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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2001

From Slogans to Mantras: Social Protest and Religious Conversion in the Late Vietnam Era by Kent, Stephen
Unfinished People: Eastern European Jews Encounter America by Gay, Ruth
Polin: Studies in Polish Jewry Volume 14: Focusing on Jews in the Polish Borderlands by Polonsky, Antony
Crossing Boundaries: The Exclusion and Inclusion of Minorities in Germany and the United States by
Olga Rudge & Ezra Pound: What Thou Lovest Well . . . by Conover, Anne
Perilous Trails, Dangerous Men: Early California Stagecoach Robbers and Their Desperate Careers 1856-1900 by Secrest, William B.
Colonial West Indian Students in Britain by Braithwaite, Lloyd
Einstein in Love: A Scientific Romance by Overbye, Dennis
Echoes Down the Corridor: Collected Essays, 1944-2000 by Miller, Arthur
The Muslim Discovery of Europe by Lewis, Bernard W.
The Greatest War - Volume II: D-Day and the Assault on Europe by Astor, Gerald
Protestants, Catholics and Jews in Germany, 1800-1914 by
Conflict and Confrontation in South East Asia, 1961-1965 by Jones, Matthew
Rethinking Vienna 1900 by
Bound to Please: A History of the Victorian Corset by Summers, Leigh
Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements by
The Secret Life of the Seine by Rosenblum, Mort
Fire by Junger, Sebastian
The Spanish Ulcer: A History of Peninsular War by Gates, David
The Tribe by Mension, Jean-Michel
Great Britain and Argentina by Gallo, K.
Wisconsin's Best Breweries and Brewpubs: Searching for the Perfect Pint by Shepard, Robin
The Regicides and the Execution of Charles 1 by
Upper St. Clair by Upper St Clair Historical Society
Studies in Medievalism XI: Appropriating the Middle Ages: Scholarship, Politics, Fraud by
Taller de La Escritura. Conversaciones, Encuentros, Entrevistas by Ortega, Julio
Urgeschichten Der Moderne: Die Antike Im 20. Jahrhundert by
The Politics of Virtue in Enlightenment France by Linton, M.
The Politics of Virtue in Enlightenment France by Linton, M.
A Force More Powerful: A Century of Nonviolent Conflict by Ackerman, Peter
Upside Down: A Primer for the Looking-Glass World by Galeano, Eduardo
Castes of Mind: Colonialism and the Making of Modern India by Dirks, Nicholas B.
China in the Twentieth Century by Bailey, Paul John
China in the Twentieth Century by Bailey, Paul John
Cold War by
Foundlings: Lesbian and Gay Historical Emotion Before Stonewall by Nealon, Christopher
Wilbraham by Gray, Coralie M.
Lunenburg by Lunenburg Historical Society, Hunter, Inge H., Whitcomb, G. Barry
Papyri Graecae Magicae / Die Griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band II by
Papyri Graecae magicae / Die griechischen Zauberpapyri. Band I by
Beethoven's Hair: An Extraordinary Historical Odyssey and a Scientific Mystery Solved by Martin, Russell
New Paltz by Johnson, Carol A., Ryan, Marion W.
Religion and Social Policy by
The Avengers: A Jewish War Story by Cohen, Rich
Yugoslavia: A Concise History by Benson, L.
Writing History in Twentieth-Century Russia: A View from Within by Litvin, A.
Bio-Bibliographien - Brandenburgische Gelehrte der frühen Neuzeit, Mark Brandenburg 1640-1713 by Splett, Jürgen, Noack, Lothar
Ohne Gott und Sonnenschein Band II: Altkreis Arnstadt by Gruhle, Jürgen
Men Like That: A Southern Queer History by Howard, John
Beyond Auschwitz: Post-Holocaust Jewish Thought in America by Morgan, Michael L.
