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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

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3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Investing & Finance in 2014

Anatomy of a Ponzi: Scams Past and Present by Cross, Colleen
The Big Lie: The Effects and Truths of The Great Recession & Wages in America by Ackerman, E. Roy a.
Invest With As Little As $100: A guide to investing in financial instruments by Smith, Roger Neal
I hate Climbing Ladders.(Portuguese): Trading Forex to get a Lifestyle by Coyle, Andrew J.
I Hate Climbing Ladders. (French): Trading Forex to get a Lifestyle by Coyle, Andrew J.
Understanding Mathematical Concepts in Finance and Economics by Stamatis, D. H.
The Lottery Mindset: Investors, Gambling and the Stock Market by Fong, W.
Trading Thalesians: What the Ancient World Can Teach Us about Trading Today by Amen, S.
Microfinance Institutions: Financial and Social Performance by
A Flow-Of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis Volume I: Money, Credit and Sectoral Balance Sheets by
A Flow-Of-Funds Perspective on the Financial Crisis Volume II: Macroeconomic Imbalances and Risks to Financial Stability by
Governance, Regulation and Bank Stability by
Financial Systems, Markets and Institutional Changes by
The Handbook of Global Agricultural Markets: The Business and Finance of Land, Water, and Soft Commodities by Nijs, L.
Dark Pools: Off-Exchange Liquidity in an Era of High Frequency, Program, and Algorithmic Trading by Banks, E.
The Politics of Financial Markets and Regulation: The United States, Japan, and Germany by Konoe, S.
Inspired Finance: The Role of Faith in Microfinance and International Economic Development by Looft, M.
Monetary Policies, Banking Systems, Regulatory Convergence, Efficiency and Growth in the Mediterranean by Ayadi, R., Mouley, S.
The Limits of Surveillance and Financial Market Failure: Lessons from the Euro-Area Crisis by
Safe to Fail: How Resolution Will Revolutionise Banking by Huertas, T.
Regionalizing Global Crises: The Financial Crisis and New Frontiers in Regional Governance by
Cultures of Financialization: Fictitious Capital in Popular Culture and Everyday Life by Haiven, M.
Liquidity Risk: Managing Funding and Asset Risk by Banks, E.
The Executive Guide to Enterprise Risk Management by Chappell, C.
Fiscal and Debt Policies for the Future by
Poland and the Eurozone by
Interest Rate Modelling in the Multi-Curve Framework: Foundations, Evolution and Implementation by Henrard, M.
The Political Process of Policymaking: A Pragmatic Approach to Public Policy by Zittoun, P.
Microcredit Guarantee Funds in the Mediterranean: A Comparative Analysis by Leone, P., Porretta, P.
Advancing Regional Monetary Cooperation: The Case of Fragile Financial Markets by Mühlich, L.
The Eurozone Crisis and the Future of Europe: The Political Economy of Further Integration and Governance by
Fiscal Sustainability and Competitiveness in Europe and Asia by Rajan, R., Tan, K.
The Indian Mutual Fund Industry: A Comparative Analysis of Public vs Private Sector Performance by Sekhar, G.
Europe in an Age of Austerity by Borooah, V.
Export Credit Insurance and Guarantees: A Practitioner's Guide by Salcic, Z.
Towards a New Understanding of Sraffa: Insights from Archival Research by Carter, Scott
The Empowered Investor: 7 Principles for Strategic Wealth Creation in a New Financial World by Puempin, C., Liechtenstein, H. Von, Hashemi, F.
The Future Brics: A Synergistic Economic Alliance or Business as Usual? by Marino, R.
Integrated Bank Analysis and Valuation: A Practical Guide to the ROIC Methodology by Chen, S.
The Economics of the Global Stock Exchange Industry by Polato, M., Floreani, J.
Access to Justice: A Critical Analysis of Recoverable Conditional Fees and No Win No Fee Funding by Peysner, J.
Power and Imbalances in the Global Monetary System: A Comparative Capitalism Perspective by Vermeiren, M.
Estimating SMEs Cost of Equity Using a Value at Risk Approach: The Capital at Risk Model by Toniolo, G., Beltrame, F., Cappelletto, R.
