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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2018

Desh, Samaj aur Sanskriti by Sonane, Chandar
Land Reform in Zimbabwe: Challenges for Policy by Scoones, Ian
Net Neutrality: And Why It Should Matter to Everyone by Sato, June
The Never-Ending Journey of the Black Race: The Struggle Against the Stigmatization of Slavery by Earlington, Dudley
Science Technology and Innovation Policies and Strategies Development in Developing Countries by
The World's Greatest Military Spies and Secret Service Agents by Barton, George
Against the Self-Images of the Age: Essays on Ideology and Philosophy by MacIntyre, Alasdair
Press, Politics and National Identities in Catalonia: The Transformation of La Vanguardia, 1881-1931 by Dalmau, Pol
The King of Main Street: business - mentorship - succession - legacy by Merrick, Peter J.
The Next Revolution by Browne, Francis
New Directions for Evaluations: Visibility Voice and Value by Brahmachari, Aniruddha
Don't Just Sign... Communicate!: A Student's Guide to Mastering ASL Grammar by Jay, Michelle
Empowerment Series: Understanding Human Behavior and the Social Environment by Zastrow, Charles, Kirst-Ashman, Karen, Hessenauer, Sarah
Holidays Around the World, 6th by Jaikumar, Pearline
Tiny Homes In a Big City by Fowler, Faith
Interconnections: Interpersonal Communication Foundations and Contexts by Bowman, Jonathan
Demographics and the Demand for Higher Education by Grawe, Nathan D.
The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity by Marti, Gerardo, Ganiel, Gladys
Don't Just Sign... Communicate!: A Student's Guide to ASL and the Deaf Community by Jay, Michelle
The New Dynamics of Ageing, Volume 1 by
Researching Society and Culture by
Informelles Lernen: Standortbestimmungen by
Clean Meat: How Growing Meat Without Animals Will Revolutionize Dinner and the World by Shapiro, Paul
The New England Watch and Ward Society by Kemeny, P. C.
Special Subcommittee by Solomon, Samuel
The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable by
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
Reading in the Dark: Horror in Children's Literature and Culture by
Pullman: A Social Study by Ely, Richard T.
La historia argentina en perspectiva local y regional. Tomo 3: Nuevas miradas para viejos problemas by Bandieri, Susana, Fernández, Sandra
Zukunftsszenario Altenhilfe Schleswig-Holstein 2030/2045: Auswertung der Zukunftswerkstätten (ISÖ-Text 2017-3) by Opielka, Michael, Peter, Sophie
The Technological Introject: Friedrich Kittler Between Implementation and the Incalculable by
Catch and Release: The Enduring Yet Vulnerable Horseshoe Crab by Moore, Lisa Jean
What Will I Be: American Music and Cold War Identity by Gentry, Philip M.
The Digital Banal: New Media and American Literature and Culture by Dinnen, Zara
Qualitative Researching by Mason, Jennifer
Qualitative Researching by Mason, Jennifer
Using Conversation Analysis for Business and Management Students by Greatbatch, David, Clark, Timothy
Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research by Alvesson, Mats, Skoldberg, Kaj
Reflexive Methodology: New Vistas for Qualitative Research by Skoldberg, Kaj, Alvesson, Mats
The Sage Handbook of Social Media by
The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements by
Research Methods in Sport by
Research Methods in Sport by
The Sage Handbook of the 21st Century City by
Prostitution: Sex Work, Policy & Politics by Pitcher, Jane, O′neill, Maggie, Sanders, Teela
Prostitution: Sex Work, Policy & Politics by Pitcher, Jane, O′neill, Maggie, Sanders, Teela
Frankenstein: How a Monster Became an Icon: The Science and Enduring Allure of Mary Shelley's Creation by Perkowitz, Sidney, Von Mueller, Eddy
México's Nobodies: The Cultural Legacy of the Soldadera and Afro-Mexican Women by Arce, B. Christine
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Vol. 2 by Malet, Edward Baldwin, Fletcher, John, Beaumont, Francis
English Folk-Rhymes: A collection of traditional verses relating to places and persons, customs, superstitions, etc. by Northall, G. F.
