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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 1997

The Collapse of Barings by Fay, Stephen
Taxing America by
Ecotaxation by O'Riordan, Timothy
Convertible Bond Markets by Philips, George A.
The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives by Banks, Erik
External Finance in Thailand's Development: An Interpretation of Thailand's Growth Boom by Jansen, Karel
Financial Markets Regulation: A Practitioner's Perspective by Jeunemaître, Alain
Financial Institutions and Social Transformations: International Studies of a Sector by
Property Relations, Incentives and Welfare: Proceedings of a Conference Held in Barcelona, Spain, by the International Economic Association by
The Recent Evolution of Financial Systems by
The Power of Money by Van Dormael, Armand
Asset Prices and the Real Economy by
Capital Beyond Borders: States and Firms in the Auto Industry, 1960-94 by Thomas, Kenneth P.
The Economics of International Payments Unions and Clearing Houses: Theory and Measurement by Auguste, Byron G.
Parallel Exchange Rates in Developing Countries by
Exchange Rate Policy in Europe by
Taxing Consumption in a Global Economy by Grubert, Harry
A Single European Currency? by
Nondiscrimination in International Tax Law by Van Raad, Kees
Tax Coordination in the European Community by Cnossen, Sijbren
The Morningstar Approach to Investing: Wiring Into the Mutual Fund Revolution by Leckey, Andrew
Inquiry Into Currency Prin Lse by Tooke, Thomas
Money/Space: Geographies of Monetary Transformation by Thrift, Nigel, Leyshon, Andrew
Maximum Adverse Excursion: Analyzing Price Fluctuations for Trading Management by Sweeney, John
The New World Order in International Finance by
Dynamic Hedging: Managing Vanilla and Exotic Options by Taleb, Nassim Nicholas
Modeling the Market: New Theories and Techniques by Focardi, Sergio M.
Konzepte Der Bilanzierung Und Besteuerung Derivativer Finanzinstrumente by
Credit Union Investment Management by Fabozzi, Frank J., Wickard, Mark B.
Unmittelbare Betriebliche Rentenzusagen Aus Finanzwirtschaftlicher Sicht by
Studies in International Corporate Finance and Governance Systems: A Comparison of the U.S., Japan, and Europe by
The Power of Money by Van Dormael, Armand
Renditeentwicklungen Von Aktienemissionen: Overpricing Beim Going Public in Deutschland by
Capital Ungoverned by Calder, Kent, Loriaux, Michael, Woo-Cumings, Meredith
Capital Ungoverned by Calder, Kent, Loriaux, Michael, Woo-Cumings, Meredith
Bank Problems: A Global Perspective by
Internationales Preismanagement: Eine Analyse Preispolitischer Handlungsalternativen Im Internationalen Marketing Unter Besonderer Berücksichtigung De by Sander, Matthias
Project Appraisal and Macroeconomic Policy by Van Der Burg, T.
Taxing Choice: The Predatory Politics of Fiscal Discrimination by Shughart, William, II
Good Taxes: The Case for Taxing Foreign Currency Exchange and Other Financial Transactions by Michalos, Alex C.
The Engineer's Cost Handbook: Tools for Managing Project Costs by Westney, Westney, Westney E., Westney, Richard E.
The Power of Money by Dormael, Armand
Sun Tzu's Art of War for Traders and Investors by Lundell, Dean
Capital Markets Forum Yearbook: Vol 2 1994 - 1996 by Revell, Stephen M.
The 1996 United States Model Income Tax Convention: Analysis, Commentary and Comparison: Analysis, Commentary and Comparison by Van Raad, Kees, Doernberg, Richard L.
How to Become a Successful Financial Consultant: Making a Living Investing Other People's Money by Ainsworth, Jim H.
Escalation in Decision-Making: The Tragedy of Taurus by Drummond, Helga
Public Economics: Selected Papers by William Vickrey by Vickrey, William
The German Currency Union of 1990: A Critical Assessment by
Way of Warrior Trader: The Financial Risk-Taker's Guide to Samurai Courage, Confidence and Discipline by McCall, Richard D.
A History of Corporate Finance by Baskin, Jonathan, Miranti, Jr.
