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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

General World History in 2016

Die Frau im Augsburg des 18. Jahrhunderts. Zwischen Familie und Handwerksberuf by Bozkurt, Sevgi
Globalizing Southeastern Europe: Emigrants, America, and the State since the Late Nineteenth Century by Brunnbauer, Ulf
Dining with the Famous and Infamous by Ross, Fiona
Der Einfluss der Eisenbahn auf die Kriegsführung bis zum Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges by Leidig, Dennis
Der stille Befehl: Widerstand und Opfergang einer bürgerlich und christlich geprägten Familie im NS-Staat 1933 bis 1945 by Kessler, Stephan
125 Jahre Genossenschaftsgesetz 100 Jahre Erster Weltkrieg: Beiträge zur 9. Tagung zur Genossenschaftsgeschichte am 7. - 8. November 2014 im Hamburger by
Saint and Nation: Santiago, Teresa of Avila, and Plural Identities in Early Modern Spain by Rowe, Erin Kathleen
Los Cuatro Jinetes del Apocalipsis by Blasco Ibañez, Vicente
The family of Thomas and Elizabeth Bladon of Sudbury Derbyshire by Coney, Helena Bladon
Histoire du règne de Philippe II by Prescott, W. H.
Diseases of the Nose and Throat by Coolidge, Algernon
Black America, a study of the ex-slave and his late master by Clowes, W. Laird
A Short History of Monks and Monasteries: Monastic History by Wishart, Alfred Wesley
Contention, Controversy, and Change: Evolutions and Revolutions in the Jewish Experience, Volume I by
A Treatise of Human Nature: Being an Attempt to Introduce the Experimental Method of Reasoning Into Moral Subjects by Hume, David
The Mulatta Concubine: Terror, Intimacy, Freedom, and Desire in the Black Transatlantic by Ze Winters, Lisa
Baron: The Life of Laurence Holmes Dorcy Jr. by Linker, Kathy Lynne
Bewahren oder gestalten? Naturschutz im Nationalsozialismus zwischen den 'eroberten Ostgebieten' und dem 'Altreich' by Lilienthal, Thomas
Der Wandel des Schulgeschichtsbuches im Geschichtsunterricht. Vergleich der Darstellung Bismarks und des Deutsch-Französischen Krieges by Bozkurt, Sevgi
Die zwei ersten Jahrhunderte der Schweizergeschichte by Gelzer, Heinrich
Geschichte des Reichstages zu Speier im Jahre 1529 by Ney, Julius
Botanik der alten Griechen und Römer by Lenz, Harald Othmar
Luthers Charakter by Walther, Wilhelm
Geschichte von Ost-Asien by Kaeuffer, Johann Ernst Rudolph
Köln im Mittelalter by Korth, Leonard
Die Flugbewegung der Vögel by Milla, Karl
Korfu by Gregorovius, Ferdinand
Drei Jahrhunderte deutschen Lebens in Amerika by Cronau, Rudolf
Geschichte des Volkes Israel by Kittel, Rudolf
Geschichte der kurhannoverschen Truppen by Knesebeck, Ernst Von Dem
Mysteries of Time and Space by Steiger, Brad
Italienische Einwanderung und Wirtschaftstätigkeit in rheinischen Städten des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts by Augel, Johannes
Polis und Politesse by Zabel, Christine
Re-Visioning Terrorism: A Humanistic Perspective by
The Long Night: A True Story by Bornstein, Ernst Israel
Remarkable Women of New England: Daughters, Wives, Sisters, and Mothers: The War Years 1754 to 1787 by Owens, Carole
Disease in Milk: The Remedy Pasteurization by
Greetings from Galveston: A History from the 1870s to the 1950s through Post Cards by Gray, E. Barry
Giuda. Ediz. inglese by Sottile, Salvatore
Tianzi(The Son of Heaven)--Light of the Universe 天子-全球之光 by Xie, Xuanjun
The Great Gatsby (Wisehouse Classics Edition) by Fitzgerald, F. Scott
Serial Killer Magazine Issue 22 by Gilks, James
Ainsi Parlait Zarathoustra by Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm
Wehrmachtjustiz an der "Heimatfront" by Theis, Kerstin
The Folklore Legend Of The Rake by Bridges, Curtis
The Jews in Siedlce 1850-1945 by Kopówka, Edward
The Mill by Vukmir, Rade B.
