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    3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Open Daily: 10am - 10pm | Alley-side Pickup: 10am - 7pm
3038 Hennepin Ave Minneapolis, MN

Judaism in 2016

The Stolen Light by Leibowitz, Yitzchak (Izo)
Oeuvres Complètes de Voltaire. Tome 3 by Voltaire
Finding Spiritual Strength-12 Pk by
Las Alas del Sol - Terapéutica Tradicional Judía: El Camino de Curación y de Salud del Rebe Najmán de Breslov by Greenbaum, Abraham
Kosher Patents: 101 Ingenious Inventions To Help Jews Be Jewish by Diament, Adam Louis
Organ Donation and the Divine Lien in Talmudic Law by Kochen, Madeline
Shira and the trees- a TU BISHVAT story: A TU BUSHVAT story by Sabbag, Galia
Superman Is Jewish?: How Comic Book Superheroes Came to Serve Truth, Justice, and the Jewish-American Way by Brod, Harry
Israel's Way of War: A Strategic and Operational Analysis, 1948-2014 by Eilam, Ehud
Jewish Traces in Unexpected Places: (and Unexpected Traces in Jewish Places) by Kustanowitz, Al
Babylon Mystery Religion: The Mother Of All Harlots And The Daughters Of The Whore by Merrick, Daniel W.
The Dream of Zion: The Story of the First Zionist Congress by Epstein, Lawrence J.
Contention, Controversy, and Change: Evolutions and Revolutions in the Jewish Experience, Volume I by
The Image of Jews in Contemporary China by
Wellhausen and Kaufmann: Ancient Israel and Its Religious History in the Works of Julius Wellhausen and Yehezkel Kaufmann by Elrefaei, Aly
The Long Night: A True Story by Bornstein, Ernst Israel
Studien zum althebräischen Buchwesen und zur bibischen Literaturgeschichte by Blau, Ludwig
Birkat Hamazon: Ashkenatzi by Shlezinger, Aharon
Terumah Chumash Workbook by Silver, Aryeh
The Bookbinder: A Personal Journey with the Tsaddik Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri by Goldman, Batya M.
The Bookbinder: A Personal Journey with the Tzaddik, Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri, Z'l by Goldman, Batya M.
Terumah Workbook - No color by Silver, Aryeh
Studiebok till campus kabbala: Kabbalans andliga hemlighet by Ashlag, Yehuda
Christians and Jews in Angevin England: The York Massacre of 1190, Narratives and Contexts by
Jesus in the Targums by Rose, Tov
A Symphony of Light: My Journeys Within the Tree of Life by Birkhahn, Talya
The Intercourse of Knowledge: On Gendering Desire and 'Sexuality' in the Hebrew Bible by Brenner, Athalya
Jewish Ceremonial Institutions and Customs by Rosenau, William
The Zohar: Pritzker Edition, Volume Nine by
Megilat Sefer: The Autobiography of Rabbi Jacob Emden (1697-1776) by Emden, Jacob, Leperer, Sidney B., Wise, Meir H.
Unitarian Messianic Siddur by Mencel, Matthew R.
The Liberator's Daughter by Levine, Deborah J.
The Eclipse of Humanity: Heschel's Critique of Heidegger by Perlman, Lawrence
Passover for the Rest of Us: A Guidebook on Celebrating a Passover Seder for Christians by Creme, Stephen
Gemara and Tosfos: : Chezkas Habatim (28a-38a) by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
The Legacy of Liberal Judaism: Ernst Cassirer and Hannah Arendt's Hidden Conversation by Curthoys, Ned
Oeuvres Complètes de Voltaire. Tome 3 by Voltaire
South African Jews in Israel: Assimilation in Multigenerational Perspective by Raijman, Rebeca
The Book of Jubilees: The Little Genisys by Unknown
The Samaritans: A Profile by Pummer, Reinhard
Jacob & Esau: On the Collective Symbolism of the Brother Motif by Neumann, Erich
Jacob & Esau: On the Collective Symbolism of the Brother Motif by Neumann, Erich
The Role of Contradictions in Spinoza's Philosophy: The God-Intoxicated Heretic by Jobani, Yuval
What Every Christian Needs to Know about the Jewishness of Jesus: A New Way of Seeing the Most Influential Rabbi in History by Moffic, Evan
Jewish Radical Ultra-Orthodoxy Confronts Modernity, Zionism and Women's Equality by Inbari, Motti
Phantasien über die Kunst: Für Freunde der Kunst by Tieck, Ludwig
