• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General Sociology in 2023

The 'Glocal' Intertwine of Food Systems: Institutions, Sustainability and Resilience of Peasants North-West of Mount Kenya by Käser, Fabian
Jerusalem: The Story of a Song by Lerner, Edwin John
Mankind Final Hour by Kryan, Igor
The Ponytail: Icon, Movement, and the Modern (Sports)Woman by Broch, Trygve B.
Cybersecurity Governance in Latin America: States, Threats, and Alliances by Solar, Carlos
Leaving the City: Health and Happiness in the Other America by Tipton, Jeffrey
Planet Grief: Redefining Grief for the Real World by Tait, Dipti
The Refugee Crisis by Goodman, Michael E.
U.S. Coast Guard by Besel, Jen
A World Without Hunger: Josué de Castro and the History of Geography by Davies, Archie
Revisionary Narratives: Moroccan Women's Auto/Biographical and Testimonial Acts by Hachad, Naïma
Empire Found: Racial Identities and Coloniality in Twenty-First Century Portuguese Popular Cultures by Silva, Daniel F.
Prostitution in the Basque Country and Nevada by
High Risk: A True Story of the Sas, Drugs, and Other Bad Behaviour by Timberlake, Ben
Holiday Fun by Peters, Katie
Tommy, Trauma, and Postwar Youth Culture by MacLeod, Dewar
Heimatkunde: Explorations of Place and Belonging. a 'Feast-Script' in Honour of Ullrich Kockel by
Urban Sociology by Cruise, Braney, Drew, Frank
What is Happiness? by Karoui, Hichem
Juneteenth: A First Look by Peters, Katie
Cocorico: Les Gars, Faut Qu'on Se Parle by Bergeron, Mickaël
Wie zeigt sich europäische Identität und was kann die EU tun für mehr Identifikation? by Seynsche, Nils
Evidence: The Use and Misuse of Data, Transactions, American Philosophical Society (Vol. 112, Part 3) by
Diwali: A First Look by Leed, Percy
Ist Wasser eine fiktive Ware im Polanyi'schen Sinne? Der Stellenwert des Wassers für die Gesellschaft by Ölsinger, Gabriele, Mimra, Dominik
Conservation Science for Cultural Heritage by Artioli, Mia
Adult and Social Education by Murphy, Andy, Clark, Jen
Let's Talk Polygamy UNCENSORED: Modern-Day Solutions Found in This Ancient Marital Practice by Nazir, Coach, Fatimah, Coach, Nyla, Coach
Blues on Stage: The Blues Entertainment Industry in the 1920s by Clark, John L.
Blues on Stage: The Blues Entertainment Industry in the 1920s by Clark, John L.
Bronx Epitaph: How Lou Gehrig's "Luckiest Man" Speech Defined the Yankee Legend by Wagner, Steven K.
New Year's Day: A First Look by Leed, Percy
The Real History of Juneteenth by Smith, Elliott
Valentine's Day: A First Look by Leed, Percy
Letters to My Weird Sisters: On Autism and Feminism by Limburg, Joanne
Lunar New Year: A First Look by Leed, Percy
Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr: A First Look by Leed, Percy
Day of the Dead: A First Look by Peters, Katie
Day of the Dead: A First Look by Peters, Katie
The Real History of Juneteenth by Smith, Elliott
Ramadan and Eid Al-Fitr: A First Look by Leed, Percy
Living in an Imperfect World: And What to Do About It by Zecola, Steven A.
The Newcomes: The works of William Makepeace Thackeray - Volume III by Thackeray, William M.
Revolution by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
From Primates to Politicians: A journey from the political side of animals to the animal side of politicians by Muñoz, Juan Manuel
Stadtgeographie: Aktuelle Themen Und Ansätze by
Spielräume Des Affektiven: Konzeptionelle Und Exemplarische Studien Zur Frühneuzeitlichen Affektkultur by
Cities of the Future: Challenges and Opportunities by
Beyond the Informal: Understanding Self-Organized Kampungs in Indonesia by Jones, Paul, Suhartini, Ninik
The Ponytail: Icon, Movement, and the Modern (Sports)Woman by Broch, Trygve B.