Iceland and the International Financial Crisis: Boom, Bust and Recovery by Bergmann, Eirikur
The Executive Guide to Corporate Restructuring by Loparo, Kenneth A.
Private Equity Unchained: Strategy Insights for the Institutional Investor by Meyer, T.
Predictive Analytics, Data Mining and Big Data: Myths, Misconceptions and Methods by Finlay, S.
The Luxury Market in Brazil: Market Opportunities and Potential by Diniz, C.
The Triple Crisis of Western Capitalism: Democracy, Banking, and Currency by Lauk, T.
UK Monetary Policy from Devaluation to Thatcher, 1967-82 by Needham, Duncan
The Pillars of Finance: The Misalignment of Finance Theory and Investment Practice by Fraser-Sampson, G.
The Brand Strategist's Guide to Desire: How to Give Consumers What They Actually Want by Simpson, A.
Comparing Institution-Building in East Asia: Power Politics, Governance, and Critical Junctures by Yoshimatsu, H.
Sovereign Risk and Public-Private Partnership During the Euro Crisis by Oricchio, Gianluca, Braja, Eugenio Mario, Campra, Maura
The International Corporate Governance System: Audit Roles and Board Oversight by Lessambo, F.
Capital Requirements, Disclosure, and Supervision in the European Insurance Industry: New Challenges Towards Solvency II by Malafronte, I., Starita, M.
Euro Crash: How Asset Price Inflation Destroys the Wealth of Nations by Brown, B.
Anomalies in the European Reits Market: Evidence from Calendar Effects by Mattarocci, G.
St. James's Place Tax Guide 2014-2015 by
International Partnership in Russia: Conclusions from the Oil and Gas Industry by Ferguson, Alastair, Henderson, James
China and the EU in Context: Insights for Business and Investors by Brown, Kerry
Financial Centres in Europe: Post-Crisis Risks, Challenges and Opportunities by Arbak, Emrah, Ayadi, R.
G.L.S. Shackle by Earl, P.
The Power of Customer Misbehavior: Drive Growth and Innovation by Learning from Your Customers by Fisher, M., Abbott, M.
Social Impact Finance by Trullols, Cristina
Macroprudential Supervision in Insurance: Theoretical and Practical Aspects by
IPO Banks: Pitch, Selection and Mandate by Espinasse, Philippe
The 10XROI Trading System by Thomas, L. R.
Logix Enrolled Agent Exam Review by Guenther Cpa/Ea, Michael
The Oxford Handbook of the History of Consumption by
The New Middle Class in China: Consumption, Politics and the Market Economy by Tsang, E.
Basque Fiscal Systems: History, Current Status, and Future Perspectives by
Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation C. 1850-1930 by
Acts of God and Man: Ruminations on Risk and Insurance by Powers, Michael
On the Brink: How a Crisis Transformed Lloyd's of London by Duguid, Andrew
Outsmarting the System: Lower Your Taxes, Control Your Future, and Reach Financial Freedom by Campidonica, Anthony C.
Models at Work: A Practitioner's Guide to Risk Management by Farid, J.
Germany's War Debt to Greece: A Burden Unsettled by Christodoulakis, Nicos
Humanistic Perspectives on International Business and Management by
Finance Policies and Procedures Manual by
Lebe DEIN Potenzial by Zwickel, Jürgen
The Sunday Telegraph A-Z Guide to Family Finance by Chesworth, Niki
Put Your Money To Work: The Private Investors Guide to Real Estate by Markie, Anca
Der Einspruch Im Steuerrecht: Grundlagen Und Praxis by Spohrer, Ute, Meier, Sylvia
Proven Option Spread Trading Strategies: How to Trade Low-Risk Option Spreads for High Income and Large Returns by Williams, Billy
Währungspolitik Und Wirtschaftsentwicklung in Nachkriegsdeutschland: Der Weg Zu Produktivität Und Wettbewerbsfähigkeit by
Atlantic Ports and the First Globalisation C. 1850-1930 by
The Theory of Investment Value by Williams, John Burr
The Tax Book for US Expats by Gordon, Dan E.
