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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2001

Power and Partnership?: Experiences of Ngo Capacity-Building by James, Rick
Home Spun Heritage: How It Was/How It is by McQuade Wedenwaldt, Glennys
Immodest Proposals: Through the Pornographic Looking Glass by Slattery, Tom
Biomarkers in Risk Assessment: Validity and Validation: Environmental Health Criteria Series No. 222 by Ilo, Unep
Studs Terkel's Working: A Teaching Guide by Ayers, Rick
Le CV et le dossier de candidature en allemand by Klose, Helmut
Sexual Fascism: Sex in the Scottish Media by Tatchell, Peter, Otton, Garry
The Worship of the Generative Powers: A History of Phallic Worship by Wright, Thomas
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
Social Representations: Essays in Social Psychology by Moscovici, Serge
New York Glory: Religions in the City by
The Conflict and Culture Reader by
Gospels for All Christians by Bauckham, Richard
Associational Life in African Cities: Popular Responses to the Urban Crisis by
The Encyclopedia of Aging: A Comprehensive Resource in Gerontology and Geriatrics by Maddox, George L.
Philosophy of Religion in the Twenty-First Century by
Interlocking Dimensions of European Integration by Wallace, H.
EU Foreign Policy Beyond the Nation State: Joint Action and Institutional Analysis of the Common Foreign and Security Policy by Winn, Neil, Lord, C.
Nation and Citizenship in the Global Age: From National to Transnational Ties and Identities by Münch, R.
Club Cultures and Female Subjectivity: The Move from Home to House by Pini, Maria
Shaikhdoms of Eastern Arabia by Lienhardt, P.
Ruskin and Modernism by Cianci, Giovanni, Nicholls, Peter
The Market in Chinese Social Policy by
Analytical Issues in Participatory Natural Resources by
Rethinking the Normative Content of Critical Theory: Marx, Habermas and Beyond by Cannon, B.
Speech, Media and Ethics: The Limits of Free Expression by Cohen-Almagor, R.
Social Care and Social Exclusion: A Comparative Study of Older People's Care in Europe by
Risk, Age and Pregnancy: A Case Study of Prenatal Genetic Screening and Testing by Heyman, B., Henriksen, M.
Access Denied in the Information Age by
Space and the Irish Cultural Imagination by Smyth, Gerry
Globalization and Third-World Socialism: Cuba and Vietnam by
American Exceptionalism and U.S. Foreign Policy: Public Diplomacy at the End of the Cold War by McEvoy-Levy, S.
The Politics of Ethnicity in Settler Societies: States of Unease by Pearson, D.
Rebuilding Community: Policy and Practice in Urban Regeneration by Smith, Joan
Exploring the Body by
Equality. Diversity and Disadvantage in Employment by
Political Communications Transformed: From Morrison to Mandelson by Bartle, John, Griffiths, Dylan
Perspectives on the Indian Corporate Economy: Exploring the Paradox of Profits by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Globalization and National Identities: Crisis or Opportunity? by
Diversity and Visual Impairment: The Individual's Experience of Race, Gender, Religion, and Ethnicity by
The New Age in Glastonbury: The Construction of Religious Movements by Prince, Ruth, Riches, David
Encounter Images in the Meetings Between Africa and Europe by
A Passion for Consumption: The Gothic Novel in America by Sonser, Anna
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
Databases for the Study of Entrepreneurship by
Religion and Humane Global Governance by Falk, R.
Introduction to African Civilizations by John G Jackson
Normalität, Behinderung Und Geschlecht: Ansätze Und Perspektiven Der Forschung by Schildmann
Categories and Classifications: Maussian Reflections on the Social by Allen, N. J.
New York Glory: Religions in the City by
American Social and Political Thought: A Reader by
Displays of Power (with a New Afterword): Controversy in the American Museum from the Enola Gay to Sensation! by Dubin, Steven C.
Frauenarbeit Im Spannungsfeld Zwischen Beruf Und Familie: Arbeits- Und Lebenssituation Von Lehrerinnen Und Lehrern in Südkorea by Kim, Mi-Kyong
A Manager's Guide to Newsletters: Communicating for Results by Abbott, Robert F.
