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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Islam in 2018

Critical Muslim 21: Relations by
Norman Anderson and the Christian Mission to Modernize Islam by Thompson, Todd
Saracenic Science and Literature: The Transmission of Knowledge in Islamic Societies by Baksh, Salahuddin Khuda
The 1893 World Parliament of Religion: : Papers on Islam by Al-Ahari, Muhammad Abdullah
The Young Muslim's Guide to Modern Science by Guessoum, Nidhal
The Infallibility of the Prophets by Al-Sabuni, Muhammad Ali
Critical Muslim 22: Utopias by
Critical Muslim 23: Bangladesh by
African Dominion: A New History of Empire in Early and Medieval West Africa by Gomez, Michael
The Alchemy of Happiness by Al-Ghazzali
The Alchemy of Happiness by Al-Ghazzali
Miskatul Anwar by Graphic, Hikma, Ghazali, Imam
Shari'a Scripts: A Historical Anthropology by Messick, Brinkley
Letters to a Young Muslim by Ghobash, Omar Saif
The Inspired Ray of Islam by Belamine, Chahrazade
Wisdom as It Relates to the Holy Quran by Njie, Omar
Wisdom as It Relates to the Holy Quran by Njie, Omar
Ghazals of Jami by Jami
The New World of Islam by Stoddard, Lothrop
Pand-nama: (Book of Wisdom) Selections by 'Attar, Farid Al-Din
A Guide to Namaz: : A Detailed Exposition of the Muslim Order of Ablutions and Prayer with a Review of the Five Pillars of Practice by Ali, Moulvi Hassan, Webb, Muhammad Alexander Russell
Burchards Bericht Über Den Orient: Reiseerfahrungen Eines Staufischen Gesandten Im Reich Saladins 1175/1176 by Thomsen, Christiane M.
Mecca: The History of Islam's Holiest City by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Medina: The History of Islam's Second Holiest City by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
Leadership in Islam: Thoughts, Processes and Solutions in Australian Organizations by Faris, Nezar, Abdalla, Mohamad
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study (Pocket Edition) by Shah, Idries
Rumi's Sun: The Teachings of Shams of Tabriz by Shams of Tabriz
Los Pilares de la Fe en el Islam by Pi Anguita, Joaquin
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study by Shah, Idries
The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan Vol. 2 Centennial Edition: The Mysticism of Sound by Inayat Khan, Hazrat
إن شاء الله by Philpott, Kent A.
Mahmud Muhammad Taha: Mahmud Muhammad Taha Entre Le Coran Mecquois Et Le Coran Médinois by Abu-Sahlieh, Sami a. Aldeeb
Mahomet et le mahométisme by de Rémusat, Charles
Mystical Islam and Cosmopolitanism in Contemporary German Literature: Openness to Alterity by Twist, Joseph
Pan-Islamic Connections: Transnational Networks Between South Asia and the Gulf by
The Sufi Message of Hazrat Inayat Khan Vol. 2 Centennial Edition: The Mysticism of Sound by Inayat Khan, Hazrat
The Temptation of Graves in Salafi Islam: Iconoclasm, Destruction and Idolatry by Beránek, Ondřej, Ťupek, Pavel
Missiological Research: Interdisciplinary Foundations, Methods, and Integration by
Al-Qaeda 2.0: A Critical Reader by Holbrook, Donald
Mukhtasar Hizbul Azam: The Greatest Litany by Iqbal, Sufi Mohammed
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Study (Pocket Edition) by Shah, Idries
Politische Theologie: Beiträge Zum Untrennbaren Zusammenhang Zwischen Religion Und Politik by Hidalgo, Oliver
Reflection on Islam: A Guide for Anyone Who Seeks A Path To God by Hejazi H. I. M., Sayyed M. R.
Aus der Prophetie by Al Musawi, Sayyed Ghaith
Truth Restored: Uncoiling the twists of truth... In a world filled with falsehood. by Sacredlight, The Author
Mukhtasarul Hizbul Azam by
The Secret of Birds, Flowers, Nature, Animals & Insects: A Sufi Allegory in Prose & Poetry by Al-Muqaddasi, Azz-Eddin
Islam and Nationalism in India: South Indian contexts by Ansari, M. T.