Filmfonds und neue Filmfinanzierungskonzepte by Von Nostitz-Wallwitz, Curd-Georg
Bien évaluer son entreprise: Du plan d'affaires à la valeur by Maillard, Jacques-Andre
Multiple Interest Rate Analysis: Theory and Applications by Osborne, M.
Forex Demystified: A Self-Teaching Guide by Borman, David
Understanding Options by Sincere, Michael
Control Your Inner Trader by Thomas, L. R.
The Art of Bank M&a: Buying, Selling, Merging, and Investing in Regulated Depository Institutions in the New Environment by Lajoux, Alexandra, Roberts, Dennis J.
Market-Neutral Trading: Combining Technical and Fundamental Analysis Into 7 Long-Short Trading Systems by Carr, Thomas K.
The Essentials of Risk Management, Second Edition by Galai, Dan, Mark, Robert, Crouhy, Michel
The Investor's Guidebook to Equities: Equity Pricing, Trading, and Investing by Veale, Stuart R.
Investor's Paradox: The Power of Simplicity in a World of Overwhelming Choice by Portnoy, Brian
Plunkitt of Tammany Hall: A Series of Very Plain Talks on Very Practical Politics by Plunkitt, George Washington
Study Guide for Technical Analysis Explained by Pring, Martin J.
100-Year Market Theory: An Evolutionary Perspective of Investment-Risk by Tuttle, Kevin a.
Theory and Portfolios: An economic history of MPT, APT, and the CAPM from 1952 to 1986. by Jewczyn, Nicholas
99 Tactics of Successful Tax Resistance Campaigns by Gross, David M.
Geld anlegen - leicht gemacht by Goldmann, John
Money, Income and Time: A Quantum-Theoretical Approach by Cencini, Alvaro
Testing Monetarism by Desai, Meghnad
Fiscal Harmonization in the European Communities: National Politics and International Cooperation by Puchala, Donald J.
Urban Political Economy by
The Financing of Foreign Direct Investment: A Study of the Determinants of Capital Flows in Multinational Enterprises by Gilman, Martin G.
Development Financing: A Framework for International Financial Co-Operation by
Beginners Basic Guide to Stock Market Investment Boxed Set by Uwajeh, Alex
Bringing Down the Banking System: Lessons from Iceland by Johnsen, G.
German Covered Bonds: Overview and Risk Analysis of Pfandbriefe by Spangler, Manuela, Werner, Ralf
Tax Tyranny / La Tyrannie fiscale by Salin, Pascal
The White Coat Investor: A Doctor's Guide to Personal Finance and Investing by Dahle, James M.
The Repossession of Riley the Puppy by Burrell, Edward H.
Foreign Direct Investment and the World Economy by Mody, Ashoka
Erfolgreiche Abschlussarbeiten - Steuern Und Rechnungslegung: Leitfaden Für Bachelor Und Master by Malms, Ingrid
The Most Important Lessons in Economics and Finance: A Comprehensive Collection of Time-Tested Principles of Wealth Management by Criniti IV, Anthony M.
Applied Income Model by Benton, Leland
Horizon 2020: All you need to know and understand to participate in H2020 by Aznar, Mario, Garcia, Eva
Stress Free Tax Returns: Be better prepared for HMRC and know what to give your accountant and when by Goodwin, Anna
Money from Mergers: A Primer for the Beginner or Seasoned Campaigner for Corporate Mergers and Acquisitions by Jewczyn Ph. D., Nicholas
Calibration and Parameterization Methods for the Libor Market Model by Hackl, Christoph
The Future of Public Housing: Ongoing Trends in the East and the West by
Risk/Upside Analysis: A Framework for Making Profitable Investment Decisions by Grover, Lenny
Financial Markets: Imperfect Information and Risk Management by
Internet Valuation: The Way Ahead by Briginshaw, J.