The Order of Things by Foucault, Michel
The Great War: 1914-1918 by Ferro, Marc
The Century of Revolution: 1603-1714 by Hill, Christopher
Food Nations: Selling Taste in Consumer Societies by
Pancho Villa's Revolution by Headlines by Anderson, Mark Cronlund
Russia's Chechen Wars 1994-2000: Lessons from the Urban Combat by Oliker, Olga
Eugen Fischer-Baling (1881-1964): Manuskripte, Artikel, Briefe Und Tagebucher by Fischer-Baling, Eugen
Cabell County by Casto, James E.
Die deutsche Reformation zwischen Spätmittelalter und Früher Neuzeit by
Eine Welt - Eine Geschichte? by
The Palgrave Concise Historical Atlas of the Balkans by Hupchick, D., Cox, H.
Unaufhebbare Pluralität der Kulturen? by
Jeffersonian America by Onuf, Peter S., Sadosky, Leonard
Clarksville, Indiana by Sarles, Jane
A Diplomatic History of the Caspian Sea: Treaties, Diaries and Other Stories by Mirfendereski, G.
Moralia: Volume III by Plutarchus
Moralia: Volume V/Fasc 1 by Plutarchus
Moralia: Volume V/Fasc 3 by Plutarchus
Scotland in the Eighteenth Century: Union and Enlightenment by Allan, David
Imagine Nation: The American Counterculture of the 1960s and '70s by
On Post-Colonial Futures: Transformations of a Colonial Culture by Ashcroft, Bill
On Post-Colonial Futures: Transformations of a Colonial Culture by Ashcroft, Bill
San Francisco, California by Kennedy, Patricia
Only the Nails Remain: Scenes from the Balkan Wars by Merrill, Christopher
The Mother Tongue: English and How It Got That Way by Bryson, Bill
Pierce County, Georgia by Guss, John Walker
Wayne Township by Tobin, Cathy
Die KPD und der Spanische Bürgerkrieg 1936-1939 by Niemeyer, Ralf
The Living Stream: Holy Wells in Historical Context by Rattue, James
Europe and the World, 1650-1830 by Black, Jeremy
Roman Social History by Treggiari, Susan
The Great Treks: The Transformation of Southern Africa 1815-1854 by Etherington, Norman
History of the People of Israel Vol. 3 by Renan, Ernest
The Adventures of Amos 'n' Andy: A Social History of an American Phenomenon by Ely, Melvin Patrick
Cultures in Conflict--The Arab-Israeli Conflict by Goldscheider, Calvin
Flight from Fallibility: How Theory Triumphed over Experience in the West by Perkinson, Henry
Beyond Pain: The Role of Pleasure and Culture in the Making of Foreign Affairs by Breslin, Thomas
Transitions from Authoritarianism: The Role of the Bureaucracy by
Arab-Israeli Conflict in Israeli History Textbooks, 1948-2000 by Podeh, Elie
Ancient Mysteries: Discover the latest intriguiging, Scientifically sound explanations to Age-old puzzles by Thorpe, Nick, James, Peter
Daily Life of the Ancient Romans by Matz, David
War and Society in the Ancient and Medieval Worlds: Asia, the Mediterranean, Europe, and Mesoamerica by
State Names, Seals, Flags, and Symbols: A Historical Guide, Revised and Expanded by Shearer, Barbara S., Shearer, Benjamin F.
Montcalm and Wolfe: The French And Indian War by Parkman, Francis
The French Overseas Empire by Quinn, Frederick
Doddridge and Ritchie Counties by Stealey, Robert F.
The English Poor Laws, 1700-1930 by Brundage, Anthony
The Chinese National Character: From Nationhood to Individuality by Sun, Warren
A Scandal in Tiszadomb: Understanding Modern Hungary Through the History of Three Families by Hollos, Marida
The Obstructed Path: French Social Thought in the Years of Desperation 1930-1960 by Hughes, H. Stuart
The Southern Agrarians: With a New Preface by the Author by Conkin, Paul K.
The Reception of Darwinism in the Iberian World: Spain, Spanish America and Brazil by
Bernier's Travels in the Mogul Empire by Bernier, Francois
American Disasters by
Who's Who in Nazi Germany by Wistrich, Robert S.
The Acropolis: Global Fame, Local Claim by Yalouri, Eleana
Premature Burials: Famous and Infamous People Who Cheated Death and Hoodwinked History by Rife, Philip L.
