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    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 1997

Ngo Coordination at Field Level: A Handbook by Bennett, Jon
Guyana, Fragile Frontier: Loggers, Miners, and Forest Peoples by Colchester, Chloe
Soc Reg' 97: Ruthless Criticism by Panitch, Leo
Constabulary: The Rise of Police Institutions in Britain, the Commonwealth and the United States by Senior, Hereward
Marx Reader by
Direct Funding from a Southern Perspective: Strengthening Civil Society? by Intrac
Metropolitics: A Regional Agenda for Community and Stability by Orfield, Myron
Groupwork Volume Nine by
Family Boundaries: The Invention of Normality and Dangerousness by Knowles, Caroline
Senses of Place by
The Urbanization of Injustice by
Together for Tomorrow: Building Community Through Intergenerational Dialogue by Gambone, James Vincent
The Allotment: Its Landscape and Culture by Ward, Colin
Fanon's Dialectic of Experience by Sekyi-Otu, Ato
The Social Psychology of Stereotyping and Group Life by
Science and the Quest for Reality by
Healing Through Meeting: Martin Buber's Conversational Approach to Psychotherapy by Gunzburg, John C.
The Politics of Physician Assisted Suicide by Clark, Nina
Religious Radicalism in the Greater Middle East by
Meta-Emotion: How Families Communicate Emotionally by Hooven, Carole, Gottman, John Mordechai, Katz, Lynn Fainsilber
Social Structures: A Network Approach by
Social Structures: A Network Approach by
Public Policy and Community: Activism and Governance in Texas by Wilson, Robert H.
Mass Media and Free Trade: NAFTA and the Cultural Industries by
The Lieutenant Nun: Transgenderism, Lesbian Desire, and Catalina de Erauso by Velasco, Sherry M.
Science and the Retreat from Reason by
Sozialpolitik: Aktuelle Fragen Und Probleme by
Einführung in Die Stadtplanung 3: Methoden, Instrumente Und Vollzug by Müller-Ibold, Klaus
Nationalism and the Color Line in George W. Cable, Mark Twain, and William Faulkner by Ladd, Barbara
Psychiatriereformen Zwischen Medikalisierung Und Gemeindeorientierung: Eine Kritische Bilanz by Forster, Rudolf
Kommunikationswissenschaft -- Autobiographisch: Zur Entwicklung Einer Wissenschaft in Deutschland by
Wissenschaft Im Informationszeitalter: Zur Bedeutung Des Mediums Computer Für Das Kommunikationssystem Wissenschaft by Rutenfranz, Uwe
Die Verfremdung Der Werbung: Eine Analyse Zum Zustand Des Werbewirtschaftssystems by Tropp, Jörg
Soziologie Im Konzert Der Wissenschaften: Zur Identität Einer Disziplin by
Rückfall in Die Barbarei: Die Folgen Öffentlicher Erziehungsvergessenheit. Plädoyer Für Eine Gesamtgesellschaftliche Erziehungsverantwortung by Schwarte, Johannes
Maximum Security: The Culture of Violence in Inner-City Schools by Devine, John
How to Tell When You're Tired: A Brief Examination of Work (Revised) by Theriault, Reg
Borrowed Power: Essays on Cultural Appropriation by
Einführung in Soziologische Theorien Der Gegenwart by Treibel, Annette
Journalistinnen in Europa: Eine International Vergleichende Analyse Zum Gendering Im Sozialen System Journalismus by Lünenborg, Margreth
Programmprofile Kommerzieller Anbieter: Analysen Zur Entwicklung Von Fernsehsendern Seit 1984 by
Institutionenwandel by
Mediamatik -- Die Konvergenz Von Telekommunikation, Computer Und Rundfunk by Latzer, Michael
Zuwanderung Und Stadtentwicklung by
Family Abuse: Tough Solutions to Stop the Violence by Snow, Robert L.