Le Juif sectaire ou la tolérance talmudique by Vial, Léon-Marie
The Dead Sea Scrolls in Scholarly Perspective: A History of Research by
Sabiduría y Enseñanzas del Rabí Najmán de Breslov (Sijot HaRan) by De Breslov, Rabi Najman, Kaplan, Rabi Arieh
The Politics of Jewishness in Contemporary World Literature: The Holocaust, Zionism and Colonialism by Hesse, Isabelle
The Mishnah in Contemporary Perspective, Volume 1 by Neusner, Jacob
The Mishnah in Contemporary Perspective, Volume 2 by
Studies in Josephus and the Varieties of Ancient Judaism: Louis H. Feldman Jubilee Volume by
Rabbi Abraham Ibn Ezra's Commentary on Books 3-5 of Psalms: Chapters 73-150 by
The Impact of Culture and Cultures Upon Jewish Customs and Rituals: Collected Essays by Fishbane, Simcha
Battle for Freedom: The Message of Passover by Kindall, Kay
Contention, Controversy, and Change: Evolutions and Revolutions in the Jewish Experience, Volume II by
Steps To Passover by Belk, Akiva Gamliel
Liber Salomonis: Sepher Raziel by Solomon, King
The House at the Center of the World: Poetic Midrash on Sacred Space by Mezrich, Abe
Soul Mazal: In the beginning by Katz, David
La Torah (Les cinq premiers livres de la Bible hébraïque) by Kahn, Zadoc
The Christian Schism in Jewish History and Jewish Memory by Burns, Joshua Ezra
Going to the People: Jews and the Ethnographic Impulse by
Recovering Jewishness: Modern Identities Reclaimed by Roden, Frederick
Einleitung in Die Hellenistisch-Jüdische Literatur: Apokrypha, Pseudepigrapha Und Fragmente Verlorener Autorenwerke by Siegert, Folker
Jews: (stuff you always wanted to know, but didn't know who to ask) by Dahan, Dassie
Reading Genesis: Beginnings by
The Sword Of Moses by Moses
Passover for the Rest of Us Workbook: A Guidebook on Celebrating a Passover Seder for Christians by Creme, Stephen
Family Preparations for the Jewish Holidays: Passover by Goldlist, Marcia
This Land is My Land: Rebbe Nachman of Breslov: History, Conflict and Hope in the Land of Israel by Of Breslov, Rebbe Nachman, Kramer, Chaim
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 15 by
The Jewish Law Annual Volume 16 by
The Origin and Permanent Value of the Old Testament by Kent, Charles Foster
Who Is God? by Batya Shemesh
Who Is God? by Batya Shemesh
God Was in This Place & I, I Did Not Know--25th Anniversary Ed: Finding Self, Spirituality and Ultimate Meaning by Kushner, Lawrence
La Torá by Anonimo
God Was in This Place & I, I Did Not Know--25th Anniversary Ed: Finding Self, Spirituality and Ultimate Meaning by Kushner, Lawrence
Jewish Identity by Friedman, O. C. D. Elias
Modern Orthodoxy in American Judaism: The Era of Rabbi Leo Jung by Jacobson, Maxine
Jewish Law from Jesus to the Mishnah: Five Studies by Sanders, E. P.
The Jung-Kirsch Letters: The Correspondence of C.G. Jung and James Kirsch by Conrad Lammers, Ann
Going to the People: Jews and the Ethnographic Impulse by
The Light of the World: Astronomy in Al-Andalus Volume 1 by Ibn Nahmias, Joseph
100 Questions and Answers About American Jews with a Guide to Jewish Holidays by Michigan State School of Journalism
Chosen People: The Rise of American Black Israelite Religions by Dorman, Jacob S.
Min Ha'aretz by House, Behrman
As If We Were There: Readings for a Transformative Passover Experience by Rothstein, Gidon
The Encyclopedia of Jewish Myth, Magic & Mysticism: Second Edition by Dennis, Geoffrey W.
Sage Advice: Pirkei Avot by
1 & 2 Chronicles: A Devotional Look at the Kings of Judah from David to Her Exile by Mac Leod, F. Wayne
Introducción a la Sabiduría de la Cabalá: Curso de Estudio de los Fundamentos de la Sabiduría de la Cabalá by Laitman, Michael
Toward Inclusion: Student Textbook by Institute, Rohr Jewish Learning
From Maimonides to Microsoft: The Jewish Law of Copyright Since the Birth of Print by Netanel, Neil Weinstock
Becoming Melchizedek: Heaven's Priesthood and Your Journey: Unto Fullness Study Guide by Robinson Phd, Charles J.
