• Open Daily: 10am - 10pm
    Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm

    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Industrial Design in 2018

Ingenious: Product Design That Works by
Das "Best Practice Price" Corporate Design: Eine Theorie zur Abschlussarbeit by Broich, Simon
Design, Ecology, Politics: Towards the Ecocene by Boehnert, Joanna
Design Roots: Culturally Significant Designs, Products and Practices by
Ein Basisschnittkonzept für Damenhosen und die Realisation von Modellvarianten by Anonym
Norman Bel Geddes: American Design Visionary by Maffei, Nicolas P.
How Things Are Made: From Automobiles to Zippers by Terranova, Andrew, Rose, Sharon
Pure Gold: Upcycled! Upgraded! by
Mario Valentino: A History of Fashion, Design and Art by Velentino, Mario
Leïla Menchari: The Queen of Enchantment by Menchari, Leïla
Wiener Werkstätte Jewelry by
Coco Chanel: The Queen of Haute Couture by 50minutes
Shoe Material Design Guide: The shoe designers complete guide to selecting and specifying footwear materials by Motawi, Wade
Designing Design by Hara, Kenya
Die Mode der Frau im Kontext des kulturellen Wandels in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland: Ein Vergleich zwischen den 50er, 70er und 90er Jahren by Köster, Melanie
Chair: 500 Designs That Matter by Editors, Phaidon
Listen Design Inspire: Matteo Bianchi's Creative Journey by Hamilton, Simon
Listen Design Inspire: Matteo Bianchi's Creative Journey by Hamilton, Simon
Strategiguide för industridesigner by Landin, Curt
Cómo se hacen los zapatos: Una mirada al interior de una verdadera fábrica de calzado deportivo. by Motawi, Wade
New Brooches: 400+ Contemporary Jewelry Designs by
Orchestrating Experiences: Collaborative Design for Complexity by Quattlebaum, Patrick, Risdon, Chris
Game Thinking: Innovate smarter & drive deep engagement with design techniques from hit games by Kim, Amy Jo
Cultural Impacts on Service Design: Cultural Competence for Service Design Professionals in international Environments by Kniepe, Manuel
Modebewusstsein und -partizipation Jugendlicher mit Down-Syndrom. Empirische Studie auf Grundlage der Grounded Theory by Tebest, Jessica
Atelier Oï How Life Unfolds by de Bevilacqua, Carlotta
Osvaldo Borsani: 1911-1985: A Modern Spirit Between Artisan Culture and Contemporary Design by Borsani, Osvaldo
Superhumanity: Post-Labor, Psychopathology, Plasticity by
Die Selbstinszenierung des absolutistischen Herrschers Ludwig XIV. Höfische Mode als Mittel der Einflussnahme by Heinz, Laura Sophie
Born-Free: Motorcycle Show by
Decoration Graphics by
Design Education: Diversity or Conformity? Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education by
Arbeitsbedingungen in der Textilindustrie by Wulff, Sarah
Designing Car Interiors: Volume 1 - Looking Back and Sketch Techniques by Pilsbury, Tim
Changing Things: The Future of Objects in a Digital World by Wiltse, Heather, Redström, Johan
Mode als Kommunikation. Die Modetheorien bei Roland Barthes und Elena Esposito im Vergleich by Anonymous
Russian Criminal Playing Cards: Deck of 54 Playing Cards by Fuel
Aesthetic Sustainability: Product Design and Sustainable Usage by Harper, Kristine
The Art of the Fold: How to Make Innovative Books and Paper Structures (Learn Paper Craft & Bookbinding from Influential Bookmaker & Artist by Kyle, Hedi, Warchol, Ulla
Nachhaltigkeitskriterien in der Bekleidungsbranche: Eine Kundenzufriedenheitsanalyse mittels des Kano-Modells by Helwig, Julia
Mode aus soziologischer Sicht. Mode als Repräsentationsmittel im Bezug auf die Produktivität der Frau by Heinen, Jennifer
Die Produktsprache. Eine Theorie des Designs by Birkicht, Daniel
Deliver Great Products That Customers Love: The Guide to Product Management for Innovators, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs by Zanini, Valerio
Deliver Great Products That Customers Love: The Guide to Product Management for Innovators, Leaders, and Entrepreneurs by Zanini, Valerio
Design for Children: Play, Ride, Learn, Eat, Create, Sit, Sleep by Birks, Kimberlie
Marketing und Design bei Produktverpackungen by Becker, Inga
Arredoluce: Catalogue Raisonné 1943-1987 by
New Fashion Boutique Design: Dress Up! by
Material Effects: Product Designs, Photographs, Experiments: 6th International Marianne Brandt Contest by
Currents: Contemporary Pacific North West Design by
Die Jeans als Symbol der weiblichen Emanzipation by Shir, Freste
Petite Places: Clever Interiors for Humble Homes by
Computer Aided Fashion Design Using Gerber Technology by Alvarado, Jane
The Complete Pattern Directory: 1500 Designs from All Ages and Cultures by Wilhide, Elizabeth
Cut and Fold Techniques for Promotional Materials by Jackson, Paul
Northern Comfort: The Nordic Art of Creative Living by
Social Design by
Flexible Product Development: Agile Hardware Development to Liberate Innovation by Smith, Preston G.
How to Invent Almost Anything: Creative and Analytical Decision Making by Rawlinson, Graham, Straker, David, Rawlinson, Straker G.
Engineering: A Primer by Connor, Jeffrey Bernard
Margiela. the Hermes Years by Arnold, Rebecca, Debo, Kaat, Mower, Sarah
The Design Politics of the Passport: Materiality, Immobility, and Dissent by Keshavarz, Mahmoud
Tricky Design: The Ethics of Things by
Design for a Sustainable Culture: Perspectives, Practices and Education by
Product Design and the Supply Chain: Competing Through Design by Khan, Omera
Product Design and the Supply Chain: Competing Through Design by Khan, Omera
Escaping the Build Trap: How Effective Product Management Creates Real Value by Perri, Melissa
Bauhaus. Édition Actualisée by Droste, Magdalena
Bauhaus. Edición Actualizada by Droste, Magdalena