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Vol. 5 by Malet, Edward Baldwin, Fletcher, John, Beaumont, Francis
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Vol. 3 by Beaumont, Francis, Malet, Edward Baldwin
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Vol. 9 by Malet, Edward Baldwin, Fletcher, John
The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century: Vol. 2 by Graham, Henry Grey
Revival: Oriental Memories of a German Diplomatist (1930) by Rosen, Friedrich
Lectures on Justice, Police, Revenue and Arms by Cannan, Edwin, Smith, Adam
Bridge Builders: Learning from those ushering the future of society by Lassalle, Vincent
The Middle Class in Emerging Societies: Consumers, Lifestyles and Markets by
Public Relations and the Public Interest by Johnston, Jane
Business Leadership Development in China by Ren, Shuang, Wood, Robert, Zhu, Ying
Spanish-Language Television in the United States: Fifty Years of Development by Wilkinson, Kenton T.
Representations of Black Women in the Media: The Damnation of Black Womanhood by Gammage, Marquita Marie
Embodied Metaphors in Film, Television, and Video Games: Cognitive Approaches by
Pragmatic Humanism: On the Nature and Value of Sociological Knowledge by Morgan, Marcus
European Citizenship and Social Integration in the European Union by Gerhards, Jürgen, Lengfeld, Holger
Understanding Southern Social Movements by
Communicating Climate Change in Russia: State and Propaganda by Poberezhskaya, Marianna
Boundaries of Utopia - Imagining Communism from Plato to Stalin by Van Ree, Erik
Children and the Media by Dennis, Everette E.
Michael Allred: Conversations by
Developing the Right to Social Security - A Gender Perspective by Goldblatt, Beth
Monasticism in Eastern Europe and the Former Soviet Republics by
Demography of Russia: From the Past to the Present by Karabchuk, Tatiana, Kumo, Kazuhiro, Selezneva, Ekaterina
The Original Hebrew of a Portion of Ecclesiasticus (XXXIX. 15 to XLIX. 11) by Neubauer, Adolf, Cowley, Arthur Ernest
The Sanatory Institutions of the Hebrews by Sola, Abraham De
Commercial Culture: The Media System and the Public Interest by Bogart, Leo
The Sociology of Zygmunt Bauman: Challenges and Critique by
The Post-war Roots of Japanese Political Malaise by Gatu, Dagfinn
Trafficking Women in Korea: Filipina Migrant Entertainers by Yea, Sallie
Narcocapitalism: Life in the Age of Anaesthesia by de Sutter, Laurent
The Social Life of Scotland in the Eighteenth Century: Vol. 1 by Graham, Henry Grey
Every-Day Topics: Vol. 2 by Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Miscellanies by Everhart, James Bowen
Every-Day Topics: A Book of Briefs. First Series by Holland, Josiah Gilbert
Geschlechterverhältnisse im Wandel? Geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen von Arbeitsverhältnissen und Berufsstrukturen in einer veränderten Arbeitswelt by Grashäftl, Maria, Prüller, Dominik
Works of William Blake: Vol. 1 by Blake, William, Ellis, Edwin John
Sir Walter Scott und das Romantische Bewußtsein by Siebke, Rolf
Media Education for a Digital Generation by
Reading Art Spiegelman by Smith, Philip
Revival: Music and Its Lovers (1932) by Lee, Vernon
Revival: Handel (1906) by Streatfield, Richard Alexander
Revival: The Evolution of Modern Marriage (1930): A Sociology of Sexual Relations by Muller-Lyer, Franz Carl
Revival: Reconstruction and Education in Rural India (1932) by Lal, Prem Chand
Religion and Public Discourse in an Age of Transition: Reflections on Bahá'í Practice and Thought by
Communicating Women's Health: Social and Cultural Norms That Influence Health Decisions by
Kenya's Metamendacity History between 1885-2017 and the Ensuing "Post-Truth" Construct by Okoth-Yogo, Kiboyye, Uki, Kenneth, Awuor, O. M.
Chinesische Online-Nachrichtenseiten zwischen wirtschaftlicher Öffnung und politischer Kontrolle: Ein Einordnungsversuch nach Hallin und Mancini by Kalina, Antje
Institutions and the Person: Festschrift in Honor of Everett C.Hughes by Geer, Blanche, Riesman, David, Becker, Howard Saul
Revival: Modern Music and Musicians (1906) by Streatfield, Richard Alexander
Life of Pericles: With Introduction, Critical and Explanatory Notes and Indices by Plutarch, Holden, Hubert Ashton
The Taxation of Property of Railroad Companies in California: As Affected by the Fourteenth Amendment of the Federal Constitution by Anonymous
Charter, Constitution and By-Laws of the Association of the Bar of the City of New York,: and list of officers and members by Anonymous
Zukunftsszenario Altenhilfe Schleswig-Holstein 2030/2045: Auswertung der Online-Beteiligung (ISÖ-Text 2017-2) by Opielka, Michael, Peter, Sophie
Revival: Suttee (1928): A Historical and Philosophical Enquiry Into the Hindu Rite of Widow-Burning by Thompson, Edward John
Revival: The Quest for God in China (1925) by O'Neill, F. W. S.
