violet
The ugliest book ever written by Capello, Roberto Ròn
Gendered Lives by Fixmer-Oraiz, Natalie, Wood, Julia
El libro más feo jamás escrito by Capello, Roberto Ròn
Die Briefe Und Predigten Des Mystikers Heinrich Seuse Genannt Suso, Nach Ihren Weltlichen Motiven Und Dichterischen Formeln Betrachtet: Ein Beitrag Zu by Gebhard, Adam
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Carnegie, Dale
The Quick and Easy Way to Effective Speaking by Carnegie, Dale
Little Learner Packets: Word Families: 10 Playful Units That Teach Key Spelling Patterns by Findley, Violet
Harbrace Essentials W/ Resources for Writing in the Disciplines (W/ Mla9e Updates) by Gray, Loretta, Glenn, Cheryl
Dialectic: A Scholarly Journal of Thought Leadership, Education and Practice in the Discipline of Visual Communication Design Vol by
I pilastri della comunicazione by Ciminiello, Mirko
The Official CIA World Factbook Volume 1: Full-Size 2018 Edition: Giant 8.5"x11" Format, 600+ Pages, Large Print: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & by Agency, Central Intelligence
The Official CIA World Factbook Volume 2: Full-Size 2018 Edition: Giant 8.5"x11" Format, 600+ Pages, Large Print: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & by Agency, Central Intelligence
The Official CIA World Factbook Volume 3: Full-Size 2018 Edition: Giant 8.5"x11" Format, 600+ Pages, Large Print: The #1 Global Reference, Complete & by Agency, Central Intelligence
America's Greatest Library: An Illustrated History of the Library of Congress by Cole, John Y.
Measuring Research: What Everyone Needs to Know(r) by Sugimoto, Cassidy R., Lariviaere, Vincent
Pen, Publish, Promote the Write Way: Detailed Guide for Aspiring Authors by Williams, Liltera R.
Temple Architecture in India by Das, Bijay Kumar
Linking Literacy and Libraries in Global Communities by Asselin, Marlene, Doiron, Ray
Public Relations and the Public Interest by Johnston, Jane
Children and the Media by Dennis, Everette E.
British Bees: An introduction to the study of the natural history and economy of the bees indigenous to the British Isles by Shuckard, William Edward
"Rico, Oskar und das Herzgebreche". Einsatz im Schulunterricht und Bestimmung der vorhandenen Romantypen by Haase, Franziska
TM 10-1670-295-23&P Maintenance Manual for 10,000 LB External Transport Sling: 25,000 LB External Transport Sling, 5,000 LB External Transport Cargo N by Department of Defense
Zenwords: A Zencabulary Zendex of Zenguistic Zenfinitions by Brooks, Steve Abhaya
Media Education for a Digital Generation by
Vernacular Christian Rhetoric and Civil Discourse: The Religious Creativity of Evangelical Student Writers by Ringer, Jeffrey M.
Revival: A History of Spanish Literature (1930) by Merimee, Ernest
Sense Think ACT: a collection of exercises to describe human abilities by Szczelkun, Stefan
Communicating Women's Health: Social and Cultural Norms That Influence Health Decisions by
Chinesische Online-Nachrichtenseiten zwischen wirtschaftlicher Öffnung und politischer Kontrolle: Ein Einordnungsversuch nach Hallin und Mancini by Kalina, Antje
Eine Darstellung der arabischen Präpositionen by Kantar, Rüstü
From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements by
Che cosa si dice dell'Italia by Batavo, Italo
FEMA Public Assistance Program and Policy Guide - FP-104-009-2/January 2018 by Fema
Sguardi linguistici sulla marca: Analisi morfosintattica dei nomi commerciali in italiano by Janner, Maria Chiara
Communicology for the Human Sciences: Lanigan and the Philosophy of Communication by Smith, Andrew R., Catt, Isaac E., Klyukanov, Igor E.
Communicology for the Human Sciences: Lanigan and the Philosophy of Communication by Smith, Andrew R., Catt, Isaac E., Klyukanov, Igor E.