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book IV by Shah, Idries
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book I by Shah, Idries
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book II by Shah, Idries
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book III by Shah, Idries
Ghazali's theory of Virtue by Sherif, Muhamed Ahmed
Revival: Ismail: The Maligned Khedive (1933) by Crabites, Pierre
Al Ghazali on Islamic Guidance by Abul Quasem, Muhammad
Mukhtasarul Hizbul Azam Hardcopy by
From Ashes to Glory: The True Story of a Former Muslim from Iran by Parsa, Ramin
Analytic Islamic Philosophy by Booth, Anthony
A Critical Edition of 'Umdat al-Nāzir 'alā al-Ashbāh wa'l-Naẓā 'ir by
The Bloody Religion of Peace by Thomas, Didymus D.
The Bloody Religion of Peace by Thomas, Didymus D.
An Account of Timbuctoo and Housa Territories in the Interior of Africa by Shabeeny, Abd Salam
Jesus / Eesa in the Divine Kingdom by Belamine, Chahrazade
Bishad Shindhu ( Bengali Edition ) by Hossain, Mir Mosharraf
Dreams and Visions in the World of Islam: A History of Muslim Dreaming and Foreknowing by Sirriyeh, Elizabeth
Fifty Million Rising: The New Generation of Working Women Transforming the Muslim World by Zahidi, Saadia
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book II by Shah, Idries
Neglected Aspects of Sufi Studies by Shah, Idries
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book III by Shah, Idries
Journeying to the One: Discovering the Beautiful Names of God by Karabasoglu, Metin
Among The Sleeping: Sufism Within And Without Islam by Moeller, Karl
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book I by Shah, Idries
World Tales (Pocket Edition): Book IV by Shah, Idries
Special Illumination (Pocket Edition): The Sufi Use of Humour by Shah, Idries
Special Illumination: The Sufi Use of Humor by Shah, Idries
Special Illumination (Pocket Edition): The Sufi Use of Humor by Shah, Idries
Suburban Islam by Howe, Justine
Piety and Public Opinion: Understanding Indonesian Islam by Mujani, Saiful, Pepinsky, Thomas B., Liddle, R. William
Young, Muslim and Criminal: Experiences, Identities and Pathways Into Crime by Qasim, Mohammed
Young, Muslim and Criminal: Experiences, Identities and Pathways Into Crime by Qasim, Mohammed
Special Illumination by Shah, Idries
Special Illumination: The Sufi Use of Humour by Shah, Idries
Special Illumination: The Sufi Use of Humor by Shah, Idries
The Kalām Cosmological Argument: A Reassessment by Erasmus, Jacobus
Beyond Sunni and Shia: The Roots of Sectarianism in a Changing Middle East by
Muslim Midwives by Giladi, Avner
The Holy City of Medina by Munt, Harry
The New Muslim's Field Guide by Um Dayo, Kaighla, Corbin, Theresa
Das Buch der Weisheit: Erkenntnisse eines Eingeweihten by Al Iskanderi, Ibn Ata Illah
Rise And Decline of the Muslim Ummah: With a comparision to Jewish history and a brief survey of the present efforts towards the resurgence of Islam by Ahmad, Israr
The obligation Muslims owe to the Quran by Ahmad, Israr
The objective and goal of Muhammad's Prophethood (saw): In the light of the Holy Quran by Ahmad, Israr
Die Sonne, die von den Wolken nicht bedeckt wird by Al Musawi, Sayyed Ghaith
Sayings of the Prophet Muhammad by Conte, Joseph F.
On Islam: Muslims and the Media by
Young Muslim America: Faith, Community, and Belonging by Ali, Muna
On Islam: Muslims and the Media by
The way to Salvation in the light of Surah Al Asr by Ahmad, Israr
Baiyah - The basis for Organisation of a Revivalist party in Islam by Ahmad, Israr
Islamic Renaissance - The Real task ahead by Ahmad, Israr
Fiqh Us Seerah: Understanding the life of Prophet Muhammad by Al Ghazali, Muhammad
The Removal of blame from the Great Imams by Ibn Taymiyyah, Taqi Ad Din
Lessons from History: Reflections on the Past, Present & Future of Two Muslim communities by Ahmad, Israr
If Allah Wills by Philpott, Kent A.
