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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

The Human Equation: Cosmogenesis + Biogenesis + Anthropogenesis = Christogenesis by Skrenes, Roger
Medical notes Blank creative Journal mega 426 pages: Medical notes Blank creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
Medical notes Blank creative Journal mega 426 pages: Medical notes Blank creative Journal by Huhn, Michael
Medical Notes blank creative Journal: Medical Notes blank creative Journal 324 pages by Huhn, Michael
Abhandlungen über Thermometrie,: von Fahrenheit, Réaumur, Celsius, (1724, 1730-1733, 1742) by Fahrenheit, Daniel Gabriel, Celsius, Anders
Tier- und Pflanzenbilder auf Münzen und Gemmen des klassischen Alterums by Imhoof-Blumer, Friedrich
Between Two Breaths, the seasons of creation: The Birth and Death of Everything Through the Eyes of Science, Faith, and Religion by
Sent Before Their Time: Genius, Charisma, and Being Born Prematurely by Dutton, Edward
Community and Identity in Contemporary Technosciences by
Stories from the Deep Earth: How Scientists Figured Out What Drives Tectonic Plates and Mountain Building by Davies, Geoffrey F.
Antenna Architectures for Future Wireless Devices by G. S., Karthikeya, Koul, Shiban Kishen
Codes of Ethics and Ethical Guidelines: Emerging Technologies, Changing Fields by
System-Materials Nanoarchitectonics by
Prebiotic Chemistry and the Origin of Life by
An Answer for Everything: 200 Infographics to Explain the World by Delayed Gratification
Motion, Symmetry & Spectroscopy of Chiral Nanostructures by Sachs, Johannes
Integrating Indigenous and Western Education in Science Curricula: Relationships at Play by Kim, Eun-Ji Amy
Geoarchaeology and Archaeological Mineralogy: Proceedings of 7th Geoarchaeological Conference, Miass, Russia, 19-23 October 2020 by
Plant Cryopreservation by
Spatial Analysis for Landscape Changes by
Green Murder: (Worldwide Edition) by Plimer, Ian R.
Cyberphysical Smart Cities Infrastructures: Optimal Operation and Intelligent Decision Making by
Handbook on Synthesis Strategies for Advanced Materials: Volume-II: Processing and Functionalization of Materials by
Entrepreneurship, Technology Commercialisation, and Innovation Policy in Africa by
Complex Networks & Their Applications IX: Volume 2, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Complex Networks and Their Applications Compl by
Progress on Difference Equations and Discrete Dynamical Systems: 25th Icdea, London, Uk, June 24-28, 2019 by
Macro, Micro, and Nano-Biosensors: Potential Applications and Possible Limitations by
Cell-Free Gene Expression: Methods and Protocols by
Das Mikroskop: Ein Mittel der Belehrung und Unterhaltung für Jedermann sowie des Gewinns für diese by Vogel, Julius
Oral Microbial Communities and Oral Health by Nomura, Yoshiaki
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 1 by
Statistics for Health Data Science: An Organic Approach by Gulati, Roman, Etzioni, Ruth, Mandel, Micha
Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R by Oana, Ioana-Elena, Schneider, Carsten Q., Thomann, Eva
Practical Guide on Transboundary Waste Movements by Wuttke, Joachim
Qualitative Comparative Analysis Using R: A Beginner's Guide by Oana, Ioana-Elena, Schneider, Carsten Q., Thomann, Eva
Essentials of Geophysical Data Processing by Wilson, Clark R.
Transitioning to a Prosperous, Resilient and Carbon-Free Economy by
Secrets of the Moon: Understanding and Analysing the Lunar Surface by Fielder, Gilbert
The Application of Graphene in Drug Delivery by Dangwal, Shraddha
Remote Sensing Digital Image Analysis by Richards, John A.