The Orphaned Capital: Adopting the Right Revenues for the District of Columbia by O'Cleireacain, Carol
Regime Changes: Macroeconomic Policy and Financial Regulation in Europe from the 1930s to the 1990s by
Money, Pricing, Distribution and Economic Integration by Arestis, P.
Asset Prices and the Real Economy by
Emancipating the Banking System and Developing Markets for Government Debt by Fry, Maxwell
Alliance Capitalism and Global Business by Dunning, John H.
Fidelity's World: The Secret Life and Public Power of the Mutual Fund Giant by Henriques, Diana B.
Emancipating the Banking System and Developing Markets for Government Debt by Fry, Maxwell
Advances in Quantitative Analysis of Finance and Accounting by
A Monetary History of Italy by Fratianni, Michele
Goldbugs and Greenbacks: The Antimonopoly Tradition and the Politics of Finance in America, 1865 1896 by Ritter, Gretchen
Social Choice Re-Examined by Suzumura, Kotaro
Monetary Policy by
Life Insurance Mathematics by Gerber, Hans U.
Monetary Policy Instruments for European Monetary Union by Menkhoff, Lukas
Financial Mathematics: Lectures Given at the 3rd Session of the Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.) Held in Bressanone, Italy, by Biais, Bruno, Björk, Thomas
Financial Futures Im Jahresabschluß Deutscher Kreditinstitute by
Derivatives Demystified: Using Structured Financial Products by Braddock, John C.
Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions in the NAFTA Countries and Beyond by
House Price Indices by
The Banking and Financial Structure in the NAFTA Countries and Chile by
The Art of Speculation by Carret, Philip L.
Learn to Earn: A Beginner's Guide to the Basics of Investing and Business by Lynch, Peter, Rothchild, John
Currency and Coercion: The Political Economy of International Monetary Power by Kirshner, Jonathan
Universal Banking: International Comparisons and Theoretical Perspectives by Canals, Jordi
Universal Banking: International Comparisons and Theoretical Perspectives by Canals, Jordi
How to Control Costs in Your Pollution Prevention Program by Cichowicz, Judith A.
Mergers and Acquisitions Handbook for Small and Midsize Companies by
The New World Order in International Finance by
Towards More Effective Monetary Policy by
International Financial Integration by Marston, Richard C.
Entwicklungsfähige Planungssysteme: Grundlagen, Konzepte Und Anwendungen Zur Bewältigung Von Innovationsproblemen by
Financing China Trade and Investment by
The Handbook of International Financial Terms by Moles, Peter, Terry, Nicholas
Commercial Banking in an Era of Deregulation by Roussakis, Emmanuel
Product-Line Performance Evaluation Systems for Financial Depositories by Unknown, Thygerson, Kenneth J.
Mexican Banking and Investment in Transition by Adams, John
Handbook of Population and Family Economics: Volume 1a by
Gaming the Market: Applying Game Theory to Create Winning Trading Strategies by Shelton, Ronald B.
Intelligent Systems and Financial Forecasting by Kingdon, Jason
Banking Across State Lines: Public and Private Consequences by Rose, Peter S.
Experiences with Financial Liberalization by
Business Cycles and Macroeconomic Stability: Should We Rebuild Built-In Stabilizers? by
Measuring Advertising Effectiveness by
Social Marketing: Theoretical and Practical Perspectives by
Cooperating with Europe's Monetary Union by Henning, C. Randall
Fundamental Tax Reform and Corporate Finance (AEI Studies on Tax Reform) by Gentry, William M.
Cracking the Code: Making Sense of the Corporate Alternative Minimum Tax by Lyon, Andrew
The Inner Game of Trading: Creating the Winneras State of Mind by Koppel, Koppel, Robert
Public Economics in Action (the Basic Income/Flat Tax Proposal) by Atkinson, Anthony B.