Revival: Southern India (1936): Its Political and Economic Problems by Slater, Gilbert
Urbanization in Vietnam by Bousquet, Gisele
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. In t by Mill, John Stuart
The Aryan Household: Its structure and its development, an introduction to comparative jurisprudence by Hearn, William Edward
The Dramatick Works of Beaumont and Fletcher: Vol. 1 by Beaumont, Francis, Malet, Edward Baldwin, Fletcher, John
A System of Logic, Ratiocinative and Inductive: Being a connected view of the principles of evidence and the methods of scientific investigation. In t by Mill, John Stuart
From Tahrir Square to Ferguson: Social Networks as Facilitators of Social Movements by
From Body Fuel to Universal Poison: Cultural History of Meat: 1900-The Present by Buscemi, Francesco
Valentine's Day Activity Book: Fun & Brain-Boosting: Mazes, Dot-to-Dot, Color, Cut, Glue, & More (Large Print Edition) by Publishing, Florabella
Gender and Violence in Spanish Culture: From Vulnerability to Accountability by
Communicology for the Human Sciences: Lanigan and the Philosophy of Communication by Smith, Andrew R., Catt, Isaac E., Klyukanov, Igor E.
Communicology for the Human Sciences: Lanigan and the Philosophy of Communication by Klyukanov, Igor E., Smith, Andrew R., Catt, Isaac E.
Living Beyond the Borders: Essays on Global Immigrants and Refugees by
Mhealth Innovation in Asia: Grassroots Challenges and Practical Interventions by
Stadterneuerung Im Vereinten Deutschland - Rück- Und Ausblicke: Jahrbuch Stadterneuerung 2017 by
Zukunft Der Arbeit - Eine Praxisnahe Betrachtung by
Demokratische PRAXIS Und Pragmatismus: Partizipation Und Repräsentation Auf Bundes- Und Berliner Landesebene by Winkler, Katrin
Zubereitung eines Snack Salates. Unterweisung in der Systemgastronomie by Steffen, Daniel
Familie im Wandel. Ein Überblick by Jacob, Johanna
Theaterpädagogik als Unterstützung bei der Bewältigung von Alltags- und Lebensthemen für Schulkinder by Dogan, Ipek-Jorina
Der Zusammenhang von Musik und gesellschaftlichem Wandel. Eine Betrachtung der Rockmusik in den 1960er-Jahren by Horst, Laura
Unicorns by Huneker, James
To My Lovely Granddaughter: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
Intellectual Disability: A Conceptual History, 1200-1900 by
Die Bedeutung der Bindungstheorie für die Soziale Arbeit. Jugendliche Mütter und ihre Kinder in der stationären Jugendhilfe by Bech, Arlette
The Experience and Expression of Uncertainty in Close Relationships by Theiss, Jennifer A.
Prekäre Arbeitsverhältnisse in Deutschland. Sind atypische Beschäftigungsformen prekär? by Schuch, Peter
Die Theorie des Wertewandels nach Inglehart und Klages. Die Suche nach den Ursachen by Utzweiher, Martin
Kann allgemeinbildender schulischer Musikunterricht einen Einfluss auf die Integration von SchülerInnen mit Migrationshintergrund haben?: Eine Bestand by Werner, Niklas
Using Conversation Analysis for Business and Management Students by Clark, Timothy, Greatbatch, David
The Mythology of the Aryan Nations by Cox, George William
The Hebraist's Vade Mecum: A First Attempt at a Complete Verbal Index to the Contents of the Hebrew and Chaldee Scriptures by Wigram, George V.
From Chaucer to Arnold: Types of Literary Art in Prose and Verse by George, Andrew Jackson
A Hebrew Primer: Adapted to the Merchant Taylors' Hebrew Grammar by Ball, Charles James
Art-Life of William Morris Hunt by Knowlton, Helen Mary
The Potomac and the Rapidan: Army Notes from the Failure at Winchester to the Reënforcement of Rosecrans by Quint, Alonzo Hall
Ceremony of Flag Presentation to Columbia University of the City of New York by Lafayette Post No 140
An Elementary Text-Book of Hebrew Accidence Arranged in Typical Examples by Margolis, Max Leopold
Elements of Hebrew by an Inductive Method by Harper, William Rainey
For A Special Goddaughter: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To A Special Friend: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To An Awesome Neighbor: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
Managing Culture Shock by Lee, Felix
To A Sweet Niece: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
For My Special Godchild: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers by Lane, Jodi, Turner, Susan F., Fox, Kathleen A.
