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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Science in 2022

Carbon Dating, Cold Fusion, and a Curve Ball by Moon, David D.
Complex Systems, Smart Territories and Mobility by
NASH and Systemic Complications: From Basic to Clinical Research by
Anleitung zur Photographie für Anfänger: Dritte Auflage by Pizzighelli, Joseph
Elemente der Theorie der Determinanten mit vielen Übungsaufgaben: Dritte Auflage by Mansion, Paul
Cambridge Igcse and O Level Biology Exam Success Set by Fosbery, Richard
Ergodic Dynamics: From Basic Theory to Applications by Hawkins, Jane
Obtaining and Characterization of New Materials by
The Role of Complement in Cancer Immunotherapy by
Hydrology-Shaped Plant Communities: Diversity and Ecological Function by
Novel Strategies for the Development of Healthier Meat and Meat Products and Determination of Their Quality Characteristics by
Marine Mammals in a Changing World by
Differential Equation Models in Applied Mathematics: Theoretical and Numerical Challenges by
Microstructure and Corrosion Behavior of Advanced Alloys by
High-Yielding Dairy Cows by
Current Advances and Challenges in Ocean Science-Feature Papers for the Founding of Oceans by
Toxin and Immunotoxin Based Therapeutic Approaches by
Diagnosis, Epidemiology and Transmission Dynamics of Cryptosporidium spp. and Giardia duodenalis by
Application of Novel Thermal Technology in Foods Processing by
It Didn't Have To Be This Way: 21 Months of Covid-19 by Perdue, Annelyse
The Earth's Free Oscillations: Formulation and Solution of the Fundamental Wave Equation of Nature by Petrov, Oleg V.
How Science Runs: Impressions from a Scientific Career by Mittemeijer, Eric J.
Embryology Log Book by Munsterman, Lindsay
Natural Sciences in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage by
Remote Sensing of Regional Soil Moisture by
Phytochemicals: Dietary Sources, Innovative Extraction and Health Benefits by
Characterization and Applications of Metal Ferrite Nanocomposites by
MicroRNA in Solid Tumor and Hematological Diseases by
A Holistic and Integrated Approach to Lifestyle Diseases by
Ueber Ähnlichkeit in der Portraitphotographie: Studienblätter by Arnold, Hans
Advanced Latex in Academia: Applications in Research and Education by Öchsner, Marco, Öchsner, Andreas
Advanced, Evolving Wisdom Beyond Sapiens´ Mental Constraints, Escapism and Self-Destruction by Katz, Benjamin
Advanced, Evolving Wisdom Beyond Sapiens´ Mental Constraints, Escapism and Self-Destruction by Katz, Benjamin
Quantitative Bioimaging: An Introduction to Biology, Instrumentation, Experiments, and Data Analysis for Scientists and Engineers by Ober, Raimund J., Ward, E. Sally, Chao, Jerry
Composites from Recycled and Modified Woods by
Emerging Hydro-Climatic Patterns, Teleconnections and Extreme Events in Changing World at Different Timescales by
Theory of Vibrating Lifting Tools of Sugar Beet Harvesters by Pascuzzi, Simone, Holovach, Ivan, Bulgakov, Volodymyr
Die Bromsilber-Gelatine: Ihre Bereitung und Anwendung zu photographischen Aufnahmen, zu Abdrücken und zu Vergrösserungen. Sechste Auflage by Liesegang, Paul E.
Chemistry and Energy: From Conventional to Renewable by Benvenuto, Mark Anthony
Lantern slides: How to make them by Dresser, A. R.
The World Formula: A Late Recognition of David Hilbert's Stroke of Genius by Schwarzer, Norbert
The Calculus for Engineers: Third Edition by Perry, John
Handbook of the American Short Story by
Chemical Energy Storage by
Chemical Reaction Technology by Murzin, Dmitry Yu
A Grammar of Paluai: The Language of Baluan Island, Papua New Guinea by Schokkin, Dineke
Canines: The Original Biosensors by
RNA Delivery Function for Anticancer Therapeutics by Madkour, Loutfy H.