Representing Gender-Based Violence: Global Perspectives by
Optimising Emotions, Incubating Falsehoods: How to Protect the Global Civic Body from Disinformation and Misinformation by Bakir, Vian, McStay, Andrew
Homeowners and the Resilient City: Climate-Driven Natural Hazards and Private Land by
Basilicata and Southern Italy Between Film and Ecology by
Nature, Society, and Marginality: Case Studies from Nepal, Southeast Asia and Other Regions by
Digitaler Journalismus in Der PRAXIS: Grundlagen Von Onlinerecherche, Storytelling Und Datenjournalismus by Osing, Tim
Entwicklung, humanitäre Hilfe und soziale Wohlfahrt: Sozialer Wandel von innen nach außen by Walther, Cornelia C.
Populism and Populist Discourse in North America by Macaulay, Marcia
Exploring Hartmut Rosa's Concept of Resonance by Majid, Bareez, Peters, Mathijs
Wissenschaftskommunikation, Neu Sortiert: Eine Systematisierung Der Externen Kommunikationen Der Wissenschaft by Pasternack, Peer
Junge Männer in Deutschland: Einstellungen Junger Männer Mit Und Ohne Zuwanderungsgeschichte Zu Gender Und Lsbti by
Science Journalism in the Arab World: The Quest for 'Ilm' and Truth by Lugo-Ocando, Jairo, Alhuntushi, Abdullah
Speaking Youth to Power: Influencing Climate Policy at the United Nations by Terry, Mark
Contemporary Discourses in Social Exclusion by
Transgenics in Dispute: Political Conflicts in the Commercial Liberation of Gmos in Brazil by Lenzi, Cristiano Luis
Internationale Wahrnehmung Von Urheberrechten an Musikwerken: Grundlagen, Konzepte, Techniken by Klingner, Stephan, Schumacher, Frank, Miller, Mihail
Exploring Children's Suffrage: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Ageless Voting by
Umwelt- Und Klimagerechtigkeit: Aktualität Und Zukunftsvision by Grafe, Regine
Storying Social Movement/S by
Capital and the Cosmos: War, Society and the Quest for Profit by Dickens, Peter
Islam in Global Modernity: Sociological Theory and the Diversity of Islamic Modernities by Jung, Dietrich
Capitalism and Migration: The Rise of Hegemony in the World-System by Rodriguez, Nestor
Deutschland ALS Magnet Für Hochqualifizierte Aus Griechenland: Eine Qualitative Empirische Studie Zu Faktischen Und Potenziellen Migrant*innen by Gkolfinopoulos, Andreas
The McGurk Universe: The Physiological and the Psychological in Audiovisual Culture by Donnelly, K. J.