Barley, Gold, or Fiat: Toward a Pure Theory of Money by Shubik, Martin, Quint, Thomas
Profiting Without Producing: How Finance Exploits Us All by Lapavitsas, Costas
Building Financial Management Capacity for Ngos and Community Organizations: A Practical Guide by Cammack, John
Innovation in the High-Tech Economy by
Asia with suit and tie: What you should be aware of during a business trip in Asia because anything can happen by Zeiler, Rolf
Get in the Flow: 7 Principles on Becoming a Wealthy Christian by Meredith, Tosha Nicole
Why Most Investors Fail and Why You Don't Have to: Simple, Tax-Efficient Strategies That Control Risk, Eliminate Confusion, and Turn the Odds of Succe by Allen, Michael Jon
Why Most Investors Fail and Why You Don't Have to: Simple, Tax-Efficient Strategies That Control Risk, Eliminate Confusion, and Turn the Odds of Succe by Allen, Michael Jon
Die Emission Von Anleihen Und Anderen Debt Produkten: Rechtliche Rahmenbedingungen Für Die Investorenkommunikation by Kuthe, Thorsten, Zipperle, Madeleine
The American Monetary System: An Insider's View of Financial Institutions, Markets and Monetary Policy by Wallace, William H.
Innovating for the Global South: Towards an Inclusive Innovation Agenda by Wong, Joseph, Soman, Dilip, Gross Stein, Janice
How You Can Sell Options For a Living: A Practical Guide On How To Extract Income From The Markets by Karpf, Shmulik
Internationales Ertragsteuerrecht: Lösung Grenzüberschreitender Sachverhalte by Knies, Jörg-Thomas, Micker, Lars
Economics of the 1%: How Mainstream Economics Serves the Rich, Obscures Reality and Distorts Policy by Weeks, John F.
Reconstructing Iraq's Budgetary Institutions by Savage, James D.
Tail Risk Hedging: Creating Robust Portfolios for Volatile Markets by Bhansali, Vineer
Simple Options Investing: Small Investment & Fast Profits by Escoto, Jordan, Wilkinson, Shawn
Investing in Energy: Creating a New Investment Strategy to Maximize Your Portfolio's Return by Thomsett, M.
Auswirkungen Der Gkb Auf Latente Steuern Im Handelsrechtlichen Jahresabschluss by Dietrich, Franziska
Currency Speculation in Fixed Exchange Rate Regimes: Theory and Empirical Evidence by Zenker, Anja
Compliance Management in Financial Industries: A Model-Based Business Process and Reporting Perspective by Eggert, Mathias
Financial Economics: A Simple Introduction by Erickson, K. H.
The Global Debt Crisis: Haunting U.S. and European Federalism by
The Entrepreneur's Guide to Financial Statements by Worrell, David
Foreign Investment and Spillovers (Routledge Revivals) by Blomstrom, Magnus
Evolving Roles of Sovereign Wealth Managers After the Financial Crisis: Past, Present and Future by Lee, Bernard
Real Estate Investing After the Meltdown: How to Succeed in the Upcoming Market Turmoil by O'Leary II, Daniel J.
7 Strategies of Highly Successful Traders: Profiting from Aphorisms by Batista, Jose Manuel Moreira
Institutional Learning and Knowledge Transfer Across Epistemic Communities: New Tools of Global Governance by Carayannis, Elias G., Pirzadeh, Ali, Popescu, Denisa
Job + Real Estate = Wealth: A Guide to Part-Time Residential Property Investing by Fernando, Francis
Evolutionary Foundations of Equilibria in Irrational Markets by Luo, Guo Ying
Sandalwood Investing: Risks and Rewards of Investments in Sandalwood by Scott, Gary A., Newman Mat, L. Candace J.
The Next Generation of Responsible Investing by
The Dollar Trap: How the U.S. Dollar Tightened Its Grip on Global Finance by Prasad, Eswar S.
The Digital Currency Challenge: Shaping Online Payment Systems Through Us Financial Regulations by Mullan, P.
Kreditderivate als Anlageinstrument by Sun, Jun
Board Governance in Bank Foundations: The Italian Experience by Leardini, Chiara, Rossi, Gina, Moggi, Sara
The Digital Currency Challenge: Shaping Online Payment Systems Through Us Financial Regulations by Mullan, P.