The German Currency Union of 1990: A Critical Assessment by
The Credit Risk of Complex Derivatives by Banks, Erik
Government for the Future: Unification, Fragmentation and Regionalism by
Monetary Theory: National and International by Cencini, Alvaro
Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets, Volume 3 by
Trade and Payments in Central and Eastern Europe's Transforming Economies by Salvatore, Dominick, Unknown
The Global Structure of Financial Markets: An Overview by
Soros: The Unauthorized Biography, the Life, Times and Trading Secrets of the World's Greatest Investor by Slater, Robert
Derivatives Handbook: Risk Management and Control by
Rational Bubbles: Theoretical Basis, Economic Relevance, and Empirical Evidence with a Special Emphasis on the German Stock Market by Salge, Matthias
Race, Markets, and Social Outcomes by
Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations by
Discrimination in Financial Services: A Special Issue of the Journal of Financial Services Research by
Money, Financial Institutions and Macroeconomics by
An Investigation of the Theory of the Commodity and Its Application to Critical Media Studies by Young, Jeffrey R.
American Public Finance 1700 1815 by Perkins, Edwin
The Fluttering Veil: Essays on Monetary Disequilibrium by Yeager, Leland B.
The Fluttering Veil: Essays on Monetary Disequilibrium by Yeager, Leland B.
Martin Zweig Winning on Wall Street by Zweig, Martin
The New Wealth of Nations: Taxing Cyberspace: Taxing Cyberspace by Ide, T. Ran, Soete, Luc, Cordell, Arthur J.
Die Gewinnverwendung Der Zentralbanken Im Internationalen Vergleich by Schenk, Jürgen
Chancen Und Risiken Der Finanzierung Von Investitionen Durch Die Emission Von Konsols by Schwander, Dunja
Financial Economics by Eichberger, J?rgen, Eichberger, J. Rgen, Eichberger, Jurgen
Capital Controls, Exchange Rates, and Monetary Policy in the World Economy by
Reforming Financial Systems by
Managing Fixed Income Portfolios by
Selected Topics in Bond Portfolio Management by
The Promise of Private Pensions: The First Hundred Years by Sass, Steven A.
Bid-Ask-Spreads Von Aktienoptionen by Braun, Margret
Numerical by
Finance and World Order: Financial Fragility, Systemic Risk, and Transnational Regimes by Lucatelli, Adriano
The Teller's Handbook: Everything a Teller Needs to Know to Succeed by German-Grapes, Joan
Cybernetic Trading Strategies: Developing a Profitable Trading System with State-Of-The-Art Technologies by Ruggiero, Murray a.
Exchange Rate Policy in Europe by
Buying and Selling Volatility by Connolly, Kevin B.
Introduction to Mathematical Finance by Pliska, Stanley R.
The International Cocoa Trade by Dand, Robin
The Laws of Choice: Predicting Customer Behavior by Marder, Eric
Competition and Monopoly in the Federal Reserve System, 1914 1951: A Microeconomic Approach to Monetary History by Toma, Mark
The Death of the Banker: The Decline and Fall of the Great Financial Dynasties and the Triumph of the Sma LL Investor by Chernow, Ron
Leading Corporate Transformation: A Blueprint for Business Renewal by Miles, Robert H.
The Development and Finance of Global Private Power by Hines, Mary Alice, Unknown, Hines, M. A.
The International Sugar Trade by Spence, Donald, Hannah, A. C.
New Market Timing Techniques: Innovative Studies in Market Rhythm & Price Exhaustion by DeMark, Thomas R.
Research in Finance by
Gold Standard in Theory & History by Flandreau, Marc, Eichengreen, Barry
Gold Standard in Theory & History by Flandreau, Marc, Eichengreen, Barry
Creating Value: Through Acquisitions, Demergers, Buyouts and Alliances by
Modern Perspectives on the Gold Standard by
Emu -- A Swedish Perspective by Gottfries, Nils, Calmfors, Lars, Flam, Harry
Advances in Taxation by
Financial Liberalization and Macroeconomic Stability by
Stocks by Hall, Alvin D.
Perpetuating the Pork Barrel: Policy Subsystems and American Democracy by Stein, Robert M.
Pension Fund Investment Management by
Handbook of Emerging Fixed Income and Currency Markets by
Traders' Tales: A Chronicle of Wall Street Myths, Legends, and Outright Lies by Insana, Ron
Trade and Tax Policy, Inflation and Exchange Rates: A Modern View by
Strategische Investitionsplanung Und Finanzierung by Nippel, Peter
Banking, International Capital Flows and Growth in Europe: Financial Markets, Savings and Monetary Integration in a World with Uncertain Convergence by
Savage Money by Gregory, C. a.