Erwägungsorientierung in Philosophie und Sozialwissenschaften by
Asylgewährung by Scheffer, Thomas
Irrational Markets and the Illusion of Prosperity by Devitto, Don
A Community Manifesto by Wright, Chris
Coming Out in Japan by Ito, Satoru, Yanase, Ryuta
Soziale Ungleichheit in Deutschland by Hradil, Stefan
Michael Young: Social Entrepreneur by Briggs, A.
Soziologie Des Jugendalters: Eine Einführung by Schäfers, Bernhard
Transforming Africa. New Pathways to Development. Selected Papers on Financial Reforms and Development by Mbaru, Jimnah
Professional Education for Librarian by Lawal, Olu Olat
Productive and Liveable Cities by De Neufville, Richard, De, Savigny Don, Langen
Television and the American Family by
Sites of Struggle: Essays in Zimba by Yoshikuni, Tsuneo
Social Capital: Theory and Research by Dubos, Rene
The Art of Fund Raising by Warner, Irving R.
Robin Hood Was Right: A Guide to Giving Your Money for Social Change by Collins, Chuck
Social Identities and Political Cultures in Italy: Catholic, Communist, and 'Leghist' Communities Between Civicness and Localism by Bull, Anna Cento
The New Age of Glastonbury: The Construction of Religious Movements by Prince, Ruth, Riches, David
Culture, Creation, and Procreation: Concepts of Kinship in South Asian Practice by
The German-American Encounter: Conflict and Cooperation Between Two Cultures, 1800-2000 by
Schooner Passage: Sailing Ships and the Lake Michigan Frontier by Karamanski, Theodore J.
World Population - Turning the Tide: Three Decades of Progress by Johnson, Stanley P.
Self and Nation by Reicher, Hopkins, Nick, Reicher, Stephen D.
Health Communication: A Multicultural Perspective by Alex, Shane
The Contingency Theory of Organizations by Donaldson, Lex
Embedded Case Study Methods: Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Knowledge by Tietje, Olaf, Scholz, Roland W.
Sociological Theory by Adams, Ed, Adams, Bert N., Sydie, R. A.
The Promise of the Third Way: Globalization and Social Justice by Newman, O., Zoysa, R. De
Surviving Australia: A Practical Guide to Staying Alive by Wilby, Sorrel
Social Representations: Essays in Social Psychology by Moscovici, Serge
Ten Thousand Goddam Cattle: A History of the American Cowboy in Song, Story and Verse by Lee, Katie
Introduction to African Civilizations Hardcover by Jackson, John G.
Classroom Assessment: A Practical Guide for Educators by Mertler, Craig A.
A Cross Section of Psychological Research: Journal Articles for Discussion and Evaluation by Milinki, Andrea K.
Drug Treatment and Ethnicity by Schneider, Jan
Identity and Modernity in Latin America by Larrain, Jorge
Hearing Differently: The Impact of Hearing Impairment on Family Life by Morgan-Jones, Ruth
The Emergence of Professional Social Science: The American Social Science Association and the Nineteenth-Century Crisis of Authority by Haskell, Thomas L.
Figuras de Lo Pensable: Las Encrucijadas del Laberinto VI by Castoriadis, Cornelius, Castoriadis-Aulagnier, Piera
Politikverdrossenheit als soziales Konstrukt: Eine Betrachtung aus soziologischer Perspektive by Wollers, Mirja
Peacemaking in a Divided Society: Israel After Rabin by
Trust and Civil Society by
Swaggart by Seaman, Ann Rowe
Modern Chinese Literary and Cultural Studies in the Age of Theory: Reimagining a Field by Chow, Rey
Transforming New Orleans and Its Environs: Centuries Of Change by
The Politics of Change: Globalization, Ideology and Critique by
What Psychotherapists Should Know about Disability by Olkin, Rhoda
Women, Work, and Families: Balancing and Weaving by
A Coup Attempt in Washington: A European Mirror on Our Recent Constitutional Crisis by Merkl, Peter
Contested Landscapes: Movement, Exile and Place by
Moving with the Ball: The Migration of Professional Footballers by Lanfranchi, Pierre, Taylor, Matthew
Shark Infested Waters: Procedural Due Process in Constitutional Immigration Law: Immigration and the Constitution by
Infertility in the Modern World: Present and Future Prospects by
Infertility in the Modern World: Present and Future Prospects by
Women on the Polish Labor Market by Domański, Henryk
Rethinking Strategy by
Der Publishing-Workflow unter Einsatz von XML-Darstellung am Beispiel einer technischen Dokumentation by Haas, Steffen
Einsatzmöglichkeiten von Neuen Medien als innovative Tools in der Kommunikationspolitik eines Unternehmens der Konsumgüterindustrie: Möglichkeiten und by Hofferek, Thomas
Global Democracy, Social Movements to Feminism by Eschle, Catherine
Globalization and Integrated Area Development in European Cities by Moulaert, Frank
Women, Murder and Justice by Chan, W.