Energy Transition and Climate Change in Decision-making Processes by
The Latest Clinical Advances in Thrombocytopenia by
Symmetries in Quantum Mechanics by
Various Aspects of Silicon Polymer Chemistry: A Themed Issue in Honor of Professor Julian Chojnowski on the Occasion of His 85th Birthday: A Themed Is by
Geographisches Statistisch-Topographisches Lexikon von Schwaben: oder vollständige alphabetische Beschreibung aller im ganzen Schwäbischen Kreis liege by Röder, Philipp Ludwig
Les expérimentations sur les courants alternatifs à haut potentiel et à haute fréquence de Nikola Tesla by Tesla, Nikola
Observation and Control of Magnetic Order Dynamics by Terahertz Magnetic Nearfield by Kurihara, Takayuki
The Works of Aristotle the Famous Philosopher: Aristotle's Masterpiece by Anonymous
Ictus: o prisioneiro sem nome by Marçal, Marcelo
Remote Sensing in Applications of Geoinformation by
Advances in Mechanical Systems Dynamics 2020 by
Elektromobilität als Zukunft? Rechtliche Aspekte für den Betrieb von öffentlicher Ladeinfrastruktur by Karpp, Marianne
The Residual Analysis by Landen, John
Media Hot and Cold by Starosielski, Nicole
The Reptiles Coloring Book: A Coloring Book by Coloring Concepts Inc
Auf Schneeschuhen durch Grönland: Erster Band by Nansen, Fridtjof
Islet Biology and Metabolism by
Intervertebral Disc Regeneration by
Solid Dispersions for Drug Delivery: Applications and Preparation Methods by
Media Hot and Cold by Starosielski, Nicole
Optical and Electrical Properties of Nanoscale Materials by Hofmann, Tino, Diebold, Alain
Netz der allgemeinen Versorgung, geschlossenes Verteilernetz und Kundenanlage. Rechtliche Relevanz der Abgrenzung und Folgen by Karpp, Marianne
Handbuch der Ozeanographie by Boguslawski, G. V.
General and Statistical Thermodynamics by Tahir-Kheli, Raza
Dự Đoán Nhân Dạng Trong Tarot by Ngo, Philippe, Lam, Phung
Application of SERS for Nanomaterials by
Modelling and Machine Learning Methods for Bioinformatics and Data Science Applications by
Virus vs Mankind: The Coronavirus Pandemic 2019 by Kudsy, Dale Mark
Optimal Control by Dolgy, Dmitriy V., Kim, Taekyun, Ashchepkov, Leonid T.
Databases for Pharmacoepidemiological Research by
Physics Education by
A Changing Perspective for Treatment of Chronic Kidney Disease by
Mechanical Behavior and Damage Fracture Mechanism of Deep Rocks by Yang, Sheng-Qi
Quercus Genetics: Insights into the Past, Present, and Future of Oaks by
Communities and the Clean Energy Revolution: Public Health, Economics, Design, and Transformation by La Rosa, Melanie J.
Land and Freshwater Snails of Tahiti and the other Society Islands by Gerlach, Justin
New Trends in Nanoparticle Magnetism by
Die Erklärung des Gedankenlesens: Nebst Beschreibung eines neuen Verfahrens zum Nachweis unwillkürlicher Bewegungen by Preyer, Wilhelm Thierry
Narrative, of a five years' expedition: Against the revolted Negroes of Surinam, in Guiana, on the wild coast of South America, from the year 1772 to by Stedman, John Gabriel
Die Natur der physikalischen Welt: Die Gifford Vorlesungen 1927 in Deutsch by Eddington, A. S.
Beiträge zur Geschichte der französischen Sprache in England: Zur Lautlehre der französischen Lehnwörter im Mittelenglischen by Behrens, Dietrich
Study of Biodegradation and Bioremediation by
eHealth in Chronic Diseases by
Cell Death, Inflammation and Oxidative Stress in Neurodegenerative Diseases: Mechanisms and Cytoprotective Molecules by
Hypoxia-Inducible Factors: Regulation and Therapeutic Potential by
Natural Medicine in Therapy by
Armée Russe. La Nouvelle Instruction Pour La Conduite Du Combat d'Infanterie, 1910: Traduit Du Russe by Painvin, Le Chef de Bataillon
Recueil de décomptes de traitements d'activité, à l'usage des administrations financières by Gayet, Désiré
Une ancienne mine d'antimoine dans le Limousin aurifère, technologie de l'antimoine by Hyvert, Georges
Enquête agricole. Des conditions du crédit appliqué à l'agriculture by Rivet, Charles
Essai Historique Sur l'Origine Et Le Développement Progressif de l'Exploitation Du Charbon de Terre: Dans Le Bassin Houillier Du Gard by Malinowski, Jacques
Questions et problèmes d'arithmétique pour servir de complément au cours raisonné d'arithmétique by Boyer, Jean
Monographie du genre Freyana, Haller, et description des espèces nouvelles du Musée d'Angers by Mégnin, Jean-Pierre
Promenade dans les bois (4e édition) by Collectif
Explication de la jauge logarithmique by Gattey, François
Conjectures Physico-Mechaniques Sur La Propagation Des Secousses Dans Les Tremblemens de Terre: Et Sur La Disposition Des Lieux Qui En Ont Ressenti Le by Desmarest, Nicolas
Les Émaux Français Et Les Émaux Étrangers, Mémoire En Réponse À M. Le Comte F. de Lasteyrie: Société Archéologique de Limoges, 28 Novembre 1862 by de Verneilh, Félix
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 17 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Les huiles minérales, conférence. Auxerre, 25 mai 1868 by Guinault, F.