Welchen Bibeltext Benutzte Athanasius Im Exil?: Zur Herkunft Der Bibelzitate in Den Arianerreden Im Vergleich Zur Ep. AD Epp. Aeg. by Metzler, Karin
Renewable Energy - Small Hydro by
Grundstudium Sozialwissenschaftliche Methoden und Arbeitsweisen by Wellhöfer, Peter R.
Familien in Verschiedenen Kulturen by
The Economics of Population: Key Classic Writings by Simon, Julian
A Conceptual Introduction To Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives by Britt, David W.
A Conceptual Introduction To Modeling: Qualitative and Quantitative Perspectives by Britt, David W.
Lautproduktion: Kognitive Grundlagen Sprachlicher Und Vorsprachlicher Äußerungen by Peters, Jörg
New Horizons in Media Psychology: Research Cooperation and Projects in Europe by
Staat, Markt Und Rente in Der Internationalen Politik by
Die Funktion Des Wissenschaftsjournalismus: Ein Systemtheoretischer Entwurf by Kohring, Matthias
International Human Resource and Cross Cultural Management by
Narratives of Nostalgia, Gender and Nationalism by
Youth, Training and the Training State: The Real History of Youth Training in the Twentieth Century by Neary, Michael
Economic Perspectives on Cultural Heritage by
The Politics of Threat: Minuteman Vulnerability in American National Security Policy by Dunn, David H.
Revolution's Other World: Communism and the Periphery, 1917-39 by Post, Ken
Culture, Kinship and Genes: Towards Cross-Cultural Genetics by
Financial Institutions and Social Transformations: International Studies of a Sector by
Global Establishment: The Political Economy of North/Asian Networks by Kowalewski, David
Texts and Cultural Change in Early Modern England by
Property Relations, Incentives and Welfare: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Barcelona, Spain, by the International Economic Association by
Charismatic Christianity: Sociological Perspectives by
The Changing Face of Death: Historical Accounts of Death and Disposal by
Regulation and Deregulation in European Financial Services by
Mothers and King Baby: Infant Survival and Welfare in an Imperial World: Australia 1880-1950 by Smith, Philippa Mein
The Future of Europe: Problems and Issues for the Twenty-First Century by
Trade, Environment and Sustainable Development: A South Asian Perspective by
The Democratic Implications of Civil Society in China by He, B.
The Unknown Country: Death in Australia, Britain and the USA by
Globalization and the South by
The Politics, Sociology and Economics of Education: Interdisciplinary and Comparative Perspectives by
Material Culture in Europe and China, 1400-1800: The Rise of Consumerism by Adshead, S. A. M.
Regionalism and Africa's Development: Expectations, Reality and Challenges by Asante, S. K. B.
Masse -- Macht -- Emotion by
Cases in Climate Change Policy: Political Reality in the European Union by Lofsted, Ragnar E.
Manufacturing African Studies and Crises by Zeleza, Tiyambe, Zeleza, Paul Tiyambe
Exploitation by
Evaluation for the 21st Century: A Handbook by Chemlimsky, Eleanor
Protest, Power, and Change: An Encyclopedia of Nonviolent Action from Act-Up to Women's Suffrage by Powers S., Roger
Critical Choices: Applying Sociological Insight in Your Life, Family, and Community by Sernau, Scott R.
Fleet Street: Round the Clock by Allan, Gordon
Arabs in Israel by Stendel, Ori
The Parish behind God's Back: The Changing Culture of Rural Barbados by Gmelch, George
On Corporate Governance by Novak, Michael
Privatizing Subsidized Housing by Weicher, John C.
Eritrea and Ethiopia. the Federal Experience by Negash, Tekeste
Foundations of Rehabilitation Counseling with Persons Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired by
Science and the Quest for Reality by
Twenty-Two Years: Causes and Consequences of Mental Retardation by Koller, Helene, Richardson, Stephen A.