Nuggets of Torah on Esther and Purim! by Shoff, Rabbi Elchanan
A Torá (os cinco primeiros livros da Biblia hebraica) by Anonimo
The Practical Talmud Dictionary by Frank, Yitzhak
Grammar for Gemara & Targum Onkelos: An Introduction to Aramaic by Frank, Yitzhak
Shakespeare and the Jews by Shapiro, James
Medieval Book Of Psalms by Roper, Dan
The Gemara Card by Frank, Yitzchak Ed., Sachs, Benjamin Ed.
Borrowed Voices: Writing and Racial Ventriloquism in the Jewish American Imagination by Glaser, Jennifer
Leil HaSeder by Orna
Jewish Values in Exodus Journal by House, Behrman
Jewish Values in Exodus Lpm by House, Behrman
Summoned: Identification and Religious Life in a Jewish Neighborhood by Tavory, Iddo
1, 2 Samuel: A Devotional Look at Israel's Transition to Leadership Under Her Kings by Mac Leod, F. Wayne
The Kabbalah (Routledge Revivals): Its Doctrines, Development, and Literature by Ginsburg, Christian D.
The Chassidishe Parsha Torah Or-Likkutei Torah by Goldstein, Rabbi Yaakov
In Our Image, After Our Likeness: A Nuestra Imagen, Conforme A Nuestra Semejanza: And the Light Shineth in Darkness; Y la Luz en las Tinieblas Resplan by Tafari, Alonso
The Legends Of The Jews by Ginzberg, Louis
Koren Talmud Bavli, the Noe Edition, Volume 22: Kiddushin, Hebrew/English by Adin, Steinsaltz
Discovering the City of Sodom: The Fascinating, True Account of the Discovery of the Old Testament's Most Infamous City by Collins, Steven, Scott, Latayne C.
The Haggadah for the Generations 2016: Helping connect the Seder to your family's history by Silver, Rabbi Aryeh, Torah Academy, Students of
Journey through Exodus: a 50-day "counting the omer" trivia activity for families by Aaron, Shannon
The Forgotten Gods of Israel by Laopodis, George K.
El'azar; Yeshu; And Tma: {More or Less a Novel} by McGinley, John
El'azar; Yeshu; And Tma: {More or Less a Novel} by McGinley, John
Passover Haggadah: A Celebration of Freedom by Bebeau, Nin Sharyn
The Ancient Hebrew Law of Homicide by Sulzberger, Mayer
Is There a Judeo-Christian Tradition?: A European Perspective by
Finding Recovery and Yourself in Torah: A Daily Spiritual Path to Wholeness by Borovitz, Rabbi Mark
Why Be Jewish?: A Testament by Bronfman, Edgar
Dazzle Camouflage: Spectacular Theatrical Strategies for Resistance and Resilience by Nepon, Ezra Berkley
Who is the Bride? by Harris, Laura Henry
Jesus, the Sabbath and the Jewish Debate by Collins, Nina L.
Messianism Among Jews and Christians: Biblical and Historical Studies by Horbury, William
Arizal: Prince of the Kabbalists by Afilalo, Raphael
Semiphoras and Schemhamforas: Of King Solomon by Luppius, Andreas
Scholastic Rabbinism by Saldarini, Anthony J.
The Jewish Book of Grief and Healing: A Spiritual Companion for Mourning by
The Jewish Book of Grief and Healing: A Spiritual Companion for Mourning by
Rouleaux Hébraïques des Vérités Cachées (Torah) by Altaf, Rabbi Simon
It's About Time: A Torah Perspective with a Twist of Humor by Bobker, Joe
The Seder Night by Orna
Crossing the Narrow Bridge: A Practical Guide to Rebbe Nachman's Teachings by Kramer, Chaim, Of Breslov, Rebbe Nachman
El Libro del Alef-Bet (Sefer HaMidot): (Edición Completa) by De Breslov, Rabi Najman
Attuned Learning: Rabbinic Texts on Habits of the Heart in Learning Interactions by Holzer, Elie
Now that I know I am a Hebrew by Altaf Hakohen, Rebbe Simon
Letters to Josep: An Introduction to Judaism by Daniella, Levy
Gemara and Tosfos: Bava Kama 2a-12b by Smulowitz, Rabbi Chaim
Jewish City or Inferno of Russian Israel?: A History of the Jews in Kiev Before February 1917 by Khiterer, Victoria
Ars Judaica: The Bar-Ilan Journal of Jewish Art, Volume 12 by
Medieval Psalter (Latin): Psalter 1250AD Redivivus 2015AD by Roper, Dan
The Gospel to the Jews by Mucciolo, Anthony J.
Song of Exile: The Enduring Mystery of Psalm 137 by Stowe, David W.
Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography by
Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli by Feldman, Jackie
Evil: Confronting our Inner Hitler by Karcher, Brian John
Evil: Confronting our Inner Hitler by Karcher, Brian John
A Kabbalah and Jewish Mysticism Reader by Horwitz, Daniel M.
Fifty Shades of Talmud: What the First Rabbis Had to Say about You-Know-What by Anton, Maggie
Writing Jewish Culture: Paradoxes in Ethnography by
Abraham Joshua Heschel and the Sources of Wonder by Marmur, Michael
we who desire: poems and Torah riffs by Swartz, Sue
What is Kosher?: An Introduction to the Laws of Kashrut by Bejarano-Gutierrez, Juan Marcos
Open My Lips: Prayers and Poems by Barenblat, Rachel
Letter of Aristeas by Fincher, Billy R.
Socialism of Fools: Capitalism and Modern Anti-Semitism by Battini, Michele
The Honey and the Sting: Study Guide for Conversion to Judaism by Rothschild, Walter
The Honey and the Sting: Study Guide for Conversion to Judaism by Rothschild, Walter
Sufism and Jewish-Muslim Relations: The Derekh Avraham Order in Israel by Randall, Yafia
Poyln: My Life Within Jewish Life in Poland, Sketches and Images by Trunk, Yehiel Yeshaia
God and the Big Bang, (2nd Edition): Discovering Harmony Between Science and Spirituality by Matt, Daniel C.
God and the Big Bang, (2nd Edition): Discovering Harmony Between Science and Spirituality by Matt, Daniel C.
Gendered Testimonies of the Holocaust: Writing Life by Schweitzer, Petra M.
A Jewish Guide in the Holy Land: How Christian Pilgrims Made Me Israeli by Feldman, Jackie
Allweiser Schöpfer und durchsetzungsstarker Gesetzgeber by Blumenthal, Christian
La Vida del Rebe Najmán de Breslov: Una Biografía Cronológica by Kaplan, Aryeh
Counting the Days: Growing your Family's Spirit by Counting the Omer by Gavrieli, Lea
Kosher USA: How Coke Became Kosher and Other Tales of Modern Food by Horowitz, Roger
Trouble in the Tribe: The American Jewish Conflict Over Israel by Waxman, Dov
Refuting the Anti-Israel Narrative: A Case for the Historical, Legal and Moral Legitimacy of the Jewish State by Havardi, Jeremy
Essential Judaism: A Complete Guide to Beliefs, Customs & Rituals by Robinson, George
Clepsydra: Essay on the Plurality of Time in Judaism by Goldberg, Sylvie Anne
The Invisible Stairway: Kabbalistic Meditations on The Hebrew Letters by Avital, Samuel
Rising to the Challenge: The Transition Movement and People of Faith by Swennerfelt, Ruah
Post-Holocaust Jewish-Christian Dialogue: After the Flood, before the Rainbow by
Biblical Bethsaida: A Study of the First Century CE in the Galilee by Savage, Carl E.
What is the Torah? by Alewine, Hollisa
Petit manuel de désenvoûtement by Vaillant, Marie-Helene
What is Jewish Prayer?: An Introduction the Theology of Jewish Prayer by Gutierrez, Juan Marcos Bejarano
Zionists in Interwar Czechoslovakia: Minority Nationalism and the Politics of Belonging by Lichtenstein, Tatjana
Scholastic Magic: Ritual and Revelation in Early Jewish Mysticism by Swartz, Michael D.
Anti-Anthropomorphism in the Greek Pentateuch by Fritsch, Charles Theodore
Between Muslim and Jew: The Problem of Symbiosis Under Early Islam by Wasserstrom, Steven M.
Hasidism as Mysticism: Quietistic Elements in Eighteenth-Century Hasidic Thought by Uffenheimer, Rivka Schatz
Priests and Cults in the Book of the Twelve by
Priests and Cults in the Book of the Twelve by
Keter: The Crown of God in Early Jewish Mysticism by Green, Arthur
Jewish Symbols in the Greco-Roman Period: Abridged Edition by Goodenough, Erwin Ramsdell
Jewish Self-Government in Medieval Egypt: The Origins of the Office of the Head of the Jews, Ca. 1065-1126 by Cohen, Mark R.
Moises y la Religion Monoteista: Tres Ensayos (Spanish Edition) by Freud, Sigmund
The Wife of God by Evans, H. Pitts
Successful Synagogue Fundraising Today: Overcoming the Fear of Asking for Money by Harmon, Abigail, Mersky, David a.
When a Lie Is Not a Sin: The Hebrew Bible's Framework for Deciding by Ross, Rabbi Dennis S.
When a Lie Is Not a Sin: The Hebrew Bible's Framework for Deciding by Ross, Rabbi Dennis S.
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