Approaches to Walter Benjamin's The Arcades Project by
Hydrographical Surveying: A description of the means and methods employed in constructing marine charts. Second Edition by Wharton, William James Lloyd
Christopher Bigsby's "Hester". A Homage to Nathaniel Hawthorne's "The Scarlet Letter"? by Holzmann, Stefanie
Barack Obamas "historische" Rede. Berichterstattung über "A More Perfect Union" in deutschen Tageszeitungen: Eine diskursanalytische Untersuchung by Koschinski, Anna
Rotkäppchen. Ein Vergleich der deutschen Fassung der Gebrüder Grimm und der französischen von Charles Perraults by Exner, Jaqueline
Genre- und Gesellschaftskritik durch Überspitzung, Satire und Parodie. Werkzeuge der Dekonstruktion in der Popkultur und Musikbranche: Analyse der Mus by Laschyk, Thomas
Percy Shelley's unquenched challengeability. An introduction to his poetry by Mansoor, Husni
Miss Billy by Porter, Eleanor H.
Desert Air by Hichens, Robert
Fin Tireur by Hichens, Robert
Halima and The Scorpions by Hichens, Robert
Bye-Ways by Hichens, Robert
The Desert Drum by Hichens, Robert
The Folly Of Eustace by Hichens, Robert
The Green Carnation by Hichens, Robert
The Near East by Hichens, Robert
The Collaborators by Hichens, Robert
The Figure In The Mirage by Hichens, Robert
The Princess And The Jewel Doctor by Hichens, Robert
The Return Of The Soul by Hichens, Robert
The Spinster by Hichens, Robert
Arming for the Apocalypse: Assembling Your Survival Arsenal ... While You Still Can by Ballou, James
Das schlechteste buch jemals geschrieben by Capello, Roberto Ròn
o livro mais feio já escrito by Capello, Roberto Ròn
Nathaniel Hawthorne's Representation of the Puritan Society by Ilk, Bahar
English As She Is Taught: A Collection of Victorian Student Bloopers, Blunders and Howlers by Le Row, Caroline
Gracias a Winn-Dixie (Because of Winn-Dixie): An Instructional Guide for Literature by Pearce, Tracy
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations by Cox, George William
Seal and Salmon Fisheries and General Resources of Alaska by Starr Jordon, David
Teaching Ethnic Minority Cultures in the EFL Classroom. A Proposition of a New Focus on Contemporary Coming-of-Age Novels by Haller, Claudia
Mehrsprachigkeit und Spracherwerb. Transfer im deutsch-russischen Sprachgebrauch und die Problematik des Artikelgebrauchs bei russischsprachigen Deuts by Smirnova, Dariya
Qualitative Methods in Tourism Research: Theory and Practice by
The Railroad Question: A Historical and Practical Treatise on Railroads and Remedies for their Abuses by Larrabee, William
Cultural Competence of Teachers by Berg, Christine
Gender Issues and the Library: Case Studies of Innovative Programs and Resources by
Tropes and Figures in Anglo-Saxon Prose by Tupper, James Waddell
Language Teacher Psychology by
Language Teacher Psychology by
Dialogues with Ethnography: Notes on Classics, and How I Read Them by Blommaert, Jan
Qualitative Methods in Tourism Research: Theory and Practice by
Our Merchant Marine: How it rose, increased, became great, declined and decayed, with an inquiry into the conditions essential to its resus by Wells, David Ames
Changing the Scope of Library Instruction in the Digital Age by
Grundlagen des Marketings. Anforderungen an den Marketing-Mix für Dienstleistungen by Mück, Heike
Roadmap for Reading Instruction: How to Help Students Make Great Gains in Reading by Bowman, David
Help Me! Guide to iOS 11: Step-by-Step User Guide for Apple's Eleventh Generation OS on the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch by Hughes, Charles
Authorpreneur: Build the Brand, Business, and Lifestyle You Deserve. It's Time to Write Your Book. by Tevelow, Jesse Warren
Survey of non-Western Literature by Dickinson, Joshua
Title 3 of the United States Code: The President by U. S. House of Representatives
Bringing up the Monster. The Absence of the Mother in "Frankenstein" by Mary Shelley by Canetti, A. V. a.
Reflexive Verben im Deutschen und deren Entsprechung im Arabischen by Baalla, Hamid
"Under der linden" von Walther von der Vogelweide. Ein Gattungsvergleich mit der Pastourelle by Bentlage, Pamela
Communicating Revenge in Interpersonal Relationships by Yoshimura, Stephen M., Boon, Susan D.
Communist Rhetoric and Feminist Voices in Cold War America by Keohane, Jennifer
самая уродливая книга, к&#1086 by Capello, Roberto Ròn
Dialogues with Ethnography: Notes on Classics, and How I Read Them by Blommaert, Jan
A Manual of the Mollusca: A treatise on recent and fossil shells by Tate, Ralph, Woodward, Samuel P.
The Rose: A treatise on the cultivation, history, family characteristics, etc., of the various groups of roses, with accurate de by Ellwanger, Henry Brooks
Saratoga and How to See It by Dearborn, R. F.