The Triumvirate Approach to Systems Engineering, Technology Management and Engineering Management by Day, Thomas J.
The Triumvirate Approach to Systems Engineering, Technology Management and Engineering Management by Day, Thomas J.
Energy Materials: A Short Introduction to Functional Materials for Energy Conversion and Storage by Bandarenka, Aliaksandr S.
Gas Insulated Substations by
Climate Change and Pragmatic Engineering Mitigation by
Die Therapie nach den Grundsätzen der Homöopathie by Baehr, Bernhard
Regionalität als Greenwashing in der Gastronomie: Eine kritische Analyse der Nachhaltigkeit by Peduzzi, Aline
Pure and Functionalized Carbon Based Nanomaterials: Analytical, Biomedical, Civil and Environmental Engineering Applications by
Elastic Optical Networks: Fundamentals, Design, Control, and Management by Chatterjee, Bijoy, Oki, Eiji
School Science Practical Work in Africa: Experiences and Challenges by
The Making of Modern Physics in Colonial India by Banerjee, Somaditya
Teaching and Learning Rural Livelihoods: A Guide for Educators, Students, and Practitioners by Tambe, Sandeep
Education in the 21st Century: Stem, Creativity and Critical Thinking by
Fuel Cell Electric Vehicles: Technology and Designs by Steinberger-Wilckens, Robert, Von Unwerth, Thomas, Jostins, John
Tomorrow's Healthcare by Nano-sized Approaches: A Bold Future for Medicine by Luciano, Benedini, Placente, Damian, Messina, Paula Veronica
Earth Systems Protection and Sustainability: Volume 1 by
Für Alles Eine App: Ideen Für Physik Mit Dem Smartphone by
A Just Transition to a Low Carbon Future in South Africa by
What Does Rain Smell Like?: 100 Fascinating Questions on the Wild Ways of the Weather by King, Simon, Nasir, Clare
淏元周易预测学 The Prediction Study of Haoyuan Zhouyi by Ma, Luwei
Alien Encounters: True-Life Stories of UFOs and Other Extra-Terrestrial Phenomena. with New Pentagon Files by Matthews, Rupert
Low Carbon Energy Supply Technologies and Systems by
Multifunctional Nanostructured Metal Oxides for Energy Harvesting and Storage Devices by
The Arctic: A Very Short Introduction by Dodds, Klaus, Woodward, Jamie
Cells Student Text 2nd edition by McHenry, Ellen Johnston
Ethics of Biodiversity Conservation: An Ecological Study by Mallick, Jayanta K.
2D Nanomaterials for Energy and Environmental Sustainability by
Demographics of Exoplanetary Systems: Lecture Notes of the 3rd Advanced School on Exoplanetary Science by
Applications of Research in Technology Education: Helping Teachers Develop Research-Informed Practice by
Scientific Knowledge as a Culture: The Pleasure of Understanding by Galili, Igal
Step-By-Step Design of Large-Scale Photovoltaic Power Plants by Nikkhajoei, Hassan, Naghaviha, Davood, Karimi, Houshang
Méthode FDTD en électromagnétisme pour les milieux non dispersifs by Randiramaroson, Rivo Mahandrisoa
Nanomaterials-Based Sensing Platforms: Towards the Efficient Detection of Biomolecules and Gases by
Schutz und Vorsorge der Bevölkerung in Deutschland vor unzulässigen elektrischen und magnetischen Niederfrequenzfeldern durch Leitungen und Anlagen de by Schühle, Eberhard
Slope Stochastic Dynamics by Zhao, Liuyuan, Huang, Yu, Xiong, Min
Conservation Practices in Museums: For Researchers and Museum Professionals by Kamba, Nobuyuki
Herrn Baron Karl Degeer: Abhandlungen zur Geschichte der Insekten by De Geer, Charles
Kautschuk und Guttapercha: Eine Darstellung der Eigenschaften und der Verarbeitung des Kautschuks und der Guttapercha auf fabriksmässigem Wege by Hoffer, Raimund
Travels Without Charlie-the Natives Ate Him: Exploits & Misadventures of an Exploration Geologist by Cuffney, Bob G.