American Disasters by
Social Scientists for Social Justice: Making the Case Against Segregation by Jackson Jr, John P.
Plays of Gods and Men by Dunsany, Lord
The Acropolis: Global Fame, Local Claim by Yalouri, Eleana
Condemned: Inside the Sing Sing Death House by Christianson, Scott
Remaking Chinese America: Immigration, Family, and Community, 1940-1965 by Zhao, Xiaojian
The Creation of the Modern World: The Untold Story of the British Enlightenment by Porter, Roy
The Greatest War - Volume III: The Battle of the Bulge to Hiroshima by Astor, Gerald
The Little Immigrants: The Orphans Who Came to Canada by Bagnell, Kenneth
Homophobia: A History by Fone, Byrne
A History of the Atkinson Morley's Hospital 1869-1995 by Uttley, David, Gould, Terry
Liberia: Window of Time 1948-1950 a Snapshot of the Life of a Mining Engineer by Reilingh M. I., Ir Albert
A History of the Atkinson Morley's Hospital 1869-1995 by Gould, Terry, Uttley, David
Theodore Roosevelt, the U.S. Navy and the Spanish-American War by
Theodore Roosevelt, the U.S. Navy, and the Spanish-American War by
Die Erschließung Des Landes 1949 Bis 1973 by
Politics and Religion in Napoleonic Italy: The War Against God, 1801-1814 by Broers, Michael
War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-Military States by Glete, Jan
War and the State in Early Modern Europe: Spain, the Dutch Republic and Sweden as Fiscal-Military States by Glete, Jan
Österreich-Konzeptionen und jüdisches Selbstverständnis by
Elizabeth City by Elizabeth City Historical Neighborhood a., Scott, John C., Jr.
Pawtuxet Valley by Kos, Jeffrey Marc
Berlin by Large, David Clay
Allentown and Upper Freehold Township by Gabrielan, Randall
History of the people of Israel Vol. 2 by Renan, Ernest
Elizabethan Humanism: Literature and Learning in the Later Sixteenth Century by Pincombe, Michael
Westchester County: Protect and Serve by Lavin, Michael J., Donovan, Frank J.
Cyrus the Great by Abbott, Jacob
Swinging in Place: Porch Life in Southern Culture by Donlon, Jocelyn Hazelwood
Walden and Maybrook by Newman, Marc
Mount Pleasant: The Friendly Town by Royall, Mary-Julia C.
Jewish Life in Omaha and Lincoln: A Photographic History by Pollak, Oliver B.
Down by the Old Mill Stream: A Stymiest Chronicle by Stymiest U. E., Carl W. W.
Die Marburger Medizinische Fakultät Im Dritten Reich by
Germany and the Second World War by
Interpreting Late Antiquity: Essays on the Postclassical World by
Scholarly Publishing: Books, Journals, Publishers, and Libraries in the Twentieth Century by Strauch, Katina
Griechische Papyrusurkunden Spätrömischer Und Byzantinischer Zeit Aus Hermupolis Magna: (Bgu XVII) by
Filippo Beroaldo Der Ältere Und Sein Beitrag Zur Properz-Überlieferung by Rose, Anna
Il ruolo dei patroni nelle relazioni politiche fra il mondo greco e Roma in età repubblicana ed augustea by Canali De Rossi, Filippo
The Wandering Jews by Roth, Joseph
Geography, Science and National Identity by Withers, Charles W. J.
Forget Colonialism?: Sacrifice and the Art of Memory in Madagascar Volume 1 by Cole, Jennifer
Entwicklungslinien Und Wendepunkte Im 20. Jahrhundert by
Demokratie in Deutschland und Frankreich 1918-1933/40 by
Class Against Class: The Communist Party in Britain Between the Wars by Worley, Matthew
Supporting Lifelong Learning: Volume I: Perspectives on Learning by Clarke, Julia, Hanson, Ann, Harrison, Roger
Supporting Lifelong Learning: Volume I: Perspectives on Learning by Clarke, Julia, Hanson, Ann, Harrison, Roger
Marin City Memories: From the Deep South to the Shores of San Francisco Bay by Geary, Marilyn L.