National Identities and Travel in Victorian Britain by Morgan, M.
Speech, Media and Ethics: The Limits of Free Expression by Cohen-Almagor, R.
Pareto, Economics and Society: The Mechanical Analogy by McLure, Michael
Post-Colonial Transformation by Ashcroft, Bill
Changing Times: Work and Leisure in Postindustrial Society by Gershuny, Jonathan
Geographic Information Systems in Transportation Research by
Post-Colonial Transformation by Ashcroft, Bill
The Gratis Economy: Privately Provided Public Goods by Kelen, András
Darwinizing Culture ' the Status of Memetics as a Science' by
Open Doors: Vilhelm Meyer and the Establishment of General Electric in China by Bramsen, Christopher Bo
Wahlwerbung ALS Politische Kultur: Parteienspots Im Fernsehen 1957-1998 by Holtz-Bacha, Christina
Werbung, Mode Und Design by
Texte Aus Der Fremde: Arabische Politische Publizistik in Deutschland, 1896-1945. Eine Bibliographie by Höpp, Gerhard
Sweeping Business: Developing Entrepreneurial Skills for the Collection of Solid Waste by Ali, Mansoor
PPP and the Poor: Interim Findings - Part a (Summary and Lessons Learned) by Cotton, Andrew
PPP and the Poor: Interim Findings - Part B (Case Studies) by Cotton, Andrew
Operation, Maintenance and Sustainability of Services for the Urban Poor: Findings, Lessons Learned and Case Studies Summary and Analysis by Sohail, M.
Information Design and Distance Learning for International Development by Ince, Margaret, Shaw, Rod
Untersuchungen zur Entwicklung eines Standards für Job Tickets in der grafischen Industrie: Das JDF-Projekt by Gläser, Heiko
Waste Pickers in Dhaka: Using the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach by Ali, Mansoor, Rouse, Jonathan
Measuring Up: Staging Gender, Shaping Sound in Early Modern England by Shields, Vickie Rutledge
Economics and Culture by Throsby, David, Throsby, C. D.
The Language of Word Meaning by
Making Social Science Matter by Flyvbjerg, Bent
Turning Back: The Retreat from Racial Justice in American Thought and Policy by Steinberg, Stephen
Bisexuality in the Lives of Men: Facts and Fictions by Steinman, Erich W., Beemyn, Brett Genny
Daily News, Eternal Stories: The Mythological Role of Journalism by Lule, Jack
Work-Lifestyle Choices in the 21st Century: Preference Theory by Hakim, Catherine
The Criminal Spectre in Law, Literature and Aesthetics: Incriminating Subjects by Hutchings, Peter J.
Work-Lifestyle Choices in the 21st Century: Preference Theory by Hakim, Catherine
Unraveling The Right: The New Conservatism In American Thought And Politics by Ansell, Amy
Multiculturalism and Minority Religions in Britain: Krishna Consciousness, Religious Freedom and the Politics of Location by Nye, Malory
Eaters Of The Dry Season: Circular Labor Migration In The West African Sahel by Rain, David
Access Denied in the Information Age by
Order by Accident: The Origins and Consequences of Group Conformity in Contemporary Japan by Miller, Alan, Kanazawa, Satoshi
A Sociological Theory of Communication: The Self-Organization of the Knowledge-Based Society by Leydesdorff, Loet
Global Life Systems: Population, Food, and Disease in the Process of Globalization by Clark, Robert P.
Politics After Television: Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India by Rajagopal, Arvind, Rajaopal, Arvind
Social Engineering and the Social Sciences in China, 1919 1949 by Chiang, Yung-Chen
Families in Later Life: Connections and Transitions by McGraw, Lori, Walker, Alexis
Work, Postmodernism and Organization: A Critical Introduction by Tyler, Melissa J., Hancock, Philip
Like Our Very Own: Adoption and the Changing Culture of Motherhood, 1851-1950 by Berebitsky, Julie
The Domain of Images by Elkins, James
Earthly Bodies, Magical Selves: Contemporary Pagans and the Search for Community by Pike, Sarah M.