Shakespeare's Dark Lady: Amelia Bassano Lanier the Woman Behind Shakespeare's Plays? by Hudson, John
Handbuch der allgemeinen Literaturgeschichte aller bekannten Völker der Welt von der ältesten bis auf die neueste Zeit zum Selbststudium und für Vorle by Grässe, Johann Georg Theodor
Riders to the Sea: A Play in One Act by Synge, J. M.
Old Court Life in France Complete by Elliot, Frances
Old Court Life in France Volume I by Elliot, Frances
Old Court Life in France Volume II by Elliot, Frances
Stanhope Prize Essay-1859: The Causes of the Successes of the Ottoman Turks by Phillpotts, James Surtees
The Scarborough Bombardment of 1914 by Bruce, Malcolm
The people's theater by Rolland, Romain
School Boy Life in England, An American View by Corbin, John
Des artistes homériques, ou, histoire critique des artistes qui figurent dans l'Iliade et dans l'Odyssée by Rossignol, J. -P
The romance of old New England churches by Crawford, Mary C.
Geschichte van Dännemark by Dahlmann, Friedrich Christoph
Histoire de l'ancien gouvernement de la France avec XIV lettres historiques sur les parlemens ou Etats Generaux - Tome I by De Boulainvilliers, C. De
The Anatomy of Suicide by Winslow, Forbes
Geschichte der K. K. - Hof- und Staatsdruckerei in Wien by Ohne Autor
Abhandlungen zum altdeutschen Drama by Heinzel, Richard
Geschichte und Landesbeschreibung des Herzogthums Lauenburg by Von Robbe, Peter
Familienfeste der Griechen und Römer by Samter, Ernst
Geschichte der griechischen Philosophie by Schwegler, A.
Die Sozialdemokratie im Weltkrieg by David, Eduard
Die Lippischen Flurnamen by Preuß, Otto
Geschichte des Volkes Israel by Kittel, Rudolf
Hofleben in Byzanz by Dieterich, Karl
Weimars Musenhof in den Jahren 1772-1807 by Wachsmuth, Wilhelm
Die Quadrupel-Allianz vom Jahre 1718 by Weber, Ottocar
Nachklänge germanischen Glaubens und Brauchs in Amerika by Knortz, Karl
Vorgeschichte, Gründung und Entwickelung des Römischen Staats in Umrissen by Gerlach, Franz Dorotheus
Das Kutschkelied auf der Seelenwanderung by Ehrenthal, Wilhelm
Studien zur Altspartanischen Geschichte by Gilbert, Gustav
Rom, Wien, Neapel by Landau, Marcus
Fürst Bismarck und das deutsche Volk by Von Westarp, Adolf
Lebenserinnerungen by Eucken, Rudolf
Wie der Weltkrieg entstand by Kautsky, Karl
Die northumbrischen Runensteine by Vietor, Wilhelm
Briefe über Gutzkows Ritter im Geiste by Jung, Alexander
Bankwesen und Bankpolitik in den süddeutschen Staaten 1819-1875 by Hecht, Felix
Tales from Shakespeare by Lamb, Charles, Lamb, Mary
Biographies: Ordo Sancti Lazari Hierusalem - Grand Maîtres, Protecteurs & Administrateurs by Savona-Ventura, Charles
El imperio jesuítico by Lugones, Leopoldo
Backroads: Plain Folk and Simple Livin' by Coffey, Lynn
George Washington: First Guardian Of American Liberty by Crawley, Michael
A Historical Account of Columbian Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Boston by Heard, John T.
A Collection of History: Seven Short History Articles by Morris, Randall J.