Das System fester Wechselkurse. Bretton Woods und der IWF by Kubina, Konstantin Sebastian
Die Besonderheit der Bankleistung und ihre Implikation für Bankmarketing und -vertrieb: Ansprüche an die Absatzorientierung im Privat- und Firmenkunde by Schwertfeger, Stephan
Transparenz als Kundengewinnungs- und Kundenbindungsmöglichkeit in der deutschen Lebensversicherung: Eine kritische Analyse am Beispiel der Allianz by Rommel, Manuel
The possibility of a Hellenic exit from the Eurozone: The plan B by Athanasiadis, Ioannis
Staatssanierung Durch Enteignung?: Legitimation Und Grenzen Staatlichen Zugriffs Auf Das Vermögen Seiner Bürger by
Food with(out) GMO. Die Kennzeichnung "gentechnischer" Lebensmittel im Freihandelsprojekt der EU und der USA: Gentechnisch veränderte Organismen (GVO) by Illesch, Ben
Externe Möglichkeiten der Gründungsfinanzierung. Ansätze und Entwicklung: Aktuelle Finanzierungsmöglichkeiten von Startups in Deutschland by Schelenberg, Jakob
India Uninc. by Prof Vaidyanathan, R.
Dim Sum Bonds: The Offshore Renminbi (Rmb)-Denominated Bonds by Chi-Wo Ko, Glenn, Yau, Jot, Fung, Hung-Gay
Bildungsinvestitionen Und Bildungspolitische Maßnahmen Im Spannungsfeld Von Gerechtigkeit Und Effizienz by Makles, Anna
Auto Brand: Building Successful Car Brands for the Future by Parment, Anders
Implementation Management: High-Speed Strategy Implementation by Kolbusa, Matthias
Iceland and the International Financial Crisis: Boom, Bust and Recovery by Bergmann, Eirikur
Applied Equity Analysis and Portfolio Management, + Online Video Course: Tools to Analyze and Manage Your Stock Portfolio by Weigand, Robert A.
Analyse, Bewertung und Performance von strukturierten Produkten am Beispiel von Outperformance-Zertifikaten by Goldschmid, Stefan
How to Legally Rob Credit-Card Companies: Get Out of Debt Faster, Raise Your Credit Score, and Finally Live Free! by Marrs, Gerry
Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades, + Website: Derivatives Analysis with the E-Mini and Russell Futures Contracts by Scheier, M. William
Pocket Heard on the Street: Quantitative Questions from Finance Job Interviews by Crack, Timothy Falcon
Von Der Kaufpreisallokation Zum Impairment Test: Praxis Der Unternehmensbewertung Nach IAS/Ifrs by Laas, Tim, Hayn, Marc
Practically Investing: Smart Investment Techniques Your Neighbour Doesn't Know by Sol Cfa, Coreen T.
How to Get Enrich Out of the Debt Cycle by Reynders, Hennie
Audit Committee Essentials: Theoretische Und Regulatorische Grundlagen Zur Einrichtung Und Ausgestaltung by Offenhammer, Christian
Practically Investing: Smart Investment Techniques Your Neighbour Doesn't Know by Sol Cfa, Coreen T.
How I Turned $1,000 Into Five Million in Real Estate in My Spare Time by Nickerson, William
Pocket Heard on the Street: Brain Teasers, Thinking Questions, and Non-Quantitative Questions from Finance Job Interviews by Crack, Timothy Falcon
Financial Crises, Sovereign Risk and the Role of Institutions by
Financial Stability and Growth: Perspectives on Financial Regulation and New Developmentalism by
Disaster Recovery and Business Continuity by
Fixed Ideas of Money by Straumann, Tobias
Interest and Prices (Large Print Edition): A Study of the Causes Regulating the Value of Money (Large Print Edition) by Wicksell, Knut
Möglichkeiten und Grenzen des Wertpapiertransaktionsmarktes in Deutschland by Schneider, Frank
Рынок ценных бумаг Росси by &#1057. &#1047.&#1052&#1086&#1096&#1077&#1085&#1089&#1082&#1
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