Socio-Ecological Systems and Decoloniality: Convergence of Indigenous and Western Knowledge by
Pionierinnen Der Psychiatrie in Frankreich Und Deutschland (1870 - 1945): Sechs Ausgewählte Fallstudien by Prokop, Jana
Handbook of Transnational Families Around the World by
Die Gestaltung Der Ewigkeit: Die Konstitutive Bedeutung Von Nichtwissen Für Den Entsorgungsprozess Nuklearen Abfalls by Wulf, Nele
Longevity and Development: New Perspectives on Ageing Communities: Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress Age.Comm, November 11-12, 2021 by
Cultural Participation: The Perpetuation of Middle-Class Privilege in Dublin, Ireland by McCall Magan, Kerry
Karl Popper: Professional Philosopher and Public Intellectual by Weinert, Friedel
Migrant Construction Workers in Times of Crisis: Worker Agency, (Im)Mobility Practices and Masculine Identities Among Albanians in Southern Europe by Dimitriadis, Iraklis
Interracial Ehen Und Christliche Mission: "Was Gott Geschieden Hat, Soll Der Mensch Nicht Zusammenfügen"? by Licht, Jonas
Population Levels, Trends, and Differentials: More Important Population Matters by Chamie, Joseph
Forest Politics from Below: Social Movements, Indigenous Communities, Forest Occupations and Eco-Solidarism by Kaufer, Ricardo
The Sleeper Agent in Post-9/11 Media by Ossa, Vanessa
Erfolgsfaktoren Von Plattform-Geschäftsmodellen: Exemplarische Analyse Des Geschäftsmodells Der Livestreaming-Plattform Twitch by Hess, Claudia, Schammer, Britta, Boßlau, Mario
Der Einfluss Wohlfahrtsstaatlicher Institutionen Auf Rechtsextreme Einstellungen: Eine Mehrebenenanalyse by Bollwein, Thomas
Equity in Health and Health Promotion in Urban Areas: Multidisciplinary Interventions at International and National Level by
Man-Made Women: The Sexual Politics of Sex Dolls and Sex Robots by
Pädagogische Qualität in Waldorfkindergärten Und Waldorfkrippen: Eine Qualitative Empirische Studie Zu Spezifischen Qualitätsmerkmalen Aus Sicht Betei by Gelitz, Philipp
Organisationen Nachhaltig Bewegen: Systemische Organisationsentwicklung Zum Nachhaltigen Unternehmen by Lüschen-Heimer, Christiane
Keine Panik vor Statistik!: Erfolg und Spaß im Horrorfach nichttechnischer Studiengänge by Oestreich, Markus, Romberg, Oliver
Digital Surveillance in Southern Africa: Policies, Politics and Practices by Munoriyarwa, Allen, Mare, Admire
Arts-Based Practices with Young People at the Edge by
The Inter- And Transnational Politics of Populism: Foreign Policy, Identity and Popular Sovereignty by Wojczewski, Thorsten
Ninth Art. Bande Dessinée, Books and the Gentrification of Mass Culture, 1964-1975 by Lesage, Sylvain
Citizen Fetus: The Changing Image of Motherhood by Piontelli, Alessandra
Schlüsselwerke Der Werbeforschung by
Queerfeministische Kompostierungen Des Anthropozäns: Ökologien, Raumzeiten, Verantworten by
Active Borders in Europe: Identity and Collective Memory in the Cross-Border Space by
Francesco Zambeccari und die Briefe des Libanios: Ein Beitrag zur Kritik des Libanios und zur Geschichte der Philologie by Förster, Richard
Soziologie Und Anthropologie 1 - Theorie Der Magie / Soziale Morphologie: Herausgegeben Und Mit Einem Vorwort Von Cécile Rol by Mauss, Marcel
Soziologie Und Anthropologie 2 - Gabentausch, Todesvorstellung, Körpertechniken: Herausgegeben Und Mit Einem Vorwort Von Cécile Rol by Mauss, Marcel
Fakten - Bilder - Töne - Story: Dokumentarische Filmdramaturgie: TV - Video - Netz - Kino by Heussen, Gregor Alexander
Soziale Wirkung Physischer Attraktivität: Eine Einführung by
Die Digitalisierung Des Politischen: Theoretische Und Praktische Herausforderungen Für Die Demokratie by
Empirische Forschung in Den Wirtschafts- Und Sozialwissenschaften Klipp & Klar by Köstner, Hariet