Women's Professional Lives in Rhetoric and Composition: Choice, Chance, and Serendipity by Flynn, Elizabeth a.
Women's Professional Lives in Rhetoric and Composition: Choice, Chance, and Serendipity by Flynn, Elizabeth a., Bourelle, Tiffany
The Science of Road Making by North, Edward Payne, Herschel, Clemens
Altro e altrove by Porcino Ferrara, Cristian a.
Cyclist's Road Book of Boston and Vicinity: Second Edition by Atkins, Arthur L.
A Manual for Road Supervisors in Ohio by Giauque, Florien
Title 17 of the United States Code: Copyrights by U. S. House of Representatives
Der Profisportler. Vom Held zur Marke by Gebauer, Phillip
Representations of the World in Language Textbooks by Risager, Karen
Representations of the World in Language Textbooks by Risager, Karen
Krisenkommunikation in Tourismusorganisationen: Grundlagen, Praxis, Perspektiven by
Die Vater-Sohn-Beziehung in Franz Kafkas "Brief an den Vater" und Sigmund Freuds Forschung zum Ödipuskomplex by Tasdemir, Büsra
Hate by Personogen
48 Laws Of Book Writing by Bernadate, Don
Racialized Identities in Second Language Learning: Speaking Blackness in Brazil by Anya, Uju
Pathways: Reading, Writing, and Critical Thinking 2 by Blass, Laurie, Vargo, Mari
Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 1 by Johannsen, Kristin, MacIntyre, Paul, Chase, Rebecca
Eine erzähltheoretische Analyse des Indianerromans "Der Legitime und die Republikaner" von Charles Sealsfield by Holl, Jannis
Points of Departure: Rethinking Student Source Use and Writing Studies Research Methods by
Eine Analyse des Werkes "Flüchtlingsgespräche" von Bertolt Brecht mit der Bezugnahme auf die aktuelle Flüchtlingssituation in Deutschland und der Welt by Fetter, Kira
Macchiavellis Buch vom Fürsten by Machiavelli, Niccol
Ekwall/Shanker Reading Inventory by Cockrum, Ward, Shanker, James
Book Of Supermodels 2018 by Thompson, Tarvar
Intercultural Communication: Adapting to Emerging Global Realities by Jia, Wenshan
Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking 2 by Johannsen, Kristin, MacIntyre, Paul, Chase, Rebecca
Guide Pratique de la Sante Du Carlin, Adapte a Tous Les Chiens: A Connaitre Absolument Par Tous Les Proprietaires by Dubuy, Carine
Biete Privatsphäre gegen Sozialkapital. Eine kritische Untersuchung der Funktionsweisen von Social Media by Yildirim, Firat
Varietäten des Deutschen in frühneuhochdeutscher Zeit. Standardvarietäten, Dialekte, Stadtsprachen, Fachsprachen, Sondersprachen by Bastian, Ronja
Write the Book, Sis!: An Interactive Guide to Writing A Powerful Book Your Audience Will Want to Read by Akinyemi, Nia Sade
Jainism and Jain Architecture by B. K. Das, Ravish Kumar
The Languages of Literature: Some Linguistic Contributions to Criticism by Fowler, Roger
Self-Publishing Questions Asked & Answered: The Official Book Publishing FAQ for Independent Writers Seeking Professional Book Publication by Sampson, Brent
Listening: Processes, Functions, and Competency by Worthington, Debra L., Fitch-Hauser, Margaret E.
Day Trading 101: From Understanding Risk Management and Creating Trade Plans to Recognizing Market Patterns and Using Automated Softwar by Borman, David
The Taming of the Text: Explorations in Language, Literature and Culture by
Heritage at the Interface: Interpretation and Identity by
Motifs for panels and other decoration by Ward, John
Working with Words in Business and Legal Writing by Agress, Lynne
Reflection on customers' knowledge and perceptions about marketing by Handorf, Undine
Die surrealistische Frau in ihrer mannigfaltigen Erscheinung. André Bretons Nadja als Wegbereiterin der geistigen Revolution? by Flammersberger, Theresa
Kompetenzprofil für RevisorInnen. Entwurf eines Berufskompetenzmodells im Bereich Translation by Krajčovičová, Lenka
Motiv und Intention von Drachenkämpfen in der mittelhochdeutschen Literatur: Ein Vergleich der Drachenkampfsymbolik in den Werken Wirnts von Grafenber by Kuhlmann, Anna
LGBTQAI+ Books for Children and Teens: Providing a Window for All by Dorr, Christina, Deskins, Liz
Museum Educator's Handbook by Talboys, Graeme K.