Schriften Zur Bedeutung Des Protestantismus Für Die Moderne Welt (1906-1913) by
Disrupting Savagism: Intersecting Chicana/o, Mexican Immigrant, and Native American Struggles for Self-Representation by Aldama, Arturo J.
Savagism and Civilization: A Study of the Indian and the American Mind by Pearce, Roy Harvey
Ames: A Ride Through the Town on the "Dinkey" by Brown, Farwell T.
Gilded City: Scandal and Sensation in Turn-Of-The-Century New York by Dunlop, M. H.
Facing Evil: Confronting the Dreadful Power Behind Genocide, Terroism, and Cruelty by
Keeping the Peace in the Cyprus Crisis of 1963-64 by James, A.
Black Ivory 2e by Walvin, James
Wagner's Hitler: A Sceptical View by Kohler, Joachim
Keeping the Peace in the Cyprus Crisis of 1963-64 by James, A.
Nicaragua's Conservative Republic, 1858-93 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Besieged: An Encyclopedia of Great Sieges from Ancient Times to the Present by Davis, Paul K.
Nicaragua's Conservative Republic, 1858-93 by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Black Ivory: Slavery in the British Empire by Walvin, James
Conflict Resolved?: A Critical Assessment of Conflict Resolution by Tidwell, Alan
Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc.: We Build, We Fight by
Navy Seabee Veterans of America, Inc.: We Build, We Fight by
Bearing Witness: A Resource Guide to Literature, Poetry, Art, Music, and Videos by Holocaust Victims and Survivors by Apfelbaum, Nina, Rosen, Philip
Documents of American Diplomacy: From the American Revolution to the Present by Gambone, Michael D.
Ahead of Their Time: A Biographical Dictionary of Risk-Taking Women by Duncan, Joyce
The Church Militant and Iberian Expansion 1440-1770 by Boxer, C. R.
The Rise of the Social Sciences and the Formation of Modernity: Conceptual Change in Context, 1750-1850 by
Scholarship Unbound by O'Meara, Kerry Ann
The Eternal Slum: Housing and Social Policy in Victorian London by Wohl, Anthony
Mathematics Across Cultures: The History of Non-Western Mathematics by
The Secret Police and the Revolution: The Fall of the German Democratic Republic by Peterson, Edward N.
The Concept of God, the Origin of the World, and the Image of the Human in the World Religions by
Figures in a Western Landscape: Men and Women of the Northern Rockies by
Daily Life in the Age of Sail by Volo, James M., Volo, Dorothy Denneen
Izetbegovic of Bosnia and Herzegovina: Notes from Prison, 1983-1988 by Izetbegovic, Alija
Daily Life in the United States, 1920-1939: Decades of Promise and Pain by Kyvig, David E.
Women Alone: Spinsters in England, 1660-1850 by Hill, Bridget
History of the People of Israel Vol 1 by Renan, Ernest
History of the People of Israel Vol. 4 by Renan, Ernest
The Orthodox Eastern Church by Fortescue, Adrian
In Search of Civil Society by Deakin, Nicholas
Playboys in Paradise: Masculinity, Youth and Leisure-Style in Modern America by Osgerby, Bill
Celebrating Ethnicity and Nation: American Festive Culture from the Revolution to the Early 20th Century by
Symbiosis and Ambivalence: Poles and Jews in a Small Galician Town by Lehmann, Rosa
Symbiosis and Ambivalence: Poles and Jews in a Small Galician Town by Lehmann, Rosa
God's Judgement? Syphilis and AIDS: Comparing the History and Prevention Attempts of Two Epidemics by Treadwell, Perry
End of History by Conde, Larry
Beyond Civilization: The World's Four Great Streams of Civilization: Their Achievements, Their Differences and Their Future by Chandler, Keith a.
Norwegian Whaling in Newfoundland: The Aquaforte Station and the Ellefsen Family, 1902-1908 by Dickinson, Anthony B., Sanger, Chesley W.
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