Proceedings of Topical Issues in International Political Geography by
Discursive Approaches to Politics in Malaysia: Legitimising Governance by
"Nomadity of Being" in Central Asia: Narratives of Kyrgyzstani Women's Rights Activists by Sultanalieva, Syinat
Translation and Interpreting in the Age of Covid-19 by
Science, Technology and Innovation Diplomacy in Developing Countries: Perceptions and Practice by
The Nursing Profession and the Marriage Bar: Crisp White Uniform by McTaggart, Breda
Media Representations of Macau's Gaming Industry in Greater China: A Corpus-Based Critical Discourse Analysis by Wu, Yuxi
Digitized Statecraft of Four Asian Regionalisms: States' Multilateral Treaty Participation and Citizens' Satisfaction with Quality of Life by Inoguchi, Takashi, Le, Lien Thi Quynh
The Wipo Internet Treaties at 25: A Retrospective by Ayyar, R. V. Vaidyanatha
The Digital Sovereignty Trap: Avoiding the Return of Silos and a Divided World by Jelinek, Thorsten
Grassroots Democracy and Governance in India: Understanding Power, Sociality and Trust by Das, Amiya Kumar
Creative Product Design with Cultural Codes by Wang, Ming-Feng
Complex Networks XIII: Proceedings of the 13th Conference on Complex Networks, Complenet 2022 by
Education, Equity and Inclusion: Teaching and Learning for a Sustainable North by
The Reconstruction of Chinese Sociology: An Oral History of 40 Sociologists (1979-2019) by
Digital Technologies, Temporality, and the Politics of Co-Existence by Coeckelbergh, Mark
Reworking Culture: Relatedness, Rites, and Resources in Garo Hills, North East India by de Maaker, Erik
Navigating Urban Soundscapes: Dublin and Los Angeles in Fiction by Eisenberg, Annika
A Beginners Guide to the PC Cult: The New War of Religion by Milla, Sin City
Institutions and Organizations as Learning Environments for Participation and Democracy: Opportunities, Challenges, Obstacles by
Sports Studies in India: Expanding the Field by Patel, Sujata
Intoxication: Self, State and Society by Monaghan, Mark, Thurnell-Read, Thomas
Asylum Seekers in Australian News Media: Mediated (In)Humanity by Haw, Ashleigh
International Law and Development in the Global South by
Handbuch Soziale Medien by
Indigenous Churches: Anthropology of Christianity in Lowland South America by
Soziologie Der Zwischenkriegszeit. Ihre Hauptströmungen Und Zentralen Themen Im Deutschen Sprachraum: Band 2 by
Digital Cultures: Postmodern Media Education, Subversive Diversity and Neoliberal Subjectivation by Kergel, David
The Rise of the Middle Class in Contemporary China by Chang, Fenglin, Wang, Hong, Su, Hainan
Great Minds in Regional Science, Vol. 2 by
Responsible AI in Africa: Challenges and Opportunities by
A Police Officer's Guide to Academic Research by
Secularism(s) in Contemporary France: Law, Policy, and Religious Diversity by Koussens, David
Social Inequality in Canada: Dimensions of Disadvantage by Reitz, Jeffrey G., Hwang, Monica Mi Hee, Grabb, Edward
Whiteness at the End of the World: Race in Post-Apocalyptic Cinema by Venditto, David
Gender and Family Practices: Living Apart Together Relationships in China by Qiu, Shuang
Measuring the Spread of National Identity. Evidence from the German Empire before 1914 by Aghte, Diana
The Healing Journey: 60 Day Self Discovery Guide by Grier, Chantel B.
Black Paper: Writing in a Dark Time by Cole, Teju
No Jurisdiction: Legal, Political, and Aesthetic Disorder in Post-9/11 Genre Cinema by Ben-Youssef, Fareed
Jews in Popular Science Fiction: Marginalized in the Mainstream by
Street Harassment as Everyday Violence by Mills, Melinda A.
Trans Identities in the French Media: Representation, Visibility, Recognition by
The Voice from Sinai: The eternal bases of the moral law by Farrar, F. W.