A Phenomenology of Landscape: Places, Paths and Monuments by Tilley, Christopher
The Construction of Social Reality by Searle, John R.
Collective Intelligence by Levy, Pierre
Creating Small Scale Social Programs by Schram, Barbara
Experimental Design and the Analysis of Variance by Leik, Robert K.
Building Community: Social Science in Action by Figert, Anne, Shibley, Mark
Doing Legal Research: A Guide for Social Scientists and Mental Health Professionals by Morris, Roberta A., Shuman, Daniel W., Sales, Bruce Dennis
Analyzing Repeated Surveys by Firebaugh, Glenn
Developing Questions for Focus Groups by Krueger, Krueger, Richard A.
Involving Community Members in Focus Groups by Krueger, Richard A., Krueger, Richrd A.
Focus Groups as Qualitative Research by Morgan, David L.
Experimental Syntax: Applying Objective Methods to Sentence Judgments by Cowart, Wayne
Audience Analysis by McQuail, Denis
The Way We Really Are: Coming to Terms with America's Changing Families by Coontz, Stephanie
Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century by Celente, Gerald
Directions in Housing Policy: Towards Sustainable Housing Policies for the UK by
Decolonizing Anthropology: Moving Further Toward an Anthropology for Liberation by
Bridge-Makers and Cross-Bearers: Korean-American Women and the Church by Kim, Jung Ha
Terrorism and International Law by
White Trash: Race and Class in America by
A History of Nature Conservation in Britain by Evans, David
Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation by Leyshon, Andrew, Thrift, Nigel
A History of Nature Conservation in Britain by Evans, David
Japan: The Childless Society?: The Crisis of Motherhood by Jolivet, Muriel
Japan: The Childless Society?: The Crisis of Motherhood by Jolivet, Muriel
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
Scientific Culture and the Making of the Industrial West by Jacob, Margaret C.
Social Theory and Japanese Experience: The Dual Civilization by Arnason, Johann P.
Emerging Arab Capital Markets by Azzam, Henry T.
American Indian Medicine Dream Book by Steiger, Brad
Train Wrecks: A Pictorial History of Accidents on the Main Line by Reed, Robert C.
Japanese Social Crisis by Woronoff, J.
Community Service-Learning: A Guide to Including Service in the Public School Curriculum by
Crossing Swords: Politics and Religion in Mexico by Camp, Roderic Ai
In Search Of Elvis: Music, Race, Art, Religion by Chadwick, Vernon
Immigration Policy and Foreign Workers in Japan by Mori, H.
Postmodernity, Sociology and Religion by
Institutional Development: A Third World City Management Perspective by McGill, Ronald
The Gothic Body: Sexuality, Materialism, and Degeneration at the Fin de Siecle by Hurley, Kelly
Latin American Societies in Transition by Williamson, Robert C.
Case Studies in Diversity: Refugees in America in the 1990s by Vogel, Ronald
AIDS as a Gender Issue: Psychosocial Perspectives by
AIDS as a Gender Issue: Psychosocial Perspectives by
Cultural Diversity in the United States by Naylor, Larry
Accidental Bond: How Sibling Connections Influence Adult Relationships by Merrell, Susan Scarf
Breaking The News: How the Media Undermine American Democracy by Fallows, James
Ngos and Governments: Review of Current Practice for and Southern and Eastern Ngos by Bennett, Jon
Religion, Deviance, and Social Control by Bainbridge, William Sims, Stark, Rodney
Dress, Culture and Commerce: The English Clothing Trade Before the Factory, 1660-1800 by Lemire, B.
Crossing Ocean Parkway by Torgovnick, Marianna De Marco
Ready-to-Wear and Ready-to-Work: A Century of Industry and Immigrants in Paris and New York by Green, Nancy L.