Opuscule sur l'astronomie by LeRoux, Antoine
de la Restauration Et Du Gouvernement Des Arbres À Fruits Mutilés: Et Dégradés Par La Succession Annuelle de l'Ébourgeonnement Et de la Taille by Cadet de Vaux, Antoine-Alexis
Alphabet des animaux by Collectif
Le Granite Des Pyrénées Et Ses Phénomènes de Contact. Les Contacts de la Haute-Ariège. Mémoire 1 by LaCroix, Alfred
Alphabet des oiseaux by Collectif
Discours et abbrégé des vertus et propriétéz des eaux de Barbotan en la comté d'Armaignac by Chesneau, Nicolas
Catalogue d'arbres, arbustes et plantes herbacées d'Amérique by Yong
Recherches anatomiques sur les reptiles regardés encore comme douteux par les naturalistes by Cuvier, Georges
Contributions À l'Histoire Naturelle Du Département de la Haute-Saône Et Du Territoire de Belfort: Notes d'Ornithologie, Supplément 3 by Petitclerc, Paul
Lois des grands tremblements de terre et leur prévision. 3e édition by Delauney, Julien
Le Muséum d'histoire naturelle by Museum d'Histoire Nat
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 18 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Contribution à la faune ornithologique de l'Europe occidentale, recueil. Fascicule 20 by Olphe-Galliard, Léon
Texte explicatif de la carte géologique provisoire au 1/800000e des provinces d'Alger et d'Oran by Pomel, Auguste
La Diffusion Du Crédit Populaire Rural Dans Les Alpes-Maritimes Et Les Bouches-Du-Rhône: Quelques Exemples d'Organisation de Sociétés Coopératives de by Collectif
Essai sur la température des saisons en différentes années, ainsi que sur le cours des vents by Collectif
Causeries sur le transformisme. Sélection artificielle et transformisme expérimental by Gadeau de Kerville, Henri
L'art didactique scientifique. 11e édition by Collin, Albert
Notice géologique sur le département du Rhône by Masson, Louis, Benoît, Félix
Fossae Marianae Ou Recherches Sur Les Travaux de Marius Aux Embouchures Du Rhône by Saurel, Alfred
Revisiting the Bohr Model: Over 50 New Conceptual Theories by Baker, Thomas E.
Introduction to Inverse Problems in Imaging by Bertero, M., de Mol, Christine, Boccacci, P.
New View: Hypercomplex Cosmology: Hypercomplex Cosmology Based on the Unification of General Relativity and Quantum Theory by Blaha, Stephen
Der Albumindruck by Hertzka, Adolf
Conjectures Physico-Mechaniques Sur La Propagation Des Secousses Dans Les Tremblemens de Terre: Et Sur La Disposition Des Lieux Qui En Ont Ressenti Le by Desmarest, Nicolas
La mer et les poissons by Rimbaud, Jean-Baptiste-Antoine
Nanotechnology for Electronic Applications by
Genetics Education: Current Challenges and Possible Solutions by
Photo-Lithography by Fritz, Georg, Wall, E. J.
Histoire Des Progrès de l'Agriculture En Algérie. Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1878 by Exposition Internationale, Marès, Paul
Notice minéralogique, départements d'Alger et d'Oran by Exposition Internationale
Anomaly Detection and Complex Event Processing Over Iot Data Streams: With Application to Ehealth and Patient Data Monitoring by Schneider, Patrick, Xhafa, Fatos
Particle Therapy Technology for Safe Treatment by Flanz, Jay
Recent Advances in Cancer Diagnostics and Therapy: A Nano-Based Approach by Srivastava, Saumya, Pandey, Anjana
Synchronization of Multi-Agent Systems in the Presence of Disturbances and Delays by Saberi, Ali, Stoorvogel, Anton A., Zhang, Meirong
Science Education in Countries Along the Belt & Road: Future Insights and New Requirements by
Seismic Behaviour and Design of Irregular and Complex Civil Structures IV by
Der malaiische Archipel: Die Heimat des Orang-Utan und des Paradiesvogels - 2. Band by Wallace, Alfred Russel, Meyer, Adolf Bernhard
Traffic Level Noise Project. Assessment of Noise Pollution in Ghorahi, Dang, Nepal by Von Meding, Frieda
Über eine besondere Kategorie von Krystallbehältern by Rothert, W.