Lipids in Plants and Algae: From Fundamental Science to Industrial Applications: Volume 101 by
Cambridge Igcse and O Level Physics Exam Success Set by Harris, Anna
Computational Physics by Walker, Darren
Principles of Metal Refining and Recycling by Engh, Thorvald Abel, Sigworth, Geoffrey K., Kvithyld, Anne
Machine Learning and Systems Biology in Genomics and Health by
Analysis and Synthesis of Nonlinear Control Systems: A Convex Optimisation Approach by Sala, Antonio, Lendek, Zsófia, Bernal, Miguel
Metodología Científica BhiPRO - Cómo Medir La Felicidad Organizacional by Ospina Campuzano, Diana, Rodríguez Lemus, Oscar
Joseph and Annie living daily with Bigfoot by Joseph, Annie
Joseph and Annie living daily with Bigfoot by Joseph, Annie
Die angeborenen Kolobome des Augapfels: Eine antatomische und klinische Studie by Bock, Emil
Geological-Structural Mapping and Favorable Sectors for Oil and Gas in Cuba: Non-Seismic Exploration Methods by Jiménez de la Fuente, Lourdes, Pardo Echarte, Manuel Enrique, Rodríguez Morán, Osvaldo
Erfahrungen auf dem Gebiete der Augenheilkunde: Bericht über 1641 Augenkranke und 70 Starextractionen by Bock, Emil
New Perspectives in Technology Transfer: Theories, Concepts, and Practices in an Age of Complexity by
New Environmentally-Friendly and Sustainable Materials by
Faunistical and Ecological Studies on Carabid Beetles by
Anleitung zur Positiv- und Negativ-Retouche by Zamboni, Carl
Darstellung der Näherungswerte von Kettenbrüchen in independenter Form by Günther, Siegmund
Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It by Abramson, John
Caring for Patients at the End of Life: Palliative Care and Hospice by Nadeemullah, Mohammad
Mysterious Things: you will be amazed to read.. by Daniel, Jeff
Interaktionsqualität und deren Bedeutung im ASS-Therapiesetting: Markerentwicklung zur qualitativen Beobachtung und Einschätzung von Interaktionsquali by Perske, Ronja, Tappe, Dorothee
Roll-turning for sections in steel and iron: Working drawings for rails, sleepers, girders, bulbs, ties, angles by Spencer, Adam
Beyond the Devil's Teeth: Journeys in Gondwanaland by Shah, Tahir
Micromachined Circuits and Devices: Microwave to Sub-Millimeter Applications by Koul, Shiban Kishen, Dey, Sukomal
Pathologische Anatomie des Auges by Bock, Emil, Wedl, Carl
The Scientist's Guide to Writing, 2nd Edition: How to Write More Easily and Effectively Throughout Your Scientific Career by Heard, Stephen B.