Gendered Practices in Working Life by
Pierre Bourdieu and Cultural Theory: Critical Investigations by Fowler, Bridget
The Idea of Progress by
Pierre Bourdieu and Cultural Theory: Critical Investigations by Fowler, Bridget
Handbook of Research on Urban Politics and Policy in the United States by Vogel, Ronald
The Menace of Multiculturalism: Trojan Horse in America by Demastes, William
Islam in a Changing World by Jerichow, Anders, Simonsen, J. B.
The Talking Cure: TV Talk Shows and Women by Shattuc, Jane M.
The Changing Face of Death: Historical Accounts of Death and Disposal by
Measuring the Real World: A Textbook of Applied Statistical Methods by Thiessen, Heiner
Social Psychology Stereotyping by
The Message of Social Psychology: Perspectives on Mind in Society by
Social Theory Sociology by
Representing the Woman: Cinema and Psychoanalysis by Cowie, Elizabeth
Living in the Landscape: Toward an Aesthetics of Environment by Berleant, Arnold
Postmodernist Culture 2e by Connor, Steven
Gendered Practices in Working Life by
Experimental Syntax: Applying Objective Methods to Sentence Judgments by Cowart, Wayne
Justice, Nature and the Geography by Harvey, David
Theory and Practice in Early Childhood Teaching by
Facing Difference: Race, Gender, and Mass Media by Biagi, Shirley, Kern-Foxworth, Marilyn
Phantasmatic Indochina: French Colonial Ideology in Architecture, Film, and Literature by Norindr, Panivong
Principles of Social Work Practice: A Generic Practice Approach by Hancock, Molly R.
Science and Homosexualities by
Evaluating Mental Health Services: How Do Programs for Children Work in the Real World? by
Simulation, Planning, and Society by Branch, Melville C., Unknown
Geographic Information Research: Bridging The Atlantic by
Africans on African-Americans: The Creation and Uses of an African-American Myth by Gershoni, Yekutiel
Encompassing: Formulation, Properties and Testing by Dhaene, Geert
Coercive Power in Social Exchange by Molm, Linda D.
Hierarchy and Egalitarianism in Islamic Thought by Marlow, Louise
Bildung und Konfession by
Nation and Commemoration by Spillman, Lyn, Spillman, Lynette P.
Interaction and Grammar by
Nation and Commemoration by Spillman, Lyn, Spillman, Lynette P.
Documentary Film Classics by Rothman, William
The Culture of Clothing: Dress and Fashion in the Ancien R Gime by Roche, Daniel
Brad Steiger Predicts the Future by Steiger, Brad
The Sculpture Machine: Physical Culture and Body Politics in the Age of Empire by Budd, M.
The City: Los Angeles and Urban Theory at the End of the Twentieth Century by
Changing Fortunes: Biodiversity and Peasant Livelihood in the Peruvian Andes Volume 1 by Zimmerer, Karl S.
Advances in Social Science Methodology by
The Social Engagement of Social Science, a Tavistock Anthology, Volume 3: The Socio-Ecological Perspective by
Press and Speech Freedoms in America, 1619-1995: A Chronology by Ingelhart, Louis E.
Cultural Diversity in the United States by
Common Labor: Workers and the Digging of North American Canals, 1780-1860 by Way, Peter
Inside Broadcasting by Newby, Julian
Stadt -- Mobilität -- Logistik: Perspektiven, Konzepte Und Modelle by
Umweltschutz Durch Internationale Regime: Interessen, Verhandlungsprozesse, Wirkungen by Oberthür, Sebastian
Drogen Und Stadtstruktur: Lebenswelten Zwischen Rausch Und Raum by Thabe, Sabine
Mandatsniederlegungen Auf Kommunaler Ebene by Becher, Kathrin Susann
Conjectures and Confrontations: Science, Evolution, Social Concern by Fox, Robin
Erwachsenenbildung in Der Moderne: Diagnosen, Ansätze, Konsequenzen by
Wissenschaft Und Aufklärung by
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