Iron Formations as Palaeoenvironmental Archives by Mänd, Kaarel, Robbins, Leslie J., Planavsky, Noah J.
Burley Innovations: A Half Century of Burley Technology by Duncan, George A.
Mathematical Physics for Nuclear Experiments by Ekpenyong, Andrew E.
Mathematical Physics for Nuclear Experiments by Ekpenyong, Andrew E.
Fluctuation Theorems Under Divergent Entropy Production and Their Applications for Fundamental Problems in Statistical Physics by Murashita, Yûto
Accessible Technology and the Developing World by
Modern Mössbauer Spectroscopy: New Challenges Based on Cutting-Edge Techniques by
Effect of Phenolic Compounds on Human Health by
Microalgae Cultures: Environmental Tool and Bioenergy Source by
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Preeclampsia by
Plant Proteomic Research 4.0 by
Economic, Environmental, and Social Assessments of Raw Materials for a Green and Resilient Economy by
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 2 by
Security and Resilience of Control Systems: Theory and Applications by
Insektenwunderwelt - Einstieg in Die Entomologie by Schmitt, Michael
Eco-Friendly Adhesives for Wood and Natural Fiber Composites: Characterization, Fabrication and Applications by
Brehms Tierleben - Säugetiere: 1. Band by Brehm, Alfred E.
Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics by
Nanocarriers: Drug Delivery System: An Evidence Based Approach by
Handbook of Wind Energy Aerodynamics by
Diabetes Without Needles: Non-Invasive Diagnostics and Health Management by Rydosz, Artur
Non-Conventional Energy in North America: Current and Future Perspectives for Electricity Generation by Morales Pedraza, Jorge
Storing Energy: With Special Reference to Renewable Energy Sources by
Corona Sapiens: Pillole di scienza sui virus, covid-19, pandemie e corona virus by Fellini, Franco
Cities' Vocabularies: The Influences and Formations by
The porcelain picture: or, Full instructions how to make photographs on porcelain or opal glass by Towler, John
Advances in Sustainable River Management: Reconciling Conflicting Interests under Climate Extremes by
Socio-Economic Impacts of Carbon Sequestration on Livelihoods and Future Climate by
The Unfortunate Carp! and Other Watery Tales by Ewald, Carl
My Thoughts Exactly by Zaagman, Bryton J.
My Thoughts Exactly by Zaagman, Bryton J.
Sithok: Science in the Hands of Kids by McConnell, John
Sithok: Science in the Hands of Kids by McConnell, John
The Girl in the Golden Atom by Cummings, Ray
Artistic Anatomy of Animals by Cuyer, Édouard
Flavour Volatiles of Wine by
Advances in Selective Flotation and Leaching Process in Metallurgy by
Geoethics in Peru: A Pathway for Latin America by
Science Notebooks in Student-Centered Classrooms by Gaither, Jessica
Fundamentals of Wind Farm Aerodynamic Layout Design by Torabi, Farschad
Motion Planning by
Geothermal Energy by
My Cousin Has Sickle Cell Disease by Byarugaba, Caleb
Information Organization of the Universe and Living Things: Generation of Space, Quantum and Molecular Elements, Coactive Generation of Living Organis by Cardon, Alain
Mineral Resource Economy 2: Issues and Action Levers by
Resilient Control Architectures and Power Systems by
Photothermal Nanomaterials by
Millennial Biology: The National Science Foundation and American Biology, 1975-2005 by McGraw, Donald J.
Complexity and Simplicity in Science Education by
Novel and Emerging Strategies for Sustainable Mine Tailings and Acid Mine Drainage Management by
Training Methods to Improve Sports Performance and Health by
Order from Randomness: A Scientific Refutation of Intelligent Design by Logue, Daniel
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Lee, John H. S., Ramamurthi, K.
Bulk and Surface Acoustic Waves: Fundamentals, Devices, and Applications by Zhang, Guigen
The interpretation of mathematical formulae by Houston, Edwin J.
Fundamentals of Thermodynamics by Ramamurthi, K., Lee, John H. S.
Special Issue in Honor of Professor James D. McChesney on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday by
Infection in Honey Bees: Host-Pathogen Interaction and Spillover by
Graphisch-mechanische Methode zur Auflösung der numerischen Gleichungen by Reuschle, C.
Nanostructured Carbon Electron Emitters and Their Applications by
The Origin and Nature of Mind: A Complex Understanding from Direct Observations by Wilson, M. Ed Psychologist Leon, Jr.
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