Die gräfin Dolores by Schulze, Friedrich
The Franco-German War by Acton, John
History of Post-War II World Politics and Economics: an Outline by Pantelidakis, Stilianos
Outline of International Relations History from 1914 to the present day by Pantelidakis, Stilianos
Leben und Lehre des Buddha by Pischel, Richard
Das deutsche Drama des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts by Witkowski, Georg
Der Sport im Altertum by Schröder, Bruno
Geschichte der Deutschen by Menzel, Wolfgang
Das Bordell als Staatsanstalt by Ohne Autor
Die Gerbrinde mit besonderer Beziehung auf die Eichenschälwald-Wirtschaft by Neubrand, Johann Georg
Geschichte der Deutschen by Menzel, Wolfgang
General Francis Marion, Irregular Life of an Irregular Warrior by Campbell, Craig
Champions Along the West Branch by Gray, Ralph
Champions Along the West Branch by Gray, Ralph
My Bristol: The History and The Culture by Purkis, Teresa
Champions Along the West Branch by Gray, Ralph
The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature by James, William
The Bible, its origin and nature, seven lectures delivered before Lake Forest college on the foundation of the late William Bross by Dods, Marcus
Military Law and the Procedure of Courts-martial by Dudley, Edgar S.
They Came Together by Gray, Ralph
Die Reformation in der Mark Brandenburg by Heidemann, Julius
Der Wuppertaler Auschwitz-Prozess (1986-88): Ausgewählte Mitschriften by Ohlsen, Birgit
1813 by Von Treitschke, Heinrich
Handbuch der Ozeanographie by Krümmel, Otto
Goethe und Schiller by Goedeke, Karl
Aus den Staaten der Barbaresken by Schoenfeld, Dagobert
Leitfaden der Handelsgeographie by Eckert, Max
Ursprung und Beginn der Revolutionskriege 1791 und 1792 by Ranke, Leopold Von
Luces en la niebla by Durán Iriarte, Ángel Moisés
The way of poetry, an anthology for younger readers by Drinkwater, John
Our History Revealed: Africans in Early America by Harris, Joyice, Yisrael, Alizah, Dauid, Huldah
Stirring Times in Austria (annotated) by Twain, Mark
Concerning the Jews (annotated) by Twain, Mark
Yorkshire Battles by Lamplough, Edward
The Quest of the Historical Jesus: A Critical Study of Its Progress from Reimarus to Wrede by Schweitzer, Albert
History: Fiction or Science?: The dynastic parallelism method. Rome. Troy. Greece. The Bible. Chronological shifts. by Kalachnikov, Vladimir V., Nosovskiy, Gleb V.
To the Person Sitting in Darkness (annotated) by Twain, Mark
History: Fiction or Science?: Astronomical methods as applied to chronology. Ptolemy's Almagest. Tycho Brahe. Copernicus. The Egyptian zodiacs. by Nosovskiy, Gleb V., Kalshnikov, Vladimir V., Fomenko, Tatiana N.
Sagenhafte Wanderungen im Saale-Orla-Kreis: Schlösser, Burgen, Rittergüter, Kirchen, Mühlen, Hammerwerke, Hochöfen, Brauchtum, Alteuropäische Flurname by Blöthner, Alexander
Nach Paris! by Dumur, Louis
Aids to Preaching and Hearing by Skinner, Thomas H.
Die Manharter, ein beitrag zur geschichte Tirols im 19. jahrhundert by Flir, Alois
Inaugural Address: Delivered to the University of St. Andrews, Feb. 1st 1867 by Mill, John Stuart
Nelson: An Introduction to: Nelson by Tyrell, James
The Birth of Mormonism by Adams, John Quincy, Former Ow
The History of Tahiti by Mayer, Alfred G.
A History of Political Trials: From Charles I to Charles Taylor by Laughland, John
Punishment and the History of Political Philosophy: From Classical Republicanism to the Crisis of Modern Criminal Justice by Shuster, Arthur
Progressive Business C by Christiansen
Victor Hugo, son oeuvre poetique by Dupuy, Ernest
The Red Sea: In Search of Lost Space by Wick, Alexis
When Globalization Fails by MacDonald, James
The Red Sea: In Search of Lost Space by Wick, Alexis
Metternich und die polnisch-sächsische Krise. Quelleninterpretation einer diplomatischen Note Metternichs an Hardenberg vom 22. April 1814 by Ehrengruber, Johannes
Once Upon a Revolution: An Egyptian Story by Cambanis, Thanassis
Sea Miner by Veit, Chuck
The History of Fiji by Mayer, Alfred G.