Eternity in the Ether: A Mormon Media History by Feller, Gavin
Eternity in the Ether: A Mormon Media History by Feller, Gavin
Auguste Comte And Positivism by Mill, John Stuart
The Autonomous City: A History of Urban Squatting by Vasudevan, Alexander
Reimagining Civil Society Collaborations in Development: Starting from the South by
Spatial Tensions in Urban Design: Understanding Contemporary Urban Phenomena by
Healthy Lifestyle: From Pediatrics to Geriatrics by
Flexible Dienstleistungsarbeit Gesundheitsförderlich Gestalten: Herausforderung Für Ambulante Soziale Dienste Und Agile It-Services by
Mixed Methods in Den Digital Humanities: Topic-Informierte Diskursanalyse Am Beispiel Der Volkszählungs- Und Zensusdebatte by Deremetz, Anne
Praxishandbuch Wirtschaft in Afrika by
Kunst Und Gewalt by
The Magnificent Monarchy: A Matt and the General Book by Katzan, Harry, Jr.
The Magnificent Monarchy: A Matt and the General Book by Katzan, Harry, Jr.
Social and Economic Stimulating Development Strategies for China's Ethnic Minority Areas by Wang, Yanzhong, Ding, Sai
Translation Studies on Chinese Films and TV Shows by
Perspectives and Trends in Education and Technology: Selected Papers from Icited 2022 by
The Trialism and Application of Human Settlement, Inhabitation and Travel Environment Studies: Applications in Water-Net Region by Liu, Binyi
Dying to be Seen: The Race to Save Medicare in Canada by MacNeil, Cathy
Die ungeklärte Frage der sozialen Gerechtigkeit: Mögliches und Unmögliches by Leacock, Stephen
Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders by Huacuja Alonso, Isabel
Runaway Science: True Stories of Raging Robots and Hi-Tech Horrors by Redfern, Nick
Radio for the Millions: Hindi-Urdu Broadcasting Across Borders by Huacuja Alonso, Isabel
Bridging Two Worlds: Comparing Classical Political Thought and Statecraft in India and China Volume 4 by
Media Representations of Retail Work in America by Clark, Brittany R.
Land Tenure Challenges in Africa: Confronting the Land Governance Deficit by
The Spirit of Philanthropy: Fundraising for a Better World by Pisch, Frank
Digital Healthcare and Expertise: Mental Health and New Knowledge Practices by Egher, Claudia
The Religion of Islam Presented by the Quran and Sunnah by Al-Mubarak, Fahd Ibn Hamad
Spinoza: zur Rechtfertigung seiner Philosophie und Zeit by Rothschild, David
A Critical Companion to Christopher Nolan by
Dark Agoras: Insurgent Black Social Life and the Politics of Place by RoAne, J. T.
Das Kriegs- und Tätertrauma im Film "Waltz with Bashir" by Tas, Aleyna
Fandom Acts of Kindness: A Heroic Guide to Activism, Advocacy, and Doing Chaotic Good by Joseph, Kaela, Cook, Tanya
Nation's Metropolis: The Economy, Politics, and Development of the Washington Region by Wolman, Harold, Hanson, Royce
Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II by Schwartz Greene, Rebecca
Kingdom of the Ill by
Runaway Science: True Stories of Raging Robots and Hi-Tech Horrors by Redfern, Nick
Breaking Point: The Ironic Evolution of Psychiatry in World War II by Schwartz Greene, Rebecca
Die Darstellung von Skopophilie anhand des Protagonisten Joe Goldberg in der Serie "You - Du wirst mich lieben". Von der Begierde zur Obsession by Tas, Aleyna
Let's Get Physical: How Women Discovered Exercise and Reshaped the World by Friedman, Danielle
Challenging Conceptions: Children Born of Wartime Rape and Sexual Exploitation by Anumol, Dipali
Dying to be Seen: The Race to Save Medicare in Canada by MacNeil, Cathy
Analog by Hassan, Robert
Telling of the Anthracite: A Pennsylvania Posthistory by Mosley, Philip
Happiness by Lomas, Tim
Einführung in die Tiefensoziologie by Krumrey, Horst-Volker
The Story of Abortion in America: A Street-Level History, 1652-2022 by Savas, Leah, Olasky, Marvin
Junk Food Politics: How Beverage and Fast Food Industries Are Reshaping Emerging Economies by Gómez, Eduardo J.
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