'Iddatu'ṭ-Ţalāq and 'Iddat'ul-Wafāt. A Re-Interpretation of the Phrase ""hattā yaḍa'na ḥamlahunna" by Moshood, Busari
The Bible and the Qur'an: Biblical Figures in the Islamic Tradition by Mirza, Younus, Kaltner, John
The Bible and the Qur'an: Biblical Figures in the Islamic Tradition by Kaltner, John, Mirza, Younus
40 hadist Imam Nawawi by Nawawi, Graphic, Hikma
Analytic Islamic Philosophy by Booth, Anthony Robert
Los Sufis by Shah, Idries
Four Wonderful Sufi Allegories in Poetry & Prose: Azz-eddin al-Muqaddasi, Obeyd Zakani, Shah Da?i & Parvin Etesami by Da'i, Shah, Etesami, Parvin, Zakani, Obeyd
The Law of Attraction and Islam: A Guide for Positive Change by Al-Ateeqi, Binimad
A Year with the Sufi Poets of India by Smith, Paul
Engaging with Bediuzzaman Said Nursi: A Model of Interfaith Dialogue by Markham, Ian S.
Religion, Gender, and the Public Sphere by
Freedom of Speech and Islam by
Minority Religions and Fraud: In Good Faith by
Shi'i Reformation in Iran: The Life and Theology of Shari'at Sangelaji by Rahnema, Ali
Islam and Development: Exploring the Invisible Aid Economy by Clarke, Matthew, Tittensor, David
The Biblion of the Theocracy by Saunders, Tony
The Biblion of the Theocracy by Saunders, Tony
Adelleh Ahkaame Fiqhi: from the Holy Quran and Tradition by Hejazi H. I. M., Sayyed Mohammad Reza
Great Muslims of the West: Makers of Western Islam by Khan, Muhammad Mojlum
Great Muslims of the West: Makers of Western Islam by Khan, Muhammad Mojlum
Let Us Be Muslims by Mawdudi, Sayyid Abul A'La
The Faith of Islam: An Explanatory Sketch of the Principal Fundamental Tenets of the Muslim Religion by Quilliam, Abdullah, Quilliam, William Henry
Divan-i Kabir, Volume III: The First Meter by Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
For Love of the Real: A Story of Life's Mystical Secret by Vaughan-Lee, Llewellyn
The Future of Iran's Past: Nizam Al-Mulk Remembered by Yavari, Neguin
Islam, Modernity and a New Millennium: Themes from a Critical Rationalist Reading of Islam by Paya, Ali
Islam in Israel: Muslim Communities in Non-Muslim States by Al-Atawneh, Muhammad, Ali, Nohad
Spirituality by Al-Hakeem, Sayyid Ali
Women and Social Change in North Africa by
Questions From the West Answered by Salafee Scholars: Shaykh Rabee', Shaykh 'Ubayd, and Shaykh Muhammad Bazmool by Al-Madkhalee, Rabee', Al-Jaabiree, 'ubayd, Bazmool, Muhammad
Stateless in the Gulf: Migration, Nationality and Society in Kuwait by Beaugrand, Claire
Keys to the Qur'an: A commentary on selected Surahs by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
The Mahdi: The History of the Prophesized Figure Muslims Believe Will Redeem Islam and Bring About the End Times by Charles River
An Educational Course Based Upon: Beneficial Answers to Questions On Innovated Methodologies [Exercise Workbook]: By the Guiding Scholar Sheikh Saaleh by Ibn-Abelahyi, Abu Sukhailah Khalil
Islam in a Post-Secular Society: Religion, Secularity and the Antagonism of Recalcitrant Faith by Byrd, Dustin J.
Dictionnaire des Francs-Maçons Arabes et Musulmans by Aractingi, Jean-Marc
Arabian Drugs in Early Medieval Mediterranean Medicine by Lev, Efraim, Amar, Zohar
Democratisation in the Maghreb by Hill, J. N. C.
An Apocalyptic History of the Early Fatimid Empire by Velji, Jamel
The Invention of Palestinian Citizenship, 1918-1947 by Banko, Lauren
Reclaiming Islamic Tradition: Modern Interpretations of the Classical Heritage by
Recognition in the Arabic Narrative Tradition: Discovery, Deliverance and Delusion by Kennedy, Philip F.