Das Skalen-Photometer: Ein neues Instrument zur mechanischen Messung des Lichtes nebst Beiträgen zur Geschichte und Theorie der mechanischen Photometr by Zöllner, Friedrich
The Colorado Plateau Region: Considered as a Field for Geological Study by Gilbert, Grove Karl
Lettre sur la liberté indéfinie du commerce des grains, dans le royaume des Pays-Bas. 2e édition by Collectif
La population en France et la question hydrologique by Collectif
Cours d'Éducation, Pour Les Écoles Du Premier Âge by Wandelaincourt, Antoine-Hubert
Essai sur les eaux thermales de Balaruc by Farjon, Jacques
Les Ressorts-Battants de la Chirobaliste d'Héron d'Alexandrie, d'Après Les Expériences de 1878 by Prou, Victor
Catalogue de crustacés podophtalmaires et d'échinodermes recueillis à Concarneau, août-sept. 1880 by Barrois, Théodore
Collection de Minéralogie Du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle, Guide Du Visiteur by LaCroix, Alfred
Études sur l'harmonie des formes terrestres by de Villeneuve-Flayosc, Hippolyte
Délimitation de la mer à l'embouchure de la Seine by Collectif
Lecons primaires du lavis des plans by Gillet-Damitte, Jean-Jacques-Julien
Le grand mystère dévoilé ou Solution complète de la cause de l'existence des corps connus by Le Fait
Faits pour servir à l'histoire des montagnes de l'Oisans by Élie de Beaumont, Léonce
Le Thé de l'Europe Ou Les Proprietés de la Veronique. Nouvelle Edition, Augmentée by Andry de Boisregard, Nicolas
Les Anéroïdes by Collectif
Stations scientifiques. Cartographie, météorologie by Bénard, Charles
Histoire Naturelle Et Économique Du Chameau, Du Dromadaire, Du Renne, Du Lama Et de la Vigogne by Lasteyrie, Charles-Philibert
Premières leçons de sciences usuelles by LeDoux, P.
Coup-d'oeil géologique et historique sur Aubenas, Vals, Le Pont-La-Beaume, Meyras, Neyrac, Thueyts by Dalmas, Jean-Baptiste
Observations sur l'air by Berthollet, Claude-Louis
La Cruauté Envers Les Animaux, c'Est La Ruine by Thévenin, Évariste
Un volcan en éruption by de Gourmont, Remy
Leçons d'agriculture élémentaire, à l'usage des jeunes filles des écoles primaires rurales by Collectif
Descriptions de quelques instruments météorologiques et magnétiques by Ronalds, Francis
La science française. Les sciences médicales by Roger, Georges-Henri
Essai d'interprétation du zodiaque circulaire de Denderah by Leprince, Henri-Simon
Réplique À La Réponse Du Magistrat Du Parlement de Rouen by Collectif
Nouveau recueil de prédictions by Collectif
Exposition du système des vents. 2e édition by Lartigue, Joseph
Venise, Histoire de Ses Puits Artésiens by Grimaud de Caux, Gabriel
Nouveaux globes céleste et terrestre, d'un pied de diamètre. Le céleste et le terrestre by La Lande, Bonne, Rigobert
Rapport sur l'emploi du plâtre en agriculture. Conseil royal d'agriculture, 20 avril 1822 by Bosc, Louis-Augustin-Guillaume
Collection de Minéralogie Du Muséum d'Histoire Naturelle. Guide Du Visiteur by LaCroix, Alfred
Notes géologiques sur l'Océanie, les îles Tahiti et Rapa by Garnier, Jules
Des corps diamagnétiques by Duhem, Pierre
Un volcan en éruption by de Gourmont, Remy
Leçons primaires d'agrométrie ou d'arpentage, à l'usage des écoles. 2e édition by Gillet-Damitte, Jean-Jacques-Julien
Résumés de leçons de sciences physiques et naturelles by Demolon, Omer
La Connaissance Des Temps, Moyen de Se Familiariser Avec Les Météores by Meissonnier, F. -X
Considérations générales sur la géologie du massif jurassien by Vézian, Alexandre
Encore Les Oiseaux Faisant Suite Aux Habitants de l'Air, Par l'Auteur de Visite À Une Ménagerie by Collectif
Mémoire sur les mines d'or de Gondo by Petau de Maulette, G.
Sickening: How Big Pharma Broke American Health Care and How We Can Repair It by Abramson, John
A Journey in Antarctica: Exploring the Future of the White Continent by Rossi, Sergio
Paleontology: An Illustrated History by Bainbridge, David
The Scientist's Guide to Writing, 2nd Edition: How to Write More Easily and Effectively Throughout Your Scientific Career by Heard, Stephen B.