Terra firma: the earth not a planet, proved from scripture, reason and fact by Scott, David Wardlaw
Die Julikrise von 1914. Untersuchung der Rolle wichtiger deutscher Entscheidungsträger in Politik und Militär by Leidig, Dennis
History: Fiction or Science?: Russia. Britain. Byzantinium. Rome by Fomenko, Anatoly T., Nosovskiy, Gleb V., Tamdhu, Franck
Constantine and the Captive Christians of Persia: Martyrdom and Religious Identity in Late Antiquity Volume 57 by Smith, Kyle
The Wheel: Inventions and Reinventions by Bulliet, Richard
Forever Lasts till Dawn by Silverstone, Monty
Forever Lasts till Dawn by Silverstone, Monty
Appiani Alexandrini Historia Romana by Appianus of Alexandria
The works of Benjamin Franklin - Vol. I by Franklin, Benjamin
Die preussische Revolution by Stahr, Adolf
Geschichte der Religion Jesu Christi by Stolberg, Friedrich Leopold
Das Theater altertum bis zur gegenwart by Gaehde, Christian
Analyse des Buches "Labor of Love, Labor of Sorrow" von Jacqueline Jones by Hilzensauer, Andreas Georg
Urkundenbuch zu der Lebensgeschichte Friedrich Wilhelms I. by Förster
Wilhelm von Oranien und der Abfall der Niederlande by Ledderhose, Karl Friedrich
Die Entwicklung des Religionsbegriffs bei Schleiermacher by Huber, Eugen
Geschichte Asiens und Osteuropas by Wirth, Albrecht
Drei Monate in der libyschen Wüste by Rohlfs, Gerhard
Geschichte der Deutschen by Menzel, Wolfgang
Porträtgalerie aus Lamprechts Deutscher Geschichte by Helmolt, Hans Ferdinand
Weltgeschichte by Von Weiß, Joh Bapt
Essays In Radical Empiricism by James, William
Die Holzzucht by Borggreve, Bernard
Geschichte der Deutschen by Menzel, Wolfgang
Pumpkin Center and the County Towns "A Road Runs Through Them": (General Shafter, Lakeside, Old River, Buena Vista, Panama and Greenfield) by (Compagnoni) Wright, Andrea
Writing Jazz: Race, Nationalism, and Modern Culture in the 1920s by Evans, Nicholas M.
The Descendants of William Greenberry Dossey and Thomas K Dossey of South Carolina 1787-2015 by Dossey, Carolyn Graden, Dossey, T. Michael
Our Litvak Inheritance - Volume one of Our Litvak and South African Jewish Inheritance: The history, life and times of South African Jews originating by Sandler, David Solly
The Communist Party in South Africa: Racism, Eurocentricity and Moscow, 1921-1950 by Roth, Mia
The Germ of an Idea: Contagionism, Religion, and Society in Britain, 1660-1730 by Delacy, Margaret
Teaching and Learning in History by
1916: Ireland's Revolutionary Tradition by Allen, Kieran
Native American Women: A Biographical Dictionary by
The Science of Self: Man, God, and the Mathematical Language of Nature by Allah, C'Bs Alife, Understanding, Supreme
The World Order - Our Secret Rulers: A Study in the Hegemony of Parasitism by Mullins, Eustace Clarence
The Russian Odyssey by Dews, Roy
A Key to the National Arithmetic by Greenleaf, Benjamin
Our Ancestors in Europe, An Introduction to American History by Hall, Jennie
Der streit um das seebeuterecht, seine historischen und politischen grundlagen by Hammann, Wolfgang
L'Isthme de Panama by Chevalier, Michel
Socialism: The original edition of 1879 by Mill, John Stuart
The Russian Odyssey by Dews, Roy
Elizabeth I by Haigh, Christopher
Municipal history of Essex County in Massachusetts - Vol. I by Arrington, Ben J. F.
A Thousand-Mile Walk to the Gulf (annotated) by Muir, John
Geschichte der Deutschen by Menzel, Wolfgang
Der geniale Mensch by Türck, Hermann
Mittelhochdeutsche Grammatik by Martin, Ernst
Goethe und die Seinen by Geiger, Ludwig
Handbuch der Deutschen Sprache by Lyon, Otto
Handbuch der Geschichte des Altertums by Grysar, C. J.
Deutschland eine Einheit? Zur demographischen Entwicklung in Ostdeutschland seit der Wiedervereinigung by Frank, Elaine Miriam
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