Wirtschaftsrussisch-Wörterbuch, Band 2, Russisch-Deutsch by Fijas, Liane, Tjulnina, Viktoria Petrowna
Econotext II by Fink, Hermann
The Settlement of the Americas: A New Prehistory by Dillehay, Thomas D.
Fundamentals of Agribusiness Finance: A Comprehensive Review by Battles, Ralph W., Thompson, Robert C.
American Audiences on Movies and Moviegoing by Stempel, Tom
Perspectives on Modern Central and East European Literature: Quests for Identity by Armstrong, T.
The Bear Book II: Further Readings in the History and Evolution of a Gay Male Subculture by Wright, Les
Europe's Digital Revolution: Broadcasting Regulation, the EU and the Nation State by Levy, David
The Politics of Information in Early Modern Europe by
State Formation in Korea: Emerging Elites by Barnes, Gina
Recreating Social Ties: Liberty, Equality, Association / Renouer le lien social: Liberté, égalité, association by Sue, Roger
What's A Peasant To Do? Village Becoming Town In Southern China by Guldin, Greg
Thinking Teams / Thinking Clients: Knowledge-Based Team Work by Opie, Anne
Einführung in Die Historisch-Vergleichende Soziologie Max Webers: Aus Dem Amerikanischen Von Thomas Schwietring by Kalberg, Stephen
Mediengewalt: Die Gesellschaftliche Kontrolle Von Gewaltdarstellungen Im Fernsehen by Eisermann, Jessica
The Coming of Globalization: Its Evolution and Contemporary Consequences by Langhorne, R.
The Widowed Self: The Older Woman's Journey Through Widowhood by Van Den Hoonaard, Deborah Kestin
Making Social Science Matter: Why Social Inquiry Fails and How It Can Succeed Again by Flyvbjerg, Bent
Politics After Television: Hindu Nationalism and the Reshaping of the Public in India by Rajagopal, Arvind
Being Human: The Problem of Agency by Archer, Margaret S.
The Rise of the English Town, 1650 1850 by Chalklin, C. W., Chalkin, Christopher, Christopher, Chalklin
Social Capital by Lin, Nan
The Cambridge Urban History of Britain by Palliser, D. M.
Mass Society, Pluralism, and Bureaucracy: Explication, Assessment, and Commentary by Hamilton, Richard F.
Sociocybernetics: Complexity, Autopoiesis, and Observation of Social Systems by
Das Soziale ALS Ritual by Wulf, Christoph, Althans, Birgit, Audehm, Kathrin
Föderalismus in Deutschland by Sturm, Roland
One Nation, Two Cultures: A Searching Examination of American Society in the Aftermath of Our Cultural Revolution by Himmelfarb, Gertrude
The American Ethnic Cookbook For Students by Zanger, Mark
Visual Identities by Floch, Jean-Marie
XML im Database Publishing: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit by Benacic, Zelijko
Ost-West-Sprachgebrauch -- Zehn Jahre Nach Der Wende by Stickel, Gerhard, Kühn, Ingrid, Solms, Hans-Joachim
Society, Behaviour, and Climate Change Mitigation by
Sociology of Law by Gurvitch, Georges
Bildung Und Computerspiele: Zum Kreativen Umgang Mit Elektronischen Bildschirmspielen by
Kindheit in Ost Und West: Wandel Der Familialen Lebensformen Aus Kindersicht by Alt, Christian
Geschlechterverhältnisse -- Naturverhältnisse: Feministische Auseinandersetzungen Und Perspektiven Der Umweltsoziologie by
Familie Und Öffentliche Erziehung: Aufgaben, Abhängigkeiten Und Gegenseitige Ansprüche by
Panik Und Puritanismus: Über Die Herstellung Traditionalen Und Religiösen Sinns by Liebsch, Katharina
Mediendemokratie Im Medienland: Inszenierungen Und Themensetzungsstrategien Im Spannungsfeld Von Medien Und Parteieliten Am Beispiel Der Nordrhein-Wes by
Soziologische Beratungsforschung: Perspektiven Für Theorie Und PRAXIS Der Organisationsberatung by
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