Rethink the Ink: Your Guide to Surviving Laser Tattoo Removal by Beyer, Victor
FIREFIGHTER'S Little Black Book: Your Pocket Guide To Safety by Tarnowski, Stan
Phraseologie. Die Lehre von Phraseologismen by Flammersberger, Theresa
Die Ästhetik des Schreckens in Ernst Jüngers "In Stahlgewittern" by Leonhard, Fabian
Der Kampf gegen den Drachen Pfetan in "Wigalois" von Wirnt von Grafenberg. Zu seiner literarischen Funktion by Kuhlmann, Anna
Das Sakrale im Alltag. Die Darstellung heiliger Alltagsgegenstände in "Los males menores" von Luis Mateo Díez by Senfmann, Siegfried
Political Correctness. Language Change from Above by Tokarev, Valera
Become Color Conscious: And Transform Your Experiences by Potgieter, Lien
A Guide to the Choice of Books for Students and General Readers by Acland, Arthur Herbert Dyke
The 'Black Horror on the Rhine': Intersections of Race, Nation, Gender and Class in 1920s Germany by Wigger, Iris
The Cats Be Unemployed: A Millennial's Topsy-Turvy Chase for Gainful Employment; Or, a Generation's Catalog of Conundrums by Butler, Kristin D.
The Cats Be Unemployed: A Millennial's Topsy-Turvy Chase for Gainful Employment; Or, a Generation's Catalog of Conundrums by Butler, Kristin D.
Chronically Parenting: From one parent battling and auto-immune/neurological conditin to another by Marie, Lisa
Desarrollo de la competencia sociolingueística por aprendices de español en un contexto de inmersión en el extranjero by Salgado-Robles, Francisco
Robinson in Australien: Ein Lehr- und Lesebuch für gute Kinder by Schoppe, Amalie
Plattdeutsche Briefe, Erzählungen und Gedichte: Mit besonderer Rücksicht auf Sprichwörter und eigentümliche Redensarten des Landvolks in Westphalen by Lyra, F. Friedrich Wilhelm
Towards Post-Native-Speakerism: Dynamics and Shifts by
Comparative grammer of the modern Aryan languages of India: Volume 1 by Beames, John
Professor Bloomer's No-Nonsense Reading Program: A Phonetic Approach to Reading, Writing, and Spelling by Bloomer, Richard H.
Schreibberatung in Bezug auf internationale und nationale Studierende. Zur Förderung der Schreibkompetenzen an Hochschulen by Sonnenberg, Anna
Fun Facts and Useful Information: Cool stories and stuff you didn't know by Pease, Steve G.
Das Zürcher Textanalyseraster als Instrument zur Bewertung von Schülertexten by Till, Valerie
Origins and Legacies of Marcel Duhamel's Série Noire by Rolls, Alistair Charles, Sitbon, Clara Dominque, Vuaille-Barcan, Marie-Laure Jacqueline
Die Entwicklung der deutschen Sprache in der Siedlung Pozuzo, Peru: Wie hat sich die deutsche Sprache im Zeitraum von 150 Jahren entwickelt und hat si by Senfmann, Siegfried
Adverbialbestimmungen. Langentwurf und ausführliche Reflexion einer Unterrichtsstunde (Gymnasium Deutsch 6. Klasse) by Herten, Anke
L'amharique pour les (pas trop) idiots by Achour-Fischer, Dominique
Rutilius Namatianus' Going Home: de Reditu Suo by Malamud, Martha
Learner Identity and Learner Beliefs in EFL Writing by Majchrzak, Olga
Centennial Proceedings and Historical Incidents of the Early Settlers of Northfield by Gregory, John
Pathways: Listening, Speaking, and Critical Thinking Foundations by Johannsen, Kristin, MacIntyre, Paul, Chase, Rebecca
Everyday Project Management by Mulraney, Peter
Master Class: Teaching Advice for Journalism and Mass Communication Instructors by The Aejmc Elected Standing Committee on
The Librarian's Guide to Homelessness: An Empathy-Driven Approach to Solving Problems, Preventing Conflict, and Serving Everyone by Dowd, Ryan J.
Golf Tournaments 101 (Second Edition): The Guide Book for Charity Fundraiser Golf Outings by Lewis, Mel
How to Fail in Literature by Lang, Andrew
The Red Romance Book by Lang, Andrew
Elaboración Artesanal de Espumosos y Gasificados by González, Marcos
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