Qualitätsmanagement in Handelsunternehmen: Ein Leitfaden by Illgen, Roland, Hansen, Marcus, Niemann, Heidrun
Financial Networks: Statics and Dynamics by Nagurney, Anna, Siokos, Stavros
Merton Miller on Derivatives by Miller, Merton H.
The Sales Tax in the 21st Century by Unknown
Financial Markets Regulation: A Practitioner's Perspective by Jeunemaître, Alain
Die Sitzung Der Zukunft: Eine Vorausschau Mit Groupware-Szenarien by Breiner, Sybille
The Politics of Corporate Taxation in the European Union: Knowledge and International Policy Agendas by Radaelli, Claudio
Money and the Economy: Issues in Monetary Analysis by Brunner, Karl
Exchange Rates, Capital Flows, and Monetary Policy in a Changing World Economy: Proceedings of a Conference Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas Dallas, Tex by
Joining Together, Standing Apart: National Identities After NAFTA: National Identities After NAFTA by Dallmeyer, Dorinda G.
Monetary Standards and Exchange Rates by
Foreign Direct Investment and the Multinational Enterprise: A Re-Examination Using Signaling Theory by Liu, Scott X.
Fractals and Scaling in Finance: Discontinuity, Concentration, Risk. Selecta Volume E by Mandelbrot, Benoit B.
Grundzüge Der Investitions- Und Finanzierungstheorie by Schmidt, Reinhard, Terberger-Stoy, Eva
So Far, So Good by Neuberger, Roy R.
New Operational Approaches for Financial Modelling by
Advances in Financial Planning and Forecasting, Volume 7 by
Globalization of Labour Markets: Challenges, Adjustment and Policy Response in the EU and Ldcs by
The Good Life and Its Discontents: The American Dream in the Age of Entitlement by Samuelson, Robert J.
Protecting Your Practice by Vessenes, Katherine
Sports, Jobs, and Taxes: The Economic Impact of Sports Teams and Stadiums by
Informationstechnik-Basierte Referenzprozesse: Prozeßorientierte Gestaltung Des Industriellen Einkaufs by
Ifa: Visions of the Tax Systems of the Xxist Century: Visions of the Tax Systems of the Xxist Century by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: Taxation Issues in a Federal State and Economic Groupings: Taxation Issues in a Federal State and Economic Groupings by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Ifa: The Influence of Corporate Law and Accounting Principles in Determining Taxable Income: The Influence of Corporate Law and Accounting Principles by International Fiscal Association (Ifa)
Corruption: The Enemy Within: The Enemy Within by Rider, Barry A. K.
Foreign Currency Trading: From the Fundamentals to the Fine Points by Wasendorf, Russell R. Sr., Wasendorf, Russell R. Jr.
Corporate Governance: Economic and Financial Issues by
Consumer-Entrepreneur / Le Consommateur entrepreneur: Les nouveaux modes de vie by Rochefort, Robert
Towards the Conquest of the American Market / À la conquête du marché américain by Franck, Guillaume
Technical Analysis, Study Guide by Schwager, Jack D.
Kosten-Nutzen-Analyse Und Ökonomische Politikbewertung 1: Wohlfahrtsmessung Und Betriebswirtschaftliche Investitionskriterien by Gans, Oskar, Marggraf, Rainer
Social Choice Re-Examined: Volume 1: Proceedings of the Iea Conference Held at Schloss Hernstein, Berndorf, Near Vienna, Austria by Suzumura, Kotaro
Social Choice Re-Examined: Volume 1: Proceedings of the Iea Conference Held at Schloss Hernstein, Berndorf, Near Vienna, Austria by Suzumura, Kotaro
The International Organization of Credit: States and Global Finance in the World-Economy by Germain, Randall D., Randall D., Germain
Mathematics of Derivative Securities by
The International Organization of Credit by Germain, Randall D.
Tug of War: Today's Global Currency Crisis by Na, Na
See More