Handbook of Tissue Optical Clearing: New Prospects in Optical Imaging by
Semiotic Agency: Science Beyond Mechanism by Sharov, Alexei, Tønnessen, Morten
Enhancing Environmental Education Through Nature-Based Solutions by
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 3 by
Climate Change and Environmental Sustainability-Volume 4 by
Electron Microscopy in Science and Engineering by
Oil and Natural Gas Economy in Argentina: The Case of Fracking by Bravo, Victor, Di Sbroiavacca, Nicolas
Environmental Odour by
Flash Memory Devices by
Interaction of Ionizing Photons with Atomic and Molecular Ions by
Dictatorship of the Proletariat by McIsaac, Gerald
Dictatorship of the Proletariat by McIsaac, Gerald
Superconductor/Ferromagnet Nanostructures: An Illustration of the Physics of Hybrid Nanomaterials by Valls, Oriol T.
Testing and Balancing HVAC Air and Water Systems by Sugarman, Samuel C.
Continuous monitoring of a civil structure by Jaimes Villarreal, Vanessa Nathalia
Smart Energy Management: A Computational Approach by Ramamritham, Krithi, Karmakar, Gopinath, Shenoy, Prashant
Modern Financial Engineering: Counterparty, Credit, Portfolio and Systemic Risks by Orlando, Giuseppe, Bufalo, Michele, Penikas, Henry
Psychische Abwehrmechanismen: Gier, Bequemlichkeit und Lust als pädagogische Herausforderung in der Nachhaltigkeitskrise by Paulus, Benedikt
Elegant Circuits: Simple Chaotic Oscillators by Sprott, Julien Clinton, Thio, Wesley Joo-Chen
Managing the Product Quality of Vegetable Crops under Abiotic Stress by
MCToon Clown Prince of Gravity by Garrett, Gregory L.
Synergetic Cities: Information, Steady State and Phase Transition: Implications to Urban Scaling, Smart Cities and Planning by Haken, Hermann, Portugali, Juval
Magnetism and Accelerator-Based Light Sources: Proceedings of the 7th International School ''Synchrotron Radiation and Magnetism'', Mittelwihr (France by
Gesellschaftliche Implikationen nachhaltiger Nischenakteure - auf dem Weg in eine Postwachstumsgesellschaft? by Hein, Niklas
Green Economy and Sustainable Development by
Darwin's Replacement - Summary Introduction: How We Are Amazingly Made and Cared For By Our Super-Intelligent Creator, The God Of Our Nations by McLennan, Graham, Bergman, Jerry, Rogers, Thomas W.
The Orphaned Ducklings and Other Tales by Ewald, Carl
Il Mio Cuore Umano: Dove Scienza E Fede Si Scontrano by Tesoriero, Ron
Kurze Anleitung zum Strassen- und Chausseenbau by Schütte, Friedrich Wilhelm
Applications of AI and Iot in Renewable Energy by
Micro and Nano Thermal Transport: Characterization, Measurement, and Mechanism by
Elements of Rock Physics and Their Application to Inversion and Avo Studies by Gullco, Robert S., Anderson, Malcolm
Elements of Rock Physics and Their Application to Inversion and Avo Studies by Anderson, Malcolm, Gullco, Robert S.
The Gold Dust Beneath Hypercomplex Cosmology: Fractional Creation Operators, Broken Scaling Precursor Model, Universe Computers, Negative Space-times, by Blaha, Stephen
Unearthing Fermi's Geophysics by Stack, John D., Segrè, Gino C.
Single-Domain Antibodies: Methods and Protocols by
Single-Domain Antibodies: Methods and Protocols by
50 Critical Essays on the Philosophy of Science by Kanke, Victor A.
The Masterminds of Doom by Gilead, Zvee
Production of Biodiesel from Non-Edible Sources: Technological Updates by
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