Islamic Reform in Twentieth-Century Africa by Loimeier, Roman
Nasser in the Egyptian Imaginary by Khalifah, Omar
Islam in its Own Words by Hussein, Peter
The Objectives of Islamic Law: The Promises and Challenges of the Maqasid al-Shari'a by
Proceedings of the 3rd International Halal Conference (Inhac 2016) by
Tug of War: A confrontation of two rights by Tahir, Salman
The Reality of Our Sacred Human Nature: Our Origins and Our Destiny by Shuaibe, Faheem
Unterstützer des Gesandten Allahs - Abu Talib by Al Musawi, Sayyed Ghaith
Perceptions of Self, Power, & Gender Among Muslim Women: Narratives from a Rural Community in Bangladesh by Alam, Sarwar
Ailments of the Hearts and Their Cures by Ibn Taymiyyah
My Hijab, My Identity by Farooqi, Sadaf
Keys to the Qur'an: Volume 5: Commentary on Juz Amma by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Keys to the Qur'an: Volume 4: Commentary on Surahs Ankabut, Al-Rahman, Al-Waqi`ah and Al-Mulk by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Ibn Khaldun: An Intellectual Biography by Irwin, Robert
Keys to the Qur'an: Volume 3: Commentary on Surah Yasin by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Keys to the Qur'an: Volume 2: Commentary on Surah Al Imran by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Keys to the Qur'an: Volume 1: Commentary on Surah Fatiha and Surah Baqarah by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
L'islam au kazakhstan depuis l'indépendance by Abdrakhmanov-T
Le Trésor Des Secrets Et Des Idées Fécondes by Daouadi-B
Paroles de Musulmanes Sur Le Voile by Cattin-C
Le Discours Jihâdiste by Fatiha-A
Les Yârsâns by Vali-S
Muslims' Intellectual Eclipse by Kareem, Zubair
La Lumière Inspirée de l'Islam by Belamine, Chahrazade
Faith and Ethics: The Vision of the Ismaili Imamat by Lakhani, M. Ali
L'Islam et la guerre by Charnay-J P.
Initiation au soufisme by Geoffroy-E, Geoffroy-E
La vie de Muhammad T.1 by Djait-H
Le miroir du prophète by Hirt-J M.
The Sufis by Shah, Idries
Exposition de la foi musulmane traduite du turc (Éd.1822) by Birgivi M
L'Alcoran de Mahomet, Translaté d'Arabe En Français (Éd.1647) by Sans Auteur
Triple Talaq: Examining Faith by Khrushid, Salman
Jesus in Muslim-Christian Conversation by Beaumont, Mark
Kimyatu Sa-adah: Alchemy of Happiness by Ghazali, Imam, Graphic, Hikma
Jesus in Muslim-Christian Conversation by Beaumont, Mark
Treasure Found: A Standardized Reading of Hafs Narration: A Guide to Reading al-Mu'addi's Tariq of Hafs by Webb, Suhaib
Tribes and Global Jihadism by
Latino and Muslim in America: Race, Religion, and the Making of a New Minority by Morales, Harold D.
Jesus the Sufi: The Lost Dimension of Christianity - Second Edition by Gorman, Max
Kahlil Gibran's Little Book of Life by Gibran, Kahlil
Islamic Studies Level One: Grade One - Year One by Gafur, Mohamed Aslam
The History of the Saracens: Containing the Lives of Abubeker, Omar, Othman, Ali, Hasan, Moawiyah I. Yezid I. Moawiyah II. Abdolla, Merwan I. and A by Ockley, Simon
La historia de la división suní y chií: entendiendo las divisiones dentro del Islam by Harasta, Jesse, Charles River
A Christian Reads the Qur'an: Honest Reading, Honest Reflection by Wright, James
The Qur'an by Allah (God)
The Poetry of Rumi: The Masnavi -- Book I by Rumi
The Poetry of Rumi: The Masnavi -- Book I by Rumi
Refinement of Character: Friday Discourses by Haeri, Shaykh Fadhlalla
Türban: Örtünmek - Tesettür - Nereden Nereye by Iris, Ümit
Divan of Abdullah Ansari by Ansari, Abdullah
Divan-I Kabir, Volume IV: The Second Meter by Rumi, Jalal Al-Din
Ghazals of Ghalib by Ghalib
Divan of Mas'ud Sa'd by Sa'd, Mas'ud
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