Foreign Policy Analysis: A Toolbox by Paquin, Jonathan, Morin, Jean-Frédéric
Quizzing America: Television Game Shows and Popular Culture in the 1950s by Dunn, Mark
The Five Cotton State and New York by Colwell, Stephen
Mensch und Gut in der Volkswirtschaft: Deutsche Vierteljahrs-Schrift, 24. Jahrgang. 1861, 4. Heft by Schäffle, Albert
Loyal Meeting of the People of New-York: To Support the Government, Prosecute the War and Maintain the Union by Warburton, Adolphus Frederick
Hebrew Melodies of Lord Byron by Byron, George Gordon
Dialogues with Ethnography: Notes on Classics, and How I Read Them by Blommaert, Jan
Encountering Correctional Populations: A Practical Guide for Researchers by Lane, Jodi, Turner, Susan F., Fox, Kathleen A.
Singapore Ethnic Mosaic, The: Many Cultures, One People by
Why I am a Republican: A History of the Republican Party, a Defense of its Policy and the Reasons which Justify its Continuance in Power by Boutwell, George Sewall
The Book Called Job: From the Hebrew with Foot Notes by Halsted, Oliver Spencer
Skepticism and Divine Revelation by Ellis, John
The National Revenues: A collection of papers by American economists by Shaw, Albert
Bacon versus Shakspere by Reed, Edwin
Das Litterarische Leipzig: Illustriertes Handbuch der Schriftsteller und Gelehrtenwelt, der Presse und des Verlagsbuch-Handels in Leipzig by Preschers, Heinrich
Cultural Legal Studies: Law's Popular Cultures and the Metamorphosis of Law by
To A Wonderful Classmate: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
Soziale Ungleichheit in Frankreich vor dem Hintergrund der drei Welten des Wohlfahrtskapitalismus nach Esping-Andersen by Dierks, Chantal
Vom Rundfunk zum Volksempfänger: Wie wurde das Radio zu einem Instrument für die Propaganda während des NS-Regimes umgebaut? by Anonymous
Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness by Yergeau, M. Remi
Analysis of the Functions of Money by Stewart, William Morris
A Sketch of the Life of Philip Doddridge by Willey, Waitman Thomas
The Questions of the Day: An Address, Delivered in the Academy of Music in New York on the Fourth of July, 1861 by Everett, Edward
Dialogues with Ethnography: Notes on Classics, and How I Read Them by Blommaert, Jan
Introduction to Power Analysis: Two-Group Studies by Hedberg, E. C.
Urban Analytics by Folch, David, Singleton, Alex David, Spielman, Seth
Conducting Focus Groups for Business and Management Students by Alevizou, Panayiota J., Oates, Caroline J.
Authoring Autism: On Rhetoric and Neurological Queerness by Yergeau, M. Remi
To My Lovely Daughter: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
A Treatise on the Law of Railroad and Other Corporate Securities: Including Municipal Aid Bonds by Jones, Leonard Augustus
The Select Works of Bret Hartte in Prose and Poetry by Harte, Bret
A Cluster of Roses: And Other Poems by Ivory, Bertha May
Important Events by Powers, George Whitefield
To My Amazing Son: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
For A Wonderful Nephew: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To A Special Friend: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
For An Awesome Teammate: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
For A Sweet Neighbor: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To My Amazing Cousin: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To My Sweet Godson: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
For A Special Classmate: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To My Special Cousin: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
To My Awesome Godchild: Happy Valentine's Day! Coloring Card by Publishing, Florabella
Certificate of Incorporation by Anonymous
Members, Certificate of Incorporation, By-Laws, Rules of Racing by National Steeplechase Association
Sharon's Dewy Rose: A Collection of New Music and Hymns for the Use of Sabbath-Schools by Kieffer, Aldine Silliman
Introduction to Philosophy: An inquiry after a rational system of scientific principles in their relation to ultimate reality by Ladd, George Trumbull
The Theory of Bimetallism and the Effects of the Partial Demonetisation of Silver: on England and India by Barbour, David Miller
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